1 .h , w , r w'lthn 'l g the of/icial (iazette

123) . .* J 4 . ' . * qo. . ' . . ' :@. tkq .o . $ ..- 'y - j.. - ( . 1 .h , , w ' r w' lthN ' g ' L Dl;F u df Dâ% - THE 0F THE COLOXY AND OF/ICIAL (IAZETTE I'ROTEC'CORATE 0F IIENYA Publkshed underthe Authorlî ofH ls Excellency tbe G overnor o' tbe Colony and Protectoèate of K enya Vol. LV- NO. 60 Price 50 cents N AIRO BI, 29th D ecembex, 1953 R egisîeretl as a Newsraper at the G .P.O. published every Tuesday ' ' , : . ' . - L- - . .- ' 2 = CONTENTS OFFICIAL GAZET'TE OnrICIAL Gu Errs- tctiaf#.l Govt. N oticeN o. zoso--Appointments, etc. 2051-2052--Obituary 2053-2054- -11e H otels Ordinancq-x entral H otel Authority- Appointm ents 1236 2055- The M unicipalities .Ordinance - Kitale M unicipal Board- Nomination 1236 2056 -. n e Forest Orclinance 1236 2057-2058- 71e Nativz Authority Ordinance- Appointm ents 1236, 1237 2059- D irections by the D lrector of Veterinary Services 1237 2060-The Increase of Rent (Restriction) Ordin- ance, 1949- Rent Control Board--central Province- A ppointment 1237 l'?k(;12 12. 36 12. 36 G eneral N oticeN o. . . 2845,2846 Tenders . . . . European E'IospitalFund Authority- Estimates oflncome and I .xpenditure for 1954 2847 SUPPLEM EN T N o. 94 Proclamadons,Rules cfzd Reiulatîons,1953 Govt. No iceNc. 2062- -mfhe Firearms Rules, 1953 . . . . . . 1283 2063- -The Kenya Protectorate (Non-Domiciled Parties) Divorce Rulcs, 1953 1305 2064. -The Special Areas @ 0. - 1i) Order, 1953 13 13 2065. --f'he Special Areas X o. 15) Order, 1953 1313 2066 -The Em ergency Regulations, 1952--Order 1314 20672068--The Emerkency (Kikuyu Hlstory of Ernployment) Regulations, 1953 1315 2069--f'he Emergency (M ovement of Kikuyu) Regulations, 1953- De1egation 1316 2070-The Firearms Ordinance, ' 1953- Exemption Ol'der 1316 2071 -The Fircarms Ordinance, 1953- Date of Com mtnctm unt 13:6 PAGE 2061- The Increase of Rent (Restrietion) Ordln- . ance, 1949- Rcht Control Board--coast Province- Appointm ents 1237 General N otices 1237-1242 General N oticeN o. 28:. 0 2821,2822 2823-2826,281.2,28.44 2827-2830 . . 2831 -78.35 2836,2837 2838 2839 z ! El tl 1 , '! él zl 11 Air . Services Licensing V acancies Probate and Administration . . Bankruptcy Ordlnance W ater Ordinance Change of Name Dissolution of Partnership Transfer of Busfness Loss of Poricy Revocation of Power of Attorney 207: --l-he Export Duty (Hides and Skins) (Varia- tion ot Duty)(No.2)Order,1953 13I 7

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Page 1: 1 .h , w , r w'lthN 'L g THE OF/ICIAL (IAZETTE



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Publkshed under the Authorlî of H ls Excellency tbe G overnor o ' tbe Colony and Protectoèate of K enya

Vol. LV- NO. 60 Price 50 centsNAIRO BI, 29th D ecembex, 1953Regisîeretl as a Newsraper at the G .P.O. published every Tuesday



, : .


. - L- - . .- ' 2 =



Govt. N otice N o.

zoso--Appointments, etc.


2053-2054- -11e H otels Ordinancq-x entral H otelAuthority- Appointm ents 1236

2055- The M unicipalities . Ordinance - KitaleM unicipal Board- Nomination 1236

2056 -.n e Forest Orclinance 1236

2057-2058- 71e Nativz Authority Ordinance-Appointm ents 1236, 1237

2059- D irections by the D lrector of VeterinaryServices 1237

2060-The Increase of Rent (Restriction) Ordin-ance, 1949- Rent Control Board--centralProvince- A ppointment 1237




G eneral N otice N o.

. . 2845, 2846Tenders . . . .

European E'Iospital Fund Authority- Estimates of lncomeand I .xpenditure for 1954 2847


Proclamadons, Rules cfzd Reiulatîons, 1953

Govt. No ice Nc .

2062- -mfhe Firearms Rules, 1953 . . . . . . 1283

2063- -The Kenya Protectorate (Non-DomiciledParties) Divorce Rulcs, 1953 1305

2064. -The Special Areas @ 0.- 1i) Order, 1953 13 13

2065. --f'he Special Areas X o. 15) Order, 1953 1313

2066 -The Em ergency Regulations, 1952--Order 13 14

2067 2068--The Emerkency (Kikuyu Hlstory ofErnployment) Regulations, 1953 13 15

2069 --f'he Emergency (M ovement of Kikuyu)Regulations, 1953- De1egation 1316

2070 -The Firearms Ordinance, ' 1953- ExemptionOl'der 13 16

2071 -The Fircarms Ordinance, 1953- Date ofCom mtnctm unt 13:6


2061- The Increase of Rent (Restrietion) Ordln-. ance, 1949- Rcht Control Board--coast

Province- Appointm ents 1237

General N otices 1237-1242

General N otice N o.

28:. 0

2821, 2822

2823-2826, 281.2, 28.44


. . 283 1 -78.35

2836, 2837



z! El tl 1

,'! él zl 11

Air. Services Licensing

V acancies

Probate and Administration . .

Bankruptcy Ordlnance

W ater Ordinance

Change of Name

Dissolution of Partnership

Transfer of Busfness

Loss of Poricy

Revocation of Power of Attorney207: --l-he Export Duty (Hides and Skins) (Varia-

tion ot Duty) (No. 2) Order, 1953 13I 7

Page 2: 1 .h , w , r w'lthN 'L g THE OF/ICIAL (IAZETTE

1236 TH E OFFICIAL GA ZEU E 29th D ecember, 1953


APPOINTM ENTSBRIAN Tuo- soN BSLI- to act as Farm M anager R ivestockOïcer), European Agricultural Settlement Board, with clcctfrom 6th D ecem ber, 1959. '

FOREST LotlooN M EcsoN, T.D., J.1>., resumed duty ag ExecgtiveOm cer.. European Agricultural Settlément Board, with esectfrom 20th Decem ber, 1953.

LBSLIE EDwARD W HITEHOUSE to beTurkana D istrict, N orthern Province,N ovem ber, 1953.

REV ERSIONK ENNETH JAMES ROFFEY Ceased to act as Executlve O flicer,European Agricultucal Sbttlement Board. with efect from 20t1:Decçm ber, 1953.

D istrict Com m issioner,witlz esect from 21st



IN EXERCISE of the powerj conferred by section 14 (2) ofthé M unicipalities Ordihance '(cap. 136), the Governor has beenpleased to nom inate the following person to be a m ember ofthe Kttale M unicipal Board from the date of this notice until30th June, 1955-


vîce M r. W . H . Richardson (resigned).Governmcnt Notice No. 1178 of 1952 is amended accordingly.

By Command of the Governor.

C. E. M ORTIM ER,Nairobi, M ember for Hea1th, Lands J/IJ Local19th Decem bcr, 1953. ' Government.

G OV/RNMENT N o'rlcE N o. 2056(For. 3613119)

H . S. POTTER ,Chiej Secretary.

GOVSRNMENT N oTlcs N o. 2051(SIE : 491712)

OBITUARYThe Governor regrets to announce the death of M r.' Francls .

M bugwa s/o Harrison Kariuki, Clerk Grade I I , who was killedby terrorists in N arok on 12th Decem ber, 1953. .

M r. Kariuki joined the M edical Dapartment on 7th August,1951 . and . by his death the Government hms lost the services ofa loyal and eï cient oïcer.

GOVERNMENT N oTlce . No. 2052(SIE: 491712)

O BITUA RYThe G overnor regrets to announce the death of M r. Jam es

George Solomon M ainna, Special Grade Clcrk. AgriculturalDepartment, who was kille-d in th

. e K abete Location on 21stDecem ber, 1953.

M r. M ainnA ioined the Agrlcultura! Departmcnt as a levclleron 26th M arch, 1941 . qnd by his dcath the Govcrnment has Iostthe services of a loyal and eï cient oïcer.

GovERNsteN'r N OTICE N o. 2053(KSB. 1841M I1j


IN ACCORDANCE with tàe provisîons of sub-sectlon (2) of.sectfon 4 of the Forest O rdinance, thc M em ber for A gricultureand Natural Resources hereby gives 28 days' notice, with electfrom tht 1st ;ay . of January, 1954, of the intention of theGovernor in Council to declarc that the area de-scribed in theSchedule hercto shall cease to be a forest area.

F. CAVEN D ISH-BEN TIN CK ,Nairobi. M ember jor Agriculture and Natural21st December, 1953. Resources.

SCHEDIJLEForest Boundary Commission Recomme'ndation No.

' 27-Excision N o. 3 of M ap N o. 1.

Two hundred and sfty acres approximately of grassland in theEast M au' Forest Reservé.

GOVERNMENT Norlce No. 2057

.ywv# ), - <


A PPOINTMENTSIN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling me

, 1 herebyappoint the pcrsons nam ed in the Schedule annexed hcrcto tobt (Jtlk ial Cbizfs for tlàe arcas named tberein.THE HOTELS ORRIRANCE


IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sub-section (1)of section 3 of the H otels Ordinancc, and by section 28 of thelnterpretation and Gcneral Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1), theGovernor in Council has been pleascd to appoint-


as Chairman of the èentral Hotel Authority, vice Sir RichardW oodley, resigned.

G overnment Notîce N o. 80 datcd 17th January, 1953, ishereby varied accordingly.

By Command of the Governor in Councll.

Nairobi, J. L. iI. WEBSTER.18tl1 Dccem ber, 1953. Clerk to J/ze Execulive Councîl.

GOVERNMENT NOTICE N0. 2054(KSB. 18411511)



IN EXERCISE of the powcrs conferred by sub-sectfon (1) ofsection 3 of the Hote'.s Ordinance and by section 28 of thelnterpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1), theGovernor in Council has been pleased- to appoint-


as a member of t*e Central Hote.l Autbority, Wce M r. AlfredFielding, resfgned.

Government Notlce No. 80 dated 17th January, 1953, ishercby varied accordingly.

By Command of tl.le Governor in Councit

Nairobg, J. L. H. W EBSTER,18th December. 1953. Clerk to the Executive Councll.

N airobi,19th D eccmber, 1953 .

SCHEDULEN am e-- hll M bili.Xretz-- N airobi Extra-provincial District.W ilh c#cc/ /rt?r??.- 15th September, 1953.R emarks-- M zw appointm ent.Abzne-- Laurent Am bei.zdlrcfz.- K ariakor and Ziwani A frican Locations.W ith efccl /ron4.- lst October, 1953.Rclllarks.- Nzw appointment.,Nb7'z?e.- PauI M uinti K ilelo.adrcc,- starehe African Location-l#'fJ/1 eqect Jro??1.- lst October, 1953.Relnarks.- New appointment-

N tz?ae.- charles Kim otho.d rec-- Bondeni and Gorofani African Locatlons.kith e/?ecl Jrtpzn-'- lst.octobar, 1953.

Relltarks-- New ajpointment.N cp7e-- George N icholas A loys.Xrec.- N airobi Extra-proviacial D lstrict.W ith e#cc/ /rt?p).- 21st October, 1953.Renlarks-- N zw appointment.Name.- bavid Daudi.Wrcc.- lkalo'.eni Location.W ith e#ecl jrom.- 1st October, 1953.Remarks.- N ew appointm ent.Ncaic--dosiah Owambo.Arec.- shauri M oyo Location.t'Vilh tWec/ lronl-- kst October, 1953.Retnarks-- N zw appointm ent.

Name.- jozb Ogwayo.ddrec.- M akongeni Location.With e#ec/ /r0:?1.-.Q5th November, 1953.Renïarks.- N zw appointm ent.

Ncrac-- simeon N guru.adrctz.- M uthurwa Locatfon.W ilh e//ec/ /rora.- 25th Novcmber, 1953,Retnarks.u Nzw appointm cnt.

R. D. F. RYLAN DOscer-in-charge. Natrobî.



Page 3: 1 .h , w , r w'lthN 'L g THE OF/ICIAL (IAZETTE

2%h D 4eember, 195. 3 'I'H E OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1237



APPOIXTMENTIN EXERCISE of thc powers thereunto enablîng me, I hcreby

appoint the person named in the Sehedule anllexed hereto tobe OtEcial Headman for tht arca named thcyein.

D. O'HAGAN,M ombasa, Provincial Ct')l?7/?li.s.5'ï(?l1t'r,21st Dccember, 1953 . Coast Provillce.

SCHEDIJLEK wale D istricla Coast Prtppfszre

X czne.--l-lam isi bin Shthe.ztrec.- lkikôneni LocationrW ilh ePccf /ropT.- lst Jatluary, 1954.Remarks.--oft six months' probation, b'lce K halfan. binShehe, appointed Ozcial Heudman, vide Government NoticeN o. 617 of 1940, retired with elïect froTtl 3ls: D cccm bcr,1953. '



UNOER RIJLE 14 op THE ANIMAL DlsEAsEs RULESTliE Director of Veterinary Services has directed that tht'

importation of rabbitj into Kenya from the United Kingdomand Europe iz prohibited.

R. A . H AM M ON D ,Director r.)/ Veterinary scrviccs.

Govsmqm lq'r No'rlcB No, 2060LKSB. 13411411 11 /&


(No. 22 of 1949)RENT CONTROL BOARD--CENTRAL PROVINCE--APPOINTMENTIN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 3 of tlle

Increase of Rent (Restriction) Ordinance, 1949, tht Governorhas been plcmsed to appoint-

HoN. M RS. A . NAPIERto be a member of the Rent Control Board for tlle CentralProvince during the absence from the Colony . of M r. C. H.Adams.By Command of the Governor.

A.. HOPE-JON ES:Nairobi. Member ktz?- Colnnlcrce t771/:322nd Decem ber, 1953. Industrl'.

Goveltlqvex'r Novlca No. 2061(KSB.184l14l2l1$

Tl4E INCREASE be .RENT tREsTlucTlo. N) oRolxAxcls,1949

fblo. 22 oj 1949)RZNT CWNTROL BOARD--COAST PROVINCEV-APPOINTMSNTSIN EXERCISE of the powcrs conferred by scction 3 of fne

Increake of Rent (Resgrictton) .ordinance: 1949: the Governorhas becn pleascd to appoint-


IT IS no1 iflcd for general information that the abovtexamination x /ilI be held on 1 6th and 17th M arch, 1954. atccntres to bc arrangcd in N airobi, M om basa, N akuru, Nyeriand Kisumu.

The attcnl ion of Hcads of Departmrnts is drawn toSccrctariat (f stab:îshment) Circular No. 43 of 23rd Septemberin regard to Asian omccrs who ' are eligib'.e to en.ter ftpr thesenior shorth tnd acd typcwriting papers ln this .examination.

Entrics c1c Je on 19th Fcbruary. 1 954, Fnd entry fprms m aybe obtaincd x

'rom the Education Dcpartm ent.

ln no circ Tmstatlces will late entrges be acceptrd.

G. E. FREISLICH,ior Director // Educadçm.

GENERAU &( rlca No. 2820'*



Notice oj Appliz'alion /tpr a fe/c.eacir to Opeyate Air Servkes

PURSU/ NT t() the provisions of regulations 2! and 22. ofthe Air Sel vices tl-ieensing) Regulations, 1946, notice is hercbygiven that he Ae ro Ciub of East Africa, P.O . Box 8 l 3, Nairobl.has applied to the East A frican Air Transport Authority. for aIicence to lperate the following air service ;

(c) Air c larter, i-e. the hire of the Club's aircraft 'to qualiûcdpilol mem bers within and from the East A frican lcrri-torit s of Kenya, Ugaûda, Tanganyika and Zanzibar.

ci d 1 tlying instruction to Cliib(!9 Elem lntary and advance uam rp kbcls ;tt Nairobi W est airfield and att other airtietdsin 1 ne East A frican terrilories.

For a perlod of one ycar from 26th Novcmber, 1953.

isIt ftz rthar notiâed that any represcntaticns or objeclionswith rega -d to this application. must be m ade to the EastAfrican 7 ir Transport A uthorily at tht oï ct of the Direciorof Civii z kviation, P.O. Box 5163, Nairobi, not later than 25thJanuary, .954. Iilvery such reprcsentation or objection shall bemade in ' vriting, shall state the sgecific grounds on which it isbased' an f sizail specify any condltions which it m ay be desirudshould bf attached to the licence if grantcd. A copy of everysuch rep! eskntation or objection shall be asent by tize personmàking 1 he sanae to the a'pplicant of the licence at the sametime as i is strlt to the A uthorjty.

N airobi,17th .E ecembcr, 1953.

STACEY W . D. COLLS.Ditcctor o/ Civil ,4 viatîon,

E ast Alrica.

GExEltxt NoT1(:E No. 2.821M :. J. C. W HITB, andM R. P. F. f7os'reft

to be members of thc Rent Cclntrol Board for the Coast Pro-vince, vfce M r. C. H. G. Coventry and M. rs. W . R. Rae(formerly M iss Diana Hamley), rcsigned.Government Notice No. 875 dated 5tl't Septtmber, 1949, ls

hereby vatied accordingly. -By Command of the Governor.

A. HOPEUONES,Naîrobi, M ember y(7r Commerce ïzr!d27rd December, 1953. lndllj Jry'.

GENERAI- NoTlcs No. 2648 '


TH E attentfon of the public is drawn to the . contcnts ofGeneral N otice No. 2752 appearing in the O mcial Gazehte dated16th Dzcem ber, 1952, notifyilpg the G overnm cnt.'s intention toterminate thc conccssion for the conversion of agricultura! leasesof 99 years in exchange for '999-year leaseq under the CrownLands Ordinance (C4p. 153). 'The holders of such Crown 't6tles who wîsh to convert their

leases should submit their applications to r'each the undcrsigned,P.O . Box 89, N airobi, not Iatcr than 3 1st Decem bzr, t95'3,

' after which date no application: will be consîdered.


Techl3îcal Storekeeper, Education D epartlhent

APPL (CATIONS are fnvited for the post of Technical Storç-keeper i n the Education Dapartment, Tanganyika. in the' sâlarystale :6 r0 by 3220 to f 690 by f25 to f840 per annum. 'Ih add. itionto sa:ar f , a tzmporary non-pensîonable (cost of livlng) allow-auce qt the rate of 35 per cent of substantive salary subjett to. am aximu m of f:350 per annum is paynb'-e at present. A ppointm''entwquld 1 'e on aon-pcnsionable basis on contract for one tour ofservice with rprovision for the payment of a gratuity calculatid'

at the 'ate ol' f 25 for each eom pleted period of three montlls'servick, inclutling approvcd leave. Normal o' verseas conditionsot serv ce will apply.

The canditfate should be experfenced fn .workshop storesaccoun s. He awill be responsible for the receipt anJ issue of awide v lriety of too',s and workshop stores at the GovernmentTraie Sdioot, . lfurtda. Persons who laave retired from servicehaving sumcient experience in clefical work to bc ab-'e tomainta n stoles books may also applyo'

A p icatiotls should bé forwarded to' the Secretary. SenlorPStrvlcç Advksory Board, the Secretariat, Dar es Salaam . toarrive not lfiter than 25th Jqnuary, 1954. Serving Governmentofjicia' ; in 'ranganyika shoutd apgly

. through thtîr heklds pfdkpart rents forwarding an up-to-date personal ' record form(P /2). All ofher applicants should submit their applications inwritin ;. togftther wlth a completed application form (P / 1). induplic ate. wllich can he oblained on reguesr from the Secrerariati t 3.ht tcrritory ia wlkith thcy ' are resldknp

. .


J s BALLEN TINESpecla? C-f'??71/??f.T.';@t:)?:e?' and

Ac//rlz Conlmîssîoncr // Lands.

Page 4: 1 .h , w , r w'lthN 'L g THE OF/ICIAL (IAZETTE

1238 THE OFK CIAL GAZEW E 29th Decmmber, 1953

G SNERAL NOTICE No. 2822 GENERAL N o'rlcE No. 2825


Assistant W arden, Ganle and Fisheries D eplrppec/, Uganda

APPLICATION S are invited from suitably qualified persons 'for appointment to a vacancy which wiii occur early in 1954for the post of Assistant W ardcn, G anne and Fishcries Depart-m ent, Uganda. The following conditions of service wiil apply-

(c) The salary scalt is :690 by f25 to :840 (Promotion Bar)by f30 to $,960 by :40 to f 1 ,0û0, and the entry point -wiilbe assessed in accordance wit: age, qualiiications, experi-ence and service, including war service. ln addition, atemporary allowance at current ratcs wiil be paid for solong as the allowance is operative.

(0 Tbe appointment will eithcr be made on probation to theptrm anent estabiiïhm cnt or on a Class A contract for onetour of service in the first instance : in the iatteè eventcontributions to the Providcnt Fund wiil be compulsory.

(c) The appointment wgll ' be governcd by the rcvised condi-tions of strvice for the Cïvkl Services ot Uganda.

The duties of the post require a sound knowlcdge and experi-ence of adm inistrativc work in G overnmcnt Scrvice, togetherrFith a keen interest in wild Iife 'and a practlcal knowledge ofA frican fauna. Experience in the handling of African stal isdesirable. A zthough the person appointtd will be posted to theD epartmcnt's H eadquarters in hnLebbe, a certain am ount ofsajari and held work wili be involved. Candidates should notbe younger than 35 ycars of age.

App'aicatjons on the appropriatt forms should be submittcdto reach th: Chief Secrttary Entebbe, not later than 151

!January, 1954. Candidates reslding in Kenl'a and Tanganyika

m ay obtain forms oj application from the Chief Secrekaries ofthe G overnm ents concernrd. '



TAKE N OTICE that application having been m ade jn this

t1) CAUSE No. 265 oF 1953

By (1) Edward Jackson Hollister and (2) Roger GeolreyBuckley, the executors named in the will of the déceased, fora grant of . probate of the will and frst codicil of FredcrickA rthur W hite of Karen, who died at Karen on the 9th day ofFebruary, 1953.

G) CAUSE No. 309 op 1953By Frank Ben D erwent M oger of Nairobi, as one of the

attorneys of the natural and lawful and ' only child of thedcceased, through his advocates M essrs. Ham ilton, Harrisonand M athews of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of .adm inistrationintestate of the estate of M ildred Urith Lonsdale Dickens ofLim uru, wilo died at Limuru on the 29t11 day of January, 1953,intestate.

(3) CAusE No. 310 ()r 1953By Frank Ben Derwent M oger of Nairobi, the attorney of the

sole executrix named in the will of the deceased, through hisadvocates, M essrs. H àm ilton, Harrison & M athews of N airobi,for a grant of letters of administration with will annexed ofthe estate of W illie Hyde Dickens of Limuru, who died atLimuru on the 8tb. day of July, 1953.

(4) CAtlse No. 3l1 oF 1953By Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas),

Nairobi, for â grant of Ietters of administration with wjllannexed of the estate of W illiam Ivor Parsons Feltham, formerlyof Turbo and lattcrly of K itales who died at K àsumu on tlle8th day of Augusts 1953. '

(5) CAUSB No. 312 og 1953By Jurgens Johannes Bekker of Thika, one of the executors

nam ed in the will of the deceased through his advocates,M essrs. K aplan & Stratton of N airobi, for a grant of probateof the will of M artinus W ilhelm Bekker of Thika, who died atThika on the 11th day of September, 1953.

GSNERAL N o'rlcE N o. 2823



TAKE N OTICE that application having been m ade to thisCourt in-

CAUS? N0. 86 oir 1953 ,45) CAusE èlo. 313 op 1953(l) +

By Hassanally Moosajee and Jeevanlee M oosajee, 170th ofM om basa, K enya Protectorate, the cxecutors of the will of thedeceased, for grant of probate to administer the estate ofM oosajee Jeevanjce, Iate of M ombasa, Kenya Protcctorate, whodied at M ombasa on the 4th day of A pril, 1948.

(2) CAIJSE No. 88 OF 1953By M ani LaIji of M ombasa, Kenya Protectoratt, tl4e exccutor

of the will of tlxe deceastd, for grant of probate to administer' i Iate of 'M ombasa, Kenya Protec-the estate of Jamnadas M uij .

torate, who dicd at M ombasa on the 27th day of August, 1953.

This Court will procccd to issuc thc same unless cause beshown to the ccntrary and appcarance in this rcspcct entered onor btfort the 7th day ot Januafy. 1954.

M ombasa, .17th December, 1953.No/e.- -fht wills iil the above causes have now been deposited

and art open to . insptction in Court.

A. W YNN-JONES,Acling Deputy R egistrar,

H .M . é'ffpreale Court oj Kenya.

By Anne Cochrape of Kitale, the executrix named in the willof the deceased, for a grant of probate of the will of BasilW illiam D undonald Cochrane of Nyeri, who died at N yeri onthe 17th day of June, 1953.

(X CAUSB No. 314 .0F 1953By M essrs. Hamilton & M athews of Nairobi on behalf of the

sole executrix named in the will of the deceased for resealing inKenya of the certified ctjpy of the grant of probate of th> willof H ilda Louise Thompson, who died at N anyuki on the 9thday of April. 1953, and granted forth by Her M ajesty's HighCourt of Justice in EngTand dn the 31st day of October, 1953,to Emi'.y Lecs M cilardy of England.

(8) CAuss No. 315 oF 1953By M tssrs. Hamilton & M athews of Nairobi on heha'.f of the

survîving executrix nam ed în the will of the deceased, for reseal-ing in the Colonj of Kenya of a certified copy of the grant ofprobate of the wlll of Cicely W ilding Twist, who died at N airobion the 14th day of January, 1953 and granted forth by Her

, k'M atesty s H igh Court of Justice ln England to Hester EllenTwfst op the 19th day of August, 1953.

(9) CAIJSE No- 316 osr 1953By D warki Devi, the widow of the deceased, for a grant of

Ietters of adm inîstration injestate of the estatc of Hukam Chands/o Ba:want Rai of Nairobi, who died near Naivasba onN airobi-N aivasha Road by car accident on the 4th day ofDecem ber, 1953, intestate.

(10) CAUSE No. 322 oF 1953 'By Alibhag M . M . Daudjee of M ombasa, the husband of the

deceased, for a grant of letters of adm inistration intestate of theestate of Huseinabai Alibhai M usajee of M ombasa, who died atK ampala on the 14th day of February, 1953, intestate.

This Court will procetd to sssue the sam e unless cause beslnown to thc contrary and appearancc in this respect enteredon or before the 12th day of January, 1954.

GSNSRAL N orlcE N o. 2824



Càuss N o. 21 og 1953

Notîce 0/ applîcatîon p r letters t7/ adnll-ttîstratîon t7/ the late' ' Kalltleen M cl-eod Upsol'l t# Kipkabus, Uasin Gishu District,K enya Colony.

TAK E NO TICE that applicatfon havfng bcen m ade in thfsCourt by Haro'.d K enneth Upson of Kipkabus, U asin G ishuD istriet, Keny' a Colony, for Ietters of adm inistration of theestate of the late Kathleen M cLeod U rtson. who died atK ipkabus on the 15th day of M ay, 1953, thjs Court will proceedto issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary andappearance in this respect tnter'cd on or bcfore the 12th dayof January. , ' 1954. '

ROLER J. QUIN, .. Dîstrîct D elegate,

'Elduret,' 2 Districts o! Uasîn Glshlt, Trans NztfJ,17* Dx ember, 1953. Nandl, f/gem attd Ao rckwef.


N airobi ,23rd D ecember, 1953.

Notf.- 'j'jje wills above namedinqm ctlon at the Court.

H . F. H AM EL,D epttty Regîstrar,

Supreme Court o! Kenya.

are deposited and open to

Page 5: 1 .h , w , r w'lthN 'L g THE OF/ICIAL (IAZETTE

. 29th becember, 19.$3 I-1.tE UFFICIAL YAZETT: i1!9

GENERAL No'rlce No. 2826 (JqNLRAL N oTlc z No. 2831



In the niatter o/ the estate t# John M cNab M undell. deceasedTAKE NOTICE that probate of the will of the above-named

John M cNab M undell, who died at M omb4sa in the Protec-torate of Kenya on the 4th day of M ay, 1933, was granted toGiTbert East K ing and D igby G reen, botll of Eldorets theexecutors in t e said will nam ed on thr 10th day of December,1953, and that a11 persons having' any claim s against the estateof the said 'deeeased are required to prove the same with theundersigned on or before the 21st day of January, 1954, afterwhich date the claims so proved will be paid and thé estatedistributed according to law .

Eldoret,2 1st D ecem ber, 1953.

D. GREEN,Advocate jor the E xecutors,

P.O . Box 14, Eldoret .

7 HE MIATER ORD IN AN CE, 1951Trzb f/ary ()/ Kipsain River, Kitale Distrkt

APPLICATIt )N b)z H . N . Ashford of K itale for a waterpermït from c tl unnamed tributary of ihe Kipjain Rfver onL.R . 6189 for zet quzntities of 6,900 and 5,000 gallons per dayof norm al flo' / for dom estic. use and m inor irrigation respec-tively..Plans may le seea at the Public W orks D epartmçnt Head

Ofiice, Nairob , and at the omce of the W ater Bailif, K itale.Objections s rating specilic grounds therefor should be filed in

duglîcate with the W ater Apportionment Board, P.O. Box 662,N airobi, with a 30 days from the date of publim tion of thisnotice and a , :opy served on the 'undersigned.

Fo r and on behalf of H . N . Ashford.'

H . B. BATES,Lawfully Avthorized ztlgeêlf ,

17th Decem b. :r, 19!3. Box 147, K itale.

GENEIIAL N cn IcE N 4a. 2832

GBSERXL Norzczî No. 2827


Debtor's uclne.--(ll Kanji Shakerchand Patalia and (2)Gopalji Rupchand Shah, trading as t:patalia & Company''.

Addren .- princess M arie Louise Road, M om bàsa.Dcycrfpfftpn.- M erchants.(;t7Jfr/.- H .M . Suprtm e Court of K tnya, M om basa.No. oj m' atter.-A of 1953.Dates 5/ orders.- Re Debtor No. ls 20ti November, 1953 ;re D ebtor N o. 2, 10th D ecem btr, 1953.

Date oj rt7///3t???.- 21st July, 1953.

J. H . D'M ELLO,Mombasa, Acting Agent oj //le Omcial Receiver,16th Deccmber, 1953, P.O. SJX 366, M ombastz.

GENERAL NoTlcs No. 2828

TH E W A'I'ER O RD INAN CB, 1951M akuyu R îver, S rffz.?z D istrict

APPLICA! 'ION by M rs. P. L. Hamilton of Ruîru for a waterperlkit from the V zkuyu Rlver on L.R. 109/3 for quantities of2,200, 20,006 ' and 2û0 gallons per day of normal flow ' fordomestic us. ', pulping and washing of colee (80 per centreturnable) f nd fol: use jn dog kennels respectively.These amc unts are in lieu of 8,500 gallons per day of normal

fl0W already sanctiolzed. 'Plans maA bo seen at the Public W orks Department Head

Oflice, Nairf bi, and at the omce of the W ater Bailis, Nairobi.Objectionb statir.g specific grounds therefor should be filetl in

duplicate w. th the W ater Apportionment Board, P.O. Bax 662,Nairobi, wi ahin 3f) days from tht date of publication of thisnotice and L copy served on the undersigned.

PAM ELA H AM ILTON ,Applicant,

23rd Decen Iber, 1.953. M eadowfield,, Ruiru.

GSNERAL N 3TIcE, No. 2833


D ebtor's rfc- .- EdwRrd Com bes.Xtftfreyl.- Elm enteita and Solai.D escription-- Farm M anager.Date W hling petition.- k8tà December, .1953.C'ourf.- H .M . Suprem e Court of K enya, Nairobi.No. (p/ ntatter.--As of 1953.Date tzj Jr#t'?'.- 18th December, 1953.W hether debtor's or cvediton' petf/ffpa.- Debtor's..d.cf or acts oj bcnkruplcy.- presehtation of a bankruptcypetition. '

N airobi,22nd December, 1953-


D . J. COW ARD ,jor Os cial Recciver.

TH E W ATER ORDINANCE, 1951Njoro River, N akuru District

A PPLIC. t'l'loèf by .the D irector of Agriculturo of N airolni(or a wate permit from the Njoro River at tlle Plant BreedingStation for a net quantity of 90,000 gallons per day of norm altlow for g :ntral irrig4tion.Plans rn ày be seen at the Iiublic W orks bepartment Head

Oïce, Na. robi, and at the oKce of the W ater Bailis, Nakuru.Objectio .1s stating specilic grounds therefor should be filed in

duglicate vith tlle Wattr Apportionmcnt Board. P.O. Box 662,Nalrobi, x pithin 30 days from the date of publication of thisnotice ant . a copy served on the undersigned.

G. M . RODDAN,Director .t# Agrictilture,

Lawjully adff//llrfzcd Agent,19th D ect m ber, 1953. #.0 . Box 338, N atkobi.

GENERAL Nlm cls No. 2834


Debtorbs zlczr/e-- ladavji Shamji.Atff/rc-u-- Grogan Road, P.O. Box 6484, Nqirobi.Descrlp/iolz.- M echanic.Date t# Iilina petition.- q 7th Decembar, 1953.C-ourf.- H.M . Supreme Court of Kenya, N airobi.N o. ()/ matter---sl of 1953.Date oj order.- l-lth Duxcember, 1953.W hether .debtor's or creditors' peff/lou-- llebtor'd.Act or acts oj bczlkrup/cy.- presentation of a bankruptcypctition.

N airobi, D . J. COW ARD ,22nd December, 1953. yor Omcial RcceïT,er.

CIBNERAL èfOTIUE 'fo. 2830


Debtor's zptzzzle.- Bhanabhai Vasanji Patel,' previously tradingas tlslem beni Corner Store'' at M om basa.

Address (at pre&crlfl.---fhika.D escription.- u zçctïznz.Date oj A/rlg petition.- l8th December, 1953.Court.- H .u . Supreme Court of K enya, M om basa.No. oj matter.- ql of 1953.Date oj tv#er.- 18th December, 1953.W hether debtor's or creditors' peffff/zl.- Debtor's.

M om b wasa J. H . D 'M ELLO ,'Iw ember, 1953. Acdng Agea/ ol /àa Omcial D rt#1>er.21st

THE W ATER ORDINANCE, 1951 .Unl amed Tributary t# Rongai Rfker, Kitale Dflfrfcf

APPL'I JATION by T. D avidson of K itale for a water permitfrom an unnanked tributary of the Rongai River on L.R. 7998for net c uantities of 5,800 and 8,000 gallons per day of normalIlow for domestic use and minor irrigation.Plans may l:e seen at tho Publie W orks Department Head

Oflice, A airobis and Rt the omce of the W ater Bailis, K itale.Object ons stating specilic grounds therefor should be file4 in

duplicatz with the W ater A pportionment Board, P.O . Box .662,Nairobi, withilt '30 days from the date of publication of thisnotice a ld à. (rpy served on the undersigncd.

T. DAVIDSON , Appllcant,'

D oone Fnrrrl,23nd Df cember, 1953. P.O. Box 400. Kilale.

G FZNeRA: . No'rlce N o. 2835TH E W ATER ORDINANCE. 1951K woittobos River, K ltale D istrict

APPI 'ICAYION by C. Keese of Kitale for a water permitfrom a 1 unnamed tributary of the Kwoittobos River on L.R.N os. :$ p08, 3.710 and 3713 for quantities of 5,700, 6.300 an:42 400 gallons; per day of normal flow for domestic use, mino:!irrlgatit 'n and power purposcs, th= latter am otm t Nling 100 pecent re :urnable..- Plan, may be seen at the Public W orks Department He.a:Oë ce, N airolni, and at the oflke of the W ater Bailiq, Kitale.Obje ltipns stating specific grounds therefor should be tiled i;

duqllcz te with the W ater Apportionment Board, P..O. B(7x 662Nalrot i, withirt 30 days from the date of publication of th*notice and a copy served on the undersigned.

C . K EESE, Appllco ït',18tb ', Axcem lxr, 1953. Bo.< 13, D--ital

Page 6: 1 .h , w , r w'lthN 'L g THE OF/ICIAL (IAZETTE

1240 THE OO ICIAI. G AZEW E 2Rh December, 195). . . .. . . . . . gj2 )


NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAM E1, Pram ila Rambhai Patel, heretpbefore called and known

by the name of Pushpa Rambhai Patel, residing in Nairobi,qereby give public notjce that on 30th Novçmber, ' 1953, Iformally and absot.uteky reno' unced

, relinquishred and abandonedthe use of the said name of Pushpa Rambhai Patei and thenassumed and adoptçd and determined thenceforth on a11occaslons whatsocvcr to use and subscribe to the name of


Pramila Rambhai Patel instead of the said name of PushpaRambhai Patel. .And '1 'sve further notic: that by J# deed of poll ' dyted

30th .'Novçfnbpr, 1953, duly exw uted and attested on the 30thday of N ovember, 1

. 9:53, 1 formally and absolutely renoun' ced

and abandonçd the s' ald name o' f Pushp' a Rambhài Patel anddeclared that i had assumed afid adopted and intended thence-fortlz upon al1 occasions whatsoever to use and subscribe to thename of Pramila Rambhai Patel instead of Pushpa RambhaiPatel and so as to be at a1l timçs thareafter callei, known anddescribed by the name of Pramila Rambhai Patel exclusively.

èRAMILA RAMBHAI PATtL,Nairobi, jormerly known as30th N ovem ber, 1953. Pushpa Rambhai Patel-

GBNERAL No'ncs No. 2837 '

NOTICE OF CHAN GE OF NAM E1, Phyllis Penelope Flem ing, of Gilgil in the Colony of K enya,

heretofore called and known by the nam e of Phyllis PenelopeCarey, hereby give public notice that ork the 28th day ofNovember, 1953, 1 form ally and absolutely renounced, relin-quished and abandoned the use of m y said surname of Careyand then assumed and adopted in lieu theteof the name ofFleming, and further that sucll change of surnamo is evidenctdby deed poll dated the 28th day of November, 1953, dulyexecuted by m e and attested, gnd 1 hcreby authorize an; requestall persons to designate, describe and address m e by suchéssumed name of Fleming only.Gilgil, PHYLLIS PENELOPE FLEM ING,18th December, 1953. ytm nerTy Phyllis Penelope Carey.


DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIPNOTICE is hereby giyen that the partnership heretofore slzb-

sisting between Allah Ditta s/o Ghulam M ohamed and AbdulWali s/o Rehmatulla, carrying on business of contractors atNairobi in the partnership in the firm name or style of $$A. D.Abdul Wali & Company'', has been dissolved by mutual consentas from the 10th day of Novelpber, 1953, by tllt retirement

' therefrom of the said Abdt!l W all s/o Rehmatulll.The said business will be carried on by the said Allah Diita

s/o Ghulam M oham' ed under the same Iirm name and style atthe same place and address.A1l debts due and owing by the said partnership business

wi11 be received and paid by th: sgid Allah Ditta s/o GhlzlamM ohamçd.



M utual Buildings, Darling Street, Cape Fou.êaPglicy No.' 829898, j9r Sh. '10,000, datcd 171: Novelnber, 1951,

gn the Iije (?/ and the ppoperty tp/ Gerald M lfrry Clutsom '-

N OTICE is hereby given that evidence of the loss or destruc-tion of ihe policy has heen submitted tö lhc Society and anyperson in posjjssion of the policy or claiming to have anyinterest .therçin should com municate imm ediately by rcgistçredppst .with the Socièty. Failing any juch communication a certitiedcppy of the pçlicy (which shall .be t%e Fole evidencp of thecontract) will be issued to the owrwr.Nairobi, .r. A. M URRAY.17th D ecemY r, 1953. General M anager.

GENERAL N orlcs N o. 2842


TAKE NOTICE that all persons having any claims ordemands againsf tlie estate of the above-named deceased, lateof Lumbwa and N airobi in tho Colony of Kenya. who dicd onthe 15th day of December, 1953, at Nairobi aforesaid, and allpersons from whom claims m ay be due to the estate of the saiddeceased are requested to lodge details thereof with the undef--signed advocates for the executrix on or öefore the 18t11 day ofFebruary, 1954, after which date the said estatc will be adminis-tered according to Iaw, having regard only to clajm s, detailsof which shall then have been received.

PARRY & N ICOLL,Advocates to- the Executrix,

18th D ecem ber, 1953. M ansîon H ouse, N airobî.

GBNERAL N oTxcc N o. 2843

NOIXCE OF REVOCATION OF POW ER OF ATTORNEYN OTICE is llereby given that the power of attorney' dated

7th July, 1952, jointly executed and granted by us the under-signetl (1) Ariadne Tzamburakis and (2) Nafsika Lambrou, as!adminlstratrices of the estate of Nico Tzamburakis, deceased,to Kaikushroo Ardesilar M aster, advocate of Dar es Salaam inTanganyika Territory, jointly witil other two co-attorneys to docertain acts and things for us and in our names connected withthe administration of the said estates is hereby revoked andcancelled, and that the said Kalkushroo Ardeshhr M aster hasno agthority now to act for or represent us or elther of us inany m anner whatsoever under the said power of attorney withelect from the date of ilàe publication of this notice ofrevocation.

For and on behalf of Arittdne Tzam burakis.D . M . SYM EON IDES.

Nairobi, For and on bchalf of Nafsika Lambrou.22nd Decem ber, 1953.' J, H . PATON .


TAK E N OTICE that a1l persons having any claims againstthe estate of the above-named deceased, who dîed at Nagrobl,Ken/a Colon ,y on the 18th day of Sektember, 1953, are

d to lodge and prove such claims wzth thc undersjgnedrequlreon or before 19th Jantzary, 1954.

ALLAH DITTA,Continuing Partner.

Nairobi. ABDUL W ALI,16th N ovem bcr, 1953. . Retîring Partner.


ORDINANCENOTICE is hereby given that the business of general stores

carritd on by Khatija Gulamhussein Dosaji undtr tht Erm nameand style of Coast Raheman General Stores on Plots Nos. 328,332 and 374 of .sectiorl XV111, M bi M pya Road, M ombasa, hasbeen sold and. transferred as from the 15th day 9f m cember,1953: to Ismai! Gulamhussein Dosaji. residin.g a.t Mombluaaforasald, who will carry on the said business at the. same placeunder the same firm name >nd style.The Itddress of the transferor is P.O. Box 1917, M ombasa.'The gddress of the transferee is P.O. Böx 191$7, M ombasa,A11 debts due to and owing by tho business will be reccived

and paid by the ncw proprittor.


M ombasa, ISM AIL GULAM HUSSEIN DOSAJI,1 8th Dccembcrs 1 953. Transieree.

Gp-xsmtt. Noï'lc.p No. 2840N OTICB

1, Haji Illam Dfn s/o Mohamod Ramon, scrap merchant ofNalrobi, hereby give 'notice that my son, Nasir Din of Nairobiaforem id, has no authorfty or power to pledge m y credit or tootherwise act in m y name or on my behalf irk any m atterwhether conntcted with my éusiness of scrap merchant orotherwise. . .Nairob 1, I'IAJI ILLAM DIN .14th F'ltv-ember, 1953. .

D AVE & PATEL,Naïrobi, Advocates jo'r Administrators, x

.22nd Decem bcr, 1953. 12.0. Bax 1223, Nairobi. .---

GENERAL N o'rlcE N O. 25JJ


N OTIC E is hereby gîven that at a m eeting of Councfl it lsproposed to move a resolution to lm pose a rate of ShlllingsFifty (Sh. 5;) for . the year 1954 on every person of whollyEuropean origin or descent residing within the district. otherthan a married woman Ifving wfth her husband, for the purposeof providing additional funds towards the m aintenance andupkheep of the Eldoret Furopean Hospital.Th: followo ng persons shall be exempted from payment of

the rate :- '(1J Every person under the age of twenty-one years.(2) A person on a temporary visit to the district not exceed-

ing six months in duration. '(3) Every femaëe pqrson whose total incorne, as defined in

the East African Income Tax (M anagement) Act. 1. 952.whether received kn the Colony or not, did not exceedone hundred and' twenty pounds in thc calendar yearimmediatel.y przceding the year in rcspect of whlch therate is due.

Tlae burden of proof from exemption of the rate shall lçe ont13e party claiming the exemption.Eldoret, . J. H. PHILLIPS.. 13* Newmber. 1953. Execmibw (+ * .

Page 7: 1 .h , w , r w'lthN 'L g THE OF/ICIAL (IAZETTE

29th December, 1953 THE OFFICI/:L GAZEW E 1241r ' 4-

GENF-RAL No'rlcs No. Z.6.V 8. Tl)e graz tee s1)a11 ' pay to the Provincial Commîssioniron dem and s zch sktm as the Comm îssiopcr m ay estimate to

THE NATIVE LAN 'DS TRUST ORDIXANCE be the propol tîonaa: cost of constructing all roads and drainsand sewer, s: rvina or adjoining tbe land. 'P

t.o'rs- ltlsll Tow Nsulp .. 9. The gral .tee sllall from tfm e to tîme pay to tllt Pro-

NOTICE js hereby given tbat the plots in Kisii Township as vincial Comrr issioner on demand such proportion of the costdescribed in the Schedcules hereto are available for alienétion, bf maintainin ; all roads and dlains serving or pdjoinin;g theand applications are invited for the (lirect grants of individual land as the C ommissioner may assess. .

plots. ' 10 should the Ikrovincial Comm issioner at any' tîm e requirv

A plan of t'he plots may be seen at the Public M ap Ulllce the Said roat Lj to be constructed to a higher standard thef he Survey Department Nairobi, or at the olce of the jralltee shall pay b) the Provincial Comm issioner on demando tDistrict Commissioner, Kisii or may be had on applicatlon to Such Proporti an of tho cost of such conbtruction as the Pro-'

. vincial com lr issioner m ay assess. .


thc D irector of Surveys, P.O. Box 1766, N airobi, on paym ent .

of sh, 3, post free. 11. The gr: .nte.e Iihall pay such rates, taxes, charge's, drluties,. assessm ents ( r out.goings of whatever description as m ay beA

pplîbations m ust be subm itted to the Distrîct Com m issîoner, jmposed, chJ fged d3r assessed by any Government or localKisii, not later than noon on 15th January, 1954, and should .authority upc n the

atand or the buildings erected thereon, includ-state. clearly the plot or plèts applied for in order of preference ing any con ributitln or other sum paid by the Governmentand the trade or business which it is proposed to pursue. jn jieu theret f.

(a) Conditions t)/ Scfe1. Each allottee of a plot shall pay to the Distridt Com-

m issioner, K isii, within seven days of notilication that hisapplication has been approved, the survey fees and the assessedstand premium in respect of the plot; together with the propor-tion of rent, the fees payable in respect of the preparation andregistration of the title (Stt. 120) and the stamp duty (which lsapproximately 2 per cent of the purchase price and the rent)in respect of the' grant. ln dtfault of paym ent witllin the speci-fied tim e the Chief N ative Com missioner m ay cancel theallocation and the applicant shall have no further claim to theplot.

2. The grant will be m ade under the N ative' Lands TnzstOrdinance (Cap. 100 of the Revised Editiort of the Laws ofKenya) and titlcs wîll be issued under the Registration of TitlesOrdinance in the name of the allottee as stated in the letter ofapplication.

The grant will be for a term of 33 years from the first dayof the month following tbe notification of approval of the grant.

3. In the event of the grantee failing to com ply with theprovisions of the Conditions set out below, any procetdingsthat m ay be necessary will be instituted for the recovery of the


Jand- M oncys that may have been paid in respect of the plotwill be forfeited.

4. Two of the plots in Schedule II1 m ay be reserved for agarage only and applicants m ust specify t*e precise nature ozthe intended development of the plot and the amount of capitalthey are prepared to employ thereon.

In the case of plots reserved for garage purposes, the approvalof th@ Provîncial Com missioner will be required of the personnom inated to operate the business and such sùpervisory andm echanical staG as might be em ployed.

Conditions- t# Grant

1. The grantee shall erect complete for occugation withîn 18months of the commencement of the term bufldlngs of approvcddesign on projei- foundations constructed of stone, burnt-brickor concrete, with roofing of tiles or oLher permanent m aterialsapproved by the Provincial Commissioner and shall maîntaitlthe same (including the external paintwork) in good and sub-stantial tenarftable repair and condition.

2. The buildings shal! not be erected until plans (includlllgblock p'.ans showing the positions of the buildings and a systelnof drainage for disposing of sewage, surfaci and sullage wateron the iand), dravvings, elevations and specifications thereof'shaz'l bava becn approved fn writfng by the Local Authority andthe Provincial Commissioncr. Such p'.ans, drawings, elevationsand specilications shall be subm itted in triplicate to the D 'islrhctConnlnfssi/ner, Késii, witilin thrce months of lhe commcnccmcn:of the term .

3. The land and buildings shall only be used for the purposcsof residence and éusiness-cum-residencz or garage and/or work-shop purposes only.

4. The buildings shall not cover more than 90 per centum ofthe area of the land if used for business and garage and y'orworkshop purposes only and not more than 50 pcr centun: tnfthe area of the land if used for thc com bined purposes of btlsi-ncss and residence or residentiàl purposes only.

5. The land shall not be used for the purposes of any trltdeor business which the Provincial Com missioner considers to bedangerous or osensive. ' '

6. The graùtée-ihall not subdivide the land.',7. The grantee shall not 'alienate the land or an'y part thereofby sale 'charge

, transfer of possessfon sub-lease, bequest orotheyyise hqwloeyer without the prçvipu, conjqnt in writing', oftlié Pro'vilicial' Commi'ssioner in 'accordance wlth sectlon 34 (1)of the Native Lands Trust Ordinance (Cap. 1Q0 ).

12. The G averncrr or such person or authozity a, m ay beappointed fc r the purposé shall have tbe right to enter uportthe land and lay i?nd have access to water m afns, service pipesand drains, elephone or telegraph wires and electric mains ofall descriptil ns, phether overhead or underground, and thegrantee shal not erect any building in such a way as tocover or intf rfere 'Nith any existing alignm ents of m ain or ser-vicè pipe,s c r telzphonp or telegraph wires and electric mains.13. A t no tim e during- the term of the grant of a p'lot for

residential p Trposes only shall m ore than one private dwelling-house with r ecessary oïces and outbuildings be erected thereon.The plot sb zll be used for private residential purposes only,and no othf r pukiloses whatsoever.14. The : rantee shall use and perm it to be uscd tlle landt

so #cheduler . for bukness purposes only, excepting dangerousand osensi! e tratles but shall be at liberty to use the saiGland for thi ; comllined purpose of business and residence.

15. The ! 'lots scheduled for tbe purpose of garage 'and/orworkshop s 1a11 b(C used for such purposes only. N o rcsidencewfll be pen aitted on tho plot.

N airobi,1st D ecer lber, 1953.


P o' ts yc'r Hîgh-denqîty Resîdentîql PurposesA rea (

Sect. P1( 't in Acres Stapd Annual Roads and. l SurveyNo. N( '. (apilrox.) Prenuum Rent Drains Fees

! ..- . .- - . ..-

.1. .R ' S l ., S l l . ' S l t1436 8 ) 0-2825 840 168 r 19 lJb0,, 8 l 0 .2058 600 1 20 ' 1 9 1 /50,, 8 t 0-2050 600 1 20 Payable 19 l /50,. 8 3 0.2 l 28 ' 640 128 on 191/50,. i 1. 0.2340 680 136 demand 1 9 ! /50:,, i 5' 0-2296 640 128 19 1/50


B. H . W INDLEY,Chîel Native Commitssioner.

PIots for Busîness-cum-resîdence

j ykrea j jSect. P1 nt in Acres. , . Stal)d A.n nual l Ro--ads. a nil ( srurges'yNo. N a. (approx-) Premlum Rcnt ' Drains j-

' '

.S' l ., s / , . l ' .% / , .l48 1 000 200 ' ' 19 I /j0IV 8 , 0 ' ! . ) lIV

: 9 l 0 ' l l 36 1.240 248 I 1 1 9 l ,/*.80V1I 26 ' 0 ' l l 25 1.000 200 t Payable $ !9 l /:10

' '

(). ' 1 l 4 8 1 .000 200 (- o n j lj 9u; 1y ) àjjjl,, L 7k 8 0. I l48 1 .930 200 I demand'J /2. 0 ' l l 48 l , :00 300 J t j 1 9 1 /50


Garage a/ztf W orksllop Plots

Area * 'Sect. P 1ot in Acres Staqd Annual Roads and SurveyNo. 1. lo. falnprox.) Premtum Rent Drains Fees

L R sh sh .$v,1k38 75 (1-475 2-0i0 40b -) r 19 l/à0,, 76 (8-397 I .600 320 t Payable .) 1 1 9 l / j0, 78 (ï' 1 233 l 880 1 76 . f u on ) 19 l /50L . 79 () ' 12 73 j 844 169 J dcmand t 19. 1 /10. 1

GENERAL Nolqc: No. 2845

STEAMTEN DERS FOR LAUNCHTEND !RS are invited for the purchase of s.l. Ilbdari.The at ove n'ïay bt viewed at <SK'' Boat Service, Boat Y'zrd

,Liwaloni M ombasa, during nogm al working hours.Tende: 5 m ay be submitted either for the launch as' she stands,

or for ti e engines only or for the hull only, and muét be for-warded ï o thç . Provipci4ul GommiNsfoncr, Coast Provflxce, M cm-basa, in se'a- 11.,8 envelop'e endorsed es-render for s.l. Hodari'' toreach hi: a by lloon on 4th January) 1954.

Page 8: 1 .h , w , r w'lthN 'L g THE OF/ICIAL (IAZETTE

1242 'ITIE OFFICIAL GAZEYI-E 29th Decembqr, 1953

GeNeRau NoTlce No. 2057

H ER M AJESTY'S SUPREM E COURT OF KENYANOTICE is hereby given that the following Scssions of fler

M ajesty's Supreme Court of Kenya will be held at the placesset out hereunder ;-


Cr. C. No. 245/53 Regina v.ç. Ramzan A1i Megji.Cr. C. Xo. 232/53 Regina vs. Ngundi s/o Mutinda.Cr. C. No. 272/53 Regina vs. Terat Olmingani.


Cr. C. No. 220/53 Regina vs. Joshua Thetu Ndirango Kinothe.Cr. C. No. 223/ 53 Regina vJ. W arir: s/o Githaiga and ary

other. .Cr. C. No. 224/53 Reglna vs. Kinywa s/o Kihage.Cr. C. No. 234/53 Regina vs. Philfp Tyndale Smith.Cr. C. No. 253/53 Regina vs. Kipsang Arap Serone and ary

. other.Cr. C. No. 273/53 Regina vs. Charles Mwirori s/o M aina.

SIJZRBMB CotmI'. CRIMINAL SEssloxs AT KISUMU, 19-1-54Cr. C. No. 37/53 Regina vs. M esa s/o Orioki.Cr. C. No. 228 /53 Regîna v,&. Kimuti Arap Kirior.Cr. C. No. 230/53 Regina vx. Ouko s/o Odongo.Cr. C. No. 251 /53 Regina v-ç. Onguka s/o Nyauke.Cr. C. No. 266/53 'Regina v:. Bendiclo Phodo s/o Opio.Cr. /. No. 267/53 Regina vs. Alfayo s/o Agufana.Cr. C. No. 270753 Regina vs'! Nyangondi s/o Tartzr.Cr. C. No. 271/53 Regina vs. Peter W athige s/o Kibui.Cr. C. No. 274/53 Regjna vJ. K wambuka w /o Omburo.Cr. C. No. 279/53 Regina vs. Kipsem Arap Langat.

E. CHA M BERS,Deputy Registro

GBNERAL N on cB N o. 2783


CAUSE LISTBejore NJ7;;#, P., W orley, V.P., fïr/tf Briggs,

Tuesday', 12th January, 1954, at 10.30 a.m .For Hearîng

Cr. A. No. 202/51 R, vs. Kariuki s/o Kimithia,Cr. A. No. 219/51 R. v&. Manilal Devshi.Cr. A. No. 282/52 Mohanlal Karamshi Shah vs. The Eldoret

M unicipal Board. (Application.)Cr. A. No. 283/52 M ohanlal Karamshi Shah vJ. The Eldoret

M unicipal Board.C A No 294/ 53 Regina vx. J'amt's Taboya s/o Harimukr . . . .

Cr. A. No. 324/53 Regina vs. Kariuki Kamau.Cr. A. No'. 332/53 Regina vs. Morris V ureithi.Cr. A. No. 333/53 Regina vs. M bangi s/o M uraguri.Cr. A. No. 334/53 Regiha v-ç. Kahuthu s/o M uhuni.Cr. A. No. 327/53 Regina vâ'. Kiragu s/o Gathenji.Cr. A. No. 398 /53 Regina v-ç. Kimathi s/o Ngugi..Cr. A. No. 399/53 Regina vJ. M uthura s/o W aiguru.Cr. A. No. 400/53 Regina vs. Thege s/o Ndegwa.Cr. A. No. 411/53 Rcgina vs. W anjohi s/o Gitonga.Cr. A. No. 412/53 Regina v,5'. Kagzni s/o Ngotho.

. . u


Cr. A- No. 454/ 53 Rtgina vx. M ungai s/o Kihika.Cr A No 46 l /53 Regina v-s. Ngatia slo Maina.Cr. A. No. 486/53 Regina vs. M acharia s/o M uraya.Cr. A. No, 487/53 Regina vs. Kiama s/o Ndirangu, alias

Rejeru.Cr. A. No. 455/53 Regina v.5'. M wangi s/o Kurla.Cr. A. No. '456/53 Regina v:. M aina s/o Kimani.Cr. A. No. 457/53 Regina vs. Kiarie s/o Gakuru.Cr. A. No. 458/53 Regina rx. M aina s/o M uhia.Cr. A. N o. 462/53 Regina Iz.ç. Gitahi s/o Gasuku.Cr. A. No. 470/ 53 Regina v.x: M uchiri' s/o Gathotwa.Cr. A. No. 47l / 53 Regina v&. Ndambiri s/o Kiamburi.Cr. A. No. 473/53 Regina p.ç. Maina s/o Gichuki.Cr. A. No. 474/53 Regina y'J. Kiiru s/o Gachua.Cr. A. No. 475/53 Regina vs. W achira s/o Gathitu.Cr. A.'NO. 479/ 53 Regina A>J. M wangi s/o Kimani.Cr. A. No. 482/53 Regina v&. Baland Singh.Cr. A. No. 490/53 Regina Iz.ç. M unyao s/o M wei.Cr. A. No. 492/53 Regina vs. Wetoi s/o Eshuchi.Cr. A. No. 493 /53 Regina vs. Gaku s/o Thiga.Cr. A. No. 499/53 Regina vs. M uturi s/o M unyuru.Cr. A. No. 500/53 Regina v.ç. Salim bin M ohamed.Cr. A. No. 502/53 Regina v-ç. Okum u Olungo.Cr. A. No. 503/53 Rcgina vs. Francls G. Harrison.Cr. A. No. 504/53 Regina vs. M wangi s/o M enç.Cr. A. No. 5'05/53 Regina vx. N ginga s/o W angoya.Cr. A. No. 509/53 Regina vs. N jomo s/o W achuka.Cr. A. No. 510/53 ' Regina vs. Karuri s/o Wanjau.

. Cr. A. No# 51 1 /53 Regina vs. W anjohi s/o Ndirangu, allasK ihara.

Cr. A..NO. 512/53 Regina vs. K anyoi s/o N joroge.Cr. A. No. 513/53 Regina v.&. M uremg s/o Thaguri.Cr. A. No. 528/53 Regina t'.v Kimani s/o Chepe.Cr. A. No. 530/53 Regina lz.ç. Fràncis G. Harrlson.Cr. A. No. 533/53 Regina lz-v. M uigai, alias Kiiro s/o Gathura

or M unyi.Cr. A. No. 534/53 Regina vs. W aweru s/o Chongu.Cr. A. No. 538 /53 Regina vs. Kirago s Jo Gitahi.Cr. A. No. 535/53 Regina vs. Kalume wa Tuku, alias Saidi.

(Application-)Cr. A. No. 550/53 Regina vs. Joram Kimemia s/o Njeroge.

C . G . W REN SCH, Regîstrar,H .M . Court 0/ Appeal Jtv Eastern zzl/rfca.


TENDERS- SALS og PCANTTEN D ERS are invited for the purchase of one lnternational

ls-cwt. Pick-up ' K BJ 201 in running order.This vehicle m ay be inspected at Council's Base' D epot, N gong

Road, during working hours.,'Tknders in sealed envelopes, ,m arked tiRoad Plant'' must

2 M onday, 11th January,reach this oske not later than 1 noon1954. *The hlghest or any tendcr will not necessarily be accepted.

R, T. W RIG HT,Clerk to Councîl,

County Council OFcts,N airobi, Victoria Street,22nd D ecem ber, 1953. P.O . Box 1362, N airobi.


IN ACCORD AN CE with the(No. 33 of 1951), the estimateappended.

N airobi,231-d December, 1953.


f J Benehls : f JContributions from contributors (section Aliowances in rcspect of Hospital12 of Ordinapce 33 of 195 1) . . 150,000 Treatment 165,340

Contribution from General Revenue (sec- Allowances in respect of Nursingtion 13 of Ordinance 33 of 1951) 37,500 services 1

,650.() Allowances in respect of M aternfty 9.800187

.50176,820Deduct : Collection Charges 4

,750 .182,750 Exprnses ol Admînîslration :

Salaries. W ages and Allowances 1,275Travelling Expcnses . . . . 300Printing, Stationery and Advertising 175Rent, Light and W ater 280Telephone . . . . 60lnsurance and lncidentals 60

=.-..-. 2.15:Balance to Reserve 3 780

f 182,750 f 182,750

K . A . JEREM Y , Chaîrman,European Hospîtal Fund Authority.

requirem ents of section 16of income and expenditure

(cl) of the Hospital Treatment Relîef (European) Ordinance. 1951of the European H ospital Fund Authority for the year 1954 is