1 nd ssssssi^srraffisis* *- - nys historic...

j six days. Other change* in popular I fTirtIrSr atJ *J*«Mn«nrly as radical hare bus ^^^ flnrgely broairht about by tha bard jra OoMPAjrr, reasoning cf (be quartette of thinkers Ceesty. x. v. J **• **•* °* who * °° w < * c *dL •oni MM aad j was electrocuted nt/Zmdvi&Mlug \ Sing prison. Thus wfil a* «t^n u> the Uw8 delays, .'Corpora! e l MM town. lion th* dafagmtoitor«»ch town reqossted to i$w to tbs secretary of the lows committee from their re spectrre town* The Ooonty Convention to sleet the chairman of the County Com- mittee. Tba plan propoaad bai in each i town one official or resjpoosthJe bead cnm€ i to the organisation. Tben in ****j j school district is a member of the J town committee. The result is Ibat in place of about one hundrt>i mem- . oers that now oompoee the ] present town committees, you have J over flvA *•••«>*—-• This constantly Ci * into _ v *. «M»VO * large _„ ~ Republicans who feel that ^ - ,Z' 7 "TT^? tb *J b* T * •^< ne responsibility in the on the question* that came heforejt W 6 ^ ^ euccesB^f their Jerty will beot interest toevarv »n..Ki r . -- » - ~ *^ WiQ ^ > *3uv -^ Dr. Buchannan yesterday at fcitng after many of a*d ta* a W i a £ | the laws delays the wife murder ri4 I. Adeea~ I W " OumiUltUwd lii 1 * » « YACHTOStT I think •aid a $ * * V** '- >Z J* PROCEEDINGS OF THE REPUBLICAN COUNTY COMMITTEE. atil aii *rr*avr*4r« B fc**aWNi $:.*». ^ , r .rokTciSS be!?. £ M £ U, , 0oanty Committee 1 fi^b^r^d fc«> fordi.pi., oo Thurmlay, Juoe 27ih. h « . JJ tbe 0r W ni*ati o ^V™?*,r Oyd , th*? t h i n g cheap. Yuo !!, j»''****. ««id that iu.<l tiHht i ^ . of toever>' republican The Committee en v r a* Tl'ESDAY. JL'LV !*>•>. THE EA A decision i of the Fpecial terra cf the supreme court, Judife Stover, presiding, has ju*t beeo rendered in the appeal from the action of our board of superrisors in the division of the county into two assembly dift- [ tricta The decision sustain* the &c tion of the board. We have no know iedre of what wiii be done further; though it is entirely safe to predict : that the case will go higher, as in al] oases involving constitutional ques lions, dicisioosof lower courts are not regarded as definitive. We learn that EL A* Merritt, Jr., of Potsdam, is a candidate for mem- bar of assembly in that district Mr. Merritt, is young enough to possess a future and old enough to have | mature judgement He of strong physique, of County Commit toe J ia the countv deavorwd to act m every ,., tur ,K. ide Judical Gooveuuoo to b« K«M ^ JUJ> . J;h. I 0(ler tbe ^ g . 7 j renc* cvunty u> eouUed to two d H ,K»tw. TopUw the pj? y ^Ll^ r^'of n t ^^ W o u l d ^'«^3 «»»P««n open. y Iteo^kblee toe beu£^' more TOrre « OIDMM. nearer voters. When ou have a per six committee did not feel like doing, in | ^)^ y ^^ asmuch ss other caucuses would xh^ have to be called later, and i* deemed unwise to call ill make two r ould *t was sets • Such PO themselves "- , The County Committee trust that JJ*, the Republicans in every town will ^.,^,«— t*h,r, \ :^^Th Z-ZJTLJi I^i^^ mto the matter in all 1U bear- ?5^5Lrf^^^? 0 ^^ inge and, if they conclude it is best They^therefore assumed the respon t ^^^ ^ wi [j ^ prepared when sabUity of naming two delegates at i t^T^L^iMV^rrrTt I will be seen by what followr While 1 ^J^^ 2a6 "™ CAUed ^ ^ ^ U there was some doubt of the policy ! m ^f L I^-- of this action it w»- ^——^ * a <rfl ^Httw«sssi1for a I sbonli r!4t a wheel myself * " into whose _- Wsyettag hsd bees dinned sll year, ^ ' l where ym male* she biggest el yoor bf*\'' declarad one of the listener*. "Why, that about bieyettng—it pay #100 far y«»ur end* it Ton get A ir** and have the cWj* ^r yonrlifa" "Thai's what t! f * -11 w*. -aid W!III they got me to I : / : ~u yuci r," re- irpooded the first r ^ . r aabicm^Jy. "It wss only a littit a. uu<l titer snid thst after I paid /r lu-t tn^ ruauuig ei- penMS wonld be a i:*»-re tr:fl**.V* >u kn<>w how thsl mined < tot. Jt nwt iut» f J 000 to have the bow reui««U'led. J hu<l to I get new n i b and twryThing el-n- ut^ The skipper robU-d tin* ri^'it oi'd it-ft 1 and ran the ym-ht mi « n* k aoond. I wm* buvm^ thizj^i f< or things wt«*k in and \t emmmer's npurt i-"*t im what I net out to *j.*-:i<L " "Of coarse it dul.'baid the friend. "Yachting sh»*ay>. dot* But bicycling different. I\« v .^a ldi» t «>pi*ntl f 1 >0 ou it all Hummer if > «u laid awake iV,ht» studying np a*hernr« u> do it There no call to entert.-t!ii yunr frienda, there is when you own a yacht." There was a further dUacoaaiocu and it wound up in the purchase of a bicycle by the man who wanted to economise. After all, $100 seemed very little for mx months of fan, and no he was penrasded it wonld be best to boy s special er 8QBTHXBS TBIBLTN "" TOSIDAT, JDLT I, im^ , MHO* MENTION . July. " Ion Van SrsilS or kto W OJ 39 in Irish Lawn to****&trom UHe. 36-in. French Camb ^•dttced trx^m ncs, ap the •k <mt, and ju>( double 14 as i s^^sK te "jjyrtrts i 52 sr^-ts^s™ 5 "^ oooimittee in is a classical supplemented with that 'hich cannot be gotten in wide travel and experience man and affairs abroad; in fact, be would seem completely fit ted to serve with force a for The school. and law success appointing dele not be a precedent similar action in the future. delegates selected will urge upon the Judicial convention that in future a member of the Judicial Committee be selected from St Law- rence in order that her wishes may be consulted as to time and place of holding other conventions. The fol- paased that ***** of a wheel *-5Sr»^l#a6^a^^l»^=K:aMftj: ... .ALIVE... Well, we should remark. WHAT? Grocery on Park 0 WSc ss I>enne St 39-in. Percales, Piisse Royal, ****** from!**!*. Cotton Crepe, lc •Red nc«d from \C lie Corded Dimity, Rsdacsdfrm tfHc. « ;Jf' Md 1 * n,l ' rt, • • nd «»»« »5, " cbe 'P «- »<*W leak ud wonwTi ssssssi^SRraffisis* 1 *-- • ~ • - w. a DAJHILS, Chairman fcltCTutteJ? I «ad toe d i p t at towing rewjiutiS?** 01400 "" Wherea., The RepubU^n"County Committee of St Lawrence deem it inexpedient to place the Republicans of St Lawrence County to the labor and expense of holding town can- . icuses and the calling of assembly _ m m the law making Conventions for the purpose of send* body'of the state, | ing two delegates to the Judicial con- Mr. Ives was first in the field over | mention tobeheldat the I^ke House, bnt we judge from theutter. I ^ ^ ^ ^ v d % £ ^ ^ Courier and Freeman, puo lican County Committee of St Is getting his full share Lawrence Countr hereby appoint of the support oi the good people of Hon. John M. Kellogg of Ogdeosburg ~ - and Hon. Worth Chamberlain of Can- ton as delesmtMi ^*— °* T 'E STATE EDITORS. The associated editoia of this great •*- held their w""* 1 convention » *-*^day morn- ing and ending Friday at a late hour. The business sessions were bald in 4becourt bouses* Caldwell, Warren county, on the shores of the most beautiful as well as the mcjt historic can lakes. It was the best as well as the most success ful of the many like gatherings. There was boundless hospitality ex Jtended all the way from the capital cstty of the old Dutch burghers to the +~ " -aid shores of S t Sacrament editors and their wives werei with no niggardly hand, the I k land afforded. They were wo as delegates f r ^ ftL Law^i g^r to the J u d S S ntifL^^ 25 th, given J Boadioea s tomb still remains nndis- I oovered. Mr. Head of tue BraulvmB' j seam ban had the trench dog several | feet beyond the center of the ttunolos on Parliament bill without having found anything to show for whom that partic- ular barring moand was raised. So far the net result of tae county ooencils quest has been a leaden musket ball and some chips of china, but both of these are modern jetsam. There are indica- tions, though, that a portion of the ground wa* disturbed about a oentury sgo. ~ For the rest the soil remains ss it was In the beginning, heaped up, ss there is no doubt was the ease, for the purpose of interring some distinguished personage. It is not uncommon, it seems, even in undisturbed "barrows," to draw a blank, for the rain and the slow processes of nature completely de- stroy all vestiges of human remains that may have been buried in a stand, at $1.50, 1 k and lubricating oil cents), and illuminating oil (only 40 cents), and graphite (a modest 35 cents), lock and chain ($1.50 was the figure for these) and a pump ($3.50). When it came to clothing, there was a pretty penny to pay. A handsome suit cost $25 to make It was so light in color that mad wonld ruin it, so the clubman before long bought a second one for pos- sible rainy weather. This one was $15. Kangaroo bicycle shoes cost $4, two pairs of Scotch woolen stockings $8, two woolen shirts $7, and a sweater $3. The young man wanted to go touring and $3 more went for road maps. \ leather laggage carrier, also for trips out of town, was $6.50. One of his tires sprang s leak at the valve and had to be sent back to the factory, so he bought an "" $7.50 to Because there you can purchase goods of fine quality cheaper than at any other store in town. Here are A FEW PRICES. 4 Cass of Sardines 1 T lbs. of Sal Soda 1 f Bars fiss Soap . I Pettis Jonas Breakfast rood I Jaraaad Mocha Coffee 1 Good MoUn«oi. par gallon S Otbcr goods in proportion- DENNER'S Park Street Grocery Store 30-in. Batiste. Rioted lie. Ginghams at oi Utioa, ape hisparenaiatthkpki Kiss Katss Dodds ssspsading h •cation with bar grandmother Oak Point Tba postoffios will be open Thuu Aty from noon to 1 p. m , and froa •o 7 p m. Prof. Fitch left yesterday for h old noma at Noank, Conn., where t will spend the summer. jE. X. Nelson, of Philadelphia, Pi •pent Sunday in town, the guest his sister, Mrs. J. F. Miller. Milton Nsrton leaves Friday f< Lgte Cbatauqua, where he will taJ the summer course in Hebrew. ~ Mrs. T. J. Barber and James ] Doyle came up from Syracuse, to a lead the funeral of their brother. W. A. Lucus has purchased tl Newell bouse on Bock Island Stree and will take possession m a fe days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fo***tehave r turned from their wedding trip an l»ve taken up their residence at th Xd Fredenburg expects to occup his new barber shop in the basemec of the St. Lawrence Inn, the last < 30-in. All Wool tedatfed rrosssaisc. Challies at ft educed from SOc. 25 •W-ln. All J o o , 8uitings at ***©sdfroni A colt in the pasture of Rober Montgomery, on the 8ootch 8etth rssst road, waa killed by lightnin fc* Friday morning. She Oouverneur high school ha hsjn designated by the Superintec dsmt of Public Instruction to have E. McAUast During the month will be no er Sons BUY extra one far , ~ use meanwhile. He had one collision, and came off pretty luckily, the hill for repairs being only $6.50. It cost $1 to have two mended, handle bar HATING TOOLS OEO. P. TAITT & SOW taem.—Loo- C<M4 W*^h*r V»U. Aoold weather mil thaCV a ~™A ^b^itnteforthe flimsy SJLVSl punctures A watch to be fastened to the r, with frame, was $4. His first saddle didir't suit, and a second one involved the expenditure of another $5. "Well, how do you like lej^clinpr?' some one asked the young w&u who was economising. "It's great. I hope to have a com plete outfit of sundries by next spring if they don't insren* too many AT Don't fail to attend oar great^C K- . «wat many goods !5^ 7 - ^ ^ ^ A & of July ther atTrinit: evening prays wfll be held saA Sunday. Mflbcent Parsons, forthepai a tsaob^v in ths sobosss c Is spaoding her vacatsoi pnrsnta in town, r j y desire to go scc-« where in bo is only equalled bytbede back agsin, especially i in Gouverneur. Mrs. Harry baanMonatK of Indianapolis, Ind, ar of Mrs. Dennieon e p<uwti Mrs. O. P. Fuller. Dr Loveland's Hardware. you m g at half-price. If any Sunamer re BEST M. 8 Card, of PhUadei will occupy the pulpit o church next Sunday and evening. i organised a rifle rangi is the rifle club whiol be organmed bare, i the past two years? an the Sons of V .ra^^wcVdT ^^ - various is much Machioe oil definite)* i l l f ? 1 ® convention was w »^«i» if the thrift* w**^. AJ~? !? . 35 CEKT8 FEB G, remember that wm be oftbsnew in tb< definitely known. The following was adopted, Resolved that the Executive mittee of •*•- ^ thrifty wearer desire, in a light suds, made of clear water and a little castile soan. Don't rub the deli- soap. The -.^fcasfthe ^ ^£!?*?" *»*< * « » to enjoy _-*•«. Jbey obeyed w JJ mi;** waters like wine summits of —.- fc executive Com ' ^^ staff ' bnt ^ oee2e K* 111 * aod rinm . ^ S ^ S ^ O a S S ^ clear water to which a drop or two Committee of St. Lawrence County <* whltP " instructed to call the First m Jistrict Convention in O^c densburgand the Second Asaembly District Convention in *>~*- J pains SwSSrftBSsSSK s^srsxSiir. -* T^thecaTforB^d O^ •hall be issued as soon oracucal after the Potsdam. ventione may be Patron lun.-h. P^C r^ with th. Heme.. (angrily.— Briug as Hc-staurnnt Wait^r-Bnt v.* .ijfc *>aiTfr—But ; . . ^«^ w «u mier the calling dt the rtal - v ^rdon-ci a br-akfast, r^ir >oeyed. Memories of islet, I ©tate Convention. The Assembly P^nr^L—^ •- but it was clear as dew drops are, of 'Conventions to be composed of three time then.--Chicago R-cord. . Al , .. A . i uelegates from each Town AHH <*<•• vine breathed amid the \ t .*»ZZ~*- * me you ve War With Iatredcn. fians von Bulow was taking infinite in drilling his orchestra for an early performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, and the musical epicures of Meiningen were reveling in the antici- pation of a huge treat age at court .breakfast own and g^ of .Adirondack*, of the I !f!K« from «** w£d ol the (3? 7*K^ k ^_* eiune uate. Ski* line | little! rid of h.f I oovertngthree states «n^ ^ Tl vZ. " on me 8ai mm ~* . ^rc* siaies and thirty I Ihe next question ^tntrffuinsof old fort* _ k ' I of the SAn^"? 11 , was the calling old forts wher** 0 * ^ e Senatorial r^ n „~ Jll2*£^ h <^ °'French^ i£^ in n ! M WIta "•age red I«», ilSzl Jy^ch no dcubt will allies of both, of the continent an amicable were ill lead tc The batt'e of th*' Mor.t was a conflict JT was HJ cali^l b* < cat>^ fijhr;;:^ wa« done in the M'»h3ii»m»'d had rlntf t^> j»ro- Aha SotLnn Jii*ist Of tU« ^loat that 5? f'vt tne C:TJ from t contended ltt£?$£S^*"** S «ynent at .*!«•• bn StgiZEiZ ^L** who were there and be a **i~ u. trf J°y fo «^«-. We hope •SZ22S*" - lhe ^P all u. soon. ^-» ^*v*aO Senatorial Conven J Sena- gateway of the land, will remain tonal apportionment. »• •*- a Kesoived, That the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the County Committee be requested to correspond with the Chairman At the di.scoreTT of America mai was prowu by the Indian tribes to Hudson bay. ID its origin was attri "Patagonia and Peru i the grxis. A high person rest * ™ ^ . J 001 " 6 ,Ia P«^«it than t ZH'J^***** "" awten ^ wish to loneoftherthearials. Thecon, ! J^atly annoyed, but oould n the honor. However, hep scheme fcr ep^^lj s tmwelcanje audi* called Tuxjfh»\ -^ :a ' Enl o" ^ Usinniaa to c-«d. nS J and u.^. x<j draw "tl liictruuieut ' grunts aa<i r _'.**; the M*. MILES WOT A CANDfDATE. ^••W fa receipt of a letter from Kepubtean Countr Committee of Franlrim county relative to the time and place of holding a Sena- torial Convention and the number of delegates to be elected thereto. Besoived, That Elisabeth, X. J the La4 T Elizabeth our a trimmer the year around. an 20c*ats. Paris Green Ice *er;es«f jnco- ^rviuis w hich were o to -~eret called after °f Sir George Candidate for ^ POln the first of i venuon shall each rlr.C. Milea. of Edwarda. , R ^ S c S C o ^ ^ n ^ f > f swe oJ »o the Senatorial COD WTdJatrS. - ^* from Ane^noiy tai Ul also County to the ** neatcted ^hAt name Wy District _> » of impor- T5f Pe ^ tt w ould * * K ^ ^ t l ^ c ^ in tKia m*~~±± wae nasawi t~\ -- - ^*^ rasoro «• a aoooeMfttl r „i^f . (.m-i.i..-.^r 0 "'* waa very erper •ottoaiuMlaaa of aa*smbl r . J?*'20?****** «» «« deciaion, and howerer i •J 3oi,B « 7 OonVentooT » 7 friend. wiU re^m j . ( ^ to oe Wled tSTv* rwylarge number of people l 5L the " " * « when ft w a T ^ Z J ! ? ^ F 0OTmbon « »*»* eooi f .W^ialatiTe be for *e totorm pTfV next matter —..r^ou one of great importance was This was a present C County Commioee ~- ahout. Hie years of lence ss a mexnuer of the County Commitee had shown him the iro portaoce of the plan suggested. ^- ~~ wmg discussed by all the mul tbey were TAKB^TEPS ia time, ifjdV^ are a suf- ferrr frxaprthat sctmrre of buuetnitr knows as pticm and yxm cored. There is eride«c« of oadreds of lir- 4<s%* witaesees to the tact that, ia all its early stare*, coueuatp- t>oa is a earable disease. Not every case, hot a tsrft fiereenlAg-e of CASTZ, aad ve belirre, fuUy of per cenL are cared by I>r JSerce'i Goidea Medical Dis- covery, rvea aflrr the disease ^v*. ^Teased so fmr as to tirdoce repeated bleed- tan ^°«i ts>« laawa. term 1 wita copious expectoratioa [jac!_ bercalar'amatlrr , great loss of Seas treaae eaaeciatkOB aad weakaem Do yom dombt tbat koadreds of r^y^t^d to as as cyg^ by '* Goidea Med- tea* Disco eery eere e^nazaw cases of ourt c^read aad tm^al c^vr^ee > Yoa aeed aot taae oar word for iL They have an aearty erery iptanc^. beea so ptrmo€*S5S by the beet aad saoat experie&ced home pfcymunt, who have ao mtrreet whatrrcr is nu*- re^Ttegatiuir them aad who were oftea strr*er'r prryadvml asd adrtfed aratast a tna! of Goidea M-d*caJ Dr^ccrwerr.' but who haee eee-a fueted to coafeat taat jt »arpaff*t» its tarasree pu^f r ctrr this fata! saaia^T a2 <ttarr raedjcift-rs w^th wtedb the-r «re eccaair**^ Xa.<? cod- it* 1-tar esrl«3c*k# az*d beet i-v-c ir :•• ar> all tbeiie a »bor: tne< Ertr*rt ^f ~ a A rijj** r - bees ' It was the most nor ever been heard. Bn- ««Pped the perform- Itoicnlarly c i i ^ ^ ^ J ^ Tin* w te tof) n r ~l n f p * n over win. n'bJe »t;lo that °tt , aKioniU;r an^e, demanding 85 cents j»er fKmnd. Cream Freezers and Lawn Mowers at rock bottom prices AT LOYBLANDS HARDWARE. GEO p. TAITT a SON r vill Just one of what. »a want, is Tea Mil, The meteor Jy r -m* 'i:^ -rent from ... rem rrr>m whirt she had been led to expect, adding that r *it wa* very inter- esting no donbt, bnt somewhat fatigu- ing *' wherenpon she took her departure. BnJow's face beamed with satisfaction, [ and he jfrave tir^ mpnai for the rehearsal * proper to commenoa-^Moaia^eitiuis. m Abwe Yoer ffoad. »l«*ri5t.- are expecting wr©- ders to re*uft from the Robert Stantos Avery bequest nf $ JoO.000 to the Smith- instirsti^m fur the purpose making researches in the regions of upper air, bnt while the Americans getting ready to explore the ether that surrounds mite, the f5se Duck Suits, at French *f ernty ^ ^ Tn* doom of witrTIwl ^rho carer to the ---- *** ******** he of thepnh- Daamier. to be the _ the greatest o/ FTWII#* *—«^_^ his mind bvih£^ mnc ** in **> k *K Joov^ tk. *^ *** **** of Jaiea *«* i^h^eSnr^** -1- ! ^etxt? he wa, S^** T 1 * « «"t sonian ~ --- of the arr great sea of oar globe M. Hex _ adept in meteorolog ical lore, is experimenting on his hook, fie has sent pilot balloons, ing self registering instruments^ great heights, and the automatic repsrds made . there by his thennomete»"baroiBeters J and other instruments aae of absorbing interest. One of the £stuoons, which a#- oended toabeigbt of* 10^ miles, return ed with a reoonr^hieh proeed that it had been in %Vtratuxn of air where the only 4.1 inches of xnercary, , perarure 104 degrees F , be- I Data deducted from a long ' experiments warrants M. Her j te ia making the esse if ion that after ' a height at 12.000 fex u reached the ; a^errary falls a degree for each t*0 teei-j. of ascent made- —H- Locis Repnbbc i ^ e hare •^^i^^g^s Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers. ttss nsi theadt wtonPa. half the :hes for the tt in place, so thai twenty-five of these at the disposal ol GeaO.Boroe C. Kiss left yesterday where they will attend of the state teachers a* Ooates arriTed evening, with her ipanied by her friend Dg people of the Metho- drove to 8praguenlle where they were enter- inetted try the Y. P piaOa. next week with her grandfather at ass. She will all Y. P. 8. a E JulylG-15. rchie Dixon, the popnlar on the O. &O.R. B , whose a few weeks ago in- from work, is ex res weeks, fears are for J. EL Qeorao Keed, C. H. Sflttth, ward May, Charhe iThaiy teed conven- Mrs Bowlin, Pboehe Spacer ss hall ctnli, made up eotiTeiy handed psaysra; asas bean or full line of LaadiW «i\-^" you to bay. iutas>c hal] fau? »r'ajga Rinianr^T naaoV nia ****** ^Wfnerai «^idec\T faaow. thcms*^S43t^^^ fc -^ *** •d^nrfeaZl' - ^»kmsiUlaw..4iatt*l **>* of the •BnTOtXagfcaL At the n w ^ harrv-r v.. fr*t?^-4, and u n.,w »ttlx n«eeaer> B ll » P ^ « ^ C^nlin who i* rJ~ ** «-* and tli S?^^?^ 1>- I - - . .? r ^ Ct ^^ a«yi*nr GREAT BEDUCTI0NS wtl IN Jnryl atBrtrm O^T w*-r*> Xjf 4 « nomas' E r i e ^ ^ . ? ^ - rb<icm 03 has enre'i thoof I: on O ^ HobertG -_-* *-» i.v^ or;.7 joe of the *-f: a: i..* ;» sc T:^* is#er r^me Ms ¥~~* c ar* aJ: r«e w^af Jne 4rr: tiff JT* he d > l e e the " J77^rl r^e and dexaaadVi r r^r* I was fraxyr ^a sa*=k p'-^bre hesM5tjnarTer» after i afser a no Bie iiel fee of «?w toUew AT ^ BtljfCreu S^tnisr. of tke ?°^ ^••^•y 5** J* had hesod^aai hy ,troain»a. Bsis aaaaa^baav ^ LABERDEB^ ^ ^-*>

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j six days. Other change* in popular I f T i r t I r S r a t J * J * « M n « n r l y as radical hare b u s ^ ^ ^ flnrgely broairht about by tha bard jra OoMPAjrr, reasoning cf (be quartette of thinkers Ceesty. x. v. J **• **•* °* w h o * °°w <*c*dL

•on i MM aad j was electrocuted nt/Zmdvi&Mlug \ S i n g prison. T h u s wfil a* «t^n u> the U w 8 delays,


e l MM town.

lion th* dafagmtoi tor «»ch town reqossted to i$w to tbs secretary

of the l o w s committee from their re spectrre town*

The Ooonty Convention to sleet the chairman of the County Com­mittee.

Tba plan propoaad bai in each i town one official or resjpoosthJe bead

c n m € i to the organisation. Tben in ****j j school district is a member of the J town committee. The result is Ibat in place of about one hundrt>i mem-

. oers that now oompoee the ] present town committees, you have J over flvA *•••«>*—-• This constantly

Ci * into _ v * . «M»VO * l a r g e

_„ ~ Republicans who feel that ^ • - ,Z' 7 " T T ^ ? t b *J b*T* •^<ne responsibility in the

on the question* that came heforejt W 6 ^ ^ euccesB^f their Jerty will beot interest toevarv »n..Ki r . -- • » - ~ *^ •

W i Q ^ > *3uv - ^

Dr. Buchannan yesterday at fcitng

after many of a*d ta* a W i a £ | the laws delays the wife murder

r i 4 I . A d e e a ~ I W" OumiUltUwd lii 1 * »


I think •aid a

$ * * V** '- >Z J*


atil aii *rr*avr*4r«B

fc**aWNi $:.*». ^

, r . r o k T c i S S be!?. £ M £ U , , 0 o a n t y Committee1 r « fi^b^r^d


fordi.pi., oo Thurmlay, Juoe 27ih. h « . JJ tbe 0 r W n i * a t i o ^ V ™ ? * , r O y d ,

th*? th ing cheap. Yuo

!!,j»''****. ««id that

iu.<l tiHht i ^ . of

toever>' republican The Committee


v r a*

Tl'ESDAY. JL'LV ;» !*>•>.


A decision

i of the Fpecial terra cf

the supreme court, Judife Stover, presiding, has ju*t beeo rendered in the appeal from the action of our board of superrisors in the division of the county into two assembly dift- [ tricta The decision sustain* the &c tion of the board. We have no know iedre of what wiii be done further; though it is entirely safe to predict

: that the case will go higher, as in al] oases involving constitutional ques lions, dicisioosof lower courts are not regarded as definitive.

We learn that EL A* Merritt, Jr., of Potsdam, is a candidate for mem-bar of assembly in that district Mr. Merritt, is young enough to possess a future and old enough to have |

mature judgement He of strong physique, of

County Commit toe JJ ia the countv deavorwd to act m every , . , tur , K .

ide Judical Gooveuuoo to b« K«M ^

JUJ> . J;h. I 0 ( l e r t b e g . 7 j renc* cvunty u> eouUed to two d H ,K»tw. TopUw the p j ? y ^ L l ^ r ^ ' o f n

t ^ ^ W o u l d ^ ' « ^ 3 • «»»P««n open. y

Iteo^kblee toe

b e u £ ^ ' m o r e TOrre« O I D M M .

nearer voters. When

ou have a per six

committee did not feel like doing, in | ^ ) ^ y ^ ^ asmuch s s other caucuses would xh^ have to be called later, and i* — deemed unwise to call

ill make


rould *t was sets

• Such PO themselves

"- , The County Committee trust that JJ*, the Republicans in every town will

^.,^,«— t*h,r,\:^^Th Z-ZJTLJi I i ^ mto the matter in all 1U bear-? 5 ^ 5 L r f ^ ^ ^ ? 0 ^ ^ inge and, if they conclude it is best They^therefore assumed the respon t ^ ^ ^ wi[j prepared when sabUity of naming two delegates at i t ^ T ^ L ^ i M V ^ r r r T t I will be seen by what followr While 1 ^ J ^ ^ 2 a 6 • "™ CAUed ^ ^ ^ U

there was some doubt of the policy ! m^fLI^--of this action it w»- ——^ *a

<rfl ^ H ttw«sssi1 for a

I sbonli r!4t a wheel myself * " into whose _ -

Wsyettag hsd bees dinned sll year, ^ ' l where ym male* she biggest

el yoor bf*\'' declarad one of the listener*. "Why, that about bieyettng—it pay #100 far y«»ur end* i t Ton get A i r * * and have the cWj* r yonrl i fa"

"Thai's what t! f * -11 w*. -aid W!III they got me to I : / : ~u yuci r," re-irpooded the first r ^ . r aabicm^Jy. "It wss only a littit a. uu<l titer snid thst after I paid / r lu-t tn^ ruauuig ei-penMS wonld be a i:*»-re tr: fl**. V* >u kn<>w how thsl mined < tot. Jt nwt iut» f J 000 to have the bow reui««U'led. J hu<l to I get new n i b and twryThing el-n- ut^ The skipper robU-d tin* ri^'it oi'd it-ft 1 and ran the ym-ht mi « n* k aoond. I wm* buvm^ thizj i f< or things wt«*k in and \t

emmmer's npurt i-"*t im what I net out to *j.*-:i<L "

"Of coarse it dul.'baid the friend. "Yachting sh»*ay>. dot* But bicycling i» different. I \ « v . a ldi» t «>pi*ntl f 1 >0 ou it all Hummer if > «u laid awake iV,ht» studying np a*hernr« u> do it There no call to entert.-t!ii yunr frienda, there is when you own a yacht."

There was a further dUacoaaiocu and it wound up in the purchase of a bicycle by the man who wanted to economise. After all, $100 seemed very little for mx months of fan, and no he was penrasded

it wonld be best to boy s special



July. " Ion Van

SrsilS or

k t o W OJ

39 in Irish Lawn to****&trom UHe.

36-in. French Camb ^•dttced trx^m ncs,

ap the

•k <mt, and ju>( double



i s^^sKte"jjyrtrts i 52 sr^-ts^s™5"^ oooimittee in

is a classical

supplemented with that 'hich cannot be gotten in

wide travel and experience man and affairs abroad; in

fact, be would seem completely fit ted to serve with force a

for The


and law


appointing dele not be a precedent

similar action in the future. delegates selected will urge upon the Judicial convention that in future a member of the Judicial Committee be selected from S t Law­rence in order that her wishes may be consulted as to time and place of holding other conventions. The fol-


that ***** of a wheel *-5Sr»^l#a6^a^^l»^=K:aMft j :

... .ALIVE... Well, we should remark.

WHAT? Grocery on Park




I>enne St

39-in. Percales,

Piisse Royal, * * * * * * f rom!**!* .

Cotton Crepe,

lc •Red nc«d from

\C l i e

Corded Dimity, R s d a c s d f r m tfHc.

« ;Jf'Md • 1*n,l'rt,• •nd«»»« *» »5, " c b e ' P « - »<*W leak u d wonwTi

ssssssi^SRraffisis*1*-- • ~ • -w . a DAJHILS, Chairman

fcltCTutteJ? I «ad toe d i p t at •

towing rewjiutiS?**01400"" Wherea., The RepubU^n"County

Committee of St Lawrence deem it inexpedient to place the Republicans of St Lawrence County to the labor and expense of holding town can-

. icuses and the calling of assembly _m m the law making Conventions for the purpose of send*

body'of the state, | ing two delegates to the Judicial con-Mr. Ives was first in the field over | mention tobeheldat the I^ke House,

bnt we judge from theutter. I ^ ^ ^ v d % £ ^ ^ Courier and Freeman, puolican County Committee of St Is getting his full share Lawrence Countr hereby appoint

of the support oi the good people of Hon. John M. Kellogg of Ogdeosburg ~ - and Hon. Worth Chamberlain of Can­

ton as delesmtMi ^*— °* T 'E STATE EDITORS.

The associated editoia of this great •*- held their w " " * 1 convention

» *-*^day morn­ing and ending Friday at a late hour. The business sessions were bald in

4becourt bouses* Caldwell, Warren county, on the shores of the most beautiful as well as the mcjt historic

can lakes. It was the best as well as the most success

ful of the many like gatherings. There was boundless hospitality ex

Jtended all the way from the capital cstty of the old Dutch burghers to the +~ " -aid shores of S t Sacrament

editors and their wives werei with no niggardly hand, the I k land afforded. They were

wo as delegates f r ^ ftL L a w ^ i g ^ r to the J u d S S ntifL^^

25 th, given

J Boadioea s tomb still remains nndis-I oovered. Mr. Head of tue BraulvmB' j seam ban had the trench dog several | feet beyond the center of the ttunolos on Parliament bill without having found anything to show for whom that partic­ular barring moand was raised. So far the net result of tae county ooencils quest has been a leaden musket ball and some chips of china, but both of these are modern jetsam. There are indica­tions, though, that a portion of the ground wa* disturbed about a oentury sgo. ~ For the rest the soil remains ss it was In the beginning, heaped up, ss there is no doubt was the ease, for the purpose of interring some distinguished personage. It is not uncommon, it seems, even in undisturbed "barrows," to draw a blank, for the rain and the slow processes of nature completely de­stroy all vestiges of human remains that may have been buried in

a stand, at $1.50, 1 k and lubricating oil

cents), and illuminating oil (only 40 cents), and graphite (a modest 35 cents), lock and chain ($1.50 was the figure for these) and a pump ($3.50).

When it came to clothing, there was a pretty penny to pay. A handsome suit cost $25 to make It was so light in color that mad wonld ruin it, so the clubman before long bought a second one for pos­sible rainy weather. This one was $15. Kangaroo bicycle shoes cost $4, two pairs of Scotch woolen stockings $8, two woolen shirts $7, and a sweater $3. The young man wanted to go touring and $3 more went for road maps. \ leather laggage carrier, also for trips out of town, was $6.50. One of his tires sprang s leak at the valve and had to be sent back to the factory, so he bought an "" $7.50 to

Because there you can purchase goods of fine quality cheaper than at any other store in town. Here are

A FEW PRICES. 4 C a s s of Sardines 1 T lbs. of Sal Soda 1 f Bars fiss Soap . I Pett is Jonas Breakfast r o o d I J a r a a a d Mocha Coffee 1 Good MoUn«oi. par gallon S

Otbcr goods in proportion-

DENNER'S Park Street Grocery Store

30-in. Batiste. R i o t e d lie.

Ginghams at

oi Utioa, ape hisparenaiatthkpki

Kiss Katss Dodds ssspsading h •cation with bar grandmother

Oak Point Tba postoffios will be open Thuu

Aty from noon to 1 p. m , and froa •o 7 p m.

Prof. Fitch left yesterday for h old noma at Noank, Conn., where t will spend the summer.

jE. X. Nelson, of Philadelphia, Pi •pent Sunday in town, the guest his sister, Mrs. J. F. Miller.

Milton Nsrton leaves Friday f< Lgte Cbatauqua, where he will taJ the summer course in Hebrew. ~

Mrs. T. J. Barber and James ] Doyle came up from Syracuse, to a lead the funeral of their brother.

W. A. Lucus has purchased tl Newell bouse on Bock Island Stree and will take possession m a fe days.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fo***tehave r turned from their wedding trip an l»ve taken up their residence at th

Xd Fredenburg expects to occup his new barber shop in the basemec of the St. Lawrence Inn, the last <

30-in. All Wool tedatfed r r o s s s a i s c .

Challies at ft educed from SOc. 25

•W-ln. All J o o , 8 u i t i n g s a t * * * © s d f r o n i

A colt in the pasture of Rober Montgomery, on the 8ootch 8etth rssst road, waa killed by lightnin fc* Friday morning.

She Oouverneur high school ha hsjn designated by the Superintec dsmt of Public Instruction to have

E. McAUast During the month

will be no

er Sons


extra one far , ~ use meanwhile.

He had one collision, and came off pretty luckily, the hill for repairs being only $6.50. It cost $1 to have two mended, handle bar



C<M4 W * ^ h * r V»U.

Aoold weather mil thaCV a ~™A ^b^itnteforthe flimsy SJLVSl

punctures A watch to be fastened to the r, with frame, was $4. His

first saddle didir't suit, and a second one involved the expenditure of another $5.

"Well, how do you like lej^clinpr?' some one asked the young w&u who was economising.

"It's great. I hope to have a com plete outfit of sundries by next spring if they don't insren* too many


Don't fail to attend oar great^C K- • . «wat many goods ! 5 ^ 7 - ^ ^ ^ A


of J u l y ther atTrinit:

evening prays wfll be held s a A Sunday.

Mflbcent Parsons, forthepai a tsaob^v in ths sobosss c

Is spaoding her vacatsoi pnrsnta in town,

r j y desire to go scc-« where in bo is only equalled b y t b e d e

back agsin, especially i in Gouverneur. Mrs. Harry baanMonatK of Indianapolis, I n d , ar

of Mrs. Dennieon e p<uwti Mrs. O. P. Fuller.


Loveland's Hardware.

you m g at half-price. If

any Sunamer



M. 8 Card, of PhUadei will occupy the pulpit o

church next Sunday and evening. i organised a rifle rangi is the rifle club whiol be organmed bare, i

the past two years? an

the Sons of V

.ra^^wcVdT ^ -various

is much Machioe oil

definite)* i l l f ? 1 ® convention was w»^«i» if the thrift* w**^. AJ~? !? .

35 CEKT8 F E B G, remember that

wm be oftbsnew

in tb<

definitely known. The following was adopted, Resolved that the Executive

mittee of •*•- ^

thrifty wearer desire, in a light suds, made of clear water and a little castile soan. Don't rub the deli-soap.


- .^fcasfthe

^ ^£!?*?" *»*< * « » to enjoy _-*•«. Jbey obeyed w JJ

mi;** waters l ike wine

s u m m i t s of

—.- fc^« executive Com ' ^ s t a f f ' b n t o e e 2 e K*111* a o d rinm

. ^ S ^ S ^ O a S S ^ clear water to which a drop or two Committee of St. Lawrence County <* w h l t P "

instructed to call the First m Jistrict Convention in O c

densburgand the Second Asaembly District Convention in *>~*-J


SwSSrftBSsSSK s^srsxSiir. -* T^thecaTforB^d O ^

•hall be issued as soon oracucal after the

Potsdam. ventione may be

Patron lun.-h.

P^C r ^ with th. Heme.. (angri ly .— Briug

as Hc-staurnnt W a i t ^ r - B n t v.* .ijfc *>aiTfr—But ; . . ^ « ^ w « u mier the calling dt the r t a l - v rdon-ci a br-akfast, r ir

>oeyed. Memories of islet, I ©tate Convention. The Assembly P^nr L—^ •- but it was clear as dew drops are, of 'Conventions to be composed of three time then.--Chicago R-cord.

. Al , . . A. i uelegates from each Town AHH <*<•• vine breathed amid the \t.*»ZZ~*- *


you ve

War With Iatredcn . fians von Bulow was taking infinite

in drilling his orchestra for an early performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, and the musical epicures of Meiningen were reveling in the antici­pation of a huge treat age at court

.breakfast own and

g^ of .Adirondack*, of the I ! f ! K « f r o m « * * w £ d o l the (3?

7*K^ •k _* eiune uate.


line | little!

rid of h.f I

oovertngthree states «n^ ^ Tl vZ. " o n me 8 a i

mm ~* . ^rc* siaies and thirty I Ihe next question ^ t n t r f f u i n s o f o ld for t* _ k ' I of t h e S A n ^ " ? 1 1 , was the calling old forts wher**0* ^ e Senatorial r^n„~

J l l 2 * £ ^ h < ^ ° ' F r e n c h ^ "« i £ ^ i n ™ n ! M W I t a " • a g e red I«», i l S z l Jy^ch no dcubt will

allies of both, of the continent

an amicable were

ill lead tc

The batt'e of th*' Mor.t was a conflict

JT was HJ cal i^l b*<cat>^ fijhr;;:^ wa« done in the

M'»h3ii»m»'d had rlntf t > j»ro-

Aha SotLnn Jii*ist Of tU«

^loat that 5? f'vt tne C:TJ from t

contended l t t £ ? $ £ S ^ * " * * S «ynent at .*!«•• bn StgiZEiZ ^ L * *

who were there and be a * * i ~ u. t r f J°y f o «^«- . We hope

•SZ22S*" - lhe P *« all u. soon.

^-» ^*v*aO

Senatorial Conven J Sena-gateway of the land, will remain tonal apportionment.

»• •*- a Kesoived, That the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the County Committee be requested to correspond with the Chairman

At the di.scoreTT of America mai was prowu by the Indian tribes

to Hudson bay. ID i ts origin was attri

"Patagonia and Peru

i the grxis.

A h igh person rest * ™ ^ . J 0 0 1 " 6 , I a P « ^ « i t than t ZH'J^***** "" awten^ wish to

loneoftherthearials. Thecon, ! J^atly annoyed, but oould n

the honor. However, hep scheme fcr ep^^lj s tmwelcanje audi*

called Tuxjfh»\ - ^ : a ' E n l o "

^ Usinniaa to c-«d. n S J and u.^. x<j d r a w "tl liictruuieut

' grunts aa<i

r _'.**; the

M*. M I L E S WOT A C A N D f D A T E .

^ • • W fa receipt of a letter from

Kepubtean Countr Committee of Franlrim county relative to the time and place of holding a Sena­torial Convention and the number of delegates to be elected thereto.

Besoived, That

Elisabeth, X. J the L a 4 T Elizabeth


a trimmer the year around.



Paris Green Ice

*er;es«f jnco-^rviuis w hich were

o to

- ~ e r e t called after

°f Sir George

Candidate for ^POln the first

of i venuon shall


r l r . C . Milea. o f Edwarda. , R ^ S c S C o ^ ^ n ^ f > f s w e oJ

»o the Senatorial COD W T d J a t r S . - ^ * f r o m

Ane^noiy tai

Ul also County to the

** neatcted ^hAt name

Wy District _> » of impor-

T5fPe^ tt would * * K ^ ^ t l ^ c ^

in tKia m*~~±± wae nasawi t~\ -- - ^*^ • rasoro

«• a aoooeMfttl r„i^f . ( . m - i . i . . - . ^ r 0 " ' * waa very erper

•ottoaiuMlaaa of aa*smblr

. J?*'20?****** « » « « deciaion, and howerer i •J 3 o i , B «7 OonVentooT

» 7 friend. wiU re^m j . ( ^ to oe Wled tSTv*

rwylarge number of people l 5L t h e " " * «

when ft w a T ^ Z J ! ? ^ F 0 O T m b o n « »*»*


f .W^ialatiTe be for * e totorm pTfV

next matter —..r^ou one of great importance was

This was a present C

County Commioee ~ -ahout. Hie years of

lence ss a mexnuer of the County Commitee had shown him the iro portaoce of the plan suggested. ^ - ~ ~ wmg discussed by all the

mul tbey were

TAKB^TEPS ia time, if jdV^ are a suf-ferrr frxaprthat sctmrre of buuetnitr knows as

pticm and yxm cored. There is

eride«c« of oadreds of lir-

4<s%* witaesees to the tact that, ia a l l i t s e a r l y stare*, coueuatp-t>oa is a earable d i s e a s e . N o t every case, hot a tsrft fiereenlAg-e of CASTZ, aad v e be l i rre , fuUy o f per cenL are cared by I>r JSerce'i Goidea Medical Dis­covery, rvea aflrr the disease ^v*. ^Teased so fmr as to tirdoce repeated bleed-t a n ^°«i ts>« laawa. term 1 wita copious expectoratioa [jac!_ bercalar'amatlrr , great loss of Seas treaae eaaeciatkOB aad weakaem

Do yom dombt tbat koadreds of r^y^t^d to as as c y g ^ by '* Goidea Med-tea* Disco eery eere e^nazaw cases of ourt c^read aad tm al c^vr^ee > Yoa aeed aot taae oar word for iL They have an aearty erery iptanc^. beea so ptrmo€*S5S by the beet aad saoat experie&ced home pfcymunt, who have ao mtrreet whatrrcr is nu*-re^Ttegatiuir them aad who were oftea strr*er'r prryadvml asd adrtfed aratast a tna! of Goidea M-d*caJ Dr^ccrwerr.' but who haee eee-a fueted to coafeat taat jt »arpaff*t» its tarasree pu^f r ctrr this fata! saaia^T a2 <ttarr raedjcift-rs w^th wtedb the-r «re eccaair**^ Xa.<? cod-

it* 1-tar esrl«3c*k# az*d beet i-v-c ir :•• ar> all tbeiie

a »bor: tne< Ertr*rt f ~ a A r i j j * *

r - bees '

It was the most nor ever been heard. Bn-

««Pped the perform-

Itoicnlarly c i i ^ ^ ^ J ^

Tin* w t e tof) n r ~ l n f p * n o v e r w i n .

n'bJe »t;lo that °tt,aKioniU;r

an^e, demanding

85 cents j»er fKmnd.

Cream Freezers and Lawn Mowers at rock bottom prices





Just one of

what. »a want, is T e a Mil,

The meteor

Jy r -m*

'i:^ -rent from ... rem rrr>m whirt she had been led to expect, adding that r*it wa* very inter­esting no donbt, bnt somewhat fatigu­ing *' wherenpon she took her departure. BnJow's face beamed with satisfaction,

[ and he jfrave tir mpnai for the rehearsal * proper to commenoa-^Moaia^eitiuis.

m A b w e Yoer ffoad. »l«*ri5t.- are expecting wr©-

ders to re*uft from the Robert Stantos Avery bequest nf $ JoO.000 to the Smith-

instirsti^m fur the purpose making researches in the regions of upper air, bnt while the Americans getting ready to explore the ether that surrounds mite, the

f5se Duck Suits, at


*f ernty

^ ^ Tn* doom of w i t r T I w l rho carer to the ---- *** ********

he of thepnh-Daamier.

to be the _ the greatest o/ FTWII#* *—«^_^ his mind bvih£^mnc**in**> k * K

Joov^ t k . * ^ *** **** of Jaiea

*«* i^h^eSnr^**-1-! ^etxt? he wa, S ^ * * T 1 * « « " t

sonian ~ --- of

the arr

great sea of oar globe M. Hex

_ adept in meteorolog ical lore, is experimenting on his hook, fie has sent pilot balloons, ing self registering instruments^ great heights, and the automatic repsrds made

. there by his thennomete»"baroiBeters J and other instruments aae of absorbing

interest. One of the £stuoons, which a#-oended toabeigbt of* 10^ miles, return ed with a reoonr^hieh proeed that it had been in %Vtratuxn of air where the

only 4.1 inches of xnercary, , perarure 104 degrees F , be- I

Data deducted from a long ' experiments warrants M. Her j

te ia making the esse if ion that after ' a height at 12.000 fex u reached the ;

a^errary falls a degree for each t*0 teei-j. of ascent made- —H- Locis Repnbbc i

^ e hare


Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers.

ttss nsi t h e a d t

wtonPa. half the

:hes for the tt in place, so thai

twenty-five of these at the disposal ol

GeaO.Boroe C. Kiss left yesterday where they will attend

of the state teachers a* Ooates arriTed

evening, with her

ipanied by her friend

Dg people of the Metho-drove to 8praguenlle where they were enter-

inetted try the Y. P. piaOa.

next week with her grandfather at ass. She will all

Y. P. 8. a E JulylG-15.

rchie Dixon, the popnlar on the O. &O.R. B , whose

a few weeks ago in-from work, is ex

res weeks, fears are for J. EL

Qeorao Keed, C. H. Sflttth, ward May, Charhe




Mrs Bowlin, Pboehe Spacer

ss hall ctnli, made up eotiTeiy handed psaysra; asas bean or

full line of LaadiW «i\-^"

you to bay.

iutas>c h a l ] f a u ?»r'ajga Rinianr^T naaoV nia ****** ^Wfnerai

«^idec\T faaow.

thcms*^S43t^^^fc-^ *** • d ^ n r f e a Z l ' - ^ » k m s i U l a w . . 4 i a t t * l

**>* of the

•BnTOtXagfcaL At the

n w ^ harrv-r v.. fr*t?^-4,

and u n.,w

» t t l x n«eeaer>B

l l » P ^ « ^ C^nlin who i* rJ~

** «-* and tli S ? ^ ^ ? ^

1 > - I - - . .? r ^ C t ^ ^ a « y i * n r



IN J n r y l


O ^ T w*-r*> Xjf

4 « nomas' E r i e ^ ^ . ? ^ - r b < i c m ^ « 0 3 has enre'i thoof I: on

O ^ HobertG

-_-* *-» i.v^ or;.7 joe of the *-f: a: i..* ;» s c T: * is#er r^me Ms ¥~~* c ar* aJ: r«e w af Jne 4rr: tiff JT* he d > l e e the " J77^rl r^e and dexaaadVi r r^r* I was fraxyr ^a sa*=k p'-^bre hesM5tjnarTer» after i

af ser a no

Bie i i e l fee of «?w


AT ^ BtljfCreu S^tnisr. of tke ? ° ^

^••^•y a£ 5** J* had hesod^aai

hy ,troain»a.


aaaaa^baav ^ LABERDEB^ ^ ^-*>