10 habits for 24/7 fat burning · “we found in earlier studies that middle aged and older people...


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Page 1: 10 HABITS FOR 24/7 FAT BURNING · “We found in earlier studies that middle aged and older people who drank two cups of water right before eating a meal ate between 75 and 90 fewer



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SECRET #1: The Right Water for Weight Loss

SECRET #2: Squeeze, Twist and Bend Your Fat Away

SECRET #3: The Cold Shower Cure


SECRET #4: Dine on Dessert First

SECRET #5: Weight Loss Walking After Meals

SECRET #6: Speedy Stress Savors


SECRET #7: Blast Out “Bad Water”

SECRET #8: Burn Fat in the Bubble Bath

SECRET #9:Chill Your Bedroom Before Bedtime

SECRET #10: Turn Off These Nighttime “Fat Switches”


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The Beauty Detox Solution and The Beauty Detox Foods have outlined principles that can help you reach your highest potential for health, beauty and weight loss. The Beauty Detox Power, which you just pre-ordered, takes that one step further, helping you understand the “inner” elements that might be helping or hurting your ability to reach your ideal weight.

This booklet fits somewhere in between those books, focusing on the simple daily habits that can have a profound impact on your body’s overall metabolism and body fat levels.

I love these secrets because they work in perfect harmony with our Beauty Detox lifestyle. None of the secrets you’re about to discover re-quire that you do anything unnatural, forceful or potentially damaging to your body or beauty in the long run — unlike many fat loss methods out there.

Instead, these are all habits that can be easily incorporated into each and every day, are inexpensive or cost nothing at all, and work in har-mony with healthy eating and greater awareness to help you reach your goals even faster. Incorporating even a few of these new habits each day, or just a single phase, can lead to profound results over time, and that’s one reason why I’m so excited that you have this booklet in your hands right now.



This booklet is organized into three distinct phases — morning, daytime and night. Each has its own selection of habits you can choose to integrate.

The beauty of this is you have tons of flexibility in how you use this information. You can pick one habit from each phase. Or you can just focus on one phase at a time (such as the morning or night), work on mastering them as a part of your daily lifestyle routine, and then move on to some other habits when you are ready.

Exactly how you use this information is totally up to you. Sometimes the best approach is to focus on cultivating a single habit until it becomes automatic, then devote energy to another one, and so on. Others may want to try incorporating multiple habits at once. It all depends on you and which direction you personally want to take.

My goal with this is to give you a very simple system of habits that you can easily and affordably incorporate throughout your day — often in order! — to reach your ideal weight and feel amazing.

Thanks again for your pre-order of The Beauty Detox Power — I can’t wait to get it into your hands! Until that day comes, please enjoy this program and incorporate whatever you’re drawn to from the pages that follow into your daily life.

You’ll look and feel better, and by the time your book arrives, you’ll be all the more ready to take full advantage of the transformative information in it to keep evolving your body, beauty and life to reach your highest potential!

With Love and Gratitude,

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I love the morning! I am so much more a morning person than a night person. There’s some-thing about the stillness that pervades everywhere before the sun comes up, the magic of the sun rising, and then the waking of the whole world that I find beautiful and inspiring. There are so many natural sights and sounds that you can become aware of, and every morning signifies a new day full of infinite, potent possibilities that are ours for the taking.

Another thing I love about the morning is that it’s the time of day, in the early morning hours, where we have more free choice about how to spend our time, and the space to create and maintain rituals and practices. If you want to meditate in silence, you can wake up before every-one else and do that. The same is true for a morning yoga practice, either at home (my person-al favorite) or in a structured class, or to go for a morning workout or jog. Even with food, there is so much less social pressure or tendency (perhaps built up from the time or other kinds of stress of the day) to grab something impulsively in the morning, which is fantastic.

Additionally, your morning often sets the tone for the entire day. We’ve all had the experience of waking up late, rushing out the door, and then feeling like we’re literally reacting to every-thing the entire day. It’s not pleasant and all too often, in this reactive mode, is where we make our worst choices — be it with food, relationships, work or any other area.

For all these reasons, I believe morning is the most fertile time to create positive habits that will naturally and positively impact the rest of your day — and your life overall.

The three secrets I provide in this phase are extremely simple, cost nothing (or a few cents per day in the case of water) and yet, can work together to set a very powerful foundation for your body to burn fat throughout the day. I encourage you to experiment with whichever you feel are doable right now, and then add more as the first habits you chose become integrated into your life.

Also, if you’re not a morning person and would rather focus on the later habits, that’s okay too. As I mentioned in the introduction, you can pick individual habits, or single out phases, and then focus on those until you feel they’re a solid part of your daily life before moving to others.

Just take in the information, trust your intuition while listening to your body, and then every-thing will work out beautifully!

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Your body is composed of roughly 70% wa-ter. That statistic alone says volumes about our need for vital fluid and the importance of its role in the body. Water clears toxins from your body and helps fuel every critical reaction and process in the body, including digestion, metabolism, energy, and more.

It even helps with “thermogenesis” – which is the process of heat production, whereby calories from fat are burned for energy. We’ll discuss this more in just a moment.

Water also helps you eat less. There have been entire books about how — all too often — we reach for food when we’re actually thirsty. This includes Your Body’s Many Cries for Water and others.

Beyond that, Brenda Davy, PhD, an associ-ate professor of nutrition at Virginia Tech and senior author of a study on water and weight loss, reported that drinking just two eight-ounce glasses of water before meals helps people melt pounds away.

She writes:

“We are presenting results of the first randomized controlled intervention trial demonstrating that increased water consumption is an effective weight loss strategy,” Davy says in a news release. “We found in earlier studies that middle aged and older people who drank two cups of water right before eating a meal ate between 75 and 90 fewer calories during the meal.”

Unlike many other health experts, however, I do NOT recommend drinking water right before meals. Beyond just looking at calories, we also need to consider digestion. So as not to dilute digestive enzymes needed to break down food thoroughly, and to help ensure you get the maximum amount of nutrition from your food, I recommend drinking significant amounts of water at least 30 minutes before meals, to get the effect Davy cites above, of preventing dehydration, but giving the necessary time needed for the water to not interfere with digestion.

I also don’t recommend ice water before meals — or worse — during meals, as this “dilutes” and cools your digestion. And weak digestion can actually lead to weight gain, especially in the long run. So aim to drink water in between meals that is room temperature, or even hot (more on this in just a mo-ment), and you’ll get much more benefit.


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I am often questioned about which kind of water to drink. It seems like, each week, there’s a new water brand with a new claim about how its structure or pH or some other unique quality make it best. So what are we to believe?

As with many things, I like to keep it simple and focus on nature. I definitely believe in getting a great filter, as tap water can contain contaminants such as metals, and water from common plastic bottles can leach BPA and other compounds (don’t worry, our bottles at Glow Bio are PET #1, non-leachable and BPA-free, and are the most eco-friendly choice, due to the light weight and ease of recycling). One simple, natural way to boost the fat burning power of your water consumption is our good old friend, the lemon! Plus, I’ll show you two other additions in a moment.

Why is lemon such a key component? To understand that, let’s get two important definitions out of the way:

Anion = A negatively charged ion, especially the ion that migrates to an anode in electrolysis.Cation = An ion or group of ions having a positive charge.

This is important because much of the food we consume each day, even many fruits and vegetables, are cationic. That doesn’t mean they’re bad, but it’s noteworthy for reasons you’ll soon understand. Also, toxins and free radicals, which contribute to aging, are cationic.

Our natural digestive processes (hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes, saliva) — on the other hand — are anionic, which again means that they are negatively charged.

Can you guess what one of the only anionic foods? Yes — lemon! While many fruits and vegetables contain some anionic minerals, lemons are a purely anionic food. Yes, they are quite literally a miracle of Mother Nature and unique in the plant world.

Negatively charged ions or anionic foods, such as lemon, bring 5 main benefits to our bodies:

1. They stimulate our mitochondria, the energy “powerhouse” of the cell 2. They enhance the function of our nerves, which affects our entire body3. They help to reinforce collagen, a key component of our skin4. They make our cells more “permeable” which allows more nutrients in, and waste out5. The immune system needs negative ions for peak functioning


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It turns out that consuming a high concentration of negative ions (hydrogen, in particular!) is one of the best ways to neutralize environment toxins and free radicals, which are positively charged. What’s more, lemon’s ability to donate hydrogen ions helps increase the hydrating power of your water.

The simplest scientific explanation for this is that hydration literally means “to give hydrogen” and occurs when water (H2O) enters your body and breaks down into hydrogen, hydroxide and oxygen. In other words: more hydrogen ions, which lemon juice provides, means greater hydration from your water. Period!

Because of its liver-stimulating properties, lemon can help your body clear our more toxins, remove old fat, and keep your detoxification processes functioning optimally, which is excellent to create anti-aging effects and for fat loss.

Overnight, our bodies go a long period of time without water. That’s why I cringe when I hear people talk about reaching for coffee or even diet soda or other beverages before they’ve had any water. Give your body what it needs first- water! The morning is the single most time to hydrate, and it’s where one of our best friends, the mighty lemon, shines most brightly.

That’s because the natural acidity of lemons helps create free hydrogen ions. There’s a fairly detailed scientific explanation for this, but I’ll save that for another day. For now, just know that these free hydrogen ions are very important because the word ‘hydrate’ literally means “to donate hydrogen.”

In other words, the hydrating ability of any water depends on this, and because lemon helps produce more hydrogen ions, it can make any glass of water far more hydrating.

Here are just a few of the overall benefits of lemon water:

• Deeply hydrates your body when you need it most

• Helps flush toxins from your cells• Helps wake up and “unclog” your liver, and is supportive to liver tissue• Stimulates and strengthens your digestion and metabolism • Keeps you full for longer, or makes you less hungry at meals

• Helps boost all your body’s critical functions


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Chances are – if you’ve read my first two Beauty Detox books or blog – you’ve heard me recommend lemon wa-ter in the past. I wanted to provide you with some addi-tional new science that supports the power of this daily habit – but also to set up the recipe I want to share with you.

Lemon is just the first ingredient. If you want to maximize your thermogenesis, or burning calories through heat, in the morning, I recommend adding one or two additional ingredients proven to provide a fat burning boost.

The first is ginger. It’s proven to raise metabolism and help control appetite. A study published in the journal Metabolism confirmed this1 . Those in the study displayed a meaningful increase in thermogenesis, meaning their body heat increased and burned more of their stored fat for energy. The subjects also reported a drop in their hunger.

The next addition you can include, if it agrees with your body, is cayenne2 . Studies at University of California,

Berkeley have indicated that when cayenne is added to a calorie-controlled diet, weight loss via thermogenesis and increased metabolism may be increased by up to 25 percent. Cayenne, how-ever, may be an acquired taste, and too strong for those with sensitive stomachs, so I’m present-ing it as second on the list.

Ginger is generally a bit more mild, so try that first and then see how you feel with the possibility of adding in the cayenne.


First, be sure you choose pure/filtered water – along with lemons, ginger and cayenne in their organic form whenever possible. This is very important.

Heat some filtered water to hot, and then pour into a mug over about an inch of ginger, peeled and sliced or chopped. Allow it to steep for about 3 minutes. If you have a ginger press, you can also press out the juice that way, though I always just slice and steep myself, for reduced cleanup!

Next, squeeze in the juice of half to one whole lemon. Start with the water and squeeze the juice of half a lemon into your water, straining out the seeds.

Try the beverage at this stage. If you like it, you’re good to go. Just the lemon and ginger alone have enough thermogenic benefits.

However, you can also add an eighth of a teaspoon or more of cayenne if you really want to make it strong, and more intensely thermogenic. Don’t overdo this, however. It’s better to start slow.

Overall, if you begin your morning with this beverage, you’ll help rev up your digestive system and organs, support your body’s natural detoxification processes and start off with a powerful thermogenic boost that can carry you through the day!

1 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22538118

2 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3022968/


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One of the best things about yoga is that it is far more than the sum of its parts. With the deepest respect for this sacred practice (which is an enormous part of my life), I want to emphasize that the goal of yoga is about creating oneness, between yourself and the infinite, and most yoga masters would concur that some type of meditation practice is a necessity. Yoga is really so, so much more than a physical practice (actually, the physical part is a tiny drop of the whole essence of yoga). But we’ll save that discussion for another day, in another space! But what we’re talking about specifically today as the “parts”, are the individual asanas or poses. When combined, they produce some truly amazing health and fat-burning benefits.

In this section I’m actually going to review three simple poses you can do each morning to squeeze inches from your tummy, stimulate digestion and elimination, and accelerate weight loss throughout the day. These poses are especially valuable in the morning because they help your digestive and eliminative systems empty out and start the day fresh and clear — ready for new nourishment and energy.

Let’s review three simple poses you can do:

1. Apanasana is a pose is where you bring your knees close to your belly, and is often referred to as the “wind-relieving pose.” That’s in no small part because it helps squeeze excess gas and air from your abdominal region, reduce inches and bloating that might be causing your tummy to look bigger than it really is. This pose also gently massages both sides of your colon (ascending and descending) at the same time.

Instructions: Begin by rolling out your yoga mat, and lie on it on your back. Bring your knees toward your chest and put your hands over your knees. Inhale in and then exhale, and while you are exhaling, pull your legs to your chest. It is best if your legs move on their own, instead of too much effort from your arms to pull them in.

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As you inhale again, let your legs loosen, and allow them gently drop away from your tummy. Exhale again, and gently squeeze your legs in toward your chest, first using your leg muscles and then using your arms to bring them even closer (don’t overly tense your shoulders, however). You are welcome to hold this pose for longer periods if it feels good. Listen to your body and let go when you are ready. You may also want to close your eyes and visualize excess, stale air being eliminated from your chest and abdomen with each exhalation.

If you do this pose in the morning, it may trigger a more complete bowel movement, or promote simply having one each morning, which may in and of itself may be a triumph! Either way, it’s fantastic.

2. Ardha matsyendrasana is a pose that is very powerful for compressing and shrinking your tummy as well, largely because of the twisting motion. This puts a gentle and therapeutic pres-sure on your stomach, your small intestine and your colon. In Light on Yoga, BKS Iyengar writes that a strong twisting pose, “Tones and eradicates sluggishness…cures gastritis and strengthens the intestines.”

Ardha matsyendrasana is one of the easiest poses to do in the morning and throughout the day, because it is gentle and suitable for yogis of all levels. It’s even appropriate for those who are just not super flexible at the moment. Ardha matsyendrasana can also help you stand taller because the asana helps elongate the muscles surrounding the spine, helping to add more support to a beautiful, graceful posture. Instructions: Sit down on your mat comfortably, with your legs in front of you. Fully extend the left leg straight out in front of you, and then cross the right leg over the right. Make sure your right foot is flat on the floor, adjacent to your left knee. Ground your right arm down behind you, fairly close to your spine.

Next, on an inhale, lift your left arm up, and as you exhale, cross it over your right thigh, pressing your elbow into your thigh, and keeping your forearm and palm upright. Keep your neck relaxed, and focus on the twist throughout the spine. You can start to look over your right shoulder to-wards the back wall, but don’t strain your neck.

Continue to push your right hand into the floor as you exhale, and keep pushing against the trac-tion of your elbow/thigh to turn and further twist and deepen the stretch. Inhale and exhale for 5 deep breaths through your nose, then repeat on the other side.

We twist to the right first, following by the left, because this follows the path of our digestive system. Our ascending colon goes up the right side of our torso, then crosses over above the navel and descends down the left side of our torso. So we are twisting in a particular order to be in accordance with the natural flow of our body.

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3) Marjariasana or “cat stretch” is the third and last one I recommend for reducing bloating, and also for stimulating your thyroid. Yes, we’ve all seen cats arch their backs upward, and then push their stomachs back down toward the floor. This removes stale air, works your abdominals and oblique muscles, and lengthens your spine. This pose alone can give you the appearance of a lean-er, flatter tummy and is brings more health benefits that can be listed here. Another reason I love marjariasana so much is that it can stimulate the area around your thyroid gland, which plays a sig-nificant role in your overall metabolism, body heat and ability to burn fat naturally. It is also great for stimulating your kidneys, other eliminative organs.

Here’s how to do marjariasana properly:

Begin by getting down on all fours, with your hands on the floor, aligned with your shoulders, and your knees directly below your hips, touching the ground. Keep your neck relaxed and neutral. You’re ready to begin! Inhale in, then exhale while rounding your spine towards the ceiling, just like cats do when their backs are arched. Keep your hands and knees in their original position and move only from your midsection and spine. As you do this, also let go of your head and neck, al-lowing them to gently drop toward the floor. Done properly, this will send fresh blood toward your head and hair, making this pose excellent for your brain and hair quality as well.

The second part of the cat pose involves you inhaling, while returning your body to the original po-sition. You can reverse the stretch a little by pushing your tummy toward the floor and arching your back in the other direction (also known informally as “cow” pose). Go back and forth between the two positions in a rhythmic movement and flow. In between rounds or at the end or beginning of your session, it feels good to also make side-to-side motions, or spontaneous circles while you are on all fours, go for it! Allow your body to move freely, to allow your energy to dynamically express itself. It’s very beneficial for your overall health to engage in flexing and moving your spine.

The beauty of these three simple poses is they bring so many benefits, yet can be done in as little as 5-10 minutes each morning.

I recommend doing them before or after you’ve had your water (you can even sit up and do them in a firm bed, or next to your bed in the morning!), but before you consume any food — as an emp-ty stomach will allow the greatest compression and twisting and provide the most benefits.

Once you’ve done them, as I mentioned a moment ago, there’s a good chance you’ll be ready to evacuate your bowels (something to get excited about!) and these exercises will help you eliminate more deeply and completely.

That means you’ll be starting your day clean, clear, super-hydrated and ready for optimum diges-

tion and nutrient assimilation.

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Cold showers may be a little shocking at first — but they can be a fantastic way to boost your body’s metabolism and increase fat burn-ing. There are several scientific reasons why this is the case, and we’ll review each of them along with instructions for how you can use cold showers to burn more fat.

According to a study published in the Public Library of Science Jour-nal3 — cold temperature exposure can help dial up fat burning, es-pecially in brown fat tissue. And brown fat tissue is actually good fat that helps us burn more of the visible white fat that sits on our mid-

section, thighs and other trouble areas.


Known as brown adipose tissue (or BAT for short), this form of fat is abundant at certain stages of life and maintains its brown color because it is extremely dense with mitochondria, the cells that are burned off for energy.

Brown fat exists on our body to generate heat. It is a survival mechanism that can help keep us alive in cases of extreme temperatures or hypothermia. Some researchers state that just two ounces of brown fat can burn around 500 calories per day, due to its extreme metabolic activity. Brown fat remains dormant while you’re at normal body temperatures, which is partly why it is so often overlooked in people.

Dr. Paul Lee conducted a study where he took healthy individuals, and exposed them to cold tempera-tures from 18 degrees Celsius all the way to 12 degrees C until they shivered — and then measured the hormone levels in their body4.

What he found was amazing: as their temperature dropped, the individuals started to shiver and two hormones in the body dramatically increased. The first was FGF21, found in brown fat, and irisin, which is produced by muscle. These are both also increased during exercise.

It’s not that these were newly discovered hormones…rather, the impressive part of what Dr. Lee and his colleagues discovered, was the how the activation of these hormones during this process created the conversion of white fat to brown fat. He says:

“In essence, this is a hormone system which allows muscle and fat to communicate and in this process

the hormones are capable to convert ordinary fat cells into beneficial brown fat cells.”

3 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2258415/

4 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/02/140204123619.htm

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This is important for two main reasons:

1. Brown fat is more “tight” and compact, closer to our organs and virtually invisible to sight — whereas white fat is loose, visible and unsightly (think cellulite!). More brown fat and less white fat means you’ll look noticeably leaner and more toned.

2. Brown fat creates more thermogenesis, which leads to greater future fat burning and better overall fat-burning metabolism.

While it’s unclear just how much weight you can lose with this technique, another study found an increase of 2.8% in thermogenesis, which is significant. Imagine losing 2.8% of your body fat in a year — for many, that may be an extra five pounds of pure “white fat” loss from this one strategy alone!


The first thing to remember with this technique is that you need to ease into it. Don’t push yourself too far beyond your comfort zone, other-wise you’ll create such an unpleasant experience that you’ll never want to do it again (not conducive to our goal of habit-building!). The key to this strategy is to gently incorporate it into your morning shower without overwhelming your body too much at any one time.

To get started, take your morning shower as normal. Brush your skin, wash your body, shampoo your hair, and everything you nor-mally do.

At the end, it’s time to do the cold therapy. Take a deep breath, then turn the shower knob in the direction of cold. You can go all the way to the coldest point, or you can ease your way into it. But it should ultimately be so cold that you start to shiver a little.

It will feel like a shock at first, and I recommend you take big deep breaths, and try to focus on your breathing. Your mind is very powerful, so be sure to keep coaching yourself with something along the lines of, “This is okay. I feel okay, and I can feel the warmth on the inside of my body.” The cold water is also excellent for your pores (sealing them and helping keep heat in your body) — and also for your hair, essentially “closing” the follicles and keeping them healthier.

Once you’ve taken as much as you can, turn the shower back to warm and relax. If you can do an-other repetition of cold, go for it! Ideally, you finish each shower with cold so that your pores stay sealed and you feel invigorated throughout your day. Eventually, you want to work your way up to 1-3 minutes of this each morning for maximum benefit.

5 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2258415/

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Cold showers may strange if you’re new to them (Warm showers are such a nice luxury of modern times!, you might be thinking), but they have a long tradition in Asian medicine and also in yoga. Eastern thinking includes the belief that the cold water’s contact can open your capillaries, boost your circulation, and help awaken your entire nervous system. This is, in part, because the cold water causes blood to rush to your organs in order to protect them and keep them at a tempera-ture that is safe and optimal.

Yogi Bhajan, a renowned 20th century teacher of Kundalini yoga, writes6 :

“When the marrow in the blood does not have the faculty to change itself, then it cannot be changed. The only last chance is that you can transplant it. That’s why people who do not take cold showers have arthritis, bone problems, marrow problems and artery problems. Every problem in the body is a result of your capillaries not opening and not getting flushed every day. Your glan-dular system is the guardian of your whole system.”

And throughout his talks and teachings, he consistently recommended cold showers as a critical part of preparing the body for meditation, yoga and optimal health.

6 http://www.3ho.org/3ho-lifestyle/daily-routine/hydrotherapy

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The daytime phase is powerful, yet comes with both its strengths and weaknesses. On the plus side, we’ve often fully woken up, had some food, and the sun is in full force — all of which contribute to our overall energy levels. There is some research that points to intense workouts done in the afternoon, for instance, as being more effective than those done in the morning (this excludes yoga, which has traditionally shown to be very beneficial to practice with the rising sun). So the daytime phase brings with it a very dynamic level of energy that can be very powerful.

On the minus side, the daytime hours — roughly 11am to 4 or 5pm — are often when we have the least flexibility. Many of us have jobs or work to do during those hours, and may only have flexibility during an hour at lunch. Or, we might have to watch or pick up the kids from school, run errands or do any number of other activities.

For this reason, the daytime is often the most reactive portion of the day. An email comes in, and we respond. The school calls, one of the kids is sick, and we have to rush out and get them. The boss needs something done, and you have to drop everything and focus on that. The list is endless.

It’s for all these reasons that the three secrets I give you for this phase revolve around your meal or limited free time that you may have available. None requires great additions or chang-es to your schedule, or any significant amount of time. As you’ll see in just a moment, however, these habits can be powerful energy boosters for this phase and will often help you avoid the need for sugar, caffeine or the dreaded “afternoon slump” – all things that can get in the way of fat metabolism.

In other words, whereas most people need a “pick me up” from sugar or caffeine – which ac-tually causes them to gain weight – you’ll continue your fat burning uninterrupted, throughout the day.

One additional note about this phase: I mentioned it is often reactive, yet it doesn’t have to be. The better you set yourself up in the morning, including doing the steps we outlined earli-er, the less stressed and calmer you’ll be throughout the day. That means that every decision you make will be less out of fear or force, and more from a place of peace and poise. That may sound hard to believe, but try it for a week and you’ll see. It’s a practice, so we keep working on it, long-term.

So without further ado, let’s dive right into the daytime fat-burning secret secrets — I can’t wait to see what they do for you!

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The tiny chia seed can be a very powerful ally in this overall system for fat burning.

First, let’s get the nutrition out of the way: chia seeds are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They feature a perfect balance of essential fatty acids: 30% of chia seed oil is Omega 3 oil and 40% is Omega 6 oil.

Research shows that eating chia seed slows down our bod-ies’ conversion and release of carbohydrates into the blood stream. This is great for preventing spikes in blood sugar, whether you are diabetic or not. In one study, chia seeds not only slowed the release of sugar into the blood, but they actually helped athletes replace the need to engage in some of their traditional “carb loading” and consume less carbohy-drates overall7. The same goes for non-athletes.

Chia seeds are also highly hydrophilic, capable of absorb-ing 10-15 times their weight in water, and are of great help in keeping bodies hydrated. Chia seeds form a gel when placed in a liquid medium, and when in our digestive systems, this gel prevents absorption of some of the food (and calories) that we eat. This makes the chia seed a great helper for those of us looking to lose weight!

Although chia is most known for its high levels of omega-3 fatty acid and fiber, chia seeds have been helping people lose weight for years.

This is due to the aforementioned property of absorbing 10-15 times their weight in water. How does this help fat loss? Well, once you’ve digested chia seeds and they’ve begun to soak up their weight in water, this creates a feeling of fullness that is normally present after eating a large quantity of food. Thus, a small amount of chia before meals can go a long way toward suppressing your appetite and reducing food cravings.

The abundance of fiber in chia also helps cleanse your digestive system, and create more optimal di-gestion and nutrient absorption, both of which are helpful for weight loss.

Lastly, chia seeds may assist fat loss by providing your body with essential minerals, calcium, potas-sium, boron, magnesium and iron. By helping meet our essential fatty acid, mineral and protein re-quirements – while also helping keep our blood sugar regulated, chia seeds help us feel nourished and

satisfied and less likely to binge.

7 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21183832

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This secret is called “dine on dessert, first” — but as you might guess — that doesn’t mean eating strawberry shortcake or cupcakes before your meals! Instead, I recommend you make a delicious chia seed pudding loaded with super foods and nutrition, and then have a little before meals to act as “insurance” against overeating and to increase the likelihood that you’ll eat a healthy meal.

All you have to do is make the chia pudding recipe I’m about to give you once or twice per week — which keeps for days in the fridge — and then have at least a few spoonfuls or more about 30 minutes before your meal (let’s say 1/4 to 1/3 of a cup). If you do that, you’ll find that you feel less hungry during lunch. Also, the chia pudding is so pure and healthy, you’re more likely to make a pure, healthy food choice for your meal after you’ve eaten it. This will be true the more and more you tune in with your body and how you feel after you eat any given food.

In The Beauty Detox Solution I talk about a guideline called “Alkaline first”, as in, starting your meals with a big green salad or some veggie sticks that contain fiber, water and enzymes to act to naturally control portion size, and help you digest anything you eat afterwards better. Chia pudding, for all the reasons listed above, fits beautifully with this guideline, and if you want to even take it to the next level, you could start with the Chia Pudding and still start the rest of your lunch or dinner with that big green salad.

Here’s a version of the recipe for the pudding I usually make and that we offer at our organic Glow Bio Smoothie & Juice Shop in Los Angeles:


Makes 2-3 servings as pre-meal snack (or 1-2 servings, for very active people)


• 1/4 cup raw, organic chia seeds • 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk • 2 tsp. raw cacao powder or 1 tsp. cinnamon • Coconut nectar, stevia or xylitol to sweeten (or a combination)


1. Place chia seeds in a container.2. Blend the almond milk, cacao powder or cinnamon and sweetener(s) of your choice in the blender until mixed well and desired level of sweetness is reached. Pour over chia seeds and mix well.3. Cover the container and move into the fridge. Let stand for at least 30-40 minutes (or ideally 1-2 hours), before mixing again and serving. 4. Enjoy!

* Remember that this keeps around 3+ days in the fridge, so feel free to make larger batches at a


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Who knew that the simple act of walking could be one of the most important things you do for shed-ding fat? As you’ll see in just a moment, 15 minutes of walking after meals has been proven to reduce blood sugar and help with weight control.

Here’s how it works:

One study, conducted in Germany, studied what happened when subjects consumed a large meal, followed by liquids. They compared with results with another group that avoided the post-meal bev-erages but instead walked on a treadmill very slowly. They found that only the walking actually sped up the passage of food through the digestive tract.

Why is this important? Two reasons:

1. If you’ve read my books, you already know that stronger di gestion is one of the most important things you can do for your weight. Stronger digestion means greater nutrient absorption, the prevention of less toxicity and bad bacteria being formed, less bloating, and more overall energy.

2. Provided your bowel movements are solid and healthy, the fast er food moves through your digestive system, the less likely you are to absorb food you eat as fat.

Walking after meals can speed it to a level that’s just right — greatly helping ensure that the meals you consume never “stick” to your belly, sides or other trouble areas!


What we’ve covered so far is just the beginning of how walking can help. Additional studies have shown that brief walks following your meals can have a profound balancing effect on your blood sugar levels.8 For many people, their blood sugar is like a roller coaster throughout the day, and especially following meals. Leading up to the meal, they are hungry and feel “low”, dull or irritable. Then, after eating, they often see big spikes that can boost cardiovascular risk and increase a predis-position to diabetes.

So how long do you need to walk? Well, in one of the studies, a mere 20-minute walk shortly after dinner led to lead to a significant reduction in average post-meal blood sugar levels, in people with Type 2 Diabetes. It’s important that the walking be done after the meal, because another study pub-lished in Diabetes Care revealed that walking for 15 minutes after each meal improved daily blood sugar levels far more than much longer walks taken in the morning.9

8 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/195607169 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19560716

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There’s a common belief that any form of movement, after a meal, might interfere with digestion and ultimately create fatigue or other issues.

However, the author and another volunteer in one of the studies reported no negative reactions — and not only that — this researcher found that walking immediately following his meal produced better weight loss results than waiting one hour and then walking. The study’s author lost 3kg (6.6lbs) merely by walking after lunch and dinner every day!10 That’s pretty amazing if you ask me, and best of all? It’s free and easy to incorporate into your life.


As we addressed in the “daytime” section earlier in this manual, the challenge with this phase is that we don’t always have 100% control over our schedules in the middle of the day. Still, I believe that walking is possible for most people, even if you have limited time at lunch, if you prioritize properly.

Here’s what I recommend: If you work in an office, you can either bring your lunch with you, or pick something up earlier in the day, to avoid the lunch rush, which will give you plenty of time to walk after you eat. Rather than getting stuck in lunch lines or waiting for service at a restaurant, if you can bring or grab food earlier, it will give you the time you need to focus on eating in a non-rushed way, let’s say 20-30 minutes or so, and then step out for the rest of your lunch break and take a brisk walk. If lunch time is tight for you, consider getting to your office 30 minutes earlier, and ex-plaining to your team or supervisor that getting a longer lunch break is important for you (and that you can be more productive this way, because you’ll feel refreshed!).

Another option, if you eat out for lunch, is to find a place close enough that leaves time for you to be able to walk immediately after your meal. You may even opt for a place that’s a 15-minute walk away from your office, so that you automatically get a nice walk on your way back from lunch.

Post-dinner walks should be even easier, at least during the warmer months. You can eat dinner with the family, and then go with your spouse, partner, kids or a friend out for a nice walk. This is an amazing way to connect, talk and help your health — all at

If you live in a colder area or state, during fall or winter months, it’s a bit more challenging, but you can always just put on very warm clothes and socks. You can also try using a treadmill at home or at the gym. While it’s more ideal to get outside in the fresh air, these are options nevertheless.

Whatever you do, it’s not all or nothing every day. Just walking after a few meals, a few times a week still brings tremendous benefits, and is well worth the effort it takes to build this powerful habit.

10 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3119587/

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t’s been said that “stress kills” – but before it kills you, stress often makes you fat!

Stress has been proven to increase the hormone cortisol, which sends a signal to your body to store fat in case of emer-gency. We’ll discuss this more depth when we cover Secret #8 – but for now, it’s important you understand that anything you do to reduce your stress will have an immediate and significant impact on your fat-burning and overall weight loss.

Of course, one of the best, most proven ways to reduce stress is meditation.

Now, if you’ve heard about meditation but never tried it, or if feel you’d like to meditate more – then good for you! That is your authentic intuition speaking, because meditation is indeed immensely benefi-cial for all areas of your entire being. Meditation is not only well-validated by science, it’s quite possibly the single most effective cure for stress and by extension, also very powerful for fat loss.

To prove this, researchers from Johns Hopkins University reviewed 19,000 studies on meditation and published their findings in JAMA Internal Medicine, which stands for Journal for American Medical As-sociation on Internal Medicine. Their findings suggest that mindfulness meditation can indeed reduce stress — including symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and pain.

In an article published in the Harvard Heart Letter11 and syndicated on health.harvard.edu — Dr. Eliza-beth Hoge, a psychiatrist at the Center for Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders at Massachusetts General Hospital, and an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, says:

“People with anxiety have a problem dealing with distracting thoughts that have too much power,” she explains. “They can’t distinguish between a problem-solving thought and a nagging worry that has no benefit.”

She goes on to say:

“If you have unproductive worries, you can train yourself to experience those thoughts completely differently. You might think ‘I’m late, I might lose my job if I don’t get there on time, and it will be a disaster!’ Mindfulness teaches you to recognize, ‘Oh, there’s that thought again. I’ve been here be-fore. But it’s just that—a thought, and not a part of my core self.’”

11 http://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/mindfulness-meditation-may-ease-anxiety-men-tal-stress-201401086967

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On the simplest level, increasing stress leads to weight gain. While reducing stress, which medita-tion is proven to do, helps boost fat burning and weight loss.

Of course, the biggest problem most people have with meditation is not in believing that it works, or that it’s good for us. It’s finding the time! It takes conscious and focused effort to carve out time to sit for extended periods in meditation, particularly if we have little prior experience with the pro-cess. That’s what makes this next piece of advice so powerful.


While there are studies, such as the one conducted by Carnegie Mellon, which suggest that 25 minutes of meditation is the optimal amount of time12 — you may also benefit from shorter periods, practiced regularly. (This is not to discount the enormous benefits of longer meditation extolled by Paramahansa Yogananda and other great yoga masters. It’s only to highlight ways to get in some of the benefits of meditation in and more regularly for some, which can pave the way to longer peri-ods).

One Moment Meditation is practice created by Martin Boroson that has helped more than half a million people get start meditating, reduce stress quickly and experience the power of just one mo-ment of focused attention. It involves closing your eyes, following your breath, and practicing mind-fulness meditation for just a single moment.

The beauty of this fast, simple technique is that you can do it:

1. As soon as you wake up. We all have those moments after we first wake up where we start think ing about getting out of bed, what we’re going to do that day, and so on. Now, before you let your mind wander or get worried about all the stuff you do, simply close your eyes, breathe in and focus on your breath. This is great way to let your mind clear and start fresh.

2. In the bathroom. We all use the bathroom in the morning for some reason — whether for elim ination, showering, putting on makeup or any other part of getting ready. And if we have a fam ily, this is often one of the few moments we’ll have alone all day long. So, while you’re in the bathroom in the morning, I recommend taking a moment to close your eyes and sneak in a quick minute of meditation as well.

3. Before you eat. On your way out to lunch, or before you begin eating, you can close your eyes and pay attention to your body, your thoughts and your breath. Feel yourself inhale, then exhale,

and be present in the moment. That’s it!

12 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/07/140702122535.htm

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4. When you get home. For those of us who live in cities where we drive around (ahem, Los Angeles!) one of the best times to squeeze in a minute or so of meditation is when you get home. Instead of rushing out of the car and into the house, why not pause for a moment and quietly meditate for a minute or two. This will help you compose yourself before entering the house and start interacting with your significant other or family.

5. Before bed. Bedtime is one of the easiest times to get in another quick meditation. It’s a fantas tic way to close out the day, and create some space between the day and your rest time, helping to give you more perspective. By breathing in and being mindful, you actually take your atten tion away from the day or what tomorrow may bring, and just remain in the present. This not only gives you the benefit of meditation, it will often help you get to sleep faster!

As we discussed a moment ago, the biggest barrier for many of us to get into meditation is simply finding the time. That’s why this very brief technique is so powerful. But squeezing just a minute or two at a time, you begin to train your meditation muscle. Overtime, you’ll probably find that you enjoy it and naturally go longer and longer, which is far better than trying to force yourself to do too much in the beginning.

And if you ever want to learn a more in-depth form of meditation, you can always get the Lessons on meditation and living a balanced life from the Self Realization Fellowship, which get mailed to your home every two weeks for about the cost of postage. They are written by Paramahansa Yogananda, the great yoga master who authored Autobiography of a Yogi and brought yoga to the

West. I highly recommend them.

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I consider the night phase to begin in the early evening, after work and daily duties finish, lasting all the way until bedtime. As with the morning, you may have a bit more freedom in this phase to implement some of the secrets in this section, however, there are some key differenc-es on why it night can be very different for many of us.

One important distinction is, whereas in the morning hours you can wake up before others and be in complete control over your ability to drink your Thermogenic Water (Secret #1!) or prac-tice yoga or have a longer meditation practice, your environment at night might entail some other householder obligations to your spouse or children or partner.

Another consideration is your will or decision-making power. After a long day, and depend-ing on your job and lifestyle, you might be making a variety of little decisions all day long that slowly erode your will power, and this is one reason why you may feel more worn down at the end of the day.

It’s also why it can be tougher for some to make totally healthy choices at night — unless those choices aren’t really choices at all, but more just part of a set of healthy routines or habits. Yes, habits are super important because they take will power out of the equation and make what you do automatic and effortless.

It’s for all these reasons that the secrets I’ve chose to include in this section are not only a bit easier, but also can be ritualized — so that they just become part of your natural flow at night to ensure you maximize your fat-burning every evening and into the sleeping hours.

So now, let’s elaborate on our last four secrets and the reasoning behind them. I think you’ll not only find them enjoyable but also extremely powerful. What’s more, you’ll feel better doing them, often in a matter of days.

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Not all water is created equally or beneficial. Sometimes we can have “bad water” accumulate in our bodies, which is essentially unhealthy water weight that creates the appearance of bloating and puffi-ness.

The accumulation of toxins in our bodies, due to pollution in the environment, water and food supply, poor digestion or less than ideal dietary choices, among many factors, can all contribute to increased water retention. When we hold on to excess toxins, excess water is retained in the body to help neutralize the acids, helping to dilute the poisons and protect our organs. Over time, toxicity can also weaken our kidneys and heart, leading to further water retention. The problem is, excess water retention can make us look and feel heavier than we really are.

This section will explore some natural ways to flush out the excess water weight and slim down our appearance. Part of the way you do this is through the use of natural diuretics, which help to flush out water from our body — including extra salts, compounds and even toxins.

The first, which I often recommend, is organic, unsweetened cran-berry juice. This little fruit has attained legendary status, especially as a diuretic and aid to both kidney and urinary tract infections, yet few realize its history dates back to American settlers in 1683. Known for its tart, tangy flavor and bright red color, cranberry juice is truly one of the most powerful natural remedies available to us.

Scientists have concluded that the unique action of cranberry is to prevent bacteria and other excess substances in the body from adhering to the walls of our cells. Unable to stick, they are eliminated and the natural diuretic properties of cranberry kick into action to aid with this process. 13


I recommend drinking unsweetened cranberry juice (sugar or corn syrup defeat the purpose!) — and preferably organic, to avoid pesticides. Usually, this can be obtained at a health food store or online for a reasonable price. Sometimes, it’s easier to find the concentrate unsweetened, which works equally well (you just have to dilute with water).

In the evening, before or after dinner, have around 2-3 ounces of the pure juice, or feel free to dilute it slightly. If you have the unsweetened concentrate dilute per the ratio in the instructions on the label. In the evening is a better time to take it, in my opinion, because it can work its magic overnight, and then you wake up in the morning and eliminate all the excess water the cranberry helps to flush out.

13 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/08/100823183807.htm

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Another powerful diuretic and all-around superfood that I’m a big fan of is parsley. This was con-firmed by a report first published the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 14 In that study, parsley tea was given to rats and the effects were observed. The rats experienced a significant increase in urinary volume within 24 hours of having the tea. The researchers believed that parsley somehow blocks the re-absorption of sodium, leading it to be eliminated via the urine. Whatever the cause, parsley is one of the most effective ways to quickly eliminate that puffy look.

I also love that there are so many ways to consume parsley, getting it into your daily diet is an ab-solute breeze. Here are some examples:

1. Add it to your Glowing Green Smoothie. Along with kale, romaine or other greens, parsley can make a delicious addition to your #GlowingGreenSmoothie — and by blending it, you can be sure to break it down and absorb more of its nutrients, concentrate its benefits, and make the herb even more potent!

2. You can add it to your evening salad, ideally finely chopped. Or, you can make “parsley pesto” by putting a handful of it into a food processor with some garlic, hemp seeds and a little bit of lemon juice. It’s absolutely delicious!

3. Last but not least, you can make parsley tea. This may have the strongest diuretic action, just as was observed in the study. It can be a great beverage to have after your meal, as it does not con flict with digestion and — just as with cranberry — it can be more convenient to consume diuret ics in the evening about an hour before bed. The reason being, rather than urinating many times throughout the day, you can simply drink it at night, sleep, and then use the bathroom once in the morning upon waking. Definitely test out the timing to see what works best for you.


Ingredients: (makes 2 cups)

2 cups water3 tbsp. (small handful) chopped fresh organic parsley leavesCoconut nectar, stevia or xylitol to sweeten to taste (optional)

Think of this like a play on mint tea. Heat filtered water. Add the fresh parsley to a cup or a French press. Pour the boiling water over the parsley and let steep (sit) for 5-7 minutes before serving. The

tea tastes best when you strain out the leaves before serving. Sweeten if desired.

14 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11849841

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The other inexpensive, widely available food that’s amazing for removing excess water is apple cider vinegar.

Use of apple cider vinegar for medicinal purposes dates all the way back to Babylonia. Hippo-crates purportedly used it to treat wounds.

Of course, for the purpose of this fat loss manual, we’re interested in apple cider vinegar’s abil-ity to reduce water retention and help flush out excess toxins through the urine. Both help your kidneys, and in the long-term, healthy kidneys (and your closely related adrenal glands) play a big role in optimum fat burning metabolism.

Another way apple cider vinegar helps slim you down is through its high potassium content. The high levels of potassium helps balance out sodium levels, making it easy for excess sodium to be pushed into the kidneys, and then from your kidneys the excess salt eliminated through urine.

In Asian medicine, the diuretic effect of apple cider vinegar is explained by its astringent proper-ties. Astringent herbs impact the digestive, urinary, and circulatory systems and often help gently stimulate and tone certain systems -- while eliminating excess water.

Also, if the diuretic properties of apple cider vinegar weren’t enough, it comes with many more benefits that have a direct connection to weight loss. For example, one study by the American Diabetes Association found the following 15 :

• All groups had better blood sugar readings after the use of apple cider vinegar. • Those who were “pre-diabetic” benefited most, cutting their blood sugar readings by 50%• Pre-diabetics actually had even lower blood sugar readings than healthy individuals after con suming the vinegar each day

15 http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/27/1/281.full

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The good news is that, like parsley, apple cider vinegar is extremely easy to consume at virtually anytime of the day.

My two favorite options are:

• 1-2 tablespoons in 12-16oz of water. This doesn’t taste amazing, but it’s not terrible either, and it’s relatively easy to drink this down and get all the benefits we’ve cited throughout this section.

• 1-2 tablespoons in a large salad. An even tastier way to get its benefits is to add some to your salad dressing at lunch, or in the evening. It works like other vinegars do in salad, and still provides all the same health benefits if consumed this way. Check out all the Beauty Detox recipes in the books that contain raw apple cider vinegar in dressings, sauces and more!

Of course, there are so many natural diuretics that will help you reduce bloating and puffiness, but I chose three of the most effective, most affordable, easy-to-find, and easy-to-use foods. I encour-age you to use them and see how powerful they work in helping slim down by blasting the “bad water” from your system.

Now, if you remember when we discussed chia seeds earlier on, keeping your blood sugar levels stable and avoiding big insulin spikes is an important part of reaching and maintaining your ideal weight.

And so this is fantastic news that, in addition to flushing out excess water from your cells, apple cider vinegar helps keep you lean in other ways.

Honestly, this is only the beginning of the many benefits that come with this potent food. It can also benefit digestion, improve your acid/alkaline balance, and so much more.

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I really think you’re going to love this secret, as its probably the most pleasurable of all those we have in this manual. Yes, I’m talking about something every woman (and many of our male friends as well) loves — hot baths!

Hot baths have been used for thousands of years. Early records show that as far back as 2,000 B.C., Egyptians placed flaming hot rocks inside water enclosures to create hot baths. Even they knew this helped relax the body and soothe pain.

Ancient Greeks were renowned for their hot bath rituals, having built hospitals around nat-ural hot springs and of course their bathhous-es were famous meeting places, especially for the upper class. Hippocrates, the figure many believe to be the father of modern medicine, recommended hot soaks for a wide variety of health ailments.

Even the word “spa” is derived from Latin term sanus per aquam—and that literally translates to

“health through water.”


There have been many studies about how hot baths may help with weight loss and fat burning, and there are two primary ways they work. The first, is via the removal of toxins through your skin, which is your largest eliminative organ. Heat opens up your pores and then also causes you to sweat, and this is certainly one of the best ways to assist detoxification each night.

The other mechanism is a bit more scientific or technical sounding, but research shows that hot bath-ing shows that hot bathing can increase the circulation of free fatty acids (FFA), which mediates many adverse metabolic effects, including insulin resistance. One study on Korean subjects showed a marked increase in circulating FFA levels after bathing 16 — which is evidence that the bathing trig-gered lipolysis, or the breakdown of lipids. In other words, the bath helped their bodies break up fat.


We’ve already covered detoxification and how a bath can help. One way to make this effect even stronger is with something called, Epsom salt, or magnesium sulfate heptahydrate. This is a naturally occurring mineral made up of about 13 percent sulfur and 10 percent magnesium.

16 http://www.pubfacts.com/detail/24865598/Increased-levels-of-FFA-during-passive-heat-loading-after-a-2-week-repeated-heat-load-in-Koreans.

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Epsom salt was given its name because it was first discovered in Epsom, England. It has been used therapeutically for centuries with athletes and individuals from all walks of life. One of the most popular ways to use Epsom salt is in the bathtub.

So how does it work? Epsom salts contain magnesium, and when you bathe with it in the water, your skin naturally absorbs that magnesium. Magnesium has been proven to have a relaxing, stress-lowering effect, and this is exactly what happens when your skin absorbs it.

Magnesium is also a powerful detoxifier and thus, can help flush out toxins out of your body even more than a normal bath might. Dr. Oz, whose show I’ve appeared on many times, says the following 17 :

“An Epsom salt bath can shrink your unwanted inches. A natural anti-inflammatory, Epsom salts draw out your excess fluid to reduce the bloat and puffiness. It’s anti-aging for your whole body, from one all-natural, inexpensive bath.”

As we covered earlier when discussing meditation, one thing that makes us fat is the stress hor-mone cortisol. Every time we feel stress, this hormone elevates and triggers a chain reaction that ultimately leads to our bodies storing fat. And while there have been a variety of “cortisol-low-ering” supplements out there supposed to help you lose more weight, most are unproven gim-micks. There is no substitute for lowering your stress levels, and using Epsom salts is one of the best ways to do this.

In addition the relaxing effect of the magnesium that we experience in the tub, another benefit is that our nervous system is calmed before bed, which can help greatly with sleep. Also, mag-nesium is an alkaline mineral, and taking a magnesium bath can benefit your body in myriad ways, including on a deep cellular level.

If you have any blood sugar challenges, taking hot baths or soaks might be even more effec-tive for you. According to a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine 18 , hot tub soaks may bring many of the beneficial effects of exercise.

The study found that those subjects who spent 30 minutes a day, six days a week in a hot tub, shed approximately four pounds of fat — and that was with no other changes to what they ate,

their exercise routine or lifestyle!

17 http://www.doctoroz.com/episode/whole-body-anti-aging-guide-201418 http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM199909163411216

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Of course, as we covered initially, just taking a hot bath is enough to stimulate the break up of fatty acids, promote detoxification and aid with weight loss. You can make it even more plea-surable by adding essential oils or perhaps a natural bubble bath product. (Avoid any product with chemicals, especially sodium laurel/laureth sulfate!) Or, you could add Epsom salts, which is very inexpensive and easy to find at any drug store.

The third and last option is to use an ancient form of magnesium harvested from seabeds, which has recently become very popular. One excellent brand is something called Ancient Min-erals, and it comes in both oil and crystal form.

Here are some notes about it, directly from their page:

Ancient Minerals magnesium flakes are dry flakes of magnesium chloride hexahydrate and other trace minerals, in a convenient and economical form for utilization in baths and foot soaks. Ancient Minerals magnesium flakes are approximately 47% magnesium chloride by weight.

These magnesium flakes are extracted from the Ancient Zechstein Seabed in Europe, 1600 to 2000 meters deep in the interior of the Earth. Well protected for the last 250 million years.

For therapeutic use, dissolve 1 to 3 cups of magnesium flakes (or more) in full tub bath or footbath and soak for 30 minutes or more. Following the bath, rinse skin with cool running water, then pat skin dry with a towel and apply a natural moisturizer.

You can find this product if you shop around online. Just remember, this is an optional step — a regular hot bath or one using very inexpensive Epsom salts is fine too.

And of course, if you don’t have a bathtub or have time for a bath, you could rub magnesium oil on your skin (found in some health food stores), keep it on for 10-15 minutes, and then take a nice hot shower that relaxes you.

Whatever you choose, I hope you give strong consideration to giving yourself a luxurious bath or shower that brings with it the many stress-relieving, weight-reducing benefits we’ve covered


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It’s tempting to make your bedroom warm at night, but that might be hindering your weight loss ef-forts. And to prove it, let’s examine the findings from a group of Dutch researchers who found that keeping temperatures a little chillier at home could help reduce obesity.

In their study, their research team investigated whether frequent exposure to colder temperatures in-creased the body’s energy expenditure. This is similar to what we examined earlier with cold showers, only now we’re talking about your environment. 19

Their study cites that previous studies mention and describe how shivering causes the body to heat up and burn calories. (Don’t worry, we’re not recommending making your house or bedroom shivering cold!) Then, there was a Japanese study where the researchers found that subjects saw a drop of about 4 pounds in body fat, simply by spending two hours per day over six weeks at 63 degrees Fahr-enheit overall temperature.

When we discussed cold showers, we learned that shivering is the body’s natural response to extreme cold and part of how we ensure that extremely low temperatures don’t harm us. But there’s another type of shivering which researchers have dubbed, non-shivering thermogenesis (NST), which is in re-sponse to more mild forms of lower temperatures and also stimulates additional energy expenditure and fat burning.

“In most young and middle-aged people, NST increases by between a few percent and 30 percent in response to mild cold exposure. Thus, NST can have a physiologically significant effect upon energy expenditure.” 20

What’s interesting is that our bodies actually adapt to this lowering of temperature over time. Their research found that individuals who spent six hours a day at 59 degrees Fahrenheit felt much more comfortable and at peace with the shift in temperature by the end of the 10 day period.

Dr. Mitchell Lazar, of University of Pennsylvania, says: “…There is certainly evidence in people as well as rodents to suggest that reducing temperature makes the body burn more calories to keep up body temperature.”


19 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2258415/20 http://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20140122/could-turning-down-the-thermostat-help-you-lose-weight

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Of course, I don’t know about you, but I’m not a big fan of cranking up the air conditioning in my house, or wherever I’m traveling, and so it’s not really an option for me to just drop my thermostat to 63 or 59 and reap these benefits.

But there is another way that’s much easier, and potentially more naturally — at night! Depending on where you live, you can open your windows at night to naturally lower the temperature of your room and get many if not all of the benefits described in this study. And the good thing is that, even if you’re a little chilly at first, as long as you can get to sleep you won’t really be bothered, your body will adapt, and it will become easier.

Of course, this won’t work in tropical climates where the temperature remains warm even into the night. In those cases, you may need to use strong fans or air conditioning if you want to utilize this secret. However, in most places (including California!) opening the windows most of the year will drop the temperature enough, and will also bring you an abundance of fresh air and negative ions that carry additional benefits.

So, you may not choose to use this secret and that’s okay (there’s so many other secrets in our program here to take advantage of!). The thing I like about it is that it’s entirely passive, there’s no action or “work” required other than just opening the window or shifting the temperature on your thermostat — and the ability to shed as much as four pounds in just six weeks is pretty significant!

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If you’re the kind of person who leaves on a night-light, or there’s light that creeps into your room at night, it could be causing you to pack on the pounds.

In study that was extensively outlined by an article on BBC 21, they described how a team at the Institute of Cancer Research in London found women had larger waistlines if their bedroom was “light enough to see across” at night.

The study of 113,000 women was published in the Ameri-can Journal of Epidemiology. 22

The women were asked to rate the amount of light in their bedrooms at night as:

• Light enough to read• Light enough to see across the room, but not read• Light enough to see your hand in front of you, but not across the room• Too dark to see your hand or you wear a mask

Their answers were compared to several measures of obe-sity. Body Mass Index, waist-to-hip ratio and waist circum-ference were all higher in women with lighter rooms.

One of the leaders of the study, Professor Anthony Swerdlow, told the BBC: “In this very large group of people there is an association between reported light exposure at night and being overweight/obese.”

In essence, this study found that in a large group of women, the more light they tended to have in their bedrooms at night, the heavier they tended to be.

Professor Randy Nelson, who has conducted a variety of studies on the impact of light on sleep, weight loss and more, says: “Light at night is an environmental factor that may be contributing to the obesity epidemic in ways that people don’t expect.” 23

His research shows that the color of the light you’re exposed to also makes a big difference. Red or yellow light is far less toxic to your body than blue or white light.

21 http://www.bbc.com/news/health-2761761522 http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/05/29/aje.kwu117.short?rss=123 http://researchnews.osu.edu/archive/lanmice.htm

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Of course, light exposure during the day — especially to natural sunshine — helps balance your hormones and promote good sleep. Artificial lighting, however, especially at night — has quite the opposite effect. There is plenty of evidence now that shows that disturbing your sleep produces a variety of health issues, most notably weight gain.

Part of the way light can disturb sleep and age us, including creating more fat, is due to the sup-pression of growth hormone. In one study 24 , light exposure at night was found to suppress se-cretion pituitary functioning, which is responsible growth hormone. One of the key roles of this hormone is to help muscle and body fat regulation.


It should be pretty clear by now that too much light at night is toxic, and all by itself, can lead to weight gain. So there are several steps to take in order to maximize the impact of what we just learned:

• Make sure that your room is devoid of all lights. No night light, no alarm clock, no computer or TV on — nothing. If you need an alarm to wake up, I suggest putting your phone into airplane mode and setting the alarm for whatever time you need. (Airplane mode only turns off the signal, and does not affect things like the alarm.)

• If you have light that enters from the window, you may need to get a special curtain that completely covers the window and blocks out incoming light.

• Or, another option is to get one of the nighttime “beauty masks” that you can popularly source (and are even given out on international flights) and cover your eyes entirely, so that no light enters. I don’t al-ways have a mask to use, but I personally usually just through a black tank top or tee shirt over my eyes.

Another important takeaway is that blue light — which our computers and phones produce — is one of the more unhealthy colors of light to have in our eyes at nighttime. That’s why it’s a great idea to avoid reading a screen so close to your face before bed (I personally am a huge fan of real, tac-tile books I can hold in my hand- not electronic versions…and now here is a great reason to make sure you only read from actual and not e-books at night!).

I know it’s tough to not look at your phone or tablet or computer at night, but if you want the most beauty and weight loss benefits, I recommend it. Try giving yourself at least 2 or 3 hours before bed without a screen in your face. You might find the nightly break from technology quite

grounding and beneficial!

24 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9509071

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So far, this section has been all about sleep and making sure that light is not disrupting your sleep and hormone functioning at night in a way that makes you fat. This will take you a long way, yet, there’s another way that light impacts your fat loss efforts even earlier in the evening or day. It’s about the light present when you eat.

Light does more than just set the mood when you’re eating — it actually impacts what and how much you eat, and therefore also impacts your weight. Cornell professor and lead study author Brian Wansink, PhD, discovered this when they redecorated part of a fast food chain (Hardee’s) as an experiment.

Here’s a quote from an article that summarized his study 25 :

In one room, he turned off the harsh overhead lights and replaced them with soft, indirect light-ing…soundproofed the walls…piped in soft, instrumental jazz ballads…added plants, paintings and window shades…and placed candles and white linens on the tables. Researchers left the rest of the restaurant alone, so it remained your basic fast-food joint—bright lights, bright colors, hard surfaces and loud music.

Next, customers were randomly seated in either the original or redecorated section. The same burgers, tacos and fries were served in both sections. Unbeknownst to the guests, researchers with stopwatches timed their meals and calculated how many calories they consumed. Afterward, they asked customers to rate their enjoyment.

They found that those in the “fine dining” area with soft lights and sounds…

Took longer to eat. They spent about two minutes more eating than people in the loud, bright seating area—37 minutes versus 35 minutes, on average.

Consumed less food. They ate about 133 fewer calories (525 calories versus 658), on average. In other words, people in the fine-dining section left more food on their plates when they decided that they were finished eating.

Enjoyed their food more. On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being very good and 1 being not very good), they rated their food at 7.28, as opposed to 5.84 for those in the regular seating area.

Remember, it was the same exact food. Amazing, right? Dr. Wansink has an excellent book, called Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think – which explains this experiment in much more detail.

Of course, there’s a reason why fast food restaurants maintain their bright lights, loud music and hard surfaces — because they WANT you to order and eat as much food as possible, not less!

25 http://www.bottomlinepublications.com/content/article/diet-a-exercise/to-lose-weight-turn-down-the-lights

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Though this study talks about fast food, this secret applies to pretty much anywhere you go out. If you go to an environment where the atmosphere is bright, loud, hard and/or cold — you might be influenced to eat more than you want or even think that you’re eating. So it’s something to be aware of!

This secret is extremely relevant and helpful to eating in the one environment you can fully control — your home.

Based on this research, I think it’s an excellent idea to really “set the mood” as much as you possibly can for dinner. Dim the lights. Add soothing music. Put a nice tablecloth and plates out. Really make it an experience.

That will put you into the mindset of eating slower and savoring your food much more — which will prevent overeating, aid your digestion and lead to greater weight loss benefits overall.

On top of that, you’ll feel more intimate and connecting to your significant other and your family — and less dis-tracted than if you eat in a noisy or bright setting, which many may do because they’re in a rush after they get home. If you’re eating alone, it can still feel soothing and special with a nice tablecloth and lighting. You certain-ly don’t need someone else to enjoy the benefits of a pleasant eating environment.

Ultimately, I urge you use the two secrets you got in this section. By controlling the lighting conditions when you eat and removing all light at night, you’ll go along way toward maximiz-

ing your body’s ability to properly burn fat and reach or remain at your ideal weight.

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We’ve covered quite a bit in this 10-step manual for 24/7 fat loss, and I hope you’ve enjoyed it and are inspired by the many new daily habits you can start to integrate in your life, at your own pace, to help you lose excess weight! There is a lot of research behind these secrets, as well as putting it together and analyzing the best way to present the information and help you take action on it.

There are so many ways to use what you just learned, and so before we wrap up, I want to outline some of them right now:

• Don’t feel the need to do everything at once. That will just overwhelm you and most likely cause you to not do any of these things, long-term — which is not what we want! Remember, early on we said that one of the best ways to get started is just to pick one or two of these new secrets/habits that really appeal to you now, and focus on those. Once you have some momentum with them, it’s much easier to add additional ones, at your own pace.

• The secrets were created as a progression, so that you could do them one-by-one from the mo-ment you wake up in the morning — until you sleep at night — in a smooth, natural rhythm.

• That said, you don’t have to stick to the order that we listed in this report — it’s not rigid by any means. For example, you can including parsley in your Glowing Green Smoothie in the morning, or do meditation anytime of the day. The possibilities are endless.

• The same goes for the phases! One approach that’s really powerful is to just focus on mastering a particular phase — like really getting your morning optimizes with the water, the yoga and the show-er, and then focusing on the other phases later on once you’re confident in the morning.

• Or, if you miss a phase and the steps because you slept in or for any reason — never get down on yourself, because you always have another phase you can focus on and still experience immense weight loss benefits.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way to use all these secrets. You are free and highly encouraged to customize and adapt them to your life, and whatever works best for you.

We assembled this system so that they work together, in a natural flow, to produce incredible weight loss benefits — and I hope that both the “how” and the “why” this process works is clear to you by now. And just by consciously being aware of these secrets now, they will undoubtedly bring benefit into your life, no matter how you decide to exactly practice them.

Thank you so much getting this program — I can’t wait to hear about the results you experience with it!

Best Wishes for Health and Happiness,

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SECRET #1: The Right Water for Weight Loss

SECRET #2: Squeeze, Twist and Bend Your Fat Away

SECRET #3: The Cold Shower Cure


SECRET #4: Dine on Dessert First

SECRET #5: Weight Loss Walking After Meals

SECRET #6: Speedy Stress Savors


SECRET #7: Blast Out “Bad Water”

SECRET #8: Burn Fat in the Bubble Bath

SECRET #9:Chill Your Bedroom Before Bedtime

SECRET #10: Turn Off These Nighttime “Fat Switches”