1 st semester review

1 st Semester Review

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Post on 01-Jan-2016




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1 st Semester Review. Gold, Glory, God. What are the main reasons for European voyages of exploration?. City Upon a Hill. What did John Winthrop say the Puritan community would be?. Mercantilism. What was the economic policy of European Colonization?. Walt Whitman. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


1st Semester Review

Gold, Glory, God

What are the main reasons for European voyages of exploration?

City Upon a Hill

What did John Winthrop say the Puritan community would be?


What was the economic policy of European Colonization?

Walt Whitman

Who wrote the Leaves of Grass?

Lincoln Douglas Debates

What event propelled Lincoln into National Politics?

Elections of 1800 & 1824

What elections were settled by Congressional vote?


What group opposed immigration & Catholics?

Shay’s Rebellion

What rebellion convinced the founding fathers to trade the Articles of Confederation for a stronger government?

Trail of Tears

What was a major effect of the Indian Removal Act?

Erie Canal

What was the major transportation route to the Northwest territory?

Mayflower Compact

What was the first democratic document in American History?

Tariff of Abominations

What caused rebellion in South Carolina in 1828?

John C. Calhoun

Which member of the Great Triumvirate defended slavery?

James Oglethorpe

Who was the founder of Georgia?


When were the first Africans brought to the American colonies?

Coercive Acts

How did Great Britain punish Boston for their Tea Party?

Andrew Johnson

What President was impeached over feuding with Congress on Reconstruction?

Henry David Thoreau

Who went to jail in a nonviolent protest of the Mexican War?

Lowell, Massachusetts

Where did the factory system begin in the U.S.?

Leisler’s Rebellion

What was the Dutch New Yorkers reaction to the Glorious Revolution in England?

Salutary Neglect

What phrase best describes the British enforcement of colonial policies before 1763?

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

What agreement ended the Mexican War?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin?

Anne Hutchinson

Who was banished from Massachusetts for preaching antinomianism?

American System

What was Henry Clay’s plan to build internal improvements?

Marbury v. Madison

What court ruling by John Marshall established Judicial Review?

Common Sense

What writing by Thomas Paine convinced American colonists to support independence?

Thaddeus Stevens & Charles Sumner

Who were the leaders of the radical republicans?

James Otis

Who fought against the Writs of Assistance?

George Catlin

What artist lived among the Plains Indians recording in art their lifestyle?

Seneca Falls

Where did the Women’s Rights movement begin?

Nicholas Biddle

Who did Andrew Jackson feud against during the Bank War?

Headright System

What incentive was given to those who paid another's passage to the English Colonies?

John Peter Zenger

What colonial newspaper publisher was tried for Sedition?

2nd Great Awakening

What was the major religious revival of the 1820-30’s?

Connecticut Compromise

How did the founding fathers settle the dispute over congressional representation in the Constitutional Convention?

George Rogers Clark

What individual was most responsible for the U.S. acquisition of the land between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River?

Dorothea Dix

Who was the reformer to tried to improve the treatment of the mentally ill?

Embargo Act

How did Jefferson try to avoid war with England or France?

Lecompton Constitution

What document tried to create a pro-slavery government in Kansas?

Bacon’s Rebellion, Regulator War, Paxton Boy’s Uprising

What were examples of the colonial conflict between the east coast (tidewater) region and the western frontier (piedmont) ?

Samuel Adams & John Hancock

Who led the rebellion in Massachusetts prior to the American Revolution?


Where were Catholics allowed to settle in Colonial America?

Proclamation of 1763

What British law closed the colonial frontier west of the Appalachian Mountains to settlement?

Webster Ashburton Treaty

What agreement settled the Maine border dispute?


What party was created in opposition to Andrew Jackson?

Hardford Convention & The Alien and Sedition Acts

What caused the downfall of the Federalist Party?

Hudson River School

What was the Romantic art movement in Antebellum America?

Jonathan Edwards

Who wrote Sinners at the Hands of an Angry God?

Whiskey Tax

What caused Pennsylvania farmers to rebel during Washington’s presidency?

John L. Sullivan

Who coined the phrase Manifest Destiny?

Hamilton, Madison, Jay

Who wrote the Federalists Papers?

Jefferson Davis

Who was the president of the Confederacy?

Fourteen Amendment

How did African Americans become citizens?

Jefferson & Hamilton

Which members of Washington’s cabinet founded the first Political Parties?

540 40’ or Fight

What did expansionists want do over Oregon?

Specie Circular

What policy by Andrew Jackson led to the Panic of 1837?

Birth of the Republican Party

What was the political impact of the Kansas Nebraska Act?

John Dickenson

Which member of the 2nd Continental Congress did not sign the Declaration of Indpendence?