1 jain vision2020 to live and promote a jain way of life our vision for north american jains, jain...

1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism By JAINA LRP (Long Range Planning)

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Page 1: 1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism By JAINA LRP (Long Range


Jain Vision2020To Live and Promote a

Jain Way of LifeOur Vision for North American Jains, Jain

Organizations, and Jainism

By JAINA LRP (Long Range Planning)

Page 2: 1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism By JAINA LRP (Long Range


Page 3: 1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism By JAINA LRP (Long Range


Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life

EXPAND(awareness in

Jains and Non-Jains)

EVOLVE(our JWOL practices)

ENERGIZE (our organization)

EDUCATE(and impact trends)

Developed by: JAINA-Long Range Committee, Kellogg Leadership Team, Jain Centers and JAINA Executives, YJA, YJP, Local Jains

Leaders, and North American Jains

? ?

Page 4: 1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism By JAINA LRP (Long Range


Vegetarianism Meditation/Yoga/Mind Environmentalism

Animal CompassionAnekantvadNon-Violence

Vegetarianism Meditation/Yoga/Mind Environmentalism

Animal CompassionAnekantvadNon-Violence

Page 5: 1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism By JAINA LRP (Long Range



Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life

EXPAND(awareness in

Jains and Non-Jains)

EVOLVE(our JWOL practices)

ENERGIZE (our organization)

EDUCATE(and impact trends)

Page 6: 1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism By JAINA LRP (Long Range


Non-Violence (Ahimsa)

Non-One-Sidedness (Anekantavad)

Non-Possessiveness (Aparigraha)

Live a Jain Way of Life

Page 7: 1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism By JAINA LRP (Long Range


JAINA – Current Status

 Current Yr.

2005Target for Yr. 2015

Target for Yr. 2020

Estimated NA Jain Population 113,000 140,000 160,000

Estimated Collective Total Yearly Income of NA Jains $4.2 billion $4.9 billion $4.9 billion

Target Annual Donation to JAINA $200K $4 million $10 million

Vision: Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life


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Year 2020 Snapshot People: 153,000 Jains (61K families) Assets: $26 Billion Aggregate Income: $5.3 Billion Population Growth: Avg. 1.5 – 2% Donations: ½ % income to JAINA - $25M

Age 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90


21 13 24 24 17 15 17 16 10

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Avoiding Silk, Leather, animal tested


Live and Promote JWOL

#1 EVOLVE- our JWOL practices

Year 2020



6 6

Refresh New

Page 10: 1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism By JAINA LRP (Long Range


Evolve - our traditional Jain practices by adopting the Jain Way of Life to the modern, North American lifestyle.

Yr. 2005 Yr. 2020

# Rituals Refreshed and Added   6 Ref., 6 Add

% Jains Practicing Vegan Diet 1% 10%

% of Jain Men Abstaining from Alcohol 10% 25%

% of Jains Avoiding Animal Product 3% 15%

# Hours of Learning / Meditating / Practicing 1 4

# of Copies of Jain Literature in Hands of Non-Jains   100,000

Average Hours/Year Social Service Per Person 10 hr. /yr 80hrs

% Jains Proactivley Practicing Anekantvad 10% 25%

Page 11: 1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism By JAINA LRP (Long Range


Live and Promote a JWOL

#2 EXPAND- awareness in Jains/Non-Jains



FollowJain Way of Life



Page 12: 1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism By JAINA LRP (Long Range


Expand – awareness of Jain Way of Life among Jains and non-Jains family members to create a strong, united, and vibrant Jain community.

Yr. 2005 Yr. 2020

% Jains Practicing Pro-Active Unity (Sect and Language) 10% 40%

% Mix Marriages Living JWOL 20% 50%

% of Jains Marrying non-Jains 40% 50%

% Jains Kids (5-17) Learning Jainism 10-15% 50%

Jain Handbook to Non-Jain Spouse + Visit 0% 85%

# Hours Attendance of JAINA On-Line Seminars   50000 hrs

Page 13: 1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism By JAINA LRP (Long Range


Deepak Chopra

12x500K Jains

6M for Buddhism

20x152 Jainism

3,300 Buddhist

Live and Promote JWOL

#3 EDUCATE– and impact trends



Brand Position


Page 14: 1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism By JAINA LRP (Long Range


Live and Promote JWOL

#3 EDUCATE– and impact trends


.5 M

Heard of Jainism/


Year 2020


Page 15: 1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism By JAINA LRP (Long Range


Educate – and impact trends and create awareness through strategic partnerships with media, institutions, and non-Jain organizations. 

Yr. 2005 Yr. 2020#Non-Jains Who Know about JWOL   6 mill.

# NA Vegetarians/Animal rights/Yoga teachers that have had 1 hour of Exposure to Jainism 1000 50000

# of Jain books in Bookstore 0 3

On-line magazine; portal; news; web 2 TVweb/wk 

% of High Schoolers Who Know that Gandhi and MLK Influenced by Jains 0% 3%

Number of talks (in non-Jain forum) given by Jains on Jainism 10 /yr 2000/yr

# NA Major Press Coverage on Jainims / JWOL per year 20 1500

Jain Temples (with Jain Exhibits) Being Tourist Attractions for Non-Jains 1 50

Other Innovative Promotions: Jain Movie, University Chairs, etc. 015 PhD/2Chairs

Jain representation on Board/Management of Non-profit Org. 0 10

# Active Dialogs with NA/International Companies to Protest Anti-JWOL Issues 5 1500

Inclusion of Anekantvad and Non-Violence in Business Management Teachings 1 Univ. 40 Univ.

Page 16: 1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism By JAINA LRP (Long Range


Live and Promote JWOL #4 ENERGIZE– our organization

TODAY Year 2020

JAINA - .5 staff$7 per family

$200K/yr. budget

15 full time staff$200 per family$11 M budget

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Energize – our organization through volunteers and donations and create a vibrant professionally run central Jain organization.

Yr. 2005 Yr. 2020

Donation Per Family $7 $200

JAINA Paid Staff 0.5 15JAINA Leaders Under 40 as JAINA Directors/

Committees   35%

JAINA/Jain Center Leaders Trained   1,000 Facilitate Integrated Practices between Local

Centers and JAINA 0 40 centers

Awareness of JAINA Vision/Mission in NA Homes 60%

JAINA Understanding of Membership Needs and tracking trends in NA

ResearchResearch /Update Plan

Page 18: 1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism By JAINA LRP (Long Range


Kellogg-2 LeadershipTrain on Vision2020

Vision2020 Progress

Research, Interview, Focus Group, YJA, YJP







Proposed Vision to JAINA /Kellogg /

Vision / Conventional


JAINA / LRP / Comm.


NA Jains

Align Comm. Vision

Align Local Centers and all NA Jains w/Vision

Align Local Centers and all NA Jains w/JAINA


EXPAND(awareness in

Jains and Non-Jains)

EVOLVE(our JWOL practices)

ENERGIZE (our organization)

EDUCATE(and impact trends)

EXPAND(awareness in

Jains and Non-Jains)

EVOLVE(our JWOL practices)

ENERGIZE (our organization)

EDUCATE(and impact trends)

Page 19: 1 Jain Vision2020 To Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life Our Vision for North American Jains, Jain Organizations, and Jainism By JAINA LRP (Long Range


Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life










EXPAND(awareness in

Jains and Non-Jains)

EVOLVE(our JWOL practices)

ENERGIZE (our organization)

EDUCATE(and impact trends)