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1 QSX: Querying Social Graphs Querying Big Graphs Parallel scalability Making big graphs small Bounded evaluability Query-preserving graph compression

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Page 1: 1 QSX: Querying Social Graphs Querying Big Graphs Parallel scalability Making big graphs small –Bounded evaluability –Query-preserving graph compression


QSX: Querying Social Graphs

Querying Big Graphs

Parallel scalability

Making big graphs small

– Bounded evaluability

– Query-preserving graph compression

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The impact of the sheer volume of big data

Using SSD of 6G/s, a linear scan of a data set DD would take

1.9 days when DD is of 1PB (1015B)

5.28 years when DD is of 1EB (1018B)

Is it feasible to query real-life big graphs?

A departure from classical computational complexity theory

Traditional computational complexity theory of almost 50 years:

• The good: polynomial time computable (PTIME)

• The bad: NP-hard (intractable)

• The ugly: PSPACE-hard, EXPTIME-hard, undecidable…

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Parallel query answering

We can do better provided more resources

10,000 processors

How to cope with the sheer volume of big graphs? 3

Using 10000 SSD of 6G/s, a linear scan of DD might take: 1.9 days/10000 = 16 seconds when DD is of 1PB (1015B)5.28 years/10000 = 4.63 days when DD is of 1EB (1018B)

Only ideally, why?







interconnection network


Do parallel algorithms always work?

If not, is it still feasible to query big graphs?

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Parallel scalability


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Parallel scalability

A distributed algorithm is useful if it is parallel scalable

Input: G = (G1, …, Gn), distributed to (S1, …, Sn), and a query Q Output: Q(G), the answer to Q in G

Complexityt(|G|, |Q|): the time taken by a sequential algorithm with a single

processorT(|G|, |Q|, n): the time taken by a parallel algorithm with n

processorsParallel scalable: if

T(|G|, |Q|, n) = O(t(|G|, |Q|)/n) + O((n + |Q|)k)

including the cost of data shipment, k is a constant

When G is big, we can still query G by adding more processors if we can afford



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Degree of parallelism -- speedup

Speedup: for a given task, TS/TL, TS: time taken by a traditional DBMS TL: time taken by a parallel system with more resources TS/TL: more sources mean proportionally less time for a task

Linear speedup: the speedup is N while the parallel system has N times resources of the traditional system


Speed: throughputresponse time

Linear speedup

Question: can we do better than linear speedup?

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Better than linear speedup?

NO, even hard to achieve linear speedup/scaleup!

Startup costs: initializing each process

Interference: competing for shared resources (network, disk, memory or

even locks)

Skew: it is difficult to divide a task into exactly equal-sized parts; the

response time is determined by the largest part

Data shipment cost: in a shared-nothing architecture

Linear speedup is the best we can hope for -- optimal!

A closer look: Ullman’s algorithm for subgraph isomorphism: the adjacency matrix for the entire G.What if we break G into n fragments and leverage

the data locality of subgraph isomorphism?

Give 4 reasons

Think of blocking in MapReduce

Worst-case: exponential in |G| and |Q| vs exponential in |G|/n and |Q|! Contradiction?

No: the worst-case complexity of a particular algorithm vs the time really needed by a sequential algorithm

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linear scalability

Querying big data by adding more processors

An algorithm T for answering a class Q of queries Input: G = (G1, …, Gn), distributed to (S1, …, Sn), and a query Q Output: Q(G), the answer to Q in G

Algorithm T is linearly scalable in computation if its parallel complexity is a function of |Q| and |G|/n,

and in data shipment if the total amount of data shipped is a function of |

Q| and n

The more processors, the less response time

Independent of the size |G| of big G

Is it always possible?

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Graph pattern matching via graph simulation

Input: a graph pattern graph Q and a graph G

Output: Q(G) is a binary relation S on the nodes of Q and G

O((| V | + | VQ |) (| E | + | EQ| )) time

• each node u in Q is mapped to a node v in G, such that (u, v) S∈

• for each (u,v) S, ∈ each edge (u,u’) in Q is mapped to an edge (v, v’ ) in G, such that (u’,v’ ) S∈


Parallel scalable?

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Nontrivial to develop parallel scalable algorithms

There exists NO algorithm for distributed graph simulation that is

parallel scalable in either computation, or data shipment


Pattern: 2 nodesGraph: 2n nodes, distributed to

n processors

Possibility: when G is a tree, parallel scalable in both response time

and data shipmentWhat can we do if parallel scalability is

beyond reach?

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Making big graphs small


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The cost of query answering

Input: A query Q and a graph G Question: The answer Q(G) to Q in G

Reduce the cost of computing Q(G) by making G small!

too costly when G is big

The cost of computing Q(G): a function f(|G|, |Q|)

Find a lower function for f? Develop faster algorithm

Reduce the size of |Q|?


Reduce the size of G

What should we do?


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Making big graphs small

Input: A class Q of queries

Question: Can we effectively find, given queries Q Q and any (possibly big) graph G, a small GQ such that

Q(G) = Q(GQ)?

How to make G small?

Particularly useful for

A single dataset G, e.g., the social graph of Facebook

Minimum GQ – the necessary amount of data for answering Q


Much smaller than G

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The essence of parallel query answering

Given a big graph G, and n processors S1, …, SnG is partitioned into fragments (G1, …, Gn) G is distributed to n processors: Gi is stored at Si

Dividing a big G into small fragments Gi of manageable size

Each processor Si processes its local fragment Gi in parallel

Parallel query answeringInput: G = (G1, …, Gn), distributed to (S1, …, Sn), and a query Q Output: Q(G), the answer to Q in G

Q( )

GGQ( )

G1G1Q( )GnGnQ( )G2G2

…What can we do if parallel scalability is beyond reach for our queries?

|G|/n, much smaller


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How to make big graphs small

Input: A class Q of queries

Question: Can we effectively find, given queries Q Q and any (possibly big) graph G, a small GQ such that

Q(G) = Q(GQ)?

Effective methods for making big graphs small

A number of methods

We have seen one of the methods: parallel query answering

Other methods – in the next two lectures

Q( )GG


Much smaller than G

Distributed query processing Boundedly evaluable graph queries Query preserving graph compression Query answering using views Bounded incremental evaluation …


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Making big graphs small


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What do we need

Input: A class Q of queries

Question: Can we effectively find, given queries Q Q and any (possibly big) graph G, a small GQ such that

Q(G) = Q(GQ)?

How to characterize this?

How to find GQ?

The time taken to find GQ should be independent of |G|

Not very likely in the absence of auxiliary information

Q( )GG


Much smaller than G


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Boundedly evaluable queries

Input: A class Q of queries, an access schema A Question: Can we find by using A, for any query Q Q and any

(possibly big) graph G, a fraction GQ of G such that

|GQ | is independent of |G|,

Q(G) = Q(GQ), and moreover,

GQ can be identified in time determined by Q and A?

A closer look

GQ does not get bigger when G grows -- Q(GQ) can be efficiently computed

The time taken on finding GQ does not increase when G grows

effectively find

Is this possible in practice?18

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Example: subgraph isomorphism

Find pairs of leading actors and actresses from the same country and stared in an award-winning movie released in 2011-2014

Find all matches of the pattern in the graph

A movie database represented as a graph, for movies from 1880 -- 2014

– Nodes: movies, casts (actors, actresses), awards, etc– Edges: relationships between the nodes

5.1 million nodes and 19.5 million edges

award year2011-2014movie

actor actress



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Example: access constraints

Hold on the entire graph, regardless of queries posed on it

C1: an award is presented to no more than 4 movies each year C2: each movie has at most 30 leading actors and actresses C3: each person has only one country of origin C4-6: there are no more than 134 years (2014 1880), 24 major

awards, and 196 countries in the graph

award year2011-2014movie

actor actress


real-life limits Build indices accordingly


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Example: a query plan

Visit at most 17922 nodes and 35136 edges, using indices

1. Fetch a set V1 of 134 year nodes, 24 awards and 195 countries

2. Fetch a set V2 of at most 24 * 3 * 4 = 288 award-winning movies released in 2011-2014, with at most 288 * 2 associated edges, by using award and year nodes in V1

3. Fetch a set V3 of at most (30 + 30) * 288 = 17280 actors and actresses with 17280 edges, using nodes in V2

4. Connect the actors and actresses in V3 to country nodes in V1, with at most 17280 edges -- GQ

award year2011-2014movie

actor actress



As opposed to 5.1 million nodes and 19.5 million edges

By using the indices

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Access constraints: Example

S (l, N)

S: a set of node labels, and l is another label N: a natural number -- cardinality

Access schema: A set of access constraints

Combining cardinality constraints and index

For any set Vs of nodes in G with label S, there exist at most N

common neighbours of Vs with label l

There is an index on S for l

Semantics: G satisfies S (l, N)


With distinct labels, in S Connected by an edge to each node in Vs

For each set Vs of nodes with label S, find all common neighbours labelled l in O(N) time

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Example: access constraints

Useful special cases: (l, N), l (l’, N),

C1: an award is presented to no more than 4 movies each year C2: each movie has at most 30 leading actors and actresses C3: each person has only one country of origin C4-6: there are no more than 134 years (2014 1880), 24 major

awards, and 196 countries in the graph

Access constraints


Build indices accordingly

(year, award) (movie, 4)

movie (actor/actress, 30)

actor/actress (country, 1)

(year, 134), (award, 24), (country, 196)

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discovering access schema

S (l, N)

How to maintain constraints in response to changes to graphs?

Functional dependencies X Y, e.g., movie (year, 1)

Degree bound: l (l’, N) if a node with label l has a degree N, for

any label l’

(l, N), very common, e.g., (country, 196)

Aggregate queries: group by (year, award), we find (year, award)

(movie, 4)

Real-life bounds: 5000 friends per person (Facebook)

Shredding graphs to relations, using, e.g., TANE

Local changes: only to common neighbours

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Generating query plans

Fetch operations: construct GQ; then we compute Q(GQ)

A query plan P for a query Q is a sequence of fetching operations

fetch(u, Vs, C, q(u))

given a set Vs of nodes fetched earlier, fetch all common neighbours u of Vs labelled l, by using access constraint C,the nodes satisfy the condition of u, e.g., year in [2011, 2014]

award year2011-2014movie

actor actress


Efficient by using the indices


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Generating query plans

Independent of |G| no matter how big G grows!

1. Fetch a set V1 of 134 year nodes, 24 awards and 195 countries

2. Fetch a set V2 of at most 24 * 3 * 4 = 288 award-winning movies released in 2011-2014, with at most 288 * 2 associated edges, by using award and year nodes in V1

3. Fetch a set V3 of at most (30 + 30) * 288 = 17280 actors and actresses with 17280 edges, using nodes in V2

4. Connect the actors and actresses in V3 to country nodes in V1, with at most 17280 edges -- GQ


Boundedly evaluable

Boundedly evaluable: if there exists a query plan under an access schema A such that for all graphs G that satisfies A,

Its fetch operations finds GQ, and Q(GQ) = Q(G) The time for all fetch operations is determined by Q and A only,

independent of |G| example

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An approach to querying big graphs


Given a query Q, and an access schema A

1. Decide whether Q is boundedly evaluable under A

2. If so, generate a bounded query plan P for Q

Independent of the size of |G|?

3. Given any graph G, use the query plan P

a) Fetch GQ

b) Compute Q(GQ)

Questions: the complexity of– deciding bounded evaluability?– generating a boundedly evaluable query plan?

Are we done yet?

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Positive: in O(|A| |VQ| |EQ|) time

Input: A query Q, and an access schema A Question: Is Q boundedly evaluable under A?

Graph pattern matching via subgraph isomorphismIndependent of any graph G

Characterization: Q is boundedly evaluable under A iff VCov(Q, A) = VQECov(Q, A) = EQ

Q = (VQ, EQ), small in real life

Nodes covered by A, computed

by (l, N) first and inductively by other constraints in A

Edges (u1, u2) covered by A: one of them is in VCov and the other has a bounded number of candidates by A

Deciding bounded evaluability: independent of |G|

Deciding bounded evaluability


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Positive: in O(|A| |EQ| + |A| |VQ|2) time

Input: A boundedly evaluable query Q, and an access schema A Output: A boundedly evaluable query plan P for Q under A

Graph pattern matching via subgraph isomorphismIndependent of any graph GQ = (VQ, EQ)

Inductively identify covered nodes and edges, and in each step, generate a corresponding fetch operation

Yes, since Q is decided boundedly evaluable under A

Always possible?

Query plan generation: independent of |G|

Generating boundedly evaluable query plan


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Instance-bounded in a graph G

1. Decide whether Q is effectively bounded under A

2. If so, generate a bounded query plan P for Q

For any finite set Q of pattern queries, access schema A and a graph G satisfying A, there exists M such that all queries in Q are M-bounded in G under A


Can we do anything if Q is not boundedly evaluable under A?

Extending A by to AM adding constraints of the form

(l, M), l (l’, M)

such that G satisfies AM

Query Q is M-bounded in G if there is GQ of G such that Q(G) = Q(GQ),

and GQ can be found in time determined by Q and AM

M: may depend on |G|

M LQ (LQ + 1)/2, LQ: the number of labels in G

Instance-bounded: on an individual graph, e.g., Facebook

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Effectiveness of bounded evaluability

Bounded evaluability: effective for graph pattern queries31

How effective is this approach?

60% of subgraph queries and 33% of simulation queries are boundedly evaluable under small access schema

Improvement: 4 orders of magnitudes for subgraph queries, and 3 orders of magnitudes for simulation queries

A small M of 0.016% of |G| makes all queries M-bounded

Graph pattern matching via subgraph isomorphism: data locality

Does the same approach work on graph simulation, without data


All the results remain intact on graph pattern matching via simulation

Revised node and edge covers

28587 times faster

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Query-preserving graph compression


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Dynamic reduction vs. Uniform reduction

Is there any effective uniform reduction to query big data?

Bounded evaluability: dynamic reduction on dataset D

• Given a query Q, identify and fetch a minimum subset DQ of

D such that it has sufficient information for answering Q in D

What is the benefit? Uniform reduction on dataset D

• Identify and fetch a minimum DC such that for all queries Q posed

on D, DC has sufficient information to find answers to Q in D

What is the benefit?Questions:DQ is typically smaller than DC. Why?

DC is computed once offline and then we don’t have to worry about it; is this claim true?

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Graph compression

The cost of query processing: f(|G|, |Q|)

Compression <R, P>

For a graph G, GC = R(G)

For any Q, Q( G ) = P(Q(GC))

Q( G )




Q( Gc )

Compress big G into a smaller GC

It is unlikely that we can lower its complexity, but can we reduce the size of its parameter |G|?



Q( )

Q( )




Lossless: restore G from GC. GC is not much smaller than G

Query friendly compression: decompression of GC back to G

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Query preserving graph compression


Query preserving compression <R, P> for a class Q of queries

For any graph G, GC = R(G)

For any Q in Q, Q( G ) = P(Q(Gc))

Q( G )




Q( Gc )

Compress G w.r.t. to a particular query class Q



Q( )

Q( )




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What is new about query preserving compression?


In contrast to lossless compression, no need to restore the original graph G

Relative to a class L of queries of users’ choice

Better compression ratio: only information about L queries

Query preserving compression <R, P> for a class L of queries

For any graph G, Gc = R(G)

For any Q in L, Q( G ) = P(Q(Gc))

For any Q in L, Q(Gc) can be directly computed

Any algorithms and indexing structures for G can be used for Gc

no need to decompress Gc

Gc is computed once for all queries Q in L

Incrementally maintained

Compress G relative to your queries

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Compress G by leveraging the equivalence relation

Equivalence relation:

• reachability relation Re: a node pair (u,v) R∈ e iff they have the same set of ancestors and descendants in G.

• for any graph G, there is a unique maximum Re, i.e., the reachability equivalence relation of G

Reachability queries

Reachability• Input: A directed graph G, and a pair of nodes s and t in G• Question: Does there exist a path from s to t in G?

O(|V| + |E|) time


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C1 C3


C2 Ck





C1 FA2C2 C3…C4


1. Compute Re and

its equivalence


2. Construct a node

for each node

set in the



3. Construct GC

Algorithm and example



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Reachability preserving compression

A reachability preserving compression R for G– R maps each node in G to its reachability equivalence class in

GC, and each edge to an edge between two equivalence


Reduction: 95% in average for reachability queries

Correctness: – For any query QR(v,w) over G, v can reach w iff R(v) can

reach R(w) in GC

– Compression R is in quadratic time – no post-processing function P is required.

Nodes in GC: equivalence classes


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How does it look like in real life?

18 times faster on average for reachability queries40

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Graph pattern matching by graph simulation

Input: A directed graph G, and a graph pattern Q Output: the maximum simulation relation R


Bisimulation: a binary relation B over V of G, such that for each node pair (u,v) B, ∈

• L(u) = L(v)• for each edge (u,u’) E, there exists (v,v’) E, s.t. (u’,v’) B,∈ ∈ ∈• for each edge (v,v’) E, there exists (u,u’) E, s.t. (u’,v’) B∈ ∈ ∈

Equivalence relation Rb: the unique maximum bisimulation relation

Compress G by leveraging the equivalence relation



A4 A5


C3 C4








G1 G2

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Compression for simulation













R(G): computes equivalence classes



FAr FAr’

Cr Cr’

msa1 msa2

bsa1 bsa2

fa1 fa2 fa3

…c1 c2 c3 ck


R(G): constructs Gc with equivalence classes

P(Q,Gc): expanded to the nodes in their equivalence classes


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Compression for simulation

43Reduction: 57% in average for graph pattern matching

nodes in Gc denote equivalence classes

compression function R( ):• maximum bisimulation relation on the nodes of G • equivalence relation

Query preserving compression <R, P> for graph pattern matching

R(G) in O(|E| log (|V|)) time

P(Q, Gc): linear time in the size of Q( G )

post-processing function P( ):• making use of the inverse of R( )

nodes in Q(Gc ) are expanded to nodes in their equivalence classes, in the size of output

Subgraph isomorphism?2.3 times faster (simulation)

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Summing up


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Summary and review

What is parallel scalability? Why do we care about it?

Study some parallel algorithms. Show that they are parallel

scalable if they are, and disprove it otherwise

Why do we want to make big graphs small? How can we do it?

What is bounded evaluability of queries? What auxiliary

structures do we need to make queries boundedly evaluable?

What is query-preserving graph compression? Is it lossless? Do

we lose information when using such a compression scheme?

How to develop query preserving graph compression schemes?

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Project (1)

Bounded evaluability. Recall keyword search via distinct-root trees (bounded by a fixed depth k; see Lectures 2 and 4)

Develop an algorithm for keyword search based on access constraints; show that such queries can be boundedly evaluated

Develop optimization strategies Develop a parallel version of your algorithm, in whatever model you

like (MapReduce, BSP, GRAPE) Experimentally evaluate your algorithms, especially their scalability

with the size of G Write a survey on various methods for keyword search with distinct-

trees, as part of the related work.

A research and development project

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Project (2)

Recall graph pattern matching by subgraph isomorphism (Lecture 3)

Develop a query-preserving compression scheme for subgraph isomorphism

Implement your compression scheme and an algorithm for graph pattern matching via subgraph isomorphism, based on your query-preserving compression scheme

Experimentally evaluate your compression scheme and evaluation algorithm, especially its scalability with the size of G

Write a survey on graph compression schemes, as part of the related work.

A research and development project

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Project (3)

Combine query-preserving compression and distributed algorithm for reachability queries (Lecture 5)


Develop a framework for answering reachability queries, with– query-preserving compression scheme to reduce graphs– distributed algorithm for answering reachability queries– incremental algorithm to maintain compressed graphs in response to changes to

the original graphs Implement the framework with all three algorithms Experimentally evaluate method for answering reachability queries, especially its

scalability with the size of G Write a survey on graph compression schemes and distributed algorithms for

reachability queries, as part of the related work.

A development project

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• M. Armbrust, A. Fox, D. A. Patterson, N. Lanham, B. Trushkowsky, J. Trutna, and H. Oh. SCADS: Scale-independent storage for social computing applications. In CIDR, 2009. http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0909/0909.1775.pdf

• M. Armbrust, E. Liang, T. Kraska, A. Fox, M. J. Franklin, and D. Patterson. Generalized scale independence through incremental precomputation. In SIGMOD, 2013. http://www.cs.albany.edu/

• ~jhh/courses/readings/armbrust.sigmod13.incremental.pdf• S. Agarwal, B. Mozafari, A. Panda, H. Milner, S. Madden, and I. Stoica.

BlinkDB: queries with bounded errors and bounded response times on very large data. In EuroSys, 2013. https://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~sameerag/blinkdb_eurosys13.pdf

• Y. Tian, R. A. Hankins, and J. M. Patel. Efficient Aggregation for Graph Summarization. http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~jignesh/publ/summarization.pdf

• Y. Cao, W. Fan, and R. Huang. Making pattern queries bounded in big graphs. ICDE 2015. (bounded evaluability)

• W. Fan, J. Li, X. Wang, and Y. Wu. Query Preserving Graph Compression, SIGMOD, 2012. (query-preserving compression)

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