1 ton tntt miss alice is by miss salvo at costa rican...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES SFNDAT IErE BEB 11 1910 1 in THE aiTCVSET Penn Aye betweeB SUi ssA Htb its York Qfflcj Chicago Hi Can Boston Office Philadelphia OOfee Office O2 Cbeztaat St EDGAR JX SHAW PAUL PATTERSON GfRtraZ Manager Managing DECEMBER 11 19M SUBSCRIPTION KATHS BY MATE line Satos ITT Dally and 8J tS JJ 5 r Dafly only J6 TZ J 25 CIRCULATION Dally The number eC eonpiet ad perfect oeptea of The WMklPEtea Tunes printed daily fats the UMrtk of November was a fellows 1 UJ U 4UMS 4J3S3I 2 4H 4 11 4S308 28 4J41S 8 4tS3Z IS Sunday 2C 7r 4 151 H U3 3 24 37639 41SU 15 41413 25 45644 Total for rooatfe Dally average for tie isocth The net total clrcalatten of The Wa binst a Shies dally during tie mouth of wetat rr was MS3U an capita let ever ana returned being eliminated This number when di- vided by 36 the aimifeer of days pofeea- tlon the net dally average tar Novem- ber to have been SlTt- 7t somber ot ootspj to oa4 p rfset THa Tteic printed Svadays- unce the znoaUi of Norosiber waa a fol Total the mnofi The net total otrodatioB of Tbe Washa5t m Tlnaeg Sunday during the raosth ef No- vecoiber waa 122BH allveptse over and returned by ayfta betas eliminated Tkl- ntnaber when divided by 4 the number ef Ecndaya dnrteg November abowo the net Eoaflay average for November to have booB In lame of The Ttetea the clrcstotkci fisures for the day are plainly rt the date Hoe Entered at the Peetefftea at Washington D CL as eecood class matter Persons returning to city may obtain prompt and Satisfactoy of The Washington Times to their homes or offices by notifying this office The Times will be delivered at the rate of 30 a month or 7 cents a week Send postal or telephone Circulation Department 5260 SHALL CLERKS WORK UNTIL 5 OCLOCK President Taft and tie Members of his Cabinet are iieibatiag the question of i ctes of the working day of GoverjottBt employes from 1430 to 5 oclock A good w one would aatHraJIy bay Tiai would give tie clerks more salary and ia a isoae re meet the criticism that Government envelopes meet tie demands of tie high cost of living This however isnt exactly tie that wo W follow tie proposed extension of hours Tie President and Ms Cabinet officers arent iteariag allowing tie efcdcs ore o er They are figuring oa reowrlag a half hear more OH ti pay the clerks receive w The tendency in aJ classes of labor is toward shorter iotire Fifty years ago it was eHsiomary for people wie were employed by individuate teas or corporations to work twelve to fif- teen hours Gradually we have enlightened gradually beeoq e bettor organised Now it is gay adaitted that not more thaw eit ould be de- manded of person in one day that every person fairly entitled ta earn a living witiovt devoting mere than ouetiiud of tie tr i tyfour hours to labor that this is batter for the employe better f r tie employer and bettor for tie rae While ia every ether jeW tie tea floncy is toward a giortar work day we find tie President lid his Oabiaet- beting for tie Govornmeat gerioufily contemplatiag a longer work day for Government employee This eones be it remembered bet a few years after an extension of tie work day fr to 430 oclock On tie plea of economy n ay tile GeverBaet not find it desirable to snake another ertea a few years hence It would be wore in iamony with cnligb eaMent of tie times if tie Governiaant wHld at least leave tie workday of its e pfoyee as it is seven hours and a a half hour for l aen Uncie Sam is entitled to a fair return from tie people OR ik pay roll but tieres o good reason why he should adopt a policy as to working hours that is in direct oppo INTERSTATE COMMISSIONER PROUTY Senator Deliver onus said within a few rooftAs his a student s oa of tracing the de vdopment of Ute jo eial attitude tie great poMia oec nonHC quos sons of our times and of sowing J ton tntt abed EgerT Evening in Ute at 1IImtSE- YPr9Jri C Edit- ors A Y ImO I YoBl7 NovEMBER dur ca j K 41 1 Ii 414 2IlDdY 8 41 28 115i t 1tIca B 19 Ute m 43Z1 ec shows Sunday ton 110Rmber 6 1i 39 J905S as- tor 1M8M f a1 loci E91U1 each printed at the M4 et the trot peso at the r de- livery Main I ext em pl Yes finti it ml to their pay re- sult be- come have one is 4 ion the wick eition to the pelicyei society ie in Wncew1i1t coutstwer Year BUILDING t Tel yboee Slaa 3N9r Yew ealal g Newa Buiidipg- FItANlcI Sunday 6 4 S 6 6eaday 4401 641218 45 44l 218undEU 3D 499491 1 1s zrc991vaveaber 27 a R9 aveceso or 1ti8 rscsmf pre 1otis the cents plea maVe work every after t n 1 workp- eople ions half before delath that r to- ward > ¬ ¬ = = ultimately going to rule on these problems could do nothing hotter than study the dissenting opinions of Mr Justice Htfrian of the Suprome Court He pointed to tie dJsungHishei jus tices opinion in when hi pointed ont as tie minority of the court that if tie Sugar trust were allowed to go oa its there ultimately be a Lumber trust a Moat trust a trust and all sorts of otbor trusts in this country Those great combinations were not then suspected save tie processes of a mind as that of Justice Har lan but they have alt come Tie dis f 4 seating opinion in tie Knight case roads today like prophecy A very like tribute might be paid Cfcai os A Proutys service on tie Interstate Commerce Commission He began that service fourteen years ago During the earlier years of that service tie commission- was a joke a comfortable resting place for favorites and lame ducks There were powers and no duties and tie people who wanted neither powers nor duties reposed ia a com- mission dominated all proposals for Commissioner Prouty was irked at this condition He learned that there was very real need for a commission that would command respect and do things He went about tie country sgealang in favor of giving the com mission power to tfo tie things that needed to be done He wrote articles for the reviews he took more than onco the chance of displeasing the powers and losing his position But in the end he was vindicated tie country awoke to realize that real regulation was both desirable and necessary and more than anybody else helped to frame tie right land of law when the time came under for the enactment of law It Is no secret that ia the main he wrote tie original draft of the Hepburn regu- lation act Yore than that his tes- timony in the hearings of tie Senate Interstate Commerce Committee was the strongest presentation ever made moro legislation Long before the commission had ade quate powers 3 Lk tried to do as muM good as possible with such restricted and shadowy authority as it was able to dais He saw tie regulation question from the side of the public and in time he won tie public and then vJ e railroads in large measure to see it in tie same way He has been tie tribune of tie ship- per of the business interoets In tie fullness of experience and of recognition for Hs excellent service Mr Prouty has made a most unusual sacrifice to his sense of duty He declined when it was offered to him by the President tie position of chief justice of the Commerce Court It is an honor that any law- yer might covet anti very few would decline Mr Prouty doubtless was fully sensible of tie compliment paid to him His tastes and professional ex- perience peculiarly fit him for the post Yet he declined to alit the nattering promotion because as he viewed it his greatest usefulness must be tie years ie has yet to serve in tie place ie now occupies There- fore ife frankly told the President that ie would rather continue a com- missioner than be a chief justice sacrifice of ambition and opportunity Without doubt Mr Prouty is right in his belief that he will do more useful work where he now is But how many men would have sunk per- sonal interest for the privilege of that service to tie public It is an incident worthy of more attention than it will get and of the emulation- of other public servants SYSTEMATIC CITY BUILDING BADLY NEEDED Tie creed of the American Civic which holds its sixth annual convention in Washington this week may very properly be said to be sys- tematic city building That isnt the way its expressed or written down on tie program but thats what it is In tie five years of its existence the association has accomplished much but a great deal more remains to The surface of the problem of American nrinieipal advancement has barely been ncrateiei At the convention this week a series of questions of wide range and most import will be considered and they will be considered intelli- gently and effectively The published program shows that Ute convention is going down to te of things subjects as As the Radiating Canters for Civic Im State The A t would ill seer to no J he By a official the need for Peaty DOW has Dew i There are not many records of such b- ed far Such schools l Parr raga trust case icy steel r Commissioner legislation Roose- velt pUb1k of giv- ing As- sociation foundation S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ B C of City Planning Getting Into Action for a City Plan The Typhoid Fly and others dealing with the causes that underly the stagnation and disfigurement for which most Ameri- can dSos are noted will be treated the boet informed men and women iof the States Dr Woods Hutchinson who startled the civilized world with his story of tie fly that fails to wipe its feet will be here Mrs Caroline Bartlett Crane of Kalamazoo Mich who de serves the title of professional city cleaner for the work she has done in tie West will tell how she does it Numerous other men and women who have had big part in chat has been accomplished in municipal reform in tie last few years are on the program A big stop forward is bound to be taken when these people get and exchange ideas and it is peculiarly significant that their meeting place should be Washington This by the way is not an acciderit The con vention is held here and the secretary- of the association is permanently in offices here because the society is anxious to cobperate with the officials of the executive and legis- lative branches of the Government and with the people of the District of Columbia in the effort to make this the model municipality of the nation For this reason as well as for the broader work of the society the con- vention this week will be full of in terest to Washingtonians A SLUMP IN THE PRICE OF PUFFS AND CURLS There has been a slump in the price of rats puffs braids frizzes curls and beaucatchers It is an open secret that these auxiliaries of the feminine coiffure come from China and Korea Before entering into the rococo architecture- of a debutantes Psycheknot they brio flourished as a racial symbol on a Moa gelian dome of thought The United States consul at Antung Chin is authority for the statement that since Korea was annexed by Japan so many Korean natives have parted with their topknots that a good quality of hair can now be bought for SO cents an ounce whereas this used to be tie price for the most inferior quality It was laughing matter to have- a growth of hair tie window over right and woman who couldnt afford more than one set of puffs and curls was liable to be embarrassed if her crown of glory was late in getting home from the beauty parlor Of course a reduction in this item of the high of living will gladden tie hearts of worthy women who are struggling to accumulate a com- petency of hair It will speed the process of making two curls grow where none grew before But the question arises Have not these efforts to supplement nature gone far enough Tie saucer hats are an abomination- in all conscience but if it becomes both fashionable and financially possible to wear much more hair it will be hard to say whether the feminine head is more obstructive with the hat on or off TheBewn from Korea is interesting but a glut in the puff market would not be regarded as an unmixed bless ing Perhaps Kansas City hopes by a wagon load of condemned opium Into the Missouri river to lull into slumber those hustling towns to the south that threaten her commercial su- premacy There are times when one Is justified In concluding that the House holds rigidly to the theory that all work and ne play makes Jack a dull Twenty years from now the winter of mt11 will be referred to as the one when snow was three feet deep on the Avenue for month How In the world are the Democrats ever going to be able to run the House without John Wesley Gaines The annual tip abut cotton whiskers and Christmas tree candles Is jist as good this year as ever Its strange that as yet CoL Jim Ham Lewis has displayed TIO comeback ac- tivities Mr WTckersham Is making a noise ispiciOQsiy like a trustbuster There really arent very many stunts left for Eleanor Sears Inhabitant Is In his glory In the meantime Brazil seems to have acquired a little backbone Twelve shopping days to Christmas I Peonage Prisoner Freed Kan Dec 1L Having completed a sentence fc the violation of the peonage laws 2VI Smith x wealthy land owner of Slkes ton Mo has been released from the Federal prison here He win at once te hIS estate In New Madrid where he owns 15000 acres of ground Smith with six others was convicted b United sz together po ant blowout cost many dumP- Ing a are the days when the old rEA WORTH tnl3S6 es- tablished the grot- esque boy These ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < = Miss Alice Wright Is Entertained at Tea By Miss Martha salvo at Costa Rican Legation I 1 i Wright Dauglifef Honored by Daughter of Costa Rican Minister Mice Start Calvo daughter ef Ute 34lBtetor of Costs Rica and Mme Cairo wfU be hostess at a tea thfcr afternoon at 5 oclock at the legation on Bfa t- conth street in compliment to Miss Alice Vright tile debutante daughter of Jjxlge Daniel Thew Wright and Mrs Wright gown of yellow aatta brocade draped In chiffon and trimmed ia cold net and marabou Miss Wright will wear a dainty frock of white embroidered net with effective touches of pink satin The tea table which wilt be presided by sites LOW Anderson utee Han nah Taylor and Anna Marr wilt have a centerpiece of nick oarnatfons and fens Mfec Andersen will wear lavender satin KIM Taylor will wear palo blue meeaaHae veiled in marqui- sette and Idles Marra sewn will ef- hlaok velvet Mrs Leonard Harold Wilder of 17K Seventeenth street northwest wilt hoetesB at a large tee Wednesday De comber 14 from t 6 S oclck at which her niece Ante Abell wlU make her debut Mice Abell hen recently graduated from WeHeeiey In the Mail Referring to the prepoeet otoalag of m It raajr be well to observe thc there is perhaps a limit to the physical enter Race of mules Government clerks and other much animate the clocrfag hour of the departments was extended from 4 to 4M and now a stIR further extonsion UC S oclock p m is The clerks like their congeners the rattles aad other patient ai- tirely helpless In the matter and ia st submit to whatever mar be impoaeA upon them For loot you the salaries they are now paid were fixed more than ftf ty years ago when tine of living was onethird what it te now and the sate being proper to the oust of ia those cheap times has refused to rates jfte areas decks and too o the ground that the ratoe was necessary en This Is enough but what fe sane for goose should be were for the gander also The Increased cost of ttv tag affects the department dark just as vitally as It dues the clerk of a and the latter Boaa 4 ea but always draws PAY months In the year If the authorities desire 10 t really economical and conservative ef they might have stair ntted ap In the In which to halter the clerks at alg after SIlT fourteen or fifteen hours could then be gotten eat of the nutritious therefore ba fed on warm braa mashes nghdy as a sanitary precaution The warm would probably be an expense hat it Is well to reasonably waen It aostac y little Besides this a merciful man Is merciful to his beast The maximum of work could then be gotten ut of the clerks at a a lirfmnai of cost It 1 necessary for such creatures as they to have homes and families for at best they are a poor breed of stock and fit only galley slaves The Government olerke are the bed rock of the business of Washington It Is they who have built up the city and It is they who maintain It As a more than what they are or less respectaWti If mere te anywhere- a sentiment that they are not aa r slaves but are American citlzensT en titled to fair aaii reasonable coosHera- tton then that senttaiettt sJiould be ex erted to have their pay Increased so as to meet at least a part of the laereased cost of living since present salaries were fixed and to have their hours of labor Axed at 9 a nu to 4 p m with a half holiday OB every Saturday through- out the year CORNER GROCBRTaiAN Calls It Outrageous To tine Editor ef Vf ifastos Tlawe Whenever Its neoosary for Gov- ernment to economize the overworked and underpaid Government clerk the worst of Uncle Sam can afford to spend 93 009000 or W 00000 a year for alleged river and harbor Improvement most o which Is handed out for political pur whose constituents are getting tired of like Uncle Sam can aflfcrd to put private baths in the Senate Office Building and In the Treasury Department for the s of the men higher up who get the large salaries and work short hours Uncle Sam can afford to drop hun- dreds of thousands of dollars promoting worlds fairs and expositions Uncle Sam can afford to do almost anything that influential politicians want for themselves Ar their friends and then when he gets short of cash and has to retrench he takes It out on the clerks If any private employer decided td lengthen the working hours of his em ployes hed have to Increase their pay Not so with the Government It can arbitrarily Impose longer hours for the same pay and the struggling clerk like It or lump it If those In charge of the Government would begin to practice economy at the top those of us at the bottom wouldnt feel so ranch as if been Imposed upon But It doesnt work We have hard enough time now eke out an existence OR our salaries To force us to work longer hours for the same pay would be nothing short of outrageous A GLER I Mims Caro will receive guests In a Miss be be Bag I- T Ute Editor of The TS departments Oclock p It has ROt been great while since eh tlten were axed most r salaries of the department bttt has Snuea ed the salerien of Congress thIS account of UM Inerecl cost of true works only three mouths in Uta yGSj for trim tIlDe basements of the department work ute clerks might water fer mIxtDg the bran rT be humane lIft but nile they earn paid Del generally they are more it poses to up member or Con- gress wed a to Judge her over Miss Waeiingt a the at i a pre wed emcee cost lose as living Congress cldrka living the Con- gressman bui salted mash- es enough The the gets bolste a may that way ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + MISS VIVIAN GOULD Daughter of Mr aadMrs Geerge Gould Who Is Visiting luiss Louise Cromwell In Washington Andrew and Imogene By Roe Fulkerson- MOGfBS Portia had jut house had come back i into the room where Andrew sat with his paper ImQBtA old hn laying It down far l e It from me to butt In in the affairs of 70 aad fry bet in my opinion your friend Por tin should go and see a doctor She looks to me like she had liver trouble- or ingrown aspfrtttioae or something of that sort What te the trouble is she i tore or fe she flxiBC to write a book Its not her liver timts bothering her its her living said Imogene- I have known Portia for years and sloe is jest going tbrovgb her annual throes She has been getting ve help bur piaa the dfetribatJon of her Christmas money SIte has 4 aad tWrtystz people to for I dont ee anything in tint to make her sick postalated An G G Baln j I I fries yon I bay c mTIrbt r J left the avid sbe ¬ ¬ drew very person I ie doing the same T I know replied Isiogone you know Portia is lending mercerized life never gets whet she wants she always has to take something jMt ac good but cheaper She is a Government clerk you kaow on thoaoaad dollars year and she is ncrtaaplat all the time She is always trying to spread a trump of batter the size of walnut over thirty ataoaiacas of toast Wter Anew y heart jest for that girl Thfe when she went to buy her fall gown she had to study for two weeks over whether sho would a coat suit which she could wear almost any place or buy a gown which she coW wear to real functions bat which she could not wear to common places You see she could not afford both so she had know III1Iat the She a a winter buT bet a bipeds to decide as to whether she would plead headache to men who asked her to go to real society events and buy the plain suit or whether site would say she was studying French or Esperanto or something nice like that and refuse all ordinary invitations sad get the gown and go to functions only Then again fall Portia had this same bother about her wraps It was the mercerized life over again She wanted fur but good furs are so expensive tat she knew if she bought a cur she couldnt buy a new dress Del a new fur aad aa oW dress would not look well and she wor ried over it till she was waa anti pale and finally she matched for it and the fur won but on the way down town she decided that she would get one of these long coats which like charity cover a multitude of sins and she would not have to buy either a fur or a new dress and she could buy sea- son tickets for Burton Holmes lectures with the difference Fine business laughed Aadrew Then Portia almost weat into a decline spring over her shoes went on Imajgaae To dont know how hard it is to decide what kind of shoes will when TO can this this a ¬ ¬ > only have one pair Of coarse she knew she should bay the jjeaaibla kind with flat heels and Pod Wok soles which she could wear to every day bat then she had a nice dress to wear to nice places and you know it would never do to wear that kind of a pair of shoes with seca a dress and of course she could not wearlow suede shoes to off1 ce on rainy days and honestly I thought the poor girl would have to go to a sana- torium before she ooaM decide what to do about It Well what did she for iaojrired Andrew Why just about that time these silk stockings with lisle tops came out and of course she was all right said Imogene Why what did that have to do with it asked Andrew puzzled Whv she said dont you of- fice ¬ know that women never wear high shoes when they have silk stockings You see Portia had never had money enough to buy silk stockings before but when they commenced to make these with the lisle tops she could af- ford them and so of course she bought the low shoes You may think its a joke but its a serious matter when a woman must choose between a beefsteak and ¬ a dingaling hat between a willow plume and a dozen 15cent lunches between a Geographic Society lecture and a combination suit between a new pair of sixteenbutton evening gloves and paying the laundry to have nothing Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday but O so she caij buy an R G on Saturday- It might be a joke for a man but its a tragedy for a woman and its puz zlingsjoyer these things that Is making bid before her time arid giving Wo- man or for break- fast H Po you the iif swSaringsf rohtliver trouble or some secret wileD yousee a women whoi s3bTcks in tha daparjtniEn with a look in her eyes you will find generally her pocket rather than her back that is hurting ht5rIM L i Sad its impres Iori Mint sly sorrow Miss Vivian Gould in Washington as Guest of Miss Louise Cromwell- Miss Vivian Gould daughter af Mr a d Mrs Gourd who te to nir debut In Kew York ht JaaMci In Wsshinstes today tot a taw diva visit to Miss Ltd CnwwdL he debutante meter of Mi CromwelL iltes Gould and a Angelica nrown L jr and Geer jr her return front a w ee a viaft t the metropolis where she pardefpatec ht a number of debutante inactions TIter will be Miee CromweUs MUCH dinner and theater at the I Gtbaons play Dr at ia honor of her Mrs Gag te giving in honor c Miss Cromwell German Ambassadors Daughter to Wed von Bern announce the Alexandra von Benwtorff to Ceenc man embassy The date for the wet will take place at early in the spring Countess LtdeeAlexaadra wIN mote her first appearaaca Ia Tashtagtos so- ciety two years ago at the New reception at the WhIte H m e she attended with her parents shortly after their arrival in this coostry winrlri her debut four seasons la Cairo Egypt where her father was front Germany She is one of tile fa vorit the son ef the late Count Hermann Pomtatee and a nephew of Genaaa Tnha oad r to St Petersburg entered a career spring when he came te Washington as an o He Baltimore Society Folk Entertain Miss Taft Miss Helen Taft Is pending tIe ia Baltimore the of Mlaa Christine Mrburg te daughter of Mr and Theodore Marburg and a number of festivities have been planned te her honor by folk of the Monumental CIty Miss Taxt win 3 orally during the afternoon with her hostess and tonight Walker de C Poultaey will give a large Vaaer lot by a musicale in of the daughter of the President Yesterday Miss Tart was est at a laacJ eo by t Aax Williams the ebetaata daughter of Mr and Mrs N WUBaais and last night Miss Marbarg- ateter of Theodore Marburg gave a din- ner in her honor At the dinner dance given for her by Mr and Mrs Marbarg Friday night the table decorations were artistic Instead of the coven banal centerpiece the cloth was spread with maidenhair ferns and white roeee an especially beautiful rose at each plate There were over 109 guests Tomorrow night Miss Taft wilt at tend the first Monday gerznan at which forty Baltimore buds are to society and on Tuesday she wilt ream to Washington in time to attend the dinner given for her that overt ag by Rear Admiral H U S N and Mrs Sootboriaoa French Ambaseader And Wife Entertain The Ambassador of France and Mne- Juseerand had as their guests at ner lest evening the Russian Aiabasea der and Baroness Rosen and their daughter Baroness BHaabetA Resea the Italian Ambassador and iferohesa- CHsaai and Bonna Beatrice Cueni the Danish Minister and Countess iMbttk the Minister of Norway and Xme Bryn the charge daffaires of Greece Alex- ander Vouros Prince Kouaacbeff and Constaittln Nabokoff of the Russian embassy Marches Negrotto of the Italian embassy Mr and Mrs Erederlc A Keep Dr and Mrs Buckaer Ran- dolph the Counselor of the French em- bassy and Mme LefevrePoMtalfe and the First Secretary of the breach and Mme de PereUi de la Boca 3 Dr and Mrs Duncan MeKiaa were dinner hosts of last evening T f Miss Lucy M Bride of W T McClosky Mrs S Htoson announces the marriage of her sister Miss Lucy Mnddlmac to William T Me Closky The wedding took ptece Wed nesday morning December 7 at Id oclock at the rectory of St Marys German Catholic Church the Rev Miam officiating In the presence of a small gathering of relatives Immediately after the ceremony Mr and Mrs Mcdosky for New York Upon their return th r be at home December 3 UN New York avenue Mrs J Sylvester hen out ta- vitatieas for a musfeale on Tuesday and a dance on Wednesday Mrs Meyer and the Misses Meyer Washington The Secretary George von 1 Meyer Jr went over to New York to meet them Dr and Mrs J H Gore eatertalaed at dinner last evening and Mrs Briggs Justice Del H Anderson Mr and Mrs GrosveBor Mr and Mrs A P Snow former Aaetataat Secretary of State F B Loomis and E P Grosveaer Mrs A Gordon and Miss Nos Jones were hosts at dance last evening at Ranchers ia oempi intent to Miss Adeline Crip a debutante ef the season Mrs R R Hoes our tea tomor- row afternoon at the Gentlewomens League sale which win continue this week at SIS Connecticut avaaae A luncheon will be served each day from 12 to 3 oclock Mrs Crawford wife ofGonMfedeeera Crawford U S A lies out Invitations for a party on Monday Uac mfr r 10 as a farewell to Mrs Mtf Kim who Is leaving short- ly to the winter at In South Carolina George party Jarvis Miss Cromwell to today MIq enweU ill Bdem Theater for the t Preston nd Tuesday she win and Tuesday night the ply w the guests at dinner The Amwdor Countess mont or tilde Couatesa Ralrnond ttche of UN gee ding has not bees set but k the embassy o Year wJdah m1 1ster of her circle and an beauty OUnt PourtIe who Js the his ha six years m the gtInIB at Berlin week- end deb Today f lowed ho wr given Winsloie Wieelew make their first appearance m tenal W H Seaseeelsnd man Walter Mar- garet left Wass n will Phillips Woo are due to arrive In New Ywk on the Coronis will come directly- to and So 1I I1d r 0 x tote arr- ived t air incld m Tows ThM acpapa ed Wadrhtatye en gads Wednesday a part pates To- morrow emee a5tseas be among and engage daughter Urine Portia e prehably acknow- ieded sened Mrs so- ciety Info tog honor d 1 exception- ally e11 em- bassy ev- ening ev- ening to- day Senator Jones rill Dune her place Sr > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ =

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The number eC eonpiet ad perfect oepteaof The WMklPEtea Tunes printed dailyfats the UMrtk of November was a fellows

1 UJ U 4UMS 4J3S3I2 4H 4 11 4S308 28 4J41S8 4tS3Z IS Sunday 2C 7r4 151 H U3 3 24 37639

41SU 15 41413 25 45644

Total for rooatfeDally average for tie isocth

The net total clrcalatten of The Wa binst aShies dally during tie mouth of wetat rrwas MS3U an capita let ever ana returnedbeing eliminated This number when di-vided by 36 the aimifeer of days pofeea-tlon the net dally average tar Novem-ber to have been SlTt-

7t somber ot ootspj to oa4 p rfsetTHa Tteic printed Svadays-

unce the znoaUi of Norosiber waa a fol

Total the mnofi

The net total otrodatioB of Tbe Washa5t mTlnaeg Sunday during the raosth ef No-vecoiber waa 122BH allveptse over andreturned by ayfta betas eliminated Tkl-ntnaber when divided by 4 the number efEcndaya dnrteg November abowo the netEoaflay average for November to have booB

In lame of The Ttetea the clrcstotkcifisures for the day are plainly

rt the date Hoe

Entered at the Peetefftea at WashingtonD CL as eecood class matter

Persons returning to city mayobtain prompt and Satisfactoy

of The Washington Times totheir homes or offices by notifying thisoffice The Times will be deliveredat the rate of 30 a month or 7cents a week Send postal or telephoneCirculation Department 5260


President Taft and tie Members ofhis Cabinet are iieibatiag the questionof i ctes of the workingday of GoverjottBt employes from1430 to 5 oclock

A good w one would aatHraJIybay Tiai would give tie clerksmore salary and ia a isoae re meetthe criticism that Government

envelopes meet tie demands of tiehigh cost of living

This however isnt exactly tiethat wo W follow tie proposed

extension of hours Tie President andMs Cabinet officers arent iteariagallowing tie efcdcs ore o er Theyare figuring oa reowrlag a half hearmore OH tipay the clerks receive w

The tendency in aJ classes of laboris toward shorter iotire Fifty yearsago it was eHsiomary for people wiewere employed by individuate teasor corporations to work twelve to fif-

teen hours Gradually we haveenlightened gradually

beeoq e bettor organisedNow it is gay adaitted that notmore thaw eit ould be de-

manded of person in one daythat every person fairly entitled taearn a living witiovt devoting merethan ouetiiud of tie tr i tyfourhours to labor that this is batter forthe employe better f r tie employerand bettor for tie rae

While ia every ether jeW tie teafloncy is toward a giortar work daywe find tie President lid his Oabiaet-beting for tie Govornmeat gerioufilycontemplatiag a longer work day forGovernment employee This eones beit remembered bet a few years afteran extension of tie work day frto 430 oclock On tie plea ofeconomy n ay tile GeverBaet not find

it desirable to snake another erteaa few years hence

It would be wore in iamony withcnligb eaMent of tie times if tie

Governiaant wHld at least leave tieworkday of its e pfoyee as it isseven hours and a a halfhour for l aen Uncie Sam is entitledto a fair return from tie people OR ikpay roll but tieres o good reasonwhy he should adopt a policy as toworking hours that is in direct oppo


Senator Deliver onus said within afew rooftAs his astudent s oa of tracing the de

vdopment of Ute jo eial attitude

tie great poMia oec nonHC quos

sons of our times and of sowing

J ton tnttabed EgerT Evening in Ute at



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ultimately going to rule on theseproblems could do nothing hotter thanstudy the dissenting opinions of MrJustice Htfrian of the Suprome CourtHe pointed to tie dJsungHishei justices opinion inwhen hi pointed ont as tie minorityof the court that if tie Sugar trustwere allowed to go oa its there

ultimately be a Lumber trust aMoat trust a trust and all sortsof otbor trusts in this country

Those great combinations were notthen suspected save tie processes

of a mind as that of Justice Harlan but they have alt come Tie dis

f 4

seating opinion in tie Knight case

roads today like prophecyA very like tribute might be paid

Cfcai os A Proutysservice on tie Interstate CommerceCommission He began that servicefourteen years ago During the earlieryears of that service tie commission-

was a joke a comfortable restingplace for favorites and lame ducks

There were powers and no dutiesand tie people who wanted neitherpowers nor duties reposed ia a com-

mission dominated all proposals for

Commissioner Prouty was irked atthis condition He learned that therewas very real need for a commission

that would command respect and dothings He went about tie countrysgealang in favor of giving the commission power to tfo tie things thatneeded to be done He wrote articlesfor the reviews he took more thanonco the chance of displeasing thepowers and losing his position Butin the end he was vindicated tiecountry awoke to realize that realregulation was both desirable andnecessary and more than anybody else

helped to frame tie right land oflaw when the time came under

for the enactment of law It Isno secret that ia the main he wrote

tie original draft of the Hepburn regu-

lation act Yore than that his tes-

timony in the hearings of tie SenateInterstate Commerce Committee wasthe strongest presentation ever made

moro legislationLong before the commission had ade

quate powers 3 Lk tried to do

as muM good as possible with suchrestricted and shadowy authority as

it was able to dais He saw tieregulation question from the side ofthe public and in time he won tiepublic and then vJ e railroads in largemeasure to see it in tie same wayHe has been tie tribune of tie ship-

per of the business interoetsIn tie fullness of experience and of

recognition for Hs excellent serviceMr Prouty has made a mostunusual sacrifice to his sense of dutyHe declined when it was offeredto him by the President tie positionof chief justice of the Commerce

Court It is an honor that any law-

yer might covet anti very few woulddecline Mr Prouty doubtless was fullysensible of tie compliment paid tohim His tastes and professional ex-

perience peculiarly fit him for thepost Yet he declined to alit thenattering promotion because as heviewed it his greatest usefulness mustbe tie years ie has yet to servein tie place ie now occupies There-fore ife frankly told the Presidentthat ie would rather continue a com-

missioner than be a chief justice

sacrifice of ambition and opportunityWithout doubt Mr Prouty is rightin his belief that he will do moreuseful work where he now is Buthow many men would have sunk per-

sonal interest for the privilege ofthat service to tie public It is

an incident worthy of more attentionthan it will get and of the emulation-

of other public servants


Tie creed of the American Civicwhich holds its sixth annual

convention in Washington this weekmay very properly be said to be sys-

tematic city building That isnt theway its expressed or written downon tie program but thats what it is

In tie five years of its existence theassociation has accomplished much

but a great deal more remains toThe surface of the problem of

American nrinieipal advancement hasbarely been ncrateiei

At the convention this week a seriesof questions of wide range and most

import will be consideredand they will be considered intelli-

gently and effectively The publishedprogram shows that Ute convention isgoing down to te ofthings subjects as Asthe Radiating Canters for Civic Im

State The A








By a official the need for






There are not many records of such



Such schools

l Parr

raga trust case







pUb1k of






















B C of City Planning Getting IntoAction for a City Plan The TyphoidFly and others dealing with thecauses that underly the stagnation anddisfigurement for which most Ameri-

can dSos are noted will be treatedthe boet informed men and women iofthe States

Dr Woods Hutchinson who startledthe civilized world with his story oftie fly that fails to wipe its feet

will be here Mrs Caroline BartlettCrane of Kalamazoo Mich who deserves the title of professional citycleaner for the work she has done intie West will tell how she does itNumerous other men and women whohave had big part in chat has beenaccomplished in municipal reform intie last few years are on the program

A big stop forward is bound to betaken when these people getand exchange ideas and it is peculiarlysignificant that their meeting placeshould be Washington This by theway is not an acciderit The con

vention is held here and the secretary-

of the association is permanentlyin offices here because the

society is anxious to cobperate withthe officials of the executive and legis-

lative branches of the Government andwith the people of the District ofColumbia in the effort to make this themodel municipality of the nation

For this reason as well as for thebroader work of the society the con-

vention this week will be full of interest to Washingtonians


There has been a slump in the priceof rats puffs braids frizzes curls andbeaucatchers

It is an open secret that theseauxiliaries of the feminine coiffurecome from China and Korea Beforeentering into the rococo architecture-

of a debutantes Psycheknot they brioflourished as a racial symbol on a Moagelian dome of thought The UnitedStates consul at Antung Chin isauthority for the statement that sinceKorea was annexed by Japan so manyKorean natives have parted with theirtopknots that a good quality of haircan now be bought for SO cents anounce whereas this used to be tieprice for the most inferior quality

It was laughing matter to have-

a growth of hairtie window over right and womanwho couldnt afford more than one setof puffs and curls was liable to beembarrassed if her crown of glory waslate in getting home from the beautyparlor

Of course a reduction in this itemof the high of living will gladdentie hearts of worthy women who

are struggling to accumulate a com-

petency of hair It will speed theprocess of making two curls growwhere none grew before But thequestion arises Have not these

efforts to supplement naturegone far enough

Tie saucer hats are an abomination-

in all conscience but if it becomes bothfashionable and financially possible towear much more hair it will be hardto say whether the feminine head ismore obstructive with the hat on oroff

TheBewn from Korea is interestingbut a glut in the puff market wouldnot be regarded as an unmixed blessing

Perhaps Kansas City hopes bya wagon load of condemned opium

Into the Missouri river to lull intoslumber those hustling towns to thesouth that threaten her commercial su-premacy

There are times when one Is justifiedIn concluding that the House holdsrigidly to the theory that all work andne play makes Jack a dull

Twenty years from now the winter ofmt11 will be referred to as the onewhen snow was three feet deep on theAvenue for month

How In the world are the Democratsever going to be able to run the Housewithout John Wesley Gaines

The annual tip abut cotton whiskersand Christmas tree candles Is jist asgood this year as ever

Its strange that as yet CoL Jim HamLewis has displayed TIO comeback ac-tivities

Mr WTckersham Is making a noiseispiciOQsiy like a trustbuster

There really arent very many stuntsleft for Eleanor Sears

Inhabitant Is In his glory

In the meantime Brazil seems to haveacquired a little backbone

Twelve shopping days to Christmas I

Peonage Prisoner FreedKan Dec 1L

Having completed a sentence fc theviolation of the peonage laws 2VI

Smith x wealthy land owner of Slkeston Mo has been released from theFederal prison here He win at oncete hIS estate In New Madrid where heowns 15000 acres of ground

Smith with six others was convicted





poant blowout




are the days when the old






















Miss Alice Wright Is Entertained at TeaBy Miss Martha salvo at Costa Rican Legation I



Wright DauglifefHonored by Daughter of

Costa Rican Minister

Mice Start Calvo daughter ef Ute34lBtetor of Costs Rica and Mme CairowfU be hostess at a tea thfcr afternoonat 5 oclock at the legation on Bfa t-

conth street in compliment to MissAlice Vright tile debutante daughter ofJjxlge Daniel Thew Wright and MrsWright

gown of yellow aatta brocade drapedIn chiffon and trimmed ia cold net andmarabou Miss Wright will wear adainty frock of white embroidered netwith effective touches of pink satin

The tea table which wilt be presidedby sites LOW Anderson utee Han

nah Taylor and Anna Marr wilthave a centerpiece of nick oarnatfonsand fens Mfec Andersen will wearlavender satin KIM Taylor will wearpalo blue meeaaHae veiled in marqui-sette and Idles Marra sewn will ef-

hlaok velvet

Mrs Leonard Harold Wilder of 17KSeventeenth street northwest wilthoetesB at a large tee Wednesday Decomber 14 from t 6 S oclck at whichher niece Ante Abell wlU makeher debut Mice Abell hen recentlygraduated from WeHeeiey

In the Mail

Referring to the prepoeet otoalag ofm It

raajr be well to observe thc there isperhaps a limit to the physical enterRace of mules Government clerks andother much animate

the clocrfag hour of the departmentswas extended from 4 to 4M and now astIR further extonsion UC S oclock p mis

The clerks like their congeners therattles aad other patient ai-tirely helpless In the matter and ia stsubmit to whatever mar be impoaeAupon them For loot you the salariesthey are now paid were fixed morethan ftfty years ago when tine ofliving was onethird what itte now and the satebeing proper to the oust ofia those cheap times

has refused to rates jfte

areas decks and too o theground that the ratoe was necessary en

This Is enough but what fe sanefor goose should be were for thegander also The Increased cost of ttvtag affects the department dark justas vitally as It dues the clerk of a

and the latter Boaa 4 ea

but always draws PAY

months In the yearIf the authorities desire 10 t really

economical and conservative efthey might have stair ntted ap In the

In which to halter the clerks at algafter SIlT fourteen or fifteen hours

could then be gotten eat of thenutritious thereforeba fed on warm braa mashes nghdy

as a sanitary precaution Thewarm

would probably be anexpense hat it Is well toreasonably waen It aostac y

little Besides this a merciful man Ismerciful to his beast The maximum ofwork could then be gotten ut of theclerks at a a lirfmnai of cost It 1

necessary for such creatures as they tohave homes and families for at bestthey are a poor breed of stock andfit only galley slaves

The Government olerke are the bedrock of the business of Washington ItIs they who have built up the city andIt is they who maintain It As a

more than what they areor

less respectaWti If mere te anywhere-a sentiment that they are not aa rslaves but are American citlzensT entitled to fair aaii reasonable coosHera-tton then that senttaiettt sJiould be exerted to have their pay Increased so asto meet at least a part of the laereasedcost of living since present salarieswere fixed and to have their hours oflabor Axed at 9 a nu to 4 p m with ahalf holiday OB every Saturday through-out the year


Calls It OutrageousTo tine Editor ef Vf ifastos Tlawe

Whenever Its neoosary for Gov-ernment to economize the overworkedand underpaid Government clerkthe worst of

Uncle Sam can afford to spend 93009000 or W 00000 a year for allegedriver and harbor Improvement most owhich Is handed out for political pur

whose constituents are gettingtired of like

Uncle Sam can aflfcrd to put privatebaths in the Senate Office Building andIn the Treasury Department for the sof the men higher up who get thelarge salaries and work short hours

Uncle Sam can afford to drop hun-dreds of thousands of dollars promotingworlds fairs and expositions

Uncle Sam can afford to do almostanything that influential politicianswant for themselves Ar their friendsand then when he gets short of cashand has to retrench he takes It out onthe clerks

If any private employer decided tdlengthen the working hours of his employes hed have to Increase their payNot so with the Government It canarbitrarily Impose longer hours for thesame pay and the struggling clerklike It or lump it

If those In charge of the Governmentwould begin to practice economy at thetop those of us at the bottom wouldntfeel so ranch as if been Imposedupon But It doesnt work

We have hard enough time noweke out an existence OR our salariesTo force us to work longer hours forthe same pay would be nothing short ofoutrageous A GLER


Mims Caro will receive guests Ina




Bag I-

T Ute Editor of The TSdepartments Oclock p

It has ROt been great while since


tltenwere axed


rsalaries of the department bttthas Snuea ed the salerien of Congress


account of UM Inerecl cost oftrue

works only three mouths in Uta yGSjfor trim


basements of the department

workute clerks might

water fer mIxtDg the branrTbe




nilethey earnpaid Del generally they are more


poses to up member or Con-gress


a to





Waeiingt a

the at i


pre wed













bolste a


that way









Daughter of Mr aadMrs Geerge Gould Who Is Visiting luiss LouiseCromwell In Washington

Andrew and ImogeneBy Roe Fulkerson-

MOGfBS Portia had jut house had come backi into the room where Andrew sat with his paper

ImQBtA old hn laying It down far l e It from me to butt In inthe affairs of 70 aad fry bet in my opinion your friend Portin should go and see a doctor She looks to me like she had liver trouble-or ingrown aspfrtttioae or something of that sort What te the trouble isshe i tore or fe she flxiBC to write a book

Its not her liver timts bothering her its her living said Imogene-

I have known Portia for years and sloe is jest going tbrovgb her annualthroes She has been getting ve help bur piaa the dfetribatJon of herChristmas money SIte has 4 aad tWrtystz people to for

I dont ee anything in tint to make her sick postalated An

G G Baln







c mTIrbt

r Jleft the avid sbe



drew very person I ie doing the same

T I know replied Isiogone you knowPortia is lending mercerized life never getswhet she wants she always has to take somethingjMt ac good but cheaper She is a Government clerkyou kaow on thoaoaad dollars year and she isncrtaaplat all the time She is always trying to spreada trump of batter the size of walnut over thirtyataoaiacas of toast

Wter Anew y heart jest for that girlThfe when she went to buy her fall gown shehad to study for two weeks over whether sho would

a coat suit which she could wear almost anyplace or buy a gown which she coW wear to realfunctions bat which she could not wear to commonplaces You see she could not afford both so she had


the She








to decide as to whether she would plead headache to men who asked herto go to real society events and buy the plain suit or whether site wouldsay she was studying French or Esperanto or something nice like that andrefuse all ordinary invitations sad get the gown and go to functions only

Then again fall Portia had this same bother about her wrapsIt was the mercerized life over again She wanted fur but good furs areso expensive tat she knew if she bought a cur she couldnt buy a newdress Del a new fur aad aa oW dress would not look well and she worried over it till she was waa anti pale and finally she matched for it andthe fur won but on the way down town she decided that she would get oneof these long coats which like charity cover a multitude of sins and shewould not have to buy either a fur or a new dress and she could buy sea-son tickets for Burton Holmes lectures with the difference

Fine business laughed AadrewThen Portia almost weat into a decline spring over her shoes

went on Imajgaae To dont know how hard it is to decide what kind ofshoes will when TO can







only have one pair Of coarse sheknew she should bay the jjeaaiblakind with flat heels and Pod Woksoles which she could wear to

every day bat then she had a nicedress to wear to nice places and youknow it would never do to wear thatkind of a pair of shoes with seca adress and of course she could notwearlow suede shoes to off1 ce on rainydays and honestly I thought thepoor girl would have to go to a sana-torium before she ooaM decide whatto do about It

Well what did she for iaojriredAndrew

Why just about that time thesesilk stockings with lisle tops cameout and of course she was all rightsaid Imogene

Why what did that have to dowith it asked Andrew puzzled

Whv she said dont you




know that women never wear high shoes when they have silk stockingsYou see Portia had never had money enough to buy silk stockings beforebut when they commenced to make these with the lisle tops she could af-

ford them and so of course she bought the low shoesYou may think its a joke but its a serious matter when a woman

must choose between a beefsteak and


a dingaling hat between a willowplume and a dozen 15cent lunchesbetween a Geographic Society lectureand a combination suit between anew pair of sixteenbutton eveninggloves and paying the laundry

to have nothingMonday Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday and Friday but O soshe caij buy an R G on Saturday-It might be a joke for a man but itsa tragedy for a woman and its puzzlingsjoyer these things that Is making

bid before her time arid giving

Wo-man or for break-fast


Poyou the iif swSaringsf rohtliver trouble or some secret

wileD yousee a women whoi s3bTcks in tha daparjtniEn with alook in her eyes you will find generally her pocket rather than

her back that is hurting ht5rIM L i

Sad its

impres Iori Mint slysorrow

Miss Vivian Gould inWashington as Guest of

Miss Louise Cromwell-

Miss Vivian Gould daughter af Mra d Mrs Gourd who te tonir debut In Kew York ht JaaMciIn Wsshinstes today tot a tawdiva visit to Miss Ltd CnwwdL hedebutante meter of Mi

CromwelLiltes Gould and a

Angelica nrown Ljr and Geer jrher return front a w ee a viaft t themetropolis where she pardefpatec ht anumber of debutante inactions TIterwill be Miee CromweUs MUCH

dinner and theater at the


Gtbaons play Dr

at ia honor of her

Mrs Gag te giving in honor c MissCromwell

German AmbassadorsDaughter to Wed

von Bern announce the

Alexandra von Benwtorff to Ceenc

man embassy The date for the wetwill take place at earlyin the spring

Countess LtdeeAlexaadra wIN moteher first appearaaca Ia Tashtagtos so-ciety two years ago at the Newreception at the WhIte H m eshe attended with her parents shortlyafter their arrival in this coostry winrlriher debut four seasons la CairoEgypt where her father wasfront Germany She is one of tile favorit

the son efthe late Count Hermann Pomtatee anda nephew of Genaaa Tnha oad rto St Petersburg entered a

career spring when hecame te Washington as an o He

Baltimore Society FolkEntertain Miss Taft

Miss Helen Taft Is pending tIeia Baltimore the of Mlaa

Christine Mrburg tedaughter of Mr and TheodoreMarburg and a number of festivitieshave been planned te her honor by

folk of the Monumental CItyMiss Taxt win 3

orally during the afternoon with herhostess and tonight Walker de CPoultaey will give a large Vaaer lot

by a musicale in of thedaughter of the President

Yesterday Miss Tart wasest at a laacJ eo by t Aax

Williams the ebetaatadaughter of Mr and Mrs NWUBaais and last night Miss Marbarg-ateter of Theodore Marburg gave a din-ner in her honor

At the dinner dance given for her byMr and Mrs Marbarg Friday nightthe table decorations were

artistic Instead of the covenbanal centerpiece the cloth was spreadwith maidenhair ferns and white roeeean especially beautiful rose at eachplate There were over 109 guests

Tomorrow night Miss Taft wilt attend the first Monday gerznan atwhich forty Baltimore buds are tosociety and on Tuesday she wilt reamto Washington in time to attend thedinner given for her that overt ag byRear Admiral HU S N and Mrs Sootboriaoa

French AmbaseaderAnd Wife Entertain

The Ambassador of France and Mne-Juseerand had as their guests atner lest evening the Russian Aiabaseader and Baroness Rosen and theirdaughter Baroness BHaabetA Reseathe Italian Ambassador and iferohesa-CHsaai and Bonna Beatrice Cueni theDanish Minister and Countess iMbttkthe Minister of Norway and Xme Brynthe charge daffaires of Greece Alex-ander Vouros Prince Kouaacbeff andConstaittln Nabokoff of the Russianembassy Marches Negrotto of theItalian embassy Mr and Mrs ErederlcA Keep Dr and Mrs Buckaer Ran-dolph the Counselor of the French em-bassy and Mme LefevrePoMtalfe andthe First Secretary of the breach

and Mme de PereUi de la Boca3

Dr and Mrs Duncan MeKiaa weredinner hosts of last evening

T f

Miss Lucy MBride of W T McClosky

Mrs S Htoson announces themarriage of her sister Miss Lucy

Mnddlmac to William T MeClosky The wedding took ptece Wednesday morning December 7 at Idoclock at the rectory of St MarysGerman Catholic Church the RevMiam officiating In the presence of asmall gathering of relatives

Immediately after the ceremony Mrand Mrs Mcdosky forNew York Upon their return th rbe at home December 3 UNNew York avenue

Mrs J Sylvester hen out ta-

vitatieas for a musfeale on Tuesdayand a dance on Wednesday

Mrs Meyer and the Misses Meyer

Washington The SecretaryGeorge von 1 Meyer Jr went overto New York to meet them

Dr and Mrs J H Gore eatertalaedat dinner last evening andMrs Briggs Justice Del HAnderson Mr and Mrs GrosveBor Mrand Mrs A P Snow former AaetataatSecretary of State F B Loomis andE P Grosveaer

Mrs A Gordon and Miss NosJones were hosts at dance last

evening at Ranchers ia oempi intentto Miss Adeline Crip a debutante efthe season

Mrs R R Hoes our tea tomor-row afternoon at the GentlewomensLeague sale which win continue thisweek at SIS Connecticut avaaae Aluncheon will be served each day from12 to 3 oclock

Mrs Crawford wife ofGonMfedeeeraCrawford U S A lies out Invitationsfor a party on Monday Uac mfr r10 as a farewell to Mrs MtfKim who Is leaving short-ly to the winter at InSouth Carolina



JarvisMiss Cromwell to today

MIq enweU illBdemTheater for thet Preston

nd Tuesday she win

and Tuesday night the ply wthe guests at dinner

The Amwdor Countess

mont or tilde Couatesa

Ralrnond ttche of UN gee

ding has not bees set but kthe embassy



m11sterof her circle and an

beautyOUnt PourtIe who Js


ha six years m the gtInIB atBerlin

week-end deb



lowed ho wr



make their first appearance m tenal

W H Seaseeelsnd




left Wass nwill


Woo are due to arrive In New Ywkon the Coronis will come directly-

to and








t airincld mTows ThM

acpapa edWadrhtatye en


apart patesTo-

morrow emeea5tseas



daughter Urine

Portia e







tog honord





ev-ening ev-ening






her place








