1 year of crossfit wod’s & pr’s all of these workouts are ...€™s... · monday wod: ring...

3 months of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are from Coach Mike’s last year of owning CrossFit Surprise. We hope you enjoy the workouts and get some PR’s! Follow us on Facebook at: Coach Mike Westerling - #Builtbymike

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Page 1: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

3 months of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are from Coach Mike’s last year of

owning CrossFit Surprise. We hope you enjoy the workouts and get some PR’s!

Follow us on Facebook at: Coach Mike Westerling - #Builtbymike

Page 2: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike · 30 Dec 2014

Wednesday WOD:

New Years Eve countdown...and up ;)



Pull ups

V-ups This workout is for time and is done by following the rep scheme for each exercise. So 1 burpee, 1 pull up, 1 V-up; then 2 of each 3 of each all the way to 10 then back down until you reach 1 of each again. Have fun!

Page 3: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike · 1 Jan 2015

Friday 1/2/14 WOD

6 Rounds For Time:

25 Squats

30 Double Unders (or 2x singles)

400M Run

(2x singles means if you can not do double unders you will do twice the amount in single jumps – so in this case 60 single jumps)

Page 4: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 2 ·‏ Jan 2015

Saturday 1/3/15 WOD

2 Rounds, Each for time:

1,500M Row

30 Kb Swings

15 Toes to Bar

Record your time for each round. Rest 2 – 5 minutes between rounds depending on your level of fitness.

Page 5: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 4 ·‏ Jan 2015

Monday WOD:

Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5

Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10

Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30, 15

If you can not do ring dips, you can use a stationary dip or use a box or bench with your hands on the box (fingers facing toward your body) and your feet on the floor with knees at a 90 degree angle you lower yourself until your arms are at a 90 degree angle then press back up.

If that is too easy, the next step would be to put your feet up on a box for increased resistance.

Page 6: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 5 ·‏ Jan 2015

Tuesday WOD:


1st minute 3 deadlift at 80% of 1 rep max

2nd minute max unbroken pull ups

“EMOM” = Every minute on the minute

If you do not know what your 1 rep max deadlift is, warm up and work up to a weight that is moderately hard while using good form.

For the pull ups, as soon as you need to rest or let go of the bar that set is over.

Page 7: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 6 ·‏ Jan 2015

Wednesday WOD:

10 rounds for time of

10 wall ball

200 meter run

If you do not have a wall ball, or a place to do wall ball, you can substitute the wall balls with air squats

Page 8: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 7 ·‏ Jan 2015

Thursday 1/8/15 WOD

Every Minute On the Minute for 10 minutes:

1 Power Shrug+1 High Pull+1 Power Snatch


500M Row For Time

The shrug, high pull and power snatch are all done with the snatch grip on the bar from the hang position and you do not put the bar down between movements. Do this with an easy to moderate weight – this is technique work.

Page 9: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 8 ·‏ Jan 2015

Friday 1/9/15 WOD


KB Swings


This is for time and is done by starting with 1 of each exercise, then 2 of each, 3 of each etc….

Page 10: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 9 ·‏ Jan 2015

"Johnny here's your chipper!" For Time: 20 Plate Ground To Overhead 20 Plate Overhead Walking Lunge Steps (10 per leg) 200M Run 10 Handstand Pushups 1 Trip Across Monkey Bars 400M Run 21 Toes To Bar 21 V-Ups 800M Run 50 KB Thrusters 800M Run 21 Toes To Bar 21 V-ups 400M Run 10 Handstand Pushups 1 Trip Across Monkey Bars 200M Run 20 Plate ground to Overhead 20 Plate Overhead Walking Lunge Steps (10 per leg)

Page 11: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 11 ·‏ Jan 2015

Monday WOD:


5 power cleans

10 ring push ups

If you do not have access to rings, or if you can not safely stabilize on the rings, you can substitute ring push ups with regular push ups.

Page 12: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 12 ·‏ Jan 2015

Tuesday WOD:


5 Front squats

200 meter run

“AMRAP 18” = As many rounds as possible in 18 minutes.

One round is the completion of both exercises.

Page 13: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 13 ·‏ Jan 2015


1st Minute max reps pushpress 95/65

2nd Minute max reps pullups

3rd Minute rest

“EMOM 15” = Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes

The weights listed are ‘RX’ but if you are a beginner, choose a lighter weight that is appropriate for what you are capable of safely doing with good form.

Page 14: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 15 ·‏ Jan 2015

For Time: 1,000M Row 20 Burpees 50 Arm Haulers 20 Burpees 50 Flutter Kicks Per Leg 20 Burpees 50 Hello Dollies 20 Burpees 50 Dirty Dogs 20 Burpees

Page 15: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 15 ·‏ Jan 2015

Friday WOD:


5 rounds for time of

400 meter run

15 overhead squats

If you have not done overhead squats before or do not have access to a bar you can use a broomstick to get comfortable with the flexibility needed to hold a bar overhead.

Page 16: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 16 ·‏ Jan 2015

Saturday 1/17/15 WOD

For Time:

Deadlift 25-20-15-10-5

Sit Ups 50-40-30-20-10

Double Under's 75-60-45-30-15

Page 17: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 18 ·‏ Jan 2015

Monday 1/18/15 WOD

30 Rounds For Time:

3 Ring Dips

3 Pullups

If you can not do ring dips you can substitute stationary dips or box dips, or if you are at a gym you can use the assisted dip / pull up machine.

Page 18: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 19 ·‏ Jan 2015

Tuesday 1/20/15 WOD

6 Rounds for time:

25 V-Ups

400M Run

Page 19: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 20 ·‏ Jan 2015

Wednesday WOD:


Kettle bell swings


This is done by doing 50 of each, 40 of each etc…The squats are air squats. Choose a kettlebell weight that you are comfortable with.

Page 20: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 21 ·‏ Jan 2015

Thursday 1/22/15 WOD


1 Strict Handstand Pushup

2 Toes to Bar

3 Snatch Grip Hi-Pulls

“AMRAP 20” = As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. The completion of all 3 exercises is one round.

Page 21: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 22 ·‏ Jan 2015

Lurong Resolution Challenge WOD 7 minute AMRAP 5 front squats 7 bar facing burpees

This workout was done because our gym signed up to do the Lurong Resolution Challenge. Choose a front squat weight that is appropriate for your fitness level.

Page 22: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 23 ·‏ Jan 2015

5K run or row

Get outside! Enjoy the day

Page 23: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 25 ·‏ Jan 2015

Monday WOD:


1st minute 2 deadlifts at 80% of 1 rep max

2nd minute 5 box jumps

“EMOM 20” = Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes.

If you do not know your 1 rep max deadlift, choose a weight that is moderately hard while still using good form.

If you are not comfortable with box jumps, you can do step ups instead. (step ups would be 5 per leg)

Page 24: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 26 ·‏ Jan 2015

Tuesday WOD:


5 pull ups

10 wall balls

“AMRAP 15” = As many rounds as possible. Complete the assigned reps for both exercises to complete one round.

If you do not have wall balls or a place to do wall balls, you can substitute air squats.

Page 25: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 27 ·‏ Jan 2015

Wednesday WOD:

3 rounds for time of

800 meter run

50 sit ups

25 burpees

Page 26: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 28 ·‏ Jan 2015


Sumo Deadlift Hi Pull

Shoulder Press

This workout is for time. You do 1 of each, 2 of each, 3 of each, etc… until you have completed all the reps going up to 10 and back down to 1. You only do the set of 10 once.

Page 27: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 30 ·‏ Jan 2015

3 Partner WOD Partner 1 Runs 200m Partner 2 Rows Partner 3 Jumps rope -Partners switch when runner gets back. -Done when rower hits 5K

If you are in a gym and can not get out and run. You can substitute this workout:

5 rounds of 1 min max calorie row 1 min max rep flutter kicks 1 min max rep double unders (1 minute rest between rounds)

Page 28: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 30 ·‏ Jan 2015

Saturday WOD: "24 for Haven Charity WOD" 24 minute AMRAP of 5 pull ups 10 push-ups 15 squats This was a charity WOD we did for a local firefighter. (Thankfully her daughter Serenity is doing very well!) On November 12th, Buckeye Fire Fighter Chrissy Kirby, brought into this world two beautiful daughters, Serenity and Haven. They were born at 24 weeks and due to their prematurity, they faced many challenges. Serenity is showing us how strong she is and every day the Kirby’s get to share with her is a blessing. Little Haven however, lost her fight on December 17th. The costs associated with a funeral for Haven and the level of care that is still needed for Serenity is overwhelming and we are asking the CrossFit community for your help.

Page 29: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 1 ·‏ Feb 2015

For Time:

800M Run

21 Deadlifts

21 Burpees

400M Run

15 Deadlifts

15 Burpees

200M Run

9 Deadlifts

9 Burpees

Page 30: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 2 ·‏ Feb 2015

Tuesday 2/3/15 WOD


1st Minute 3 Thrusters

2nd Minute 3 pullups (practice technique or add weight)

-Last minute of each do max reps.

“EMOM 20” = Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes

Page 31: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 3 ·‏ Feb 2015

15 Rounds For Time:

10 KB Swings

10 Situps

10 Double Unders

Page 32: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 4 ·‏ Feb 2015

20 min EMOM

1st min max unbroken HSPU

2nd min max unbroken ring dips

3rd min max unbroken push ups

4th min rest

“20 min EMOM” = Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes.

“HSPU” = Handstand pushups

If you can not do ring dips you can substitute stationary dips or box dips.

Page 33: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 5 ·‏ Feb 2015

5 Rounds For Time:

5 Front Squats

10 Box Jumps

15 Wall Balls

• Choose a front squat weight that is appropriate for

your fitness level while using good form.

• Box jumps can be substituted with step ups

• Wall balls can be substituted with air squats

Page 34: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 7 ·‏ Feb 2015

For time 800 meter run 25 toes to bar 400 meter run 1 trip across monkey bars 10 ball over shoulder 200 meter run 30 burpees 200 meter run 10 ball over shoulder 1 trip across monkey bars 400 meter run 25 toes to bar 800 meter run

Page 35: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 9 ·‏ Feb 2015

EMOM 10 (light for technique practice) 1 Snatch complex of: Snatch Grip Deadlift Snatch grip High Pull from High Hang Position Power Snatch from High Hang -Then- "Isabel" 30 Snatches For Time

“EMOM 10” = Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes

Page 36: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 11 ·‏ Feb 2015

Double "Helen" 6 Rounds for time of 400 meter run 21 kettle bell swings 12 pull ups

We will record time after 3 rounds and at the end

Page 37: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 11 ·‏ Feb 2015

For Time:

1,000M Row


10 Rounds of

5 Handstand pushups

15 V-ups

If you can not do Handstand push ups, you can substitute these with kettlebell or dumbell press.

Page 38: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 12 ·‏ Feb 2015

For time:



plate overhead walking lunges

(reps are per leg)

Choose a weight that is moderately hard for the deadifts, while still using good form.

Plate overhead walking lunges, you hold a 15 lb or 25 lb weight overhead keeping your arms locked out while lunging. If you can not do this, you can do lunges with nothing overhead.

Page 39: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 13 ·‏ Feb 2015


5 burpees

5 toes to bar

200 meter run

“AMRAP 30” = As many rounds as possible in 30 minutes

If you can not do toes to bar, you can substitute it with V-ups, or lying leg raises.

Page 40: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 15 ·‏ Feb 2015


1st Minute: 2 Power Cleans @ 85% of 1 rep max.

2nd Minute: Max unbroken ring dips.

“EMOM 20” = Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes

If you do not know what your power clean 1 rep max is, choose a moderately hard weight that you can use with good form.

Ring dips can be substituted with stationary dips or box dips

Page 41: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 16 ·‏ Feb 2015




Pull ups

RX weight is 65/95

If you are new to this, choose a lighter weight that you are comfortable with

Page 42: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 17 ·‏ Feb 2015

4 rounds for time of

25 plate ground to overhead

25 v-ups

400 meter run

Plate ground to overhead: Hold a plate (15 lbs / 25 lbs) in front of you and with deadlift form, tap the front edge of the plate on the ground, then using your hips similar to a kettle bell swing, stand up and pop your hips to bring the plate up over your head. The top position you should be standing up tall with your arms locked out over head holding the plate flat like a tray.

Page 43: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 19 ·‏ Feb 2015

7 Rounds of: 1 minute of rowing as many calories as possible 1 minute of as many burpees as possible -There will be 2 minutes rest between rounds

Score is total # of calories and total # of burpees

Make sure to rest between rounds!

Page 44: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 19 ·‏ Feb 2015

15 min AMRAP

3 overhead squats

5 toes to bar

7 wall ball

“15 min AMRAP” = As many rounds as possible in 15 min

If you can not do overhead squats, you can substitute with front, back or air squats.

Toes to bar can be substituted with V-ups or lying leg raises

Wall ball can be substituted with air squats. **If you are doing air squats in place of overhead squats, do jumping squats in place of wall ball (squat down, jump up reaching for the sky)

Page 45: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 20 ·‏ Feb 2015

For time:


KB Swings

Double Unders

Page 46: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 22 ·‏ Feb 2015


1st Minute 2 Pushpress (or Power Jerk or split jerk)

2nd Minute 5 Box Jumps

“EMOM 20” = Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes

Box jumps can be substituted with step ups (step ups would be 5 per leg)

Page 47: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 23 ·‏ Feb 2015

For time:




Use a deadlift weight that is moderate while still using good form. RX was typically 155/135

Page 48: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 24 ·‏ Feb 2015

5 rounds for time of

5 pull ups

10 wall ball

15 V-ups

200 meter run or row

Wall ball can be substituted with air squats or jumping squats (squat down, jump up and reach for the sky)

Page 49: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 26 ·‏ Feb 2015

First we will do some snatch technique work with:

EMOM 10 1 Snatch Grip Deadlift+1 Snatch Grip High Pull+1 Power Snatch

Then we will finish with one all out 500m row. “EMOM 10” = Every minute on the minute for 10 min.

The deadlift, high pull and power snatch are all done without putting the bar down. The high pull and the snatch are done from the hang position once you have deadlifted the weight off the ground.

Page 50: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 27 ·‏ Feb 2015

15.1 9-minute AMRAP: 15 toes-to-bars 10 deadlifts 5 snatches then 15.1A 1-rep-max clean and jerk

This is a 2015 CrossFit Open workout. To see a video of the standards go to www.games.crossfit.com

Page 51: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 28 ·‏ Feb 2015

10 rounds for time of

5 burpees

10 sit ups

15 double unders

Page 52: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 1 ·‏ March 2015


5 progressively heavier sets of 2 reps.


Front Squats

Continuing up from where we left off on thrusters

we will work up to a 2 rep max.

Page 53: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 2 ·‏ Mar 2015


5 Ring Dips

10 Sumo Deadlift Hi Pulls

15 Double unders

“AMRAP 15” = As many rounds as possible in 15 min

Complete all reps of all 3 exercises to complete one round.

Ring dips can be substituted with stationary dips or box dips

Double unders can be substituted with singles

Page 54: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 3 ·‏ Mar 2015

For time: 1 Minute Max Calorie Row 1 Minute max rep Wall Balls - 2 Minute Rest 1 Minute Max Calorie Row 1 Minute Max rep Wall balls - 2 Minute Rest 1 Minute Max Calorie Row 1 Minute Max rep V-ups - 2 Minute Rest 1 Minute Max Calorie Row 1 Minute Max rep V-ups - 2 Minute Rest 1 Minute Max Calorie Row 1 Minute Max Rep KB Swings - 2 Minute Rest 1 Minute Max Calorie Row 1 Minute Max Rep KB Swings - 2 Minute Rest 1 Minute Max Calorie Row 1 Minute Max Rep Burpees

Page 55: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 4 ·‏ Mar 2015

For time 200 meter run rest 1 minute 400 meter run rest 2 minutes 800 meter run rest 4 minutes 400 meter run rest 2 minutes 200 meter run

Page 56: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 5 ·‏ Mar 2015

15.2 Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete: From 0:00-3:00 2 rounds of: 10 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.) 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups From 3:00-6:00 2 rounds of: 12 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.) 12 chest-to-bar pull-ups From 6:00-9:00 2 rounds of: 14 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.) 14 chest-to-bar pull-ups Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds **This is a CrossFit Games Open workout. To see a video of the standards, go to www.games.crossfit.com

Page 57: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 6 ·‏ Mar 2015

For time:

50-40-30-20-10 of

Push ups

Sit ups

Double unders

Complete 50 of each exercise, then 40 of each, 30 of each etc….

Page 58: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 8 ·‏ Mar 2015


2 [email protected]% of 1 rep max

5 Box jumps

“EMOM 20” = Every minute on the minute for 20 min

If you do not know what your deadlift 1 rep max is, choose a weight that is moderately hard while still using good form

Box jumps can be substituted for step ups (5 step ups per leg)

Page 59: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 9 ·‏ Mar 2015

EMOM 20 1st Minute 3 Thrusters 2nd Minute 5 Burpees

-The goal today is to practice cycling through thrusters and burpees fast and efficiently. When choosing your thruster weight keep this in mind!

“EMOM 20” = Every minute on the minute for 20 min

Page 60: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 10 ·‏ Mar 2015


5 toes to bar

10 kettle bell swings

200 meter run

“AMRAP 15” As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes

Toes to bar can be substituted with V-ups or lying leg raises.

Page 61: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 11 ·‏ Mar 2015

EMOM 10 1 snatch grip deadlift / power shrug + 1 snatch grip high pull + 1 power snatch -the goal is to use 5-10 pounds more than you used 2 weeks ago

“EMOM 10” = Every minute on the minute for 10 min

**Once you deadlift the weight, the shrug, high pull and power snatch are all done from the hang without putting the bar down. Put the bar down after the snatch and wait until the top of the next minute to start again.

Page 62: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 13 ·‏ Mar 2015

For those doing the open 15.3 AMRAP 14 7 Muscle Ups 50 Wall Balls 100 Double Unders For those doing the open Scaled 15.3 AMRAP 14 50 Wall Balls 200 singles This is a CrossFit Games Open workout. To see a video of the standards go to www.games.crossfit.com

FOR THOSE DOING THE REGULAR CLASS WOD AMRAP 14 7 RIng Dips 50 Wall Balls 100 Double Unders (or 200 singles)

Page 63: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 13 ·‏ Mar 2015


5 Handstand Pushups

7 Pullups

9 V-ups

“AMRAP 14” = As many rounds as possible in 14 minutes

One round = completion of all the reps of each exercise.

Handstand push ups can be substituted for kettlebell or dumbell shoulder press.

Page 64: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 15 ·‏ Mar 2015


1st minute 2 power cleans & 1 push press

2nd minute 5 burpees to the bar

“EMOM 20” = Every minute on the minute for 20 min

‘burpee to the bar’ is doing a burpee and jumping up to touch the bar that should be a height of approximately 6 inches above the tips of your fingers to get an ‘RX’

If you do not have a pull up bar to jump to, regular burpees are fine

Page 65: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 16 ·‏ Mar 2015

AMRAP 20 St. Patty's Day 4 leaf clover WOD 4 toes to bar 4 v-ups 4 plate ground to overhead 4 walking lunges per leg (plate overhead)

“AMRAP 20” = As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes

1 round is the completion of all the reps in all the exercises

Page 66: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 17 ·‏ Mar 2015


1st Minute 2 Strict Shoulder Press @ 80% of 1rep max

2nd Minute 2 One Arm DB Snatch Per Hand

“EMOM 20” = Every minute on the minute for 20 min

If you do not know your shoulder press 1 rep max, pick a weight that is moderately hard with good form

Page 67: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 18 ·‏ Mar 2015

• 3 person partner WOD #1 runs 400 meters #2 rows #3 rests Switch when the runner gets back Continue until rower reaches 5,000 meters

Page 68: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 19 ·‏ Mar 2015

15.4 RX=Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of: 3 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 6 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 9 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 12 handstand push-ups 6 cleans 15 handstand push-ups 6 cleans 18 handstand push-ups 6 cleans 21 handstand push-ups 9 cleans Etc., adding 3 reps to the handstand push-up each round, and 3 reps to the clean every 3 rounds Scaled = Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of: 10 push presses 10 cleans **This is a CrossFit Games Open Workout. Visit www.games.crossfit.com to see video of the standards

Page 69: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 22 ·‏ Mar 2015


4 Thrusters

6 Burpees

“EMOM 20” = Every minute on the minute for 20 min

Page 70: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 23 ·‏ Mar 2015


15 snatches

30 double unders

“AMRAP 10” = As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes

1 round is the completion of all the reps for both exercises

Page 71: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 24 ·‏ Mar 2015


5 pull ups

10 wall ball

15 sit ups

200 meter run

“AMRAP 20” = As many rounds as possible in 20 min

If you don’t have a wall ball you can substitute air squats or jumping squats to make it a little harder.

Page 72: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 25 ·‏ Mar 2015

1500 meter row for time rest approximately the same length of time it took to complete.

1000 meter row for time rest approximately the same length of time it took to complete.

500 meter row for time

Page 73: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 26 ·‏ Mar 2015


For time:

27 calorie row

27 thrusters

21 calorie row

21 thrusters

15 calorie row

15 thrusters

9 calorie row

9 thrusters **This is a CrossFit Games Open workout. For video on standards go to www.games.crossfit.com

Page 74: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 30 ·‏ Mar 2015


EMOM 7 1 Snatch Grip Deadlift into Triple Extension (power shrug/up on toes) EMOM 7 1 Snatch Grip High Pull EMOM 7 1 Power Snatch

“EMOM 7” = Every minute on the minute for 7 min

This is 3 separate EMOM’s

Page 75: 1 year of CrossFit WOD’s & PR’s All of these workouts are ...€™s... · Monday WOD: Ring dips - 25, 20,15, 10, 5 Sit ups - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double unders - 75, 60, 45, 30,

Builtbymike 31 ·‏ Mar 2015

EMOM 20 1st Minute Strict Handstand Pushups 2nd Minute Pullups

-If you can get more than 10 strict handstand pushups you may do them with your hands raised on plates so you use a greater range of motion. -If you can get more than 30 unbroken pullups work on muscle ups instead. “EMOM 20” = Every minute on the minute for 20 min