10' - kopykitab · ... 1,5,2,3 4. zenith directions:inquestion numbers 10and 12,find ......


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Page 1: 10' - KopyKitab · ... 1,5,2,3 4. Zenith Directions:Inquestion numbers 10and 12,find ... (0.96)3-(0.1)3. 53. (0.96)2+(0.096)+0.01
Page 2: 10' - KopyKitab · ... 1,5,2,3 4. Zenith Directions:Inquestion numbers 10and 12,find ... (0.96)3-(0.1)3. 53. (0.96)2+(0.096)+0.01


22. If 'LEVEL"is written as 'MFWFM',how canwe write 'VELEL'?!(A) WFMMF (B)FMFMW(C) WFMFM ~DJWMMFW

23. If TABLECLOTHis coded as XEMRANTIXT,how can HOTEL be coded?{A)RIXAT [B) TlXARi(C) TAXIR ~D)RAXIT


number is higher among the two ?(A)21 ~B)33(C) 66 (D) 18

19.. Raja walks slower than Raghu and Raghuwalks as fast as Guru and Krishna walksfaster than Guru. Who walks the fastest .?I(A) Raghu ~B)Rajai(C) Krishna{OJBoth Raghu and Guru

Directions: In question Nos. 20 & 21, from thegivenalternatives. select the word which cannotbe formed using the letters ofthe given word.20. HRITTANICA



18. When two numbers are added together, thevalue is.54 and their difference is 12.Which


14. 1. Chemistry 2. Chamber3. Cheap 4. Cheerful{A)2,1,3,4 [B)3,.4,2,.1(C) 2,4,3, 1 iD)2, 3,4, 1

15. Which one set of Ietters when sequentiallyplaced at the gaps in the given letter seriesshall complete it ?a_c_ba_ca_cb(A) abcc [BI acba'(C) bcaa to} bcba

16. A series is given, with one term missing.Choose the correct alternative from thegiven ones that ..vill complete the series.ADO, XVT,HEH,WUS, ?(A) VTR (B) CFIi(C) DFJ (0.) STU

IT X is mightier than Yand Y:is mightier thanZ. P is mightier than Q but interior to Y.Qis mightier than Z. Who is the weakestamong all ?(A} Xi(C) Q

(S)4, 2, 1, 3, 5(D)5,3,2,4, 1

3..Zo.onomy5. Zig Zag(A) 2,4,3,5, ](e) 4, 1, 5, 2, 3

4. Zenith

Directions: In question numbers 10 and 12, findthe odd.. rrumb er fletters from the givenalternatives.10. 2,5, lO,50, 500,5000

(Aj 50 (B) 500(e) 5000 (OJ10

11. 11,13,15117,19,23(AJ 11 (B)13Ic) IS io) 23


Directions: In question Nos. 13 &. 14, arrangethe fof lowirig word.s as per order in thedictionary .13. 1..Zephyr 2. Zodiac

iB) Bangladesh(D)I PakistanIB) Parrot(b) Pigeon(BleEN(D)iAIO

Directions: In question numbers 7 to 9, Selectthe one which is different from the other threeresponses.7. (A) Bhutan

Ie) China8. (AJ'Ba.t

IC)Cmw9. (A) ABT



(B) 12(0)42

(0) KPUZ

(13)8io) 12

(C)EHKP4: 20 : : 6: ?(A) 36(C) 84: 64: : 2 :?(Al'16Ie) 22


Direction: In question rrumbers 1 to 6, selectthe related letters/ word/ number from thegiven alternatives.1. Shoe: Leather ::: Highway: ?

iNAsphalt (B) CementIe) Gravel (OJRoad

2. Clock: Time: :Thermometer: ?INHeat tBl FeverIC) Temperature (D)!Humidity

3. BAB : CEG:: :DID: ?(A)FUF (H)FOF(e) GUG (0) GOG


Part 10' I (General Intelligence)

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Page 3: 10' - KopyKitab · ... 1,5,2,3 4. Zenith Directions:Inquestion numbers 10and 12,find ... (0.96)3-(0.1)3. 53. (0.96)2+(0.096)+0.01

34. Raju moves 40 km north, then he turnsriight and moves 50 krn ..Again he turnsright and moves 30 krn. Finally, he turnsright and reaches 50 km, How far is he fromthe starting point?;fA) 10 (B) 40I(C) 20 [D) 30

Directions: In question numbers 35 to 37, astatements is given followed by threej'fourconclusions I,n, IIIand IV.Youhave to considerthe statements to be true even if they seem to'beat variance from commonly known facts. Youhave to decide which of the given conclustorrs,if any, followfrom the given statements.35·. Statements:

AU scientists working in Americaare talented. Some are indian.

Conclusions:I. None of the Indian scientists is

talented.II. Some talented ]ndian scientists

have migratedHI. AU talented sci entists are in

America.IV. Some Indian scientists aretalented,

!(A) Only conclusion I follows(B)Only conclusicns II followsi(C) Only conclusion IU follows(D] Conclusions II & IV follow

36. State-ment:An beggar are poor.

Conelueions:L If A is a beggar, then A is poor.II. If A is not rich, then A is at beggar.III. AnIthose who are poor are beggars.IV. If A is rtch , then A cannot be a

beggar,i(A)Only conclusion I follows;(B)Only conclusions U follows'(C)' Only conclusions Ill follows1(0) Only conclusions IV follows

37. Statements:The government should ban all formsof protests :tindud:lng strfkes andprocessions.

Conclusions:1. Yes, this· lis the only way to teach

discipline to the employees.II. No, Government cannot deprive its

citizens of their basic rights.III. Yes, this is the only way to maximize

productivity without disruption ofwork.

Only conclusion I is strong (B)Only conclusions II is strong(C) Only conclusions III is strongI(D) Only conclusions I & HI i~ strong

(Aj13 (B) 14Ie) ]5 (D)16

33. Somuand Raju start at the same time froma point. Sorou walks towards north at a speedof 4 km per hour. Raju walks towards eastat a speed of 3 kmper hour. What is thedistance between them after one hour ?(A) 1 krn (B) 7 km(e) 5 km (D]!]2 k



26. 2,6,8,16,30,54,?(AJ'74 (B) 88Ie) 100 (0) 110

27. If 48 + 42 = 2 andl90 + 74 = 3" then what willbe91+53=?(A) 4 (B) 5IC) 7 ID} 8

28. The equation is wrrtten on the.basis of acertain system. Find out the correct answerfor the unsolved equation on that basis18+2~ 109 and iL20+40~43,then15+3"?(AJ 5 (B)65Ie) 105 (0) 15

29. 2: 3 '" ]5 7 '" 233 9'= 154 +·8 =?(A) 20 (6)30(C)I 50 (0) 60

30. 9 4 65 ?- 76 8 20270 224 420(AJ7 (B) 12(Cj 32 (D)56

31. If '+' stands for 'x' [multiplication), and '-'stands for '+' (add:ition), and '+' stands for'_' Isubtraction), which of the following ISfalse?(A),6 t- 4 + 5 - 5 .. 24IB)lb-7+3+S .. 23[C] 1 - 9 + 4 + 12 '" 25(D) 3 ...3 + 3 - 3 .. 6

32. The number of students in an art claesisincreasing month after month as follows.Find the number of students in June fromthe following information.

(B) 195(D) 103

24. If EisA, Ats R, RisX, Mis S, Tis W, Pis 0,Wis E-and 0 is T.l'hen what is WARMOTE?(A)XERSWTAO (B)ERSJaAWO(C) ERXSTWA (0) ESRXWAOT

Directions: In question Nos. 25 to 3D select themissing responses.25. 2:,9.,28, 65,?

(A} 121(e) 126

Page 4: 10' - KopyKitab · ... 1,5,2,3 4. Zenith Directions:Inquestion numbers 10and 12,find ... (0.96)3-(0.1)3. 53. (0.96)2+(0.096)+0.01


~~ .:ti1r<~'ilTI't-(Oj:i :


46. ;;ft~~~-q"H~'3'm·-i}WFfu7.f?1r~~ ~ f:rfini tl~.~:

" - ?

IDJIc)I(A] (B),

44. ~~:

(B) 5


(A) 6(C)4

(e)! 2 (DJI642. %mr~m'~-:m I <tml4R~·~"tRt?

(H) 1(AJS




(Al' 7 (B) 180

Ie) 7, (')~9 (:0) 6 afu 9

41. ~ -qj;8 "Effr ;:m ~ ;frit -ey TIt t :



69 y


ICJ 29 (D}22

40. Wm ii' ~ -{t am:, ~ X <t 'qrr ~.~ ?

(B) 15(A) 30



39. '~~ ~ t.~ ~ ~ '3\?iqRi~H~

fffir t ?


Page 5: 10' - KopyKitab · ... 1,5,2,3 4. Zenith Directions:Inquestion numbers 10and 12,find ... (0.96)3-(0.1)3. 53. (0.96)2+(0.096)+0.01



46. From the given answer figures, select theone in which the question figure ishidden Iembedded,Question Figure:

Answer figure:

(B) 5(0')13

(AJ6ie) 4

Which number will appear on the faceopposite to 1 ?


(B) 1ID) 6(C]l2

~H~~~Identify the number at the 'bottom when thetop is 3.(Al5

41. Four positions of a dice are given below:

(B) 180(D) 6 andl9

jA) 7Ie) 7,6&9



69 Y

Which elements are not part of set X ?40.

jBllS(DJ 22


44. Question figure:

~~~~~29 I(j!) IAnswer figures

Answer figures:

Directions: In question nos. 43 and 44, whichanswer figure will complete the pattern in thequestion figure?43. Question figure:

How many students are taking Chemistryor Biology?


(D)~Ie) (]1[)


Choose the correct relationship depictingdiagram.Smokers, Lawyers, Non-smokers


Page 6: 10' - KopyKitab · ... 1,5,2,3 4. Zenith Directions:Inquestion numbers 10and 12,find ... (0.96)3-(0.1)3. 53. (0.96)2+(0.096)+0.01


[ffiJO:a ~.~a O::DD D yo a DO DQO' aD O'Q

{A} (Bl' Ie) ID)

50.. <W:; 1@i <Ntrr rm XY:tm:r 1Rm~, m ''1fI' ~ :nR~r il' 'fr ~ m ~' 1]!R ~ <fl1 Wt~mm?.~~:

49. 'm"~:

.L.....J,,~)I i-"+I ..I .... "I" I-r ,.. "to --

(A} {BI (CJ (D}

(A),24 (B) 23Ie) 27 (D)26(~. ~ 4\8 am 49) : fl lIv-f 3'lH'lifi:141f if

I~......" ,,~~qft-~~:rrm~et~fl:irt:l ~ ~ *m ~ tIlT ?

48. J:I'!R ~ :

Page 7: 10' - KopyKitab · ... 1,5,2,3 4. Zenith Directions:Inquestion numbers 10and 12,find ... (0.96)3-(0.1)3. 53. (0.96)2+(0.096)+0.01

g][t[0J~{A} (B) (C) ID)

Answer figures:

If a mirror: is placed on the line XY then;:vhich of the answer figures is the'rightImage of the given figure'?Question figure: .



€IDag : g):DO DD

Answer figures:

(A)24 (8)23Ie) 27 (DJ26

Directiem:(Qn. Nos. 48 & 49): Apiece of paperis fold,ed and cut as shown below hi thequestion figures. From the given answerfigures, indicate how it will appear whenopened.48. Question figure:

Page 8: 10' - KopyKitab · ... 1,5,2,3 4. Zenith Directions:Inquestion numbers 10and 12,find ... (0.96)3-(0.1)3. 53. (0.96)2+(0.096)+0.01

(B) 6.25%(D) 15%

(A) 10%(C) 6.5%

(C) 73.15 (D) 76.85~ ~ 't!i1"l ~. 2400 ii <fq ~ ~ ~ ~ 25%CfitITmI <!f<\m 'Cf6' ~ 2040 ii m:n ~, m '3Uili1 ffi'q

>Iftwffi ~

(B) 75.05(A) 74.85

(C)y-x (D)Y-zz-y x+ z

60 am 90 ql- 'ii'Rr 'fI'Ifi 3~~ mr31l CfiTalma t64.

x -z(B) y -z

z -x(A) y _ x

J Jsc) '6 W) -:;

,\1:f.lq;'TJ )'ili'3f.if;;m3'tfT'l113CfiT3163~ ql-m?T fi:r~ 90

~ mm CfiT~ t.1 <!f<\ ~ \~ CfiT~ 108 ~mmm, m fi:r~ -q ~~ <1\1 'tfT'lII t(A) 70 B't. (B) 80 m.(C) 60m. (D) 50 '{'ft.30% ~)6<!1 't!ffi q;l ~ 3R 50% 't!ffi ql- m~ ~~ -q ~ ~ ~ 42% 't!ffi firn ~?(A)I:2 (B)I:3

(C)2:3 (D)3:2~ ~ <1\1 _ 31'J:! 35 qr:f tl '3U 'ili'8JJit' 6 "Ill: ~

~ ~ _ 3~ 33 qr:f 2ft f;rmt _ ~ JCf

q;q3m3~ 13'ili'8JJ3-qJi.9r;jh<l\13~3mr3 2ftl\'A) 16 (B) 18(C) 15 (D) 20~ 'lU8JJ -q ~ m cm:l -mm mt '!l'r<T _ a:fq;

x<'10 2t am 3~ m 'Cl'R'Il <liT _ y% ?Ill 'lU8JJ

~ cm:l 'fI'Ifi i9f":1Il <t alma z% ?Ill 'lU8JJ ~ cm:l '3"l~ '<liT x, Y '11~ Z ql-~ ii ~ q<:fJ ~;;It ~ ~

1l\'B) -5

1l\'A) -3

Cf.l53tI3~3CfiT3~W!T3 'r!'IlT:~f.:rct;~1'I>{J<mr:3;;re'3fi«~3'1<rr;;n] 3mfCf;'3"l) 3fi:rWl13-q3~affi3 ;;re:roRfifGm3;;n 17


2trD) 6-%~2trC) 8-%3

2(B) 16-%3

(A) 10%

(C) 11% (D) 8%~q ~ ql- 31'fc1;o~ 'R 10%<1\1 ~ oJ~,m 20% ffi'q mar tl ~ ~ ~ 20% ~ oJ~, 65.m ffi~ >Iftwffi t - .


m) 10%1

(A) 11-%9

11 11ll'A) '5 ll'B) 70

7 11~C) 11 W)""7

52. 133ltu I0000093ql-:r<it'¬ ff3~,,","3',,;'bmr 3;;n~193"'3'C!U11flCf~m.3t~A) 33 (B) 101 60.(C) 35 (D) 99

(0.96)3 - (0.1)353. (0.96)2 +(0.096)+0.01 <liT 1U'f t

(A) 0.86 (B) 1.06(C)Q~ (D)Q~

54. <!f<\ 3 ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ <ftcm q;l 43 fc\'I -q <RT 61.mt'm 7 ~ 3m 5 ~ '3U ~ q;l fclm:?t f0i.. .",..,.,,:;:;,?l:! "'.,,"",.(A) 16fc\'1 (B)25fc\'1(C) 21 fc\'I (D) 12 fc\'I 62.

55. A ~ CfiI1'I q;l 10 fc\'I -q ~ Wfiffi t 3m B 20 fc\'I -qlif ~ m~CfiI1'I ~ q;cl t. 'tfq A CfiI1'I 'Ff m \t <;lfc\'I ~ CfiI1'I ~ tIT t I 'Ff CfiI1'I fclm:?t f<:ii -q m?(A) 8 fc\'I (B) 7~3m

~C) 7 fc\'I (D) 6 fc\'I56. ~ ~ <liT a:if4;a ~ ~ ~ ~ \t 20% a'1fuq;

, ... ~.,_",_ 63.~I ~ ~ 'R 20% q;'t ~ oJ;;om Q I '1'''' '%">('1'q;l(A) 4% ~ mar t(B) 4% mf.T mm t.( C) "I <IiW ffi~ mar t. "l mf.I(D ) 20% mf.T mm t.

57. ~ 'tI'@ <liT ~ ~. 750 ~ t.. 20% ~ ql- ml>.ll6i1«lfCl"li ~ ~. 540 ~ ql- ~ 'lm'fi q;l fcI;o:n~~oJ~?

1 14 4951.


Page 9: 10' - KopyKitab · ... 1,5,2,3 4. Zenith Directions:Inquestion numbers 10and 12,find ... (0.96)3-(0.1)3. 53. (0.96)2+(0.096)+0.01


Find average of all prime numbers between60 and 90.(A) 74.85 (8) 75.05(C) 73.15 (0) 76.858y selling a cell phone for Rs. 2400, ashopkeeper made a profit of 25%. Then hisprofit °lc, ifhe had sold it for Rs. 2040 is(A) 10% (8) 6.25%(C) 6.5% (0) 15%



(0) y -zx r z

y + x(C) z -y

x + z(8) y -z

z + x(A) y _ x




A mixture of certain quantity of milk with16L of water is worth 90 paise per litre. Ifpure milk cost 108 paise per litre, then theamount of milk in the mixture is(A) 70L (8) 80L(C) 60L (0) SOLThe ratio in which a 30% alcohol solutionshould be mixed with another 50% solutionin order to get a 42% solution is(A) 1 : 2 (8) 1 : 3(C) 2 : 3 (0) 3 : 2The average age of a class is 35 years. 6new students with an average age of 33years joined in that class, thereby

1decreasing the average by 2year. The

original strength of the class was.(A) 16 (8) 18(C) 15 (0) 20In an examination, the average marksobtained by students who passed was x%,while the average of those who failed wasy%. The average marks of all studentstaking the exam was z%. Find in terms ofx, y & z the percentage of students takingthe exam who failed.


I(0) -


(e) -6

1(8) -


(A) -3

Ratio of syrup and water is a sweet drinkcontained in bottle is 7 : 5. What part of thedrink is to be taken out and replaced bywater so that in the new mixture, syrup andwater are in equal proportion?


2(0) 6-%3

2(e) 8-%




(e) 7 days (0) 6 daysThe marked price of an article is 20%higher than the cost price. A discount of20% is given on the marked price. By thisthe seller(A) gains 4%(8) loses 4%(C) bears no gain, no loss(0) loses 20%A fan is listed at Rs. 750 with a discount of20%, what additional discount must beoffered to the customer to bring the netprice to Rs. 540?

1(AJ119% (8) 10%

(C) 11% (0) 8%If a commission of 10% is given on themarked price of an article, then the gain is20%. If the commission is increased to 20%,then the gain percent is

2(A)10% (8) 16"3%


2(8) 7-days

3(A) 8 days




The number of perfect cubes between 1 and1000009 which are exactly divisible by 9 is(A) 33 (8) 101(e) 35 (0) 99

(0.96)3 - (0.1)3 .The value of IS(0.96)2 +(0.096)+0.01(A) 0.86 (8) 1.06(C) 0.95 (0) 0.97If 3 men or 4 women can build a walJ in 43days, in how many days can 7 men and 5women build this wall?(A) 16 days (8) 25 days(C) 21 days (0) 12 daysA can do a piece of work in 10 days and 8 in20 days. They begin together but A leaves 2days before the completion of the work. Thewhole work will be done in


11(8) 70

11(0) -:;-

11(A) -5

7(C) 11

I _2_5 is121

1 1The square root of '4 4951.

I Part - II (QuantitativeAptitude) I

Page 10: 10' - KopyKitab · ... 1,5,2,3 4. Zenith Directions:Inquestion numbers 10and 12,find ... (0.96)3-(0.1)3. 53. (0.96)2+(0.096)+0.01

~ flqA1<b{OI 2x + 3y = 6 q;( mq; ~ ale.,<t "Bmf:I'I_F ~, m f:I'I_F q;( e.~ m(A) 2 cr1~ (8) 3 cr1~(C) 6 cr1~ (D) 1cr1~

7.Jf.:: x=..[3+1 3m y=.J'3-1 m ~+r.:. q;(..j3-1 ..j3+1 y x

'tIAt(A) 52 (8) 76(C) 4 (D) 64

';;)iI x + y - 1m (X" + y3 + 3xy) q;( 'tIA i(A) -2 (8) I(C)2 (D)3

(B) 42 'tit(D) 54 'tit

(A) 36 'tit(C) 48 liT

3lI~.rrt3q;(3~~ nf%1i1'3t ~n'\'lm'f<mlfh::.;''a'Ii1:ill100

'6A) 1.7f<l;xft (8) ].9 f<l;xft( C) 2. 1 f<l;xft (D) 2.4 fc!;1:iT1%'~qftw:nm~3 :4~~ift.am:

~ ~ 1:U 8 *'iI t I 3l::T.I ~ :rnair' if 'B 1%'~ :rn3lT<t 'ffif %1~ ~ q;( ~ 168 'MFt, m mit ~:rn qft ~t(A) 10 *'iI (8) 11.2 *'iI

(C)II.&*'iI (D)12.4*'i1

~ fc!im 3l<f ~ q;( ~ 77 'tit' t m 6fICIi1 'q'ft4Tqt


'6D) 3..[3: J8


re) 3/3: J4

(A) J3:14


2h 2(C) ~*'iI' (D) a h *'ii'

8 12fc!im ~ ~ 1%'m q;( ~ 77 *'ii' t ammq;( 450 t I ~ qft firv'I;n t(A) 7 *'iI (8) 14 *'iI

(C) 21 *'iI (D) 28 *'iI

1%' llffi .afu al'* q;( "r'O ~ <.ro<I'{ il m~q;(3~i


.2h(8) ~*'iI'


1%' 'ffif flf;q q;( amm: 1%' ~ fl4fG'lIS;f:I'I_F t~ q;uf a *'iI tl ~ flf;q qft ~ h *'iI t m6fICIi1 31f7.re"f t

(8) ~.2500(D) ~. 3000

(A) ~. 1500(C) ~. 2000



(C) 20% (D) 22%

-ey B~ qft ~ <t ofRr ~ 8 : 9 tl ~ ~

4 m if 360 f%1i1~ tl ~ ~ &ro 3 m if O<rqft ~ 1:U (f%1i1 if) ~ t?(A) 240 (8) 480(C) 120 (D) 60 79.

1%' ~ ~ A 180 'tit ~ t ~ ~ ~ B 240

'tit ~ tl A qft "<IK'I 30 fc!;1:ft '5IRr <W * .afu 8 qft "<IK'I40 f%1i1m tfGJ il ~ ~ mua fqrr if ~ unm m ~ 1%' ~ cffi ~ ~ iflU 'fi'{ Wit? 80.

(A) 21 ~ (8) 21.6 ~

(C) 26.1~ (D) 26 ~~ fc!im -urn ~ 8%m q1f qft ~ 'B ~ q1f <t full:~ ~ .afu mtlW1l ~ if~. 32 q;( arm: t m~ -urn ~ 81.

(A) ~. 5000 (8)~. 5500

(C) ~. 6000 (D) ~. 52501%' -urn ~ ~ 'tR 2 Cf1!li if ~. 2196 m -;;mft t.afu 3 crm .q'~. 3149.28, ~ -urn t 82.


re) 15%25

(A) -%2


2~C) 113'% ~D) ~ 3350

Q 'J"I1C' e:h! if fcWI if 75% ~31l -=t ~ 1=ffi~ f<;r;tiI 'B 2% 3~ m 1'l1l:1~ ~ q;l ~1:l

l10T ~ 75% 1=ffi~. ~ ~ 9261 ?ii1'J"l1C' e:h!if ~R!lair' CIft 'WI ~ t(A) 14500 (8) 18900

(C) 16800 (D) 24000

~ A CIft 3tF! B qft .a~ q;( ~ 3t ,Jam CIft 3tF! A qft

.a~ 'B f<I;a':t ~ ~~ *?


1-m) 12-%2

2(A) 3-%11

1(C) 15 (D) 12'2

)cfiJ&rrmb':b803~3~ 50 CIft ~ 'B ~I -amm 'B 20 -£R: 5% ~ 'ffi'q 'tR ~ I ~ -£R:t q;( 'ffi'q

~ Cj<:fI m ~ 'WI ~ 10% 'ffi'q m ;;rrQ_?


(8) 14(A) 12

~ 23 ~ q;( <;Ii<! ~ 20 ~ <t ~ ~ <t 74.

<.ro<I'{ t m 'ffi'q 'lIT mf.I ~ t66.

(A) a2h *'ii'4

Page 11: 10' - KopyKitab · ... 1,5,2,3 4. Zenith Directions:Inquestion numbers 10and 12,find ... (0.96)3-(0.1)3. 53. (0.96)2+(0.096)+0.01

SSC CGL Solved Practice Papers Tier-I(Set 1 to Set 11)

Publisher : Faculty Notes Author : Panel of Experts

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