10/18/11 and 10/19/11

10/19/11 B Day LEQ: How do humans use technology to study geologic evolution? 1. What is an adaptation? 2. What is one adaptation that bald eagles have to help them survive? 3. What is natural selection? 4. Give one example of natural selection. 5. Copy and complete the following sentence: If two species share similar adaptations, we can assume that they (share a common ancestor/ were born on the same continent)

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Page 1: 10/18/11 and 10/19/11

10/19/11 B DayLEQ: How do humans use technology to study geologic evolution?1. What is an adaptation?2. What is one adaptation that bald eagles have to help them survive?3. What is natural selection?4. Give one example of natural selection. 5. Copy and complete the following sentence:

If two species share similar adaptations, we can assume that they (share a common ancestor/ were

born on the same continent)

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Today’s LEQ: How do humans use technology to study geologic evolution?

By the end of today, you should be able to…

1. Compare and contrast information gathered from remote imagery and ground truthing

2. Identify the different ways that sets of data are collected

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Focus Vocabulary:

42. Remote Sensing43. Ground truthing44. Urban Sprawl

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Activating Strategy:

Discovery Education: Tragedy in New Orleans

STOP AND JOT:How did scientists, politicians, and

the media collect information about the causes and effects of

Hurricane Katrina?

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Hurricane Katrina Satellite Images – Remote Sensing

Before AfterSuper Dome in New Orleans

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Before After



What information can you observe and infer from this photo?

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What information can you observe and infer from this photo?

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How are these two photos different?

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You just discovered….

The two different methods for collecting

data about geologic evolution!

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Draw this in your notes:

Collecting Data

REMOTE SENSING:-collecting information about an area without visiting it

Ex. Satellite photos

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Image 2Image 1

Observe and Infer: Let’s compare these two regions…

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How can remote sensing help us see…

–Beach erosion (evens)–Deforestation–Forest Fire damage–Volcanic eruptions (odds)–Urban Sprawl–Ice on Earth

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B. We can see beach erosion after a hurricane through satellite imagery (remote sensing)

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Forest Fires!

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Kasatochi Volcano before and after the August 2008 eruption.

An example of volcanic eruption

Remote sensing!

July 2008 October 2008

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Ice on Earth

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Remote Sensing ???????

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Draw this in your notes:

Collecting Data

REMOTE SENSING:-collecting information about an area without visiting it

Ex. Satellite photos

GROUND TRUTHING:-collecting information about an area by visiting it

Ex. Taking water samples

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Remote Sensing Ground Truthing

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Satellite Images Collecting soil samplesInvestigating buried fossils

Weather StationChecking a Baby monitor

Interviewing people in person Aerial (airplane) photographs

Taking pictures with a portable camera

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Remote Sensing Ground Truthing-satellite images-aerial photographs-baby monitor-weather station

-collecting soil samples-interviewing people-taking pictures with a portable camera-investigating buried fossils

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of using remote sensing?

Advantages• Can track changes

of an area over time• Do not actually have

to go to the area• Can collect data

from the area anytime

Disadvantages• Cannot test

conditions of the environment

• Cannot see detail• Cannot talk to

people who are there

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of ground truthing?

Advantages• Test the conditions of

the environment• More detail regarding

the area can be observed

• Verify what remote sensing gathers

• Talk to people who are there

Disadvantages• Can only survey a

small area at a time• Cannot track change

of the area over a long period of time

• Can only collect data when area is safe

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HOT Q: Think-Pair-Share It’s 2005, and Hurricane Katrina is hitting

New Orleans. How could you use remote sensing and ground truthing to gather data and information about the hurricane and the damage it caused?

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CONTEXT CLUES:1. I live in an urban area. There are big buildings,

busy streets, and lots of people that always seem to be busy!

2. He was so tired from school that he went straight home and fell asleep. When his mom got home, she found him sprawled across the couch with his backpack still on!

2. Her things were sprawled all across the floor. You could barely see the carpet when you walked into her room!

Stop and Jot: Write your own definition of these words!

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Word Study:Urban = City

Sprawl = spread out; usually in a sloppy way


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Urban Sprawl

DEFINITION: Cities spreading out into areas that used to be rural (countryside)

Study with:



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Urban Sprawl

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qGSIqsFa_Y

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Urban Sprawl Video

1. How are satellites used to observe urban sprawl?

2. What are some problems with urban sprawl identified in the video?

3. What kind of information do we use to track urban sprawl?


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Urban Sprawl

DEFINITION: Cities spreading out into areas that used to be rural (countryside)

Study with:

LOOKS LIKE:Less grassFewer treesMore buildingsMore roads


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Urban Sprawl

DEFINITION: Cities spreading out into areas that used to be rural (countryside)

Study with:


LOOKS LIKE:Less grassFewer treesMore buildingsMore roads


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HOT Q: What effects would you predict as a result of urban sprawl?

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Urban Sprawl

DEFINITION: Cities spreading out into areas that used to be rural (countryside)

Study with:


LOOKS LIKE:Less grassFewer treesMore buildingsMore roads

EFFECTS:More cars, more buildings, more pollution

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2000 2010

SUMMARIZER: Write a letter to the mayor of Charlotte!Your letter should:1) Describe urban sprawl2) Explain how we study urban sprawl (how do we collect the data?!)

3) Describe the negative effects of urban sprawl4) Give 2 ways that we can alleviate (ease or fix) the problem

of urban sprawl in Charlotte

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1. What method can scientists in the United States use to monitor land use in the Amazon rainforest over


a) Ground truthingb) Topographic mapsc) Remote sendingd) GPS

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3. Remote sensing is the use of imagery from space or air to describe Earth’s surface. For

which of the following projects would remote sensing be most useful?

a) Determining the change of elevation of a 1 square kilometer area

b) Monitoring the changes in land use around a city over 5 years

c) Determining the distance between 2 citiesd) Identifying areas where highways cross over

bodies of water

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4. Which is best used to track the global movement of volcanic ash after an eruption?

A) Ground truthingB) Satellite photographsC) Topographic mapsD) Weather balloons

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5. How can satellite imagery best be used after a hurricane hits the coast?

A) To check nearby lake depthsB) To identify the amount of beach erosionC) To determine the location of sea turtles’

nestsD) To map topography inland of the coastal


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6. Which is the best method for verifying data gathered by satellites?

A) Ground truthingB) Reflectance curvesC) Satellite imageryD) Spectral analysis

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6. Which is the best method for verifying data gathered by satellites?

A) Ground truthingB) Reflectance curvesC) Satellite imageryD) Spectral analysis