1 - inter molecular forces dipole moment

Chem 108 Intermolecular Forces / Dipole Moment 1. Wha t types of i nte rmo lecular forces exis t? 2. Whi ch of the f oll owi ng wil l exhi bit hyd roge n bondi ng? a. H 2 O  b. HF c. CH3OH d. H 2 3. Whi ch of t hese mole cules can fo rm hy drog en bonds? a. N(CH 3 ) 3  b. CH 3 F c. PH3 d. BH 3 e. HOCH 3 4. Which of the following exhi bits t he larg est di pole-di pole f orces? a. HCl  b. IBr  c. CO2 d. N 2 e. CH 4 5. Arrang e the following substance s in orde r of dec reasing b oiling p oint. (h ighest t o lowest) CH3OH, C16H34, CH4 6. Arrang e the f ollowi ng subs tances in orde r of i ncreas ing mel ting po int CsCl, MgCl 2 , NaCl

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8/2/2019 1 - Inter Molecular Forces Dipole Moment

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Chem 108 Intermolecular Forces / Dipole Moment

1. What types of intermolecular forces exist?

2. Which of the following will exhibit hydrogen bonding?

a. H2O

 b. HF

c. CH3OHd. H2

3. Which of these molecules can form hydrogen bonds?

a. N(CH3)3 b. CH3F

c. PH3

d. BH3

e. HOCH3

4. Which of the following exhibits the largest dipole-dipole forces?a. HCl

 b. IBr  

c. CO2

d. N2

e. CH4

5. Arrange the following substances in order of decreasing boiling point. (highest to


CH3OH, C16H34, CH4

6. Arrange the following substances in order of increasing melting point

CsCl, MgCl2, NaCl

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7. In a glass of water, the molecules of water are kept in the glass and held to one

another by

a. Intramolecular forces b. Ionic bonds

c. Intermolecular forces

d. Shared electronse. Covalent bonds

8. Why doesn’t the NO2F molecule have a dipole moment of zero?a. There are more unshared electrons on one oxygen atom than on the other.

 b. The bonds are not symmetrically arranged.

c. The NO bonds are different lengths.

d. Unshared electrons cause an asymmetrical charge distribution.e. While the bonds are symmetrically arranged, they are unequal in the

magnitude of their polarities.

9. Using the given electronegativities, arrange the following bonds in order of increasing polarity. H = 2.1, B = 2.0, C = 2.5, Cl = 3.0

H-Cl, C-Cl, B-H

10. Which of the following molecules have a dipole moment?


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Chem 108 Intermolecular Forces / Dipole Moment

1. What types of intermolecular forces exist?


Ion DiopoleDispersion (Van der Waals)

Hydrogen Bonding

2. Which of the following will exhibit hydrogen bonding?

a. H2O

b. HF

c. CH3OH

d. H2

3. Which of these molecules can form hydrogen bonds?

a. N(CH3)3 b. CH3F

c. PH3

d. BH3

e. HOCH3

4. Which of the following exhibits the largest dipole-dipole forces?

a. HCl

 b. IBr  

c. CO2

d. N2

e. CH4

5. Arrange the following substances in order of decreasing boiling point. (highest to


CH3OH, C16H34, CH4

C16H34> CH3OH> CH4

6. Arrange the following substances in order of increasing melting pointCsCl, MgCl2, NaCl


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7. In a glass of water, the molecules of water are kept in the glass and held to one

another by

a. Intramolecular forces b. Ionic bonds

c. Intermolecular forces

d. Shared electronse. Covalent bonds

8. Why doesn’t the NO2F molecule have a dipole moment of zero?a. There are more unshared electrons on one oxygen atom than on the other.

 b. The bonds are not symmetrically arranged.

c. The NO bonds are different lengths.

d. Unshared electrons cause an asymmetrical charge distribution.

e. While the bonds are symmetrically arranged, they are unequal in the

magnitude of their polarities.

9. Using the given electronegativities, arrange the following bonds in order of increasing polarity. H = 2.1, B = 2.0, C = 2.5, Cl = 3.0

H-Cl, C-Cl, B-H

B-H < C-Cl < H-Cl

10. Which of the following molecules have a dipole moment?



3Cl, HCN, H