10 best health benefits of strawberries

10 Best Health Benefits of Strawberries https://www.postoride.com/articles/topic/169/10-Best-Health-Benefits-of-Strawberries Yes, Strawberries are tasty, strawberries are wonderful, but not many people see strawberries as a big health heaven. This little red fruit is very good for physical health. Many health experts call strawberries a big source of vitamin C while many suggest different recipes made of strawberries should be consumed every day. Since strawberries have numerous medical benefits, and today, some of these health benefits will surely surprise you. 1 - Enhanced Physical Defense: According to medical experts, strawberry is considered one of the best sources of vitamin C. Human body has complex mechanism. It cannot produce vitamin c and hence it is important to get this vitamin from healthy foods especially strawberries. Strawberries improve human physical defense and provide inner strength to body cells. It is also a big source of antioxidants. 2 - For Eye Health:

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10 Best Health Benefits of Strawberries


Yes, Strawberries are tasty, strawberries are wonderful, but not many people see strawberries as a big health heaven. This little red fruit is very good for physical health. Many health experts call strawberries a big source of vitamin C while many suggest different recipes made of strawberries should be consumed every day. Since strawberries have numerous medical benefits, and today, some of these health benefits will surely surprise you.

1 - Enhanced Physical Defense:

According to medical experts, strawberry is considered one of the best sources of vitamin C. Human body has complex mechanism. It cannot produce vitamin c and hence it is important to get this vitamin from healthy foods especially strawberries. Strawberries improve human physical defense and provide inner strength to body cells. It is also a big source of antioxidants.  

2 - For Eye Health:

Strawberry is rich in antioxidants and can help prevent cataract disease. Eyes need vitamin C as well as it is required to avoid the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays of the sun.

3 - Useful against Cancer:

According to a study, ellagic acid is found in strawberries which have anti-cancer properties and prevent the development of cancer cells in the body.

4 - Protection from Wrinkles:

Vitamin c is good for the production of collagen in the body. Collagen helps skin to remain soft for longer periods that ultimately protect it to go weary.

5 - Resistance against bad Cholesterol:

Hundreds of people are affected by different heart diseases every year and these heart diseases are caused by bad cholesterol. Strawberries have a unique element ellagic acid, which controls the bad cholesterol and contribute to improve the heart health.

6 - Reduces Swelling:

Regular use of strawberries reduces the impact of swelling on the body. The antioxidants in strawberries also play a vital role in reducing joint and muscle swelling.


7 - Regulate Blood Pressure:

The potassium in strawberries helps control the blood pressure. Potassium is also considered a major source that is essential for improved heart health.

8 - Strawberries Increase Fiber in the Body:

Fiber is also essential for food digestion. Lack of fiber in the body, results in constipation and intestinal infection.

9 - Useful for Body Weight:

Maintaining a healthy weight is the best defense against diabetes type II and cardiovascular diseases. Strawberries are naturally low calorie fruits, which have little amounts of natural sugar in it due to this factor alone, the body maintains a normal weight.

10 - Useful During Pregnancy:

Doctors also recommend strawberries to pregnant women because it is abundant with Folate. Pregnant women need a unique vitamin called Folate which is very essential for baby’s brain, skull and spine growth.