1 first order theories. 2 satisfiability the classic sat problem: given a propositional formula , is...

1 First order theories

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Page 1: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


First order theories

Page 2: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional



The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is satisfiable ?


Let x1,x2 be propositional variables

Let := (x1 → x2) Æ (x1 Æ :: x2)

Is satisfiable ?

Page 3: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Satisfiability Modulo Theories

Now let the predicates be equalities


Let x1,x2,x3 2 Z

Let := ((x1 = x2) → (x2 = x3)) Æ x1 x3

Is satisfiable ?

Page 4: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Satisfiability Modulo Theories

Now let the predicates be from linear arithmetic


Let x1,x2,x3 2 R

Let := ((x1 + 2x3 < 5) Ç :(x3 · 1) Æ (x1 ¸ 3))

Is satisfiable ?

Page 5: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Satisfiability Modulo Theories

Now let the predicates represent arrays


Let i,j,a[] 2 Z

Let := (i = j Æ a[j] = 1) Æ a[i] 1

Is satisfiable ?

Page 6: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional



Equalities, linear predicates, arrays, ... Is there a general framework to define them ?

Yes ! It is called first-order logic

Each of the above examples is a first-order theory.

Page 7: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Some useful first-order theories

The SMT web page: http://combination.cs.uiowa.edu/smtlib/

Page 8: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


What lies ahead...

As in the case of propositional logic, we need to define Syntax Semantics

But it is more difficult, because: First-order logic is a template for defining theories Semantics cannot be defined with truth-tables

The domains can be infinite !

Page 9: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


First-order logic: Terms & predicates

Let x,y be variables f,g be function symbols (unary & binary, respectively) a,b,c be propositional variables p be a binary predicate symbol

Example of terms: x f(f(x)) g(f(x),g(y,z)))

Example of predicates: a p(f(x),g(x,y))

Page 10: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


First-order logic – Grammar

A FOL formula is a predicate, or An application of a propositional connective over FOL

formula(s) An application of a quantifier (9, 8) over a FOL formula


Page 11: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


First-order Logic / scopes

Each quantifier has a scope

If a variable is not quantified, it is called free

A formula without free variables is called a sentence

Here, b is free

Page 12: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


First order logic

We distinguish between Logical symbols: Æ Ç : 8 9 ( ) Non-logical Symbols :

function symbols (incl. constants) predicate symbols

is the ‘signature’ of the theory restricts the syntax The theory also restricts the semantics of the symbols in

We will see how...

Page 13: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Example 1

= {0,1,f,p} ‘0’,’1’ are constant symbols ‘f’ is a binary function symbol ‘p’ is a binary predicate

An example of a -formula:

9y 8x. p(x, y)

Is it true ? depends on the interpretation we give to p. Does there exists a satisfying interpretation?

Page 14: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Example 2

= {1,p1,p2, p3} ‘1’ is a constant symbol p1, p2 are binary predicates p3 is a unary predicate

An example -formula:

8n 9k. p2(n,1) ! p3(k) Æ p1(n,k) Æ p1(k, 2n).

is this formula satisfiable ? i.e., is there an interpretation that makes it true ?

Page 15: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Example 2, interpreted

set p1 = ‘>’, p2 = ‘<‘, p3 = isPrime.

So now the formula is:

8n 9k. n > 1 ! isprime(k) Æ n < k < 2n.

This is Bertrand’s postulate Proven separately by Chhebyshev, Ramanujan, Erdos.

Page 16: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Without interpretations...

Technically, we should also assign interpretation to symbols that are already ‘taken’: ‘+’,’*’, ‘<‘, ... In practice no one in their right mind gives them non-

standard interpretation.

Example: Let = {0,1,+,=} where 0,1 are

constants, + is a binary function and = a predicate.

Let = 9x. x + 0 = 1 Q: Is true in N0 ?

Page 17: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


An interpretation is given by a structure A structure is given by:

1. A domain to each variable

2. An interpretation of the nonlogical symbols: i.e., Maps each function symbol to a function of the same arity Maps each constant symbol to a domain element Maps each predicate symbol to a predicate of the same arity

3. An assignment of a domain element to each free (unquantified) variable

Page 18: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional



= 9x. f(x, 0) = 1 Consider the structure S:

Domain: N0

Interpretation: ‘f’ * (multiplication) ‘0’ and ‘1’ are mapped to 0 and 1 in N0

‘=‘ = (equality)

Now, is true in S ?

Page 19: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Satisfying structures

Definition: A formula is satisfiable if there exists a structure that satisfies it

Example: = 9x. f(x, 0) = 1 is satisfiable Consider the structure S’:

Domain: N0

Interpretation: ‘0’ and ‘1’ are mapped to 0 and 1 in N0

‘=’ = (equality) ‘f’ + (addition)

is satisfied by S’. S’ is a model of .

Page 20: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Two ways to define a theory

We can define a theory

1. The easy, “direct” way, Define the grammar, Assume standard interpretation of the symbols.

2. The hard, “formal” way. Define the signature Restrict possible interpretations with sentences/axioms

Very useful for defining algorithms and proving

general theorems

Page 21: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


1. Defining a theory: the easy way

Example: The quantifier-free theory of equalities

Grammar: A Boolean combination of predicates of the form “x = y”, where x,y 2 R.

Example: x = y Ç :(y = z ! x = z)

Note that here... we implicitly say that ‘=‘ is the equality predicate, and we predefine the domain of the variables

Page 22: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


2. Defining a theory: the hard way

Let be a signature

A theory defined over is called a -theory

A -theory restricts the interpretations that we can give the symbols in . How ?

Page 23: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


2. Definitions...

For a signature :

-formula: a formula over symbols + logical symbols.

A -theory T is defined by a set of -sentences.

Page 24: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


2. Definitions…

Let T be a -theory

A -formula is T-satisfiable if there exists a structure

that satisfies both and the sentences defining T.

A -formula is T-valid if all structures that satisfy the

sentences defining T also satisfy .

Page 25: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


2. Theories through axioms

The number of sentences that are necessary for defining a theory might be large or infinite.

Instead, it is common to define a theory through a set of axioms.

The theory is defined by these axioms, and everything that can be inferred from them by a sound

inference system.

Page 26: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


2. Axioms for some ‘famous’ predicates Let ‘T’ be: (defining ‘=‘):

Example: = ((x = y) Æ :(y = z)) ! :(x = z) Is Á T-valid ?

Every structure that satisfies these axioms, satisfies . Hence is T-valid.

8 x. x = x(reflexivity)

8 x,y. x = y ! y = x (symmetry)

8 x,y,z. x = y Æ y = z ! x = z (transitivity)

Page 27: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


2. Axioms for some ‘famous’ predicates Let ‘T’ be: (defining ‘<‘)

Example: Á: 8x. 9y. y < x Is Á T-satisfiable?

We will show a model for it. Domain: Z ‘< ‘ <

8x,y,z. x < y Æ y < z → x < z (transitivity)

8x,y. x < y → :(y < x) (anti-symmetry)

Page 28: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


2. Axioms for some ‘famous’ predicates Let ‘T’ be: (defining ‘<‘)

Example: Á: 8x. 9y. y < x Is Á T-valid?

8x,y,z. x < y Æ y < z → x < z (transitivity)

8x,y. x < y → :(y < x) (anti-symmetry)

We will show a structure to the contrary

Domain: N0

‘<‘ <

Page 29: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


2. Axioms for some ‘famous’ predicates Let = {‘<‘} Consider the -formula Á: 8x. 9y. y < x Consider the theory T:

Is Á T-valid?

We will show a structure to the contrary Domain: N0

‘<‘ <

8x,y,z. x < y Æ y < z → x < z (transitivity)

8x,y. x < y → :(y < x) (anti-symmetry)

Page 30: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional



So far we only restricted the nonlogical symbols. Sometimes we want to

restrict the grammar restrict the allowed logical symbols.

These are called logic fragments.

Examples: The quantifier-free fragment over = {=,+,0,1} The conjunctive fragment over = {=,+,0,1}

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Let = {} (T must be empty: no nonlogical symbols to interpret)

Q: What is the quantifier-free fragment of T ? A: propositional logic

Thus, propositional logic is also a first-order theory. A very degenerate one.

Page 32: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional



Let = {} (T must be empty: no nonlogical symbols to interpret)

Q: What is T ? A: Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF)

Example: 8x1 9x2 8x3. x1 → (x2 Ç x3)

Page 33: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Some famous theories

Presburger arithmetic: = {0,1,+,=} Peano arithmetic: = {0,1,+,*,=} Theory of reals Theory of integers Theory of arrays Theory of pointers Theory of sets Theory of recursive data structures …

Page 34: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Expressiveness of a theory

Each formula defines a language:the set of satisfying assignments (‘models’) are the words accepted by this language.

Consider the fragment ‘2-CNF’formula : ( literal Ç literal ) | formula Æ formulaliteral: Boolean-variable | :Boolean-variable

(x1 Ç :x2) Æ (:x3 Ç x2)

Page 35: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Expressiveness of a theory

Now consider a Propositional Logic formula (x1 Ç x2 Ç x3).

Q: Can we express this language with 2-CNF? A: No.

Proof: The language accepted by has 7 words: all assignments

other than x1 = x2 = x3 = F. The first 2-CNF clause removes ¼ of the assignments,

which leaves us with 6 accepted words. Additional clauses only remove more assignments.

Page 36: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Expressiveness of a theory

Claim: 2-CNF Á Propositional Logic Generally there is only a partial order between


Languages defined by L2

Languages defined by L1

L2 is more expressive than L1.

Denote: L1 Á L2

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The tradeoff

So we see that theories can have different expressive power

Q: why would we want to restrict ourselves to a theory or a fragment ? why not take some ‘maximal theory’…

A: Adding axioms to the theory may make it harder to decide or even undecidable.

Page 38: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Example: First Order Peano Arithmetic = {0,1,‘+’, ‘*’, ‘=’} Domain: Natural numbers

Axioms (“semantics”):1. 8 x. (0 x + 1) 2. 8 x, y. (x y) ! (x + 1 y + 1) 3. Induction4. 8 x. x + 0 = x 5. 8 x, y. (x + y) + 1 = x + (y + 1) 6. 8 x. x * 0 = 0 7. 8 x, y. x * (y + 1) = x * y + x




These axioms define the semantics of ‘+’

Page 39: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Example: First Order Presburger Arithmetic = {0,1,‘+’, ‘*’, ‘=’} Domain: Natural numbers

Axioms (“semantics”):1. 8 x. (0 x + 1) 2. 8 x, y. (x y) ! (x + 1 y + 1) 3. Induction4. 8 x. x + 0 = x 5. 8 x, y. (x + y) + 1 = x + (y + 1) 6. 8 x. x * 0 = 0 7. 8 x, y. x * (y + 1) = x * y + x




These axioms define the semantics of ‘+’

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Tradeoff: expressiveness/computational hardness. Assume we are given theories L1 Á … Á Ln

More expressiveEasier to decide




Computational Challenge! LnL1

Our course

Page 41: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


When is a specific theory useful?

1. Expressible enough to state something interesting.

2. Decidable (or semi-decidable) and more efficiently solvable than richer theories.

3. More expressive, or more natural for expressing some models in comparison to ‘leaner’ theories.

Page 42: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Expressiveness and complexity

Q1: Let L1 and L2 be two theories whose satisfiability problem is decidable and in the same complexity class. Is the satisfiability problem of an L1 formula reducible to a satisfiability problem of an L2 formula?

Page 43: 1 First order theories. 2 Satisfiability The classic SAT problem: given a propositional formula , is  satisfiable ? Example:  Let x 1,x 2 be propositional


Expressiveness and complexity

Q2: Let L1 and L2 be two theories whose satisfiability problems are reducible to one another. Are L1 and L2 in the same complexity class ?