1. introduction to robotics

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  • 8/2/2019 1. Introduction to Robotics


    Introduction to Robotics

    Robot and Robotics technologies represent apractical applications of physics, computerscience, engineering and mathematics.

    It provides a very powerful and flexible approachto demonstrate a variety of engineering concept.

  • 8/2/2019 1. Introduction to Robotics


    What is a Robot ?

    An electrical or mechanical or electromechanical,

    programmable or non programmablemultifunctional manipulator designed to move

    material, parts, tools, or specialized devicesthrough various programmed motions for theperformance of a variety of tasks

    What is Robotics? It is the science and technology ofrobots, their design, manufacture, and application.

  • 8/2/2019 1. Introduction to Robotics


    A robot must have the following essential

    characteristics Mobility:It possesses some form of mobility. Programmability: It can be programmed to

    accomplish a large variety of tasks. After beingprogrammed, it operates automatically.

    Sensors: on or around the device that are able tosense the environment and give useful feedbackto the device

    Mechanical capability: enabling it to act on itsenvironment rather than merely function as a dataprocessing or computational device (a robot is amachine); and

    Flexibility: it can operate using a range ofprograms and manipulates in a variety of ways.

  • 8/2/2019 1. Introduction to Robotics


    Robotics in Movies




  • 8/2/2019 1. Introduction to Robotics


    All these movies are based on thefact that rules of robotics areviolated.

    Robots turn against their very owncreators; humans.

    So we should build robots keeping

    the rules of robotics in mind.

  • 8/2/2019 1. Introduction to Robotics


    Three Laws of RoboticsBy Isaac Asimovs

    A robot may not injure a human being or,through inaction, allow a human being to cometo harm.

    A robot must obey any orders given to it byhuman beings, except where such orders wouldconflict with the First Law.

    A robot must protect its own existence as long assuch protection does not conflict with the First orSecond Law.

  • 8/2/2019 1. Introduction to Robotics



    ASIMO is a humanoidrobot created byHonda. ASIMO wascreated at Hondas

    Research &Development WakoFundamental TechnicalResearch Center in

    Japan. The name ASIMO is an

    acronym forAdvanced Step in

    Innovative Mobility.

  • 8/2/2019 1. Introduction to Robotics


    The main concept behind Honda's robot was tocreate a more viable mobility that allows robots tohelp and live in harmony with people.

    ASIMO has the unique ability to walk forward,

    backward, side step and even climb stairs withhuman-like agility. With the capability to navigateand operate in our world, ASIMO will be able toperform tasks to assist

    ASIMO has two Degrees of Freedom on its neck,six on each arm and six on each leg.

    ASIMO may also someday be helpful in dangerouswork environments such as moving harmfulchemicals or fighting fires.

  • 8/2/2019 1. Introduction to Robotics


    Kismet is a robot

    made in the late 1990sat MassachusettsInstitute of Technologywith auditory, visual

    and expressivesystems intended toparticipate in humansocial interaction andto demonstratesimulated humanemotion andappearance. The nameKismet comes from the

    Arabic , Turkish , Urdu

    Kismet (robot)

  • 8/2/2019 1. Introduction to Robotics


    Kismet simulates emotion through various facialexpressions, vocalizations, and movement. Facialexpressions are created through movements ofthe ears, eyebrows, eyelids, lips, jaw, and head.

    Four color CCD cameras mounted on a stereoactive vision head and two wide field of viewcameras allow Kismet to decide what to payattention to and to estimate distances.

    Maxon DC servo motors with high resolution

    optical encoders are positioned to give Kismetthree degrees of eye movement, which allow it tocontrol gaze direction and gives Kismet the abilityto move and orient its eyes like a human. This

    allows Kismet to simulate human visual behaviors.

  • 8/2/2019 1. Introduction to Robotics


    iCub robot

  • 8/2/2019 1. Introduction to Robotics


    The iCub is a small-size humanoid robot beingdesigned by the RobotCub Consortium, consistingof several European universities.

    The iCub is the humanoid baby-robot beingdesigned within the RobotCub project. It is a fullhumanoid robot sized as a three and half year-oldchild; about 3 feet tall. It has 53 degrees offreedom, including articulated hands that are used

    for manipulation and gesturing.

    iCub robot, like a human child and it is a finesimulation of a human child. The iCub is able tocrawl and walk, make human-like eye and headmovements and recognise and grasp objects.

  • 8/2/2019 1. Introduction to Robotics


    ConclusionAlthough most robots in use today aredesigned for specific tasks, the goal is to

    make universal robots, robots flexibleenough to do just about anything ahuman can do.