1 v plavlrevilnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031267/1968-07-12/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · ippom 52...

IPPOm 52 '., A .gala and memorable 200th anniversary- celebration was 6b^ Served; on Saturday and Sunday, June 29 and 30,1 a t the Helderberg lleforriied churpfe in Guilderland Center* It allfeegajn. with an oia fashioned strawberry festival' Sat- urday evening on the church lawn. Serving the more than 30O partak- ers, were members of the Dorcas Circle.in long sklrts> white blouses and' Qld-fasfejaned , bonnets after the fashion of the IfOO's. Through- out ijjei evening a continuous,slide &hpty*wa's presented to the sanctu- ary -fey/,; Richard Jenner who has recoj$e'$ church events through mapy'receht years. fjfi^-'at'tivitjes of Homecoming Sunday "started with worship ser- vic#m, 9:45 a.m. with a' capaci,ty con|fe|4{iokj, fcveri the very front mm! .werfe filled. •Members 'and 5 vi^m^ii'.'^p'e free to/ reneWdfa' acquainttn'ces after worship. ThWe v$Mfe.guei3i§ (..preseflft -from F l o r i d a , MzcM^--' ''"-- w -' "* -* 11 . %RW Salem v ^ l u ^ r , firemen ^bo own aity P^erWail a'ttraot(ons v ^i|>^s;;fuO|st;^ni be' W \ A $Y t 4Wfto$u\af,P%<& m d #^^«? 3 « Fridays the action starts at 7 o'clock and oi»M\m9^^i 4 wm!^ "* Ac H if m&&& <*\WWjW isafre« r Tfo PunftatQWn f a l r ^ r o u n d ^ A ^ O T ^ 0 ^ e f' re hO|!|$.on:|oM^4^.J#*." 0 <' th h ..ft' ._ ii ^-i. Li.*. L,^Lii ..... Mfc. * - S - — - • ' ±-Ui^ ^ AllnilBt O-ifV ' " " " ( • ' ' • •'..<.''' '•' , \ '• i * n h YOMjARE.TH^R^^fl fun affair around^ accord ihgj,t# held,? Friday and §atur s i s mlspn is frejj, ao4fSHB^^ >r -^ --•».•«,. -,~ m --,.-. % T • --»- .... v T • - 1(rw6 -w-,-- of Nfew Salem f p w ^ r b e r ^ »&,% event a roght is ri|ftfe^out,pe fair will run kskijrijfOtji f wgust 9-10, bto by towns 'Ne#*«eHC state.* During jtheirr Iree. tor) he^w,een : ,-the (j spec.?. M ejlgntsof, te-d4y,,.yMtoMMa W trie* k^TmrarwB '•fetd-' netf sgi^tHe^'&ancl&ry'.'slhW >ilf*w^s,5 Rem^ted'f^bqjiitf 12»:.ye^ra r ; c; «t mtown By Harold Lonnstrom .•Npwja^dgsC;'^^; 'is, a, lftfefest ijm i HI •"H'ji.'.jii.li'lini), 'lilii|l;il.Mi,;ill»'.ii,ni)ii|l!i I$HUR$%_~#®Mmt}; Refprned, oh^reh^fM^erlana' CenteK ; a 1 -,,f'Hom?osr>«!»j| WeMM' in observance of %h£ church's. ?00tft anniversary. IW*!h'e pftotd abbVef'" #; t e, new., .pastor's ^study,., office, ,., >ld Room-fc^ige^hartheif, choir £ 6 M . sfldvMCohfelSv? i tn-xFelidvtefii^ hall extensive arid very interesting' exhibits were on display, assembl- Oiterhbudt. Furnishings from the pidchurch, photographs and news- Mtm sM^-^at^p, d^ •«: .bledu-g^t vb^. to-v^nioWVany: est the preteeners, teenagetf h'anbv tim P S as wolif-» s -^ limii md senior citizens'. Purikinto' ers stopped talking years ago Came up with Puiikitatowh Far ,fiaRpj£ tiilie^ras "wftli..as "sa^ times the family fun affair. "Where will you find so mucft for so little?" ask New'Salem% friendly volunteer firemen who own and operate all attractions of the fair. They do hot imppse jaia?te| ; admjttta»slg : fee-g«id.- : j>royBaejs^^B. of supervised free ear parking* a-iwik rides are only a dime. , /' -( . •.,' -u .Time, arid - Piace", » v , * •;,-. Punkintown Fair is om> a "Fprtnit . 'away as our . English -friends.might say;, 14 days^ or, two ,wgeks.to you,,.,3ear .up, It,.will pass ,,swifty, says Paul Lusten- houwer,,,fitir chairiman. ! , The fair w,fll b e , IheldJ bri' con- secutive Fridays atid "Saturdays, July 26-27 ."and Aug. 2-3. Rain- dates are Aug. 9-10. On Fridays the fun,begins at 7 p- ni. and on Sa'fufdaf," by' pdfitilar request, at *'.p , ."ni*''"-- '••••: *••••• •.-.-;.' fy^ : ,%^.*§!L!g%^ the' "* "" vConunuedbn^ge.8) <li|iMerl<HHl '~\\M$, hool- of Theology,,u.M|?mgfield, no, .v Rev. Trybfl.yi; r ^e|ently ^'iRev. William F. oBicially installed, St(||F3§:;juiie' 30* as, v pastor of the m»Wg Lutheran Parish 1 . .^^^M^*- tKeran:, church, Berh'^fpP, St.' John's ',.Lutheran qhtircU*v^fJast Berne. 'The installation; Mc^ c place at 4 p. m., during a';.fp^pefe service at St. ^au^.'.s v .^^^Q/'-< The ^cprigregat^&iwele?;T(e'o! in worship R^,|lpfryp:;.Try: >• on, a senior sc* —"• "-*• * + -- J -^- School Ohio, serving* as Intern pa^oll'/of. St. Mark's* Lutheran chutchvvGuilder- land Genter/^R&VK#l##fJua- rez, pastor 'df-.»eile|dviijj^ahgelieal Lutheran church, Bruripwack, and dean of the Capital. Bj^ti;i,^t, Up- per Nqw York Sy^od«<9!foTO. t Lu- therari[Church in f&wwm t -was the officiant for fh&tt^ppign. Re\?;;|iobei , ^"Ej. 'S|iiw&' of Ascension • Eu^e^flflTOp-'.^in- Rome, N. Y., was mSmmk'tbe pulpit for this omim^i^mtm Reisch,- preaching to #astdr <, |f0Wi' ard and the congM'a1%|i|,-?:''Said that the union of Wmkww' ; &hd cpngregation is an\'exdi™f :f werit. The local parish, where^eaSW; attd memibets work toggt%|*Mf&,' v rSin- lstry to the commuhftE^mf'Sfiere the action is/V s prp(^M^;«a6tor Reisch.' The co|nbMatiM:bt-,#n- .. ous ag#s, irfte^^tsv;p|(j|;&^u-. pations, and tak^tj^.J|;:»^; provide', the necessary, 4#pellintS; for a United e&pressioii *jfc\m0&, tian vocation: telling; /tft^Slood; Kews of Jesus Christ. |t;#/;j|$)sch 'Less ihah a mouth -r'fmatns ifbr. exhiiSitors' ttf*file" eSt^' ; forms for the 74th" annual Al'tambnt Fair * _ to Rob* _, ,. n ~v.^v,w r , w 'Absolut'ely »o entry "fprnjs wlm" b'e accepted after", Saturday," August 3, Mr. W;ai$ stated.'^ ' .-••". •" .mm Ffge premium, ttodks listliig .p^e- rtsiuias'for• aUi"dgpS*tments, rdles, de«?P'tmeht' sdwerintendents, Snd ot'ne^^er'tifte^-fPlts may be' ob- 't'aih&d M 'waiting Altamont Fall!', AnaWOhtSObE"'" • '.' ' •' By.;far,' dhe 6|Vtne largest'de- partments of tliie : Fair is Depart-' ;j4rs,'&jnald .TeMae of,Delhi.a,r as §upenntehflerit;;!;,!, ;'®34l)ibits in this, department ai?e;J.Ql^ed J ^ a sepa?;- mg, stenqiiing, glass, fine q ..._, w lamp sh'ad^ fttakgig', R a f t e r craft, loom weaving, .shell #aft, stitch- ery* toy crafts'wood'finishing, mo- saic; woodworjk^g.-ivork of youth under 19, use ol dried materials, and special „ta,ble setting. Actual demonstrations of many •artg^.Tand' jemftsj a r e t h e l d during Fan; .Week,.". IAtereis£ed parties may-contact Mrs. Terhune for de- tails and sch^dulei charged the .recently.'cMtefc|SaS' ' - *•*-"* " "" tmammw tor to Mm the responi hte; office, and the fbi^^^,,.,. to aid.and support. tmitJjastc-u in a mutual ministry to the com- munity and the world, t A buffet dinner and reception hosted by the ladies of the Mder- berg Lutheran parish followed the service — in honor of Pastor How- ard and his wife Carol. Pastor Howard is a 1968 grad- uate of the Lutheran Theological Seminal y at 'Philadelphia, Pa, Call afi pastor of thf -two rotijw- gations op Ajiril 7, he>W« nrdalti- •"•iSlfxrf&,S&v ,|fiU|iter" training 'will be heltl, M&m,<x&J> i ® f •.•«,'.. at Berne Cop^r.yaton,Club grounds, Rceordmg J o JSv ,-.A. SchQphftaker, .instructor, TOjs'cour&ie.fe for.14- : ^f*elds -ait4-;oihw$''whav,^h' tu, ohtalh a hurt.ti«fe licence: 1 It will be in two parts, two hours 6n FriW day night at 6 p. m. and two hours on Saturday, July 13, at 1 p. m. Those wishing to participate must attend both classes. Do not bring guits. ' ed by the Metropolitan New York Synod of the Lutheran Church in America on May 26, beginning his ministry in the Helderbergs on June 3, >'V<aj-«."''.;i.'....,..'I.|.'««f^l!!ffiS< soSethink wmfm'tm meftiber, of tK^->|||iW:fas fieel plan6ed.'ihtq W^|KTWI«W' <* an'th;ese "t#o:'|»|f^i«h^ry'"' fpr'. the trip'.; w » I M ,|®flafcle -»«t> <m public' mum^& & &<&: at thejilartmg. ; wnfe#?thlehem' Central" S#flior 'Hffl&#ttoSl>'Dtla^' ware Ave;., •D.elmMwf-* Briers•'UMiy select their bwn^tairtiri|;-itinte and l their'..owh"'§pfiefe.5 . : v*4*u ( .;. ,^. ./,.. ;'. ,,Barhee U ed, ,chiek,efii wj^be«..one»: item •. on -the.-.dittneEi;^!5tec;'at- r an ; ' Albany' Coiliif-i^M^illfttftJiC' Mo area wiifroe who pfefeiJtS •lunchesi - >•,«•"- ,- •o^.M^-r.'!^. ... /"The; 'Eoute--of : '. tl^M«t w ,feC©ss^ and re-crosses:a troufcgtleaniBwith an old. : Jn.dia.nvn^&%#aC#? f ' e ' r times, goes undfeEgr'opte.pto.£M&. can See .thaftMsitteftsglipjld^ ifpe line l l # « i f I | « i f f i "a? public rese#fdir;.;*i'$fi#»se^f>ir and . filtratip^;:.^aaK,.|f|;'.», ,pn the" route., ". .,.• .!;vVrf,;: v '' ,•;,: w^hp^^SPS rocks anct;a.t' .av,di^plafc»i larm. machinery.*' '4*K>P£®£$C '^ H demonstrate actiyites$, •-,, exliibit h^hdiwork, and s$tv& mm; ;& a carefully planued7c>iu«K':kit^heh, leaders of the Honfg,.-, ECGhonncS:. Division of the Cop^#|tlfe Exten- sion association w i j o f w.'Jti'pd to disicuss comwuinity; Kffinen plan- iSltmf ^ ^ f i t P : i^ \ ;Seen aiong,!he ? 4b : -!(ilf^.u% will Be yfeet ca'ttle, dafey &Ws, sheep, pigs, horses'' &M-':Wsmf'- Pony :&m 'will b'e"-'laVa11^•Me(;;•• , ' :\M$tMto3p: W&te,;vsojded .and '.STOWS*' waterwaySj drainage and diversion ditches, .1*66-'.plantation t d other 6o'nsei t ya#6^- praetifces. tt be pointed ;6ut iri>. the tour 'guide brochttre' Which hris toe'en prepared bv cooperating federal and county soil and water con- servation agencies, and the 4-H and agricultural d i v ^ n ,of the Cooperative Extension association. In 1967, 60,000''boys'and girls Were ertvoUcd in the Now York State 4*H bicycle jMOfiram;. 76 GOP SlcakRoasl S l a y •' «-• Xiihriiiiy Niiav Plavlrevil 1 V'tS'i - *«. , '»!i<J»3 aiy^Countl R^juhliean ' w """ *— A - ^"-^„ roast ^Kegi^yiiie;; noon .fffa&t Ripblleaiis nof Qjruy from Wl^jmmr fc»f ai§o*%-eity residents ltt the surrounding' area %W;are?';c"dttve?gmg- into' the Re- ; .Lea'ding' w'- host of-candidates Whij'wiH. be-"attending are 1 :' ©on- 'greSsMaiP Bariiel &* BUttett, 2?th i-Distriet Representative^iW^lter *B. Langle'yj «0p-LiberaWeajttdidjite 100|h-Mstrict.$lepresfr!tiii i «^Rocky*Roo;ters%.dlis|^.,,1in s ,p?- per,.dresses.i.with. pieiiUr^Si?6je.?t!he governor adorning them* -4M pro- vide a spjr|t,of. camp^ig-tavgteniisur to-.the jsetttn^'.. . "•-•.• '„<.;<•;•. \ . Field events will prove, to he of .particular, interest-'t(3i i ..tlie.^hil- dren under, 12. who will,feegranted a less than .half price admission. The-adults Wili.be atbfa4t.e'4 fe ythe numerous amount of dQOJC prfees. .and.jSide.^o.oth, f'attehtidni; setters' „.,.„.. Mllhf.'featfef?''?.••;'-•:; : -. Named- as. general * Chairman of the,afiair was W^ren ,W. Wake, man .of Elsmere, assisted py Thorn. as A. Rider, wno rangementi. ' 1§. ing ar- S^pJ^D^IWoitow for one and all tin July 13. The soap box derby raj&s are be- ing held on the new derby" coasting hill- M Wes'tland' Hills:Park on Col T vtn Ave. between "Central and Lin- "Mn'AVes., Albany, Fe'stivites in-, elude? 12 Mori, feig parades 1 p. m., race time; pony rides, Wild animal exhibit, exhibition baseball game. Just plain fun for the en- tire'family. ,• .-v National Comm,ere|al; Bank and Trust Company, Albany, reports net operating earnings, adjusted to reflect the 10 percent Fedeial sur- tax of $2,355, 191,, or $181 per share for the first six months of 1968 This represents a 12^ per- cent increase over the $2,093,871, oi $1.61 per share reported for the f-ame period in 1967, according to Lester W. Horzog, Jr., president president of thte General Synod, *w;-;--,^ •'<•-* >.»'-'- ', Stirs'* r.wt'^-i--- ''+*>•)%>it', v'v;^ ;tfi'-.those.who.viewed them. For the young people it gave an in- sjght into the RveS of the people of past peneratfohs, and" the Work and fellowship" involved in main- taining the Helderberg church ftyer. these 200 years. At, jioph everyone, assernftled u5tiT A famjliar face!,, was the,. rec'e,nt pyganfea.tional; "nle'Eirig, ; ,the, Guilwrland. Boarc\,p,f Mfe cation. Burton j , Carmatt h,as re- tired as.presid.eni: of .thg'feoai|pf:on which he served for eight years. A^ .Burton .Hahn.eC Westmei^ was §lected, 4 president,, apd .jpohV. aid, W. S#4e of Nofh; B&thleHem' vice presidents. .: •:;':.,'.-.! ...,,.• .ioi '.adijo,inisfeative .assistant at. thfeSaApnaLMyiiig Bank,, Albaayj M|; Hahn iM^eenX feb>rd Mm, ber for;,s|x~»r 1 s, , Mr. ^elee/.a, MSdvS^exo^3tnd..engitie^ with s eMm, 10,yMs # .pn4h^ppar|f ri ., „.,.„ ... A t t e n d .fpur .!.firk Meeting last ,w.eeji..were, new board^nienl-. kem,, Mrs, Janie Heller,, of .AjM-, mpMn .-who., replaced . . r p r e d ^ M , Virginia, Briggg, of .Aljtamont,, and Mr. 1) ,Carman t , fH.-replacemeflt, Clyde .Child's' &w^k..$Msk -'.' '*:& Reappomtfed werl: -Wcnasd Ja, Shards as d,istfAct ciepfe.and,Wal- ter jloffmain. as treasurer. ,ptrs.. Lopjaine Carlson., was, .appointed. attendance.pjpieer. .•,..; , ..„ !lt" Mrs. Mary,,Brust wa!s elected chairman of.the,board of.regdstiti', .wft^e^-" •"•'"- "' '"'*' " "• "- - 1 "' , Sunday, July. 14, at 4, p. ja., the Altampnt JRefornied churcli^ will be. the scengi ,o|'. til? ordination of James t X ^Reid^as. mjpjst^r' pf tjje of bs toemy^^m, ni^ster oU%,,#lalnpnt.cteteaj|.% jgfeW*^f i.P?fe^pc1f .tfea_t wA ,e%i|iiil» .io4'"iuch hives|ilure 'his ,eJrM.'Syj^,Q|J®t.>deaottmaU6n; fey the^flef Wem-tim consSs-' tory, has given HH 1 ^" call, and fi- nally IBy tt^m&m th6 Classis ,#-iKfei§£Ml%fnJ^ed him ••—'>•«->-*••*-' this -^SKiiti^" '•''.-fV A' rieWS'"'ipHi'."?ih 'the^EhtdrpHse »t; -f t& i, thief , Funeral services were cpii?}iic£- ed,on Wednesday, July 3, for Har- old C. Pitcher,,,§8, of .G.uilderland Center ; , owner and operator of the Turnpike. Restauranf in Giuldef- i p 4 , f e ^ 21 ye,a^rs. H^ digd Suflt-, ?ly j f e l f c ^ ^ ^ 1 ° n " Un " •wt%fcL-&ougl4s^w: Gr|rpas- ' tor of the,|3(arayton ynjpn, •Efied&fc af)ng., Interment wteJii Prospect Hill cemetery, Guilde^ahd. ' ' Bom in Altaniont,, W(r. Pjtch^r w^ {fee son bf the Me Curtis and Lftella,. Sccor Htcfeer;, His grahdr- ^##:.M*afe"lp||fi.a, ,S|&r,' m While the r Aft^n>oM church, has witnessed-th^-iilgtallation of sev- eral v ministers ^©ve.'&k the years, it has-been 45-ye£i?s>jsjfo?i$ a man has .been-ordainedfiintPs ; 'H ne ministry here; 4n 1923-Refe .-Rbscoe .Mqtfc &il'e-s "entered i n t e i t f e ' ^ ^ M s t i a i i ministry, •taIii : ingv'.Me.".;V6Ws».i-6f or- dmation--m.'A|t3^Co:|ts-'iv:-'>,.--i-- - ' - ;-%di&tibii" •gfc#|fe|'' : ' Christian % life' ' M ^ r k a l l p 8 l v e , ' W&' ife' m, spiritual'"'Mffilf-'a' the' live's IWae" -ill . c o W a M l ^ M r l y , or'dffi- t a|% gahnot'.'fepWitM without M AF ,hi'"complet,e- m , person fef 3mk, 0W * these vows exte: tq! v 'tfee' „,,„#.qok talqng. .,,,. ifflcnpment^qoi Wm¥: . ..„..„ , M o |ioCfd*w^...WapW ,Soi#;hwiek^co.' ^as low* bidder withiamfMooo. •'- - i ":*'/'• ; %pe/vi|ofJ;p' 'j;;Vfalte^r f !n-' 'SoAwicIiCOi^Bid-'Of.^SOSOB^wfs) tM highest-feidv-feut it'#a$-mk #l|i;- bid^hat,met spe;cificatiohs; n'» inipin ii «W Wi\W Churches, Softools, Fraternal* arid Other organizations FI.O.WER 1SHOW JULY 1& , t A ttpwer show* "Varied Va&a;-' cations," , will be presented today (J^ly r 121 from 3 to 9 p. ip'.,.-at'tM Greenville C0ixtral: s'choal,' RfeiitW, 32, Oreenville. The event is s!pon> sored by the Clematis Gardefe club and. the Men's Garden clufe.;; c-f, Greene county. • The public is"' SSL-. vite;d.' ...''.- -•'-• JM CHOVyOiR• SAtE 4WUY '• i& , The Women's Guild for dhris^' tian Service of the New Salem Re- formed church will hold a clam chowder sale July 12 at the church -starting at 1 p m. Bring your owrt container. HORSe SHOW JULY 13 The Saddlesores 4-H Club will spon&or a h,orse show and gyn> (Coniinued on Page 6) ,,,The-'.:installa#Blfif|l$r. Reid as minister/ ,6f \te|ip|...6feferch' and tongregation' i « « 6 M . o n the, d«al,natire..,p|;fI|»M&ifeilities feis,. ^ b ^ t i p n s ; S « i $ ' g i i churcfe an 4 %^#liwCpi4'.' 4 -v ^ e sateei;fifee^th>fJli>B^cel>ts . •chuich shaji timmm? mme&, The Altamoht Fire deSaiti has expressed the tHaiiM'oT'l^'*' members to all who helped"'td^* make the 4th" "of July 'firework^ 1 '""' "show at the •Fairground's a SttcS-" 8 : cess."' •'"'' *•"*< "• *• * •••>•->•:«'«««(.- Chairman. j[ctw4rd''Poliayd '.'$$ tantohf ToiSelemf *el_ _. ^ViSW*'^ %*#• the Pjtcfeei' fa,mily moy,ed to Voor- heesvillie,,,, H ^herg h&.started' as a PKin the groSe^y, .business. Xa- WB' t S» ^orked'for theE»uIfy"M6tt company nights, a.riddr;ove,a schoc^ bus.-days, .,He was'; a,-.veteran of tt ^rif,. War,, %. serving with, the .ny4n Ej^rope. "On' Nov. 28,. 1935, he married virgin^ Sriij.th."of Voorhe.'esville, -ge vm* ,mei^bep ,qfM^ Qd.d Fel- Jows,,£p;dg«' in VoorHeesville, also a member of the American Legion .and of the Veterans ' of Foreign wars- He wa§ ah. exenj,pt niem- feef pfCthe. VoorHeesville EireMe- paijtmeint.. " • * " ,.,.Twenty-one Vea,rs ago Mr 4 and Mrs^pitefeer purchased an old res- idenoe.iih theJtillage' of .Guilder- land and opened, a small %ea house business,,..-,name : d ,the .Turnpike. .From that, timi Harold and Vir- g|n)a, fejtilt the business.^up to a p'opul?*.. eating place which now se^vps more ftan 1,000 persons a i 'fHsroM and Virginia and their son r ;jo% ^$th 'Mrs?.Pitcher's moi |hfer, : : Mrs. H|zel Sinfth, lived 'in Bqyhtdn v.B^a'ch, Fla'.,; during the, winter Jc>v afeo»lt;;20;;year's, "Be- sides, fei wife aid" SonV he .is'sur- yitM fey a-cousin. •' tends special thanks to members of the Fire department in.cl.niepA^^,i^.^uM}teVirto .\ the Village Bo&rd; tH'd village po- lice; the,; Albany Cc-un& $hcrtf|'s .•* deparftierit) , 'the Altan&hl Fair ; Bbard^ the grounds cre% at T the > Fairgrounds;" ah(l other ! 6rgari&- ~? tions and feidividuars who jran *' concessions; also,.to the many blfe" ers, not listed, Who assisted' a - ' ' any way. "/.'*""'. , i4 The rirewor^''^^ ' wdtt'.':^ promptly at S^iOifc/«$ .prohf||t; ed and advefiise'^ By jtlfe f i r e ^ l g * The show Wa§feijeof thefeest!seMS feere ~ and pds&bly^he best. Til|S crowd, eMMfe,d 4 more tfe'aa"'Pt! 000p. -eatm^W-k&i edldr and h^a¥*. "'le^'"^^^ and hei^., a . __„. ... ^mtf-i® plenty« feotb,. The; A'^-a/specl^lll ,iar,and hoisyJf&,f[$> eyer ^i-'r-'*''* heard hereirgfeviquM year's^ $b$& -i/#dj: A 5 :_'|b'j|]fB^L)-'..^l0'E'\'tP-rjlGHT' :''fT|e;:.;fir1stVMnjniuai ,.#f|b'£ai. game fe,e,tween thd East Berne firemen :vmm Kafe firemen will be to- Tugfc,..July. .12,. afce.iSQ. at'the ball jarfe-fti.Kn^.';.' ",..'•'•, favor- such Fre'c^eding'" (Continu^Jn, Page 4)^^ .|. .^i^'ii •. js5s^i(|fi*|l Smorgasbwliiine The Knox R^feotei|ed church.. ..,., hold its 3rd.amualsmorgasfeor&fl dinner SatUrda»-^«ly 13, in^tH^; church h a l L ^ f c Turkey,l|tt| Swedish, m.e|it-.!fMlls„ escallo|fift:|i salmpn,- sar4in#;..-nwaroni, sfcicwm on cHviTYiri .- ne&£i4rv- narmon TVrt^i&S^ '"BS ai^d numerous ri$K?r. dishes. If you.have-, ' you,may finis' cupcakes arid Serving will fee from 5 ft p. m. Proceeds > will be" for', church renovation fund. ...For a nice e-veiiing in the Hel-" v ;ddrbergs and : an 'ehjoyable: i)S6sal; s f be sure to fo itt the Kno^ '"Re*-*? formed church ihis SaturdayT"^'- -S r v vv'-'v .:".'":;r,,'-'^Vi ." '.V"*' 1 ! j.r.iWiil— r ; -,.. ,', n .iinii.t—in; lii'iT, T |•.•)!.k..Jf ; .n.-,. MI r I,-', ,J. ' • ' ~vmi PRE-FIREWORKS CROWD This photo shows only a small part of the large.crowd 'that almost filled the grandstand at the Altamont Fairgrounds prior-to. the fireworks show put on by the Aita- mont Fire department Thur$day, Jiuly 4. This wat a late photo, and the twe-houps concert by the Shriners Band «(f Albany was almost oyer. Later, at 9:30 p< m., a, large part of the grandstand was emptied, as the crowd adjourned to the racetrack Infield to get a better view of the fireworks show. (PhototoyEdward C, Braiidow)

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Page 1: 1 v Plavlrevilnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031267/1968-07-12/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · IPPOm 52 '., A .gala and memorable 200th anniversary- celebration was 6b^ Served; on Saturday

I P P O m 52

'., A .gala and memorable 200th anniversary- celebration was 6b^ Served; on Saturday and Sunday, June 29 and 30,1 a t the Helderberg lleforriied churpfe in Guilderland Center* I t allfeegajn. with an oia fashioned strawberry festival' Sat ­urday evening on the church lawn. Serving the more than 30O partak­ers, were members of the Dorcas Circle.in long sklrts> white blouses and' Qld-fasfejaned , bonnets after the fashion of the IfOO's. Through­out ijjei evening a continuous,slide &hpty*wa's presented to the sanctu­ary -fey/,; Richard Jenner who has recoj$e'$ church events through mapy'receht years.

fjfi^-'at'tivitjes of Homecoming Sunday "started with worship ser-v i c # m , 9:45 a.m. with a' capaci,ty con|fe|4{iokj, fcveri the very front mm! .werfe filled. •Members 'and5

vi^m^ii'.'^p'e free to/ r eneWdfa ' acquainttn'ces after worship. ThWe v$Mfe.guei3i§ (..preseflft -from Florida, MzcM^--' ''"-- w-' "* -*


. % R W Salem v ^ l u ^ r , firemen ^bo own aity P^erWail a ' t t r a o t ( o n s v ^ i | > ^ s ; ; f u O | s t ; ^ n i be' W \A$Yt 4Wfto$u\af,P%<& md # ^ ^ « ? 3 « Fridays the action starts at 7 o'clock and oi»M\m9^^i4wm!^ "* AcH i f m&&& <*\WWjW isafre«r Tfo PunftatQWn f a l r ^ r o u n d ^ A ^ O T ^ 0 ^ e f ' r ehO|!|$.on: |oM^4^.J#*."0<' t h

h . . f t ' . _ i i ^ - i . Li.*. L,^Lii . . . . . Mfc. * - S - — - • ' ±-Ui^ ^ A l l n i l B t O-ifV ' " " " ( • ' ' • • ' . . < . ' ' ' '• ' , \ '•

i * nh

YOMjARE.TH^R^^f l fun affair around^ accord ihgj,t# held,? Friday and §atursi

s mlspn is frejj, ao4fSHB^^>r-^ --•».•«,. -,~ •m--,.-. % • T „ • - -» - .... v T • - 1 ( r w 6 - w - , - -of Nfew Salem f p w ^ r b e r ^ »&,% event a roght is ri|ftfe^out,pe fair will run kskijrijfOtji f wgust 9-10,

bto by

towns i » 'Ne#*«eHC state.* During jtheirr Iree. tor) he^w,een:,-the(j spec.?. M ejlgntsof, te-d4y,,.yMtoMMa

W trie* k ^ T m r a r w B '•fetd-' netf sgi^tHe^'&ancl&ry'. 'slhW >ilf *w^s,5 Rem^ted'f^bqjiitf 12»:.ye^ra

r;c; «t


By Harold Lonnstrom

. •Npwja^dgsC; ' ^^ ; 'is, a,


i j m i HI • " H ' j i . ' . j i i . l i ' l i n i ) , 'lilii|l;il.Mi,;ill»'.ii,ni)ii|l!i

I$HUR$%_~#®Mmt}; Refprned, oh^reh^fM^erlana' CenteK

; a1-,,f'Hom?osr>«!»j| WeMM' in observance of %h£ church's. ?00tft anniversary. IW* !h'e pftotd abbVef'" #;

te, new., .pastor's ^study,., office, ,., >ld Room-fc^ige^hartheif, choir

£6M. sfldvMCohfelSv? i tn-xFelidvtefii^ hall extensive arid very interesting' exhibits were on display, assembl-

Oiterhbudt. Furnishings from t h e pidchurch, photographs and news-

Mtm sM^-^at^p, d •«: .bledu-g t vb^. to-v^nioWVany: est the preteeners, teenagetf h'anbv timPS as w o l i f - » s - ^ l im i i

md senior citizens'. Purikinto' ers stopped talking years ago Came u p with Puiikitatowh Far

,fiaRpj£ tiilie^ras "wftli..as "sa^ times

the family fun affair. "Where will you find so mucft

for so l i t t le?" ask New'Sa lem% friendly volunteer firemen who own and operate all attractions of the fair. They do hot imppse jaia?te| ;admjttta»slg: fee -g«id.-:j>royBaejs^^B. of supervised free ear parking* a-iwik rides are only a dime. , / ' -( . •.,' -u .Time, arid - Piace", »v, * •;,-. Punkintown F a i r is om> a "Fprtnit . 'away a s our . English

-friends.might say;, 14 days^ or, two ,wgeks.to y o u , , . , 3 e a r .up, It,.will pass ,,swifty, says Paul Lusten-houwer,,,fitir chairiman. ! ,

The fair w,fll b e , IheldJ bri' con­secutive Fridays atid "Saturdays, July 26-27 ."and Aug. 2-3. Rain-dates are Aug. 9-10. On Fridays the fun,begins a t 7 p- ni. and on Sa'fufdaf," by' pdfitilar request, a t

* ' . p , . " n i * ' ' " - - '••••: • * • • • • • • . - . - ; . '

f y ^ : , % ^ . * § ! L ! g % ^ the' "* "" vConunuedbn^ge.8)

<li|iMerl<HHl '~\\M$,

hool- of Theology,,u.M|?mgfield, no, .v Rev. Trybfl.yi;r^e|ently

'iRev. William F. oBicially installed, St(||F3§:;juiie' 30* as,vpastor of the m » W g Lutheran Parish1. . ^ ^ ^ M ^ * -tKeran:, church, Berh '^fpP, St.' John's ',.Lutheran qhtircU*v^fJast Berne. 'The installation; Mc^c place at 4 p. m., during a';.fp^pefe service at St. ^ a u ^ . ' . s v . ^ ^ ^ Q / ' - <

The ^cprigregat^&iwele?;T(e'o! in worship b £ R ^ , | l p f r y p : ; . T r y :

>• on, a senior s c* —"• "-*• *+--J-^-School Ohio, serving* as Intern pa^oll'/of. St. Mark's* Lutheran chutchvvGuilder-land Genter/^R&VK#l##fJua­rez, pastor 'df-.»eile|dviijj^ahgelieal Lutheran church, Bruripwack, and dean of the Capital. Bj^ti;i,^t, Up­per Nqw York Sy^od«<9!foTO.tLu-therari[Church in f&wwmt-was the officiant for fh&tt^ppign.

Re\?;;|iobei,^"Ej. ' S | i i w & ' of Ascension • Eu^e^flflTOp-'.^in-Rome, N. Y., was mSmmk'tbe pulpit for this omim^i^mtm Reisch,- preaching to #astdr<,|f0Wi' ard and the congM'a1%|i|,-?:''Said that the union of Wmkww' ;&hd cpngregation is an\'exdi™f:fwerit. The local parish, where^eaSW; attd memibets work toggt%|*Mf&,'vrSin-lstry to the commuhftE^mf'Sfiere the action is/Vsprp(^M^;«a6tor Reisch.' The co|nbMatiM:bt-,#n-

.. ous ag#s, i rf te^^tsv;p |( j | ;&^u-. pations, and t a k ^ t j ^ . J | ; : » ^ ; provide', the necessary, 4#pellintS; for a United e&pressioii *jfc\m0&, tian vocation: telling; /tft^Slood; Kews of Jesus Christ. |t;#/;j|$)sch

'Less ihah a mouth -r'fmatns ifbr. exhiiSitors' ttf*file" eSt^'; forms for the 74th" annual Al'tambnt Fair *

_ to Rob* _ , , . n ~v.^v,wr,

w'Absolut'ely »o entry "fprnjs wlm" b'e accepted after", Saturday," August 3, Mr. W;ai$

stated.' ' .-••". ••" .mm • Ffge premium, ttodks listliig .p^e-rtsiuias'for• aUi"dgpS*tments, rdles, de«?P'tmeht' sdwerintendents, Snd ot 'ne^^er'tifte^-fPlts may be' ob-'t'aih&d M 'waiting • Altamont Fall!', A n a W O h t S O b E " ' " • '.' ' •'

By.;far,' dhe 6|Vtne la rges t 'de­partments of tliie :Fair is Depart-' ;j4rs,'&jnald . T e M a e of,Delhi.a,r as §upenntehflerit;;!;,!, ;'®34l)ibits in this, department ai?e;J.Ql^ed J ^ a sepa?;-

mg, stenqiiing, glass, fine q..._, w lamp sh'ad^ fttakgig', R a f t e r craft, loom weaving, .shell #af t , stitch-ery* toy crafts'wood'finishing, mo­saic; woodworjk^g.-ivork of youth under 19, use ol dried materials, and special „ta,ble setting.

Actual demonstrations of many •artg^.Tand' jemftsj a r e the ld during Fan; .Week,.". IAtereis£ed parties may-contact Mrs. Terhune for de­tails and sch^dulei

charged the .recently.'cMtefc|SaS'

• ' - *•*-"* " "" tmammw tor to Mm the responi hte; office, and the fbi^^^,,.,. to aid.and support.tmitJjastc-u in a mutual ministry to the com­munity and the world, t

A buffet dinner and reception hosted by the ladies of the M d e r -berg Lutheran parish followed the service — in honor of Pastor How­ard and his wife Carol.

Pastor Howard is a 1968 grad­uate of the Lutheran Theological Seminal y a t 'Philadelphia, Pa, Call afi pastor of thf -two rot i jw-gations op Ajiril 7, he>W« nrdalti-

•"•iSlf xrf&,S&v ,|fiU|iter" t ra ining 'will be heltl, M&m,<x&J>i®f•.•«,'.. a t Berne Cop^r.yaton,Club grounds, Rceordmg J o JSv ,-.A. SchQphftaker, .instructor, TOjs'cour&ie.fe for.14-: ^f*e lds -ait4-;oihw$''whav,^h' tu, ohtalh a hurt.ti«fe licence:1 It will be in two parts, two hours 6n FriW day night at 6 p. m. and two hours on Saturday, July 13, at 1 p. m. Those wishing to participate must attend both classes. Do not bring guits. '

ed by the Metropolitan New York Synod of the Lutheran Church in America on May 26, beginning his ministry in the Helderbergs on June 3,


• soSethink wmfm'tm meftiber, of tK^->|||iW:fas fieel plan6ed.'ihtq W ^ | K T W I « W ' <*

an'th;ese " t # o : ' | » | f ^ i « h ^ r y ' " ' fpr'. the trip'.; w » I M ,|®flafcle -»«t>

<m public' mum^& & &<&: at thejilartmg. ;wnfe#?thlehem' Central" S#flior 'Hffl&#ttoSl>'Dtla^' ware Ave;., •D.elmMwf-* Briers•'UMiy select their bwn^tairtiri|;-itinte and ltheir'..owh"'§pfiefe.5 .:v*4*u(.;. ,^. ./,.. ;'. ,,BarheeUed, ,chiek,efii wj^be«..one»: item •. on -the.-.dittneEi;^!5tec;'at-ran;' Albany' Coiliif-i^M^illfttftJiC' Mo area wiifroe who pfefeiJtS •lunchesi - >•,«•"- ,- •o^.M^-r.'!^. ... /"The; 'Eoute--of:'. tl^M«tw,feC©ss^ and re-crosses:a troufcgtleaniBwith an • old.: Jn.dia.nvn^&%#aC#?f'e'r times, goes undfeEgr'opte.pto.£M&.

can See .thaftMsitteftsglipjld^ ifpe line l l # « i f I | « i f f i "a? public rese#fdir;.;*i'$fi#»se^f>ir and . filtratip^;:.^aaK,.|f|;'.», ,pn the" route., ". .,.• .!;vVrf,;:v'' ,•;,:

w^hp^^SPS rocks anct;a.t' .av,di^plafc»i l a r m . machinery.*' ' 4 * K > P £ ® £ $ C ' ^ H

demonstrate actiyites$, •-,, exliibit h^hdiwork, and s$tv& mm; ; & a carefully planued7c>iu«K':kit^heh, leaders of the Honfg,.-, ECGhonncS:. Division of the C o p ^ # | t l f e Exten­sion association w i j o f w.'Jti'pd to disicuss comwuinity; Kffinen plan-iSltmf ^ ^ f i t P : i ^ \ ;Seen aiong,!he?4b :-!(ilf^.u% will

Be yfeet ca'ttle, dafey &Ws, sheep, pigs, horses' ' &M-':Wsmf'- Pony :&m 'will b'e"-'laVa11 •Me(;;••, ' :\M$tMto3p: W&te,;vsojded .and '.STOWS*' waterwaySj drainage and diversion ditches, .1*66-'.plantation

td other 6o'nseitya#6^- praetifces. tt be pointed ;6ut iri>. the tour

'guide brochttre' Which hris toe'en prepared bv cooperating federal and county soil and water con­servation agencies, and the 4-H and agricultural d i v ^ n ,of the Cooperative Extension association.

In 1967, 60,000''boys'and girls Were ertvoUcd in the Now York State 4*H bicycle jMOfiram;.


GOP SlcakRoasl S l a y •' «-• Xiihriiiiy N i i a v P l av l r ev i l 1

V'tS'i-*«.,'»!i<J»3 aiy^Countl R^juhliean 'w""" *—A - ^"-^„ roast

^ K e g i ^ y i i i e ; ; noon

.fffa&t R i p b l l e a i i s no f Qjruy from

Wl^jmmr fc»f ai§o*%-eity residents ltt the surrounding' area %W;are?';c"dttve?gmg- into' t he Re-; .Lea'ding' w ' - host of-candidates Whij'wiH. be-"attending are1:' ©on-'greSsMaiP Bariiel &* BUttett, • 2?th i-Distriet Representative^iW^lter *B. Langle'yj • «0p-LiberaWeajttdidjite

100|h-Mstrict.$lepresfr!tiii i «^Rocky*Roo;ters%.dlis|^.,,1ins,p?-per,.dresses.i.with. pieiiUr Si?6je.?t!he governor adorning them* -4M pro­vide a spjr|t,of. camp^ig-tavgteniisur to-.the jsetttn^'.. . "•-•.• '„<.;<•;•. \ . Field events will prove, to he

of .particular, interest-'t(3ii..tlie.^hil-dren under, 12. who will, fee granted a less than .half price admission. The-adults Wili.be atbfa4t.e'4 fey the numerous amount of dQOJC prfees. .and.jSide.^o.oth, f'attehtidni; setters' „.,.„.. Mllhf.'featfef?''?.••;'-•:; :

-. Named- as. general * Chairman of the,afiair was W^ren ,W. Wake, man .of Elsmere, assisted py Thorn. as A. Rider, wno rangementi. '

1§. ing ar-

S^pJ^D^IWoitow for one and all tin July 13.

The soap box derby raj&s are be­ing held on the new derby" coasting hill- M Wes'tland' Hills:Park on ColT vtn Ave. between "Central and Lin-

"Mn'AVes., Albany, Fe'stivites in-, elude? 12 Mori, feig pa rades 1 p. m., race t ime; pony rides, Wild animal exhibit, exhibition baseball game. Just plain fun for the en­tire'family. ,• • • . - v

National Comm,ere|al; Bank and Trust Company, Albany, reports net operating earnings, adjusted to reflect the 10 percent Fedeial sur­t a x of $2,355, 191,, or $181 per share for the first six months of 1968 This represents a 1 2 ^ per ­cent increase over the $2,093,871, oi $1.61 per share reported for the f-ame period in 1967, according to Lester W. Horzog, Jr., p res iden t

president of thte General Synod,

*w;-;--,^ •'<•-* >.»'-'- ', Stirs'* r.wt'^-i--- ''+*>•)%>it', v ' v ; ^

;tfi'-.those.who.viewed them. For the young people i t gave an in-sjght into the RveS of the people of past peneratfohs, and" the Work and fellowship" involved in main­taining the Helderberg church ftyer. these 200 years.

At, jioph everyone, assernftled u5tiT

A famjliar face!,, was the,. rec'e,nt pyganfea.tional; "nle'Eirig, o£;,the, Guilwrland. Boarc\,p,f M f e cation. Burton j , Carmatt h,as re­tired as.presid.eni: of .thg'feoai|pf:on which he served for eight years.

A .Burton .Hahn.eC Westmei^ was §lected,4 president,, apd .jpohV. aid, W. S#4e of Nofh; B&thleHem' vice presidents. .: •:;':.,'.-.! ...,,.•

.ioi '.adijo,inisfeative .assistant at. thfeSaApnaLMyiiig Bank,, Albaayj M|; Hahn iM^eenX feb>rd Mm, ber for;,s|x~»r1s, , Mr. ^elee/.a, MSdvS^exo^3tnd..engitie^ withs

eMm, 10,yMs#.pn4h^ppar|fri., „.,.„ ... A t t e n d .fpur .!.firk Meeting

last ,w.eeji..were, new board^nienl-. kem,, Mrs, Janie Heller,, of .AjM-, mpMn .-who., replaced . . r p r e d ^ M , Virginia, Briggg, of .Aljtamont,, and Mr. 1),Carmant

,fH.-replacemeflt, Clyde .Child's' &w^k..$Msk -'.' '*:&

Reappomtfed • w e r l : -Wcnasd J a , Shards as d,istfAct ciepfe.and,Wal­ter jloffmain. a s treasurer. ,ptrs.. Lopjaine Carlson., was, .appointed. attendance.pjpieer. .•,..; , ..„ ! l t "

M r s . Mary, ,Brust wa!s elected chairman of . the,board of.regdstiti', . w f t ^ e ^ - " •"•'"- " ' '"'*' " "• "- -1" '

, Sunday, July. 14, at 4, p. ja., the Altampnt JRefornied churcli^ will be. the scengi ,o|'. til? ordination of JamestX ^Reid^as. mjpjst^r' pf tjje

of b s toemy^^m, ni^ster o U % , , # l a l n p n t . c t e t e a j | . % jgfeW*^f i .P?fe^pc1f .tfea_t wA

,e%i|iiil» .io4'"iuch hives|ilure 'his

,eJrM.'Syj^,Q|J®t.>deaottmaU6n; fey the^flef Wem-tim consSs-' tory, has given H H 1 ^ " call, and fi­nally IBy tt^m&m th6 Classis , # - i K f e i § £ M l % f n J ^ e d him

••—'>•«->-*••*-' this

-^SKiiti^" '•''.-fV

A ' rieWS'"'ipHi'."?ih 'the^EhtdrpHse

»t; -f t& i, thief ,

Funeral services were cpii?}iic£-ed,on Wednesday, July 3, for Har­old C. Pitcher,,,§8, of .G.uilderland Center;, owner and operator of the Turnpike. Restauranf in Giuldef-i p 4 , f e ^ 21 ye,a^rs. H^ digd Suflt-,

?ly j f e l f c ^ ^ ^ 1 °n "Un"

•wt%fcL-&ougl4s^w: G r | r p a s - ' tor of the,|3(arayton ynjpn, •Efied&fc

af)ng., Interment wteJi i Prospect Hill cemetery, Guilde^ahd. ' ' Bom in Altaniont,, W(r. Pjtch^r w ^ {fee son bf the M e Curtis and Lftella,. Sccor Htcfeer;, His grahdr-^##: .M*afe"lp | | f i .a , ,S|&r,' m

While therAft^n>oM church, has witnessed-th^-iilgtallation of sev­eral v ministers ©ve.'&k the years, it has-been 45-ye£i?s>jsjfo?i$ a man has .been-ordainedfiintPs;'Hne • ministry here; 4n 1923-Refe .-Rbscoe .Mqtfc &il'e-s "entered intei tfe '^^Mstiai i ministry, •taIii:ingv''.Me.".;V6Ws».i-6f • or-dmation--m.'A|t3^Co:|ts-'iv:-'>,.--i-- -'- • ;-%di&tibii" •gfc#|fe|'' : ' Christian

% life' ' M ^ r k a l l p 8 l v e , ' W&' ife' m, spiritual'"'Mffilf-'a' the' live's

IWae" -ill .coWaMl^Mrly, or'dffi-t a | % gahnot'.'fepWitM without


,hi'"complet,e- m , person fef 3mk,

0W * these vows exte:

tq!v 'tfee'

„,,„#.qok talqng.

.,,,. ifflcnpment qoi Wm¥: . ..„..„ , M o |ioCfd*w^...WapW

,Soi#;hwiek^co.' ^as low* bidder

withiamfMooo. •'- - i ":*'/'• ; % p e / v i | o f J ; p ' 'j;;Vfalte^rf!n-'

'SoAwicIiCOi^Bid-'Of.^SOSOB^wfs) tM highest-feidv-feut it'#a$-mk #l|i;-bid^hat,met spe;cificatiohs;

n'» inipin ii «W

Wi\W Churches, Softools, Fraternal*

arid Other organizations

FI.O.WER 1SHOW JULY 1& ,t A ttpwer show* "Varied Va&a;-'

cations," , will be presented today (J^ly r121 from 3 to 9 p . ip'.,.-at'tM Greenville C0ixtral: s'choal,' RfeiitW, 32, Oreenville. The event is s!pon> sored by the Clematis Gardefe club and. the Men's Garden clufe.;; c-f, Greene county. • The public is"' SSL-. vite;d.' . . . ' ' . - -•'-• JM

CHOVyOiR• S A t E 4WUY'• i& , The Women's Guild for dhris^'

t ian Service of the New Salem Re­formed church will hold a clam chowder sale Ju ly 12 a t the church - s t a r t i ng at 1 p m. Bring your owrt container.

HORSe SHOW JULY 13 The Saddlesores 4-H Club will

spon&or a h,orse show and gyn> (Coniinued on Page 6)

,,,The-'.:installa#Blfif|l$r. Reid as minister/ ,6f \te|ip|...6feferch' and tongregation' i « « 6 M . o n the, d«al,natire..,p|;fI|»M&ifeilities

feis,. ^ b ^ t i p n s ; S « i $ ' g i i churcfe an4 %^#liwCpi4'. ' 4 -v e sateei;fifee^th>fJli>B^cel>ts .

•chuich shaji timmm? mme&,

• The Altamoht Fire deSaiti has expressed the t H a i i M ' o T ' l ^ ' * ' members to all who helped"'td^* make the 4th" "of July 'firework^1'""' "show a t the •Fairground's a SttcS-"8: cess."' •'"'' *•"*< "• *• * •••>•->•:«'«««(.-

Chairman. j[ctw4rd''Poliayd '.'$$

tantohf To iSe lemf * e l _ _.

^ V i S W * ' ^ %*#• the Pjtcfeei' fa,mily moy,ed to Voor-heesvillie,,,,H^herg h&.started' as a P K i n the groSe^y, .business. Xa-WB'tS» ^orked'for theE»uIfy"M6tt company nights, a.riddr;ove,a schoc^ bus.-days, .,He was'; a,-.veteran of tt^rif,. War,, %. serving with, the

.ny4n Ej^rope. "On' Nov. 28,. 1935, he married

virgin^ Sriij.th."of Voorhe.'esville, -ge vm* ,mei^bep ,qfM^ Qd.d Fel-Jows,,£p;dg«' in VoorHeesville, also a member of the American Legion .and of the Veterans ' of Foreign wars- He wa§ ah. exenj,pt niem-feef pfCthe. VoorHeesville EireMe-paijtmeint.. " • • * " ,.,.Twenty-one Vea,rs ago Mr4 and Mrs^pitefeer purchased an old res-idenoe.iih theJtillage' of .Guilder-land and opened, a small %ea house business,,..-,name:d ,the .Turnpike. .From that, t imi Harold and Vir-g|n)a, fejtilt the business.^up to a p'opul?*.. eating place which now se^vps more ftan 1,000 persons a i 'fHsroM and Virginia and their son r;jo% ^$th 'Mrs?.Pitcher's moi |hfer,:: Mrs. H|zel Sinfth, lived 'in Bqyhtdn v.B^a'ch, Fla'.,; during the, winter Jc>v afeo»lt;;20;;year's, "Be­sides, fei wife aid" SonV he .is'sur-yitM fey a-cousin. •'

tends special thanks to members of the Fire department in.cl .niepA^^,i^.^uM}teVirto .\ the Village Bo&rd; tH'd village po­lice; the,; Albany Cc-un& $hcrtf|'s .•* deparftierit) , 'the Altan&hl Fair ; Bbard^ the • grounds cre% at T the > Fairgrounds;" ah(l other !6rgari&- ~? tions and feidividuars who jran *' concessions; also,.to the many blfe" ers, not listed, Who assisted' a- ' ' any way. " / . '*"" ' . ,i4 The rirewor^''^^ ' w d t t ' . ' : ^ promptly a t S^ iOi fc /«$ .prohf| | t ; ed and advefiise'^ By jtlfe f i r e ^ l g * The show Wa§ feije of the feest! s e M S feere ~ and pds&bly^he best. T i l | S crowd, eMMfe,d 4 more tfe'aa"'Pt! 000p. -eatm^W-k&i edldr and h^a¥*. "'le^'"^^^ and hei^.,a. __„. ... ^mtf-i® p l e n t y « feotb,. The; A ' ^ - a / s p e c l ^ l l l ,iar,and hoisyJf&,f[$> eyer ^i-'r-'*''* heard hereirgfeviquM year's^

$b$& -i/#dj:A5

:_'|b'j|]fB^L)-'..^l0'E'\'tP-rjlGHT' :''fT|e;:.;fir1stVMnjniuai ,.#f|b'£ai. game fe,e,tween thd East Berne firemen :vmm Kafe firemen will be to-Tugfc,..July. .12,. afce.iSQ. at'the ball jarfe-fti.Kn^.';.' " , . . ' • ' • ,


such Fre'c^eding'"

(Continu^Jn, Page 4 ) ^ ^ • .|. . ^ i ^ ' i i •. js5s^i(|fi*|l

Smorgasbwliiine The Knox R feotei|ed church.. ..,.,

hold its 3rd.amualsmorgasfeor&fl dinner SatUrda»-^«ly 13, in^tH^; church h a l L ^ f c T u r k e y , l | t t | Swedish, m.e|it-.!fMlls„ escallo|fift:|i salmpn,- sar4in#;..-nwaroni, sfcicwm o n cHviTYiri .- ne&£i4rv- n a r m o n TVrt^i&S^

'"BS ai^d numerous ri$K?r. dishes. If you.have-, '

you,may finis' cupcakes arid

Serving will fee from 5 ft p. m. Proceeds> will be" for', church renovation fund. . . . F o r a nice e-veiiing in the Hel-" v ;ddrbergs and :an 'ehjoyable: i)S6sal;sf

„ be sure to fo itt the Kno^ '"Re*-*? formed church ihis SaturdayT"^'- -S

r v vv'-'v .:".'":;r,,'-'^Vi ." '.V"*'1! j .r.iWiil— r ; - , . . , ', n .iinii.t—in; lii'iT,T|•.•)!.k..Jf ; .n.-,. MI r I,-', ,J. ' • ' ~vmi •

PRE-FIREWORKS CROWD — This photo shows only a small part of the large.crowd 'that almost filled the grandstand at the Altamont Fairgrounds prior-to. the fireworks show put on by the Aita-mont Fire department Thur$day, Jiuly 4. This w a t a late photo, and the twe-houps concert by the Shriners Band «(f Albany was almost oyer. Later, at 9:30 p< m., a, large part of the grandstand w a s emptied, as the crowd adjourned to the racetrack Infield to get a better view of the fireworks show.

(Photo toy Edward C, Braiidow)