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Year 10 Science. Assessment Term 3 2016 Student Name Year Level Year 10 Class SCI101A, SCI101B, SCI101C, SCI101D, SCI101E, SCI101F, SCX10A, SCX10B, SCX10C Handout Date: Week 7 Teacher M. O’Rourke/ C. Leneham/ T. Nolan/ M.Gillis/ D. Weir Rough Draft Date: Unit Name Motion Due Date: Week 10 Task Extended Experimental Investigation – Motion on an incline plane Investigation questions (a) How does the angle of the incline ramp affect the acceleration of a vehicle? (b) How does the angle of the incline ramp affect the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy? Assessment Technique Scientific Report Assessment conditions Instructions: Students must complete the details on this cover sheet. Any students suspected of cheating will be referred to the Head of Science Students can complete the experiment in groups of three, but must write an individual report. Specific Assessment requirements Literacy Medium. Numeracy High ICTs Low Other Score /56 A B C D E A + ≥53 A ≥48 A - ≥45 B + ≥42 B ≥39 B - ≥36 C + ≥32 C ≥28 C - ≥23 D + ≥20 D ≥17 D - ≥14 E + ≥ 10 E ≥ 5 E - < 5 Criteria Grade Science Enquiry Skills Analyse patterns and trends in data, including describing relationships between variables and identifying inconsistencies Use knowledge of scientific concepts to draw conclusions that are consistent with evidence Evaluate conclusions, including identifying sources of uncertainty and possible alternative explanations, and describe specific ways to improve the quality of the data Communicate scientific ideas and information for a particular purpose, including constructing evidence-based arguments and using appropriate scientific language, conventions and representations Differentiation – Adjusted Assessment Conditions Assignment broken into stages Collaborative effort Extension Length of task/time altered Teacher/Aide assistance Assessment method altered 1. /home/website/convert/temp/convert_html/5eba755965dca26f8016f729/document.docx

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Year 10 Science. Assessment Term 3 2016Student Name

Year Level Year 10

Class SCI101A, SCI101B, SCI101C, SCI101D, SCI101E, SCI101F, SCX10A, SCX10B, SCX10C Handout Date: Week 7

Teacher M. O’Rourke/ C. Leneham/ T. Nolan/ M.Gillis/ D. Weir

Rough Draft Date:

Unit Name Motion Due Date: Week 10Task Extended Experimental Investigation – Motion on an incline planeInvestigation questions

(a)How does the angle of the incline ramp affect the acceleration of a vehicle?(b)How does the angle of the incline ramp affect the conversion of potential energy

into kinetic energy?

Assessment Technique Scientific Report

Assessment conditions

Instructions: Students must complete the details on this cover sheet. Any students suspected of cheating will be referred to the Head of Science Students can complete the experiment in groups of three, but must write an individual report.

Specific Assessment requirements





Score /56A B C D E

A+ ≥53 A ≥48 A- ≥45 B+ ≥42 B ≥39 B- ≥36 C+ ≥32 C ≥28 C- ≥23 D+ ≥20 D ≥17 D- ≥14 E+ ≥ 10 E ≥ 5 E- < 5

Criteria GradeScience Enquiry Skills Analyse patterns and trends in data, including describing relationships between variables and identifying inconsistencies Use knowledge of scientific concepts to draw conclusions that are consistent with evidence Evaluate conclusions, including identifying sources of uncertainty and possible alternative explanations, and describe

specific ways to improve the quality of the data Communicate scientific ideas and information for a particular purpose, including constructing evidence-based arguments

and using appropriate scientific language, conventions and representations

Differentiation – Adjusted Assessment Conditions☐Assignment broken into stages ☐Collaborative effort ☐Extension☐Length of task/time altered ☐Teacher/Aide assistance ☐Assessment method altered☐Task simplified ☐Use of technology ☐Other☐Use of reader/scribe ☐Print/Diagrams enlarged

Acknowledgement of assessment responsibility Student Signature:I understand what I need to do for this assessment.I understand the consequences of plagiarism/cheating and confirm this is my own work.


Date: ………………………………

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MOTION ON AN INCLINE PLANEExtended Experimental Investigation


Guide to understanding this


Students will be expected to complete an experiment in which a vehicle (such as a motion cart or toy car) is released to accelerate down a ramp while the motion of the vehicle is measured. The measurements made by the students will be used to calculate values for the:

Speed of the vehicle Acceleration of the vehicle Potential Energy (PE) of the vehicle Kinetic Energy (KE) of the vehicle.

In addition students will be expected to complete this booklet to submit for a grade. Each part of the booklet is given a mark which indicates how much that section contributes to the overall grade.

Some sections of the booklet are considered more difficult or complex work. These sections will be clearly marked with “A/B section”. These parts of the assessment are not compulsory - however completing these sections is the only way a student can receive a grade higher than a C+. These section are designed for independent work - students may not seek teacher assistance in the completion of these sections.

Investigation Questions

How does the angle of the incline ramp affect:(a) the acceleration of a vehicle?(b) the conversion of potential energy into Kinetic energy?

A/B Section

IntroductionWrite several paragraphs explaining all the theory necessary for a reader to undertand the science you present in this report.

1st ParagraphThis paragraph explain why this experiment is important. Why study the motion of a vehicle in a lab… how does this help us in real life situations?

2nd ParagraphProvide an explanation of all of the theory you will use in your investigation. This will include (but is not limited to) acceleration due to gravity, potential energy, Kinetic energy, Law of conservation of energy.

Introduction: ________________________________________________
















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3rd ParagraphThis should be a description of how you will do your investigation – that is describe what you will do to answer the two Investigation questions posed on the front page.

General advice – do not use “you”, “us”, “we”, “they” or other personal pronouns

At the end of your introduction list any website addresses you have used

A/B / 6
























AimComplete the sentence on the right

/ 1

Aim - To investigate how changing the angle of the incline ______________



HypothesisA hypothesis has two sentences – the first is what you expect to happen, the second is why you think it will happen.

Write a hypothesis for each of the investigations questions.

/ 2

Hypothesis:Investigation Q1: _______________________________________________




Investigation Q2: _______________________________________________




MethodFill in the list of variables. INDEPENDANT VARIABLE: (one only)______________________________

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Independent variable is the one you are changing deliberately.

Dependent variables are done for you.

Controlled variables are those you try to keep the same all the time.

/ 2

The following diagram has been provided for you. It will not contribute to your grade. Your teacher will discuss with the class how to set up your experiment. You teacher will use this diagram to explain the set up. Use this diagram as a guide to writing youir method

Make a list of what you have to measure when you do the experiment.

No marks for this section


Efficiency (conversion of PE to KE)

CONTROLLED VARIABLES: (at least 2) _____________________________



Diagram 1

Things I have to measure once: _____________________________

Things I have to measure each time: _____________________________



What were the steps in the investigation?

Write a numbered list of steps.

Each step describes something you did in the experiment

You can use either past tense (“the solution was poured” or present tense (“pour the solution”) but DO NOT mix tense.

Do not use personal

METHOD (Con’t)_____________________________________________________________








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Finish0.80 m

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pronouns such as “you”, “us”, “we”, or “they”.











List all the equipment you used

Make a second column if you need to.

/ 2


Risk assessment

Fill in the table for the things in your experiment which may be a source of harm. Check with your teacher for some if you are not sure

/ 3

Source of risk

What amount of harm could

it cause? (circle)

Safety precautions


If an incident occurred what should I do?










Risk assessment: Table 1 – Possible risks in experiment

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Use the table on the right to collect your primary data.

There is room (rows) to do five different angles of the ramp.

All of the subsequent results will depend on the accuracy of your measurements here – so be very careful.



Table 2 (Primary data) – Measuements of vehicle motion down ramp.

Mass of Vehicle (m) = ______ kg Distance travelled = 0.80 m

Height of vehicle at

starth1 (m)

Height of vehicle at

finishh2 (m)

Time taken to cover distance


A/B SECTIONIs there a way you can improve the accuracy of your results? Before you do the experiment - think about how you are collecting the data and how this could be improved.

A/B /3

See Appendix 1 for room to complete an additional results table and explain how you improved the accuracy of the data you collected.

Use the data in table 2 to calculate the values for table 3. Formulas are provided for you.

/ 4

Table 3 (Secondary data) – Calculations from primary data.

Initial speed of vehicle Si = 0 m/s

Angle of ramp



0.,8 0)

Final speed of vehicle


Sf =1.6




accel=S f


Potential Energy at Start(J)

PE = m * 9.8 * (h1 – h2)

Kinetic Energy at Finish


KE= ½ * m * Sf 2

Efficiency of motion


Eff =KEPE x


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Convert your height measures to metres before putting in the table

Convert your mass to kilograms

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Draw a scatter graph (crosses for each data point) of:

Angle (Table 3, column 1) versusAcceleration (table 3, column 3).

Choose your scale carefully

You should have 5 data points (crosses) on your graph

Look at all 5 data points carefully. What pattern or “trend” do they make? Draw the trend line where you think the “trend” or “pattern” of crosses is.

The trend line does not have to go through all, or even any of the crosses.

/ 4

Draw a scatter graph (crosses for each data point) of:

angle (Table 3, column 1) versusEfficiency (table 3, column 6).

Choose your scale carefully

You should have 5 data points (crosses) on your graph

Look at all 5 data points carefully. What pattern or “trend” do they make? Draw the trend line where you think the “trend” or “pattern” of crosses is.

The trend line does not have to go through all, or even any of the crosses.

/ 4

Graph 1: Angle of ramp and its effect on speed

Graph : Angle of ramp and Efficiency of converting PE into KE

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Efficiency (%)

Angle of Ramp (degrees)

Angle of Ramp (degrees)

Acceleration (m/s/s)

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Think: At which angle will gravity

affect the motion of the vehicle the most

Clue: In a perfect world the

answer is yes. How is “our world” not perfect?

Think: How close are the five data

points to the trend line?

Think: How close are the five data

points to the trend line?


A/B SECTIONQuestions 7 and 8 are part of

an A/B Section

Questions.1. What was the highest acceleration reached by the vehicle? ____________

2. Which angle caused the highest acceleration? _________ . Why do you think this angle caused the highest acceleration? (explain the effect of gravity in your

answer) ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Which angle has an efficiency closest to 100%? _____________.

4. Should the efficiency (conversion of PE to KE) always be 100%? Explain




5. Looking at graph 1:

a) In one sentence describe the pattern or trend you see in the data.



b) How accurate is your data in this graph? Explain why you think this.




6. Looking at graph 2 –

a) In one sentence describe the pattern or trend you see in the data.



b) How accurate is your data in this graph? Explain why you think this.




7. Acceleration due to gravity can be calculated from your data. Use the

formula in the table

below to calculate

“gravity” for each

angle of your ramp.

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Table 4: Acceleration due to gravity

Angle of ramp(from table 3)

Acceleration (m/s/s)

(from table 3)

Gravity (m/s/s)

g= accelsin (angle)

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Think: Compare each of your

values to 9.8 – how close are they? The closer they are the more accurate your data

Think: If your values for gravity are

quite similar it is likely that the error occurred every time you did the experiment.

If your values for gravity vary quite a lot it is likely that you did diferrent things wrong each time you did the experiment

A/B /5

8. The value of gravity should be the same - 9.8 m/s/s - for all the angles you used in the experiment. Look at the values you calculated for gravity (in table 4) using your data. You can use a comparison with 9.8 m/s/s to judge the accuracy of your data?

a) How accurate would you say your data is? ________________________





b) What caused the error present in your experiment? How could this have

been prevented? ____________________________________________










1St ParagraphWrite a sentence describing the relationship between the angle of the ramp and the acceleration of the vehicleQuote some data from the table or graph to support your logic

2nd ParagraphWrite a sentence describing the relationship between the angle of the ramp and the efficiency of the PE to KE transferQuote some data from the table or graph to support your logic




















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3rd ParagraphWrite a paragraph about the amount of error.Firstly describe the amount of error in your experiment (average % error), then explain how this error occurred, and finally propose recommendations to avoid this error

A/B / 6















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Explain how you improved the accuracy of your data

Draw up an additional results table to collect your data.

APPENDIX 1 (for additional method – see earlier in assignment)












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