1 rolls-royce deutschland, dahlewitz, germany 2 ... days presented by: r. v.d.bank rrd 19-21 june...

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD 19-21 June 2006 Ralf v.d.Bank (1), Claude Berat (2), Michel Cazalens (3), Stephen Harding (4) 1 Rolls-Royce Deutschland, Dahlewitz, Germany 2 Turbomeca, Pau, France 3 SNECMA, Villaroche, France 4 Rolls-Royce, Derby, United Kingdom

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Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006

Ralf v.d.Bank (1), Claude Berat (2), Michel Cazalens (3), Stephen Harding (4)

1 Rolls-Royce Deutschland, Dahlewitz, Germany2 Turbomeca, Pau, France3 SNECMA, Villaroche, France4 Rolls-Royce, Derby, United Kingdom

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006

Environmental ACARE Objectives for 2020

Advisory Council on Aeronautics Research in Europe

1. Reduce NOx by 80% (maintain / reduce CO, PM, UHC )

( P30⇑ T30⇑ ⇒ NOx⇑ )(BPR⇑ OAFR⇓ ⇒ NOx⇑ )

2. Reduce CO2 by 50%Contribution split: 20 - 25 % airframe

15 - 20 % engine 5 - 10 % operations & ATM

Engine Industry Engine Industry Management GroupManagement Group

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006

Research Strategy Workshop on 8 / 9 March 2006 near Paris (Bois du Lys)

Workshop Organisations (academia / research establishments / industries)

Uni Bundeswehr MunichUni CambridgeUni DarmstadtUni KarlsruheUni LoughboroughUni LundUni OxfordUni SheffieldUni Southampton

CERFACSCNRS (IMFT / EM2C)DLR (Stuttgart/Cologne)IFP (Paris)ONERA (Palaiseau/Toulouse)

Air BPALSTOMAVIOMTU Aero-EnginesRolls-Royce DRolls-Royce UKSHELL AviationSIEMENSSNECMATurbomecaVOLVO Aero

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006

Research Strategy Workshop on 8 / 9 March 2006 near Paris (Bois du Lys)

Brief Summary of Results of the Workshop

Perspectives:• State of the art • 10 years time • 20 years time

Topics (subgroups):♦ Combustion Technology

♦ CFD Methods & Design Methodology

♦ Diagnostics & Test Rigs

♦ Design Life Prediction

♦ Fuels

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006

Research Strategy Workshop on 8 / 9 March 2006 near Paris (Bois du Lys)

♦ Combustion Technology / General Agreement

1. optimization of rich-burn style combustion equipment (evolutionary)is regarded as being competitive and thus belonging to product development

2. lean-burn technology (LDI / MPI / LPP) is essential (10 years) to achievethe low NOx targets (long term / revolutionary)

3. required to drive lean-burn technology with single annular combustorto higher technology readiness and further towards flight environment (TRL6)

4. development of lean-burn combustion systems with single annular combustors has to be intensified to cope with the challenge (comp. drivers)

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006


Lean Burn Module


Multi-Point Injection

♦ Combustion Technology Concepts in Europe currently under development (long term)

single annular combustors staged lean-burn module with axial air feed (LDI / LPP)staged multi-point injection system with radial air feed (MPI / LPP)

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006

Lean-Burn Combustor Architecture (SAC)

• 10 years perspective • 20 years perspectiveNew combustor concepts: Radical new combustor concepts:

Internally piloted lean injection Alternative concepts (FLOX/UCC/TVC)

Optimisation of lean staged combustor Porous combustor concepts

Fuel / air mixing at low and high power Explore catalytic combustion/ignition

Understanding of thermo-acoustics Active (liquid/steam/air-gas) cooling

Better understanding of conv. ignition No-external-aero combustor

Develop LASER ignition Convective cooling

Design for fuel efficient engine Explore influence / benefits ofwith high P30 / T30 and BPR advanced cycle engines

(ICR / recuperation)

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006

♦ Fuels / General Agreement

1. fuels could play an important part in reducing emissions andneeds co-ordination with global industries

2. safety of supply and production costs are the decisive drivers

3. Fischer-Tropsch synthetic kerosene (GTL, CTL, BTL) andblends thereof with conventional Jet-A1FT fuels offer maximum potential benefit and are therefore the focus of interests

4. assessment of combustion, emission performance, supporting controlsand whole engine impactshould be initiated

GTL = Gas to Liquid CTL = Coal to LiquidBTL = Biomass to Liquid

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006

♦ Fuels / 10 years perspective

• Testing & Assessment of Fischer-Tropsch Kerosene & Blends

• Fischer-Tropsch (FT) Synthetic Fuels (GTL CTL BTL)• Lower Emission Exhaust (CO, UHC, soot)• Higher Thermal Stability• Carbon/Hydrogen Ratio• Lower Sulphur Content (SO2)• Lower Aromatic Content

GTL = Gas to Liquid CTL = Coal to LiquidBTL = Biomass to Liquid

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006

♦ Fuels / 20 years perspective

• Increased use of Bio-mass FT Fuels (BTL)

• Evaluate Alternative (Non-Kerosene) Fuels and Extenders

• Bio-Fuels (Ethanol / Methyl-Ester)• Includes Revised Test Methods• Investigate Infra-Structure for Alternative Fuels

• Fuel Flexible Engine and Combustor Technology• sensor development• intelligent systems – respond to fuel quality

• Assess impact of availability and economics

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006

♦ Diagnostics & Test Rigs / General Agreement

1. existing diagnostics and test rigs have to enhance test capabilityat realistic engine operating conditions

2. Optical access is a main issue for large scale testing of combustion devicesand the application of advanced LASER techniques

3. Simultaneous multi-parameter measurements and the development of new techniques to explore optically dense regions of sprays must have high priority

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006

♦ CFD Methods & Design Methodology / General Agreement

1. Design methods and rules for lean burn-systems (single annular combustor)and lean injection systems focussing on operability and emission performance are urgently required

2. Advanced models for the prediction of fuel atomization, cooling technologiesand thermo-acoustics have to be developed

3. The fundamental knowledge base and the understanding of processesconcerning the fuel-air mixture preparation (fuel film / droplet break up),particulate matter (soot) formation and pressure oscillations driven bycombustion instability have to be improved

4. Design life prediction methods have to be integrated with tools thatpredict the combusting fluid flow

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006

♦ Conclusions

1. A European research and technology strategy on low emissionscombustion in aero-engines was initiated

2. Perspectives have been developed covering Combustion Technology,CFD Methods & Design Methodology, Diagnostics & Test Rigs and Fuels

3. Lean combustion systems (single annular combustors) with lean injectorswere identified as the only viable approach for the time being with somerather radical technologies slowly emerging

4. The lean-burn technology development has to be supported by enhancedcapabilities in the fields of CFD Methods & Design Methodology and Diagnostics & Test Rigs

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006

Interpretation of Research Perspectives

- Short term goals TRL > 8 ≈ 2 years “Transition”TRL8 = flight qualified

- Mid term goals 6 < TRL < 7 ≈ 5 - 10 years “Demonstration”TRL 7 = demonstrated in flight environment (test engine / core)

- Long term goals 2 < TRL < 5 ≈ 10 - 20 years “Specific Research”TRL 5 = verification in relevant environment (FANN)

- Ultra-long term 0 < TRL < 1 > 20 years “First Thoughts”TRL 1 = basic principles observed and reported

Technology maturing is an intermittent process of progress Actual feed-in of technology is not certain / risk identification requ.Focus on long-term goals (pre-competitive)

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006

Lean-Burn Injection Systems (Sprays / Fuel Splits)

• 10 years perspective • 20 years perspective

New injectors: Radical new injectors:

Mixture optimization / multipoint Circumferential array (atomization / dispersion / placement) multipoint injection (descr. jets)

Optimize thermal management / coking Explore external pre-vaporization

Ensure system scalability Identify / develop / improve conceptsfor advanced staging

Water injection during take-off

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006

♦ Fuels / State-of-the-art

• Single grade of kerosene / global specification and supply / Jet-A1• Gas turbine design for base fuel• Fuel is a commodity• Fuel performs multifunction

- Energy storage- Airframe,engine and injector heat management- Hydraulic operating fluid / lubricant

• Some limitations in understanding fuel composition vs. engine performance

• Good cost, safety and reliability levels• Limited knowledge of alternative fuels

Aeronautics Days Presented by: R. v.d.Bank RRD19-21 June 2006

Research Strategy Workshop on 8 / 9 March 2006 near Paris (Bois du Lys)

♦ Strategic Drivers

Environmentally friendly engine / sustainable air transportation

Economic benefits / reduced lifecycle costs

Reduced development time & development costs

Reduced weight / parts count / complexity / simplification

Airworthiness / safety / certification

Competition (global scale)

Customer demands