1 selection. 2 selection process of choosing from a group of applicants the individual best suited...


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Page 1: 1 SELECTION. 2 Selection   Process of choosing from a group of applicants the individual best suited for a particular position and an organization



Page 2: 1 SELECTION. 2 Selection   Process of choosing from a group of applicants the individual best suited for a particular position and an organization



Process of choosing from a group of applicants the individual best suited for a particular position and an organization

Goal of selection process is to properly match people with jobs and organization.

Individuals overqualified, underqualified, or do not fit either job or organization’s culture, will probably leave the firm.

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Environmental Factors Affecting the Selection Process

Other HR functions Legal considerations Decision making speed Organizational hierarchy Applicant pool Type of organization Probationary period

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Administration of Selection Tests


Potential Problems using Selection


Characteristics of Properly Designed

Selection Tests

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Advantages of Selection Tests

Reliable and accurate means of selecting qualified candidates

Identify attitudes and job-related skills

Deficiencies in other techniques

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Potential Problems Using Selection Tests

Legal liabilities Test anxiety

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Characteristics of Properly Designed Selection Tests

Standardization - Uniformity of the procedures and conditions of administering test

Objectivity - Everyone scoring a test obtains the same results

Norms - Frame of reference for comparing an applicant's performance with that of others

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Characteristics of Properly Designed Selection Tests (Continued)

Reliability - Provides consistent results Correlation coefficient = average squared

error >.8 is good

Types Test-retest Split-half interrater

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Characteristics of Properly Designed Selection Tests (Continued)

Validity - Measures what it is supposed to measure Requirement for Job Relatedness – test

must work without having adverse impact on minorities, females, and individuals with backgrounds or characteristics protected under law

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Types of Validation StudiesCriterion-related validity - comparing the scores on selection tests to some aspect of job performance Concurrent validity - Test scores and

the criterion data are obtained at essentially the same time

Predictive validity - Administering a test and later obtaining the criterion information

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Types of Validation Studies (Continued)

Content validity - Test validation method whereby person performs certain tasks that are actually required by job or completes a paper and pencil test that measures relevant job knowledge

Construct validity - Test validation method that determines whether a test measures certain traits or qualities that are important in performing the job

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Types of Employment Tests

Cognitive aptitude Psychomotor abilities Job Knowledge Work-sample (simulation) Vocational interests Personality

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Types of Employment Tests (Continued)

Substance Abuse Genetic Graphoanalysis Internet Assessment Centers

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Cognitive Aptitude Tests

Measures individual’s ability to learn, as well as to perform a job

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Psychomotor Abilities Tests

Strength Coordination


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Job Knowledge Tests

Measure a candidate's knowledge of the duties of the position for which he or she is applying

Are commercially available

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Work-Sample (Simulation) Tests that require an applicant to

perform a task or set of tasks representative of the job

Such tests by their nature are job related

Produces a high predictive validity, reduces adverse impact, and is more acceptable to applicants

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Vocational Interests

Indicate the occupation in which a person is most interested and is most likely to receive satisfaction from

Primary use has been in counseling and vocational guidance

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Personality Tests

Traits Temperaments Dispositions

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Substance Abuse Testing

Proponents contend testing necessary to ensure workplace safety, security, and productivity

Drug testing in the U.S. is becoming commonplace.

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Internet Testing

Increasingly being used to test skills required by applicants.

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Assessment Centers

Selection technique used to identify and select employees for positions and requires them to perform activities similar to those in job

In-basket exercises Management games Leaderless discussion groups Mock interviews

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The Employment Interview

Goal-oriented conversation in which interviewer and applicant exchange information

Interview planning – essential to effective interviews

Content of the interview

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Content of the Interview

Occupational experience Academic achievement

Interpersonal skills Personal qualities Organizational fit

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Candidate’s Role and Expectations

While interviewer provides information about company, it is important for applicants to do their homework.

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Types of Interviews

Unstructured (nondirective)

Structured (directive or patterned) Behavioral

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Methods of Interviewing

One-on-one interview - Applicant meets one-on-one with an interviewer

Group interview - Several applicants interact in the presence of one or more company representatives

Board interview - Several of the firm’s representatives interview one candidate

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Methods of Interviewing

Stress interview - Anxiety is intentionally created

Realistic job previews - Job information is conveyed to the applicant in an unbiased manner

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Legal Implications of Interviewing

Interview is considered to be a test Subject to same validity

requirements as any other step in selection process, should adverse impact be shown

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Personal Reference Checks

Provides additional insight into applicant information

Verification of accuracy

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Background Investigations and Professional Reference Checks

Seek data from Seek data from references references supplied including supplied including previous employersprevious employers

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Negligent Hiring Negligent Hiring - Liability employer

incurs when no reasonable investigation of applicant’s background is made and potentially dangerous person is assigned to position where he or she can inflict harm

At Risk Employers – Risk of harm to third parties. Example: Taxi driver

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Negligent Hiring (Continued) OSHA’s Role – Law requires employer

to provide safe place to work; this extends to providing safe employees.

Double Jeopardy – Negligent retention occurs when company keeps employees whose records indicate strong potential for wrongdoing

Due Diligence Required – Employer responsible for employee’s unlawful acts even if not job related

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Elements to Verify Previous employment Education verification

Personal reference check Criminal history Driving record Civil Litigation

Workers’ compensation history Credit history

Social security number verification

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Fair Credit Reporting Act

Act amended in 1997 Places new obligations on

employers who use certain information brought to light through background investigations

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Other Legal Aspects

Over half of the states in U.S. have passed laws offering varying degrees of protection to employers who provide good-faith references and who release truthful information about current or former employees

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Problems in Obtaining Information from Professional


Two schools of thought:

1. Don’t tell them anything.

2. Honesty is the best policy.

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Negligent Referral

May occur when former employer fails to offer a warning about a particularly severe problem with a past employee

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Outsourcing Investigations

Firms can outsource background checks to third-party investigators that the Fair Credit Reporting Act regulates.

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Polygraph Tests

Confirm or refute application information

Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988 severely limited use in the private sector

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The Selection Decision

Most critical step of all Person whose qualifications

most closely conform to the requirements of the open position should be selected

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Medical Examination

Determine whether applicant physically capable of performing the work

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Notification to Candidates

Results should be made known to candidates as soon as possible.

Delay may result in firm losing prime candidate.

Unsuccessful candidates should also be promptly notified.