10 hot questions

Higher Order Thinking (HOT) QUESTIONS The number in parenthesis is the question number from the original exam. The type of HOT question is listed in red. 1. “Handle and keep compliant” is to management as ____________ is to leadership. (1) (#4 use analogies to measure relationships) a. Direct operations, activity or performance b. Human resource management c. Guide on a way d. Tend toward a definite result 2. You are the managing director of your department, and your team has been assigned the task of preparing the facility for accreditation. Immediately, your team begins to set detailed goals, assign tasks, and plan for problem solving in order to cope with the complex task of achieving accreditation. If you did NOT continue to adhere to Kotter’s outline of managing complexity, which additional task would you choose? (2) (#3 provide for a condition contrary to fact) a. Aligning and supporting people b. Controlling and problem solving c. Organizing and staffing d. Planning and budgeting 3. According to Kotter, during times of significant change, leadership skills need more emphasis than management skills. Match the activities/actions listed below with the correct function, management or leadership. (3) (#14 Match examples with terminology) 4. "basic energy to initiate and sustaining action translating intent into reality." This passage is used to describe which contemporary leadership style? (5) (#5 Select examples of principles or concepts) a. Democratic Leadership Management Planning and budgeting Aligning people Controlling and problem solving Organizing and staffing Setting a direction Motivating and inspiring

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Higher Order Thinking questions


Page 1: 10 HOT Questions

Higher Order Thinking (HOT) QUESTIONS

The number in parenthesis is the question number from the original exam. The type of HOT question is listed in red.

1. “Handle and keep compliant” is to management as ____________ is to leadership. (1) (#4 use analogies to measure relationships)

a. Direct operations, activity or performance b. Human resource management c. Guide on a way d. Tend toward a definite result

2. You are the managing director of your department, and your team has been assigned the task of preparing the facility for accreditation. Immediately, your team begins to set detailed goals, assign tasks, and plan for problem solving in order to cope with the complex task of achieving accreditation. If you did NOT continue to adhere to Kotter’s outline of managing complexity, which additional task would you choose? (2) (#3 provide for a condition contrary to fact)

a. Aligning and supporting people b. Controlling and problem solving c. Organizing and staffing d. Planning and budgeting

3. According to Kotter, during times of significant change, leadership skills need more

emphasis than management skills. Match the activities/actions listed below with the correct function, management or leadership. (3) (#14 Match examples with terminology)

4. "basic energy to initiate and sustaining action translating intent into reality." This passage is used to describe which contemporary leadership style? (5) (#5 Select examples of principles or concepts)

a. Democratic



Planning and budgeting Aligning people Controlling and problem solving Organizing and staffing Setting a direction Motivating and inspiring

Page 2: 10 HOT Questions

Higher Order Thinking (HOT) QUESTIONS

b. Transformational c. Benevolent-Autocratic d. Laissez-faire

5. Dr. Smith’s natural inclination as a surgeon is to see a problem and implement an immediate solution: diagnose, cut it out – and it’s cured. During the next six months, his care center must implement a new electronic records system to deliver better patient care. To succeed at this dramatic change, he needs to engage all vital parties – doctors, nurses, board members, and administrative personnel. He must share power in order to influence and inspire trust, especially towards attaining mutual goals and collaboration to reach long-term results. Which of the following best describes Dr. Smith’s natural leadership skills, and the leadership skills he must adopt in order to implement change? (7) (#11 realistic scenario with cause-effect relationship)

a. Traditional to democratic b. Task-oriented to relationship-oriented c. Facilitative to relationship-oriented d. Traditional to facilitative

6. Hierarchical and free-form organizational structures are similar in that they: (16) (#6 Discover relationships)

a. must meet the needs of an organization as defined through its mission, philosophy, vision, and values.

b. include line functions. c. maintain old-line authority structures. d. require vertical control and coordination.

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Higher Order Thinking (HOT) QUESTIONS

7. The levels of business and individual performance vary according to their “action logic.” Match the statements below to the level of action logic that it best describes. “A good leader …” (17) (#14 Match examples to terminology)

“is a team player.”

“makes friends with subordinates and always gets along.” “can talk to anyone, but always promotes competition between co-workers.”

“has strong charisma and high moral character.”

“can really crack the whip.”

“is the smartest person in the room.”

“creates shared visions that reduces resistance to change.”


Examine the process outlined in the figure above. This process best represents: (#5 Using examples) (19)

a. Gaining employee buy-in to the ethics culture b. Avoiding ethics gaps c. Fundamental principles of an organizational ethics policy d. Developing a culture of integrity

Learning  about  the  culture  

Maintaining  close  links  to  the  

organiza4on's  mission  and  values  

Facilita4ng  communica4on  








Page 4: 10 HOT Questions

Higher Order Thinking (HOT) QUESTIONS

9. Choose the false statement regarding Blanchard and Peale's fundamental principles of an organizational ethics policy. (18) (#9 Respond to new situations)

a. Purpose comes from the top and specifically outlines what is considered acceptable and unacceptable conduct within an organization.

b. Perspective is derived from stopping and reflecting upon where an organization is headed and why

c. Employees who are proud of where they work and what they are doing are more likely to act ethically

d. Persistence is required to Use team-building strategies to enhance common organizational values

10. Which of the following is the correct sequence for Collins’ hierarchy of leader capabilities, the first being the highest level 5? (10) (#12 Thoughtful sequencing)

a. Executive, competent manager, highly capable individual, contributing team member, effective leader

b. Effective leader, highly capable individual, executive, competent manager, contributing team member

c. Executive, effective leader, competent manager, contributing team member, highly capable individual

d. Executive, effective leader, highly capable manager, effective team member, contributing individual.