10 leadership lessons from magaret thatcher

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Leadership Lessons From Margaret Thatcher
  2. 2. Some of you might be still thinking its a mans world out there, but if there is one woman that shows us that it is not true is Margaret Thatcher. Lets see what are the lessons that we can learn from her that would allow more women to step forward.
  3. 3. 1) Put conviction ahead of popularity Margaret Thatcher was clear from the start: I am not a consensus politician. Im a conviction politician. Thatchers bold and radically different prescription of a market-driven British economy alienated a lot of people. This approach was later embraced as the established wisdom.
  4. 4. 2) Persistence The one element that keeps coming back as the one that makes the difference between success and mediocrity is persistence and never giving up. Margaret Thatcher ran twice for office in her 20s and lost in both times, but she didnt give up she kept going to it until she reached the top.
  5. 5. 3) Communicate your vision and recognize the key battles ahead Good leaders are focusing on a big five where they can really make a difference. In Thatchers case, this was introducing market reforms to the ailing British economy, shifting from manufacturing to service-based industries, breaking the stranglehold of the trade unions, privatizing public utilities and creating an environment where individuals could thrive.
  6. 6. 4) Bind in your roots, heart and personal touch During the Falklands war, she wrote countless handwritten notes to the families of wounded British servicemen, demonstrating that she had not lost touch with those who were risking their lives to execute her orders.
  7. 7. 5) Take big risks and celebrate victories Margaret Thatcher was a risk-taker. When it came to facing down powerful politicians within her own party or strikers on a picket line, she chose the line of most resistance. She believed in doing the right thing, not taking the easy way out.
  8. 8. 6) Be relentless There are bound to be obstacles on the road to success, and relentless determination is a must. Reflecting on her battles with the trade unions and Irish terrorism, Thatcher said, You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.
  9. 9. 7) Speak Up Thatcher was a genius in knowing when to speak up and in navigating herself to sit at the table at the right time and in the right place. She was a genius at political timing, sensing the moment to grab a power seat when the table was in disarray in the 70 when the Tories were falling in power.
  10. 10. 8) Make the right decision, not the like decision Margaret Thatcher had no problem taking those unpopular steps. She was willing to push for budget cuts when her advisers, including influential U.S. supply-siders, advised her to emphasize tax cuts. Pennies dont fall from heaven, they have to be earned here on Earth.
  11. 11. 9) Build a sustainable fellowship at the heart of your organization Margaret Thatcher certainly knew the value of personal branding, casting herself as The Iron Lady who was not for turning. Thatcher understood that mass engagement began with a solid core base. Particularly in the early years, she built an inner cabinet of Thatcherites
  12. 12. 10) You can have it all Even though she was leading her country Margaret Thatcher did not give up on her role as a wife and as a mother. She found a way of combining it all. Yes, it might not have been the traditional way of being a wife or a mother, but she found a way of doing it all together.
  13. 13. Power is like being a lady... if you have to tell people you are, you aren't. - Margaret Thatcher Thank You Very Much Sompong Yusoontorn