10 opportunities in representing a foreign company

10 opportunities in representing a foreign company January, 2014 Feedback from sales reps on international representation

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A presentation based on the feedback from sales reps who have been representing foreign companies. Get yourself out of the box and seize opportunities that are offered to you by international representation. Have you known all of them?


Page 1: 10 Opportunities In Representing A Foreign Company

10 opportunities in representing a foreign company

January, 2014

Feedback from sales reps on international representation

Page 2: 10 Opportunities In Representing A Foreign Company

1. Innovation

“Being able to enter the market with a forward thinking product was the key

factor in my success.”

In today's competitive market, how do you set yourself apart from others? How can you become a sales rep with an unmistakable edge?

Innovation means finding new ways to add value to your business.

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2. Geographical Advantage

“Exclusive representation gave me an astonishing edge with my leads.”

You can acquire exclusive geographic representation. That alone will give more time to sell (there’s less need to waste time travelling) and an exclusive right to sell a specific

product within your region.

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3. Comission Rates

“I’ve never won so much before I accepted this position.”

With a boost of your sales and with a higher hit ratio, your chances of winning higher commission rates increases!

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4. Know-How

“Dealing with a foreign company gave me the chance of increasing my knowledge through training that wasn’t available


When you educate yourself, you learn new things that other people are unaware of. And working with a foreign company provides you assets that nobody else has. This

gives you the ability to make better decisions, come up with more evolved and intelligent speech, improve your skills and consequently increase your sales.

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5. Different Cultures

“Before I’ve worked with a foreign company I didn’t had a clue of how

foreign markets operated.”

From culture to culture, there are different ways that people move toward completing tasks. Understanding and acknowledging those differences will increase your success

rate with clients with different personalities and traits.

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6. Experience

“In my opinion, working with a foreign company gave me the experience I needed

to improve my résumé and set it apart from others in the same line of business.”

Nowadays, most companies value experience over education. An experience with a foreign company can set you apart from others sales reps.

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7. Networking

“My contacts list switched from a local list to a worldwide network in a matter of


Networking provides the most productive, most proficient and most enduring tactic to build relationships.

To succeed you must continually connect with new people, cultivate emerging relationships and leverage your network.

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8. Benchmark

“When I compared my best practices with others that were applied in a different

market, I was able to improve my own.”

Survival in today's business climate requires you to spend more time working on your business rather than in the business. Have you ever wondered how your business performs compared to your competitors? Benchmarking is a process of continual improvement. Once you have implemented changes, you should benchmark your

business again to see the results.

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9. Flexibility

“The flexibility that came with the opportunity of working as sales rep for a foreign company allowed me to adjust my demanding personal life to the needs of

my professional duties.”Research shows that flexible work arrangements may reduce stress because sales reps working flexibly are more satisfied with their jobs, more satisfied with their lives, and experience better work-family balance. Overall, sales reps who have a high work-life

fit fare much better than others who have moderate or low levels of work-life fit.

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10. Personal Differentiation

“Whenever I met with other sales rep, I always stand out with my repertoire of stories and experiences from foreign


Differentiation is possibly the most important aspect of brand creation, because it is intrinsic to forming a memorable brand.

Successful personal branding entails managing the perceptions effectively and controlling and influencing how others perceive you and think of you.

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January, 2014