10 mathematicians

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Post on 07-Aug-2018




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  • 8/20/2019 10 Mathematicians


    The French philosopher and scholar, Rene Descartes, was

    well-known for his method of expressing geometric

    shapes in the form of algebraic equation. It was because

    of Rene Descartes that we got introduced to the beautiful

     branch of co-ordinate geometr. The !artesian

    coordinates, in fact, refer to his name. "esides this, Renehas contributed significantl in the field of optics and

    energ conser#ation

    Read more at "u$$le

  • 8/20/2019 10 Mathematicians


    %ir Isaac &ewton was one of the greatestcontributors in the field of maths and phsics.

    'is works are spread in almost e#er field. 'e

    de#eloped !alculus, both differential and

    integral, that are still the most important aspects

    of higher mathematics. (sing !alculus, he made

    it easier to find the area bounded b closed

    cur#es. In phsics, his most world-changing

    work was the disco#er of existence of

    gra#itational force in our surrounding.

  • 8/20/2019 10 Mathematicians


    )uler, a %wiss phsicist and an expert in maths,is widel acclaimed for his works in the field of

    function notation. 'is mathematical genius has

     been pro#ed in the fields of infinitesimal

    calculus and graph theor. 'is mathematical

    works and research in optics, mechanics, and

    fluid dnamics ha#e been hailed to be #er


  • 8/20/2019 10 Mathematicians


    The scientific world was amused b the)instein*s theor of relati#it. +lthough +lbert

    )instein was phsicist, his applied mathematical

    theorems to reach to apt conclusions. nown as

    father of hsics, he can be best described as

    a mathematical phsicist. 'e also won the

    and the disco#er of law of photoelectric effect.

  • 8/20/2019 10 Mathematicians


    The greatest scholar of the ancient era,

    +rchimedes made phenomenal contribution in

    the field of mathematics. 'is works include

    finding #arious computation techniques to

    determine #olume and area of se#eral shapes,

    including the conic section

  • 8/20/2019 10 Mathematicians



    /reek 0athematician thagoras is considered b some

    to be one of the first great mathematicians. 1i#ing around

    234 to 562 "!, in modern da /reece, he is known to

    ha#e founded the thagorean cult, who were noted b

    +ristotle to be one of the first groups to acti#el stud and

    ad#ance mathematics. 'e is also commonl credited with

    the thagorean Theorem within trigonometr. 'owe#er,some sources doubt that is was him who constructed the

     proof 7%ome attribute it to his students, or "audhaana,

    who li#ed some 844 ears earlier in India9.

  • 8/20/2019 10 Mathematicians


    Andrew Wiles

     The only currently living mathematician onthis list, Andrew Wiles is most well known for

    his proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem: That no

    positive integers, a, b and c can satisfy the

    euation a!n"b!n#c!n For n greater then $%

    &'f n#$ it is the (ythagoras Formula)% Although

    the contributions to math are not, perhaps, asgrand as other on this list, he did *invent’

    large portions of new mathematics for his

    proof of the theorem%

  • 8/20/2019 10 Mathematicians


  • 8/20/2019 10 Mathematicians


    Isaac &ewton and :ilhelm 1eibni$

    ' have placed these two together as

    they are both often given the honor of 

    being the *inventor’ of modern

    in+nitesimal calculus, and as such

    have both made monolithic

    contributions to the +eld% To start,

    Leibni is often given the credit for

    introducing modern standard notation,

    notably the integral sign%

  • 8/20/2019 10 Mathematicians


    1eonardo isano "lgollo

    -lgollo, also known as Leonardo

    Fibonacci, is perhaps one of themiddle ages greatest mathematicians%

    Living from ../0 to .$10, he is best

    known for introducing the infamous

    Fibonacci 2eries to the western world%

    Although known to 'ndianmathematicians since appro3imately

    $00 -4, it was, nonetheless, a truly

  • 8/20/2019 10 Mathematicians


  • 8/20/2019 10 Mathematicians


    Alan Turing

    4omputer 2cientist and 4ryptanalyst Alan

     Turing is regarded my many, if not most,

    to be one of the greatest minds of the

    $0th 4entury% 5aving worked in the

    6overnment 4ode and 4ypher 2chool in

    -ritain during the second world war, he

    made signi+cant discoveries and createdground breaking methods of code

    breaking that would eventually aid in

    cracking the 6erman 7nigma 7ncryptions%