1 pre-reading text analysis in-task activity background notes passage 2

1 Pre-Reading Text Analysis In-Task Activity Background Notes Passage 2

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Page 1: 1 Pre-Reading Text Analysis In-Task Activity Background Notes Passage 2



Text Analysis

In-Task Activity

Background Notes

Passage 2

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If only I could…If only I could…

A GameA Game

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Write a personal entry Write a personal entry for each headingfor each heading Your school (including your Your school (including your

university)university) Your friendsYour friends Your habits, e.g. smoking, exercise, Your habits, e.g. smoking, exercise,

eating, etc.eating, etc. Your hobbies, e.g. playing the piano, Your hobbies, e.g. playing the piano,

collecting stamps, etc.collecting stamps, etc. Your skills, e.g. languages, carpentry, Your skills, e.g. languages, carpentry,


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Please share in turnsPlease share in turns

What would I change What would I change

if I had my life again?if I had my life again?

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around 8,591,629

on the east coast of Africa



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around 8,591,629

on the east coast of Africa



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Somalia has a market economy.

It is one of the world’s poorest and least developed countries 。

Agriculture is the most important sector in its economy.

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Intermittent civil warcivil war has been a fact of life in Somalia since 19771977. In 19911991, the northern portion of the country declared its independence as Somaliland; although de facto independent and relatively stable compared to the tumultuous south, it has not been recognized by any foreign government.

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Beginning in 19931993, a two-year UNUN humanitarian effort (primarily in the south) was able to alleviate famine conditions, but the UN withdrew in Operation United Shield by March 3, 1995March 3, 1995, having suffered significant casualties, order had still not been restored.

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The 1000 Somali shilling note is laminated to protect its colors, a mixture of orange, purple, tan, and green, from fading.

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On one side, women weave baskets; their images are purple, and the baskets around them are orange. Some of them seem to be full, perhaps with food.

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the main Somali harbor, orange and purple, along the top

the Central Bank of Somalia, in green, along the bottom of the bill

On the opposite side of the note is a two-part picture:

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20 cents (2 dimes)


In 1993

The value of this note in 1993, when the boythe boy who possessed them was twelve, was less than 20 cents.

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the front the back

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1 penny = 1 cent

1 nickel = 5 cent

1 dime = 10 cent

1 quarter = 25 cent

1 half-dollar = 50 cent

1 dollar = 100 cent

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20 cents (2 dimes)<<

In 1993

The value of this note in 1993, when the boythe boy who possessed them was twelve, was less than 20 cents.

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1 nickel

By April 2001

By April 2001, when the boythe boy would have become eighteen, the 1000 shillings dropped to less than a nickel in value,…


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…, primarily because

the colors no longer

protected the

shillings from being


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War and famine

dropped the

value, too.

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Despite its low value versus the US dollar, …


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In 1993

the boy who possessed the bill enough rice for several days, had rice been available in Mogadishu.

would have bought

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would have bought hima meal in the small café not far from the US Embassy where the Marines stood constant guard,

a meal he could have eaten at a leisurely pace while sitting in the shade and sipping cool water if the café had still opened its doors for business.

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The café that would have allowed the boy entrance was not open, and rice was not for sale locally, not to a single boy buying for himself or his family.

the reality

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The boy never spent his 1000 shillings—couldn’t easily spend them, given the scarcity of goods and services.

But he kept the shillings in his pocket, kept them as a partial promise.

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When rice was again for sale, the boy could live on 1000 shillings for days.

When the café again opened, he could purchase food and the leisure time in which to enjoy it.

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==better future

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The promise of the bill was reason enough to keep it, a ticket for admittance into a future time better than the present.

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The boy took the shillings with him to the US Embassy. He also took his revolver-unloaded, but only he could know this.

the US Embassy

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He paced in the shade across the street from the main gate;…

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The crowds parted around him, when there were crowds on the street,

but he was ignored by everyone but the Marines.

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The Marines on guard, both twenty and veterans of the Gulf War, never took their eyes away from the boy.

What does the damned boy wanna do?

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They watched him for an hour before they made the first call up the chain of command.

They called again after another hour.

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The Marines, who would later serve together in Yugoslavia and Haiti before their discharge, sought advice and counsel and were given an absolute:

“If he points the gun at you, if he threatens you with it, defend yourself.”

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The 1000 shilling note was in the boy’s front-left pocket when the Marines outside the embassy shot him in the chest.

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The 1000 shilling note was in the boy’s front-left pocket when the Marines outside the embassy shot him in the chest.

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The Marine who found the 1000 shillings took the note home and laminated it.

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The president sends troops around the world.


The names of dead Americans but not dead enemies are read.

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Why …?Why …?

Why subjunctive mood?Why subjunctive mood?

Why did the boy keep the Why did the boy keep the worthless shilling?worthless shilling?

Why did the boy go to the US Why did the boy go to the US Embassy?Embassy?

Why does the author compose this Why does the author compose this story?story?

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In 1993

the boy who possessed the bill enough rice for several days, had rice been available in Mogadishu.

would have bought

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would have bought hima meal in the small café not far from the US Embassy where the Marines stood constant guard,

a meal he could have eaten at a leisurely pace while sitting in the shade and sipping cool water if the café had still opened its doors for business.

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When rice was again for sale, the boy could live on 1000 shillings for days.

When the café again opened, he could purchase food and the leisure time in which to enjoy it.

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The café that would have allowed the boy entrance was not open, and rice was not for sale locally, not to a single boy buying for himself or his family.

However, the reality was…

So the subjunctive mood means the misery in Somalia then.

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the US Embassy

Better future


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But the US Marine, one of his hopes, stopped his life and his better future.

Why is the US troop sent to the world?

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Best Wishes to Somalia and its People!

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