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I •y>HE ADVANCE it * home paper. * It stand* for the dean things in life. It is for the enforcement of law and for A better Ogdens bury y ' i 1 1 !• y ^ J , / \ & - " \ ^ i /•^UR corps of correspondents ^""cover every part of St. Law- rence County and you get the beet in news every week from reliable) sources. ST. LAWRENCE WEEKLY DEMOCRAT J. DBMOCH V ADVANCE ri)i'\i»Ki» is..s loi M>i' D i s§; i (>(JIH-:NSMI'I{(J, X. V., TIIIKSDAV, J I N K 2<), 1!)21>. VOL. LVJ. NO. 26 CANTON BRASHER FALLS GOUVERNEUR Coineihi-. \l if *II •!• «ti ssin. h.r. | iti .I-.II.-I I'alK June :; Mrs. \V. E bee,, nli.niix ||> to, .v, ,| ,|,,\ .. i'>;|) (M ,.\ who has ^I>«'lll the past three gradually .h. lining, an.I hope, f..i hln • V v• . k m Pot-dam the guest of her ivmwiv haw -In en .III.IH.IMII. .1 : ,,,,., \|,.. .hirmiah Regan, lias re The It. V i 1,'M'HH I'tiMit ..' (it ,H !• | iin nt'il home Tin' K. of C received <'IMIM h c|tli\.iil i In- I. n » i l.iii i <i it> ' llni\ Communion iti a hody at the !» fUMiimn in MM r.' KIII I I inc. < l.i ... uf ; in lurk mas; a' Si PaMick's church Klio\ Mr M I : i hi.ui IJtt • .• II, Sun Sundav .Mis Maty Ward has leturn- <la\ evening , n | ln»inr •, 11»*r ^|»t tiding a few (lays Ml;. \|. I|V i,,ii ((| u h i 1. i hrrii ,i | ' " Malone tin- gm ,;i of Mrs Elizabeth ii inn ,,f . | M i M \ \ , .., |,,, ., x ,., ,,| j Kriiiicilv William Demmlngs of New yr.il l.tti.-iiv ,,r I.<i \n>'.|. i' . |i T I YoiK Is speiidjng a few w,.eks in united in I'm ••-.nth nti.l i. al j ,l,vvn lhr K,,,,>:| <>f Ml aml M,s J *'• thr I,,.tin ,i| I,, i rilr,.- Mi. Lottie «'ni\\li'\ Mi— Hannah O'Brien of Kliklamt ' Buffalo is spending a few weeks al her *,, I, ,, .•! i i i . i j home lit'ir Michael Lantry has gone MI . limnMi^ l I • • n \ • • 1 ,i n. I I.I 1 ihninc.i . , ... ,i, , ,. . , . . , in Saianac nn toi the summer* Mr. Hie w . i U l i . i I !. m l u|i|M i. \ N . whrie . , ,.. , , . ,, land \ i •• llionia-; .M;l honev ot Water HlO \Si|| ,1|| lid e\e|.»l \\.-, |v . ,|l the . i . 4 , ,., . .. . town -pern a lew davs In lown last < h.uii aiHiu.i In nuiie II. mother. . , . , , ., ,. ,, i- . i x- , , i i , . , I w,«d» tailed here hv Ihe illness ot Ml I I all h \ I It lVt'1,111'1 l> t ' t e \ e l ' ' , . , . ,,, ill dav. ..»:.. .o r,,hl .i uh,,. he ,,, ' , " i l •';;••'• Xh " . ' / \\ 1 ,> . oll, I v: !" will n,,,l,. an .X..-,MI.-,| M „ :^-'«"-' M.'hn„ ot New \.,.k ts vslliiiR : h,'. tnoihei. \lu. Hannah Mahnn. <"•"•««"» " l »' 1 ' ' h "" 1 »'•• " !l (| •• \|,,. Cuin.'liii; llnrl.'V was an over- <,,M ° r ;1 >•' W,,,,K lh ' •<••'"!•" sun.lav »:nest of telaiives in Canton.- Hhip |.M/e nf <l'» ua awa..|...l ... IM ; , , ,, M .,, |n||l . x (lf i',,,,,^,!!, (),,(,. was Wind tilaiikm.ui The eon i.,.\ pti/.e t (i|hl| ||( f()W Wednesdav laRt. f*»< i l i f om uh.. ha ih.- I.e.i fcoid, Ml Ma.Kite, ite Mc<'ui n of Uiwrence ,n «•«'"• lesv u.i S.aMev Hulli. xi||( . W|v ., ,,.,.„„, K , ||iS , ()f ,„.,. aunL The llo*ei i i . , ..I I,v d.dl.n . .-.o h X|| . w ,, M) ,c u i n p. H . r.voiw IH T,M 'hehov and »-. 11 I ;hou,,. K Ihe.-.ie.U |l|vmr ,,),, .... jden.f iailHed Mis. |». * ,,,, "iiiHov.-mrn i,., ih. M , umi n. ,,. Kl . nn ,. h . in> N1 , s ,\ [.; ||oag and ljt- M, " v l">'"h" ml Than.-. n-Ha... (|( ( , M|Kh ,,. ( c.nsiance. Mrs. IV H. Mi I II..ai .In, in \..h!. ..i Waii |,\ ( .n. ami M i-; . Htden-, Lyons spent kfih.t. Wi . . v\ln. ram.- li.i.- r.nlv in s.iiiid.t\ at'tmnoon in Malone The the month t.> in.-ml t -omm. m . mnii Mj...-. (Jiace Murra>. (Jertrtide La- ri'Mtiimd linn,.- W'rdne ,,| i\ aliei M)( , i , M , S( , Leai-y. Itertha Learv. An- H|Mmdno: a tt,,- t deiir.hful \ a. at mil ,, , "|hiile\. Mahel Quint II and Ada In ('anion and \t. IMM\ Ih \i.h|.> i- : \,| , |',ni h a Vf at lived home from H liail\e «.| fill I... ,(IH\ Wheie he ,(,,,,, , ,.-. |HM t i \ sl'lllMiU for tile Slllll HJMMH hi . a i h hi. ||. n.i.in ited in ,,,,., vacaiion Henry McCuin and the < ia ; . <d s ' ,.l Si Lawn no univn '|| lllo n Watson have t;ono to Satanac «|l>. Htf . la in uhlth IIVIIIJ-. Ha.h.l |,;,Kr whete thev have positions for 1<M Kiatluai.d ,,,,. ..,,,,,,,,,,, |i,-v C .1. Crowley at irmletl tht> irtte.it ai <' I i ft" Havoii t his TEACHERS WILL NOT u-^ --"d \i.. w A xowiami. DPTTfOM "WfVT IP A T T !'• I { \'owl ;l ml. Mi. and Mrs Harry M , .,. v, ,, . , . |\ wt-ir dinner r.uests tif Mr and Mrs. Mas alia .IIIIM- s \l i Ku'li ( tan ' . . i ., , , , , , , , .,. c |i Mahoucv Sum lav evening. Levi dill < hajinnii. .1 .. tiiimh. i of I amp I'lie , , ., . ,, ,, .,,, , ,. , i» K'nt i ; ,iin moth,.i. Mrs L I). Uog gill- at a tamp.ni: pa i \ a' I »t»mo s . ,, " , . „ .. ,. ,, i , . i M I ei of "(tt-aLilil wete callers in towtl OOtfago un the It.icket and Miss Kv«v- . . .... . , . i,,, ...... , i n Sum a v afieim»t>ti Ihe Normal slu IVH WlKK i n « I, a |>. i ..lied .iintli. i riutlp , . , .. ,- ... . , . , v . . ,. dents have at lived home for the sum Of (amp I'ne r.nl. at Nt'Vius cottage. , r , , ., .. mei \ar.nion 1 he comnuMireiiient Ilot f.i i horn uhei. linn... oiit.u'.o n . . „ ., tl . . . . . , , i. . . , ,, i . M i- . . exei.dscs of It \- S High school he located, aftei win. h Mi i tandel K<»«'S ' . . . i to her home ,„ ran.on .ml will no. «*«" Thu.olav ..vniiliK of las. week ret.,,,, he,.- „. ,, vea, Sh. wdl g«> " whith lime the grade exercises to INHI Che.i., .ml rr,,h Knr.lldi In • wvrv ,,l ' ,<l f h " ,H K . h Hr,,, 1 , ° l W™\»™ Junloi h.Kh Mi. W.K.m ha accept ,t » , « ;1 " S " n,,!,v "vetung when the hac *<\ a line ,*...•,,..„ in It,,,,,, unive, .<•»'»» »«' "••'»"»» ; v;,s , »" '*^ hv « n af miv. Covalemi It I She W ||| ,.MCI, »»"' M K «-hu. eh h> I w I. WHIH. ...i.o, ,,,.,.h.-m,•„ . „, h,. ii,„. .„,.. ..«-••" «» r •»'•' M^hod.st church On roller W.« wi.h h..th X.M„,F l..d.e: , M-n.lav evening (lass exer ( ..ses were •nirr..,, ami ..„, ..-.• ,, «n„.|,,rul ..p h , M i,h<l Tiu^lay eyenuiK t l ^ gnidu- piMliiiill^ ;m.i;.u- up,.., -!,.„, h(((h a.inK ex,.««ises w.l| he he.l. Wednes- \Ve will mi. Mo-m .,,,,1 a o , , | o.he, ' " V ••vonlng the alumni hamptet will feachei, as w.H a Sup. II Nav ' ' » ' ,l " ,,, in <<><"W hall W .1. Lafave lor The Milage p.ihli, w,,.!<.. tlepa.t "' T h - Ml,lnr " > ^vi-nliig T»'l.'gniin was HIKIII has hern M.ihu.K «,„k ,.„ the 1 ' «»«-dness calle. in town Monday. HI.MI.I .-wet ll„,i ,1., n.Kl.t I.-, a '•'"•'I M«M«.nald of Malone spent Mon- la.Ke nui i of „,.-„ wo, I...I all nkl.i ''^ in ,own Ml i,,ul Mrs " " " ,la ptimph.K wat.t out of the lilloldi.ch <"hu.rh of Wa.e.town vyetV over Sun t*. so tha- l-M.lav aii.l S.IMIMI.IV tile (1,v K«^^ ,,r { U ^ '""'hor. Mrs San- wim laid ami much p,..,:,.-.-. i, IMMI.K r,,,,i r,,,,,rh M,s 'l'»'«'»'n« "«»«J «'- ma.le the I.,-.' t-w .las. Cra.luatiot. I'-nd.-.M hr graduating rx.Mri«PH of tho I'Xi^M I'H"! aie W idiirala \ nirht of this Week A full ictoiiiii w.ll he given Iiexi week H \ t^u.ti. H ,i\\l\ (-)iil (lien and Tam i^ueurll. Si , motoied to Maide lii.tif f,it m Sundav ami call •»d lo .er Mi i^ueiirlle • old mighhoi. Joseph While who doe. lint impiove n«4 t. 11» i 111 v a hi. ftii ml. would wish. Mi ,i nt i Mi \ !•'•• 11 \ ami on Lew In we.e in (o'.ltii huic lao |'ii,|av |{. v T I' Hoi! ,ml ami l(.v It J. Ktllle weir in i'l.i 11 .huigh t h i . wetdl In aMelldatice at the annual cleigV ie t tea , A litw- tin- >• \ po i o| at I he lawn social oil the lawn ,i» ^;acre(| lli'uit io'<>t\ gtoiind. on :-Jaiunla> night t»f t hi w o i, \ tin.. ,,| chest t a. and a good < t. ( -, ianiii »«»«> f r i e m h fiom lai t and Mis II M Smith. ^ , .... Ileiiai.. .ptm Sundav wnh , ,lat. ves , , "' l,, » M''<'i>»thy, Margaret Ropor. In Nhholvrlle M, ami \h, W A M-'» ,0 » Murray; Cornolia. Theresa Now land and I'. II \ow I ,,nl A I .ant i v and d i uch' i !• ilee... . , , -, II. A Q.iem-ll ami ; ,,n r.,,.1 pent Sat ,l « ,,i; - Joi,n of A|r - Af ; « O'Neil; Th ( . urdux m ogd.n hu.g \tm.ng thoso' ,,i,fl<, »" ({l i^'hln. Kllon Connolly; Xan- who coii'iihufd i..w.it.I the eiiteit.iin i h l>l>» 1 Che scolding wife of So,.rates). metil to, ,he | c p. \ ,,„ Kndav ( < , h.u|otle McCailhy. Floreuc(« Nightin nigh- l.et vs... he ML. , \|, Le, .1. of ' >' ll|, ' ; Anna <''"«»wley. S«H'»?r of Mer- Cana.la. who a,.- v.,it,,,.- ,|,eir giand . rV - Fl ' m(,,,; Sheldon: Orphan. Isahollo mot tut , M i platlo ado . i Hallal, in w h<> r a \ . \\ ,...,i| lMl | |.-.,n Ie." oil piano .in.I foi an eticote play IM| he, own ,i. i .MI pa n : m- n i I'D, 'd at t It Ho i V r p " , Mi '.\ l\ ,,i < )'\. il i radinr \h r I I'l.niie w.m T l , , > l,;, IM>v Last," graduales. Lach voung lady In the pl;i.v tlitl her part ex- ,.,.ptionally well. The gold medal pre- sented hv Mrs. Mai > H e m i n w a y li<>f- N'oiwood High school Tuesday eve n,ng Miss Hilda Haley, a relative, was a inemhri of the class. Th ( . com un n< ttnetit exercises of St, Joseph's n( .adeinv wen- held in St. Patrick's hall 1'iidav evening last and were laigelv .,ttemled Th,.te were Ave gtaduate;: Anahtd V. Letnieux. Laura I Letnieux. Helen C Joyce. V'jna M. Lmpev and Kugene T Hajl There were foili giaduatct* In the music (our-,. Anal.id Letnirux. Laura I. IA*~ mituix ILden C. Joyce and Vina M. Lmpev. Tin lotlowlng program was givetr Ovethlie. "Sweet lllier." S. J. \ oi (die--.ii ., ; < 11 ill. juniors, "Choosing tin, onmestta, ( ; « \l"<'«d" chataclers; Miss Helen lh , , W) ,|| ,, t . ; Joyce. Miss Anahel Lemjeux. Miss H) ,| n ,. ;lt \ i , ! Laura L r niieiix. Miss Vina Ktnpey Mi., ciiilioilnt' ' •Ki'ailiiiili'sl; models. Adeje (his), relatives l"' 1 "" MeCaithy. Margaret Hoper. .^ ^ Ma i ion Murray; Cornel ia, Theresa »j ( . |f Ciowlev; Mis drowning, Motion ,',.,' " M Llamleis; Lli/.aheth Fay. Harrl«d Flan- .,,,. vi-.itin- limit gland , rV - '•'•" ,r,,; ^"e.n.m, oipii .... ,.„-,„• Ma.v MeiM.hi., who gave M'«nson; M.plain K«-caml,.r. Margaret ,,,l duet-. Mi •. Marie, (,n ughlln; Mai tha Washington. Kinlly ., v i, ...a i.i .;. ' Kagerer; valedhdory. Kugene Hall; a.hit ess. Rev II O'lleilly; ppesenta- ilott of diplomas, cei I iflcatet* and ,, jpiizes. Rev C J Crowjey; (dass song. "Old (' ilnn next tot a pi He . • oh) « !. < led, a I'l e i Uhith d.i.i.-v -el,, hi..,..' w.,e ,r, V e, d'M. m a 11 V ^ t d I. ^ 1 he g. d d mcda I pre- Dd. The elitet lainmern commiltei wio! Mt \ Ho. \l. Chtil.. Id f f„e ami M. SMM a H \ . ,| M, , ||,.| I" »«re--l J ' ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ , ^ 1 ^ ell ( > \< 11 id" ( ' . n i on w a m lown am lit tended the meet mr. a m I . n I oil tin mi in tei ; , Itoi ". in town Mi I'l i .'a h. t h \ mo. Who i ; an i n .' nn t o, in i he ouu mei rial 'l» pa t i l.n ii in \1\ Ohio college, j : hollie foi I he l| III MM! \| | ,||)d Ml , Jaiio . Ilamioii ,ml on \|o,.,r of MoHll'.ll. Who lov*' hern prtlding Meveial 11.1 \ wnli Mi Mantion't; is tei s. Mi , .1 I. Phillip . ami Mi -. Jo MCpIl Molll.pi>. lellftled llollle O i l T i l " . da\ Ml,. Id;! i I'hillip; accompanied them holm lot a .hot I while Massr tia h.mehall tram drfeatrtl ( >gdi-n -hurg Ha.llidav. .one S to '. ami the home team «1«•fratol Havana Rot Sox on HllU'l'lV. ".Coir t t o 1' Seveial f I Otll heir weni io Wai. i town on Sundav to attend the exemplification of the third degree of ihe K of C Mis Anna Caivel Mpen. avetiil dav-. in Potsdam llUlt week ami attended the IV N S graduation rxetci ;rs at which her dailghle. \nn,i tecrlved her diploma Minn Anna took the kindergarten rotn •>> til ; for the gn , at( i +d ptogi( % ss in the ptogreoive seide.s of tuu-dc Wiis won hv /Mice McCuin. and the silviM' medal, won hv Jean Stevens. The alumni "M,"" \l",'o 'la •.,.'." "aml'daugli h..ll«|i|el w,l| h,. held Wednesday eve d \lhanv wneiivr, suml.v v u . i «• ing in Si Pal. ick's hall. The Misses Annahe] Murray. Ilono and ('.(therine Mutiav wcto recently graduated from the Potsdam State Normal school. 1 Mi ami Mrs. R. K Heffeman and children motored to Massena Saturday ! .it'i-i noon. Innocent Pastime. Ami old man was walking along a road one n ght, when ho wan confront- ed hv a hurly slranger. "What do you want?" he asked. "We'ro going to 'ave a game of put and take, mate," replied the stranger. "Put and take!" gasped the old man. shivering wPh fright "Yus.' said the burly one. "You put >er amis up and I'll take yer watch!" GOUVERNEUR HIGH GRADUATED 31 Mildred Babcock Valedictorian and Fred Mott Salutatorian (io uvenuur .June L'7. Graduating exercises of the PJL'U c l a s s of Oouver- nour high school were held this even- ing In thrt school auditorium. The (lass numbers [\\. In Ihe classical course are seven students, Miss Mil- dred Babcock, Miss Florence Mitchell Miss Arlene Jones, Miss Ruth Willi* inns Miss Velma Curtis. Miss Gladys Freeman and Charles Anthony. In the* scientific course, are four boys, Fred Motf, Foster Drury, Irving Levin- son and Dane Risley. There an} -0 in the academic course, as follows. Miss Ruth Marshall, Miss Deborah Parker Miss Kster Katzman, Miss May Hockey. Miss Blanche Col- ley Spring}, Mls'Ht Margaret Homer, Miss MerriH Voung. Miss Winifred Mer ritt. Robert Kaley, Raymond Parker, Kenneth Fuller, Robert Lynde, Ros- well. Covell. Hatty Temple, Kenneth Porter. Robert Smith and ll-erbert Ful- ler. The progiram was as follows: SehMMion- "Dancing Dolts'Gavotte," (I. H. S. orchestra. Invocation Rev J. W. Richardson. Salutatory, and "Democracy, Its Es- sential Chafai (eristics and progress," Fred Mott. "A Development of the Dairymen's League." Harry Temple. Selection t- By choral club. "Immigration. Past and Present" Ksther Katzjman. "Agricultural Courses in High Schools." Herbert Fuller. Selection Boys' glee club "The Commercialization of tihe Charles Anthony. Miller's Wooing,"—Mixed MISS MATTESON WAS VALEDICTORIAN Uadio." "The chorus "Our Double Colored Neighbors from a Pollit of View." and valedic- tory. Mildrei Babcock. "Bohemia^ Girl." Balfe -Seredy-To caky. Presentation of Diplomas, Judge J. C Dolan. HELENA Helena. June 2»; Doris Page, aged .'. years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Page, fell off the steps at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Regan on Mon- day last and broke her arm at the el- bow-. She was taken to Cornwall and the bones set and put in a plaster ca«e. She returned home Thursday evening and is getting along fine. Her mother accompanied her. Miss Etta Johnstone closed a very successful year of school at Santa Clara the pasl week. Mis. A. K. Hyde of Moira vis- ited her parents a couple of days the patd week. -Mr. and Mrs. John Pra- shaw are rejoicing over the arrival of a young son. which came to their home on Tuesday. Vernle Glllen Is building a sleeping porch for Mrs. Au gusta Fletcher. II. S. Tryon and daughter Ruth attended the gradua- tion exercises at Potsdam Wednesday. -Gideon Carvill is among the «ick.— A large car belonging to F. Payment buttled near Walter Burns' Wednes- day. Miss Alien Mclntyre spent the past week In Malone.--Harry Grow and W. (V Hurley spent Sunday in Watertown.- Dr. K. A. Nevin of New- ark visited his sister. Mrs. J. C. Lan- tiy and returned to his home on Sun- day. B. S. Tryon i«s spending this week at Winthrop. - Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Andrews and family of Norwood and Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Hamlin of Bnishton were guests of Mrs. Mildred Hamlin on Sunday. Charles A. But- ler of Montreal spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Lenney of Potsdam were in town on Sunday.- Mi. and Mrs. A. E. Ilyd? \$ Moira visitod W. H. John-stone's fam- ily on Sunddy. Mrs. C. A. Butler and Mrs. W. C. Hurley spent Tuesday in Malone.- Robert McKane spent Sun- day in Moira. Miss Catherine Grow is home from Potsdam, also Sadie Eldridge. J'as. Gillen and <son Thom- as are building a new barn for Dr. C. F. Prairie. -J. O'Callahan. 1). E. Ma- honey of Cornwall. II McKabe, B. Mc- Carthy of Malone wer*» business call- ers here the past week.----Mr. and Mrs. B, F. Lanlry and children spent. Sunday afternoon al Brasher Falls.— Miss Maty gantry has returned from Potudain. J^hn and Tom Lantry are spending tin} day in Malone.—-Mrs. Eleanor Quirtoll of Massena is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. N. Prashaw. Mrs. H. V\[eeks of Newark is a guest of Mrs. J. C. Lantry.—Warren Eldridge amj) Francis Crowley have gone to Red jCreek, N. Y.. where they have good p<)«itions.— Charles Lantry, Jr., has a good position at Saranac.— Mr. and Mr.H. W. A. Nowland, Ii. B. Nowland. Mik H. A. Lantry and (laughter spetit Saturday afternoon in Ogdensbutg. f Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nowland, B. 6. Nowland. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lantry and daughters Eileen and Sal lie sp-enl Sunday afternoon at Brasher FallfJ, guest's of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mahoriey.—Mrs. M. M. Shean spent Tuesday - in Cornwall. •—• POTSDAM liate rooms, Sher- |y McGruer. Sher- r Illl. Irving Hayes. grade Portia Van 6 th Rice, Mar- Geo- t ore Artistic "Dearest," he said, siglung like a furnace, "it doesn't seem like the same old smile you used to give to HIV "Oh, no, Jack." replied the sweet thing, "this 16 a new one. I have been studying at a school of dramatic art." Dekalb Junction High School Clan Was Addressed by Dr. James Pay- son of Canton. Dekalb Junction, June 28.—The gra- duating exercises were held Tuesday evening in the Presbyterian church. Dr. James Payson of Canton, address- ed the graduating class. The gra- duates, Miss Dorothy Matteson, Valed- ictorian, Miss Mary Powers, Saluta- torian Micheal Sullivan. The prorram as follows; March, Orchestra, Song, School Days. Micheal Sullivan, Prof H. it. Willey, Invocation, Rev. D. P. Mar- tin; Duet. Dorothy Matteson. Luella Lobdell; Presentation of Key of Know- ledge. Micheal Sullivan; acceptance of Key of Knowledge, Evelyn Green; Song. Eva Risley, Ruth Webster, Sa- lutation. The Ship ot* Welcome, Mary Powers; Duet, Mildred Mott, WaiHe Fairbanks. Retrospection of student Life, "Valedictory," Dorothy Matteson; Piano recital, Eileen^Westeott; Hu- man Progress. Micheal Sullivan; Song Just one Country iijnd one Flag 6th grade pupils; Address. Dr. James Pay- son. Presentation of gifts of Dramatic society to Board of Education, Prof. H. R. Willye; Presentation of Diplom- as. Song vacation, third grade pupils. The pupil who passed 90 per cent and over in the grade examinations in the primary and interim metic, 3rd grade, M man I/Oiicks. Ethel Stillman Tupper; 4t IXelinder, Jennie Rowland. 5th grade. I ^a tire I llosmer. Frank Miles, 6th grade Newell Rice. Frances Lobdell, Har- rison Maine; Spelling 3rd grade Sher- man lioucks, Mary McGreur, Ethel Hill, Carroll Endersb*'e. Irving Hayes, 4th grade Lei and Conant. Arleen F.ol som, Portia VanDelinder; 5th grade Laurel Hosmer. Dorothy Gilmour, Rob- ert Hill, 6th grade. Marion Hayes Newell Rice. George Jones. Marion McCarthy, Harrison Maine; English Mil grade Mary McGruer, Ethel Hill, Carroll E ders-bee. Irving Hayes, Still- man Tupper. 4th grade Leland Conant Portia Van Delinder, 5th grade, Laurel Hosmer. Annabel Farr. Robert Hill, Dorothy Gilmour, Frank Miles, grade. Marion Hayes Newell Franco* Ix>bdell. George Jones, rian McCarthy Harrison Maine graphy 3rd grade. May McGruer, Sher- man Ijoucks, Carroll Endersbee, Patsy Laverghetta, 5th. grade. I^aurel Hos- mer 6th grade, Regents examinations. George Jones. Newell Rice, Harrison Maine. Those who graduates from 8th grade to high school, are Doris lirees, Susia Gray, Pauline Raymond, Eileen Westcott, John Bishop. Those who passed the Regents in preliminary subjects. U. S. History, Alfred Bishop, Marion Dever, Susia Gray, VJvian Hayes, Eileen Westcott, Doris Brees, Doris Conant ,94, Agreta Miles 90. Arithmetic, Agreta Miles, Susia Gray, Vivian Hayes, Eileen Wescott, Mar- garet Woodward Doris Brees. Doris Conant. 100. Pauline Raymon. 91, Al- fred Bishop 93, Spelling. Alfred Bis- hop. John Bishop, Georgia Gray, Viv- ian Hayes Pauline Raymon, Doris Con- ant, 95. Marian Dever, 95, Agreta Miles 92 and Margaret Woodward 90. The foillow\Uig will enter Unati year high school except English, Al- fred Bishop, Vivian Hayes. Doris Con- ant, Marian Dever, Agreta Miles.—The Woman's Christian Temperance Union met at the home of Mrs. Martha Har- dy for their annual meeting, Tues- day afternoon Juno 20. Oficers elect- ed were President, Mrs. Martha Har- dy; Vice president, Mrs. A. C. Farr, Mrs. S. L. Lobdell; secretary, Mrs. E O. Hurlbut. treasurer, Mrs. Silas Cline; Musical director, Mrs. Floyd Powell; superintendent's of departments: Ev- angelistic, Mrs. E. O. Webster; Flower mission aod relief, Mrs. Addle West- cott; Sabbath observances, Mrs. Earl Akley, Mrs. A. C. Farr; Missionary co- operation Mrs. George Rasey; social, Mrs. John Hyland; press work. Mrs. Martha Hardy. -Mrs. Henrietta Thom- as spent the week end in Gouverneur. --Glen Haven of Ogdensburg spent a day with his mother Mrs. Anna Haven Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rice and son George of Deferiet spent the greater part of last week with Mrs. A. J. Pen- ny. -Mr. and tfrs. J. W. McCarthy re- turned home Sunday from Potsdam, Mrs. McCarthy's mother Mrs. Murphy was buried'Friday. -Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Davis of Vermont is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. EJoyd Powell.—-Miss Ma- bel and Pauline Raymon after finish- ing school year have returned to their home in Depeyster.—The assessors, Frank Pet He, L. I). Holland, Edwin Gray made their annual (anvass of the village last week.—Miss Edith Murphy of Gouverneur was a week-end guest of Miss Arleen Jones.—Miss Rhth W-obster left Friday for Herkimer where she will spend the summer.— Micheal Sullivan, Mrs. Gearld Sullivan and children Julia and Gerald of Rochester came Saturday evening.— Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rowland and son of Adams, Wisconsin, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Row- land, Mr. and Mrs. Rowland also en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sheldon and daughter of Richville on Friday.— Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Wainwright and daughter Minnie motored to Rome Friday.-r-Mrs. Bret Jones, Miss Ar- ' leen Jones, Miss OIo Wainwright, Miss. Ada Murphy and Miss Edith Murphy were Saturday callers In Og- densburg.—Miss Margaret Seymour ar- rived home Friday from Saranac Lake. John Hyland was a Canton caller Fri- GEORGE H. SWIFT DIED SUDDENLY Former Potsdam Man Dropped Dead In South Colton. Potsdam, June 27.—George H. awift. a we!l known resident of South Colton formerly of Potsdam, dropped dead while working in the garden at his home in South ('oilon Monday morn- ing. Mr. Swift had been in poor health for some time and it is believed that over exertion resulted in shock which caused his death. The funeral will be from the home at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Rev. A. H. McKnight of- ficiating. Interments will be here. Mr. Swift was well known in this section'through his abilir.y as a tenor and was a regular attendant at the old time musical convention held here a number of years ago. Removing to South Colton. he became engaged, in business there and was elected a just- ice of the peace, an office which he held for a number of years. He married Miss Abbie Armstrong, daughter of the South Colton Hotel proprietor. Besides his widow, one son, John of South Colton, survives him. Potsdam Notes J. M. Cadzow has purchased of Prof. L. D. Taggart. the latter's residence at No. 76 Main street. Mr. Cadzow buys for a home and takes possession Aug- ust 1. Professor Taggart recently re- signed his position on the Normal fa- culty to accept a similar one at tJip Oneonta Normal School. Tfie oiling of the village streets be- gan Monday, Market street being the first to receive attention. Sufficient oil is on hand the one car received to fake care of about half the village. The village authorities have decided final- ly not to attempt to oil the macadami- zed portions of the streets where state highways are laid. An Independent factor in the gaso- line and oil field here becomes opera- tive this week through the opening by 'B. A. Evans of Hammond of a serv- ice station in Maple street. D. A. Gregg has the management of the sta- tion. Mr. Evans already has a distrtb- uting station in Pine street with 250,- 000 gallon storage capacity, this mak- ing his fourth plant in the coun- ty, the others being at Ogdensburg, Gouverneur and Hammond. The Salvation Army Silver band of Schenectady is scheduled for a trip through Northern New York start- ing this week according to an advance representative of the organization who was in town today. The band will give an open air concert here Monday, July 3. The organization will travel by automobile and comes Into the North Country by way of Carthage and Wa- tertown. It will go from here to Ma- lone and the Adirondaeka returning home by way of Glens Falls. The band numbers 26 pieces. day.r—Mrs. Addle Westcott, Mrs. John Hyland and Earl Sprouts were callers at George Taylor's Friday.—Mr. and Mrs. John Hyland entertained Thurs- day, her nephew John Burnham of Leon, Kansas, and Sid Burnham and son Harrison and daughter Evelyn of Mexico. Mrs. Frank Petrie and Miss Flossie Blackmore of Dekalb were Saturday callers at Charles Burnham. —-Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy and family of Dekalb visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hardy Sunday. —Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson and daughter Galina of Canton and Miss Norris of Ellenville were guest of Mr. and Mrs. James VanDelinder Friday.— Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Haven, Mrs. Eliza Hayes and Miss Agreta Miles were visitors at Rock bottom cheese factory —Mr. and Mrs. George Sopef and fam- ily of Edwards were visitors Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gladle.—Mr. and Mrs. U. I. Sayer and son Percy, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Streeter, Miss Gladys McGruer, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rowland and son Charles, and Loyd Powell were callers in Gouverneur Saturday evening.—Mrs. C. M. Woods and Mrs. E. E. Risley were callers in Hermon Monday.—Mr. and Mrs. Faust Risley and family were visitors in Edwards Sunday.—Harold Jebo of Potsdam was a business caller in town Monday.—Loyd Huntress, Mr. and Mrs William Murphy and daughter Ada motored to Star Lake Tuesday, Miss Murphy will remain for the summer.— Mr. and Mrs. Bret Jones, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Williams, Miss Evelyn Williams Mrs Olo Wainwright, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Johnson attended the graduation exercises of Gouverneur High school. —Miss Ruth Williams and Miss Ar- leen Jones were among the graduates. —Mr and Mrs Thomas Laverghetta are rejoicing over a son June 22.—A little son has came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Ellis, June 24. Sure of It. Margaret looked up at her mother one day and said: "Mother, Jesus has wash days, hasn't he?" "Why, no, child,' her mother replied "But he has," insisted Margaret. "Why do you say that?" the mother asked. "Because, mother, didn't He wash my sins away?" INTERESTING NEWS FROM DEPEYSTER Depeyster. June 27.--Mr«. Olive Ward and Mrs. Racine Thompson re turned Tuesday from their visit to their sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Washburn, at Edwardsville. Il- linois. They also visited Mr. and Mr«. Harry Sammons and Mr. and Mis. Theron Dever, Mrs. Sammons and Mrs. Dever being daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Washburn. During their visit there Mr. and Mrs. Washburn celebrated their fiftieth wedding anni versary. Seventeen years had paused since the sisters had seen each other and at that lime Mr. and Mrs. Wash! burn and daughters visited New York state. Mrs. Beitha Lane was on over- night visitor Wednesday night ,in Mor- i istown, called there by the serious illness of her father. Amos Brooks.—• Mist* June Conroy, who spent a few days wilh Miss Golda Ames at Brasie Corners, returned home Satuiday.— Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vert and son Worth and daughters Gay and Joclyn were visitors Sunday with Mrs. Amber Conroy and family. Mi. and Mrs. Ivan Zoller of the Black Lake road and Mrs. Mary Thompson were the guests Sunday at dinner with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mix.—Mr. and Mrs. Mar- vin Holt and daughter Evelyn of Gouv- erneur were visitors Sunday with Mrs. Holt's sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smithers—Miss K a th- erine Smithers returned home with them to spend a few days. —Mrs. Ma- hala Colburne of Ogdensburg is visit- ing Mrs. Lucy Wood and Mrs. Charles Morris. —-Depeyster Lodge, F. and A. M., No. 573. and St. Lawrence Chap- ter No. 60, O. E. S., attended divine services Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. at the M. E. church—Miss Olga Put- man of Pope Mills came Monday to spend a few days with her friend. Miss Esther Giffiii.—Mrs. Silas Best of Heuvelton, who hats been with her daughter. Mils. J. H. Witherell, for a few days, returned to her home Mon- day night.—The graduating exercises for the class of 1922 of the Heuvelton High school was held in Ferris' hall Monday evening. The Misses Esther Giffin, Lillian Todd, Grace Parks, Been Steele, Marion Rowland and Olive Shepard of thin town are mem- bers of the class.—Miss Lois Lytle will graduate Wednesday evening from O. F. A. of Ogdensburg. a mem- ber of the class of 1922.—Mrs. Fran- ces O'Connor of Ogdensburg returned home Sunday after spending a few daye with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Orr.— Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smithers were call- ers Thursday afternoon with Mr and Mrs. S. C. Bush.—William A. Howie, a resident of this town who has been in poor health for the past six months, passed away Monday morning at about 2:50 o'clock. Funeral eervlces will be conducted Wednesday after- noon at 2 o'clock from his late home. HEUVELTON MRS. ADAM ROSS BURIED SUNDAY A Splendid Woman Passed Away Aft- er a Long Period of Poor Health. great merit and was delivered in a very convincing manner. Miss Todd is a fine speaker and held the close attention of the large audience. Ber- nice Nugent as valedictorian was her ever earnest, thoughtful self and ex- pressed her remarks to the class and faculty in a very charming manner. After song by the Glee club, Prof. Al- len awarded the diplomas. Two pHzes each of 2.50 in gold had been offered by the University Extension club for the highest marks of scholarship in the senior and grade department. Miss Bernice Nugent was awarded the senior prize and Miss Frances Morris was the lucky winner of the other. The drill given by the primary and intermediate department pupils was faultlessly given and reflected great credit to the training given by the teachers in these departments. The hall was filled to overflowing, many being unable to find seats. The or- chestra of the M. E. Sunday school of Ogdensburg who gave their seiv- ices and rendered such delightful mu- sic for the occasion, have the sincere thanks of not only the members of the school, but also of all those who had the pleasure of hearing them. They are very kind to come, as they have done year after year, to play for the school exercises and their gener- osity and fine music is fully appreci- ated. TIME HAD BROUGHT CHANGES In the days when Uncle Joe and Aunt Jane wero courting they sat in the garden one night under a summer moon, silent and adoring. "Joe, dear," suddenly said Aunt Jane at last, "I want to ask you some- thing." "Ask me anything, darling." "Something is tickling my neck," she whispered. "If I let go one of your hands to drive it away would you mind very much?" Their home is now noted Tor its ex- treme neatness, and Uncle Joe has been thoroughly trained to keep it neat; how thoroughly is shown by the fact that on a recent afternoon he went into the kitchen to get a drink. For a moment Uncle Joe stood before the sink gazing at the shining faucets. "Guess you've Just washed up the sink, ain't you?" he inquired at last. "Yes, I have," she replied. "Why?" "Well," exclealmed Uncle Joe, with a slight sigh, "I did think I'd relish a drink of water, but I guess I can get along without it." Heuvelton. June 27.--Funeral serv- ices for Mrs. Adam Itoss who died Thursday evening at the home of her son, Joseph Ross, were held Sunday afternoon at the M. E. church. Rev. F. E. Iyian officiating. Many relatives, friends and neighbors from her former home gathered at the church in honor and loving memory of this grand wo- man whose lifelong Christian faith and example had been to them an in- spiration and guide. She had been in *poor health for a long time and has had the most devoted and loving care from her family and friends. She is survived by one son. Joseph; three daughters, Mrs. Maiy Kendrew. Mrs. George Kenney, Mrs. John Breaky and one brother. Jesse Smithers, all of this place, besides several other relatives. Burial was in Hillcrest. Mr>s. Ross was 84 years of age.—On Tuesday evening, June 20. F. B. Beat- tie Chapter held its last meeting for the season. The Floral degree was exemplified by a special staff compos- ed of the past matrons of the chapter. Refreshments were served. Visitors of the evening were; Mrs. Pritchard. W. M. of Maple City Chapter; Miss Pritchard. Mi*. Charter and Mrs. Hen- ry Ban* of Ogdensburg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Northrup of Rensselaer Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Riekett. Mrs. Arba Hill and Mrs. G. Fleet ham of Depeyster, Mrs. Sanderson of Syra- cuse and Mrs. Forsythe of Milan Chapter. Michigan.—On Sunday morn- ing, June 25th. the members of Heu- velton Grange attended divine service at the Presbyterian church where Rev. W. L. Bebee delivered a fine address. Music wa*s furnished by the Grange choir. Mrs. C. E. Cheney sang "The Holy City" and Mrs. Gordon Mix and sister, Miss Marion Jenkisson. render- ed a duet with chorus by the choir. There was an attendance of over fifty members.—On Sunday evening the members of Van Heuvel Lodge of F. and A. M. and the membeif; of F. B. Beatty Chapter. O. E. S., attended service in a body at the M. E. church where they were addressed by Rev. F. E. Loan. There were 44 Masons and 30 Eastern Stars in line. Several members of the order were present fi-om Depeyster. Rev. Samuel South- ern of Depeyster was also present and assisted in the service.—Word was received here some time ago that J. R. McCoy, a former resident of this place but now of Delray, Florida, had fallen and broken his hip. Later news confirmed the repoit and adds that since his misfortune Mr. McCoy has sustained a paralytic stroke and is in a critical conditon.—Ira D. Bristol, Mrs. R. D. Morris and daughter. Miss Ruth and Miss Inez McClelland, were in Potsdam Wednesday where they at- tended the commencement exercises of Potsdam Normal school when Miss Marion Morris and Miss Irene Bristol finished their course.—Mrs. Sarah Jen- kisson, who has been a two weeks' guest at the home of her son, William Jenkisson, returned Thursday to her home at Potsdam.—Mrs. Jackson and daughter of Gouverneur were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wood- side.—Mrs. Eliza Bonesteel of Canton is a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Crayford.—We are glad to know that W. Reginald Steele, who has attended Syracuse university the past year, has gained honors in the course in chem- istry In that institution. Reginald is one of our finest young men and wor- thy of all honors that can be accorded him. We extend hearty congratula- tions and hope for future successes.— The graduating exercises of our High school were held Monday evening in Ferris hall with the following pro- gram: Orchestra; invocation. Rev. F. E. Loan; salutation, Grace Parks; "Hardest Lesson," Bernard Farden; "Militiades Peterkin Paul." Winona Pharo; Kerry Dance, Glee club; class will, Esther Giffin; cornet solo, Har- old Moore; orchestra; "Theodore Roosevelt." Marion Rowland; "Educa- tion. America's Need," Olive Shep- •pard; orchestra; "The Citizens of To- morrow," Lillian Todd; valedictory, Bernice Nugent; "Our Old High." Glee club; granting of diplomas and award- ing prizes. Principal L. F. Allen; Red, White and Blue, scarf diill, primary and intermediate pupils; orchestra. Miss Grace Parks made a fine address in opening the program, and looked as dainty and sweet as any June gradu- ate could wish to do. Little Bernard Farden captured the large audience with his fine rendering of the amusing recitation "Hardest Lesson." Wino- na Pharo described Peterkin Paul's troubles in a very pleasing manner. The Glee club of about 20 High school pupils were heartily applauded for their fine rendering of the old jolly song of Keny Dance. Miss Esther Giffin then presented for probate "The Class Will," which was a very amusing document, giving to the jun- ior class as legatees many laughable hits and reminders. Harold Moore gave a fine cornet solo and kindly re- sponded to a very enthusiastic encore. Miss Marion Rowland's essay on The- odore Roosevelt was well prepared and given. Miss Olive Sheppard's ad- dress on "America's Need of Educa- tion" was of great interest and show- ed thought and care in its prepara- tion. "The Citizen of Tomorrow" by Miss Lillian Todd was an essay of RENSSELAER FALLS Rensselaer FalK June 26.— The marrjage of CarJ Heptonstall. the pros- perous proprietor of the meat market here to Mrs. Audrey Coons Leonard of Ogdensbutg is reported. Congrat- ulations.— Mis. Florence Harvey, wife of Enoch Harvey, i>s said to be in a critical condition at the Hepburn hos- pital. It is expected tha! one limb, affected wjth gangrene. j s to be am- putated --Carl Townsend was operat- ed upon at the Hepburn hospital last Monday for the removal of tonsils and adenoids. Carl is out ag^in and great- ly improved.— Fred Pike exp>ee:s to undergo a similar operation Tuesday. —The state beaph consultation held in th,. library last Thursday by Dr. Elsie Blanchard of New York cjty, as- sisted by three state nurses, was t^k- en advantage of by the mothers of nineteen children who will be assist- ed in the bringing up of the young- sters by many practical suggestions and common s,.nse advice. Ii is ex- pected that one of the nutses will re- turn \n about two months to consult with the mothers in following out the directions and information given. It is hoped to have the service of these very competent specialists again lat- er, as there were many children who ( .ould not take advantage of thjs serv- ice as the doctor could not attend to so many.-The funeral of the late Mrs. Maty Young, widow of the late Samu r l Young, was held Monday a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Adair. The latter is a daughter of the deceased. Mrs. Young suffered several strokes of apoplexy recently.— The funeral of Mrs. Martha Ross, mother of Joseph Ross, formerly of this place, was held Sunday H t t h e village home of Joseph Ro^s, Heuvel- ton. Mr. and Mrs. George Owens and Mr. and Mrs. Noah Walker attended. —Miss Hall worked at the library on Monday afternoon preparing for the exchange of books between this branch a n(1 Ctary Mi|ls.—Burt Ken- drew and family spent the week-end wjth his aunt Mrs. Elizabeth Ken- drew—Mrs. S."0. Child fell and frac- tured her right shoulder blade.—L. E. Coy and family. Mrs. C. L. Scripter and Mrs. W. L. Peny attended the funeral of th ( dr relative, T. J. Whit- ney, at Gouverneur Monday—Mr. and Mrs. John Austin of Antwerp and Mr. and Mi's. George Spicer of Richville spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wal].—Mr. and Mrs. A. R Wall spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wall.-John L. Stiles left Frjday to attend the Sunday school conference at Wells college. Aurora.—Dr. Scud- d r r of New York city will speak of missionary work in the foreign field in the Congregational church next Saturday evening at 8 o'clock.—Next Sunday evening will be Children's day exercises \u the Congregational church—July 9th Rev. W. S. Dobble will address th ( . Masons and Eastern Stars in the M. E. church at the eve- ning service.—Next Fiiday at 2 p. m. the annual meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held in the M. E. church. There wil] be election of officers fol- lowed by a 25 cent supper in the church parlors at 5:30 p. m. At 7:30 p. m. at the M. E. church Rev. A. H. McKnjght, Baptist minister from Pots- dam, will address a public meeting the same evening—Next Thursday the annual picnic of the M. E. Sunday school will be held in Morison's giove. The Kendrew Sunday school are in- vited.—Mrs. J. V. Crawford of Morris- town is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank Morrison.—Mrs. Ella Dodds of Montreal is at her summer home here. Mr. Dodds expects to join her Thurs- day.—Dr. MacMon a gle has been en- tertaining his brother. R. Chellis Mac- Monagle, of New Bmnswick. It has been forty-thre^ years since these brothers parted. Mr. MacMonagle is now visitjng their nephew. R. P. Mac- Monagle, of Canton.—Tuesday the Rensselaer Falls Gun club was organ- ized, with Clarence E. Sunderjand, president; Frank Heptonstall. mana- ger; W. L. Perry, secretary, and Dr. W. J. L. Millar, treasurer.—Mrs. N. E. Doty is contributing the use of her National Geographic Magazine regu- larly to the library. Thjs most val- ued periodical is greatly appreciated. —Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. Eugene Wal] Sunday. June 4th. a daughter.— Miss Vera Dexter of Cleveland. Ohio, is home from her s,-.hool for the sum- mer.— E. D. Hanson, principal of the school at Wassaic. X. Y.. is home for vacation.—Mrs. Stiles entertained on Saturday evening in honor of the birthday of h^r cousin. Mrs. Fox. who leaves Tuesday for her home in Ellis- burg.—James C. Ivei-son of Grand Mere. Quebec called on friends here Saturday.—Mr. and Mrs. A]lan Doty of Philadelphia. Pa., are guests of Mrs. N. E. Doty. A. M. Doty and chil- dren of Baltimore, Md.. are e xpected soon.—Mit?. Mai'ha McKay. Mrs. Charlotte Maloney and their cousjns, A. W. Dickinson and Alvah Dickinson, will motor to Mooers to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dick- inson.—Miss Gladys Grimshaw. who enters fourth grade here next fall, and who passed al] her thiid grade subjects, 95 or over, \v\U spend the summer with relatives in Chateaugay, N. Y.—An eloquent baccalaureate ser- mon was delivered Sunday evening in the M. E. church by Rev. W. S. Dob- bie to the graduating class of t h e high school. There are five members of the graduating class: Kenneth Ginn. Miss Ora Jenkins, Miss Hazel Puffer. Kenneth Seaman a n( * Miss Dorothy Woodcock. The pupils prov- ed themselves a credit to their teach- ers and to themselves by their per- (Continued on page eight)

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•y>HE ADVANCE i t * home paper.

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/ • ^ U R corps of correspondents ^""cover every part of St. Law­rence County and you get the beet in news every week from reliable) sources.



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(>(JIH-:NSMI'I{(J, X. V., T I I I K S D A V , J INK 2<), 1!)21>. VOL. LVJ. NO. 26

CANTON BRASHER FALLS GOUVERNEUR Coineihi-. \l if * I I •!• «ti ssin. h.r. | i t i .I-.II.-I I ' a lK June : ; Mrs. \V. E

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f*»< i l i f om uh. . ha ih.- I.e.i f c o i d , M l Ma.Kite, ite Mc<'uin of Uiwrence , n «•«'"• l e s v u . i S . a M e v H u l l i . x i | | ( . W | v ., , , . , . „ „ , K , | | i S , ( ) f ,„.,. a u n L

The l l o * e i i i . , ..I I,v d.dl.n . .-.o h X | | . w , , M ) , c u i n p. H . r.voiw IH T , M 'hehov and »-. 11 I ;hou, , .K Ihe.-.ie.U | l | v m r ,,),, . . . . jden. f ia i lHed Mis. |».

* , , , , " i i iHov.-mrn i,., ih . M , u m i n. ,,. K l . n n , . h . i n > N 1 , s , \ [.; | |oag and l j t-M , " v l " > ' " h " ml Than. - . n-Ha... ( | ( ( , M | K h , , . ( c .ns iance. Mrs. IV H.

Mi I II..ai .In, in \ . . h ! . ..i Waii | , \ ( . n . ami M i-; . Htden-, Lyons spent

k f ih . t . Wi . . v\ln. ram.- l i . i . - r .nlv in s . i i i i d . t \ at'tmnoon in Malone The

the month t.> in.-ml t -omm. m . m n i i M j . . . - . (Jiace Murra>. (Jertrtide La-

ri 'Mti imd linn,.- W'rdne ,,| i\ al iei M ) ( , i , M , S ( , Leai-y. Itertha Learv. An-

H|Mmdno: a tt,,- t de i i r .h fu l \ a. at mil ,, , " |h i i le \ . Mahel Quint II and Ada

In ( 'anion and \ t . IMM\ Ih \i.h|.> i- : \ , | , | ' ,n i haVf at l ived home from H l i a i l \ e «.| f i l l I... , ( I H \ W h e i e h e , ( , , , , , , ,.-. |HM t i \ l« s l ' l l l M i U f o r t i l e S l l l l l HJMMH hi . a i h h i . | | . n . i . in ited in , , , , . , vacaiion Henry McCuin and

the < ia ; . <d s ' ,.l Si Lawn no u n i v n ' | | l l l o n Watson have t;ono to Satanac

«|l>. Htf . la in u h l t h IIVIIIJ-. Ha .h . l |,;,Kr whete thev have positions for

1<M Kiat luai .d , , , , . . . , , , , , , , , , , , |i,-v C .1. Crowley at i rmlet l tht> i r t te . i t ai <' I i ft" Havoii t his

TEACHERS WILL NOT u-^ M« --"d \i.. w A xowiami. D P T T f O M " W f V T IP A T T !'• I{ \ 'owl ; lml. Mi. and Mrs Harry

M , .,. v, , , . , . | \ wt-ir dinner r.uests tif Mr and Mrs. Mas al ia .IIIIM- s \l i Ku' l i ( tan ' . . • i •

. , , , , , , , , . , . c | i Mahoucv Sum lav evening. Levi dil l < ha j i nn i i . .1 .. t i i imh. i of I amp I ' l ie , , . , . , , , , . , , , , , . , i» • K'nt i ; ,iin moth,. i . Mrs L I). Uog g i l l - at a tamp.n i : pa i • \ a' I »t»mo s . , , " , . „ .. , . , , i , . i M I „ e i o f " ( t t - a L i l i l w e t e c a l l e r s i n t o w t l OOtfago un the It.icket and Miss Kv«v- . . .... . , . • i,,, . . . . . . , i n Sum a v afieim»t>ti Ihe Normal slu IVH W l K K i n « I, a |>. i . . l i e d . i i n t l i . i r i u t l p , . , . . , - . . . . , . , v . . , . dents have at l ived home for the sum Of ( a m p I'ne r .n l . at Nt 'Vius cottage. „ , r , , . , . . mei \ar .n ion 1 he comnuMireiiient Ilot f.i i horn u h e i . l i n n . . . oiit.u'.o n . . „ ., t l . . . . . , , i. . . , , , i . M i- . . exei.dscs of It \ - S High school he located, aftei win. h Mi i tandel K<»«'S ' . . . i to her home ,„ ran .on .ml wi l l no. «*«" Thu .o lav ..vni i l iK of las. week

ret., , , , he,.- „ . , , vea, Sh. wdl g«> " wh i th l ime the grade exercises

to I N H I C h e . i . , .ml r r , , h Knr. l ld i In • w v r v , , l ' , < l f h " , H K . h H r , , ,1

, ° l W™\»™

Junloi h.Kh M i . W.K.m ha accept , t» ,« ;1" S " n , , ! , v "vetung when the hac *<\ a line ,*...•,,..„ in I t , , , , , , unive, .<•»'»» »«' "••'»"»» ; v ; , s , » " ' * ^ h v « n

a f

miv. C o v a l e m i It I She W | | | , . M C I , »»"' M K «-hu. eh h> I w I . W H I H .

. . . i .o, , , , . , .h.-m,•„ . „ , h,. i i , „ . . „ , . . . . « - • • " «»r •»'•' M^hod.st church On

r o l l e r W.« wi .h h..th X.M„,F l..d.e:, M-n.lav evening (lass exer(..ses were

•n i r r . . , , ami . . „ , ..-.• ,, « n „ . | , , r u l ..p h , M i , h < l T i u ^ l a y eyenuiK t l ^ gnidu-

piMl i i i i l l^ ;m.i;.u- up,.., - ! , . „ , h ( ( ( h a.inK ex,.««ises w . l | he he . l . Wednes-

\Ve wi l l m i . Mo-m .,,,,1 a o , , | o.he, ' " V ••vonlng the alumni hamptet wi l l

feache i , as w.H a Sup. l» II Nav ' ' » ' , l " , , , i n <<><"W hall W .1. Lafave

lor The Milage p.ihli, w,,.!<.. tlepa.t " ' T h - M l , l n r " > ^v i-nl i ig T»'l.'gniin was

HIKI I I has hern M.ihu.K « , „ k ,.„ t h e 1 ' «»«-dness calle. in town Monday.

HI .MI . I .-wet l l „ , i , 1 . , n.Kl.t I . - , a '•'"•'I M«M«.nald of Malone spent Mon-la.Ke nui i of „,.-„ wo, I...I all n k l . i ' ' ^ i n , o w n M l i , , u l M r s " " " , l a

ptimph.K wat.t out of the l i l l o l d i . c h <"hu.rh of Wa.e. town vyetV over Sun

t*. so tha- l-M.lav aii.l S. IMIMI . IV tile ( 1 , v K « ^ ^ , , r { U ^ ' " " ' ho r . Mrs San-

wim laid ami much p,..,:,.-.-. i , IMMI.K r , , , , i r , , , , , r h M , s 'l'»'«'»'n« "«»«J «'-

ma.le the I.,-.' t-w . las. Cra.luatiot. I'-nd.-.M hr graduating rx.Mri«PH of tho

I'Xi M I'H"! aie W i d i i r a l a \ n i rht of this

Week A full ic to i i i i i w.ll he given

Iiexi week H \ t^u. t i . H ,i\\l\ (-)iil

( l ien and Tam i^ueurl l . Si , motoied

to Maide l i i . t i f f,it m Sundav ami call

•»d lo .er Mi i^ueiirl le • old m i g h h o i .

Joseph Whi le who doe. lint impiove

n«4 t. 11» i 111 v a h i . f t i i m l . would wish.

Mi ,i nt i Mi \ !•'•• 11 \ ami on Lew

In we.e in (o ' . l t i i huic lao | ' i i , |av

|{. v T I' Hoi! ,ml ami l(.v It J.

K t l l l e w e i r i n i ' l . i 11 . h u i g h t h i . w e t d l

I n a M e l l d a t i c e at t h e a n n u a l c l e i g V i e

t tea , A litw- tin- >• \ po i o | at I he

lawn social oil the lawn ,i» ^;acre(|

l l i ' u i t io '<>t\ g to i ind . on :-Jaiunla>

night t»f t hi w o i, \ tin.. , , | chest t a.

and a good < t.(• -, iani i i

»«»«> fr iemh f iom lai t and Mis II M Smith. ^ , . . . . I lei iai. . .ptm Sundav wnh , , l a t . ves , , " ' l , , » M''<'i>»thy, Margaret Ropor. In Nhho lv r l le M, ami \ h , W A M-'» ,0» Murray; Cornolia. Theresa Now land and I'. II \ ow I ,,nl A I .ant i v and d i uch' • i !• ilee... . , , -, I I . A Q.iem-ll ami ;,,n r.,,.1 pent Sat , l « , , i ; - J o i , n o f A | r - Af"» ;« O'Nei l ; Th ( . urdux m ogd .n hu.g \tm.ng thoso' , , i , f l < , » " ( { l i ^ ' h l n . Kllon Connol ly; Xan-who c o i i ' i i h u f d i..w.it.I the ei i te i t . i in ihl>l>»1 Che scolding wife of So,.rates). metil to, ,he | c p. \ ,,„ Kndav ( < ,h.u|otle McCai lhy. Floreuc(« Night in nigh- l.et vs... he ML . , \ | , Le, .1. of ' > ' l l | , ' ; A n n a <''"«»wley. S«H'»?r of Mer-Cana.la. who a,.- v.,it,,,.- ,|,eir g iand . r V - F l ' m ( , , , ; Sheldon: Orphan. Isahollo mot tut , M i p l a t l o a d o . i Hal la l , in w h<> ra \ . • \ \ , . . . , i | l M l | |.-.,n I e . " oil piano .in.I foi an eticote play

IM| he, own , i . i .MI pa n : m- n i I'D, 'd at t It

Ho i V r p " , Mi '.\ l\ ,,i < ) ' \ . il i radinr \h r I I ' l .n i ie w.m T l , , > l,;,IM>v Last," graduales. Lach

voung lady In the pl;i.v tlitl her part ex-

,.,.ptionally well. The gold medal pre­

sented hv Mrs. Mai > Heminway li<>f-

N'oiwood High school Tuesday eve

n,ng Miss Hilda Haley, a relat ive,

was a inemhri of the class. Th ( . com

un n< ttnetit exercises of St, Joseph's

n(.adeinv wen- held in St. Patr ick's

hall 1'iidav evening last and were

laigelv .,ttemled Th,.te were Ave

gtaduate; : Anahtd V. Letnieux. Laura

I Letnieux. Helen C Joyce. V'jna M.

Lmpev and Kugene T Haj l There

were foili giaduatct* In the music

(our- , . Anal.id Letnirux. Laura I. IA*~

mituix ILden C. Joyce and Vina M.

Lmpev. Tin lot lowlng program was

givetr Oveth l ie . "Sweet l l l i e r . " S. J.

\ oi (die--.ii ., ; < 11 i l l . juniors, "Choosing

t i n , onmestta, (;« \l"<'«d" chataclers; Miss Helen

l h , , W ) , | | , , t. ; Joyce. Miss Anahel Lemjeux. Miss

H ) , | n , . ; l t \ i , ! Laura L r ni ie i ix . Miss Vina Ktnpey

M i . , c i i i l i o i ln t ' ' •Ki 'a i l i i i i l i 's l ; models. Adeje ( h i s ) ,

relatives l " ' 1 " " MeCaithy. Margaret Hoper.

. ^ ^ Ma i ion Murray; Cornel ia, Theresa

»j( . |f C iowlev ; Mis drowning, Mot ion

,',.,' " M L lamle is ; Lli/.aheth Fay. Harrl«d Flan-

. , , , . v i - . i t in- l imit g land , r V - ' • ' • " , r , , ; ^ " e .n .m , o i p i i ....,.„-,„• Ma.v MeiM.hi., who gave M'«nson; M.plain K«-caml,.r. Margaret

,,,l duet-. Mi •. Mar ie , ( , n u g h l l n ; Mai tha Washington. Kinl ly . , v i, ...a i.i . ; . ' Kagerer; valedhdory. Kugene H a l l ;

a.hit ess. Rev II O ' l le i l l y ; ppesenta-ilott of diplomas, cei I iflcatet* and

,, jp i izes. Rev C J Crowjey; (dass song.

"Old (' i lnn next tot a pi He . • oh) « !. < led, a I'l e i Uh i t h d.i.i.-v -e l , , h i . . , . . ' w . ,e , r ,V e, d'M. m a 11 V ^ t d I. ^ 1 he g. d d mcda I pre-

Dd. The elitet lainmern commil te i

wio! Mt \ H o . \ l . C h t i l . . Id f f „ e ami M. S M M a H \ . ,| M, , | | , . | I" »«re-- l J ' ^ ' ^ ^ ^ , ^ 1 ^

ell ( > \< 11 id" ( ' . n i on w a m lown am

lit tended the meet mr. a m I . n I o i l tin

mi in tei ; ,

Itoi ". in town Mi I'l i .'a h. t h \ mo.

Who i ; an i n .' nn t o, in i he ouu mei

r ia l 'l» pa t i l.n ii • in \1\ Ohio college, j :

h o l l i e f o i I he l| III M M ! \ | | , | | )d M l ,

Jaiio . I lamioi i ,ml on \ |o, . , r of

M o H l l ' . l l . W h o l o v * ' h e r n p r t l d i n g

Meveial 11.1 \ wnl i Mi Mantion't; is tei s. Mi , .1 I. Phi l l ip . ami Mi -. Jo

MCpI l M o l l l . p i > . l e l l f t l e d l l o l l l e Oi l T i l " .

da\ M l , . I d ; ! i I 'h i l l ip ; accompanied

them holm lot a .hot I while Massr

tia h.mehall t ram dr featr t l ( >gdi-n -hurg

Ha. l l idav. .one S to '. ami the home

team «1«•fratol Havana Rot Sox on

H l l U ' l ' l V . " . C o i r t t o 1' S e v e i a l f I Ot l l

h e i r weni io Wai . i town on Sundav to

attend the exemplif icat ion of the third

degree of ihe K of C Mis Anna

Caivel Mpen. ave t i i l dav-. in Potsdam

llUlt week ami attended the IV N S

graduation rxe tc i ;rs at which her d a i l g h l e . \ n n , i t e c r l v e d h e r d i p l o m a

Minn Anna took the kindergar ten rotn •>>

til ; for the gn,at(i+d ptogi(%ss in the

p tog reo ive seide.s of tuu-dc Wiis won

hv /Mice McCuin. and the silviM' medal,

won hv Jean Stevens. The alumni

" M , " " \l",'o 'la • . , . ' . " "aml'daugli h..ll«|i|el w , l | h,. held Wednesday eve

d \lhanv w n e i i v r , suml.v v u . i «• ing in Si Pal. ick's hall. The Misses

Annahe] Murray. Ilono and ('.(therine

Mut iav wcto recently graduated from

the Potsdam State Normal school. 1 Mi ami Mrs. R. K Heffeman and

children motored to Massena Saturday

! .it ' i-i noon.

Innocent Pastime.

Ami old man was walking along a road one n ght, when ho wan confront­ed hv a hurly s l ranger .

"What do you wan t?" he asked.

"We'ro going to 'ave a game of put and take, mate ," replied the s t ranger .

"Put and t a k e ! " gasped the old man. shivering wPh fright

"Yus. ' said the burly one. "You put >er amis up and I'll take yer wa tch ! "


Mildred Babcock Valedictor ian and

Fred Mott Salutatorian

(io u v e n u u r .June L'7. Graduating exercises of the PJL'U class of Oouver-nour high school were held this even­ing In thrt school auditorium. The ( lass numbers [\\. In Ihe classical course a re seven s tudents , Miss Mil­dred Babcock, Miss Florence Mitchell Miss Arlene Jones, Miss Ruth Willi* inns Miss Velma Curt is . Miss Gladys Freeman and Charles Anthony. In the* scientific course, are four boys, Fred Motf, Foster Drury, Irving Levin-son and Dane Risley.

There an} -0 in the academic course, as follows. Miss Ruth Marshall, Miss Deborah Parker Miss Kster Katzman, Miss May Hockey. Miss Blanche Col-ley Spring}, Mls'Ht Margaret Homer, Miss MerriH Voung. Miss Winifred Mer ritt . Robert Kaley, Raymond Parker , Kenneth Fuller, Robert Lynde, Ros-well. Covell. Hat ty Temple, Kenneth Porter . Robert Smith and ll-erbert Ful­ler.

The progiram was as follows: SehMMion- "Dancing Dol ts 'Gavot te ,"

(I. H. S. orchestra . Invocation Rev J. W. Richardson. Salutatory, and "Democracy, Its Es­

sential Chafai (eristics and progress," Fred Mott.

"A Development of the Dairymen's League." Harry Temple.

Selection t- By choral club. "Immigrat ion. Past and Present"

Ksther Katzjman. "Agricultural Courses in High

Schools." Herbert Fuller. Selection • Boys' glee club "The Commercialization of tihe

Charles Anthony. Miller's Wooing,"—Mixed


Uadio." "The

chorus "Our

Double Colored Neighbors from a

Pollit of View." and valedic­tory. Mildrei Babcock.

"Bohemia^ G i r l . " Balfe -Seredy-To


Presentation of Diplomas, Judge J. C Dolan.

HELENA Helena. June 2»; Doris Page, aged

.'. years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ern­est Page, fell off the steps at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Regan on Mon­day last and broke her arm at the el­bow-. She was taken to Cornwall and the bones set and put in a plaster ca«e. She returned home Thursday evening and is getting along fine. Her mother accompanied her. Miss Et ta Johnstone closed a very successful year of school at Santa Clara the pasl week. Mis. A. K. Hyde of Moira vis­ited her parents a couple of days the patd week. -Mr. and Mrs. John Pra-shaw are rejoicing over the arrival of a young son. which came to their home on Tuesday. Vernle Glllen Is building a sleeping porch for Mrs. Au gusta Fletcher. II. S. Tryon and daughter Ruth at tended the gradua­tion exercises at Potsdam Wednesday.

-Gideon Carvill is among the «ick.— A large car belonging to F. Payment buttled near Walter Burns ' Wednes­day. Miss Alien Mclntyre spent the past week In Malone.--Harry Grow and W. (V Hurley spent Sunday in Watertown.- Dr. K. A. Nevin of New­ark visited his sister. Mrs. J. C. Lan­tiy and returned to his home on Sun­day. B. S. Tryon i«s spending this week at Winthrop. - Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Andrews and family of Norwood and Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Hamlin of Bnishton were guests of Mrs. Mildred Hamlin on Sunday. Charles A. But­ler of Montreal spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Lenney of Potsdam were in town on Sunday.- Mi. and Mrs. A. E. Ilyd? \$ Moira visitod W. H. John-stone's fam­ily on Sunddy. Mrs. C. A. Butler and Mrs. W. C. Hurley spent Tuesday in Malone.- Robert McKane spent Sun­day in Moira. Miss Cather ine Grow is home from Potsdam, also Sadie Eldridge. J'as. Gillen and <son Thom­as are building a new barn for Dr. C. F. Prairie. -J. O'Callahan. 1). E. Ma-honey of Cornwall. II McKabe, B. Mc­Carthy of Malone wer*» business call­ers here the past week.----Mr. and Mrs. B, F. Lanlry and children spent. Sunday afternoon al Brasher Falls.— Miss Maty gant ry has returned from Potudain. J^hn and Tom Lantry a re spending tin} day in Malone.—-Mrs. Eleanor Quirtoll of Massena is a guest of her daughter , Mrs. J. N. Prashaw.

Mrs. H. V\[eeks of Newark is a guest of Mrs. J. C. Lantry.—Warren Eldridge amj) Francis Crowley have gone to Red jCreek, N. Y.. where they have good p<)«itions.— Charles Lantry, Jr., has a good position at Saranac.— Mr. and Mr.H. W. A. Nowland, Ii. B. Nowland. Mik H. A. Lantry and (laughter spetit Saturday afternoon in Ogdensbutg. f Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nowland, B. 6. Nowland. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lantry and daughters Eileen and Sal lie sp-enl Sunday afternoon at Brasher FallfJ, guest's of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mahoriey.—Mrs. M. M. Shean spent Tuesday- in Cornwall.

• — •


liate rooms, Sher-|y McGruer. Sher-

rIlll. Irving Hayes. grade Portia Van

6 th Rice, Mar-Geo-

t ore Art ist ic

"Deares t ," he said, s iglung like a furnace, "it doesn' t seem like the same old smile you used to give to H I V

"Oh, no, Jack ." replied the sweet thing, " this 16 a new one. I have been studying at a school of dramat ic ar t . "

Dekalb Junction High School C l a n Was Addressed by Dr. James Pay-

son of Canton.

Dekalb Junction, June 28.—The gra­duating exercises were held Tuesday evening in the Presbyter ian church. Dr. J ames Payson of Canton, address­ed the graduat ing class. The gra­duates , Miss Dorothy Matteson, Valed­ictorian, Miss Mary Powers, Saluta­torian Micheal Sullivan. The p ro r ram as follows; March, Orchestra, Song, School Days. Micheal Sullivan, Prof H. it. Willey, Invocation, Rev. D. P. Mar­tin; Duet. Dorothy Matteson. Luella Lobdell; Presenta t ion of Key of Know­ledge. Micheal Sullivan; acceptance of Key of Knowledge, Evelyn Green; Song. Eva Risley, Ruth Webster , Sa­lutation. The Ship ot* Welcome, Mary Powers ; Duet, Mildred Mott, WaiHe Fairbanks. Retrospection of s tudent Life, "Valedictory," Dorothy Matteson; Piano recital, E i leen^Westeo t t ; Hu­man Progress. Micheal Sullivan; Song Just one Country iijnd one Flag 6th grade pupils; Address. Dr. J ames Pay-son. Presentat ion of gifts of Dramatic society to Board of Education, Prof. H. R. Willye; Presentat ion of Diplom­as. Song vacation, third grade pupils. The pupil who passed 90 per cent and over in the grade examinations in the primary and interim metic, 3rd grade, M man I/Oiicks. Ethel Stillman Tupper ; 4t IXelinder, Jennie Rowland. 5th grade. I a tire I l losmer. Frank Miles, 6th grade Newell Rice. Frances Lobdell, Har­rison Maine; Spelling 3rd grade Sher­man lioucks, Mary McGreur, Ethel Hill, Carroll Endersb*'e. Irving Hayes, 4th grade Lei and Conant. Arleen F.ol som, Portia VanDelinder; 5th grade Laurel Hosmer. Dorothy Gilmour, Rob­ert Hill, 6th grade. Marion Hayes Newell Rice. George Jones . Marion McCarthy, Harr ison Maine; English Mil grade Mary McGruer, Ethel Hill, Carroll E ders-bee. Irving Hayes, Still-man Tupper. 4th grade Leland Conant Portia Van Delinder, 5th grade, Laurel Hosmer. Annabel Farr. Robert Hill, Dorothy Gilmour, Frank Miles, grade. Marion Hayes Newell Franco* Ix>bdell. George Jones , rian McCarthy Harrison Maine graphy 3rd grade. May McGruer, Sher­man Ijoucks, Carroll Endersbee, Pa t sy Laverghet ta , 5th. grade. I^aurel Hos­mer 6th grade, Regents examinations. George Jones. Newell Rice, Harr ison Maine. Those who graduates from 8th grade to high school, a re Doris l i rees, Susia Gray, Pauline Raymond, Eileen Westcott , John Bishop. Those who passed the Regents in preliminary subjects. U. S. History, Alfred Bishop, Marion Dever, Susia Gray, VJvian Hayes, Eileen Westcott , Doris Brees, Doris Conant ,94, Agreta Miles 90. Arithmetic, Agreta Miles, Susia Gray, Vivian Hayes, Eileen Wescott , Mar­garet Woodward Doris Brees. Doris Conant. 100. Pauline Raymon. 91, Al­fred Bishop 93, Spelling. Alfred Bis­hop. John Bishop, Georgia Gray, Viv­ian Hayes Pauline Raymon, Doris Con­ant, 95. Marian Dever, 95, Agreta Miles 92 and Margaret Woodward 90. The foillow\Uig will e n t e r Unati year high school except English, Al­fred Bishop, Vivian Hayes. Doris Con­ant , Marian Dever, Agreta Miles.—The Woman's Christ ian Temperance Union met at the home of Mrs. Mar tha Har­dy for their annual meeting, Tues­day afternoon Juno 20. Oficers elect­ed were President , Mrs. Martha Har­dy; Vice president, Mrs. A. C. Farr , Mrs. S. L. Lobdell; secre tary , Mrs. E O. Hurlbut . t reasurer , Mrs. Silas Cline; Musical director, Mrs. Floyd Powell ; superintendent 's of depar tmen t s : Ev­angelistic, Mrs. E. O. Webs te r ; Flower mission aod relief, Mrs. Addle West­cot t ; Sabbath observances, Mrs. Ear l Akley, Mrs. A. C. Far r ; Missionary co­operation Mrs. George Rasey; social, Mrs. John Hyland; press work. Mrs. Martha Hardy. -Mrs . Henr ie t ta Thom­as spent the week end in Gouverneur. - -Glen Haven of Ogdensburg spent a day with his mother Mrs. Anna Haven

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rice and son George of Deferiet spent the grea te r part of last week with Mrs. A. J. Pen­ny. -Mr . and tfrs. J. W. McCarthy re­turned home Sunday from Potsdam, Mrs. McCarthy's mother Mrs. Murphy was bur ied 'F r iday . -Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Davis of Vermont is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. EJoyd Powell.—-Miss Ma­bel and Pauline Raymon after finish­ing school year have re turned to their home in Depeyster.—The assessors , Frank Pet He, L. I). Holland, Edwin Gray made their annual ( anvass of the village last week.—Miss Edith Murphy of Gouverneur was a week-end guest of Miss Arleen Jones.—Miss R h t h W-obster left Friday for Herk imer where she will spend the summer.— Micheal Sullivan, Mrs. Gearld Sullivan and children Julia and Gerald of Rochester came Saturday evening.— Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rowland and son of Adams, Wisconsin, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Row­land, Mr. and Mrs. Rowland also en­tertained Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sheldon and daughter of Richville on Friday.— Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Wainwright and daughter Minnie motored to Rome Friday.-r-Mrs. Bret Jones , Miss Ar-

' leen Jones , Miss OIo Wainwright , Miss. Ada Murphy and Miss Edi th Murphy were Saturday callers In Og­densburg.—Miss Margaret Seymour ar­rived home Fr iday from Saranac Lake. John Hyland was a Canton caller Fri-


Former Potsdam Man Dropped Dead In South Colton.

Potsdam, June 27.—George H. awift. a we!l known resident of South Colton formerly of Potsdam, dropped dead while working in the garden at his home in South ('oilon Monday morn­ing. Mr. Swift had been in poor health for some t ime and it is believed that over exertion resulted in shock which caused his death. The funeral will be from the home at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Rev. A. H. McKnight of­ficiating. In terments will be here.

Mr. Swift was well known in this sec t ion ' th rough his abilir.y as a tenor and was a regular a t tendant at the old time musical convention held here a number of years ago. Removing to South Colton. he became engaged, in business there and was elected a just­ice of the peace, an office which he held for a number of years .

He married Miss Abbie Armstrong, daughter of the South Colton Hotel proprietor. Besides his widow, one son, John of South Colton, survives him.

Potsdam Notes

J. M. Cadzow has purchased of Prof. L. D. Taggart . the lat ter 's residence at No. 76 Main street . Mr. Cadzow buys for a home and takes possession Aug­ust 1. Professor Taggart recently re­signed his position on the Normal fa­culty to accept a similar one at tJip Oneonta Normal School.

Tfie oiling of the village s t ree t s be­gan Monday, Market s treet being the first to receive at tent ion. Sufficient oil is on hand the one car received to fake care of about half the village. The village authori t ies have decided final­ly not to at tempt to oil the macadami­zed portions of the s t ree t s where s ta te highways are laid.

An Independent factor in the gaso­line and oil field here becomes opera­tive this week through the opening by 'B. A. Evans of Hammond of a serv­ice station in Maple s t reet . D. A. Gregg has the management of the sta­tion. Mr. Evans already has a distrtb-uting station in Pine s t reet with 250,-000 gallon s torage capacity, this mak­ing his fourth plant in the coun­ty, the others being at Ogdensburg, Gouverneur and Hammond.

The Salvation Army Silver band of Schenectady is scheduled for a tr ip through Northern New York start­ing this week according to an advance representat ive of the organizat ion who was in town today. The band will give an open air concert here Monday, July 3. The organization will travel by automobile and comes Into the North Country by way of Car thage and Wa­tertown. It will go from here to Ma­lone and the Adirondaeka re turning home by way of Glens Falls. T h e band numbers 26 pieces.

day.r—Mrs. Addle Westcott , Mrs. John Hyland and Earl Sprouts were callers at George Taylor 's Friday.—Mr. and Mrs. John Hyland enter ta ined Thurs­day, her nephew John Burnham of Leon, Kansas , and Sid Burnham and son Harr ison and daughter Evelyn of Mexico. Mrs. F rank Petr ie and Miss Flossie Blackmore of Dekalb were Saturday callers at Charles Burnham. —-Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy and family of Dekalb visited his parents , Mr. and Mrs. William Hardy Sunday. —Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson and daughter Galina of Canton and Miss Norr is of Ellenville were guest of Mr. and Mrs. J ames VanDelinder Friday.— Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Haven, Mrs. Eliza Hayes and Miss Agreta Miles were visitors at Rock bottom cheese factory —Mr. and Mrs. George Sopef and fam­ily of Edwards were visitors Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gladle.—Mr. and Mrs. U. I. Sayer and son Percy, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Streeter , Miss Gladys McGruer, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rowland and son Charles, and Loyd Powell were callers in Gouverneur Saturday evening.—Mrs. C. M. Woods and Mrs. E. E. Risley were callers in Hermon Monday.—Mr. and Mrs. Faus t Risley and family were visi tors in Edwards Sunday.—Harold Jebo of Potsdam was a business caller in town Monday.—Loyd Hunt ress , Mr. and Mrs William Murphy and daughter Ada motored to Star Lake Tuesday, Miss Murphy will remain for the summer.— Mr. and Mrs. Bret Jones, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Will iams, Miss Evelyn Will iams Mrs Olo Wainwright , Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Johnson at tended the graduat ion exercises of Gouverneur High school. —Miss Ruth Will iams and Miss Ar­leen Jones were among the graduates . —Mr and Mrs Thomas Laverghet ta a re rejoicing over a son June 22.—A litt le son has came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Ellis, June 24.

Sure of It .

Margaret looked up a t her mother one day and said:

"Mother, J e sus has wash days , hasn ' t h e ? "

"Why, no, child,' he r mother replied "But he has ," insisted Margaret .

"Why do you say t h a t ? " the mother asked.

"Because, mother, didn ' t H e wash my sins away?"


Depeyster. June 27.--Mr«. Olive Ward and Mrs. Racine Thompson re turned Tuesday from their visit to their sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Washburn, at Edwardsville. Il­linois. They also visited Mr. and Mr«. Harry Sammons and Mr. and Mis. Theron Dever, Mrs. Sammons and Mrs. Dever being daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Washburn. During their visit there Mr. and Mrs. Washburn celebrated their fiftieth wedding anni versary. Seventeen years had paused since the sisters had seen each other and at that lime Mr. and Mrs. W a s h ! burn and daughters visited New York state. Mrs. Beitha Lane was on over­night visitor Wednesday night ,in Mor-i istown, called there by the serious illness of her father. Amos Brooks.—• Mist* June Conroy, who spent a few days wilh Miss Golda Ames at Brasie Corners, returned home Satuiday.— Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vert and son Worth and daughters Gay and Joclyn were visitors Sunday with Mrs. Amber Conroy and family. Mi. and Mrs. Ivan Zoller of the Black Lake road and Mrs. Mary Thompson were the guests Sunday at dinner with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mix.—Mr. and Mrs. Mar­vin Holt and daughter Evelyn of Gouv­erneur were visitors Sunday with Mrs. Holt's sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smi thers—Miss K a th -erine Smithers returned home with them to spend a few days. —Mrs. Ma-hala Colburne of Ogdensburg is visit­ing Mrs. Lucy Wood and Mrs. Charles Morris. —-Depeyster Lodge, F. and A. M., No. 573. and St. Lawrence Chap­ter No. 60, O. E. S., at tended divine services Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. at the M. E. church—Miss Olga Put-man of Pope Mills came Monday to spend a few days with her friend. Miss Esther Giffiii.—Mrs. Silas Best of Heuvelton, who hats been with her daughter . Mils. J. H. Witherell , for a few days, returned to her home Mon­day night.—The graduat ing exercises for the class of 1922 of the Heuvelton High school was held in Ferr is ' hall Monday evening. The Misses Es ther Giffin, Lillian Todd, Grace Parks , Been Steele, Marion Rowland and Olive Shepard of thin town a re mem­bers of the class.—Miss Lois Lytle will graduate Wednesday evening from O. F. A. of Ogdensburg. a mem­ber of the class of 1922.—Mrs. Fran­ces O'Connor of Ogdensburg returned home Sunday after spending a few daye with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Orr.— Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smithers were call­ers Thursday afternoon with Mr and Mrs. S. C. Bush.—William A. Howie, a resident of this town who has been in poor health for the past six months, passed away Monday morning at about 2:50 o'clock. Funeral eervlces will be conducted Wednesday after­noon at 2 o'clock from his late home.


BURIED SUNDAY A Splendid Woman Passed Away Aft­

er a Long Period of Poor Health.

great merit and was delivered in a very convincing manner. Miss Todd is a fine speaker and held the close a t tent ion of the large audience. Ber-nice Nugent as valedictorian was her ever earnest , thoughtful self and ex­pressed her remarks to the class and faculty in a very charming manner . After song by the Glee club, Prof. Al­len awarded the diplomas. Two pHzes each of 2.50 in gold had been offered by the University Extension club for the highest marks of scholarship in the senior and grade depar tment . Miss Bernice Nugent was awarded the senior prize and Miss Frances Morris was the lucky winner of the other. The drill given by the primary and intermediate depar tment pupils was faultlessly given and reflected g rea t credit to the training given by the teachers in these depar tments . The hall was filled to overflowing, many being unable to find seats. The or­chestra of the M. E. Sunday school of Ogdensburg who gave their seiv-ices and rendered such delightful mu­sic for the occasion, have the sincere thanks of not only the members of the school, but also of all those who had the pleasure of hear ing them. They a re very kind to come, as they have done year after year, to play for the school exercises and their gener­osity and fine music is fully appreci­ated.


In the days when Uncle Joe and Aunt J a n e wero courting they sat in the garden one night under a summer moon, silent and adoring.

"Joe, dear ," suddenly said Aunt J ane a t last, "I want to ask you some­thing."

"Ask me anything, darl ing." "Something is tickling my neck,"

she whispered. "If I let go one of your hands to drive it away would you mind very m u c h ? "

Their home is now noted Tor i ts ex­t r eme nea tness , and Uncle Joe has been thoroughly t rained to keep it nea t ; how thoroughly is shown by t he fact that on a recent afternoon he wen t into the ki tchen to get a dr ink. For a moment Uncle Joe stood before the sink gazing a t the shining faucets. "Guess you've Just washed up the sink, ain ' t you?" h e inquired a t last .

"Yes, I have," she replied. " W h y ? " "Well ," exclealmed Uncle Joe , with

a slight sigh, "I did th ink I'd rel ish a dr ink of water , but I guess I can get along without i t ."

Heuvelton. June 27.--Funeral serv­ices for Mrs. Adam Itoss who died Thursday evening at the home of her son, Joseph Ross, were held Sunday afternoon at the M. E. church. Rev. F. E. Iyian officiating. Many relatives, friends and neighbors from her former home gathered at the church in honor and loving memory of this grand wo­man whose lifelong Christian faith and example had been to them an in­spiration and guide. She had been in *poor health for a long time and has had the most devoted and loving care from her family and friends. She is survived by one son. Joseph; three daughters , Mrs. Maiy Kendrew. Mrs. George Kenney, Mrs. John Breaky and one brother. Jesse Smithers , all of this place, besides several o ther relatives. Burial was in Hillcrest. Mr>s. Ross was 84 years of age.—On Tuesday evening, June 20. F. B. Beat-tie Chapter held its last meeting for the season. The Floral degree was exemplified by a special staff compos­ed of the past matrons of the chapter. Refreshments were served. Visitors of the evening were; Mrs. Pr i tchard. W. M. of Maple City Chapter ; Miss Pri tchard. Mi*. Charter and Mrs. Hen­ry Ban* of Ogdensburg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Northrup of Rensselaer Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Riekett. Mrs. Arba Hill and Mrs. G. Fleet ham of Depeyster, Mrs. Sanderson of Syra­cuse and Mrs. Forsythe of Milan Chapter. Michigan.—On Sunday morn­ing, June 25th. the members of Heu­velton Grange attended divine service at the Presbyterian church where Rev. W. L. Bebee delivered a fine address . Music wa*s furnished by the Grange choir. Mrs. C. E. Cheney sang "The Holy City" and Mrs. Gordon Mix and sister, Miss Marion Jenkisson. render­ed a duet with chorus by the choir. There was an at tendance of over fifty members.—On Sunday evening the members of Van Heuvel Lodge of F. and A. M. and the membeif; of F. B. Beatty Chapter. O. E. S., at tended service in a body at the M. E. church where they were addressed by Rev. F. E. Loan. There were 44 Masons and 30 Eastern Stars in line. Several members of the order were present fi-om Depeyster. Rev. Samuel South­ern of Depeyster was also present and assisted in the service.—Word was received here some t ime ago that J. R. McCoy, a former resident of this place but now of Delray, Florida, had fallen and broken his hip. Later news confirmed the repoit and adds that since his misfortune Mr. McCoy has sustained a paralytic s t roke and is in a critical conditon.—Ira D. Bristol, Mrs. R. D. Morris and daughter . Miss Ruth and Miss Inez McClelland, were in Potsdam Wednesday where they at­tended the commencement exercises of Potsdam Normal school when Miss Marion Morris and Miss Irene Bristol finished their course.—Mrs. Sarah Jen­kisson, who has been a two weeks ' guest at the home of her son, William Jenkisson, returned Thursday to her home at Potsdam.—Mrs. Jackson and daughter of Gouverneur were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wood-side.—Mrs. Eliza Bonesteel of Canton is a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Crayford.—We are glad to know that W. Reginald Steele, who has at tended Syracuse universi ty the past year, has gained honors in the course in chem­istry In tha t insti tution. Reginald is one of our finest young men and wor­thy of all honors that can be accorded him. We extend hear ty congratula­tions and hope for future successes.— T h e graduat ing exercises of our High school were held Monday evening in Ferr is hall with the following pro­g ram: Orches t ra ; invocation. Rev. F. E. Loan; salutation, Grace P a r k s ; "Hardes t Lesson," Bernard Farden ; "Militiades Peterkin Paul." Winona Pharo ; Kerry Dance, Glee club; class will, Es ther Giffin; cornet solo, Har­old Moore; orches t ra ; "Theodore Roosevelt." Marion Rowland; "Educa­tion. America 's Need," Olive Shep-•pard; orches t ra ; "The Citizens of To­morrow," Lillian Todd; valedictory, Bernice Nugent ; "Our Old High." Glee club; grant ing of diplomas and award­ing prizes. Principal L. F. Allen; Red, Whi te and Blue, scarf diill, primary and intermediate pupils; orchestra . Miss Grace Parks made a fine address in opening the program, and looked as dainty and sweet as any June gradu­ate could wish to do. Lit t le Bernard Farden captured the large audience with his fine rendering of the amusing recitation "Hardest Lesson." Wino­na Pharo described Peterkin Paul 's troubles in a very pleasing manner. The Glee club of about 20 High school pupils were heart i ly applauded for thei r fine render ing of the old jolly song of K e n y Dance. Miss Es ther Giffin then presented for probate "The Class Will," which was a very amusing document, giving to the jun­ior class as legatees many laughable hits and reminders . Harold Moore gave a fine cornet solo and kindly re­sponded to a very enthusias t ic encore. Miss Marion Rowland's essay on The­odore Roosevelt was well prepared and given. Miss Olive Sheppard 's ad­dress on "America 's Need of Educa­t ion" was of grea t in teres t and show­ed thought and ca re in its prepara­tion. "The Citizen of Tomorrow" by Miss Lillian Todd was an essay of

RENSSELAER FALLS Rensselaer F a l K June 26.— T h e

marrjage of CarJ Heptonstall . the pros­perous proprietor of the meat marke t here to Mrs. Audrey Coons Leonard of Ogdensbutg is reported. Congrat­ulations.— Mis. Florence Harvey, wife of Enoch Harvey, i>s said to be in a critical condition at the Hepburn hos­pital. It is expected tha! one limb, affected wjth gangrene. j s to be am­putated --Carl Townsend was operat­ed upon at the Hepburn hospital last Monday for the removal of tonsils and adenoids. Carl is out ag^in and great­ly improved.— Fred Pike exp>ee:s to undergo a similar operation Tuesday. —The s ta te beaph consultation held in th,. library last Thursday by Dr. Elsie Blanchard of New York cjty, as­sisted by three s ta te nurses, was t^k-en advantage of by the mothers of nineteen children who will be assist­ed in the bringing up of the young­s t e r s by many practical suggest ions and common s,.nse advice. Ii is ex­pected that one of the nutses will re­turn \n about two months to consult with the mothers in following out the directions and information given. I t is hoped to have the service of these very competent specialists again lat­er, as there were many children who (.ould not take advantage of thjs serv­ice as the doctor could not at tend to so m a n y . - T h e funeral of the late Mrs. Maty Young, widow of the la te Samu r l Young, was held Monday a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Adair. The lat ter is a daughter of the deceased. Mrs. Young suffered several s trokes of apoplexy recently.— The funeral of Mrs. Martha Ross, mother of Joseph Ross, formerly of this place, was held Sunday Ht t he village home of Joseph Ro^s, Heuvel­ton. Mr. and Mrs. George Owens and Mr. and Mrs. Noah Walker a t tended. —Miss Hall worked at the library on Monday afternoon preparing for the exchange of books between this branch a

n ( 1 Ctary Mi|ls.—Burt Ken-drew and family spent the week-end wjth his aunt Mrs. Elizabeth Ken-drew—Mrs . S."0. Child fell and frac­tured her right shoulder blade.—L. E. Coy and family. Mrs. C. L. Scr ipter and Mrs. W. L. P e n y attended the funeral of th (dr relative, T. J. Whit­ney, at Gouverneur Monday—Mr. and Mrs. John Austin of Antwerp and Mr. and Mi's. George Spicer of Richville spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Wal].—Mr. and Mrs. A. R Wall spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E . W a l l . - J o h n L. Stiles left Frjday to attend the Sunday school conference at Wells college. Aurora.—Dr. Scud-d r r of New York city will speak of missionary work in the foreign field in the Congregational church n e x t Saturday evening at 8 o'clock.—Next Sunday evening will be Children's day exercises \u the Congregational chu rch—July 9th Rev. W. S. Dobble will address th ( . Masons and Eas te rn Stars in the M. E. church at the eve­ning service.—Next Fi iday at 2 p. m. the annual meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held in the M. E. church. There wil] be election of officers fol­lowed by a 25 cent supper in the church parlors at 5:30 p. m. At 7:30 p. m. at the M. E. church Rev. A. H. McKnjght, Baptist minister from Pots­dam, will address a public meet ing the same evening—Next Thursday the annual picnic of the M. E. Sunday school will be held in Morison's g iove. The Kendrew Sunday school are in­vited.—Mrs. J. V. Crawford of Morris-town is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank Morrison.—Mrs. Ella Dodds of Montreal is at her summer home here . Mr. Dodds expects to join her Thurs­day.—Dr. MacMon agle has been en­ter taining his brother. R. Chellis Mac­Monagle, of New Bmnswick. It has been forty-thre^ years since these brothers parted. Mr. MacMonagle is now visitjng their nephew. R. P. Mac­Monagle, of Canton.—Tuesday the Rensselaer Falls Gun club was organ­ized, with Clarence E. Sunderjand, president ; F rank Heptonstal l . mana­ger; W. L. Perry, secretary, and Dr. W. J. L. Millar, t reasurer .—Mrs. N. E. Doty is contr ibuting the use of her National Geographic Magazine regu­larly to the library. Thjs most val­ued periodical is greatly appreciated. —Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. Eugene Wal] Sunday. June 4th. a daughter .— Miss Vera Dexter of Cleveland. Ohio, is home from her s,-.hool for the sum­mer.— E. D. Hanson, principal of the school at Wassaic . X. Y.. is home for vacation.—Mrs. Stiles entertained on Saturday evening in honor of the bir thday of h^r cousin. Mrs. Fox. who leaves Tuesday for her home in Ellis-burg.—James C. Ivei-son of Grand Mere. Quebec called on friends he re Saturday.—Mr. and Mrs. A]lan Doty of Phi ladelphia . Pa., are guests of Mrs. N. E. Doty. A. M. Doty and chil­dren of Baltimore, Md.. are e xpected soon.—Mit?. M a i ' h a McKay. Mrs. Charlot te Maloney and their cousjns, A. W. Dickinson and Alvah Dickinson, will motor to Mooers to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dick­inson.—Miss Gladys Grimshaw. who enters fourth grade here next fall, and who passed al] her thiid g rade subjects, 95 or over, \v\U spend the summer with relatives in Chateaugay, N. Y.—An eloquent baccalaureate ser­mon was delivered Sunday evening in the M. E. church by Rev. W. S. Dob-bie to the graduat ing class of the high school. There are five members of the graduat ing c lass : Kenneth Ginn. Miss Ora Jenkins , Miss Hazel Puffer. Kenneth Seaman an(* Miss Dorothy Woodcock. The pupils prov­ed themselves a credit to their teach­e r s and to themselves by their per-

(Continued on page eight)