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    Determination of suitable thin layer drying curve modelfor some vegetables and fruits

    Ebru Kavak Akpinar *

    Mechanical Engineering Department, Firat University, 23279 Elazig, Turkey

    Received 16 August 2004; accepted 7 January 2005

    Available online 25 February 2005


    This study presents a mathematical modeling of thin layer drying of potato, apple and pumpkin slices in a convective cyclone

    dryer. In order to estimate and select the appropriate drying curve equation, 13 different models, which are semi-theoretical

    and/or empirical, were applied to the experimental data and compared according to their coefficients of determination ( r,v2), which

    were predicted by non-linear regression analysis using the Statistica Computer Program. Moreover, the effects of drying air temper-

    ature, velocity and sample area on the model constants and coefficients were also studied by multiple regression analysis.

    Consequently, of all the drying models, a semi-theoretical MidilliKucuk model was selected as the best one, according to r and v2.

    2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Drying; Thin layer; Mathematical modelling

    1. Introduction

    Drying of moist materials is a complicated process

    involving simultaneous, coupled heat and mass transfer

    phenomena, which occur inside the material being dried

    (Yilbas, Hussain, & Dincer, 2003).

    Thin layer drying mean to dry as one layer of sample

    particles or slices. Thin layer drying models that describe

    the drying phenomenon of agricultural materials mainly

    fall into three categories, namely theoretical, semi-theo-

    retical and empirical (Midilli, Kucuk, & Yapar, 2002;

    Panchariya, Popovic, & Sharma, 2002). The first takesinto account only internal resistance to moisture transfer

    while the other two consider only external resistance to

    moisture transfer between product and air (Bruce,

    1985; Ozdemir & Devres, 1999; Parti, 1993). The most

    widely investigated theoretical drying model has been

    Ficks second law of diffusion. Drying of many food

    products such as rice (Ece & Cihan, 1993) and hazelnut

    (Demirtas, Ayhan, & Kaygusuz, 1998) has been success-

    fully predicted using Ficks second law. Semi-theoretical

    models offer a compromise between theory and ease of

    use (Fortes & Okos, 1981). Simplifying general series

    solution of second law Ficks or modification of simpli-

    fied models generally derives semi-theoretical models.

    But they are only valid within the temperature, relative

    humidity, and airflow velocity and moisture content

    range for which they were developed. They require small

    time compared to theoretical thin layer models and donot need assumptions of geometry of a typical food, its

    mass diffusivity and conductivity (Parry, 1985). Among

    semi-theoretical thin layer drying models, the Newton

    model, Page model, the modified Page model, the

    Henderson and Pabis model, the logarithmic model,

    the two-term model, the two-term exponential, the diffu-

    sion approach model, the modified Henderson and Pabis

    model, the Verma et al. model and the MidilliKucuk

    model are used widely (Table 2). Empirical models derive

    0260-8774/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    * Tel.: +90 424 237 5343; fax: +90 424 241 5526.

    E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected]


    Journal of Food Engineering 73 (2006) 7584

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    a direct relationship between average moisture content

    and drying time. They neglect fundamentals of the dry-

    ing process and their parameters have no physical mean-

    ing. Therefore they cannot give clear accurate view of the

    important processes occurring during drying althoughthey may describe the drying curve for the conditions

    of the experiments (Ozdemir & Devres, 1999). Among

    them, the Wang and Singh model (see Table 2) has been

    found application in the literature.

    Recently, there have been many studies on the thin

    layer drying and mathematical modeling of various veg-

    etables, fruits and agro-based products such as potato

    (Diamante & Munro, 1993), onion (Rapusas & Driscoll,

    1995; Sarsavadia, Sawhney, Pangavhane, & Singh,

    1999), hazelnut (Ozdemir & Devres, 1999), green pep-

    per, green bean and squash (Yaldiz & Ertekin, 2001),

    tea (Panchariya et al., 2002), green chilli (Hossain &Bala, 2002), banana (Dandamrongrak, Young, &

    Mason, 2002), pistachio (Midilli & Kucuk, 2003) red

    pepper (Akpinar, Bicer, & Yildiz, 2003). Moreover, the

    effects of some parameters related to the product or dry-

    ing conditions such as slice thickness, drying air temper-

    ature, relative humidity, etc. were investigated by many

    researchers (Hossain & Bala, 2002; Midilli & Kucuk,2003; Midilli et al., 2002; Ozdemir & Devres, 1999;

    Sarsavadia et al., 1999; Yaldiz & Ertekin, 2001).

    The main objective of this study was to determine

    and test the most appropriate thin layer drying model

    for understanding the drying behavior of potato, apple

    and pumpkin slices.

    2. Materials and methods

    2.1. Experimental set-up

    Fig. 1 illustrates the schematic diagram of the cyclone

    type dryer, developed for experimental work (Akpinar,


    A sample area, the area having the product be-

    fore drying process start, m2

    a, b, c,g, h, n empirical constants in the drying models

    k, k0, k1 empirical coefficients in the drying modelsn number constants

    N number of observations

    MR moisture ratio

    MRexp experimental moisture ratio

    MRpre predicted moisture ratio

    M local moisture content, %dry basis

    Mt mean moisture content at t, %dry basis

    Me mean equilibrium moisture content, %dry


    Mi initial moisture content, %dry basisr correlation coefficient

    r the diffusion path (m)

    t time, min

    T temperature, C

    V velocity, m/s

    v2 chi-square

    Fig. 1. Experimental set-up: 1Drying chamber; 21st tray; 32nd tray; 4digital balance; 5Observed windows; 6digital thermometer; 7

    the balance bar; 8control panel; 9thermocouples; 10digital thermometer and channel selector; 11rheostat; 12resistance; 13fan; 14wet

    and dry thermometers; 15adjustable flab; 16duct; 17the outlet of air from dryer.

    76 E.K. Akpinar / Journal of Food Engineering 73 (2006) 7584

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    2002). The system was introduced in the literature

    (Akpinar, Midilli, & Bicer, 2003). Briefly, it consists of

    fan, resistance and heating control systems, air-duct,

    drying chamber in cyclone type, and measurement

    instruments. The heating system consisted of an electric

    4000 W heater placed inside the duct. The rectangular

    duct included air fan and resistance was constructedfrom sheet iron in 1000 mm length, 200 mm width and

    250 mm height. The drying chamber was constructed

    from sheet iron in 600 mm diameter and 800 mm height

    cylinder. The inside and outside surfaces of the drying

    chamber was painted with a spray dye to prevent rust

    in the sheet iron surface. The drying chamber was con-

    structed in concentric form and 30 mm annulus was iso-

    lated by polystyrene. Both topside and bottom side of

    drying chamber was closed. Also, the covers made

    of the steel were isolated by polystyrene. This top

    cover was used to load or unload the chamber. In the

    measurements of temperatures, J type ironconstantan

    thermocouples were used with a manually controlled

    20-channel automatic digital thermometer (ELIMKO,

    6400, Turkey), with reading accuracy of 0.1 C. A

    thermo hygrometer (EXTECH, 444731, China) was

    used to measure humidity levels at various locations of

    the system. A 015 m/s range anemometer (LUTRON,

    AM-4201, Taiwan) measured the velocity of air passing

    through the system. Moisture loss was recorded at

    20 min intervals during drying for determination of dry-

    ing curves by a digital balance (BEL, Mark 3100, Italy)

    in the measurement range of 03100 g and an accuracy

    of 0.01 g.

    2.2. Procedure

    Before drying process, the products were peeled, po-

    tato and apple cut into slices of 12.5 12.5 25 mm

    and 8 8 18 mm (width thickness length) and

    pumpkin cut into slices of 5 mm thickness and 35 mm

    diameters with a mechanical cutter. The trays were

    loaded as thin layer. The first weight of the potato, apple

    and pumpkin was approximately 250, 125 and 200 g,

    respectively. The product slices were carefully and or-

    derly placed on the trays that are made of nylon so that

    the airflow could pass across the trays. The initial andfinal moisture contents of the products were determined

    at 80 C by using an Infrared Moisture Analyzer (MET-

    TLER, LJ16, Switzerland). After the dryer is reached at

    steady state conditions for operation temperatures, the

    samples are put on the trays of dryer and dried there.

    Drying experiments were carried out at 60, 70, and

    80 C drying air temperatures and 1, 1.5 m/s drying air

    velocities. The velocities and temperatures were mea-

    sured in the centre of drying chamber. In the velocity

    measurements, the values of the velocity in the centre

    of the drying chamber were taken into account. The tan-

    gential airflow was across the layer during drying pro-

    cess. Drying was continued until the final moisture

    content of the potato, apple and pumpkin reached to

    approximately 10% (wb), 13% (wb), 6% (wb), respec-

    tively. During the experiments, ambient temperature

    and relative humidity, inlet and outlet temperatures of

    drying air in the duct and dryer chamber were recorded.

    Drying air was tangentially entered in drying chamber.

    In this way, the samples were dried in swirl flow in place

    of uniform flow. The flow diagram of the thin layer dry-

    ing process is presented in Fig. 2.

    2.3. Experimental uncertainty

    Errors and uncertainties in the experiments can arise

    from instrument selection, condition, calibration, envi-

    ronment, observation, and reading, and test planning

    (Akpinar, 2002; Akpinar et al., 2003). In drying

    Fig. 2. The flow diagram of thin layer drying process of products.

    E.K. Akpinar / Journal of Food Engineering 73 (2006) 7584 77

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    experiments of the apple slices, the temperatures, veloc-

    ity of drying air, weight losses were measured with

    appropriate instruments. During the measurements of

    the parameters, the uncertainties occurred were pre-

    sented in Table 1.

    3. Mathematical modeling of drying curves

    It has been accepted that drying phenomenon of the

    biological products during the falling rate period is con-

    trolled by the mechanism of liquid and/or vapour diffu-

    sion. This behavior suggested strongly an internal mass

    transfer type drying with moisture diffusion as the con-

    trolling phenomena. Assuming that the resistance to

    moisture flow is uniformly distributed throughout the

    interior of the homogeneous isotropic material, the dif-

    fusion coefficient, D is independent of the local moisture

    content and if the volume shrinkage is negligible, Fickssecond law can be derived as follows (Khraisheh,

    Cooper, & Magee, 1997):


    dt D



    where, M is the local moisture content (kg water/kg dry

    solids), r is the diffusion path (m), t is the time (s) and D

    is the moisture dependent diffusivity (m2/s).

    Crank (1975) gave the analytical solutions of Eq. (1)

    for various regularly shaped bodies such as rectangular,

    cylindrical and spherical.

    With the appropriate initial and boundary conditions

    t 0; 0 < r< L; M Mi

    t> 0; r 0;dM

    dt 0

    t> 0;





    The solution of Eq. (1) for a slice, for a constant diffu-

    sivity, D, in terms of infinite series is given in literature.

    MR Mt MeMi Me





    2n 12exp

    2n 12p2Dt


    " #2

    where, MR is the fractional moisture ratio, Mi is the ini-

    tial moisture, Mt is the mean moisture at time t, Me is

    the mean moisture at equilibrium and L is the half thick-

    ness of the slice for drying from both sides or the thick-

    ness of the slice for drying from one sides.

    For slices shapes, the first boundary condition states

    that moisture is initially uniformly distributed through-

    out the sample. The second implies that the mass trans-

    fer is symmetric with respect to the centre of the slice.

    The third conditions states that the surface moisture

    content of the samples instantaneously reaches equilib-

    rium with the conditions of surroundings air.

    The theoretical and the semi-theoretical models are

    summarized in Table 2. Semi-theoretical thin layer dry-

    ing models are generally derived by simplifying general

    series solution of Ficks second law. For example, the

    Henderson and Pabis model is the first term of a generalseries solution of Ficks second law (Doymaz, 2005). For

    mathematical modeling, the thin layer drying models in

    Table 2 were tested to select the best model for describ-

    ing the drying curve equation of potato, apple and

    pumpkin slices during drying process by the convective

    type cyclone dryer (Akpinar et al., 2003; Diamante &

    Munro, 1993; Hossain & Bala, 2002; Midilli & Kucuk,

    Table 1

    Uncertainties of the parameters during drying of products

    Parameter Unit Comment

    Uncertainty in the temperature


    Fan inlet temperature C 0.3800.576

    Heaters outlet temperature C 0.576

    Cyclone inlet temperature C 0.380Cyclone outlet temperature C 0.380

    Centre temperature of product C 0.380

    Temperature between of trays C 0.380

    Ambient air temperature C 0.380

    Inlet of fan with dry and wet


    C 0.5590.707

    Uncertainty in the time measurement

    Mass loss values min 0.1

    Temperature values min 0.1

    Uncertainty in the mass loss measurement g 0.5

    Uncertainty in the air velocity measurement ms1 0.14

    Uncertainty of the measurement of relative

    humidity of air

    RH 0.1

    Uncertainty in the measurement of moisture


    g 0.001

    Uncertainty in reading values of table

    (q, cp. . .)

    % 0.10.2

    Table 2

    Thin layer drying curve models

    Model name Model

    Newton MR = exp(kt)Page MR = exp(ktn)Modified Page MR = expb(kt)ncModified Page MR = expb(kt)ncHenderson and Pabis MR = a exp(kt)Logarithmic MR = a exp(kt) + cTwo term MR = a exp(k0t) + b exp(k1t)Two-term exponential MR = a exp(kt) + (1a)exp(kat)Wang and Singh MR = 1 + at + bt2

    Di ffusion approac h MR = a exp(kt) + (1a)exp(kbt)Modified Henderson

    and Pabis

    MR = a exp(kt) + b exp(gt) + c exp(ht)

    Verma et al. MR = a exp(kt) + (1a)exp(gt)MidilliKucuk MR = a exp(ktn) + bt

    78 E.K. Akpinar / Journal of Food Engineering 73 (2006) 7584

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    2003; Midilli et al., 2002; Mujumdar, 1995; Ozdemir &

    Devres, 1999; Yaldiz & Ertekin, 2001). The regression

    analysis was performed using Statistica Computer

    Program. The correlation coefficient (r) was primary cri-

    terion for selecting the best equation to describe the dry-

    ing curve equation (Guarte, 1996; Midilli et al., 2002). In

    addition to r, the reduced chi-square (v2

    ) was used todetermine the best fit (Midilli & Kucuk, 2003). This

    parameter can be calculated as following:



    i1MRexp;i MRpre;i2

    N n3

    where, MRexp,i is the ith experimentally observed mois-

    ture ratio, MRpre,i the ith predicted moisture ratio, Nthe

    number of observations and n is the number constants

    (Midilli et al., 2002; Sarsavadia et al., 1999).

    Modeling the drying behavior of different agricultural

    products often requires the statistical methods of regres-

    sion and correlation analysis. Linear and non-linear

    regression models are important tools to find the rela-tionship between different variables, especially, for

    which no established empirical relationship exists. In

    this study, the constants and coefficients of the best fit-

    ting model involving the drying variables such as tem-

    perature, velocity of the drying air and product size

    were determined. The effects of these variables on the

    constants and coefficients of drying expression were also

    investigated by multiple linear regression analysis.

    4. Results and discussion

    Potato slices of 83% (wb), apple slices of 87% (wb),

    pumpkin slices of 93% (wb) average initial moisture con-

    tent were dried to 10% (wb), 13% (wb), 6% (wb), respec-

    tively, at temperatures of 60, 70 and 80 C in the

    velocities of drying air of 1 and 1.5 m/s by using a con-

    vective dryer. The final moisture contents represent

    moisture equilibrium between the sample and drying

    air under dryer conditions, beyond which any changes

    in the mass of sample could not occur.

    The moisture content data at the different drying con-

    ditions were converted to the more useful moisture ratio

    expression and then curve fitting computations with the

    drying time were carried on the 13 drying models evalu-

    ated by the previous workers (see Table 2). The statisti-cal analyses results applied to these models at drying

    process at 80 C drying air temperature and 1.5 m/s dry-

    ing air velocity are given in Table 3 for potato slices,

    apple slices and pumpkin slices. The best model describ-

    ing the thin layer-drying characteristic was chosen as the

    one with the highest r-value and the lowest v2 values.

    From Table 3, it was determined that r = 0.99989,

    v2 = 1.79 105 for potato slices, r = 0.99996, v2 =

    1.00 105 for apple slices, r = 0.99967, v2 = 8.38

    105 for pumpkin slices by the MidilliKucuk model.

    The results have shown that the v2 values of the

    MidilliKucuk model lower than the values determined

    Table 3

    Values of the drying constants and coefficients of different models determined through regression method for potato, apple and pumpkin slices

    T= 80 C, V= 1.5 m/s; 1st tray Potato (12.5 12.5 25) Apple (12.5 12.5 25) Pumpkin

    Model name R v2 R v2 R v2

    Newton 0.99871 1.88 104 0.99875 2.35 104 0.98973 2.14 103

    Page 0.99942 8.92 105 0.99930 1.43 104 0.99930 1.55 104

    Modified Page 0.99942 8.92 105 0.99930 1.43 104 0.99930 1.55 104

    Modified Page 0.99871 1.97 104 0.99876 2.53 104 0.98973 2.26 103

    Henderson and Pabis 0.99915 1.30 104 0.99885 2.34 104 0.99235 1.69 103

    Logarithmic 0.99917 1.34 104 0.99993 1.6 105 0.99757 5.72 104

    Two term 0.99970 5 105 0.99885 2.76 104 0.99235 1.91 103

    Two-term exponential 0.99970 5.56 105 0.99869 2.68 104 0.98952 2.31 103

    Wang and Singh 0.95661 6.63 103 0.98977 2.07 103 0.99902 2.17 104

    Diffusion approach 0.99970 4.77 105 0.99941 1.31 104 0.99912 2.08 104

    Modi fied Henderson and Pabis 0.99970 5.56 105 0.99885 3.38 104 0.99234 2.21 103

    Verma et al. 0.99969 4.78 105 0.99940 1.31 104 0.99911 2.09 104

    Midilli and Kucuk 0.99989 1.79 105 0.99996 1.00 105 0.99967 8.38 105

    T=60C Potato












    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

    Drying time (min)

    V = 1.5 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 1st trayV = 1.5 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 2nd trayV = 1.5 m/s, 12.5x12.5x25 mm, 1st trayV = 1.5 m/s, 12.5x12.5x25 mm, 2nd trayV = 1 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 1st trayV = 1 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 2nd trayV = 1 m/s, 12.5x12.5x25 mm,1st trayV = 1m/s, 12.5x12.5x25 mm, 2nd trayMidilli-Kucuk modelDiffusion approach model






    Fig. 3. Variation of the experimental and predicted moisture ratio by

    the MidilliKucuk model and diffusion approach model with drying

    time at 60 C of drying air for potato slices.

    E.K. Akpinar / Journal of Food Engineering 73 (2006) 7584 79

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    by other models. It was noticed that the MidilliKucuk

    model gave the highest r and the lowest v2 for all drying

    conditions. Figs. 311 present the variations of moisture

    ratio versus drying time for potato, apple and pumpkin

    slices dried at the different drying air temperatures,

    velocities and sample size. Additionally, Figs. 311 show

    the comparison of experimental and predicted moistureratio by the MidilliKucuk model and the model has

    correlation coefficient and chi-square, which is near to

    this model. The results of non-linear regression analyses

    and of statistical analyses applied to the MidilliKucuk

    model for all drying conditions have shown in Table 4

    for potato slices, Table 5 for apple slices, Table 6 for

    pumpkin slices. Generally, r-values obtained by using

    this model were varied between 0.999770.99995 for

    potato slices, 0.999650.99997 for apple slices and

    0.999400.99985 for pumpkin slices (see Tables 46).

    As shown in Figs. 311, the MidilliKucuk model

    showed good agreement with the experimental data

    and gave the best results for potato, apple and pumpkin

    slices according to r and v2. Therefore, the Midilli

    Kucuk was selected to represent the thin layer-drying

    behavior of these agricultural products according to

    the highest r and the lowest v2. Consequently, it can

    be said that the MidilliKucuk model could sufficiently

    define the thin layer drying of potato, apple and pump-

    kin slices.

    T=70C Potato












    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700

    Drying time (min)

    V=1.5 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 1st trayV=1.5 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 2nd trayV=1.5 m/s, 12.5x12. 5x25 mm, 1st trayV=1.5 m/s, 12.5x12. 5x25 mm, 2nd trayV=1 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 1st trayV=1 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 2nd trayV=1 m/s, 12.5x12.5x25 mm, 1st trayV=1 m/s, 12.5x12.5x25 mm, 2nd trayMidilli-Kucuk modelDiffusion approach model





    Fig. 4. Variation of the experimental and predicted moisture ratios bythe MidilliKucuk model and diffusion approach model with drying

    time at 70 C of drying air for potato slices.

    T=80 C Potato












    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650

    Drying time (min)

    V=1.5 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 1st trayV=1.5 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 2nd trayV=1.5 m/s, 12.5x12.5 x25 mm, 1st trayV=1.5 m/s, 12.5x12.5 x25 mm, 2nd trayV=1 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 1st trayV=1 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 2nd trayV=1 m/s, 12.5x12.5x25 mm, 1st trayV=1 m/s, 12.5x12.5x25 mm, 2nd trayMidilli-Kucuk modelDiffusion approach model






    Fig. 5. Variation of the experimental and predicted moisture ratios by

    the MidilliKucuk model and diffusion approach model with drying

    time at 80 C of drying air for potato slices.

    T=60C Apple












    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

    Drying time (min)

    V=1.5 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 1st trayV=1.5 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 2nd trayV=1.5 m/s, 12.5x12.5x 25 mm, 1st trayV=1.5 m/s, 12.5x12.5 x25 mm, 2nd trayV=1 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 1st t rayV=1 m/s, 8x8x1 8 mm, 2n d trayV=1 m/s, 12.5x12.5x25 mm, 1st trayV=1 m/s, 12.5x12.5x25 mm, 2nd trayMidilli-Kucuk modelLogarithmic model






    Fig. 6. Variation of the experimental and predicted moisture ratios by

    the MidilliKucuk model and Logarithmic model with drying time at

    60 C of drying air for apple slices.

    T=70 C Apple












    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

    Drying time (min)

    V=1.5 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 1st trayV=1.5 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 2nd trayV=1.5 m/s, 12.5x12.5x2 5 mm, 1st trayV=1.5 m/s, 12.5x12.5x2 5 mm, 2nd trayV=1 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 1st trayV=1 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 2nd trayV=1 m/s, 12.5x12.5x25 mm, 1st trayV=1 m/s, 12.5x12.5x25 mm, 2nd trayMidilli-Kucuk modelLogarithmic






    Fig. 7. Variation of the experimental and predicted moisture ratios by

    the MidilliKucuk model and Logarithmic model with drying time at

    70 C of drying air for apple slices.

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    The fitting procedure indicated that the mentioned

    results of the MidilliKucuk model could be used to

    model the thin layer drying behavior of these agricul-

    tural products, but it did not indicate the effect of dryingconditions. To take into account the effect of the drying

    variables on the MidilliKucuk model constants a, k, n

    and b were regressed against those of drying air temper-

    ature, velocity and sample area using multiple regression

    analysis. All possible combinations of the different dry-

    ing variables were tested and included in the regression

    analysis. Based on the multiple regression analysis, the

    accepted model, the constants and coefficients were as


    MRa; k; b; t Mt MeMi Me

    a expktn bt 4


    for potato,

    a 0:986173 0:000069 T 0:005702 V 0:098206 A 5k 0:015582 0:000156 T 0:013467 V 0:266761 A 6

    n 1:218379 0:000802 T 0:162776 V 138:525 A 7

    b 0:0000085 0:00000029 T 0:0000393 V 0:0203022 A


    for apple,

    a 1:004084 0:000073 T 0:001960 V 3:944759 A 9

    k 0:006391 0:000065 T 0:009775 V 1:576723 A 10

    n 1:187734 0:002467 T 0:128878 V 202:536 A 11

    b 0:000082 0:000002 T 0:000041 V 0:041667 A 12

    T=80 C Apple












    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

    Drying time (min)

    V=1.5 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 1st trayV=1.5 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 2nd trayV=1.5 m/s, 12.5x12.5x 25 mm, 1st trayV=1.5 m/s, 12.5x12.5 x25 mm, 2nd trayV=1 m/s, 8x8x18 mm, 1st t rayV=1 m/s, 8x8x1 8 mm, 2 nd trayV=1 m/s, 12.5x12.5x25 mm, 1st trayV=1 m/s, 12.5x12.5x25 mm, 2nd trayMidilli-Kucuk modelLogarithmic model






    Fig. 8. Variation of the experimental and predicted moisture ratios by

    the MidilliKucuk model and Logarithmic model with drying time at

    80 C of drying air for apple slices.

    T=60 C Pumpkin












    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

    Drying time (min)

    V=1.5 m/s, 1st tray

    V=1.5 m/s, 2nd tray

    V=1 m/s, 1st tray

    V=1 m/s, 2nd tray

    Midilli-Kucuk model

    Page model






    Fig. 9. Variation of the experimental and predicted moisture ratio by

    the MidilliKucuk model and Page model with drying time at 60 C of

    drying air for pumpkin slices.

    V=1.5 m/s, 1st tray

    V=1.5 m/s, 2nd tray

    V=1 m/s, 1st tray

    V=1 m/s, 2nd tray

    Midilli-Kucuk model

    Page model












    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600

    Drying time (min)

    T=70C Pumpkin





    Fig. 10. Variation of the experimental and predicted moisture ratio by

    the MidilliKucuk model and Page model with drying time at 70 C of

    drying air for pumpkin slices.

    T=80C Pumpkin












    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

    Drying time (min)

    V=1.5 m/s, 1st tray

    V=1.5 m/s, 2nd tray

    V=1 m/s, 1st tray

    V=1 m/s, 2nd tray

    Midilli-Kucuk model

    Page model






    Fig. 11. Variation of the experimental and predicted moisture ratios

    by the MidilliKucuk model and Page model with drying time at 80 C

    of drying air for pumpkin slices.

    E.K. Akpinar / Journal of Food Engineering 73 (2006) 7584 81

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    Table 4

    Values of the drying constant and coefficients of the MidilliKucuk model determined through regression method for potato slices at all drying


    Drying air

    temperature T, C

    Air flow

    rate V, m/s


    area A, m2Tray no. a k n b r v2

    80 1.5 0.000544 1 0.9989 0.0169 0.9804 0. 000052 0.99994 1. 17 105

    70 1.5 0.000544 1 0.9995 0.0166 0.9457 0. 000048 0.99989 2. 05 105

    60 1.5 0.000544 1 0.9989 0.0149 0.9351 0. 000038 0.99994 1. 01 105

    80 1.5 0.001250 1 0.9973 0.0170 0.8893 0. 000051 0.99989 1. 79 105

    70 1.5 0.001250 1 1.0069 0.0176 0.8484 0. 000049 0.99980 3. 14 105

    60 1.5 0.001250 1 0.9957 0.0134 0.8459 0. 000075 0.99980 2. 93 105

    80 1 0.000544 1 1.0001 0.0115 1.0214 0. 000041 0.99993 1. 25 105

    70 1 0.000544 1 0.9991 0.0080 1.0594 0. 000018 0.99993 1. 03 105

    60 1 0.000544 1 0.9968 0.0085 1.0109 0. 000022 0.99995 7. 65 106

    80 1 0.001250 1 0.9966 0.0120 0.9153 0. 000041 0.99993 9. 73 106

    70 1 0.001250 1 0.9971 0.0117 0.8992 0. 000038 0.99992 1. 19 105

    60 1 0.001250 1 0.9963 0.0084 0.9283 0. 000034 0.99995 6. 33 106

    80 1.5 0.000544 2 0.9996 0.0171 0.9686 0. 000016 0.99994 9. 05 106

    70 1.5 0.000544 2 0.9985 0.0149 0.9559 0. 000049 0.99984 2. 98 105

    60 1.5 0.000544 2 0.9967 0.0161 0.9095 0. 000030 0.99992 1. 15 105

    80 1.5 0.001250 2 0.9977 0.0174 0.8756 0. 000045 0.99985 1. 86 105

    70 1.5 0.001250 2 1.0047 0.0158 0.8564 0. 000051 0.99987 1. 98 105

    60 1.5 0.001250 2 1.0016 0.0119 0.8623 0. 000074 0.99977 3. 53 105

    80 1 0.000544 2 0.9976 0.0100 1.0341 0. 000017 0.99992 1. 28 105

    70 1 0.000544 2 0.9991 0.0080 1.0594 0. 000018 0.99995 8. 63 106

    60 1 0.000544 2 0.9936 0.0058 1.0678 0. 000025 0.99990 1. 72 105

    80 1 0.001250 2 0.9963 0.0093 0.9568 0. 000022 0.99994 8. 68 106

    70 1 0.001250 2 0.9957 0.0087 0.9438 0. 000032 0.99990 1. 53 105

    60 1 0.001250 2 0.9934 0.0071 0.9532 0. 000034 0.99991 1. 29 105

    Table 5

    Values of the drying constant and coefficients of the MidilliKucuk model determined through regression method for apple slices at all drying


    Drying air

    temperature T, C

    Air flow

    rate V, m/s


    area A, m2Tray no. a k n b r v2

    80 1.5 0.000544 1 0.9987 0.0167 1.0520 0.000185 0.99990 3.50 105

    70 1.5 0.000544 1 0.9970 0.0140 1.0325 0.000156 0.99974 7.63 105

    60 1.5 0.000544 1 0.9988 0.0164 0.9681 0.000130 0.99995 1.11 105

    80 1.5 0.001250 1 1.0014 0.0126 0.9893 0.000137 0.99996 1.00 105

    70 1.5 0.001250 1 1.0028 0.0147 0.9348 0.000051 0.99987 2.42 105

    60 1.5 0.001250 1 1.0003 0.0157 0.8898 0.000046 0.99990 1.67 105

    80 1 0.000544 1 0.9991 0.0112 1.1375 0.000078 0.99997 9.35 105

    70 1 0.000544 1 0.9990 0.0076 1.1481 0.000119 0.99991 2.63 105

    60 1 0.000544 1 0.9996 0.0058 1.1445 0.000057 0.99997 7.29 106

    80 1 0.001250 1 1.0011 0.0108 0.9859 0.000098 0.99994 1.20 105

    70 1 0.001250 1 0.9988 0.0125 0.9261 0.000108 0.99993 1.30 105

    60 1 0.001250 1 1.0076 0.0115 0.9145 0.000056 0.99982 3.00 105

    80 1.5 0.000544 2 0.9971 0.0164 1.0546 0.000130 0.99965 1.16 104

    70 1.5 0.000544 2 0.9993 0.0121 1.0514 0.000123 0.99994 1.71 105

    60 1.5 0.000544 2 0.9982 0.0118 1.0220 0.000072 0.99991 2.14 105

    80 1.5 0.001250 2 0.9998 0.0116 1.0021 0.000110 0.99992 1.86 105

    70 1.5 0.001250 2 1.0018 0.0144 0.9277 0.000076 0.99982 3.40 105

    60 1.5 0.001250 2 0.9990 0.0140 0.9040 0.000055 0.99983 2.80 105

    80 1 0.000544 2 0.9999 0.0108 1.1289 0.000071 0.99998 4.30 106

    70 1 0.000544 2 0.9983 0.0062 1.1746 0.000143 0.99984 4.68 105

    60 1 0.000544 2 0.9984 0.0054 1.1558 0.000068 0.99997 8.18 106

    80 1 0.001250 2 0.9998 0.0100 0.9896 0.000103 0.99994 1.24 105

    70 1 0.001250 2 0.9973 0.0107 0.9496 0.000073 0.99989 1.99 105

    60 1 0.001250 2 1.0071 0.0094 0.9435 0.000059 0.99987 2.33 105

    82 E.K. Akpinar / Journal of Food Engineering 73 (2006) 7584

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    for pumpkin,

    a 0:966467 0:000184 T 0:007014 V 13k 0:005645 0:000095 T 0:003791 V 14

    n 0:572175 0:009074 T 0:064652 V 15

    b 0:000050 0:000001 T 0:000024 V 16

    These expressions can be used to estimate the mois-

    ture ratio of potato, apple and pumpkin slices at any

    time during the drying process with a great accuracy.

    The consistency of the model and relationship between

    the coefficients and drying variables evident with

    rpotato 0:9984; v2


    2:26 104 and

    rapple 0:9976; v2apple 4:03 10

    4 and

    rpumpkin 0:9955; v2pumpkin 7:76 10


    5. Conclusion

    In order to explain the drying behavior and develop

    the mathematical modeling of agricultural products as

    potato, apple and pumpkin, 13 models in the literature

    were applied. Among these models, in each of three

    products, the MidilliKucuk model gave the best results

    and showed good agreement with the experimental data

    obtained from the experiments including the thin layer

    drying process. When the effects of drying air tempera-

    ture, velocity and sample area on the constants and

    coefficients of the MidilliKucuk model were examined,

    the resulting model gave an r of 0.9984 and v2 of

    2.26 104 for potato slices, and an r of 0.9976 and v2

    of 4.03 104 for apple slices, and an r of 0.9955 and

    v2 of 7.76 104 for pumpkin slices. According to re-

    sults, it can be said that the MidilliKucuk model ade-

    quately described the drying behavior of potato, apple

    and pumpkin slices in the drying process at a tempera-

    ture range 6080 C and a velocity range 11.5 m/s of

    drying air.


    The author thanks Prof. Ibrahim Dincer from the

    University of Ontario Institute of Technology and Dr.

    Adnan Midilli from Nigde University, and Firat Univer-

    sity Research Foundation (FUNAF) financial support,

    under project number 357.


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