10 bigoted remarks made by the ‘tolerant’ left in obama’s ‘post-racial’ america

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  • 8/9/2019 10 Bigoted Remarks Made by the Tolerant Left In Obamas Post-Racial America


    10 Bigoted Remarks Made by the Tolerant Left In

    Obamas Post-Racial America

    posted at 4:45 pm on August 22, 2010 byLori Ziganto

    [Politics ] printer-friendly

    Originallyposted at NewsReal:

    By: Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public

    During the 2008 Presidential campaign, we heard relentlessly about how Barack Obamawould

    usher in the era ofPost-Racial America. Upon his Presidential nomination and subsequent

    election, it reached a fever pitch, with every speech he made being lauded as the second

    coming of Martin Luther King, Jr. In reality, not so much. In fact, the reality was almost theantithesis of Martin Luther King, Jrs dream instead of being about character, everything

    became about the color of ones skin.

    Not a fan of universal health care? Racist! Approve of Arizonas law attempting to stop the tide

    of illegal immigration? Racist! Disagree with President Obama on economic policy? Racist.

    Also, George Bush. The demagoguing of American citizens reached heretofore unknown epic


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    Its easy to understand why, once you realize it is a case ofthe Left not only protesting too

    much, butprojectingtoo much. The Lefts own bigotry came out in full and disgusting display. If

    you want to understand whatthe Left believes and what they are doing at any given time, just

    look toward what they accuse others of doing. With all their crying and moaning about what they

    inherited from President Bush, there is one thing I do wish they had inherited A desire to

    get rid of the soft bigotry of lowered expectations. Instead, those on the Left foment it.Its nearly impossible to narrow the list down, but here are ten remarks made by the tolerant

    left, which exemplify theirown underlying bigotry.

    1) Harry Reid Shows His True, and Racist, Colors

    I dont know if Harry Reids ivory tower is padded, but it should be. In January of this year, the

    king demagoguer had his own hypocritical mask ripped off upon the release of the book Game

    Change. An excerpt from the book,detailing a private conversation with Harry Reid, exposes

    what he truly believes, away from the cover of his public facade:

    On page 37, a remark, said privately by Sen. Harry Reid, about Barack Obamas racial appeal.

    Though Reid would later say that he was neutral in the presidential race, the truth, the authors

    write, was that his encouragement of Obama was unequivocal. He was wowed by Obamas

    oratorical gifts and believed that the country was ready to embrace a black presidential

    candidate, especially one such as Obama a light-skinned African American with no Negro

    dialect, unless he wanted to have one, as he said privately. Reid was convinced, in fact, that

    Obamas race would help him more than hurt him in a bid for the Democratic nomination.

    Oh, look! He sure does talk purty! For a black guy and all. How vile. It also means that your

    race card is no longer accepted, Harry Reid. The above remarks are truly racist, as opposed to

    the race card-y Racist . Bigoted and offensive, but not surprising. The only thing that really

    surprises me is that they didnt garner Harry Reid the vice president spot. I mean, Joe Biden

    must be rather pleased with himself for going one further and calling President Obama clean

    and articulate.

    This wasnt the only exposure of Harry Reids bigotry this year. Earlier this month, hecontemptuously mocked those of Hispanic heritage who would dare to refuse to walk in lock-

    step with Democrats:

    Watch Reid sneer: I dont know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican.

    Think independently? Thats unheard of! Harry Reids private comments show the truth that only

    the willfully ignorant refuse to understand. It is the Left who sees color everywhere, and in

    everything. They are grossly diminishing true acts of real racism with their willy-nilly tossing

    about of the Racist card and they are diminishing and demeaning the entire Civil Rights

    movement by incessantly hurling the race card to further political agendas, all the while

    betraying themselves with these constant, blatant misspeaks.

    2. Bill Maher: Obamas Not Acting Like a Real Black President

    Last year Real Time hostBill Maher told Joe Scarborough, I would never say that all

    Republicans are racist thats ridiculous and wrong but if youre a racist in America today

    youre probably a Republican.

    Mm hmm. Unless, of course, youre arepellent, race-obsessed progressive hack named Bill

    Maher. The professional political jester demolished his own inane canard in May 2010 when he

    took to national television to lament thatBarack Obama isnt a real black president.

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    I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president. You know,

    this [BP oil spill] is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP

    CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt where you can see the gun in his pants. Thats

    (in black man voice) weve got a motherfu**ing problem here? Shoot somebody in the foot.

    In Mahers repulsive estimation, a real black person is a foul-mouthed, gun-toting hoodlum. Or

    asGreg Gutfeld observed, He wants a novelty black once seen in 1970s cop shows, sellingreefer and hookers. Quite the connoisseur of African-American authenticity, dont you think?

    It doesnt matter that the president is a man of means and education who knows no more about

    street thuggery than Maher himself. Obamas skin color eclipses everything else and Maher is

    utterly unable to process the presidents actions without placing them in the comfortable context

    of a racial stereotype.

    Maher is yet another so-called liberal who believes his progressive street cred entitles him to

    spew blatantly racist bile without compunction. And his history as a comedian-turned-

    commentator affords him an extra layer of insulation from accusations of bigotry. Wink, wink.

    Nudge, nudge. He was totallyjoking. It couldnt possibly be that like many a dutiful leftist, his

    immersion in identity politics leads him to view the president as a racial failure instead of an

    individual one.

    3. Barbara Boxer: Those People Should All Think Alike.

    Barbara Boxer, Maam, not only sanctions infanticide, but she sanctions racism. In a new

    version of the vile yall look alike bigotry, Barbara Boxer displays the disgusting belief that all

    people in the Lefts little boxed up identity groups must all think the same way. They cant

    possibly think on their own, you see.

    Barbara Boxer is shocked and full of disbelief over the very idea that Harry Alford, the chair of

    theNational Black Chamber of Commerce, actually disagrees with the NAACP and the 100

    Black Men of Atlanta. How can this be? Oh, no, this doesnt suit race politics is the Lefts

    bread and butter!

    This is the most dangerous and harmful kind of racism, as it is insidious and stealth. They praiseMartin Luther King, Jr, yet they never, ever heed his words. They always judge first by the color

    of someones skin and not the content of their character. All they see is a black man daringto

    break out of the box they made for him.

    4. Jeremiah Wright Blames Them Jews For Keeping Him From Obama

    President Obama once introduced theReverend Jeremiah Wright as a friend and a great

    leader not just in Chicago but across the country. But to many of us, just the name of

    Obamas longtime pastor evokes caustic images ofanti-American, racially divisive Marxist

    rhetoric booming from the pulpit of Trinity United Church of Christ.

    So is it Americans distaste for Wrights radical black liberation theology that keeps the president

    from having his trusted spiritual advisor over to the White House for dijon-dressed arugula? No,

    silly, its them Jews of course! In aJune 2009 interview, Wright explained why he was no

    longer in touch with Obama:

    Them Jews aint going to let him talk to me, Wright said. I told my baby daughter that hell talk

    to me in five years when hes a lame duck, or in eight years when hes out of office.

    Wright went on to offer the Hamas perspective on the Obama administrations Middle East


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    Ethnic cleansing is going on in Gaza. Ethnic cleansing (by) the Zionist is a sin and a crime

    against humanity, and they dont want Barack talking like that because thats anti-Israel.

    Oh, but dont worry. Like all professional bigots, the good reverend publicly clarified his anti-

    Semitic remarks about them Jews:

    Im not talking about all Jews, all people of the Jewish faith, Im talking about Zionists Im

    talking about facts, historical facts. Im not talking about emotionally charged words.They can jump on that phrase if they want to, he said, but they cant undo history and they

    cant undo the fact of Jewish historians and Jewish theologians who write about whats going


    A more carefully scripted apology was later posted on Facebook. The presidents former

    spiritual mentor stayed under the radar for a while, resurfacing in June 2010 with more

    incendiary bigotry about the nefarious motives of whites and Jews.

    By the way, just so were clear, youre still a RAAAAACIST! if you point out the radical ideology

    and foul bigotry of this man Obama was proud to call friend for 20 years. Stick to the MSNBC

    talking points and you should be fine.

    5. Chris Matthews Leg Tingle Goes to His Brain. Also, Pot, Meet Kettle.

    There have been many occasions where Chris Matthews has displayed the fact that his leg

    tingle has moved into his brain, or what passes for some semblance of one. Chris Matthews

    actually gives me a reverse tingle. Hes like saltpeter, only for dames. In any event, his

    projection is extreme. He incessantly calls those who disagree with him and his unrequited love,

    President Obama, racists. Yet, his inherent racism has been exposed countless times.

    For months, he has been accusing the tea baggers (I think that word makes him tingle, too) of

    not being diverse enough. Gee, Chris, have you not taken a look around your own network?

    The most egregious example of Chris Matthews bigotry, however, was evidenced the night of

    President Obamas State of the Union address, as follows:

    I was trying to think about who he was tonight. And, its interesting he is post-racial, by all

    appearances. You know I forgot he was black tonight for an hour. You know hes gone a long

    way to become a leader of this country, and passed so much history in just a year a year or two.

    Its something we dont even think about. I was watching, I say, wait a minute, hes an African-

    American guy in front of a bunch of other white people. And here he is President of the United

    States, and weve completely forgotten that tonight.

    Wow. The only thing missing is throwing in a little I forgot because hes so light-skinned and he

    didnt use his negro dialect. As we know from Harry Reid, that is evidently totally cool to say.

    This is just more proof positive that true racism, those who onlysee color, is on the Left.

    Newsflash, Chrissy: We dont think of him as black or white. We dont notice his color.

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    We just notice that he stinks. We notice his woeful incompetence and his, frankly, disturbingly

    egotistical personality traits. You know, that whole characterthing.

    All I have to say, really, is: Dude, your racism is totally showing.Straight up.

    6. Donny Deutsch: Marco Rubio Is A Coconut

    Donny Deutsch imagines himself an enlightened progressive. But his supposedly liberal

    values dont extend to viewing Latinos as individuals capable of independent political thought. InFebruary 2010, the frequent MSNBC contributor trotted outa vile and despicable ethnic slur on

    HLNs Joy Behar Show. During a segment on the Tea Party movement, Deutsch referred to

    Cuban-American Republican senatorial candidate Marco Rubio as this coconut Rubio down in


    Deutsch laterclaimed ignorance of the brown on the outside, white on the inside implications

    of the word coconut.

    Deutsch replied on his Twitter account Tuesday night that he was unaware it was a racially-

    insensitive term.

    I said coconut meaning simple, goofy, bananas, Deustch tweeted. Wasnt even aware it

    could be a racially charged word.

    But as Big Journalisms Humberto Fontova points out, this kind of derogatory language ishardly

    shunned by the leftist media.

    In settings like MSNBC (but usually backstage) the termcoconut (brown on the outside white on

    the inside) is generally used to castigate Hispanics who ignore marching orders barked by

    Democratic/MSM drill sergeantssame as Oreo for similarly uppity blacks.

    To so-called liberals like Donny Deutsch, Marco Rubio and the many other conservative Cuban-

    Americans are an affront to the idea that Democrats have a permanent lock on the Latino vote.

    As Fontova explains, these unspeakable Cuban-Americans simply will not see the lightsimply

    will notpolitically assimilate.

    There are few things more offensive to the professional Left than a member of a racial or ethnic

    voting bloc who ignores marching orders and Deutsch is no exception. His only mistake wasbelieving that his allegiance to the Left gave him license to spout his bigotry in front of the

    cameras without repercussions.

    7. Oliver Stone: Hitler Would Be Totally Awesome, If It Wasnt For The Joos

    Oliver Stone proves that not only is it impossible to squeeze blood from a stone, it is also

    impossible to squeeze brains from Oliver Stone, as indicated in several recent interviews about

    his upcoming alleged documentary Secret History of America. According to Stone, Hitler has

    been taken out of context. By, you know, those pesky Jews.

    The Sunday Times interviewer then asked why there was such a focus on the Holocaust.

    The Jewish domination of the media, responded Stone. Theres a major lobby in the United

    States. They are hardworkers. They stay on top of every comment, the most powerful lobby in

    Washington. Israel has f***** up United States foreign policy for years.

    If not for the Jewish domination of the media we could just forget about that whole Holocaust

    thing. No big whoop. Its more important to put Hitler and Stalin in context, according to Stone.

    He had this to say about that earlier this year:

    Director Oliver Stones upcoming Showtime documentary miniseries Secret History of America

    promises to put mass murderers such as Stalin and Hitler in context. Stalin, Hitler, Mao,

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    McCarthy these people have been vilified pretty thoroughly by history, Stone told reporters

    at the Television Critics Associations semi-annual press tour in Pasadena

    We cant judge people as only bad or good. Hitler is an easy scapegoat throughout history

    and its been used cheaply. Hes the product of a series of actions. Its cause and effect

    People in America dont know the connection between WWI and WWII Ive been able to walk

    in Stalins shoes and Hitlers shoes to understand their point of view. Were going to educate ourminds and liberalize them and broaden them. We want to move beyond opinions Go into the

    funding of the Nazi party. How many American corporations were involved, from GM through


    Um, Oliver? The context is that Hitler and Stalin are evil and, you know, actual bad guys.

    Thats difficult for you to understand, I suspect, since you are a practitioner of moral relativism.

    Further, to you, there is no good or evil; everything is just diverse cultures and self-

    expression and such. The right kind only, of course, not like those marauding mobs of tea party

    attendees what with their peaceful assembly and redress of grievances. Plus, in your delusional

    mind, George W. Bush is the baddest bad guy ever. Well, and The Jews .

    According to Stone and his fellow travelers, we cant actually judge people by their horrific

    actions. Philistines! Liberalize your minds! Sorry, but I dont wish to walk in Hitlers shoes; if

    anything, I wish I could have shoved one where the sun dont shine. Repeatedly.

    He ended that interview by Godwinning himself, as always:

    Obviously, Rush Limbaugh is not going to like this history and, as usual, were going to get

    those kind of ignorant attacks, said Stone, who also also compared the experience of

    sympathizing with war criminals to making his W movie about George W. Bush. Im trying to

    understand somebody I thoroughly despised.

    Geez Louise, has the comparing of George W. Bush to Hilter gotten old and tiresome. Dear

    Oliver Stone: try empathizing with reality, for once.

    8. Helen Thomas: Israeli Jews Should Go Home to Poland and Germany

    A seven decade career in journalism imploded in June 2010 when progressive darling HelenThomas revealed herenthusiastically anti-Semitic side to a Long Island rabbi.

    Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine. Remember, these people are occupied and its their

    landnot German and not Poland.

    So, where should they go?

    Go home. Poland, Germany.

    So, you think the Jews should go back to Poland and Germany?

    And America and everywhere else.

    Thomas knew the camera was rolling, but she didnt care. It wasnt senility or a momentary

    lapse in judgment; it was unfiltered honesty. She was so accustomed to her insular left-wing

    echo chamber that she never considered there might be repercussions for voicing her bigoted

    ideas about ethnically cleansing the Jews from Israel.

    While nationwide outrage forced Thomas into a long overdue early retirement from the White

    House Press Corps, shes not persona non grata in all circles. The Arab American National

    Museum in Dearborn, Michigan plans to honor the fallen matriarch of the leftist media with a

    commissioned sculpture of her likeness. The museum director said it would be unfair to scratch

    a whole history because of a statement she made.

    Thomas courageous, bold, honest and free opinion was alsosaluted by Hezbollah.

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    9. Maureen Dowd Loses Final Grip on Sanity and Divulges That The Voices In Her Head

    Are Racist Ones

    Last September, Maureen Dowd finally took that long walk off of the short pier of her sanity.

    After President Obamas State of the Union address and Joe Wilsons You Lie comment

    during the same,Dowd divulged that she hears voices in her head. And they are racist voices.

    Surrounded by middle-aged white guys a sepia snapshot of the days when such pols ranWashington like their own mens club Joe Wilson yelled You lie! at a president who didnt.

    But, fair or not, what I heard was an unspoken word in the air: You lie, boy!

    Why? Oh, because Wilson is a dude from South Carolina. And apparently South Carolina,

    where I live by the way, is teeming with Racists. Actually, Maureen Dowd would have you

    believe we are all racists here. Funny, but we arent the ones who hear the word boy when a

    black man is speaking.

    Wilson clearly did not like being lectured and even rebuked by the brainy black president

    presiding over the majestic chamber.

    Brainy? I have yet to see any evidence of that in fact, all evidence points to the contrary. I

    dont care about Obamas birth certificate, but I really would like to see his school transcripts. I

    dont really find the chamber all that majestic either. You see, Maureen, I dont deify the

    Government, nor do I believe that its members are made up of Royalty.

    And there we have it. Once again, the people constantly hurling the Racist! slur at others seem

    to be the people who onlysee color. What is thatcalled, hmmm, Maureen?

    Well arent you just precious, honey. Bless your heart. I understand that you are oh-so-esoteric

    and ivory tower ensconced, Maureen, so you may not understand simple Southern speak.

    Therefore, let me be clear that isnt racist, Maureen. But it does mean that you are an

    imbecilic, and bigoted, ass.

    10. Janeane Garofalo: Non-White, Non-Male Republicans Are Mentally Ill Self-Loathers

    If youre a woman or person of color with the sheer audacity to identify as Republican, bigoted

    actress Janeane Garofalo insists youre suffering from a mental disorder: StockholmSyndrome. Heaven forfend a non-white person make voting decisions that arent rubber-

    stamped by the wise and oh-so enlightened Janeane Garofalo. As she told Keith Olbermann in

    February 2009, exercising independent thought is a huge no-no for women and blacks if they

    want to be considered mentally balanced.

    After mentioning that former CNN anchor Daryn Kagan used to date Limbaugh, Garofalo

    cracked that Kagan has Stockholm Syndrome, which she also attributed to RNC Chairman

    Michael Steele, with Olbermann agreeing that Steele suffers from self-loathing:

    JANEANE GAROFALO: She dated him, so either she suffers from Stockholm Syndrome a lot

    like Michael Steele, whos the black guy in the Republican party who suffers from Stockholm

    Syndrome, which means you try and curry favor with the oppressor.

    KEITH OLBERMANN: Yes, you talk about self-loathing.

    GAROFALO: Yeah, and theres, any female or person of color in the Republican party is

    struggling with Stockholm Syndrome.

    Ah, the tolerance of so-called liberals. Garofalo and her buddy Olbermann have no qualms

    about disparaging and vilifying non-white people and women who fail to march in perfect

    lockstep with the progressive agenda. A black Republican? Self-loathing! A conservative

    woman? Clearly mentally ill. The idea behind this very deliberate tactic is to use identity politics

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    to shame people for voting their conscience. If your conscience doesnt match their stereotype

    of how a person of your group identity should vote, its obviously time for you to seek help for a

    psychological affliction.

    Garofalos absurd armchair diagnosis of millions of Americans is the very essence of bigotry.