100 potion & other drink names

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  • 7/25/2019 100 Potion & Other Drink Names


    asen (order #7646814)

  • 7/25/2019 100 Potion & Other Drink Names




    The Helpful series is designed as seeds to

    help provide starting blocks for adventures.

    These lists are meant for GM's, but players

    can use them as well.

    This particular Helpful List is all about the

    names potions and other drinks your players

    find and consume. Some of them are good,

    some bad, others are downright weird,

    like Protection against Squirrels..?

    What effects do these potions have? What

    ingredients are they made from?

    Keep an eye out in the future for Potions,

    Elixirs and other Drinks Kit which will deal

    with these questions and more.



    Christopher Kentlea

    Produced by

    Ennead Games


    Go here for free rpg resources, samples

    and news about upcoming products

    twitter : @enneadgames



    Ennead Games 2012

    asen (order #7646814)

  • 7/25/2019 100 Potion & Other Drink Names



    D100 Liquid Name

    1 Ancient Arctic Imagining

    2 Angry Sea

    3 Assassin's Despair

    4 Assassin's River

    5 Astounding Irrational Light6 Balm of Failed Flight

    7 Blessed Sight

    8 Brew of Experience

    9 Broth of Fire Protection

    10 Broth of Fog Breathing

    11 Carmel Mystery

    12 Cocktail of Wizardry

    13 Concoction of Far sight

    14 Container of Hyperness

    15 Cosmic Brew

    16 Cultivated Blend

    17 Cure Itch

    18 Deep Cordial

    19 Deep Shot

    20 Demonic Azure Orange

    21 Demonic Lemon Potion

    22 Demonic Pleasant Coconut

    23 Demonic Water

    24 Devilish Jailer

    25 DevilsWater

    26 Dragon's Breath

    27 Draught of the Muses

    28 Draught of the Third Child

    29 Drink of the Ballards

    30 Elixir of Diplomacy

    31 Elixir of Intelligence

    32 Elixir of Legend

    33 Elixir of Parrot Form

    34 Elixir of Stargazing

    35 Elixir of the Fallen

    36 Elixir of the Fates

    37 Elixir of the North

    38 Elixir of the Unknown

    39 Elixir of Vulnerability40 Emerald Rain

    41 Enlarge Random Body Part

    42 Famous Foul Apple

    43 Fatal Purple Fisherman

    44 Fatal Squirt

    45 Fatal Tea

    46 Flagship of the North

    47 Flask of the Purple Troubadour

    48 Glorious Incumbent

    49 Glowing Eyes

    50 Hide from Death51 High Dishonourable Draught

    52 Holly Wine of Thinking

    53 Infinite Liqueur Draught

    54 Infinite Tea Imagining

    55 Lord Appleby's Delight

    56 Low Messenger's Voice

    57 Magic Sadness58 Mint Coconut Shot

    59 Mutton Broth

    60 Nectar of Intelligence

    61 Oil of Greater Thirst

    62 Orange Drink of Blindness

    63 Plan Tea

    64 Potion of Acid

    65 Potion of Climbing

    66 Potion of Creation

    67 Potion of Delayed Reaction

    68 Potion of Encoding

    69 Potion of Enhanced Vocals

    70 Potion of Fake Death

    71 Potion of Free Knowledge

    72 Potion of Infinite Limes

    73 Potion of Learning Sciences

    74 Potion of Manna Infusion

    75 Potion of Protection against


    76 Potion of Random Health

    77 Potion of Rapid Distribution

    78 Potion of Sight beyond Sight

    79 Potion of Stargazing

    80 Potion of Sweetbread

    81 Potion of the Deputy

    82 Potion of the Spoken Word

    83 Potion of The Warlord

    84 Potion of Thirst

    85 Potion of Undoing

    86 Protection against Lightning

    87 Protection against Squirrels

    88 Ruby Rascal

    89 Speedy Moth

    90 Star Eyed Startling Surprise91 Tea of Distraction

    92 Tea of Exploding

    93 Tea of Soothing

    94 Torch of the Moon

    95 Vial of Unspeakable Terror

    96 White Outlaw

    97 Wicked Punch

    98 Wicked Terror

    99 Wild Boar Tea

    100 Wine of Armour

    asen (order #7646814)