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The Rotary Foundation Share our experience D1911 in Future Vision Pilot Zone 19 Seminar Bucharest Saturday 17 November 2012

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Page 1: 1 The Rotary Foundation Share our experience D1911 in Future Vision Pilot Zone 19 Seminar Bucharest Saturday 17 November 2012

The Rotary Foundation

Share our experienceD1911 in Future Vision Pilot

Zone 19 Seminar BucharestSaturday 17 November 2012

Page 2: 1 The Rotary Foundation Share our experience D1911 in Future Vision Pilot Zone 19 Seminar Bucharest Saturday 17 November 2012


D 1911 in Future Vision Plan Pilot

New philosophy in grant system

Grant strategy

Practice and tools

Page 3: 1 The Rotary Foundation Share our experience D1911 in Future Vision Pilot Zone 19 Seminar Bucharest Saturday 17 November 2012

D 1911 in Future Vision Plan Pilot

• In 2005: The Future Vision Committee begins

• Three-year pilot with 100 districts to participate

• D1911 applicated for pilot in 2009

• Pilot started July 2010

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D 1911 in Future Vision Plan Pilot

• 29. Mai 2009 Sehr geehrter András Kercsmár, Governor-nominee, Distrikt 1911, RI, wir freuen uns Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass Distrikt 1911 durch die Rotary Foundation ausgewählt wurde, um als einer von circa 100 Distrikten an dem dreijährigen Pilotprojekt des Zukunftplans (Future Vision Plans) teilzunehmen….

• D1911 is 1 of 2 Pilot Districts in Zone 19

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D 1911 in Future Vision Plan Pilot

• Play a role in shaping the new grants model

• Use improved grant-making model

• Provide direct feedback to RI

• Receive special training

• Develop partnerships with other pilot districts

• Be prepared when implemented worldwide

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D 1911 in Future Vision Plan Pilot

To be a Pilot District in 2010-11, D1911 had to:

• Create a new District Foundation Structure

• Attend training for administering the Pilot Program

• Have a dedicated bank account to receive District Grant Funds from TRF

• Participate in District and Clubs Qualification Process

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D 1911 in Future Vision Plan Pilot

District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair

PolioPlus Subcommittee

Fundraising Subcommittee

Grants Subcommittee

Scholaship Subcommittee

GSE Subcommittee

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D 1911 in Future Vision Plan Pilot

Depending on the interests of the district, other subcommittees can be added

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New philosophy in grant system

• The current system is program based

• New system is project based

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New philosophy in grant system

6 areas of focus• Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution

• Disease Prevention and Treatment

• Water and Sanitation

• Maternal and Child Health

• Basic Education and Literacy

• Economic and Community Development

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New philosophy in grant system

• Qualification – once a year

• District qualification trough www.rotary.org

• Clubs are qualified by District

• Memorandum of Understanding

• Sustainability very important

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Grant strategy

• Grant opportunities depends on DDF

• DDF depends on contribution for APF

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Grant strategy



District Grants

50% (max)

District Designated

Fund24.007,5 USD

50% 50%

World Fund

24.007,5 USD

50% (min)

Global Grants(World Fund match to DDF and cash)

Other (Cash, DAF, Permanent


District Controlled Trustees Controlled

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Grant strategy


- In SHARE system your countribution now effects your DDF after three year!!

Rotary Year

amount / capit

a Capita date of transfer Amount DDF

2006 - 2007 17,00 € 1033 2007.06.26 $17 561,00 2010 - 2011 $8 780,50

2007 - 2008 $27,00 1026 2008.05.05 $27 702,00 2010 - 2011 $13 851,00

2008 - 2009 $27,00 1054 2009.03.26 $28 458,00 2011 - 2012 $14 229,00

2009 - 2010 $44,00 1049 2010.05.02 $46 156,00 2012 - 2013 $23 078,00

2010 - 2011 $45,00 1041 2011.02.15 $46 845,00 2013 - 2014 $23 422,50

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Grant strategy

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Grant strategy

Basic criteria of application for grant

- Club needs to be qualified – in case of DG too

- There are not remainder /dues and reports

- Perfect application form is submitted before deadline

- See other criterias in Terms and Conditions for District and Global Grants

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Grant strategy

Because D1911 did (does) not have a lot of amount in DDF:- One club one district grant in a year

- Maximum grant value for one club is USD 1000 in case of District Grant

- 50 % club part of project budget is expected

- Humanitarian projects are prefered

- In case of more application: first come first served or prorate

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Practice & tools

For training: translate the documents

Memorandum of Understanding

Club Rotary Foundation Manual

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Practice & tools

For club qualification

- Club qualification report

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Practice & tools

For planning of projects

- Grant calculator

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Example 1.

Prior quick test of a project idea

RC Budapest-City: To help provide monitoring devices to 16 county hospitals and to 4 university children's hospitals throughout Hungary

Project budget: USD 23.500Host club part: USD 1.500International partners and DDF: USD 12.500TRF grant: USD 9.500

Area of focus: Maternal and Child HealthSustainability: YesExpected grant value: < 15000 USDType of grant: District Grants

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Example 2.

Prior quick test of a project idea

RC Debrecen: to help provide a vehicle for handicapped children at The Immanuel Home in Debrecen,

Project budget: USD 54.975Host club part: USD 1.000International partners and DDF: USD 28.975TRF grant: USD 25.000

Area of focus: Maternal and Child HealthSustainability: YesExpected grant value: > USD 15000 USD Type of grant: Global Grants

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Practice & tools

For planning of projects

- Downloadable forms

- Global Grants proposal

- District Grant application

- Grants report form

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Project ideas – Global Grants

D1911: GG 25074; Gift of Life HungaryGG proposal: July 2010First surgery: November 2010

Project budget: USD 92.216 Host sponsor D 1911: USD 6.500Districts (DDF): USD 20.000Rotarians cash USD 35.000TRF grant: USD 37.500

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Project ideas – Global Grants

RC Kecskemét: Global Grant #25605 Water Quality Project Ladanybene Hungary

Project budget: 172.216 USD Host club part: 14.900 USDInternational partners and DDF: 15.100 USDTRF grant: 21.993 USD

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Project ideas – District Grants

District Grants:

- 6 projects in 2010-11: USD 8.020

- 8 projects in 2011-12 : USD 8.182

- 12 projects in 2012-13 : USD 13.432

Application to TRF can be submitted as block grant between 1 July and 15 May

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- There is no scholarship program (like Ambassadorial Scholarship)

- In case of GG the planned scholarship hast to match:

- 6 areas of focus

- Minimum grant amount is USD 15.000

- International partner is needed

- Smaller scholarship ideas can be submitted as a District Grant

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Information sources

• RI Web site (www.rotary.org)– Future Vision Pilot News– FV e-learning modules– Terms and Conditions for District and Global Grants– DRFC Manual

• Future Vision Pilot Operations Staff

• Webpage of District: downloadable forms!!


…and Rotary Hungary…

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Thank you for your attention!

Ferenc Bancsics

DRFC Chair D1911

RY 2010-13

Szabolcs Hajdú

DRFC Chair D1911

RY 2013-16