1 mncs overview

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  • 8/8/2019 1 MNCs Overview


    Chapter 1Multinational Management in a

    Changing World

  • 8/8/2019 1 MNCs Overview



    Formulation of strategies and managementsystems to take advantage of international

    opportunities and respond to international threats

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    The Natureof the Multinational Company

    Any company that engages in business functionsbeyond its domestic borders

    Includes both large and small companies

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    The Largest Companies in the World

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    Worldwide trend of the economies of the worldbecoming borderless and interlinked.

    Not all economies are participating or benefitingequally in the process.

    Important forces are driving globalization.

    It is also important to look at classifications of theworlds economies.

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    Countries of the World:The Arrived,the Coming, and the Struggling

    an r ca.

    Developed countries: mature economies, substantial percapita Gross Domestic Product, international trade, and

    investments. Developing countries: economies grew extensively over

    past two decades, e.g., Hong Kong, Singapore, SouthKorea.

    Transition economies: countries that have changed tomarket/capitalistic systems, e.g., Poland, Czech, Hungary.

    Less developed countries: No significant economicprogress and mostly located in Central and South America

    and Africa.

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    Selected Economies of the World

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    The Globalizing Economy

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    The Globalizing Economy:Seven Key Trends

    Disintegrating borders

    Growing cross-border trade and investment

    The rise of global products and global customers


    New competitors in the world market

    The rise of global standards of quality andproduction

    The Internet and information technology

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    Sell Anywhere, Locate Anywhere

    World trade growth: average 6.5%/year (1990-2000).

    Nearly half of the $5+ trillion in world trade is among theEuropean union, the U.S., and Japanthe TRIAD.

    Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): a multinational companyin one country has an ownership position in anothercountry.

    FDI increased by more that 36% between 1996 and 2000.

    Post 9/11 has seen a decline in FDI.

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    Top 25 Companies by ForeignAsset Ownership

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    Foreign Direct Investment

    Developed countries get the bulk of FDI (69%)while developing countries get around 30%.

    Least developed countries get minimal FDI. Implications for managerssignificant

    opportunities around the world.

    Multinational managers should look at risk ratingof countries.

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    The Internet and InformationTechnology

    Electronic Communication E-mail, WWW, etc.

    Allows multinationals to communicate with

    company locations throughout the world. Multinationals can also monitor worldwide


    Information technology is spurring a borderlessfinancial market.

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    The Rise ofGlobal Products andGlobal Customers

    The needs of customers for many products andservices are growing more similar,

    e.g., McDonalds, Boeing, Toyota. Global customers search the world for their

    supplies without regard for national boundaries.

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    Sale of government-owned businesses to privateinvestors,

    Usually through stock or direct sale to othercompanies.

    Two types of privatization contribute to the globaleconomy

    Developed Countries

    Make formerly government-controlled enterprisesmore competitive in the global economy.

    Developing Countries

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    New Competitors

    Free market reforms are creating a potential groupof new competitors.

    Korean, Russian, Taiwanese, and Mexicancompanies are all emerging.

    Chinese companies are also on the move.

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    Top 25 Emerging MarketEconomies

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    New Competitors are Emerging

    Global trade has two important effects indeveloping new competitors:

    When developing countries are used as low-wage platforms for high-tech assembly,multinationals facilitate the transfer of

    technology. Aggressive multinationals are also expanding

    beyond their own borders.

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    The Rise ofGlobal Standards

    Companies can make one or only a few versions ofproduct for the world market.

    This is cheaper than making different versions fordifferent countries.

    Drive to develop common standards to save


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    Global Standards

    Consistency in quality also an importantrequirement of doing business in many countries.

    International organization for standardization (ISO)in Geneva, Switzerland

    Developed a set of technical standards (ISO

    9001:2000 series).

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    Characteristics of Next Generation ofMultinationalManagers

    n ers an ng o na ona cu ures

    Global mindset

    Ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds

    Long-range perspective Ability to manage change and transition

    Ability to create systems for learning/changingorganizations

    Talent to motivate all employees to achieve excellence

    Accomplished negotiation skills

    Willingness to seek overseas assignments

    Understanding of national cultures