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OTP homework

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OTP homework

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OTP Overview

• Like a password, OTP can be used to authenticate the user to obtain access to a network.

• OTP can be used alone or along with a password for authentication. Typically, OTP is used for two-factor authentication (2FA).

• For example, in large organizations, VPN access often requires the use of user-name, password, and OTP for remote user two-factor authentication.

• Enhanced security is provided when an OTP is used for authentication, because a user must enter a different OTP each time to be authenticated to and authorized from a validation server.

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Open AuTHentication (OATH)

• OATH is an industry-wide collaboration to develop open-reference architecture for strong authentication. OATH consortium has developed a set of open royalty-free algorithms for one-time passwords.

• Any OATH-compliant client device can interoperate with an OTP algorithm-enabled OTP validation server.

• OATH Website: www.openauthentication.org

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OATH Standards-Based OTP Authentication

- the HMAC-based One-Time Password (HOTP) algorithm to generate an OTP using a shared secret and sequence counter;

- the Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) algorithm to generate an OTP using a shared secret and derived time reference;

- the Challenge-Response-based One-Time Password (OCRA) algorithm to generate an OTP using a shared secret and the response of a challenge

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Initial Goals of the Open Authentication

• To establish an open reference architecture for strong authentication, by leveraging existing open standards

• To propagate device credentials, strong authentication algorithms and authentication software to many network end-points

• To propagate low-cost, multi-function authentication devices (e.g. tokens and smart cards).

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High Level Authentication Framework

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Authentication Methods

Hardware Token

Identification &Identification &

Weak AuthenticationWeak Authentication

Static Password








Soft Token



Identification & Identification & AuthenticationAuthentication

Identification & Strong Identification & Strong AuthenticationAuthentication

Strongest SecurityStrongest Security

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Two Factor Credentials Comparison

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Five Key Points of Network Security

Network Network SecuritySecurity



The base of network security


Insure data integrity and accuracy

Use some special parameters to indicate the accessing right

Make only the authorized user can access the sensitive information, thus ensuring the communication security to the great extends



Undeniable to data transferring and receiving for an authenticated user

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Failed to make proper


Make encrypti

on ineffecti


Make transaction

data meaningle


Network Security is under threat

If cannot confirm the user identity:

Five Key Points of Network Security

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Mostly be guessed without effort

Usually be used all the time without change

Too difficult to remember all passwords in distributed





Shortages of Static Password

User input password easily to be stolen


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Two Factor Password Composition

Username: Feitian

Password: ftsafe + 555532

2Factor Password = PIN + Dynamic OTP 2Factor Password = PIN + Dynamic OTP

Initialized as UTC time (Time-based)

Dynamic OTP: change every

60 seconds

The full set of two factor password consists of the PIN (customer setup in the first usage) and the dynamic One-Time password generated each time.

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Dynamic OTP Authentication Principle



Account 1





Same Account

Same PIN

Same OTP555532

Same Algorithm

Same Event Counter / Timer

Same Seed

Authenti-cation Server




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Time/Event Synchronous OTP Principle


of the logon user

Pre-stored Seed

Expected OTP

Authentication server

Customer Token




Sequence / Timer

of the generated


Generated OTP

Symmetric Algorithm

Pre-stored Seed

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Challenge/Response OTP Principle



ChallengePre-stored Seed

Expected OTP ( Respo

nse )


ServerCustomer TokenValidate



Pre-stored Seed



Generated Response

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Comparison of three types OTP Technology

•Simple, Usable, Manageable, Less occupied network resource

• Less security than challenge response

• Central management system, needless to frequently synchronize

• High security, multipurpose

• Complicate operation, much occupied network resources

• Adapted to high security required system

Time Time SynchronoSynchrono


Event Event SynchronoSynchrono


Challenge Challenge ResponseResponse

• Simple, Usable, Manageable • Less security than challenge response way, having security risk in case the token is stolen.

• Need batch processing system to make batch authentication

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OTP Authenticator Overview

2006 2007 2008

OTP C100OTP C100

OTP C400 OTP C500

OTP C200OTP C200 OTP C300OTP C300

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OTP C100 Introduction

Event Synchronous

Simple to Use Enhanced Security

More Stable Low Cost

OTP C100

Each one-time password is generated by applying Each one-time password is generated by applying the OATH the OATH HOTPHOTP cryptographic function to the fixed cryptographic function to the fixed

seed code and a sequence number incremented seed code and a sequence number incremented with each button click.with each button click.

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OTP C200

OTP C200 Introduction

Time Synchronous

Simple to Use Enhanced Security

More Stable Low Cost

Each one-time password is generated by Each one-time password is generated by applying the OATH applying the OATH TOTPTOTP cryptographic function cryptographic function to the fixed seed code and current time to UTC to the fixed seed code and current time to UTC


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PIN protected OTP

OTP C300

OTP C300 Introduction

High FunctionalityMore Safe

Each one-time password is generated by applying Each one-time password is generated by applying the OATH the OATH OCRAOCRA cryptographic function to the cryptographic function to the fixed seed code and corresponding response fixed seed code and corresponding response

calculation with the external challenge.calculation with the external challenge.

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Security Performance

Dynamic OTP Generation

MechanismTake the Open AuTHentication (OATH) standard algorithm, including the event-synchronous HOTP, time-synchronous TOTP, and the challenge-response based OCRA etc. For example the TOTP is like:

The Arithmetic Flowchart of dynamic OTP generation is showing on the right ->

TOTP = Truncate (HMAC-SHA-1(K, T))

Here in the formula,

• K is the OTP seed secret, and

• T is the number of time steps between the initial counter value T0 and the current UTC time

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Software OTP description

Soft OTP TokenThe desktop software utility used to generate dynamic OTP.

Current Soft OTP contains HOTP and TOTP two types, based on the different seed type.

Soft OTP is specially designed for internal testing, but the official release.

Soft OTP has lower security.

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Mobile OTP Description

Mobile OTPJava application running on the mobile to generate the dynamic OTP

Current Mobile OTP adapts to the PDA phones with Java support.

The security of Mobile OTP depends on the PDA phones directly, it has lower security comparing to the OTP hardware token.

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SMS OTP Description

The generated OTP will be sent in SMS way to the user mobile.

The system should contain dynamic OTP generator and device for sending SMS like the SMS gateway etc

All user need is the mobile phone to receive the SMS with dynamic OTP at a time.

Suited to be used as the auxiliary function of hardware OTP token. Not for individual use.

No.1No.1 No.2No.2

No.3No.3 No.4No.4

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• HOTP Server

•TOTP Server

•OCRA Server

•HOTP Client (PC)

•TOTP Client (PC)

•OCRA Client (PC)

•HOTP Client (Mobile Device)

•TOTP Client (Mobile Device)

•OCRA Client (Mobile Device)