1 · macb1not7 to protect agnlnt t tbeeo frauda our ~rebants and contumers who 4o not .,...,_..,t...


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Page 1: 1 · macb1not7 to protect agnlnt t tbeeo frauda our ~rebants and contumers who 4o not .,...,_..,t Gor=M &oo41 at 01J.¥ pr1eo. J44ttional tuol QA8 toaaod into tho La 0Uor41.-&Ull
Page 2: 1 · macb1not7 to protect agnlnt t tbeeo frauda our ~rebants and contumers who 4o not .,...,_..,t Gor=M &oo41 at 01J.¥ pr1eo. J44ttional tuol QA8 toaaod into tho La 0Uor41.-&Ull

01/kn• SAMUEL UNTU.,.YEl ,., •• w.~~•

Doll, 411 ..... Hl.uJh. lltLVIUI '111;.1i• PIUIII"IIIIi,.T

HOW, J .... WU W, OU..O.ItO .,.e . ......... _ ,.

NON, ,.,0.~0 H . ""'CII.IA.OIA

'IM .. "'Qf •. llfiT

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CH.o\11~ Ao ll&.&IN, C., • • A,

• ...... ..... ,.. ""'."'• ·~· ... 1;1011.1"' . ... • •n rcont'l li C-MtTirla

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HON, .+AioU(II N , ll.t:CIIC


Oll, Ao CO~It(

.IACOII 011 H..V\.11



JACO. ,.ISI1.111AH

a•. H.-.-'1' ~ ""4HII-UH


HOM • .+.lolotU W . OJllo\llO

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O.WAU) 0411:111IIOM VI&.L,AJIO

tllAN.IC~, WA._.H

,_.. ..... ~ ....... "."''


'""' ••11\0UTT 15 THE MOlAL SUISnTUTI POl WAJ.


20 WEST 47tlt STR£ET

g·( ~ ' ( '


llq 26, 1938

llr. Ilana H. lloint~ l bUe lloa.le laab1Qgton, D. 0.

Dear llr. llciDt~-

M E .DAU.JOH a. a'J&O

le believe that the Iaz1 reeime in Germany, with ita relentleeo acareaoion acainot peaoa, freedom and the hUII&Dities, and its total disrap.rd ot eimplo deceno1 , bas baoome the ualiost monaca to our oiTilisation •

To determine tho 1ntormod opinion 1n America, • • are asl<1nc 1ou, tosather with a lara• number ot other leadore in their r oapoot1ve t1elda, to etato trankl,y your poa1t1on on th1e vitally i.mportant qv. .. t1on.

In order to coordinate the r ooponooa to this let­ter, •• auggeat that you incorporate in your state­mont an•~•r• to tho tollowlnc tbreo quoationat

1. Should tho people ot America Join 1n an oraanizod effort to protest R1tler1om?

2. Should tho oraan1zod p rotoat take tho form ot a aeneral boycott ot German a ooda?

3, It you do not approve the bOycott, •hat alternative do you eua~~oat?

Tbank1nll you for your kind cooperation in thia -ttar, I u

Va17 trulJ' ;youro,

G. 11. Rarr1JO&D Zzecutive Secretary


Page 3: 1 · macb1not7 to protect agnlnt t tbeeo frauda our ~rebants and contumers who 4o not .,...,_..,t Gor=M &oo41 at 01J.¥ pr1eo. J44ttional tuol QA8 toaaod into tho La 0Uor41.-&Ull

1 __ _.,..,.,....... .-..- ; • !I LEAGUE fOCHAMPIONHUMANRIGHTS

\. ~ • • - f ........... Uil!IOiiii .......... -'- ""' 20 WlSl 47tll ST.UT. NPN YO«l CrTY ww.ao.. ,.,,. --

Jor ~late r.leaae Von4&7, W.rcb 8th, 1937 •

.Ln h1sior1c achS...Yement oecure<l at tho In.t·oret.ato Conterenco called l17 tho Jo.n..Sootarl&n .t.nti -lfMl Leacuo \o Champion. lUman Blcbta on S\m4al. Wuoh ?t.h at tho Botol .Utor 1 Vow York, when moro than one hundred ddo­c;atoa f'r'QI:D orC6fth&Uone of all porte of the c.ountr7 vot ed at\ tllll'bltiout plon. to vnlty \he anU..Wad a>'fomonh Wldor a d as:le loadorahlp an4 a non-toetarlon. bo:mor , doat.cnat in& tho Leoguo, of wblch S&cll81 urtt.ot'mfer 1e prot14ot~t, aa t.be lboor4U.t.ins bod.)A .

fb.o Conference oohoo4 its enthualaatlc eupport. of W:r. trnto~orlo aU~ 1ng robulw to socrote.ry of State, HUll, f or "hh gratultUOUJ lnouH to Wa.yor Lt. GuArdia ln apelochtn& to the Bltlu Oovorrv:.ent.•

W:ro QntOnii)'Uie &tato=ont WU part of 0. lOti& lfiOSiagO tol0~apbo4 by tbe renowno4 attorno7 from hie bcce in hlo Spl""ir~«e , Callfornla, wbere he lt on41ns a protrao~o4 convoloacenco .

•1 oornettly prot aat" , wr . Untormyor sa14 , "a&atnat tho crat uitout 1nault involvo~ 1n tho extraor4t~y a,ctlon of ow- Stat·o »opN'tcent 1n apolo&1s:-1n& to the ! 1Uor OovorN:»ot for Ke.yor LO ~rdial a r:J.l4 on4 happy ct-.ar­actori&)tlon of tho mon&troua Bitler ~l~ that i a ~ atandtng d isgrace to c lv111aatton, •hlCh ia dar b1 4a1 cruahtnc ever 1 1netlnct of deconc1 ond in confitcnt.lr~& pr operty and violat lr.;& ovory rulo of r#Clal and re-11g10'1111 tre~.•

•noea our Socrotar)' of s tato• , he cont1.ru,l.&4, ll toaglr.e Hitler and h ie ban­dit sans can ln44flnttoly, without restraint , cont inuo to s trut ~round tho •orld ' a stage, a continuous throat to •orld poaoet•

"What then could bo CION appropl'iM·O t·ht\:1. tl:u)t our coureaoous, outspokeo. 11:4YOr with ov ct.lmoat throe mUUona of Juwhh l.nbabito.nto &.'\4 i ts mll­llont of Ohrlatlona, oqually outr~~d by tbia Oodloae, othOistlc &ang, ehoul4 oxorohe his r ight to treo4oc of epoe.eb, tihich , t.hoD.k God, aUU oxista 1n tbia fair land of ~ra. by fittingly charccterl&ing t he ln.ult that H1Uor nnd b h m1n1ono &n4 gonrnmont 61'8 hotplng upon our people boeauae of t heir re.ee end creed. J.ll bail, to ua:ror La Gwt.rdia, aay I. for h i e superb courage."

Ur. Unterm.ror con4omnod tho flooding of t h1a cO\Ultry dth contrab3nd. E'Bd-mado mor chan41eo l.tl •tolat.ton of lllli:Droua lawa.

•• • are bo lng Utorally nooclo4• . ho •a.ld , •..-Ub •uch contraba.nci gootb by cot hoda intended to docoivo our pooplo fraudulently ~o o•o4o our CO\Il\h .V' • t · .. ado rt_.lo~or.eo C\'Oa~ocl by tboe j;Dorlean boycott. 'lo guat atroogthon our boycott bf csta.blilhinC 1D o•ory port of entry adeq_ll4to macb1not7 to prot ect agnlnt t tbeeo frauda our ~rebants and contumers who 4o not .,...,_..,t Gor=M &oo41 at 01J.¥ pr1eo. •

J44ttional tuol QA8 toaaod into tho La 0Uor41.-&Ull contro•orty over t ho fon:te r ' • 1t4tot~nt ~hbt "• oba=ber of horrors" would be a tnunc pl aeo t o h01ao tho Gorman part of ~he l orl41 e 7air uh1bita, •Mn tbo LeQ&U8' e Conferonco u:.:•nl.moualy pueo4 a neol uUon on4ortl.n& the wow York Mo.,yor 1 e o.tt(lCit on ~ho Uad r eubror.

Other reaoluUons ptt.oeod c.·-.11.>4 for A nottPin& Ccmge .. ional 1nveaU­gat1on 1n~o Naa1 oeti•lt iet 1n Acorleo, a national reelatanco to oll o f torh t o tlot\t A !fad loan in t"tla countrr. tbo aboU U on ot all s tudent oxcho.rl6;0e betuoen the thUto\ Sto.too ond OoJ'!C4D.1 , a:¥1 the i~ stltution of o printe4 newa oervlce ~or nowspopora tbr~ut tho world.

Page 4: 1 · macb1not7 to protect agnlnt t tbeeo frauda our ~rebants and contumers who 4o not .,...,_..,t Gor=M &oo41 at 01J.¥ pr1eo. J44ttional tuol QA8 toaaod into tho La 0Uor41.-&Ull

11 tu ~ .oat Wporiut r • eoluUon .AopiK b)' tM Col1f• noce, how.••r,

aM prob&bl.t t.ht .oat atcntt1c.t.M aoooc;~llthDM\ of t b. •~·· proo .. U nc• wu on.t w'hloh cSet1pate4 \be IO...,..I o\art.D JnU ... asl lle&l\llt u tbe • co­or4la&U.nc; atl4 l.attpat lftrl ~o41 of the Of'&aAh&t loo.t f'l pr .. entK• . fbh r .. oluUOD. Which u all tbt otben wu puM4 '*MftS..OU.l.7, ocm.t.,a.in.ed t.be plM tor a oaUooal 1!109...,.\ to OI'Cfol.\1 .. ell ~mH...eul P"WP• behld tM Le.a.pe' t 1..-f'Shl p ac4 w..d.er a IIOD-teotarl.u. b.r..Mr •

.&aoac tbt IMoQ¥ aotUlu ~ 1144ntM4 the CoA!ereooe, ... Dr· ltu Y!Jik:le:r , Protenor of Jooc.cale. at tM Coll-e- ot the 01\7 of I n Torlt. W. Pnt L-

4eM of the AMrlcc Councll of Jorel.p JoncShol4en.

!)r .. l lnkltr 4eohro4 that th6 e ftoru ot on t a in foretca co•nrme.ntl, par­

\loularly Ortat Jrito!A to a14 O.rm&AJ wilb f~otal attittance were t~

II&Jor torce t oontributtt.& to t.M 4.Mcort of 1rar. ~. l l.nklu u.14 \M .&oerlun )Nl>Uo ba4 alroa4,t lon eore than. t.hr'M bllllon 4oll&rt 1D O.rca


n:r. l iflkler aa14 t.bat Scba.cht•t pl .. tor colcm.iet lt aaot.btr Mepe.Nt e a t.­\tc:pt • to 4lnrt tM att•nUon of tM Ot:n.za froa a 1101\. .. rtou. lituatloa h. \be flMncl.al u4 I COMDlC t\r'UC\\11'1 of 0.~· o

• the boycon or Oenzn coo4a al'l4 Oltll&ll .. rdcea•, Dr· l lnkltr b cl&re4., •C~U.tt not onl.J c.ont1nue but 111.1.1t be 1nttn.a1tle4 . I t 111Ut\ abPdoa. pet\7 Jealoutlet wl\bln our own ranka. fbi problo. lt too terl~ to pormlt of rl••lr1•• btc•ua• of pertonal1\1tt. I • are 1n t hit ttruccl• not for per­toW pta. or cloey. Wo art tishUAC Dot. alODI for t.lw 1 .. but; for c!tmoo­ra#l a.a4 4aaoorattc pttDclpltt. M4 U a are cenu.i.of11 4-e•trou., etch I

a= oertab " are, to '" 4esocraor trlu=ph O'f'tr "-oCl't.e.7'• c;re.atett foe; OrlUy tt of para=o-zt l.l:po.rtu.oe.•

Sa=a,el X.ttborit&, tbo t~ orialaal t..)'er, who acted M c::ha1-n:-.n of tb

~ttl"''\\OD Millon, wAl"tloe4 of n .. enr-loer~a~iac IJ>rt~ ot Jade wltbla our own CO\Intt1 on,d &eplorecl tho fact. that. e'fta tCDt of our sreatett unl­ve.rtl\ltt h&•e Jewitb qUOt.&l tn tbel.r protestlonal t¢boola.

Gerhart St£tr, onet~ member of ~ forger Gor=an l tlCht\04 and editor of the uU.,.ul 0el"Cru1 weokl71 the •5w. VolkntltW~,~* reported on the )ron Jttwork ot l:ui propapnd.a 1D tbt t11'11t.e4 5tat.u. wr. Sos•r ta14 tht achooh, colleen, aD4 proftttort of Gen:an art 'be in(; v.a.ct. b7 .ro .. pb

Qoe;bMh t o tprud. lul• 1A JMrloa.

1 0n11 the ptr cent of t.he Otrs.a.o .&.arlC&D pop'Ql&Uoa are na.ll1 lu1t•. be aald. •but co,. than ainot)'-fhe per cent of thl O.nii&D nn•p&POrt ln tbe onttt4 Stat•• ue pr~'•al, btoanae the7 are 1upporhcl 'b7 tunda whlc:h

como trom Oer~" ,

Soser urced ~rlcana to aid tbt an\1-J .. i German pr••• in Jcorlca to tprea4 and d.e•tlop o.t the beat meant to co\U\teract J'aal prop~ amona Oor.u.o.­

.A;:.tr 1 CUI •

J. tUrrQr. ~ • u ~ b7 !)r. l'l'ar.k lohn, pr .. l4ut of the O.r::-.e Ji:'»rlcan :rona w.4 aoo-i.t;.-1 .. o f S•cnt&rT of c.oa:.rce. I Optl", tor • broad 'W\l\7 ~ all JDcllahooepeMl.Dc: people tM world. O'ftr 1D • 4-=o­craUo frODt -catsu.t ••st• 1n all lh for:::a.

DeltcMu f'rom a&lUcore, Olonlan41 l)otro1t. re• artc:, 'DtnTu, Pblla4dpbl.a. and. other o1Uot reported on the extent o.f the bo1oou in their COIIIII\li\1Uet. ~hi' report• ~~r0\J6bt. new• ot 11 wl4• and •uoeeuf\11 ant>l-ll .. l bo7cott, but c.arrle4 \be ooCGOn eo:::plalnt. -aalnti D&\.lor\ll chain 1tor•• Which c.ontinu.e to retlt~ tbe ant1.-aa1 bo1CO\\ .

kn. K&tk Borrh, .ittluc CbAlrcu of tbtl Leat:Ut'• &ueut1" Ccx:altt.e. re­pont4 Oft J'ou.r y..,., of J asl C.OOnl lcat loa fUI4 4ecWK that JUl cooNiM­tlo:a .... aD ezteu1• Iad plu to buten tlla CCI!IPhtlon of Jlltlo.r•• • ar plana.

Other me.:=bort of tbe J;a:ecut.h'o-()oc:aiUee who •;JOke wor. Dr. s • .,. I alb,

D1rtotor of ROIIMch, who cloaoribod. tho greAt Lcportanot of careful oM. roll&lOUt reaoarch 1n oll boycott aotlvltiot, an4 Dr. J tnJomin ~bo~tk1 who repor\14 on the ~Uonal and lnhrn:at.ional • lq)po.r-\ of t,_ boyeott .OTIOtn\.

• •••

Page 5: 1 · macb1not7 to protect agnlnt t tbeeo frauda our ~rebants and contumers who 4o not .,...,_..,t Gor=M &oo41 at 01J.¥ pr1eo. J44ttional tuol QA8 toaaod into tho La 0Uor41.-&Ull

11f ,...,._....,...-. ........... •~....,.. ~AZlltAs.uf TO CHA..lrrMION HIUMAH l tGHT!

... -··- ~~ ......... '- 10 WU1 41tll STUll. '*W YO.K CITY ....... ... ,. --

ftLIGIUM JIOll lilt, 8.IIIUIL UI!IIDI'ID 1'0 !Ill lftD5Uft OOIJil!IIICIII or '1'111 llOJOSIO!Jlll' .Ill .&nJ ... .IZJ LUIIOI to CIUIO'IOV liUIWI tl<lm, tiC. lliJJ) II' 1'111 IIODL .ISrot

suamu, KaCB 7\b, 1931.

)1..,. 0.00"1 rq .,.,,.,. d.aep "-7e\ '"-' bMl.Ua p,...-.nte • '­"'~ -.,o4 tbt oppor\W.l\7 to pu10NJ.l7 QP'I'III rq Mst w·hbtt fO-T' IIIHU.Q£' I I UCCtll I lOp 1 WOQ14 ha?l ll}[M put 10\&larlt to M!rltl 70'110

bJ wa:t of ~Uo proteat o:c. two NJ.cte OODMcte4 e1t.b the coad.W)\ o f OW' lt&te ~par\Mn.t t1rat 1\a bopelt .. \Aeft1olenct 1D ~utnent-

1.7 perait\ ~ our t.a.rUf la•• to be •tolat.N or l'f'a4t4 b7 0.~ eer­ch&nte to ~bt IJ"tat lnJurJ of oW' camllootur.rs, 'b7 noo41nc thh cour~ooo t r y with contrabAnd Oerman mer ehandlte 1n unfair oa.pett~ion with our =anuf•oturert, baaed on un4erwaluat1one, blookt4 carke an4 otbtr oubtor• fU6•• &n4 crottl1 falae or e•atlvo iD•otcee , &n4 b7 c~ou!Lagtns or fal­dfrtnc cna.r CN.I\01111 h-• • req,uirt~ that the cout~tf)' of or~tn be plalnlf label64 Oft tueb cxn'lt.ra'bt.n4 cood.t etop WI art belt'lf Hterall1 rloo4t4 wHb auc:b oonu·a~ $004..1 b7 cetbo4t ln\en414 to 4ec.he our people &Ad trau4ut.ntl7 to ••ad• O"!U' eountrJ'• tr.S. retht.t.ace er .. ted b7 the .i::ltrleu ~reo\\ t\op We =at ttrtt'.etbea our ~7COU. 1>7 etta'blitb­ltlc t.a enr7 .A:Mric:en ,pen ot etr7 ~t• MChi Mr7 to prot-eet acat.zwt t"M•• tra':24• our •rchal\t. aM ~n.st:Otn. wt1o 4o DOt w&Dt oe~ coocl• at ~ price ttop $ecoa4l7, I earteatlJ protttt ..-.la.t t~ sratnltoua 1c.tult ln•oht4 ln the e.xtraonUna.r7 t.e·ti'>D of 0\11' Gtatt Dl'partCC;nt 1ft

-.polcshlflC to the 8\tltt COTt~nt tor Ma,or La Ouard.l&'• all4 an4 happJ obaracteritation of t~• monttroua Hitler rect.e that it a ttan4-i.c6 cUa«r&4t to ohrllha\lon , wblch i.t d.a1 b7 4.r cn..ahlnc ~ery 1c­tt1net of decency an4 it eont1ecating property an4 •1olat1nc ever, rule or r&oi&l and r•ltcloua troodom. H h enr 1ncrea•lncly a tt-oneh 1ft

the noatrilt ot all 4tctn\. cittsen• and o f tvtrJ lo•or of liberty ttop r or four lone y .. n Hitler and hh 'band of tb\\18 aMI UI\U'4nort hAn con­t.h'\l.ed. to tqu.aMer untold tu=a in lJ'in& lnhM\atioD&l propa&at\4a of bate, libel .n4 •t.tuporAtioa agatn.t thlt eountrt and itt oitistna an4 co••~ ee;).t oM. to tloo4 l\Ot 01\ly our eoun·trr, 1D TiolaUOA of our lA• • t\lt

o.tbt:r CCI'Jiltrlet u .. u etop ~· our seer•tarT of StAte ~iDe Blt­le:r aDd. hit t~lt i&DC eao 1Ddtf1ft1telJ, • lt)out rettr~16t, eonttaue to •tru~ a.rwo4 tbt worl4'• ..... a eonHINOQe U~;reat to • or14 peaoeJ etop lhat Uwn cwld. be core opprcil'riate tb&D tbat o-ur CCNntpou.t out­spoken W.,tr with our almQ•t three all lice• of J .. lth iftbabltant• aA4 lu mllllont of Cb.rhtl.&M eq'!lall.J' outrapll, bT tb.at Qodt.u J,.thebUc CQ.t~.g , thcu14 uerol .. hit ri&ht to h'te-Jom of ·~ch. • b.lel.l , t~ God., etlll ex\at1 in tble fair land of ourt, by fl~t~ly characterlslnc the ineult that Rhltt &1'14 hlt minlono e.od. sonrt~~Dent o.r• he,apl.ft& upon. ou:r

P•Ople booau.o of tbolr raco 4nd crto4 ttop It l t not tu!flclont, J utt repronCh of our ~overnment that our State Department hat ' oen content to ttand. cowardl)' , ld.ly 'by dthout. "- wor4 of oftlolal pr otott. wbllt t thlt Ctttpool of llboloua propGiftnd& lt be~ poured upon ou:r eltlatbs t.uue of thltir r~tf .Ul Hllil to MA7or La Quarclla, 141 I, tor hil •uperb cOW'a.p nop ,.it 1t no\ tbe tint offtlliM of our State l)ep&rt­=et~t A&aiJ'Jtt tM eaercU. of treedc:a of tpeech b7 0\U' cU. hen• •top Soce roar• aco wben 1a a tpucb lD . .. t ortt I r~\17 aD4 'Upo-n Uund&nt nld.eru:. cbar'\Cterhe4 the t.he%1 acthltl .. Cleb 'baH MTer ce&HC1 ot the oera,n ,.....1114or ln thb eo:mtr7 o.a be hiC thou of a Oen:aD p-ro~ a&en4h1. IIU-quorMlnc &e an e;buea.dor en .&Mrican toll, ou.r seeret&r7 of St.o.tt oa o.._,l.oint of thlt .._ p:ropap.ndlat u4 without Nklnc att:/1

oxpla:.atJ.oo , ~be4 ln~o prln\ b7 • AY of ._,olOQ* u thouth lt • ore ~ of hit lNatnou . I then rejoined tba~ the j!Mrlc:an oft1elAl who Um1 orpretaed bte r~r•t• would ll•e t o regret hlt r •cr•t• , ADd n~ repeat that etate .. nt a. to W.Q,j'Or La Ouo.r4la1 t tl)ttob that. too lt none of hit bu.inoat thlt It tt.lll a fr~e eountrr, t.bo Socretary ot Stato to the contrary notw1tbttMd1nc. 11top If be •oul4 take the trouble to l.tl.fo rm hl.mtelt of tM untpolJJcablo U.boh that ue da1l7 heaped ~on .b0r1C&fl.t and. Lctrlonn lnttitut.l~nt , tnclU41~ our prttl4ent, to tbe Oerman-cwno4 prou wltb ltt OCrrttfiiiOl'l.\1 tt appr·OTal ~ \17 Otrtt&D offlolals , pe:rh.tpt t.e eOI.llcl lto tnduc.e4 to hold hlt puce ttop •othlA& tbat x.tor Le Ouard.l& ba.t t~~.\4 about litltt o4tp \.017 roproN•U..a ow- coat.OIIpt aM ha-t,..,. for hia ond hi• GoTtrr..a1l.t of t.ert"CJ" aD4 CCI::JI!Uit lo often.tbeneu wtth t..lw • 11M Anll •1elCNa falloheoclt tha;. N cd bh ooat rollttd. prett .,.. 4aUJ eclul.zti: Uout ue etop

Page 6: 1 · macb1not7 to protect agnlnt t tbeeo frauda our ~rebants and contumers who 4o not .,...,_..,t Gor=M &oo41 at 01J.¥ pr1eo. J44ttional tuol QA8 toaaod into tho La 0Uor41.-&Ull

• I


Samuel Untormyor Telugram - Oont in\lad,

.rust one illustration 1n passing aome years ago Boney Jor4 was responsible for publishing throughout the wor ld a aeries of articles entitled •fhe lldors of Zion" in his publ ication •The Dearbor n Indepen­dent" . !rhose articles whi ch were an attack upon world J ewry were oorer­whelmingly and judicially p~oven to be gross clumsy f orgeries and libels u.po:1 the Jews and were repudiated and c;mfessed to be B'.lCh by J'ord who witha r cr. nnd publ i cly apologi~~d for t hem and agreed to des troy the books ;,her ever found stop Yet, unbelievable though it seems , these fo r ged ~ticles nre now boing wi dely published end sold in Germany, translated into German with flaming covers announcin~ Henry J'ord ae their author notwithotandin~ hi s world-wide repudiation and against his pr otest. nlis is only· one of the innumerable instances of un­conscionable cupidity for which Germany is responsible . Can you. beat that? Was it mere ienorance or unwilli ngness t o inquire this effrontery thAt was reoponsible for the State Department ' s inter­meddling? The cr y ing need of the hour as demonstrated by the evi­dence before the Oongressi'>nal Committee and fortified by recent discoveries , is not f or crineing apologies f or exercising the r ight of free speech by w~y of reprisnl for outrages upon civili~at ion stop The need is for drast i c legislat ion to end the t r eason ond t rlacnery by which we are surrounded . Thore must be an ond to divided loyalties by the Germans ~ho ar e enjoyin?, t he benefits our our f r ee i nstitutions and plotting agninst us . Every one of them, if he did the sam~ thing on German soil , would be suun~ily dealt with by a fir ing squad. That is where in~rates and tra itors bel ong . They are not entitled t o enJ oy the benefit of our free institutions.

Samuel Untermyer •



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Tltl's /IO"'phltt t'Orttr•'bttt(d b_y Chffltio1u

CJitd lf'«<l fl/ Cl'I"M011 dtttl'nt.






SAMUI.l. U:<fTCuavu, Pruid'"'

20 West 47th Street, N cw York, N. Y.



20 West 47th Street, New York, N.Y.

Please Pa88 This On!

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I N a wireless to the New Yori. Times date~ Berl~n, March 8, t937, it was stated that Der A~tgn#, olliaal publication of the German Government's Department of

Propog.nda and Enlightenment, characterited one of Amer­ica's greatest and most beloved men, Benjamin Franklin, ~n anti-semite. This news item of manulactur<d hate was diS· tributed to all German newspapers. The present German Government at considerable expense maintains a Depart· ment of Propaganda and Enlightenment. Propaganda Y u I of the most vile and malic.ious nature-Enlightenment No I The Gorman people arc being mentally strangled, and the news they are allowed to read is poisoned by prejudice to such a degree that the Germans who lived in the Middle Ages actually enjoyed more Enlightenment. In many cases news iwm, encouraged and created by the German Prop•· ganda Department, have been ao obscene in c.haracter that newspapers in this councry have declared that the State Department at WashingtOn considered them unfit to be pub­lished in the American press.

Expert• on American history emphatically maintain that the statements that Franklin was on anti-semite, are labrica· tiona without the slightest foundation. Other historians call it a "bare faced forgery." History proves that Franklin was ( riendly and sympathetic towards the J ewo, and when they desired to erect a synagogue in Philadelphia, he not only signed the petition of appeal for fl~nds, but personally made a contribution. \Vould an anti-•emite have done that? It is interesting to know that when Franklin was in Paris in q8t, Major DavidS. Frank, a Jew, was one of his con· fidential aides. W ould an anti-semite h~ve done that?

We will now furnish the Nuis with a little true e.nlight· enment, historically corr«t, and not poiaoned by false prop•· ganda. On the authority of Prof. Charles A. Beard, one of America's foremost historians, Benjamin Franklin did have

grave concern regarding one racial group, the inftux of Germans to America. And in 1753 he wrou: "Not being used to liberty they know not how to make modest us< of it." And although this wu his conviction, Franklin-gr<at as his inftuence was-did not propose to set up a bar aa-ainuth<m, berause his love of tolerance was greater than his fears in mis regard.

He believed mat the inspiration of Democracy would appeal so strongly to the German immigrant1, that they would become desirable citizens. And these Germans, both Christians and Jews, justified Franklin's faith in liberty and became in a great majority of cues faithful to the tr,aditions of the Republic, in which they found a far better home from whence they came.

It is a great pity that millions of Germans at the present time cannot escape the tyranny of the Nazis and find new homes in countries where there is a government "of the people, by the people and for the peopl<." At times the road seems long and hard. But Time marches on, ever and ever towards one goal-Emancipation of Mankind from Tyranny. No despotism in the world's history hu ever survived 1 This must be the consolation and the hope of the German people I

In Chalmer's General Biographical Dictionary (London­r8r4), Franklin is described as follows: "l-Ie e>Chibits no false zeal, modestly seeks after truth, and if he fa ils tO find it has no desire to impose counterfeits in its stead.~~

W hat a wonderful example lor the Nnis to fQilow I But can the leopard change his spo11? I

Franklin practised many virtues, among which were Truth, Justice and Moderation. But instead of practising Truth, the Nnis practist falsehood; instead of justice they practise tyranny, and instead of Moderation they make fanaticism their religion. God save the German people, they deserve a better late than Hidcrism I

. \

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r.oopecttuJJ;y 1'Ci'wa ed to tbe stat.

~t .. ~'l on• ' '--' · \A:I.U~ ... ltl.l"".


Letter fran Reverend Peter Schroeder , P. s .u., Rector, St. Anthoey' t Church and Shrine, 76li> Wellt Stevenscm St •• W.J.uaukee, WiacCilSino 3-'J0-17 REI Wiabes t o visit h1a ~ts I home in Ge~. Due to conditiona in Ge11WiJ and dangerous posi t i on of Catholic priellts fears that be will aeed proper paper s of reccamendatian to t he AErican C0011ul in Cologne and a letter to preaent to arry German off1c1a1. Hopes t hat his wish can be complied with.

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DIDIIIIOI, Proh .. or Yud.ell In RaYea, coaa. June 3, 1g31

Wroh Mr. Jues loosweU, ne~stac oop1 of letter wtslob be reoel.-4 tzo. Biohard Qoldeobald,, lfq 21, 1987, N ad.llheloa la~ tba U.Ue4 stahl for teepo:ra1'7 stq of Mrs. Use Sle4ler Oollhot.lllt, wife of X.U Oold.leblllcl,, aad the procedure •e 11q fol~w la oJ'd.er to Nlllle perau•tl7 la tble count17. - 'l'beee let\era were NfeJ'J'Id to the secret a17 of X.'bor 'b)- Mr. Jaaes Booenelt June 22, for report. - The SeoNt&I'J' of X.llor ent a ae.o to wr. Jaa~ee ~MYelt oa June 28 aDd etahcl that la oJ'd.er to appl7 for pew'"•' a4111eeloa wader the s...tpaUoa lan, Mrs. Goldem.!U aust ~ .. ut aa t..lsr-Uoa Ylaa lleud 'T aa .Aae!'loaa ooanl, Ul4 ... t proOMil to fol'llp hnUo17 to 4o eo. ID41oatee that wre. Ool41cba14t, la •terlac thh oouat17 for peraanent reelduoe, h wltJeot to q\IOta l1a1tatlou ilrposed b7 law upon natine of G!D!'DX· ""• PeJ'kllle attached oertala forae and publloatlone pertaininc to a caee of t hh klad. - Mr . Jaaos . BooiiYelt wrote Prof .. eor Heruleraon on JUne 29, attaching oopy of l etter tro11 the Laltor Departlllllt on thh sull,1eot.


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REISSIG, Re't'. lieftiiUI 1., ObailWUl,

aericu COIIIDiU .. for Prot ection ot foreign Born.

Hew Tork0 NoT •

.rune 8 , 19:W.

Wire to the Prea14•t that Heinrich Reining, AllU Nazi ref'u6ee who

oame t o this count17 •• a eto••ft7 on s.s. Statendaa, luu 1, baa been deporMcl

b7 Bll1a Ialand a uthor1t1ea altho thia committee 1nter...ened and were reaeeured

oon.a1deraUan would be gh• hie caae. Reinlng taoea peraecuUon aD4 poaelble

death it he talle into Hoai banda. .Uka intenenUan to eeoure return ot thh

an t o tJS to oon.a1der hie plea for r11ht ot aerlua here.

Referred to Dept. ot Labor 5·1-37•


If K -fJ I


Page 12: 1 · macb1not7 to protect agnlnt t tbeeo frauda our ~rebants and contumers who 4o not .,...,_..,t Gor=M &oo41 at 01J.¥ pr1eo. J44ttional tuol QA8 toaaod into tho La 0Uor41.-&Ull

HMIVJT, !lae lovo\&J7 of \ko J1l17 9. lti'P

!bo prol14oa\, l17 a..o, refono4 \o h1a loUor 4a\o4 .Tu17 7 fro. lbu'loo :lllc•Uaaft. low York, J, r., ropl'd1J1C aono\&1'7 pollo1oo. !ho Proe14oa\ a*o4 \ba\ 8oor-'&J7 llor.-dhA road \hh blaeolf aa4 aoh wha\ \hh tlrd pzaoraUon QoJ"'eg M7' a\oll\ tho .Towo. - Mr. Moiat71'• aado aoknowledpon\ \o Mr • .._.lbard, 1\lii 10, o\aUac tha\ tho Proeldon\ wae clad t o baYO bh non aad 8pproo1a\o4 hlo \ho\l&hU'Illuoo in• wr1Uac ae bo 414. - .t.Uaobo4 h \be Prooldn\•o -• h.e\NOUnc Mr. llointpo to a*o eolrnowledpon\ aa4 ••' lo\hr \o Sooro\&1'7 Morpza\haa.

an- PPJ 1376 !f l '

Page 13: 1 · macb1not7 to protect agnlnt t tbeeo frauda our ~rebants and contumers who 4o not .,...,_..,t Gor=M &oo41 at 01J.¥ pr1eo. J44ttional tuol QA8 toaaod into tho La 0Uor41.-&Ull

•.•• l l,l tw

.. _..~ Mttl- • , ......



Wires to Proa14ent trom: 'Orge oenoellation ot app""r""ce Amtr10ilD

charge 4 'affaire a Prentiss Gill>ert at Nul party courent1on, Nuremberg,

Germany, ')(

..... Annn M, W, f.enn~aoker,.J'hila , , Pa. , 9/2

L!otlegan Colony Branoh American hopla , hakaldll, !1, Y. 9/S

; -<of

FoU6bls,aeJ>a1a Chapter, Amarloen LeMI!t A«aJ.nat Wv & Faaclp,

1_ Foushkeapsia, !f. Y. (sent to !!)de Park) - - - '

Boll~cd Ant1-lla7.1 Le~e tor t he Q.a/_a_naa_ ot ~ ~.i!~ ~rac.1~ _

"i: HOllywoOd , Calif . 9/l (sent to I!Y4• Parkf

Page 14: 1 · macb1not7 to protect agnlnt t tbeeo frauda our ~rebants and contumers who 4o not .,...,_..,t Gor=M &oo41 at 01J.¥ pr1eo. J44ttional tuol QA8 toaaod into tho La 0Uor41.-&Ull



I \


I asked the State Dept .

to advise whether the President

should see Dr. Goerdeler , former

~ayor of Leipzig, in accordance X

with Amb. Dodd's suggestion.

Wr. Summerlin of the State

Dept. has looked into it and

says, "Yes, but i t is suggested

without publ icity. 11

Amb. Dodd points out in his

letter that Dr. o. resigned as

Uayor in protest of t he Nazi de­

struct ion of the monument to

Kendelsohn, but escaped punishment

because of his popularity .


Page 15: 1 · macb1not7 to protect agnlnt t tbeeo frauda our ~rebants and contumers who 4o not .,...,_..,t Gor=M &oo41 at 01J.¥ pr1eo. J44ttional tuol QA8 toaaod into tho La 0Uor41.-&Ull

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------·


Memo . for Mr . Kannee , PK.

wx 9- 10- 37

Wit h reference to Dr . Goerdeler, yes , but it is suggested without publicity .

Page 16: 1 · macb1not7 to protect agnlnt t tbeeo frauda our ~rebants and contumers who 4o not .,...,_..,t Gor=M &oo41 at 01J.¥ pr1eo. J44ttional tuol QA8 toaaod into tho La 0Uor41.-&Ull

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s..,e , ... 15, 1971

u. '·TaB .. RR PRIVM'E Sli:BB'fARI

FROlh Georg Steinberg, c/o F. Ortlieb, ltBl.verstraat 1031 Amsterdam, Holl ando August 141 1937 REs Written :l.n OeraDJ address«l to Wss I4H!IM requests Miss LeHand tor an affidavit that will make it possible tar him to flli8rate to the United Statee. Writer is 43 years old, wite 381 dauehter of 15 and a s on or 11. They are Jewi.eh and wants to enter this country for the sake of his children wbo will have DO

tuture in Germlny.