1. understanding & managing change outcomes understand the implications of change recognize...


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Page 1: 1. Understanding & Managing Change Outcomes Understand the implications of change Recognize personal transitions


Page 2: 1. Understanding & Managing Change Outcomes Understand the implications of change Recognize personal transitions

Understanding & Managing Change

Page 3: 1. Understanding & Managing Change Outcomes Understand the implications of change Recognize personal transitions


Understand the implications of change

Recognize personal transitions

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ChangeTo Make Different in Some Particular Way: ALTER

To Make Radically Different: TRANSFORM

To Give a Different Position, Course or Direction

-- Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary

ChangeTo Make Different in Some Particular Way: ALTER

To Make Radically Different: TRANSFORM

To Give a Different Position, Course or Direction

-- Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary

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Each person should have a statement or quotation about change in front of you.

Find the other 2 people in the room who have the same statement/quotation.

Discuss the implications of how the statement relates to your situation.

Share one/two statements about your discussion with your Advisory Group.

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It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the most adaptive to change.

Charles Darwin

The willingness to adapt…

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Table Talk

• What motivates people to change?

• Why do some changes stick and others do not?

Be prepared to share with the whole group.

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What We Know About Change Change will not stop- it will only go faster. No matter how well planned, it will not be

trouble free. Each of us is accountable to making change

acceptable. Complex change is typically accepted if enough

time is allowed. Rapid change can occur if it’s a small

adjustment. Most people initially resist rapid, complex


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Why Change?

Change is necessary in life to keep us… Moving Growing Interested

“…Imagine life without change. It would be static...boring...dull.”

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Why people adopt new ideas

(Rogers, 2003)

The degree to which an innovation…

Relative Advantage

is perceived as better than the idea it supersedes


is perceived as consistent with the existing values, past experiences, and needs of potential adopters

Complexity is perceived as not difficult to understand or use


may be experimented with on a limited basis


is implemented and the results of the implementation are visible to others

The rate of adoption and utilization of new ideas and innovations is influenced by how they are perceived and how they are framed.

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You’ll never get me up on one of those

butterfly things!

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Fact or Fiction? -Change is continuous

-Everyone will be on board if you communicate expectations

-Change will fail without structure

-Change requires cold-hearted decisions

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Reactions To Change

“Change is hard because people overestimate the value of what they have—and underestimate the value of what they may gain by giving that up.”

-James Belasco and Ralph Stayer“Flight of the Buffalo”

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Reactions To Change Denial Confusion Loss Anger

“People fear the uncertainties of change. The slightest suggestion that things won’t stay the same can cause panic…but the real problem isn’t the change…it’s people’s reaction to that change.”

-Dr. Alan Zimmerman

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Identifying Change StylesWhat Do They Look Like?

Denial: The individual

withdraws from normal conversations

It appears they’ve “quit” but show up to perform task

Confusion: Need expectations

frequently explained

Require ongoing information

Don’t see the options available

Scurry around in circles

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Identifying Change Styles What Do They Look Like?

Loss Lacks anchor or

identity Take it

personally Don’t feel


Anger Overt-like yelling,

slamming drawers, stomping off

Covert-sarcasm, back stabbing, sabotage

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Change Can Be Perceived As Positive or Negative

Getting a Job After Graduating From College Getting Married Having a Child Child Leaving for College Getting a New Computer Losing a Job Divorce Death of a Parent

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Response to Change Is Highly Individual

Don’t Assume Others Will Respond the Same or That You Will, Under Different Circumstances

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People Respond to Change…. At different rates

At multiple levels: personally, professionally, socially and organizationally

By seeing it as opportunity or danger

Successfully, by being resilient

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Common Reasons for Resistance

Self-interest Fear of the Unknown Need for order Differing Perceptions Suspicion Conservatism

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Managing Positive Change




Acceptance of


I don’t understand the changes but am

confident of the current situation.

I have some information and

have strong doubts.

I have more details of

how the changes will

affect me and still

have some concerns.

I have lots of details of how I’ll be working

differently and feel

much more confident.

Informed doubt

Realistic concern

Informed certainty

Uninformed certainty

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Prepare for “Implementation Dip” Things Often Seem to Get Worse

Before They Get Better Seek resources Increase communication

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Change Reaction: Your Role


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Understand Where People Are

Innovators Early Adopters

Early Majority

Late Majority



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Habits for the Age of Change

Simplify Seize the initiative Learn or perish Take personal responsibility Accept the mess Focus on solutions Have a stress management


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Do stakeholders perceive the change as . . .

Second-Order ImplicationsFirst-Order Implications

an extension of the past? a break with the past?

consistent with prevailing organizational norms?

inconsistent with prevailing organizational norms?

congruent with personal values?

incongruent with personal values?

easily learned using existing knowledge and skills?

requiring new knowledge and skills?

First or Second Order?

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Estimate the Magnitude

1.Think about the staff in your school. How would they adjust to implementing this new knowledge in their teaching?

2.Consider the four questions for determining if a change is perceived as first order or second order.

3.Determine if technology implementation has second-order implications for the majority of staff at your school.

4. Share with a person next to you.

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Final Thoughts

“Somebody Has to Do Something, and It’s Just Incredibly Pathetic

That It Has to Be Us.” – Jerry Garcia, the Grateful Dead

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Personal Strategy Planner

GIVENS: The major things I need to ACCEPT as “givens” now…

HELP: The best things I can do to help myself now are…

CHECK: The main things I need to stop doing now are…

SUPPORT: The support that I need is….

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Questions, Comments,


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Preparing for your School Inservice

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Create a plan for sharing information with school staff

Share your plan with a colleague Provide feedback on a

colleague’s plan

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Change Is a Journey, Not a Blueprint

Develop Multi-dimensional Plans What’s in it for me? How will this benefit my students? Where can I get help? What if something goes wrong?

Recognize That This Is a Journey May Need to Adapt Plan

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Expect Resistance Resistance Is

Inevitable A Natural Function of Change Manageable

Resistance Is Not Necessarily Logical A Sign of Disloyalty To Be Taken Personally A Sign That the Change Project Is Out of Control

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Elements to Keep in Mind Past History Degree of Support Accountability (Walk the Talk?) Organizational and Individual Current

Stress Who Will Be Impacted by the Change Cultural Fit of the Change Addressing “What’s in It for Me”

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Work Time Design an agenda for your

building/district inservice

Be prepared to share your plan with colleagues Length of time for inservice Key elements included & why Key elements excluded & why Questions you have

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Questions, Comments,


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Next Steps

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2010-2011 School Year

Complete inservice training by May 2011

Participate in PBL on-line bookstudy Teach your lesson Participate in coaching session Share your lesson reflections with

the group

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Before you go …

Peer Review and Post lesson PD survey Mileage Voucher Book?? Stipend