100 days challege daily reviews.pdf

I started the 100 Day Challenge this week; all be it a bit late. In order to catch up to the rest of the challengers, I decided to read and summarize the first 7 days of the challenge. It should serve as an introductory overview for anyone else thinking of taking on the challenge. What is the 100 Day Challenge ? The mission of the 100 Day Challenge is to Inspire, to Promote and to Celebrate excellence. It was created by Gary Ryan Blair, famously known as the “The Goals Guy”. In Gary’s words, “The 100 Day Challenge is a powerful results-oriented program that will challenge you to think and act better.” Deciding to change your life and commit to your goals is the most important decision you can ever make for life success. Dreaming about your goals is not enough. Neither is watching the Television. It’s only people who act on their goals who achieve any measure of success in life, not the wall flowers who just sit back and watch while others succeed around them. Here, is a brief overview of the first 7 Days of the 100 Day Challenge. Orientation Day This is the big day of the challenge. There is a lot of material to cover in a number of recorded video and audio sessions, including: Goal setting and the anatomy of a goal, The awesome power of boldness, How to make a quantum leap (and leapfrog over everyone else), Integrity and commitment, get your mojo working (get that fire in the belly ignited), and a Massive Action Plan based on the law of cause and effect (this is a downloadable PDF). Inside the members area there also a forum to interact with the other challengers for support, as well as downloadable forms and software. I like the Accountability Clock and the Accountability Coach desktop applications; they are both great for reminding me to keep me on track.

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Post on 01-Dec-2015




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I started the 100 Day Challenge this week; all be it a bit late. In order to catch up to the rest of

the challengers, I decided to read and summarize the first 7 days of the challenge. It should

serve as an introductory overview for anyone else thinking of taking on the challenge.

What is the 100 Day Challenge?

The mission of the 100 Day Challenge is to Inspire, to Promote and to Celebrate excellence. It

was created by Gary Ryan Blair, famously known as the “The Goals Guy”.

In Gary’s words,

“The 100 Day Challenge is a powerful results-oriented program that will challenge you to think

and act better.”

Deciding to change your life and commit to your goals is the most important decision you can

ever make for life success. Dreaming about your goals is not enough. Neither is watching the

Television. It’s only people who act on their goals who achieve any measure of success in life,

not the wall flowers who just sit back and watch while others succeed around them. Here, is a

brief overview of the first 7 Days of the 100 Day Challenge.

Orientation Day

This is the big day of the challenge. There is a lot of material to cover in a number of recorded

video and audio sessions, including:

Goal setting and the anatomy of a goal,

The awesome power of boldness,

How to make a quantum leap (and leapfrog over everyone else),

Integrity and commitment,

get your mojo working (get that fire in the belly ignited), and

a Massive Action Plan based on the law of cause and effect (this is a downloadable


Inside the members area there also a forum to interact with the other challengers for support,

as well as downloadable forms and software. I like the Accountability Clock and the

Accountability Coach desktop applications; they are both great for reminding me to keep me

on track.

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There is also a really cool iPhone application called “Everything Counts” that includes 52

audio lessons that you can listen to on the train or when waiting in your idle moments. It helps

make maximum use of your time.

At the end of the orientation day I was able to clarify my top five goals in measurable terms

with fixed deadlines. Just as important was identifying at least three “Whys” for each of my

goals. Why we want to achieve a goal is just as important as the how to achieve it. Our Why,

gives us the motivation and energy to achieve our goals. I was also able to list out five actions

to take to achieve each goal.

The rest of the 100 Day Challenge is designed to keep us accountable and committed to the

goals we identified on the Orientation Day.

Day 1: Get Serious — Grow Up

Have you ever stopped to look in the mirror and decided to get serious about your life. All

successful people have come to this stage at one point in their lives. Your behavior tells the

world if you’re serious or just playing around. Are you serious about your goals?

Day 2: Boldness and Audacity

It’s the people who act with boldness who get the respect and help of others, not the wall

flowers of life. Be willing to get out of your comfort zone and thrive under pressure. Take the

risks. With great risk comes great reward.

Day 3: Do It Now

Adopt a sense of urgency in all that you do. Procrastination always leads to massive

regret. TNT – Today not tomorrow!

Day 4: Success Loves Speed

Leave your competition in your dust, by executing your goals with speed. It’s stressful

procrastinating, worrying about what you should be doing.

“The fast eat the slow”

“Time is your ally when you take action”

“Objects at rest have no momentum”

Day 5: The Power of Deadlines

A task or a deadline will take as much time as you allow it to take, so set a completion time for

every task. Deadlines enforce accountability, create a sense of urgency and represent a

commitment to complete the task.

Day 6: Discipline Your Behavior

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Discipline is a daily habit. It requires consistency. Each act of self-discipline engaged in today

moves us one step closer to our goals.

“If you do not learn to discipline yourself, you are sure to be disciplined by others.”

Day 7: Results are Everything

Your current results reflect what you believe about yourself. Remember what you did

yesterday; did you like the results? If not, then change what you think, say and do today.

Read more: http://www.excitedbylife.com/blog/100daychallenge-week1/#ixzz2LoalIDmy

It is now the end of week two of the 100 Day Challenge. Each week I like to do a revision of what I have learned from the previous weeks lessons. I also like do a performance review of where I am at with respect to my goals.

Day 8 Become Self-Reliant Insist on being authentic, becoming free of debt, expanding your freedoms, trust in your instincts and surrender the unnecessary dependence, control or influence of outside parties.

Day 9 Raise The Bar Set a higher standard for yourself or stagnate. Model the high standards of your heroes.

Day 10 Shock Therapy If your goals and dreams could talk, what would they say to you?

Day 11 Carpe Diem Make your life extraordinary. Don’t be a wall flower. Instead, clearly identify your goals, trust your instincts, take bold action and responsibility for your life.

Day 12 The Power of Focus Winners are the most focused and losers are the least focused. Jealously guard your focus on the smallest number of activities that will produce the largest amount of productivity.

Day 13 Always Move Forward Don’t lose your momentum. Take daily massive, relentless, purposeful action on your goals.

Day 14 Say No Say no to the activities that drain your energy or take you further away from your goals. Less television. Less internet surfing. Less high sugar foods.

Read more: http://www.excitedbylife.com/blog/100daychallenge-week2/#ixzz2LobBKEh7

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Well, I am now at the end of week three of The 100 Day Challenge. As a revision I like to go over the lessons I have learned in the previous week, and to do a performance review of where I am at with my goals. Currently, my weight loss goal is going well. I am happy to report I have lost 3 centimeters from my hips, chest/back and stomach combined since my last status report. My other goals are progressing, but will need some “quantum leaping” (see Day 21) to get them moving faster.

Day 15 Harness Your Energy Eat healthy foods, exercise, meditate. Avoid negativity, sarcasm and unfocused goals. Avoid people and things that drain your energy.

Day 16 Choose Wisely Every choice you make carries a consequence. Your choices should move you closer to your goals. Negative or positive, pessimistic or optimistic, procrastination or action, resentful or forgiving. The list goes on – choose wisely.

Day 17 Do The Right Thing Always do the right thing, even when no one is watching, because our behavior build character. You reputation precedes you and lingers on. “It is far easier to do what is right than it is to undo what is wrong.” Garry Ryan Blair

Day 18 Ask Your Way to Success Ask yourself the right questions and then ask others for help. “Good things come to those who ask.” Garry Ryan Blair

Day 19 Success and Inconvenience “Every person who has been legitimately successful in life has formed the habit of doing the things that others do not like to do.” Garry Ryan Blair

Day 20 Excellence Always Visualize yourself as the best (script it in your mind) and then play out the script exactly as in your mind. “Anything less than a commitment to excellence is a compromise of talent, quality and standards, which results in mediocrity.” Garry Ryan Blair

Day 21 Create a Breakthrough Success does not HAVE to come one step at a time. Use your creativity and leverage the success and failure of others to leapfrog over your competition. Sometimes our old methodologies and ways of doing things need to be thrown out, for better and faster ways.

Read more: http://www.excitedbylife.com/blog/100daychallenge-week3/#ixzz2Lobh1ADR

Well, the first month of the 100 Day Challenge has gone by, and so far it is working well. I have lost over 5 kg of weight since I have started. One thing I have learned is not to set too many goals for the challenge – they need to be achievable. A couple of my other goals are lapsing a bit because I took on too much. I like to do a little summary of what I have learned from the previous week of the 100 Day Challenge. So, here is my summary for last week.

Day 22: Extend Your Reach

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When you stretch your comfort zone (your reach) in any area of your life, you are reaching out and living a fuller, richer and more prosperous life.

Day 23: Behavior Never Lies What we say (our values and philosophy) + what we do (our policies and practices) = what we get and/or perception of others. “Practice what you preach.” “Behavior never lies.” Gary Ryan Blair

Day 24: Keep It Simple In this digital age we tend to make things more complicated than they should be. “Focus on the simple solutions, simple pleasures, and simple ways to get results.” Gary Ryan Blair

Day 25: Focus on the Fundamentals There is a formula that all professions in any endeavor or sport know success = consistently applying daily fundamental principles It requires practice, reinforcement and repetition.

Day 26: Pay Attention to Detail We often downplay the details, but the world is an accumulation of tiny details. Focusing on and paying attention to the small details leads to excellence.

Day 27: Be Consistent We are creatures of habit and expect consistency from others. We feel comfortable around people who are consistent. It breeds respect, confidence and trust.

Day 28: No More Excuses “To ensure success in any endeavor requires that you explicitly turn your back on excuses and point your chest firmly in the direction of responsible behavior” Gary Ryan Blair

Read more: http://www.excitedbylife.com/blog/100-day-challenge-week-four/#ixzz2Loc9vcQI

We are now a third of the way through the 100 Day Challenge, and I am still on track with my weight loss goal. Each week, I like to do a summary of the previous weeks lessons to remind myself of what I have learned.

Day 29: Set It Up What do you do to recover from setbacks? Are you prepared to Step Up or Back Down?

1. Don’t sit there and take it, bounce back. 2. Get over it and take action. 3. Focus on the future. 4. Close the past. 5. Believe in yourself – bad experiences are learning experiences.

Day 30: Enforce Accountability Accountability is what holds our goals and commitment in place. “No one is living my life for me. If it’s going to be – it’s up to me!”

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How do you feel when someone breaks a promise? “Throughout each day of your life it’s important to understand that ALL unfinished goals, projects and relationships are the result of broken promises and agreements.” ~ Gary Ryan Blair

Day 31: Honor Your Commitments Support your word with your actions. Only commit when you mean it. You don’t give your money away, so treat your words even better. Honoring your commitments impacts credibility, reputation, and your peace of mind. "Our biggest concern in our goal setting initiatives is not with our skill, ability or intelligence – it is our commitment." ~ Gary Ryan Blair

Day 32: Use Common Sense Sometimes we can be too focused and we need to step back and ask ourselves, “are we doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason?”

Day 33: Adapt to Circumstances Develop a tolerance for uncertainty and the confidence to deal with it. "Failure is an opportunity." From Tao Te Ching by Lao-tzu

Day 34: The Power of Perseverance "Be thankful for all obstacles, for they are your practice ground, as each new victory prepares you for a greater future victory." ~ Gary Ryan Blair

Day 35: Focus on Quality Quality is the calling card of greatness. "Quality is about love; it’s a passionate obsession with perfection. It is the result of good intention, uncompromising standards, sincere effort, intelligent design, attention to detail and skillful execution." ~ Gary Ryan Blair

Read more: http://www.excitedbylife.com/blog/100-day-challenge-week-five/#ixzz2LocHnF32

I am now into the sixth week of the 100 Day Challenge and the daily lessons keep getting better and better. I am beginning to notice that a lot of the ideas from the previous weeks are working on my subconscious and changing some of my values in Life. It’s a good thing. Without further ado here are my notes from the previous weeks lessons.

Day 36: Leadership (Lead or Follow) Leadership is everybody’s job. It affects all of us in many temporary situations that we might not be aware. A leader is steward or a caretaker, someone who holds something in trust on behalf of others. Leadership is about choosing service over self-interest. “Am I the type of leader who other people want to follow? What Can I do to inspire others to raise the bar on their performance?” ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 37: Answer the Call If not you, who? Step up and go after what you want with boldness. If you don’t someone else will, as it is a highly competitive world.

Day 38: Redemption and Second Acts At some point in everyone’s lives things go wrong. We need to make a come back in these times.

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"Yes, we all get knocked down, but successful people know how to pick themselves back up." ~Gary Ryan Blair

Day 39: Be Grateful "There is a special kind of magic in gratitude for it raises our consciousness, recharges our energy, enhances our self-worth, and strengthens our spirit." ~Gary Ryan Blair

Day 40: Goal Setting for Results You are responsible for your own success. Take ownership of the process, which begins with goal setting. Write down your goals each day. They are the catalysts to your success. Daily visualize each goal as completed in your thoughts and your body will follow them there also.

Day 41: Health and Wellness A healthy body protects you, and from a renewed body comes a renewed mind and more energy. You need to make health and wellness priorities of your life. You can never fully enjoy your earnings or enjoy physical activities without a healthy body.

Day 42: Practice Humility Humility distinguishes the wise leader from the arrogant power seeker. Truly powerful people have great humility. "If the practice of humility does not precede all that you do, your efforts are fruitless." ~ Gary Ryan Blair

Read more: http://www.excitedbylife.com/blog/100-day-challenge-week-six/#ixzz2LocS83DZ

I am now over half way through The 100 Day Challenge and already seeing the benefits. I am back on track with some non health related goals including learning Chinese and am very keen to re-do the challenge again at completion, with some extra new goals. Here are my notes for week seven. NOTE: These are just notes and a really not adequate in showing the benefits of joining the challenge..

Day 43: Joyful Living "You are accountable for all you do as well as for the permitted pleasures that you fail to enjoy during each and every day of your life." ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 44: Lifelong Learning You need to keep learning your entire life to stay in the game and compete in today’s highly competitive environment. Commit to being a student for life.

Day 45: Failure and Progress “People are naive about the benefits of failure. Wrongly founded assumptions about failure replace potentially accurate assessments of what is necessary to achieve success.” ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 46: Get Your Mojo Working Passion (mojo) is the fuel that drives performance. It’s the fire in your belly. “The worst bankruptcy in the world is the person who has lost the passionate soul.” ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 47: Be Unreasonable (GOOD) Highly successful are driven by unreasonable expectations on themselves and how much of of themselves they give in the service of others. "The reasonable person adapts themselves to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adopt the world to himself. Therefore, all large, significant and lasting progress depends on the unreasonable person." ~Garry Ryan Blair

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Day 48: Focus on Your Strengths Always play to your strengths, they are your competitive advantage. "Each of us is completely unique and if ever we are to give a gift to the world, it will have to come out of our own experience and fulfillment of our core strengths." ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 49: Increase Your Contribution "The definition of a successful life must include a contribution into the lives of other people." ~Garry Ryan Blair

Read more: http://www.excitedbylife.com/blog/100-day-challenge-week-seven/#ixzz2LocjWknP

We are now over half way mark now in the 100 Day Challenge. I am back on track with my language learning after a minor diversion. The daily talks from Gary help me persist with my goals especially when I am discouraged.

Day 50: Be Courageous "Through the process of practice and repetition we can learn to become courageous. Likewise, all habits and muscles atrophy through the lack of use. None of use can afford a courage deficit." ~Gary Ryan Blair "Fear just means you haven’t had the experience yet." ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 51: Demonstrate Trust Trust is confidence in people. Distrust is no confidence and suspicion of others. Keep the promises you make to yourself. If we can’t trust ourselves we will have a tough time trusting others. Judge yourself by your behavior not by your intentions. "Trust is common bond between all people — it is the one thing which, if removed, will destroy the most powerful government, the most thriving economy, the most influential leadership, the greatest friendship, the strongest character, the deepest love." ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 52: Law of Exposure 1. What am I currently exposing my mind to on a daily basis? 2. What impact is the exposure having on my performance ? 3. What should I Ideally be exposing my mind to on a daily basis? 4. What am i exposing others to when they look at my behavior? 5. What steps should I take to be sure I am exposed to better people, places, behaviors and results? 6. What indecencies should I no longer be exposing my mind to?

Day 53: Indomitable Spirit "Developing and sustaining an indomitable spirit is the ability to consistently sustain one’s ideal performance state during adversities, setbacks, and unexpected events." ~Gary Ryan Blair

Day 54: Networking "Networking is a way of life, an essential life skill, as well as the most basic business-building tool in today’s competitive market." ~Gary Ryan Blair Read John Maxwell’s book “Everyone communicates few connect.”

Day 55: Be Optimistic "An optimist will respond to all obstacles, all attacks and setbacks with calmness, determination, and a creative, problem-solving attitude." ~Gary Ryan Blair Remain positive in difficult time and focus your attention on joy inducing, constructive activity. Goals and excellence must replace wishful thinking.

Day 56: The Virtue of Patience

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"We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world, that is why adversity must be viewed as an opportunity for disciplined patience." ~Gary Ryan Blair

Read more: http://www.excitedbylife.com/blog/100-day-challenge-week-eight/#ixzz2LocxbjtL

This is my very brief summary of week nine of the 100 Day Challenge. It’s mainly a collection of Garry’s quotes from each lesson.

Day 57: Be Relentless “Being relentless is a commitment and intention that stands in the face of obstacles, hardships, temptations, financial difficulties, failing physical health, and broken relationships.” ~ Gary Ryan Blair

Day 58: Just Be Nice Doing good elevates our self-esteem by making us feel good. It also helps grow connections that you can always fall back on. "When we show kindness to another a bridge is built and by following the Golden Rule to its logical conclusion, you will see that you have formed relations with the many people for whom you harbor good feelings." ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 59: Personal Development "If we are to dominate events and experience greater levels of performance, we must first dominate ourselves." ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 60: Plan Your Way to Success "You may lose at a given time because you’re not tall enough, fast enough, or young enough. But do not allow yourself to lose because you were not fully prepared." ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 61: Be Resilient Self confidence, self esteem and self concept are the three essential strengths for resiliency. "Possessing a resilient mindset does not imply that you are free from stress, pressure and conflict, but rather than you can successfully cope with problems as they arise." ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 62: Teamwork "Supported by conscious effort and immense persistence, the benefits of teamwork can and will help you to maximize potential, productivity and your overall results." ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 63: Accept Reality As It Is "Confront truth and reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be." ~Garry Ryan Blair

Read more: http://www.excitedbylife.com/blog/100-day-challenge-week-nine/#ixzz2Lod5wQdo

Here are a few quotes from Garry Ryan Blair that I really appreciated, from week 10 of the 100 day challenge. It’s great to have these daily lessons to keep me on track with my goals.

Day 64: Divide and Conquer Break larger problems into sub-problems. Solve the smaller problems and you solve the bigger problems.

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"Large goals and overwhelming tasks are only intimidating when you look at them in totality." ~ Garry Ryan Blair

Day 65: Practice Innovation "The essence of strategy lies in creating tomorrow’s competitive advantages faster than anyone can mimic today’s." ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 66: Money and Success "Money does not buy happiness–but neither does poverty. Money brings you food not appetite, medicine not health, acquaintances not friends, servants not faithfulness, moments of joy not peace of mind." ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 67: Demonstrate Loyalty Loyalty is found in what you do, not what you say. It always involves some degree of sacrifice and is consistent in good times and in bad times. “Value builds loyalty and loyalty builds greater value.” ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 68: Protect Your Reputation "(Reputation)..is the currency that allows us to operate freely in the world. Simply having a good reputation makes everything you do that much easier." ~Garry Ryan Blair “Every detail of every relationship combines to form your reputation.” ~Garry Ryan Bliar

Day 69: Serial Reciprocity (Play It Forward) "Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, for as long as you can!" ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 70: Keep Score “High achievers are intensely results oriented and keep an ongoing scorecard of their performance. You are winning or losing or on target with your goals. Keeping your eye on the scoreboard helps you to increase your productivity consistently. Inspection tells you where you are in relation to where you want to be and it tells you how you are doing in the process of pursuing your goals. If how you played or performed were all that mattered then why do all sports have some form of official scorecard?. Make sure you know the score and victory will always be within your grasp” ~Garry Ryan Blair

Read more: http://www.excitedbylife.com/blog/100-day-challenge-week-10/#ixzz2LodIlhoo

It’s now week eleven in the 100 day challenge. Here are are few notes I took from this week’s lessons along with some inspirational quotes from Garry Ryan Blair.

Day 71: Nurture Your Natural Talents We need to identify and nurture our natural gifts. Why? Work flows easily and with little effort if we concentrate on what we are good at. It gives us a surge of energy and is the key to work fulfillment.

Day 72: Assume the Position Take the position that your success is guaranteed and that issues and problems are just speed bumps on the road to success. “The only reason to set a goal is to achieve it.” ~Gary Ryan Blair “Assume the position. No one is going to give you the title. You have got to claim it.” ~Gary Ryan Blair

Day 73: Pay the Price “Everything you want in life, every goal you want to achieve, every dream you want to manifest comes with a price tag.” ~Gary Ryan Blair

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“The suffering cost of failure is always higher than the suffering price for success.” ~Gary Ryan Blair

Day 74: Use The Parent Perspective We can mold our own character and control our own destiny. With everything you do imagine that your children are looking over your shoulder. Do what is right even when it is difficult.

Day 75: Weapons of Mass Production Some examples include; excuses, insecurity, procrastination, self-pity, self doubt, anger, fear, apathy, sarcasm.. the list goes on. These real weapons of mass destruction have killed more dreams, careers, marriages, ideas and lives than any missile every could.

Day 76: Everything Counts “Everything, regardless of size or intent, has bottom-line consequences; therefore, everything counts — this is the golden rule of excellence.” ~ Gary Ryan Blair

Day 77: Best Personal Practices Being the best you possibly can be is not an act. It is a habit. “First and foremost, your mission in life must include a commitment to being the best you can possibly be.” ~Gary Ryan Blair

Read more: http://www.excitedbylife.com/blog/100-day-challenge-week-eleven/#ixzz2LodV9ooF

It’s nearing the end of the year and the end of the challenge. I must admit, with the rush of Christmas coming up I fell behind in the challenge. I am back on track now. Enjoy some of my favorite quotes from week twelve of the challenge.

Day 78: Write It Down “The product (Goal) keep us hungry, the process is what gets us there.” ~ Garry Ryan Blair “You may not love the work but you must have profound respect for the process. The process is what champions are made of.” ~ Garry Ryan Blair

Day 79: Always Go North “You must understand that this lifetime is not a dress rehearsal, therefore you must get serious, take massive action and create an sense of emergency in all that you do.” ~ Garry Ryan Blair “I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving.” ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Day 80: Enjoy The Journey “Longevity and peace of mind ! If stress and negativity can make us ill, laughter, love and positivity can make us well.” ~ Garry Ryan Blair “You grow up the day you have the first real laugh – at yourself.” ~Ethel Barrymore

Day 81: Watch Your Language “An effective goal setter will never express an opinion. You know what you want, why you want it, how you will achieve it and speak with the confidence and conviction that says you know” ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 82: Etiquette And Civility “Do unto others as you would others do unto you.” ~Unknown

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Day 83: Exceed Expectations “The distance between those who achieve their goals consistently and those who spend their lives and careers merely following has everything to do with one’s ability to go the extra mile.” ~ Garry Ryan Blair

Day 84: Create Brand You “A personal brand is the mental picture that people conjure up when your name is mentioned..” ~ Garry Ryan Blair

Read more: http://www.excitedbylife.com/blog/100-day-challenge-week-12/#ixzz2LodhjckS

This week I especially liked the lesson on Day 86 and the quote from Albert Einstein.

Day 85: Do It Right The First Time “Never pay twice for the same lesson and mistake.” ~ Garry Ryan Blair

Day 86: Know Your Limitations “Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.” ~Albert Einstein

Day 87: Hit The Mean “Setting goals is much more than achievement, it is who we become in the process” ~ Garry Ryan Blair “We are the sum of our actions so our actions make all the difference.” ~ Aristotle

Day 88: Take Initiative “Success does not require a permission slip but it does require initiative.” ~ Garry Ryan Blair

Day 89: Intelligent Risk Taking “The highest form of success comes to the man who does not shrink from danger, from hardship or from bitter toil, and who out of these wins the splendid ultimate triumph.”” ~Theodore Roosevelt

Day 90: Flip The Switch “Written goals are catalysts for transformation.” ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 91: Change And Consequence “To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable.” ~Helen Keller

Read more: http://www.excitedbylife.com/blog/100-day-challenge-week-13/#ixzz2Lodwc5MS

The final week of the 100 day challenge. This has been a journey and an adventure and one I plan to continue in the coming year. The daily lessons have helped spur me on with my Life

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goals – like a virtual life coach. It has not been easy and at times but in the end the journey was worth more than the final destination, in terms of character building and discipline.

Day 92: Develop Success Habits “All the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action.” ~ J. R. Lowell

Day 93: Keep Your Promises "You commit career malpractice every time you do things in a mediocre manner, every time you show up late, every time you are unprepared." ~ Garry Ryan Blair

Day 94: Execution And Implementation “..goals never fail, only implementation does.” ~ Garry Ryan Blair

Day 95: Show Don’t Tell "As I grow older I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do." ~Andrew Carnegie

Day 96: Empowering Living “..demand more from yourself and from those around you.” ~Garry Ryan Blair

Day 97: Live The Strenuous Life "Health is actually Better than wealth." ~ Garry Ryan Blair “He who has health, has hope. And he who has hope, has everything.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Day 98: Leave A Legacy "It’s non-negotiable: You will leave a legacy. The question is not whether you’ll leave a legacy but what legacy you will leave." ~ Garry Ryan Blair

Day 99: The Pursuit Of Freedom “The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind may take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled.” ~Andrew Carnegie

Day 100: Rewards And Recognition “The Journey Is It’s Own Reward” ~ Unknown

Read more: http://www.excitedbylife.com/blog/100-day-challenge-week-14/#ixzz2LoeKXsfU

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