10 iptv-bc-en-iptv server software installation and debugging-1-ppt-201007(draft) 66p

2012/10/1 1 IPTV Server Software Installation and Debugging Contents Practice Planning Version Files downloading Version Files downloading Portal Server Installation EPG Server Installation Agent Server Installation SS Server Installation FTP Settings for the IPTV Server

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IPTV Server Software Installation and Debugging


Practice Planning

Version Files downloading Version Files downloading

Portal Server Installation

EPG Server Installation

Agent Server Installation

SS Server Installation

FTP Settings for the IPTV Server

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Network Planning for IPTV Practice Environment

IPTV Practice System Network Topology Map

S2826S-1 S2826S-2


IPTV Major Servers Planning

Device IP Address Area Code-Office Number-Office Number

SCP(CP DB) S 25 100 133 (Fi d)SCP(CP, DB) Server 25-100-133 (Fixed)

Portal Server

EPG server

Agent Server

ZMSS Server

NMS Server

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Practice Planning

Version Files downloading Version Files downloading

Portal Server Installation

EPG Server Installation

Agent Server Installation

SS Server Installation

FTP Settings for the IPTV Server

Version Files downloading Create a temporary version file folder on the server.


# mkdir /home/setup

Download installation files Download installation files All installation files and version files are saved on one FTP

Server, and can be downloaded to the local computer using the correct user name and password:

# ftp FTP_server_ip

#cd 3.04.04_version/portal; Enter the folder after user name and password verification

# bin

# mget ZXIPTV_WEB_PV3.04.04.zip

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Differences Between BIN and ASCII in FTP

In the computer system, different systems use different tags to mark the end of a line. There are three methods to end a line: 1 cr1.cr2.nl---->Unix invokes a new line3.cr lf (or lf cr)

With the bin command, no change is made and transmission is done according to the source file. When ASCII mode is used for transmission, the line end tag from the source will be replaced with a line end tag on the receiving end.

If you are not certain about which mode to choose use the bin mode It If you are not certain about which mode to choose, use the bin mode. It provides a higher transmission rate and does not damage the file (because it does not check the file or convert the line end tags). Many software programs can convert the line end tags of an ASCII file. You can download the ASCII file and then start conversion.


Practice Planning

Version Files Downloading Version Files Downloading

Portal Server Installation

EPG Server Installation

Agent Server Installation

SS Server Installation

FTP Settings for the IPTV Server

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Portal Server Installation

1. Enter the installation path and run the installation files#cd /home/setup

# unzip ZXIPTV_WEB_PV3.04.04U1T2.zip

# cd ZXIPTV_WEB_PV3.04.04U1T2/autoupgrade/

# dos2unix *.sh

# chmod 777 *.sh

# /install sh# ./install.sh

2. Select the language

Portal Server Installation

3. During the installation, the following questions will be asked:Do you want to install was and josi? [y/n] y

Do you want to install iptvcdn ? [y/n] y

Do you want to install iptvslcs ? [y/n] y

Do o ant to install ipt dts m ? [ /n]nDo you want to install iptvdts_m ? [y/n]n

4. Connect the IPTV system to the database IP addressInput db ip: (Oracle db server IP)

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Portal Server Installation8. Set the office number and module number of the PORTAL system

Input general name: AP ; Input the name of the local module, which is usually AP

Input general module: 150 ; Local module number. Enter the planned value.

Input general postoffice: 100 ; Local office number. Enter the planned value.

Input general area: 25 ; Local area code. Enter the planned value.

Input general ip: ; Local IP address. Enter the planned value.

Your input is:

<general name="AP" module="150" postoffice="100" area="25"<general name="AP" module="150" postoffice="100" area="25" ip="" port="5000" />

Confirm your input ? [y/n] y

Portal Server Installation9. Setting of the SCP(MANAGER) office number and

module number to be connected input module name: SCP; MANGER module name

input module module: 133; MANGER module number input module module: 133; MANGER module number

input module postoffice: 100; MANGER office number

input module area: 25; MANGER area code

input module ip: ; MANGER IP address. Enter the planned value

Your input is:

<module name=“SCP" module="133" postoffice="100" area="25" ip="" port="5000" />

confirm your input ? [y/n] y

10. Choose wheether to start the IPTV. Then the screen displays the installation sccessful information. Do you want to start up IPTV service ? [y/n] y

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Starting, Stopping and Authenticating PORTAL Service Process Start the application as the root user to perform logon test

# /home/zxin10/hacmp/wasmonitor start&stop

# /etc/init.d/tomcat start&stop

Open the Internet Explorer, and input the following address in the address bar:http://IP:8080/iptvcdn authenticate the CDN platform

http://IP:8080/iptvcdn authenticate the SLCS platform

Starting, Stopping and Authenticating PORTAL Service Process After opening the PORTAL page, enter the correct user name and

password. If login fails, you can check the database. zxin10@HP580-1:~> su - oracle

P d Password: SQL> connect /as sysdba sqlplus ‘/as sysdba’ Connected to an idle instance. SQL> shutdown abort shutdown immediate ORACLE instance shut down. SQL> startup ORACLE instance started. … Database mounted. Database opened. SQL> exit

Start and stop the listener: $ lsnrctl start $ lsnrctl stop

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Common PORTAL and EPG Commands

PORTAL netstat –an|grep 8080 Check web services

netstat –an|grep 5000 Check whether links with all CPMs and CPAs are created

EPG netstat –an|grep 8080 Check web services

netstat –an |grep 5000 Check whether links with all CPMs and CPAs are createdCPMs and CPAs are created

zxin10 user, xstat Check whether epgxbase is normal


Practice Planning

Version Files Downloading Version Files Downloading

Portal Server Installation

EPG Server Installation

Agent Server Installation

SS Server Installation

FTP Settings for the IPTV Server

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EPG Server Installation and Configuration 1. Enter the installation path and run the installation files

#cd /home/setup

# unzip ZXIPTV-EPG_PV3.04.04.zip

# cd ZXIPTV-EPG PV3.04.04/autoupgrade/_ pg

# dos2unix *.sh

# chmod 777 *.sh

# ./install.sh

2. You must create user "zxin10" on the computer installed with the EPG service.

To add the user, enter "zxin10" as the password.

3 Setting the Language Environment3. Setting the Language Environment

EPG Server Installation and Configuration

4. Set the DTS server. Input the local IP address; for the dual computers, input the local physical address.

Enter the DTS server address:

5 Whether to enable the advertisement system5. Whether to enable the advertisement system switch in the the EPG system. For the equipment room practice environment, choose N

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EPG Server Installation and Configuration

6. Whether to configure the blank templates from the content providers. If you need blank templates from content providers, input “y” and

then press Enter, and then input the ID of the blank template, such as “frame62”. If you do not need blank templates from content providers, input "n" and then press Enter. In the practice, input "n".

The configuration here applies only to the case when the office has blank templates from content providers. If blank templates from content providers are configured, then jar files from the content p g , jproviders must be put under directory WEB-INF/lib; otherwise EPG service may fail to start normally.

If the office has no template from the content provider, then input "n" and press Enter.

EPG Server Installation and Configuration

Set the office number and module number Input general name:Input the local module name, which is usually

in the EPGXXX format Input general module: ; Local module number Input general postoffice: ; Local office number Input general area: ; Local area code Input general ip: ; Local IP address

Input information related to the remote-end MANGER The input method is the same as PORTAL configuration If there are multiple CPs input "y" and then press Enter Then input If there are multiple CPs, input y and then press Enter. Then input

the office numbers and module numbers of other CPs. If there is only one CP, input "n" and then press Enter. In the practice, input "n".

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EPG Server Installation and Configuration

Setting OMM server information In the single-computer mode, select "2". In the dual-computer

mode, select "1".mode, select 1 .

Input the floating IP address, the host active computer IP address and the standby computer IP address, and then press Enter. Note that these three IP addresses should be consistent.

EPG Server Installation and Configuration

Input the number of OMM Servers.

Input the correct OMM Server address, and then input "y" and press Enter.

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EPG Server Installation and Configuration

Set whether to start the EPG. If you need to start the EPG, input "y". If you input "n", the EPG server will not start and need to be manually started laterstart, and need to be manually started later.

After installation is completed, the screen displays the following information.

IPTV System Portal Information Management

DB and Portal

http://Portal_IP:8080/iptvslcs/devmgt/index.jspOperator "super": initial password is

Equipment Managemen


iptvslcs01ZTEOperator "zxin10": initial password is


EPG Backgroun

d Managemen


http://EPG_IP:8080/iptvepg/admin/Operator "epgadmin": initial password is

ZTE d it ZTEepgadmin

SLCS http://Portal_IP:8080/iptvslcs/

CDN http://Portal_IP:8080/iptvcdn/

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Service Configuration Distribution and Equipment Check Service Configuration Distribution

1. Log in to the service configuration portal.http://webip:8080/iptvslcs/devmgtportal.http://webip:8080/iptvslcs/devmgt

2. Synchronize EPG equipment.

Enter the equipment configuration management page and start EPG equipment synchronization. The information of all EPGs will be synchronized. For equipment type, select EPG.

Service Configuration Distribution and Equipment Check3. Configure Device independent configuration items

Click to set equipment-unrelated configuration items. Modify listed configuration items.items. Modify listed configuration items.

Equipment-unrelated items refer to configuration items wherein all EPGs have the same configuration values in the same office.

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Service Configuration Distribution and Equipment Check4. Configure Device related configuration items

Click to set equipment-related configuration items. Modify listed configuration items.items. Modify listed configuration items.

Equipment-related items refer to configuration items wherein all EPGs have the different configuration values in the same office.

Service Configuration Distribution and Equipment Check

At present, there are four equipment-related configuration items: is_main_epg: whether it is the main EPG; 1 for Yes and 0 for


EPGHOSTIP: reference configuration:

EPGCLUSTER_HOSTIP: reference configuration:

TERM_NO: EPG terminal number. Reference configuration: 2

5 Distribute the configurations to the EPG5. Distribute the configurations to the EPG. After the configuration is modified, distribute it to each EPG.

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Total Information Synchronization

1. Log in to the service configuration portal.http://webip:8080/iptvslcs/devmgt

2. Generate the total information file. Enter the device total information synchronization page. Choose CP

device for device type. Then query the device and click the button. After operation is successful, the total information FTP server will generate total information files.

Total Information Synchronization

3. Synchronize EPG total information. For equipment type, select EPG. Then query the device and click

the button.the button.

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Start and Stop EPG Service

Start the application as the root user to perform the logon test # /etc/init d/tomcat start&stop # /etc/init.d/tomcat start&stop


In the address bar, enter http://EPG_IP:8080/iptvepg


Practice Planning

Version Files Downloading Version Files Downloading

Portal Server Installation

EPG Server Installation

Agent Server Installation

SS Server Installation

FTP Settings for the IPTV Server

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Agent Server Installation and Configuration

1. Install the Agent software [root]

#gunzip -f linux cdnagt setup all Z #gunzip -f linux_cdnagt_setup_all.Z

# tar xvf linux_cdnagt_setup_all

# chmod +x mdp_product_install.sh


2. Select the database The Agent does not need to configure the database. Select "1"

from the figure. g

Agent Server Installation and Configuration

3.If there is directory /home/zxin10, and there are bin and etc folders, the following figure appears. Select "y" to overwrite folders bin lib and etc under /home/zxin10/ oroverwrite folders bin, lib and etc under /home/zxin10/, or select "n" to keep the original contents of these folders.

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Agent Server Installation and Configuration

4. According to the prompts, input the following: input general local_ip: 10.66.163.x //Local IP address

input general local_module: 200 //Local module number

input general local_postoffice: 101 //Local office number

input general local_modulecount:1 //Number of all CPs inthe CP managerg

Agent Server Installation and Configuration

put the 1 module paremeters

Firstly, you should put manager ip,module,postoffice input general link_ip(link manager or edge cp ip):

//Input the IP address for the connected manager or the edge CP//Input the IP address for the connected manager or the edge CP input general link_module(link manager or edge cp module): 133

//Input the module number for the connected manager or the edge CP

input general link_postoffice(link manager or edge cp postoffice): 100 //Input the area code for the connected manager or the edge CP

input general CHARSET(1:GBK,2:UTF-8):1 //The character set is determined by the input amount. Choose UTF-8. CHARSET: y pselect 1 for GBK and select 2 for UTF-8.

input general Language(enu,chs):chs // Language: choose "enu".

input general netmanagerip): //IP address of the OMC

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Agent Server Installation and Configuration

5. Confirm the input and select "y". If input is not correct, select "n" and input the correct values.

6 Switch to the zxin10 user Because of the monitoring6. Switch to the zxin10 user. Because of the monitoring program, start using $ zxmoni.

7. Start the platform and log on to CDN WEB. On the EMS configuration page, configure cdn_service.ini and click OK to distribute it to the NEs.

Authenticate IN Services

[zxin10]zxin10@linux:~> zxstartzxin10@linux:~> zxstatzxin10@linux:~> zxstatzxin10 22166 1 0 02:02 pts/1 00:00:00 zxmonizxin10 22318 1 0 02:02 ? 00:00:00 zxinitzxin10 22432 1 0 02:02 ? 00:00:00 zxcommroot 22437 1 0 02:02 ? 00:00:00 R01MMLzxin10 22442 1 0 02:02 ? 00:00:00 ProxyPro

?zxin10 22447 1 0 02:02 ? 00:00:00 httpprozxin10 22452 1 0 02:02 ? 00:00:00 almcolzxin10 22457 1 0 02:02 ? 00:00:00 snmpagtzxin10 22462 1 0 02:02 ? 00:00:00 cdnpro

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Progress Description

1 zxmoniMonitoring process. It can automatically hang off other


2 zxinit Main process during OS intialization.

3 zxcomm Platform module It must be started first3 zxcomm Platform module. It must be started first.

4 R01MMLResponsible for system resource monitoring, alarm

source and simple OMM proxy.

5 ProxyPro

Universal synchronous proxy process that synchronous communication modes between different processes and different devices. SMP must use this process.

6 httppro HTTP support for oss/cms/cp interfaces.

7 cdnpro DAS module, cdn process

8 almcol Alarm collection. Deployed on IN devices.

9 snmpagtNetwork management and network management proxy

process provided by the platform.

Common Commands of the CDN Server

zxtool –c ; Check if links have been created for ZMSS, CPM and CPA

zxtool p ; View process status zxtool – p ; View process status

zxtool – p ; View process version

zxtool –o ; Check for message stacking at the background

zxstart/zxstop/zxstat ; Start, stop or view IN service

zxmoni/superstop ;Start/stop the monitoring processp p p g p

zxtool2 -we *.ini ; Encrypt

zxtool2 -wd *.scr ; Decrypt

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Practice Planning

Version Files Downloading Version Files Downloading

Portal Server Installation

EPG Server Installation

Agent Server Installation

SS Server Installation

FTP Settings for the IPTV Server

SS Server Installation and Configuration Enter the installation path and run the installation files

[root] #cd /home/setup #tar –xvf RV1.41.10.11.B18.tar #cd /home/setup/ZMSS-Linux # ./Install During installation, the streaming media will automatically add the zmss

group and zmss users for the safety considerations of the streaming media, because the streaming media server needs the zmss group and zmss users to modify the rights of used paths and files....

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SS Server Installation and Configuration

add user to run ZMSSStreamingServer: zmss

Please set passwd for user zmss

New password: //Input zmss user password.New password: //Input zmss user password. Use a strong password.

Bad password: too short //Confirm the password.

Re-enter new password:

Installation Complete

If re-installation is needed, there is no need to stop the streaming service or delete the installation directory /zmss. Just re-install it again. The installation process of the streaming media can be repeated.

Modifying Configuratin File streamingserver.xml

After installation is completed, the streamingserver.xml will be automatically

t d d di t /ZMSS/ t Thi l filgenerated under directory /ZMSS/etc. This xml file is the main configuration file for the streaming media server, and can be directly modified using vi. After modification, restart the streaming service.

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Configure Office Number, Module Number and IP Address for the SS and the Agent [ZMSSComAgent] <PREF NAME="Send_PostOffice" TYPE="UInt16" >1</PREF> //Office number of

the streaming media. It should be consistent with the Agent.<PREF NAME="Send_Module" TYPE="UInt16" >201</PREF> //Module number _

of the streaming media <PREF NAME="Send_Pno" TYPE="UInt16" >208</PREF> //Process number of

the streaming media. Use the default value.…<PREF NAME="Agent_Device_Type" TYPE="UInt32" >3</PREF><PREF NAME="Local_IPList" ></PREF> //IP address list of the

streaming media. Divide them with semicoluns.<PREF NAME="Virtual_Ip" ></PREF><PREF NAME="LocalBind Port" TYPE="UInt16" >5002</PREF>_…

Configure Office Number, Module Number and IP Address for the SS and the Agent

<PREF NAME="Agent_Num" TYPE="UInt16" >1</PREF> //The number of agents. The streaming media can create links with multiple agents.

<PREF NAME="zmss_agent_id" >agent010066163005</PREF> //Equipment ID of the main agent//Equipment ID of the main agent

<PREF NAME="Module" TYPE="UInt16" >133</PREF> // Equipment module number of the main Agent

<PREF NAME="PostOffice" TYPE="UInt16" >100</PREF> //Equipment office number of the main agent

<PREF NAME="Agent_Server_Ip" ></PREF> //IP address of the main agent

<PREF NAME="Agent Server Port" TYPE="UInt16" >5000</PREF>PREF NAME Agent_Server_Port TYPE UInt16 5000 /PREF //Port address of the main Agent. Use the existing value.

<PREF NAME="Pno" TYPE="UInt16" >228</PREF> // Process number of the streaming media. Use the default value.

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Configuration Notes

1. The SS can create communication links with multiple agents. Agent_Num represents the number of agents connected to the SS. "1" means one agent followed by six configuration items of the main agent; "2" means twosix configuration items of the main agent; 2 means two agents, followed by six configuration items of the main agent and six configuration items of the secondary agent, and so forth.

2. The process number of the main agent and the secondary agent is fixed to 228. The monitoring port is fixed to 5000. The equipment ID, module number, office number and IP addresses of the main and secondary agents should be y gcorrectly configured for the streaming media to create links with the main and secondary agents.

Configuration Notes

3. In the same node, the streaming media office number and agent office number must be kept consistent. Generally, the office number of the central node can be set to 1 andthe office number of the central node can be set to 1 and the office numbers of edge nodes can be set to 2, 3, 4 .... Service related module numbers and office numbers must be correctly configured, otherwise the steaming media cannot create links with the agent, or redirection may fail. In the same node, the agent module number is ususlly set to 200 and steaming media module numbers are usually g yset to 201, 202, 203.... (201-250). Different nodes are differentiated according to office numbers, and streaming media module numbers in one node cannot conflict with each other.

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Configure Equipment ID for SS and Agent

[SERVER] <PREF NAME="zmss_server_id" >device010066163002 </PREF>

//Steaming media ID; device+IP address

[ZMSSComAgent] [ZMSSComAgent] <PREF NAME="zmss_agent_id" >agent010066163005 </ PREF> //ID of

the main agent; agent+IP address

Note The ID of the streaming media server can be described using

“device+IP address”. For example, if the IP address is, then the ID can be set to device172016058101; The ID of the agent can be described using “agent+IP address”. For example, if the IP address is, then the ID can be set to agent172016103100. Pay attention that the Agent ID should not be wrongly configured. The IP address of the streaming media refers to the public network address of the streaming media, and is consistent with the media device ID configured on the service system portal. Otherwise links to the agent cannot be created, redirection may fail and message sending/receiving may fail.

Configure SS Shared Public Root Directory

[SERVER] <PREF NAME="movie_folder" >/media_data/movies/</PREF>

<PREF NAME=“zmss_private_movie_folder” >/media_data/privatemovies</PREF>


/media_data is the root path to mount the disk array. It must be kept consistent for all streaming servers in one node. movie_folder is the public root directory. It must be kept consistent for or all streaming servers in one node. zmss_private_movie_folder is the private root directory of the streaming server. Version 1.41

t ti hift d h i d i lti t i d Thsupports time-shifted sharing during multicast in one node. The path of each streaming servershould be set to the same path. The actual configuration should comply with actual engineering conditions.

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Disk Devices Corresponding to Public and Private Root Directories zmss_movie_device is set to the disk device type name that

corresponds to the public root directory "movies". zmss_private_movie_device is set to the disk device type name that corresponds to the private root directory "privatemovies" Thecorresponds to the private root directory privatemovies . The configurations should be consistent for all streaming servers in one node. The public and private root directories and corresponding disk devices must physically exist and are correctly configured. Any error may prevent the streaming media from connecting to and communicating with the agent.

In the practice environment, input the actual device name that corresponds to the local hard disk. zmss:/ZMSS/etc # df h zmss:/ZMSS/etc # df -h

Filesystem Capacity Used Free Used% Mounting Point/dev/hda3 36G 20G 16G 56% /tmpfs 1013M 4.0K 1013M 1% /dev/shm

Modify Configuration Items <PREF NAME="zmss_movie_device" >/dev/sda3</PREF> <PREF NAME="zmss_private_movie_device" >/dev/sda3</PREF>

Configure SS Public and Private Network Addresses [MODULE NAME="ZMSSCC"]

<PREF NAME="LocalIP_Public" TYPE="">> //Public network IP address//Public network IP address

<PREF NAME="LocalIP_Private" TYPE="">> //Private network IP address

Note: The channel and time-shifed sharing in one node needs the

configuration of private and public network addresses of the server, which, if incorrectly configured or not configured, muticast in the node may encounter errors resulting in channel failure Inin the node may encounter errors, resulting in channel failure. In the practice, the streaming media is configured with only one network port. Set the public and private network addresses to one IP address.

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Configure SS Network Management Module Parameters

<PREF NAME="Manager_Agent_Ip_Address" ></PREF> //IP address of the network management servermanagement server

<PREF NAME="SNMP_Agent_Ip_Address" ></PREF> //Local IP address

<PREF NAME="Agent_Port" TYPE="UInt16" >161</PREF>

<PREF NAME="Agent_TrapPort" TYPE="UInt16" 162 /PREF //N t k t li t i t>162</PREF> //Network management listening port.

Use the default value.

Other configuration items [ZMSSReflectorModule]

<PREF NAME=“ClipFileShiftRange” TYPE=“SInt64” >7200</PREF> //Configure the allowed time-shifting range for the time-shifting TV

<PREF NAME=“RecorderIP” ></PREF> //Configure the SS IP address when time-shifted recording is complete. Use the default settings.

<PREF NAME=“unPushProRepInterval” TYPE=“UInt32”>3</PREF> //Modify progress report granularity during file copy. Set it to 1, 3 or 5 (seconds). Do not use the default value (30).

<PREF NAME="Report_Interval_Time" TYPE="UInt32" >60</PREF>

<PREF NAME="SzSrcIP" ></PREF> //If it does not conflict with the streaming media server process, change it to the IP address of the streaming media server.

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Other configuration items

Content Dispatching Configuration Content dispatching requires file transmission through

th FTP Th f ll i di t i d b ththe FTP. The following are directories accessed by the FTP user:

Log on as the root user. On the YAST interface, select Security and Users→Edit and create users→Edit and create users→zmss→Details... → Modify Home Directory to /ZMSS/movies/; Then the zmss user will

t / / i d th t di t h ienter /zmss/movies under the root directory when using the FTP during content dispatching. If the directory cannot be found, SS may fail to respond to messages from the agent.

Create the FTP User on the SS Server

1. To add system security control, the FTP user zxiptv created by the central node or the regional center should be set as a belonging to the zmss groupbe set as a belonging to the zmss group. #useradd -d /ZMSS/movies zxiptv // Create the FTP user that

points to the media public root directory

#passwd zxiptv (Note that "zxiptv" is the user name, not the password), and then input the password

/ZMSS/movies is the public path for the streaming media on the disk array. Here the user name and the password should be the same as the user name and the pasword in the node informationsame as the user name and the pasword in the node information configured in the CDN portal.

If the FTP user exists but the Home directory does not point to the public root directory of the media. Run the following command:

# usermod -d /ZMSS/movies zxiptv // Modify the Home directory of the FTP user so that it points to the media public root directory

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Create the FTP User on the SS Server2. Check if user zxiptv belongs to the zmss group. If not, run the following

command: # id zxiptv // Check if user zxiptv belongs to the zmss group.

uid=1002(zxiptv) gid=100(users) groups=100(users) # usermod g zmss zxiptv // If zxiptv does not belong to user group # usermod -g zmss zxiptv // If zxiptv does not belong to user group

zmss, change it to the zmss group uid=1002 (zxiptv) gid=6666(zmss) groups=6666(zmss)

3. Create file /etc/vsftpd.chroot_list.(1) Under directory /etc, run vi vsftpd.chroot_list.(2) Click the Insert or I key to input contents, such as zxiptv

The first step of content filling is the user name. If /etc/vsftpd.chroot_list requires multiple user names, then each user name should occupy one line. It function is to lock the user's FTP directory so that the user can only stay in the home directory and cannot switch to other directoriesstay in the home directory and cannot switch to other directories.

(3) Press Esc, and then run :wq and press Enter. After the configuration file is changed, restart the FTP service by

running the following command: #/etc/init.d/xinetd restart

Set Media Directory Rights

To manually create a media directory, if the public root directory is movies, please set the rights of this directory to 0x771 or 0x775, set its owner to zmss, and set its

b di t t F lsubordinate group to zmss group. For example: # chown –R zmss:zmss /ZMSS/movies

# chmod –R 771 /ZMSS/movies

Note: The streaming media in the central node and the Level-2 central

area requires the manual creation of public root directory /movies, because the /home directory of the FTP user should point to thisbecause the /home directory of the FTP user should point to this public root directory for content distribution purposes.

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Common SS Commands

Command ps –ef|grep zmss //Check if the streaming processes are

completely startednetstat an|grep e 5000 //Check if the streaming media have netstat –an|grep –e 5000 //Check if the streaming media have created links with all agents in the node

/etc/init.d/zmssd stop //Stop all streaming service processes /etc/init.d/zmssd start //Start all streaming service processes

Note: After installation, if the system has automatically started the

streaming service, you should stop the service before modifying configuraion files.

Obt i th l Obtain the logs Logs of the streaming media system are saved under directory

\var\ZMSS. Logs of the operating system are saved in the message file under directory \var\log. The version information of the streaming server can be obtained in the error.log or zmsscc.log.


Practice Planning

Version Files Downloading Version Files Downloading

Portal Server Installation

EPG Server Installation

Agent Server Installation

SS Server Installation

FTP Settings for the IPTV Server

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FTP Settings for the IPTV Server

Starting FTP Service (command line) 1. Automatically start the FTP service when SUSE Linux is started linux:/ # chkconfig --list vsftpdg p

xinetd based services:vsftpd: off(on)

linux:/ # chkconfig vsftpd on2. Start the FTP through xinetd: linux:/ # chkconfig xinetd on //xinetd is a program that manages

Telnet and FTP services. linux:/ # chkconfig --list xinetdg

xinetd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:off 5:on 6:off linux:/ # /etc/init.d/xinetd restart

Shutting down xinetd: doneStarting INET services. (xinetd) done

FTP Settings for the IPTV Server

Starting the FTP Service (GUI) Enter the YAST2 interface, and select network services. [Log on as

the root user and select yast→network services→network servicesthe root user and select yast network services network services (inetd)]

In Currently Available Services, select the FTP service. The Server item includes: /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd;


Choose the service and then select Toggle Status (On or Off)

(1) Set pure ftp to off(1) Set pure-ftp to off.

(2) Set vsftpd to on.

(3) Click Finish to complete FTP service configuration.

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FTP Settings for the IPTV Server

FTP Settings for the IPTV Server Modify configuration file vsftpd.conf

The configuration files are under directory /etc. Before do modification, backup them(cp vsftpd.conf vsftpd.conf.bak) so that they can be restored in case of error.

The configuration file should be modified as follows:1. In Line 18, remove # before write_enable=YES //The file can be modified via the FTP2. In Line 59, remove # before local_enable=YES //Whether the user under /etc/passwd can log as as the FTP user3. In Line 75, remove # before chroot_list_enable=YES and change YES to NO //The user in chroot_list_file can only see his own home directory, and cannot switch to any other directory.4. In Line 79, remove # before chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list //Set the user that cannot switch his home directory5. In Line 91, remove # before anonymous enable=YES and change anonymous enable=YES to anonymous enable=NOenable YES to anonymous enable NO6. In Line 206, remove # before pasv_enable=NO and change it to pasv_enable=YES. Then press Enter and add the following two lines:pasv_min_port=32768pasv_max_port=61000 //This port is used for data transmission in the pasv mode. After modification, run (:wq) to save and exit.

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FTP Settings for the IPTV Server

Create file /etc/vsftpd.chroot_list. To create this file, run "vi vsftpd.chroot_list" under directory /etc. Then

click the Insert or I key to enter the content, such as zxiptv. If multiple d t b itt i t fil / t / ft d h t li t huser names need to be written into file /etc/vsftpd.chroot_list, each user

name should occupy one line. After the configuration file is changed, restart the FTP service by running "/etc/init.d/xinetd restart".

Start the FTP Service1. Automatically start the FTP service when SUSE Linux is started

#chkconfig vsftpd on

#chkconfig -list|grep vsftp //Check if vsftp is started

vsftpd: onvsftpd: on

2. Start the FTP:

# /etc/init.d/xinetd start

# /etc/init.d/vsftpd start