1. recruitment and selection

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  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    1© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke


    Chapter 7

    Human Resoure !lanning an"


    1© 2007 !earson #"uation Australia$a "i%ision o !earson Australia Group !ty Lt"'

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    2© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    (utomes)*is *apter pro%i"es kno+le"ge re,uire" or assessment o t*e

    ollo+ing elements-

    ."entiy reruitment nee"s  A"minister reruitment

    /elet sta 

    !lan an" organise in"ution programs

    De%elop sta rosters !resent an" ommuniate rosters

    Maintain sta reor"s

    #%aluate rosters

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    © 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    /taing nee"s)*e *allenge or t*e *ospitality manager is to alane t*e nee"or a permanent traine" an" moti%ate" sta +it* t*at o a

    le3ile laour ore in or"er to minimise laour osts4

     An employer *as t*e *oie o t*ree types o employee-permanent ull5time sta permanent part5time sta $+orkingon a pro rata asis' an" asual sta4

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    6© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    /taing nee"s/ine asual sta *a%e no ontinuity o employment an" noseurity an" reei%e no sik lea%e or annual lea%e entitlementst*eir pay is loa"e" up to 2 perent ao%e t*e stan"ar" *ourly

    rate or permanent employees4 8rom t*e ao%e it is lear t*att*e eneit o employing asual sta is t*eir le3iility4

    (n t*e ot*er *an" t*e eneit o permanent sta is t*at t*eyare +ell traine" an" amiliar +it* t*e systems an" proe"ures

    +*i* lea"s to operational eiieny4 !ermanent sta alsopro%i"e goo" ser%ie reognising regular ustomers an"antiipating t*eir nee"s4

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    © 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    .n"ustrial onte3t Australian 8air !ay an" 9on"itions /tan"ar" *as

    i%e minimum stan"ar"s-

    Guarantee" asi rates o pay Ma3imum : *ours per +eek $or"inary *ours'

    8our +eeks annual lea%e


  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    =© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

     A+ar"s an" agreements A+ar"s are generally negotiate" or a

    +*ole in"ustry or proession

    #g >Hospitality .n"ustry< a+ar" negotiate"et+een t*e Australian Hotels

     Assoiation an" t*e Li,uor Hospitality

    an" Mis Workers ?nion4

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    7© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke



    LHM? $union'

     >Hotels A+ar"<

    )*is is an e3ample o olleti%e negotiation

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    :© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke


    9*illi 9*iken$employer'

    9*ook Hu"son$employee'


    )*is is an e3ample o an in"i%i"ual negotiation

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    @© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

     A+ar"s an" agreements.n"ustrial relations is urt*er ompliate"

    y t*e at t*at t*ere are la+s an"

    regulations as +ell as negotiations at/tate an" 8e"eral le%el4

    )*is is +*y employer assoiations an"

    unions are oten in%ol%e" to supportt*eir respeti%e parties in negotiation4

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    10© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    )+o si"es to e%ery storyDeate or "isuss-

     >W*en you aept your irst o you otenkno+ not*ing aout pay an" on"itions#mployers are out to get e%eryt*ing t*eyan rom t*eir employees#mployees "o as little as t*ey *a%e to9arrots "on

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    11© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    #mployment la+s (H/ $pre%ention o inury'

    Workers ompensation $ompensationor inury'

    ##( $e,ual employment opportunity'

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    12© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    Reruitment an" seletion Co analysis $plan or staing nee"s'

    Reruitment $attrat appliants'

    /eletion $*oose appliants'

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    1© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    /eletionDeate or "isuss-

     >)*ings are so a" t*ese "ays t*e only,ualiiation you nee" or employmentis reat*ing

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    16© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    Co "esriptions)*e o "esription enales t*e manager to e e3pliit aout+*at a person +ill e "oing an" orms t*e asis or-

    employment a"%ertising

    "e%elopment o inter%ie+ ,uestions

    analysis o inter%ie+ perormane

    in"ution an" training perormane management4

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    1=© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    )raining nee"sJob Description

    Duties plan menus re,uisition oo"e,uipment et4 prepare an" ook oo" manage portion ontrolan" presentation store reee an"preser%e oo" ollo+ *ygieneregulations an" HA99!plan

    Person Speciication

    S!i""s menu planning ost ontrol oo" preparation oo" presentation

    #no$"e%&e oo" pro"uts an" suppliers kit*en e,uipment an"suppliers oo" *ygiene regulations

     Attributes multi5tasking time management

    )raining nee" E skills gap et+een oan" person *ire" $person "oes not it

    speiiation 100 per ent'

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    17© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    1:© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    (rganisation *arts.t is not "iiult to onstrut an organisation *art one rolesan" responsiilities *a%e een "ei"e"4 )*e general rules are-

    Departments an" untions s*oul" e arrange" *oriontally

    +it* t*e position titles in o3es o t*e same sie4 !ersonnel s*oul" e arrange" %ertially in aor"ane +it*

    t*eir position or gra"e4

     All personnel +it* t*e same aut*ority le%el s*oul" e on t*esame *oriontal line4

    ?nroken %ertial lines are use" to s*o+ t*e lo+ o aut*ority4 Froken *oriontal or %ertial lines are use" to s*o+ t*e soures

    o a"%ie an" ser%ie4

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    1@© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    (rganisation *arts(+ner


    8oo" an" e%erage sta it*en sta  

    Restaurant manager


  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    20© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    ReruitmentReruitment is t*e proess o attrating suitaly ,ualiie" stato t*e estalis*ment4 A"%ertising or personnel may e internal

    e3ternal "iret to t*e puli on t*e .nternet or %ia areruitment ageny an" must omply +it* enterprise poliy an"legal re,uirements4

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    21© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    Reruitment A%'ertisin& the position


    Fy reating an a"%ertisement t*at is positi%ely +or"e" t*e

    *ospitality usiness is likely to a*ie%e a goo" response4Ho+e%er i t*e positi%e eatures o t*e o are not alane"+it* realisti re,uirements su* as t*e neessity to +ork on+eeken"s an o%er+*elming response rom poorly a"%ise"appliants an +aste a lot o time4

     An employment a"%ertisement must reate strong appeal or anumer o rea"ers ut "eter appliants +*o "o not meet t*eminimum re,uirements4

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    22© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    Reruitment A%'ertisin& the position (continue%)

    .n general an a"%ertisement s*oul" inlu"e-

    o title

    re,uire" e3periene

    skills an" ,ualiiations

    essential attriutes su* as t*e aility to +ork s*it +ork  loation

    +age;salary an" any ot*er eneits4

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    2© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    Reruitment A"%ertisingDirector of Food and Beverage

    High earning potential and career development

    Our organisation is looking for a Food and Beverage Director for our well-established and

    expanding chain of successful country resorts. The applicant must have a strongbackground in Food and Beverage in a similar managerial capacity. The ideal candidate willhold a similar position with responsibility for a range of food and beverage outlets includingroom service and fine dining restaurant.

    "f you have an interest in career development in an organisation that promotes from withinyou are the perfect candidate. Our salaries include incentive bonuses. #e are highlymotivated to identify and $uickly hire for this opportunity. #e will consider an %ssistant F&B

    Director ready to move up. "f you have proven people management and financial expertisebacked up with solid experience in operational planning and control you will be able to 'oinus as we take the business into its next growth phase.


    (hone) *ames +marterson on , /01 112, or email) 'smarterson3highlands.net


  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    26© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    /eletion)*e seletion proess in%ol%es re%ie+ing appliationss*ortlisting appliants *eking t*eir reerenes $t*e o

    "esription an" person speiiation an at as a gui"e orasking rele%ant ,uestions' an" inter%ie+ing s*ortliste"an"i"ates4 .nter%ie+ing is arrie" out +it* reerene to t*eseletion riteria an" to #,ual #mployment (pportunitygui"elines +*i* in"iate t*at seletion an" promotion s*oul"

    e ma"e on merit4

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    2© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    /eletionThe oer

    Generally t*e oer states t*e position an" t*e on"itions oemployment $inlu"ing t*e appropriate a+ar" i appliale' as+ell as soun"ing a +elome to t*e ne+ sta memer4 A opy ot*e o "esription "isusse" in t*e inter%ie+ an e atta*e"4 A signe" opy o t*e aeptane letter as +ell as lear an"

    omplete "etails o t*e seletion proess s*oul" e kept onreor"4

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    2=© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    .n"ution.n a ormal in"ution program rieings +oul" e inlu"e" ont*e ollo+ing-

    ompany %ision ustomers an" ustomer ser%ie organisation struture sales an" marketing employee rig*ts an" responsiilities

    *ealt* an" saety seurity e%auation4


  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    27© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    RostersW*en planning rosters a maor onsi"eration or rontline stais t*e a+ar" or agreement un"er +*i* t*e enterprise operates4

    8or e3ample agreements may state t*e minimum an"ma3imum numer o *ours t*at employees are permitte" to+ork t*e numer o onseuti%e "ays t*at employees areallo+e" to +ork an" t*e minimum numer o *ours et+eens*its to enale employees to *a%e suiient rest4

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    2:© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    Rosters A+ar" an" +orkplae agreement pro%isions may aet rosteringin relation to t*e ollo+ing-

    numer o *ours +orke" in a gi%en s*it

    o%erall numer o *ours alloate" to "ierent sta memers

    reaks et+een s*its

    nature o "uties alloate" use o permanent or asual sta4

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    2@© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    RostersReor"s o staing le%els an" staing issues t*at arise su* asun"er5 or o%erstaing are e3tremely useul in planning4 )*ese

    reor"s s*oul" e kept or a t+el%e5mont* perio" to monitorseasonal *anges as +ell4 8ast oo" *ains "o t*is %erysientiially pro"uing oreasts or e%ery "ay an" e%ery *our4)*is limits oo" +aste an" inreases eiieny4 8ast oo"operations +it*in t*e group are t*en ompare" in terms o t*eir

    laour ost per *our or ustomers ser%e" per laour *our4

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    0© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    RostersReommen"ations or rostering inlu"e-

    "e%eloping rosters in aor"ane +it* rele%ant a+ar" pro%isions

    or enterprise;+orkplae agreements an" +age u"gets ma3imising operational eiieny an" ustomer ser%ie le%els

    +*ile minimising +age osts in roster "e%elopment omining "uties +*ere appropriate to ensure eeti%e use o

    sta  utilising t*e a%ailale skills ase appropriately to roster t*e most

    eeti%e mi3 o sta an" to meet "ierent operationalre,uirements

    presenting rosters in a lear ormat an" in a timely +ay so t*atemployees are ale to plan t*eir ommitments4

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    1© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    /ta reor"s An employer must pro%i"e employees +it* pay slips ontaining t*e ollo+ing

    inormation an" keep opies o t*ese reor"s or at least si3 years-

    name o t*e employee

    lassiiation o t*e employee un"er t*e appliale in"ustrial instrument "ate on +*i* t*e payment +as ma"e

    perio" o employment to +*i* t*e payment relates

    gross amounts o remuneration $inlu"ing o%ertime an" ot*er payments'

    amount pai" as o%ertime or suiient inormation to allo+ t*e employee toalulate t*e amount o o%ertime

    amount "e"ute" or ta3ation purposes

    any amount "e"ute" as employee ontriutions or superannuation purposes

    partiulars o all ot*er "e"utions

    net amount pai"4

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    2© 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    /ta reor"s An employer must also keep t*e ollo+ing lea%e reor"s-

    lea%e taken y t*e employee t*e employee

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


    Hospitality Management

    © 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

    /ta reor"s. an employer is re,uire" to make superannuation ontriutionsor t*e eneit o an employee un"er an in"ustrial instrumentt*e employer must keep t*e ollo+ing reor"s-

    amount o ontriutions ma"e

    perio" o%er +*i* t*e ontriutions are ma"e

    +*en t*e ontriutions are ma"e

    name o t*e un" or un"s to +*i* t*e ontriutions are ma"e

    asis on +*i* t*e employer eame liale to make t*eontriutions $inlu"ing partiulars o any rele%ant eletion tomake ontriutions y t*e employee'4

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


      6 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


       2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


      = 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


      7 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


      : 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


      @ 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


      60 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection


      61 2007 Lynn Van Der Wagen & Anne Goonetilleke

  • 8/20/2019 1. Recruitment and Selection
