1 r jjipj yfi y r1 k j sl two j star- b...

a ° 1 1 G t ea xr R vp r + K + r JJipj Jw ji <4j 1 q r v 3jV1- f Yfi y r1 y J > VJ 1 sL + v TWO J OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY OCTOBER 3 1908 EVENING STAR- C L BITTINGER CO J C L Bittinger and R R Carroll I Proprietors and Publishers- C L BITTINGER Editor and General Manager- R R CARROLL I City Editor and Business Manager The Crystal River News 5s so full of ads this week that the editors name Mr Clark is crowded out of its col- umns ¬ but that dont matter as the meat and local grist is thsre all the same Superintendent Turner has purchas- ed ¬ V H Jones tine horse which is said to bo the finest animal of its kind in Citrus countycitrus County Chronicle The school teaehcrs and school maams of Citrus county better look out for now there is no telling when this vigilant school official will visit them with his fast steed EXTRAVAGANCE OF THE YOUNG Yes siree Bill tunes is changed Kince you an me was eloin our court- ing ¬ said Adoniram orntop with a note of sadness in his voice to old Andy Clover who had crime over to- It s a spell relates Puck When we was doin our courtin Andy a gal thought she was hems treated right Imrnsom if a feller bought her 10 cents wuth of pep mints once in awhile an if he tuk her to any loins in town she didnt expect him to go low into his jeans- to the tune of a dollar or two for ice cream an soda water an candy at foty cents a paouml My son Si tuk his ducksydaddle to the band concert- in town yistiddy an there want a quarter left of a dollar bill he struck me for time he got home Beats all the way young folks throw money away nowadays I tell ye times is changed mightily since we was boys an the Lawd only knows what the end will be with a feller layin out seventylive cents on a gal in one day I BAILEY WILL LEAVETHE SENATE Galveston Tex Oct 3A report from North Texas where Senator Joseph Weldon Bailey has his home and many warm friends says he is preparing to leave Texas and take up his home in New York and engage in the practice of law While the report in the absence of the senator from the state cannot be officially confirm- ed ¬ it is accepted as true in political circles That the Bailey farm in Cook county and other Texas properties have been sold recently is a fact Attention is also directed to the fact that the once very popular senator has taken no part in the national cam- paign ¬ and that he has not contributed- to the democratic campaign fund ev- en ¬ though his subscription has been solicited His intimate friends say if he is going to leave Texas and going- to resign from the senate it is more on account of his health and because In can do better working for himself than for an unappreciative people His political enemies charge that he has lost his power and influence- as a political leader and that he has not recovered from charges made against him of having been associated with the Standard Oil Company In response to a question as to whether- he proposed leaving Texas Senator Bailey is quoted as saying that he had not yet resigned OCALA COURT HOUSE Ocala is said to have one of the most beautiful and complete court- houses in the entire South It pre- sents ¬ a spectacular sight to the na ¬ tives of the city as well as to the stranger The modern structure has recently been erected and is located in the heart of the city thus making it convenient for those that have business there Around the building- are the artistic made lawns and palm trees always kept up and in repair Upon the four sides of the dome are large clocks at night they are lighted- by means of electricity and one can easily see the hands upon the clocks- at night as well as in the daytime- The interior contains the most perfect designed and handsome furniture The ceilings and walls were made and designed by the best and skilled workmen and interior decorators to be had in the country In fact one feels an air of coziness on entering the building Many sfrangers that visit the hustling city commonly and frankly express tluir opinions invari- Ably that it te the most comfortable conveniently arranged and most beau ¬ tiful court house building that they ever visited Ocala Correspondence TimesUnion I HOME OF MR CLARENCE CAMP Only a few minutes walk from the center of the city of Ocala in among lofty trees and scenic beauty stands out boldly the magnificent home of Mr Clarence Camp This palatial structure is one of the latest addi ¬ tions to the many beautiful homes in this hustling city What is more en ¬ ticing and beloved than a happy and well kept home The houses and homes in a city are about the first sights that attract the gaze and at- tention 1 of the stranger and from that sight one rapidly makes up their mind the standing and prosperity of the city in general Citizens and visi- tors ¬ alike look upon this most modern building with delight and a desire for one of its own kind It inspires new hopes and ambitions to those of think- ing ¬ minds The people of Ocala are proud of Mr Camps new home and wish him continued happiness Their only regret is that there are not more of them to adorn the beautiful streets that have recently been cleaned and made ready for like structuresOcala Corresondence TimesUnion We are displaying the largest and best selected line of perfumes toilet powders toilet waters soaps etc in Central Florida and will take pleas- ure ¬ in showing you the line The AntiMonopoly Drugstore I AT THE CHURCHES TOMORROW- Grace Episcopal- Rev Geo Hendree Harrison Rector 10 a m Sunday school 11 a mLitany holy communion J and sermon 730 p m = Evening prayer and sermon Come and worship with us Presbyterian- Rev W H Dodge D D Rev W H Dodge D D Pastor Sabbath school45 a m Preaching and sacrament of Lords Supper 11 a m Evening service 730 p m A cordial welcome extended to all r Christian W H Coleman Minister Sunday school 945 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 730 p m Forenoon subject What Is a Chris ¬ tian Evening subject Pilates Dilemma with Christ Mrs Sara WhitfieldWinston will sing at the morning service My Sav fur and at the evening service she will sing Face to Face with Christ Everybody welcome Baptist- C C Carroll Pastor Sunday school J45 a m Morning service11 a m Sermon Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord the God giveth thee This is the filth sermon- in a series of the ten commandments- In th commandment we find the basis of all human relationship Its im- portance ¬ cant be denied nor its re- sponsibilities ¬ shirked B Y P UG45 p m Evening ses viees7 p m Evening sermon Three Strokes of an Arrow on the Ground Every one is cordially invited to at ¬ tend the services A few minutes in the Lords house will surely be of benelitto you Seats are free music good Mrmons short and welcome cor ¬ dial Methodist- R H Barnett Pastor Sunday school 930 a m Preaching a m and 730 p m Junior League 3 p m Senior League 4 p m The sacrament of the Lords Supper will be administered at the close of the morning service- A cordial invitation is extended to all Strangers and all visitors to the city are especially invited Junior League Meets Sunday afternoon at 230 Rally Sunday Leader Annie Pope I Eagleton Song Responsive reading Ps 34 1116 Deut 649 Prayer Addresses by the Junior League of ¬ ficers Song Address by Rev Barnett Roll call- Collection Announcements Benediction- All members are urged to meet at 230 oclock to hold a business meet- ing ¬ I DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED- By local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deaf- ness ¬ and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lin ¬ ing of the Eustachian Tube When this tube is inflamed you have a rum ¬ bling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result and unless the inflamma- tion ¬ can be taken out and this tube re- f ¬ stored to its normal condition hearing- will I be destroyed forever nine cases qut of ten are caused by Catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed con ¬ dition of the mucous surfaces- We will give One Hundred Dollars- for any case of Deafness caused by Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circu ¬ lars free F J CHENEY CO- Toledo O Sold by all Duggists 75e Take Halls family Pills for constipation TRYING TO SAVE THE CHILDREN Jackson Miss Oct Mississippi now has a child labor law the Mc- Dowell ¬ act regulating the employ ¬ ment of minors in the cotton mills and factories of the state becoming effective yesterday Mississippi has less than a score of cotton mills and while the child labor law enacted at the last legislative ses- sion ¬ is not all that its advocates de ¬ sired it is nevertheless a step in the right direction they say and if prop- erly ¬ enforced will remove several hundred little children from the cot ¬ ton mills The legislature neglected to create the office of mill and factory inspec- tor ¬ placing the duty of enforcing the child labor law in the hands of the sheriffs and the health officers of each county and it is feared that its en ¬ forcement will not be as thorough as in some states Amendments to strengthen the statute will be sub ¬ mitted at the 1910 session and it is believed that they will be adopted by that body- WOMAN INTERRUPTS POLITICAL SPEAKER- A well dresed woman interrupted- a political speaker recently by con- tinually ¬ coughing If she had taken Foleys Honey and Tar it would have cured her cough quickly and expelled- the cold from her system The genu ¬ ine Foleys Honey and Tar contains- no opiates and is in a yellow package Refuse substitutes Sold by all dealers We lead the city on stationery tab ¬ lets and school supplies of all kinds The AntiMonopoly Drugstore WANTED Female that can work sewing machine and sew Apply 220 North Second street Peter Ingram 4 Ho B MSTERS COMPAN- We CLOTHING DEPARTMENT l- t i J JiyL1- w3 are now ready and will be l pleased to have you call and in- spect ¬ pa- s i f2 our excellent new line of Fall i 1- iv > and Winter Clothing for men and ill boys All of the latest cuts and IlL l- j j fabrics are shown The new and j- E fancy stripes made with cuffs are L i J I P T tJ the latest We have in to stock suits ranging in price from 10 to X27 and can give you a perfect fit t a FORM SIXTEEN COPYRIGHT ewe The FECHHE1MER F1SHEL CO NEW YORK j YR00A 1S Let us remind you that while it is early in the season for these goods- we have a large advance shipment of fall or light weight and also the heavy weights in Overcoats in all of the popular goods I Gents Furnishings For the Boys Our stock of furnishings rets We have a very strong line of for men and boys is the New Suits in all the popular col ¬ best in town and includes orings and finishes in Knicker- bockers ¬ the leading lines manufac- turers ¬ and extra pants We are who guarantee showing the leading patterns for style and qualityT- he boys and can save the mothers stock of Underwear Shirts i money on these goods Suspenders Hosiery Neckwear etc is very complete Look over our stock of Trunks and Bags be The greatest variety in new forepurchasing and remember if it is in the shapes of John Stetson Hats in sons and derbys in town Clothing or Mens Furnishing Line we have it I I The H B Masters Company a OCALA FLORIDA BRYANS PICTURE ON APPLES Now its Up to Some Pomoligist to I Grow a Portrait Lemon of Taft on a Waterbury Conn Oct 2 Bucyrus Scudder a Bethlehem farmer is ex- hibiting four apples which he suc- ceeded ¬ in growing with the portrait of AYilliam J Bryan plainly shown on the skin lie will send two of them to Mr Rrvin I Two years ago Scudder succeeded- in I growing an apple with the fac ¬ simile of the signature of the dem- ocratic ¬ candidate for governor A BANQUET Spread before you would do ypu no good if you couldnt eat What good can food do a child when as soon as it enters its stomach it is eaten by I worms Thats the reason your baby I is ailing cross pasty faced and thin Give it Whites Cream Vermifuge t- will expel the worms and act as a tonic for the child Sold by Anti- Monopoly Drugstore BURIED IN THE RUINS Fire at Youngstown Ohio Fatal to Three Firemen Youngstown 0 Oct 2Five fre men are in a hospital and three more in the ruins of Knoxs five and ten cent store where fire last night gutted- the structure The building three stories high was wrecked The flames started in the basement it is said and soon spread to the upper floors which were occupied by offices and a school Firemen battled with the fire from the roof and third floor when sud ¬ denly the whole interior of the struc- ture ¬ gave way carving eight firemen- to the first floor and basement Police and firemen immediately began the work of extricating the imprisoned- men and five were taken out more or less seriously injured- A SHAKING UP May be vets well so far as the trusts are concerned but not when it comes- to chills and fever and malaria Quit the quinine and take a real cureBal lards Herbine Contains no harmful drugs and is as certain as taxes If it doesnt cure you get your money back Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore R CLOSE MESH AMERICAN FENCES- EE HOW CLOSE THESE MESHES ARE THEY WIL L TURN LITTLE PIGS Heavy Wire Close Mesh Pig r o Set Cti J Tight 6 3 52 IN- b 46 IN Top and Bottom Barr No TO 1 6 galvanized wire Intermediate bars 6 I 3411 f No I galvanized wire Stays No b ztl II 1 EkE 24 Pi S t 12 galvanized wire 12 inches 4 y 2l1- I apart c V< s t- ifl iEIi i- s 1 111 We are Also Exclusive e 4gc ants for ELLWOOD FENCE A 4 r r < itt tl LARGE STOCK Q DICK SHIPMENTS f 1 d The largest stock of heavy and light hardware sash doors and I < J blinds farm mill and miners supplies paints oils etc etc carded i ft 1 i m Central Florida IW J If > BONDS PORTABLE FIREPLACE I I 4 ji is especially adapted for turpentin men sawmill men or anyone j l where a temporary fireplace is needed The cut herewith gives a 4 r same can be attached to I fwf I any frame building either where replace would be built or can be- set 9 < J in window It is made of the bc3t galvanized steel is light strong and dura- ble f This portable fireplace can he moved from place to place and M t taken down or set up in a very few minutes thereby saving an ex ¬ pense which would incjr in making a chimney of sticks and mortar- or brick i Marion Hardware Co 1 HARRY B CLARKSON General Manager I

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Page 1: 1 R JJipj Yfi y r1 K J sL TWO J STAR- B MSTERSufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00964/0337.pdfs i f2 our excellent new line of Fall i 1-and Winter Clothing for men and ill >

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r JJipj J w ji <4j 1 q r v 3jV1-f

Yfi y r1y J >VJ1

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C L Bittinger and R R CarrollIProprietors and Publishers-

C L BITTINGEREditor and General Manager-


City Editor and Business Manager

The Crystal River News 5s so full ofads this week that the editors nameMr Clark is crowded out of its col-umns


but that dont matter as themeat and local grist is thsre all thesame

Superintendent Turner has purchas-ed


V H Jones tine horse which issaid to bo the finest animal of itskind in Citrus countycitrus CountyChronicle

The school teaehcrs and schoolmaams of Citrus county better lookout for now there is no telling whenthis vigilant school official will visitthem with his fast steed


Yes siree Bill tunes is changedKince you an me was eloin our court-ing


said Adoniram orntop with anote of sadness in his voice to oldAndy Clover who had crime over to-

Its a spell relates PuckWhen we was doin our courtin

Andy a gal thought she was hemstreated right Imrnsom if a fellerbought her 10 cents wuth of pepmints once in awhile an if he tukher to any loins in town she didntexpect him to go low into his jeans-to the tune of a dollar or two for icecream an soda water an candy atfoty cents a paouml My son Si tukhis ducksydaddle to the band concert-in town yistiddy an there want aquarter left of a dollar bill he struckme for time he got home Beats allthe way young folks throw moneyaway nowadays I tell ye times ischanged mightily since we was boysan the Lawd only knows what theend will be with a feller layin outseventylive cents on a gal in oneday



Galveston Tex Oct 3A reportfrom North Texas where SenatorJoseph Weldon Bailey has his homeand many warm friends says he ispreparing to leave Texas and take uphis home in New York and engage inthe practice of law While the reportin the absence of the senator fromthe state cannot be officially confirm-ed


it is accepted as true in politicalcircles That the Bailey farm in Cookcounty and other Texas propertieshave been sold recently is a fact

Attention is also directed to the factthat the once very popular senator hastaken no part in the national cam-paign


and that he has not contributed-to the democratic campaign fund ev-en


though his subscription has beensolicited His intimate friends say ifhe is going to leave Texas and going-to resign from the senate it is moreon account of his health and becauseIn can do better working for himselfthan for an unappreciative people

His political enemies charge thathe has lost his power and influence-as a political leader and that he hasnot recovered from charges madeagainst him of having been associatedwith the Standard Oil Company Inresponse to a question as to whether-he proposed leaving Texas SenatorBailey is quoted as saying that he hadnot yet resigned


Ocala is said to have one of themost beautiful and complete court-houses in the entire South It pre-sents


a spectacular sight to the na ¬

tives of the city as well as to thestranger The modern structure hasrecently been erected and is locatedin the heart of the city thus makingit convenient for those that havebusiness there Around the building-are the artistic made lawns and palmtrees always kept up and in repairUpon the four sides of the dome arelarge clocks at night they are lighted-by means of electricity and one caneasily see the hands upon the clocks-at night as well as in the daytime-The interior contains the most perfectdesigned and handsome furnitureThe ceilings and walls were made anddesigned by the best and skilledworkmen and interior decorators to behad in the country In fact one feelsan air of coziness on entering thebuilding Many sfrangers that visitthe hustling city commonly andfrankly express tluir opinions invari-Ably that it te the most comfortableconveniently arranged and most beau ¬

tiful court house building that theyever visited Ocala CorrespondenceTimesUnion I


Only a few minutes walk from thecenter of the city of Ocala in amonglofty trees and scenic beauty standsout boldly the magnificent home ofMr Clarence Camp This palatialstructure is one of the latest addi ¬

tions to the many beautiful homes inthis hustling city What is more en ¬

ticing and beloved than a happy andwell kept home The houses andhomes in a city are about the firstsights that attract the gaze and at-


of the stranger and from thatsight one rapidly makes up theirmind the standing and prosperity ofthe city in general Citizens and visi-


alike look upon this most modernbuilding with delight and a desire forone of its own kind It inspires newhopes and ambitions to those of think-ing


minds The people of Ocala areproud of Mr Camps new home andwish him continued happiness Theironly regret is that there are not moreof them to adorn the beautiful streetsthat have recently been cleaned andmade ready for like structuresOcalaCorresondence TimesUnion

We are displaying the largest andbest selected line of perfumes toiletpowders toilet waters soaps etc inCentral Florida and will take pleas-ure


in showing you the line TheAntiMonopoly Drugstore



Grace Episcopal-

Rev Geo Hendree Harrison Rector10 a m Sunday school11 a mLitany holy communion J

and sermon730 p m =Evening prayer and

sermonCome and worship with us


Rev W H Dodge D DRev W H Dodge D D PastorSabbath school45 a mPreaching and sacrament of Lords

Supper 11 a mEvening service 730 p mA cordial welcome extended to all


ChristianW H Coleman Minister

Sunday school 945 a mPreaching at 11 a m and 730 p mForenoon subject What Is a Chris ¬

tianEvening subject Pilates Dilemma

with ChristMrs Sara WhitfieldWinston will

sing at the morning service My Savfur and at the evening service shewill sing Face to Face with Christ

Everybody welcome


C C Carroll PastorSunday schoolJ45 a mMorning service11 a mSermon Honor thy father and thy

mother that thy days may be longupon the land which the Lord the Godgiveth thee This is the filth sermon-in a series of the ten commandments-In th commandment we find the basisof all human relationship Its im-


cant be denied nor its re-


shirkedB Y P UG45 p mEvening ses viees7 p mEvening sermon Three Strokes of

an Arrow on the GroundEvery one is cordially invited to at ¬

tend the services A few minutes inthe Lords house will surely be ofbenelitto you Seats are free musicgood Mrmons short and welcome cor ¬



R H Barnett PastorSunday school 930 a mPreaching a m and 730 p mJunior League 3 p mSenior League 4 p mThe sacrament of the Lords Supper

will be administered at the close ofthe morning service-

A cordial invitation is extended toall

Strangers and all visitors to the cityare especially invited

Junior League

Meets Sunday afternoon at 230Rally Sunday Leader Annie Pope


EagletonSongResponsive reading Ps 34 1116

Deut 649PrayerAddresses by the Junior League of ¬

ficersSongAddress by Rev BarnettRoll call-CollectionAnnouncementsBenediction-All members are urged to meet at

230 oclock to hold a business meet-ing



By local applications as they cannotreach the diseased portion of the earThere is only one way to cure deaf-ness


and that is by constitutionalremedies Deafness is caused by aninflamed condition of the mucous lin ¬

ing of the Eustachian Tube Whenthis tube is inflamed you have a rum ¬

bling sound or imperfect hearing andwhen it is entirely closed Deafness isthe result and unless the inflamma-tion


can be taken out and this tube re-f


stored to its normal condition hearing-willI be destroyed forever nine casesqut of ten are caused by Catarrhwhich is nothing but an inflamed con ¬

dition of the mucous surfaces-We will give One Hundred Dollars-

for any case of Deafness caused byCatarrh that cannot be cured byHalls Catarrh Cure Send for circu ¬

lars free F J CHENEY CO-

Toledo O

Sold by all Duggists 75e TakeHalls family Pills for constipation


Jackson Miss Oct Mississippinow has a child labor law the Mc-


act regulating the employ ¬

ment of minors in the cotton millsand factories of the state becomingeffective yesterday

Mississippi has less than a score ofcotton mills and while the child laborlaw enacted at the last legislative ses-


is not all that its advocates de ¬

sired it is nevertheless a step in theright direction they say and if prop-


enforced will remove severalhundred little children from the cot ¬

ton millsThe legislature neglected to create

the office of mill and factory inspec-tor


placing the duty of enforcing thechild labor law in the hands of thesheriffs and the health officers of eachcounty and it is feared that its en ¬

forcement will not be as thorough asin some states Amendments tostrengthen the statute will be sub ¬

mitted at the 1910 session and it isbelieved that they will be adopted bythat body-


A well dresed woman interrupted-a political speaker recently by con-


coughing If she had takenFoleys Honey and Tar it would havecured her cough quickly and expelled-the cold from her system The genu ¬

ine Foleys Honey and Tar contains-no opiates and is in a yellow packageRefuse substitutes Sold by all dealers

We lead the city on stationery tab ¬

lets and school supplies of all kindsThe AntiMonopoly Drugstore

WANTED Female that can worksewing machine and sew Apply 220North Second street Peter Ingram







w3are now ready and will be l

pleased to have you call and in-




i f2 our excellent new line of Fall i



and Winter Clothing for men and ill

boys All of the latest cuts and IlL l-

j j fabrics are shown The new and j-

E fancy stripes made with cuffs are L iJI P TtJ the latest We have in

tostock suits

ranging in price from 10 to X27

and can give you a perfect fit t aFORM SIXTEEN



j YR00A1SLet us remind you that while it is early in the season for these goods-

we have a large advance shipment of fall or light weight and alsothe heavy weights in Overcoats in all of the popular goods

I Gents Furnishings For the BoysOur stock of furnishings rets

We have a very strong line of

for men and boys is the New Suits in all the popular col¬

best in town and includes orings and finishes in Knicker-bockers


the leading lines manufac-turers

¬ and extra pants We arewho guarantee showing the leading patterns for

style and qualityT-

heboys and can save the mothers

stock of Underwear Shirts imoney on these goods

Suspenders Hosiery Neckwearetc is very complete Look over our stock of Trunks and Bags be

The greatest variety in new forepurchasing and remember if it is in theshapes of John Stetson Hats insons and derbys in town Clothing or Mens Furnishing Line we have it



The H B Masters Company a


Now its Up to Some Pomoligist toI Grow a Portrait

Lemonof Taft on a

Waterbury Conn Oct 2 BucyrusScudder a Bethlehem farmer is ex-hibiting four apples which he suc-ceeded


in growing with the portrait ofAYilliam J Bryan plainly shown on theskin lie will send two of them toMr Rrvin I

Two years ago Scudder succeeded-in


growing an apple with the fac ¬

simile of the signature of the dem-ocratic


candidate for governor

A BANQUETSpread before you would do ypu nogood if you couldnt eat What goodcan food do a child when as soon asit enters its stomach it is eaten by I

worms Thats the reason your baby I

is ailing cross pasty faced and thinGive it Whites Cream Vermifuge t-

will expel the worms and act as atonic for the child Sold by Anti-Monopoly Drugstore


Fire at Youngstown Ohio Fatal toThree Firemen

Youngstown 0 Oct 2Five fremen are in a hospital and three morein the ruins of Knoxs five and tencent store where fire last night gutted-the structure The building threestories high was wrecked The flamesstarted in the basement it is said andsoon spread to the upper floors whichwere occupied by offices and a school

Firemen battled with the fire fromthe roof and third floor when sud ¬

denly the whole interior of the struc-ture


gave way carving eight firemen-to the first floor and basement Policeand firemen immediately began thework of extricating the imprisoned-men and five were taken out more orless seriously injured-

A SHAKING UPMay be vets well so far as the trustsare concerned but not when it comes-to chills and fever and malaria Quitthe quinine and take a real cureBallards Herbine Contains no harmfuldrugs and is as certain as taxes If itdoesnt cure you get your money backSold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore




Heavy Wire Close Mesh Pig r o Set CtiJ

Tight 6 3 52 IN-

b 46 INTop and Bottom Barr No TO


6galvanized wire Intermediate bars 6 I 3411 f

No I galvanized wire Stays No b ztl II 1

EkE 24 PiS t12 galvanized wire 12 inches




V <



ifl iEIi i-s


111 We are Also Exclusive e 4gc ants for ELLWOOD FENCEA 4



f1 d The largest stock of heavy and light hardware sash doors and



J blinds farm mill and miners supplies paints oils etc etc carded i

ft 1 i m Central FloridaIW J


II 4 ji is especially adapted for turpentin men sawmill men or anyonej l where a temporary fireplace is needed The cut herewith gives a

4 rsame can be attached toI

fwfI any frame building either where replace would be built or can be-



< J in window

It is made of the bc3t galvanized steel is light strong and dura-blef This portable fireplace can he moved from place to place and

M t taken down or set up in a very few minutes thereby saving an ex¬

pense which would incjr in making a chimney of sticks and mortar-or brick

i Marion Hardware Co1

HARRY B CLARKSON General Manager I