104 information request response - · pdf file · 2018-02-03ii. lradford hwlty .....

-, r -, ;;. f. f ...... •I Ol ••o•ooo tU( t O• t• •I Ol r• o e •• O ........ ....... .. ....... .. .... ..... . ......... . .. ........ ·-· .. . Hr. Thoeaa C. Cond o n u. s. lnviron.. ntal Prot.act1on l&a ncy 60 Vaa uhw St.raat Ln in a ton, MA 02173 h: Mouattar ' ", 1986 tP.l hquaat For lnto raa t.ion froa Lin aaaa t ar Sw itch Corporation, Voodatock, Contllcticut Oaar Mr . Condon: Purauant. to EPA' a inforaati on raqua lt or Movaabar HI, 1916 , phau t.ha f ollo v in& raaponua or Line .. attr Switch Corporation (•L i naaaat.ar Swit ch"), Phu• U advi .. d that , pu r nant to •o c. r.ll . I 2 . 203 ( b ) , tht CoapanJ 11 euart1n& a t.uahau oontUent.iali\J olaia oourin& all of t.ha intonation All reuonau are ahan on lnforaation and tel1tf arur d111 hC&Uii"J · 1. 1. lndford PavhJ, laq . 2 . Paul !. Siapaoo, L. lreaneaan, Esq . , Robert PoUart.oa . ] . lea at.tacbad . • · auarat.or US EPA ID lo . tT0001153923 5. Unknown . Pertona other t.b a n Ltne• aat.e r Sv1t.ch •• J h• •• cauud auch rele ases . lov a•a r , t.bair Uant.lt.y 11 unknown a t. t.bil u .. . A co•Pltt.t and accurate reaponaa t.o tb11 6. recau1rt• a rtdtv or t.l'la land recorda or t.ba Tow n or Voocht.ock . Linaaaaur Svit.cl\ ta preaant.ly re vi ew · 11'1& t.l\oaa recorda end will tw.ppla8tD\ t.l\11 raapo nn wbtn 1\1 raatar c b 11 ooapltt.td . J I

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Post on 16-Mar-2018




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f f

n ~tO ltt bullI Ol bullbullobullooo tU(t Obullbulltbull bullI Ol r bull o e bullbull O


Hr Thoeaa C Cond on u s lnvironntal Protact1on lampa ncy 60 Vaa uhw Straat Ln ina ton MA 02173

h Mouattar 1986 tPl hquaat For lnto raa tion froa Lin aaaa t ar Sw itch Corporation Voodatock Contllcticut

Oaar Mr Condon

Purauant to EPA a inforaati on raqua lt or Movaabar HI 1916 phau fin~ tha f ollov inamp raaponua or Line attr Switch Corporation (bullL i naaaatar Swit ch)

Phubull U advi d that pu r nant to bullo c rll I 2 203 ( b ) tht CoapanJ 11 euart1namp a tuahau oontUentialiJ olaia oourinamp all of tha intonation ru~o~aaud All reuonau are ahan on lnforaation and tel1tf arur d111 hCampUiiJ middot

1 1 lndford PavhJ laq

2 Paul Siapaoo l~aaaall L lreaneaan Esq Robert


] lea attacbad

bull middot auarator US EPA ID lo tT0001153923

5 Unknown Pertona other tb a n Ltnebullaate r Sv1tchbullbullJ hbull bullbull cauud auch rele ases lovabulla r tbair Uantlty 11 unknown a t tbil u

A cobullPlttt and accurate reaponaa to tb11 ra~~o~eat6 recau1rtbull a rtdtv or tlla land recorda or tba Tow n or Voochtock Linaaaaur Svitcl ta preaantly re vi ew middot 111amp tloaa recorda end will twppla8tD tl11 raaponn wbtn 11 raatarc b 11 ooapltttd


- r -

~ rT1UIIII bull bull bullbullcft I raT Mr Thobullbullbull C Condon Dt cuber 18 1986 2

7 On a i tt art 2 rtsidtncts 1 corporate office tHi i ld ng 1 unufac t urinamp hcilJty a 300 0 ampa l lon hu ti namp rut l hnk 3 ve h icle flul ta nk s 1 at or age bu i ld namp 1 pai n t atortampbull buildinc 2 aa r aaes 1 barn wi th apartatnt 1 rtcrea iona l b uild i namp 1 c o ttaampbull bull and 1 barn with rutaura nt

b On a i te art 6 vattr wella Fimiddotu well a art a pproJtiutel) 300 rt dttp and ona la a hand due well of s l tllov depth Tht Coapany has no dril li namp loaa

Tht aanufacturinamp facility a nd the corporate ott i ct bu i ldinamp have atora watar drain l)ttla a end share a subsurface unitary atwtraabull ayattamp

d Tht aanutactur i na hc illlJ hat undaraont nuatroua

add itiont and ont daaolit1on Iince 1952 Stt attac hed docuatnt Thart tlto babullbull bet n Oiitr 2 shyad ditions and renovttio nbull ~o aany difttrent physical strueturea Tht tuot dl~ll and nature of chan1bullbull babullbull no~ bttn aaoar~aintd -= by reasonabl e trtor~a If a aore apacUie = reaponu 11 net dad otbar rtlaYant nonbullcoapany recorda will bt euained

t there have been aeural prior ownera of the Ute all or whoa u11d it bullbull a ruidaace or for tarahl purpo11a It aacenarr turtbar lnforaa~ion raaardshylnamp IUCh 011nera CID bl Obtained

9 lo prior bulloperatorsbull are llnovn See responu to t6 fo r 1Dforu1on ttlardinamp laaaora

10 Llneaaa~bullr Switch hta retained the oonauHlnl fira or Fuaa amp O hill to coapllt enY ironaental lnforaation raaardlnamp tht aitt and to perfora taatlnamp acd other lnflltiltt iona of the toil watlr aao lOIJ 1 110hydrolmiddot OIJ a nd a ir qualiJ on tht sUa

Ul of ~ht intoraation obtaintd or llfttrtiad bJ Fun amp Oleill ha a baan and will continua to bt evaillbh to boh EPA and lllt ruu amp O hlll 11 prauntly preparinl and aoon will bl prauntina bull

- r -

~-~ta9a -- Mr Tlloaaa C Conoon l)ectaber 18 1986 3

a propoul for lydroampaoloaic ttudy to DEP and EPA in coc~lilnca with DpoundPs a bataaant order All inforuUor aenerattd by the Uudy v 111 bt ava ilable to EPA an d DEP

It EPA should rtqu i rt any further tpteitic inforushytion raaardinamp tht a itt that it dot a not now have Linaaaatar Switch will prnldt it upon auppltatn tal raquaat

11 reaponu to 1 10

12 Tht rollollinamp peraont tllvt knowltdampt or inforaation a~out tht Ualtd actiY1t1el Othtr prtunt or foratr Linaaaattr Switch Eaployaat bullbull1 alto hnt knowledampt or inforaation

2Linaatlttr Switch h2loxua

Plul E Siapaon lonald Carpanttr = Micholu Shaparc =

shyLinebulluttr Switch Conaultntt

llohrt Pottarton Puu I Oleill II lradford hwlty Murtha Cullin Iichter and Plnnay luaull L lrennbullbullbulln - Martha Callina Iichter ancl PinntJ

IPA paraonnel and connltanta

1] to middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot bullparcbaaebull bullatorebull o~ritrlJ) bullclitpoaabull tncl bullbanelhbull tha anaver it 1bullbull bull ampa to bulltraatbull and bulltranaportbull tha aDawa r ia ao ampa to bullaenaratabull tha annar ia that Linabullaatar SwUcb aanerataa haaarelou wasta vhan it aua rav TCE ancl paint thinner in ita aanufactlrinamp procaaaas

TCE and paint thinnar ror rurtbar lnrorution on tbaaa 1lbttancaa rarranu bullbullJ be bullada to tbe atta ched MSDS


- r -

~ ~~ Mr Tboaaa C Condon Dectabar Ul 1986

Linebulluster Switch tls o uats other htnrcl o us tubstan ces in its aanufacturinamp facility These substances ara uud in bullbullall qua ntities therefore the f ollo winamp ratponsaa will not addreu lhtllt I t furthar inforaation 11 raq u rt raaard lnamp t htu aubatancaa Llnaaastar SwiLch will prov ida it

b Present records lndlc a a that TC E was purchaud fr obull Col d Seal Soluntt and Aatro Chaa icals Inc pt bt thinner wu purchtUd rroa tha Voltn Cocp a ry and Sharwln-IHlliaas Coapany

Tha TCE is uaad in a wapor daaraaaioa operation purchand coaaarchllJ atorad in druaa and dispone of at a hasardoua watte The pa int thinner i s uaad in 1 aprar paint operation purchaud coaaarclall) stored in containerbull in whic h 1t ia recehed and diapoud of 11 2 a t111ardoua vaate Cl

d The TCE be a an to be uud in approaiaa tely Cl 1969 Pant thinner beaan to be uud in appr ox middot shyaattl)middot 1952 Diapoul 11111 done on 1 period ic baas

All 1111 end handline vaa done on eHe

Purcheua bullere aade aa delcrihd 1D d

lo ampenerat1on of bJtardoua eub1t1noee occurred Katardoua vaat1 111a1 ampenerated when rav TCE a nd paint thinner were uaed in the aanufacturinamp proceaa

Except for britt periodl or the pr i or to and diapoul no atoraae done on eite

lo treaUna or traneportatloD wae done by Lineaaater Switch

Ul diapoul 11111 conducted 11 recauired by Jtate bull nd federal 1amp1111 in effect a t the Uae

- r -

n-en ~ Alta Mr Tb oaaa C Conoon Dtcnbtr 18 1986 5

~ -~~atil t eatill a tt tinea 19 69 L1nattaster Sw itch has uud app ro bulliaatal y 10 0 to 600 a allons or TC E per yu r Aa a bast rta aon ab la est i ltatt Linaampnsttr Switch has diapcud or a pproxiut al y 20 to 200 ampa llons pa r year dur inamp tht nat tl pe riod

P11 int ll i nnumiddot va s acquired on as naedtd ba s i s uud an d dispoud or tlo records ex ist which would aub sta ntiat t the q uant1tha

111 a It an y raleau occurred evi d e nce tends to 11-lampltlt thtt 1t would have to hna take n phct du rinamp the per io d rroa appr oahahl) 1969 throuah 1979

b bullc It i s not pra cls al y kno wn bllt lhtrt la aoae in foraa t on tand i namp to t uaaaat that vaata TCE aa y have bu n raltaud iato a drrvtll

d Exac t t aount not kno wn -2 a ns wer to b = r Lineaaater Switeh haa retained aonaultant a ( abullbull re aponu to f 10) and haa propod a piin r o r rabullediation or the a1te v1th input rrobull EPA and DIP It has ooaplhd v1th DIP s abatebullent o rder and 11 tuppl)inl bottled wate r ror drink inamp purpoaea to all of ita eaployua

I bull Internal inbulleatiaation and 41ueetionina condueted in order to reapond to tbeaa qt11at io n1

h atated in ruponll to f 10 ruu amp O hill waa retained to aake hrther 1nbulleatiaat ion or tha nature 11 t a nt loc e tion and poaalble aoureea or tbe conditione on the a 1te a nd to eo1pill tha ruulta or teatina

h Su f 12


-~middot cnaa UC8ftl _ I Mr t boaa a c Cona n Da ceabu middot 11 19 86 6

16 Mo

17 NoM

JtaspondantLINEHUTU SWITCH COUOUUON lr its attarners Murtha CulUna Uahtar a nd Pinner

It Brad rord r av lar

cc Mr a Maner S1aonda Mr Pa ul 1 S1apson Ma U ale a Patlan Mr Jlob a rt Potta rton bullcl

cl shy







Ll t


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1 H-I




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~ ~~~ i t-shy

~ IL



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~ middot~ I

~ ~ ~i

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ari middot




N~~~middot~ ~


1 1~ ~ bull


~middot ~


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H1) bull

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rshy-2 =

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r middot i


rrls Section I

tbull ITbullTI O I IICOOI 1dIIJIOrt t CoMo 0660)


bullbull r-o ~ t


Secloon Ill - PHYSICAL DATA -~JIOIIOIIIbull LEJ rbullbull oC JI CJ 1101 111 1a4 JI


F lflfffl Alt~ lpound L f ampl r~o~ltI OIOH ampt n~-Cat ~u n

bullbullbull bull OubullNClobullbull VM bullttP~~l Pin ProtHtlon odatton(IIPamp) Cla11 I atlnpbMro (oarbea bulltaw ebee1oal or rJ deotlned to utlllplal IPPamp CA11 1a~le aUII tUbull

1141 bull~uoooufOIIOt bullbull os oontalnerl tlctlt17 elo1t behte t tleat1 olbulltrloal i~d~nt 1perkl and opea n- Cled oontWr bull1 aplede upo_ to utroJM

-middotmiddot bull not bullPPll te Mt INIfMIIo

camp GobullbullocbulloIU Vtar MJ bt lnoffbullUno Vater MJ lilt bullMd to oool elo-cl oontaWr~ ta llvUdllp and peul~le avtosampnitloa or uplad ften upoMd ta _ t U tar 11 ued foe Mlllll are ~~

-2 = =

I I r


bullObullDbull v~o ut So Sction II - uobull ovo lftbalaUon1 poundnuthoUc lriUotton of tho nap1Joato17 tract or acut

UI ta dopreu1on charoctariud by headaeho diniMU 8toampllbullrillc 1~1t eonluio~ bullnconaoio11aneoo or ea

Sldll or t Conttet1 Prluf1 1Jr1taUon

111101uonoccoubulln ha1 -bullbullbullbull troa upGampIlNo a1toN breaUtnc rap wan arwl qlampiot Not1J) a Phyt1 c1an Splaah (oah nveh t-edhtal7 vith oopiou quntttiu o NMinamp vator tor at lent 15 at rNtal fob to a ~lldon for dofillitin -dical tnataent Spluh ( tkin ) l RMn with aoop and votar -ern contampllinatd clot1111c


or D bullbull~ bullbulluH CJl ~ COlto nl1 oOhiTOOIO IIA cobullmiddotbull middot bull~ _ lA on~ ltco fsotl(lto~ooucu Kay produce hasardo111 -bull when beatcl o deobullpotitlon u 1n ldinlo 1ampMa M7 eontamptn oorbon onuido and ozidoo of rUtrocon

DOUI ro D -cxCbull [I) 1001 OCCUII t Uoo~olo0 510 amp0bull0 li

Soc l ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES o elbulluloobulltlo~ ~middotuoo~bullmiddotbull bullto _a l acnareea ot lenition (tlampMa Ut nrtaoaa

and elMtrioal NUc or trieUonal aperkl) Abulloid bnath111c ftpora Ventilate bull _ riU 1Mrt ab10Jbent and ntnbulllpampllclftl toell

-sllObulls~os oo Dto t 1ft aooordance rith looal 1We and federal UUoftlo Ill Mt WtMrae tloS eontdnero

bullnbullbullbulluobulln OH ~obullbullOft CN oar or op~n ampNal uH u o 1 bullPPNd cbampaieal tUtotr lraw te Nlld ail borne partloles t era ctwtnc IJIH7 applloaUen 1ft Notrtetecl ftftllalM bull a t lllnoa bull~amplMnteal tuwnbullbullsee- t a e-suen t Jllrtilate and tn t1aecl et _ ail lSM tJPO Pin- bull

_ bull 1001 1eMPal dUbull Uon or lbullal aUdt wntUtlon 1ft wl Ulll ttern te Dep fLY et bullbullt illlredlent ill Stlon ll -14M ueewble liatt 111 1n IMtion U beleN NW Uatt and te _ dMaitlon flillhaetl ftr1ltc nldilll or n nttlftc en IVfao wwttlttUat

OflttovC tl0yen11 dlelil tu lefllod Or Ntacl Uto bullbullbull Hlouebullo u lamplef bullicMII to ut acaiNt ~a et uu OloofiiHIOIIC11yen1l0Ui-f iOI ftt 1 ed lkin Oontaot ftUI 0011wa1nltd ala

OIMIII bullbulltuuuooot Ill Mt taa iftemaUr Cantdnart ehOlld a peuiiiS bull n pourlnco amp-old tJM tall at l~dcl b -bull11 ot a r W~bullmiddot Ill not na n t brau bull tel riUovt us t MMt t sprater er appnpriae Nnt1latloft

r I -


rshy-2 = =

Seclion I

oobulltn 460 Boetwick Ave

tWHIGlW(~ItlfiHO l O (20)) )))-158



M-WIfACIIIlUCO~~~ol(a~yen7rt_d~ r~ lWIIf~ r rmiddotlf11 ~r(_


poundJlmiddot 3lo middot ~ ampbull~ tl~~~

z~~_ A ~

t s ~ lfnt P-4~

tSCmiddot JlO middotUjs~~A--~

1bull Sl


7-7 T~QA ($Cmiddot 3 IJrn-ltt~o t~~IN

Bv~ bull t-1 psbullbull t9e o 7

Sect ion Ill shy PHYSICAL DATA

n ca O OIIIllltbullbullbullbullbullbull

D bullbullbullbullbull Gbull~owbullbullmiddot l lltiiiCI I-amp1111 J~ll -tICIWIIIIII tol r)l rJI4JI ou middotbullbulluo-t ~n I


DObullcbull~toobull NtfhfhtAbullLbull L1 Pfllbull -~~~~rtUt m U

-otiOOO WLOIbull VH bulltteMl n ProteeUon aothUMt(IIPPA) Clate I ntlllltllthort (ea_ bulllbullatde G7 ehtaltal er t ) ftllcMd e Ullll ClabullbullIB ~- lJitaid ttna


Ir I


otwcbullbullooorobullt~bullbullobullocnvtt ~Ill Re~a free IJtpolllNo AntoN braathinc o leap eara and quht MoUf7 1 ftlytichn Spluh (aah Pl~aah ~latlt wlUI oopicNa qtUntiUu of nMi va tu for at leut 15 aimtu Tab to a N11ehn for dattnlUn Mdieal tnat-nt Spluh (akinh Rnobullbull dth aoap and water _ tantMlNtd eloUJnc


~Ollie~~~-~~loMo l CONIIONII0AW0t0 JA

bullofu tcco~ICraquoooOoucll M17 produce huardo111 tullea when heated te d1o011potition 11 1n wald1q Put llay contln obon bullnodda and ozidaa of llitfoocan


otout Sea Setl II touobullovubullo~osubullc lnhabttont ampnuthat1e lrrltatton of tha naplrato traot or ao~att nea111 tabull1 daaalon eharaotrlud b7 ~adaoha d1ampamp1Maa1 bulltcabullrJnc aai1 oontallon

-1amp1100111 0t IIIIIOII()ot tJbullbull~CLIII CXJwtH NOIOCCUII



ftbull=~~~~-=~ro~ -~ti---u=--~~1~-~ reotrtoW ftfltlloln bullbullbull aartou of KlMI olaMtoal__tl t1ltere hill t o oMiMUon of parttldo aNI 1bullbull Ull r tlaM bullbullbull et IUneo _ air liM t Ntplnt bull

_ Proottlh IbullMId bulluoucm or leod bullbullbullbullt nntUatle 1ft nt IIIII turn te Dop TLY tf bullbullt Murdnt uont 1ft SOUon D tlbull onoptablo ltlt tiL lft SUon 11 Mlow tttM lbitt and t ~ -tuu acta ftr1llc tdlllc n- nttlnc en tvfacu bullbullbullted tbull

OtiC II~bull etovu ilquirM tor loncM tr NplotH oentut IOlfIIICUftuON UH NliJ lc o pnee qamplftlt laidl r l~Qdl 01H(fllftOIICIIyen110Ytl~l t IIIlOMid lkift IOfttaet WlJ lntaiftaed llltJI1nlo


Oit lhtc~ ampU OOI~ to ReaGI amp~1 fftNII ef tcnttton (flAMel1 hot nrfacot and olecblul atatle 1 or frlfUond o~rkl) Abullotd breotlllftl qpora YontUot aroa _ bullUII inert ob1orMnt and nen-lpuldnc toeb

_ DilpeM of 1n oocord1neo with 1Mal1 otata and t rd CIloilont 2 shyIll not 1nc1Mr~te doted eontalllera = =~


--r -- -


middot _bullbull VIDbullbullbullbullbullbullbull~ middot-t bullbull bullmiddotmiddot-middotbull middotbull middotbullbull CI shy


-uoottuntlll ~ VolteJ Col~nJt lne

fllbulloobullnu 460 Bo1twiek Av~


middot-middot~middotmiddot 1


Seclion Ill- PHYSICAL DATA bullIOtiOllflllbull tij D~bullOliiiTNo


OICILshy DH llttenel ru Proteetion beodatioft(llrIA) Cla11 I et1111ahero (e~rllol diondo oMaital or r) d011cnod to nttno1ch nabull~ lJqdd tiJo=

vl u+amprobulluototrflot bullobulluuot IMp eonta1nnt t1ampbtl7 ohted Inlate t_ ~t olee trieal C1Ui~nt 1parkl and open flUo Cloeed tontAlMr bull1 epledo _ apoeo4 to ~ hut r Nit aPP13 te bot nrtoeoo

c oo 0 ocriMIIIo(tVoter lpry ampfM 1Mffoctino Wator - _ bullbulled to eool eloeod eontrrillno to preTont JIIampI b-J1ldup and Plsitgtlo elto13n1t1on or Lplooion rllon Oppod to orttHo Hat U water 11 ued loa Mdoo are JlfCilerabb

l bull ~


= = -ill


Ir I

-~tion V- HEALTH HIZAAO 0~ ----------~~~~~~~~~------------- obull obull Soo S~tion II 1 or (lbull o~rnu~ovnc lnhalatioiU AnuthoUe lrritrUon of tho napirato17 tract or eeutG

rrouJ Jhll doprsion e~Ntracbrbod by htadeho diuineu bulltAzsorlnamp c~it eontuJion ~onJeioucno~a or cou

Sldn or tye Contact1 Prilnar7 1rr1tttion I bull ocbullbullo w bull bullbull bull bull bullo bull IIOCi ov~u - Pe-~~ ~~ O~lllNo llo1toN bresthirzo JCcop tl end Ji

C~U iot NoU7 a Phydcian Splash (oyus)l tlueh ~ictoly with oopiol1 qtUntiUeo of rllnlinc vo~or for at loot 1 ~ a1nutu Teb to a P~711c1on for doinitho ~diel trac~-ont Spleh (sldn)l Rtt11on with 1oap and voter R=c~To contudMtod clotblnco f0

========================~====~~================== Section VI- REACTIVITY DATA

~~~9~~~middot~~middotbullbulln l conbull bullIOIO oo NA

onu- l lto ~os bull bull obullbull oouciS Jolay produce haordouo fampMea bullhen heatod to dcco~peo1t1en lS 1n yen)ldS o F4ltHI lu1 conhin carbon noOXi de and oxidet o n1tiOot

bullbulloo us robull bullbullbulllampIIO O o~cu~ Cl) wbullu occubull

CV~bullo01 f OampWOtO )fA

$oct ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ampltiIIOtt gtht C ~ Hamp I IIUamp 11 1 111 bull U11 00111 ~tU t0 lbacrro ali fOampPCOI olicftitiOft (f~)~f hOt UftCI2D

~tnd olcetrieal etat1e or frictional bullparkl) Abulloid bJooUlinl oporo YontUcto crca P~Con 1U 1nort abrbo)nt and Mnmiddot~ldnc toell

bullbullnobullso~bulltoc Oiopoeo It ill eocord~bull with looal 1ttte and tldoral rc~tions 1gtraquo not Uc1nrato clotod contaitlorh - 2

Seclion VIII- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION libullbullbull CtUuo lli out4oor or op~n ~At uco WCebull Of fi1Me ampPPfOd ~hDic~ Cltor =

P1rtor o reeoTo 80l1cl dr boPno pcJt1clobull of rorprq dvirc oprat ampJlic~cn In ~riotM 911ntilot1n uou bullbullbull IJfIIOU ot 111MA oJIPICd cb=tcal~hniocl til tr~ = ddnd to lftOft o orbinat1on of prtinloto oM 101 ud bullopor In oont1nod ot-e uo Eurov of n1M1 bullPPIed ail Uno t roeplnon Mea -

lllgtftltampIIO JHorid1 llrmal dildion OJ lctt2 maUl ftfttlletlen in ft- ud pettcm to kotp fY ot eott buUOCou1 lltlrodiont 1n Scotton II bolcrr aocopteblo l11t Ll 1n 1-o~on n ooCt t-to~ ll=1t and to rocrn doooapo11t1on plllhoU dv1n wel41lta or tll=t nttlnc en Crect cctX ~~ We p~ct

~bullcwc Gt own L--tv1rocl tw prolonattd or npeaW ooataot CfOOtf Dn ~alo7 doeipod o rrotoot apinlt 1a0 of liqddl OIIUfiOIICIII0U1 _lftt prolonccf lldn 0~act with 0011~od OOtb1J1o


Ol lll fUU I OOOII Do not tab intornaUr Contdnen bullhOIIld be cftnded ~ povrtn kroid ret tell of liquid in ccoet of a Cn triau Do not tlmo nt bno w nld rithott us lu It ll1not ampPJIIIWed respirator or priat ftntilaUtm

I r I

LSC - 37 0- t)R7 K 10


IAIgt~tOyentd bw U Sr DellbullttHnt of Lbulltoor Enenthlll Si lil to torbull OSHA~20l


101 Probull~bullct A~enubull NW Clevelandbull Ohio bull~115



I NF OR M TI ON TELE PHO NE NO 11-Feb-85 (216gt 506-2902

bullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullwbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull rrr~ abullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull Section I - - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ---middot----------- -------------------------------------------------------------middot


PRODUC T HA11E OPEX Laeouer Thinner


-bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullbull lla-aa-bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sbullction J I -- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTamp 181100 rocon nHPII TlHl113 m vP

-------middot------middot-------------------------------------------------------------middotmiddot 100 064742-lt-1 Ll o AllPhllic Hldrocubon Sohbullnlo o 3l 4o sJo 300 1310 09 120 l Po Mllthhl o64742-41-9 v middot

I~ 100 JS 0 2010111-3 Toluene 30middot20middot hhnt

ltS 200 260 o 92 0 iii shys 100 43 10 67middot56-1 hanoi 64-17-S Uhanol s 1000 1900 33 440

IbullIJbull1 2MthulbullIbullPtUtlnol ltS so ISO 12

111-76middot2 2-luoc tlhanol ltS 2S 120 1 1 middot0 6 = 67middot64middot1 Acttonto 750 =20 1730 2 110 0

uo-41-0 tllhvl n-hvl ltttont ltS so 23S I 2 1

110bull19bull0 hobuhl Act1tbull s m 700 13 125 --middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot~middotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot8bulletton III -- ~HY8ICAL DATA -------------middot---middot-------middot--------------middot----middotmiddot-----middot-----middot--------middot--------middot


132 - 340 1000 6 oSi 8ctton IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZA~D DATA ------middot-------------------------------middot---------------middot---------------middot------shy


Ill LAJ(L - blnHlv Fhcbhr Fluh bdow 21 F EXTINGUIIHlNI EDIA

Cuben lild dtr lrv Chuicalr Fon UNU I UAL UtE AN D IXLOSION HAZ AJP DS

Itt cettliMII t l hll v cloud h oht frobull hn l r thc ri cal ttuifbulllwr IP~rksr and orenf bullbullbullmiddot Clod conl i ntrl u t Mrl odbull t~hln tJ~fond to bullxtnu hta l Al tliulion a ho Tbullcbullbull rteolir u I Ptc i ll ocauUons Durinl eurtcmL concfilions n oruulurbull lv o s ition l rocfuch u v uulit bull htalth hnardo Svbull rI)U u w nut be l cJit~1 annt

Gbhtn edt u l bull U onU on SPEC IAL FIRpound flGHTlHG PROCEDURES


Full roteclvt uubbullonl includinl lielfmiddotconhintcf tlttolhinl I PIU n UI shuulcf bt uud Wl1r _ _ bt Jnt ff t clhtbull Jf wahr h ut~~llr fl)sl nnln bull n rnferallt w~er uw be u11d o ~otl cltlld conhint n lo Prlyent nl lrtnurv tgtuild-u 1nd fUUillc auuilntUuh or


R7 I( 120 OIEU cault Th in111tt



~CUTE In 1 conhnbulld trtto VilrDrt Ho hlllbull cone1ntuicm ilr anllthPic Clvcrvxrourt bullbull01111 ruuH in l ilhthtouJtdntbullts 1nd slJIJtlnl uii lrr i hnt t o l~ ln ampHod urmiddot ~rr ttlofgt1tltOtll lol ll itll bull

CHRONI C Re~orh havr U IOd l hd nrtthd 1nd rrolcmarti ovvrc J ~OIU n tu nlYtnh with ~bullrbullbull nln brtin omJ mtrvouO Sltfl dlbullllllo

poundHERGEHCY Ml[l FI RST AIIl fFDCEIIURES It INHbullLED If afhehd t ruuvr frobull rxrosurr R~sott bN ithinsl lt on SKIN Wuh 1fftchd arr1 tlbullorouahh with tuo and w~b r

Ruovl cllnhbull i nctrd c lothint and hurrittmiddot btrurt rbullmiddotu~ol If in EYES Fl~otdl CV1 t~~ith hru ounh of wotc r fur 15 a i nuteO

Gtt ercl i cal lt h nlil)n Jf SIUIILLOWEtt Ntvtr Civt nvLhirol tov euutlo to 1r1 uncorgtdou cnon

lJDHITJNG ampivt toCvtl ll JtlnlO-s of worhr Sttd udi cill

bullbulle~ton VI -- REACTIVITY


Jw fire C1rbon Diodcltbull Co11rtoon bullnoxidt HAlAJi[IOUI POLYUUATJON -- ~h )) Hot DtClH


tin w1r1 11tU ouict

DD HDT JN[IUCE -ltntiun

-2 = bullbulle~ion VII -- SPILL OR LE~K PROCEDURES

STEPS TO IE TAtEH IN Cf3[ 11-THIIIL IS JiELEIISFD OR SfJLLpound[1 luovt 111 tournt of ilnihon lJtntiliLc cmi ruovc with inert ob1urbcnt

wbullITE DIIPOIAL bullnHOD Jndnuttc in lbullrovttl htilitv llo nll incinertLbull cluud conhinr Dhluc or in

ttcorcltMt tth 1 lhh1 tnd Loco11l ruul1Uons r~rcHnll nlhUon


R[CAUTIOHI TO J[ TAKEN JN USE Uu onh with tHeutte venUlampUon Avoid bruthinll vciCII tnd bull iiL Avo1d contrat

with tUn and lleth hinds lfttt usinJ Y[NTILIITION

Lout t xhtutt nhuttlt Gen~nl uhcust occ~bullhllh if Lht u~ Lo utt rich in ltction JJ h llinhlntd btlow liclblv urott~rt lblh htt r to OIHII StmdUs tt1o u lflOt07 lflOlOI R[IIRATORY PROTECTION

Jf bulltrsenll osurt ~bullnnu bt controlltd btlow IPflhitbh JJaih bw wrntil1Uonbull wur rtlhltottl dtY i ct llltovtd tov HJOSH SHA tot ftohctiun lsl l inst a1tnhh in Stct10n II PROTtCTI YE ILDIJU

Yt1r lltvtt whi~h rt nrolndtd h t lo~c ~~ u fo r roLttUo 11iampin1t aohbullrhh i 11 l tttlon u EYE rliOTECTION

lttlf ufth tchdtt with unntorettd s i cltshitlds


- r -

R7 Kbull 120

0-----middot------~~~-~~~--~~-=---~~~-~~~-~~~----------- -------- ------- ------ middot JL STORAGE CATEGORY -- 18

FRECAUTlDNS TO JE TA KEN IN HANDLING AND STOfU HG tonttnh lrt UTfpound1tpoundLY HAKAJLpound Kttr IW ~J frat lttltbull 11 bull 11rk~obull t nd 01bulltn tli

Utron will tuutu1tlt rt iiiIJlw ~uu 1 11 nih I JI lutiYI l w Dutinbull uu and unill IU or~ tn tune CUI arvt vvrbulltil t~tll - Do nut nu loc shy

bti nlu ilh all fhUit 10ilot llhtio unci hlltor - Turn otr o ullotlo Cillctdc ~ucb tnd tPrlitncn bull end 11n1 othtr tourct t of hnition

ContuU tlfPA Codtbull Un rovtd lundinl tnd amproundinl Pttbullctdurtt K ronttintr cloud whrn not in uttbull Ttanshr onllt tu ubullrrovrU ~onhintori with cut llttt

tnd tlltOrittt hbtlina Do not h~ e inhrndh ht out of tltl ruch or childttn OTHER PRECAUTIONS

IntenUanll dsuu bv dtlibttOJtth conctntraUno and lnlulinl tht conhnh can bv hbullnfvl or tallo

-2 =

Tht tltavt tntaruttan ltttains ta thh todud u currtntlu torbullulattch and b b~ud an the inhraatlan aYilhbh tt Uus the Addition ot tlfbullJuutt or othet addiUvu ~o thu ltotlud bullbullw suamptstanUtlh elttt the coOIOiiUon ard haurdo et thbull lt~o~duct lnct conditiOn of uu Itt bullutddt our contr~Jb we n kt no vernnU1111 ron h iUtdbull - Ui111C no


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

- r -

~ rT1UIIII bull bull bullbullcft I raT Mr Thobullbullbull C Condon Dt cuber 18 1986 2

7 On a i tt art 2 rtsidtncts 1 corporate office tHi i ld ng 1 unufac t urinamp hcilJty a 300 0 ampa l lon hu ti namp rut l hnk 3 ve h icle flul ta nk s 1 at or age bu i ld namp 1 pai n t atortampbull buildinc 2 aa r aaes 1 barn wi th apartatnt 1 rtcrea iona l b uild i namp 1 c o ttaampbull bull and 1 barn with rutaura nt

b On a i te art 6 vattr wella Fimiddotu well a art a pproJtiutel) 300 rt dttp and ona la a hand due well of s l tllov depth Tht Coapany has no dril li namp loaa

Tht aanufacturinamp facility a nd the corporate ott i ct bu i ldinamp have atora watar drain l)ttla a end share a subsurface unitary atwtraabull ayattamp

d Tht aanutactur i na hc illlJ hat undaraont nuatroua

add itiont and ont daaolit1on Iince 1952 Stt attac hed docuatnt Thart tlto babullbull bet n Oiitr 2 shyad ditions and renovttio nbull ~o aany difttrent physical strueturea Tht tuot dl~ll and nature of chan1bullbull babullbull no~ bttn aaoar~aintd -= by reasonabl e trtor~a If a aore apacUie = reaponu 11 net dad otbar rtlaYant nonbullcoapany recorda will bt euained

t there have been aeural prior ownera of the Ute all or whoa u11d it bullbull a ruidaace or for tarahl purpo11a It aacenarr turtbar lnforaa~ion raaardshylnamp IUCh 011nera CID bl Obtained

9 lo prior bulloperatorsbull are llnovn See responu to t6 fo r 1Dforu1on ttlardinamp laaaora

10 Llneaaa~bullr Switch hta retained the oonauHlnl fira or Fuaa amp O hill to coapllt enY ironaental lnforaation raaardlnamp tht aitt and to perfora taatlnamp acd other lnflltiltt iona of the toil watlr aao lOIJ 1 110hydrolmiddot OIJ a nd a ir qualiJ on tht sUa

Ul of ~ht intoraation obtaintd or llfttrtiad bJ Fun amp Oleill ha a baan and will continua to bt evaillbh to boh EPA and lllt ruu amp O hlll 11 prauntly preparinl and aoon will bl prauntina bull

- r -

~-~ta9a -- Mr Tlloaaa C Conoon l)ectaber 18 1986 3

a propoul for lydroampaoloaic ttudy to DEP and EPA in coc~lilnca with DpoundPs a bataaant order All inforuUor aenerattd by the Uudy v 111 bt ava ilable to EPA an d DEP

It EPA should rtqu i rt any further tpteitic inforushytion raaardinamp tht a itt that it dot a not now have Linaaaatar Switch will prnldt it upon auppltatn tal raquaat

11 reaponu to 1 10

12 Tht rollollinamp peraont tllvt knowltdampt or inforaation a~out tht Ualtd actiY1t1el Othtr prtunt or foratr Linaaaattr Switch Eaployaat bullbull1 alto hnt knowledampt or inforaation

2Linaatlttr Switch h2loxua

Plul E Siapaon lonald Carpanttr = Micholu Shaparc =

shyLinebulluttr Switch Conaultntt

llohrt Pottarton Puu I Oleill II lradford hwlty Murtha Cullin Iichter and Plnnay luaull L lrennbullbullbulln - Martha Callina Iichter ancl PinntJ

IPA paraonnel and connltanta

1] to middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot bullparcbaaebull bullatorebull o~ritrlJ) bullclitpoaabull tncl bullbanelhbull tha anaver it 1bullbull bull ampa to bulltraatbull and bulltranaportbull tha aDawa r ia ao ampa to bullaenaratabull tha annar ia that Linabullaatar SwUcb aanerataa haaarelou wasta vhan it aua rav TCE ancl paint thinner in ita aanufactlrinamp procaaaas

TCE and paint thinnar ror rurtbar lnrorution on tbaaa 1lbttancaa rarranu bullbullJ be bullada to tbe atta ched MSDS


- r -

~ ~~ Mr Tboaaa C Condon Dectabar Ul 1986

Linebulluster Switch tls o uats other htnrcl o us tubstan ces in its aanufacturinamp facility These substances ara uud in bullbullall qua ntities therefore the f ollo winamp ratponsaa will not addreu lhtllt I t furthar inforaation 11 raq u rt raaard lnamp t htu aubatancaa Llnaaastar SwiLch will prov ida it

b Present records lndlc a a that TC E was purchaud fr obull Col d Seal Soluntt and Aatro Chaa icals Inc pt bt thinner wu purchtUd rroa tha Voltn Cocp a ry and Sharwln-IHlliaas Coapany

Tha TCE is uaad in a wapor daaraaaioa operation purchand coaaarchllJ atorad in druaa and dispone of at a hasardoua watte The pa int thinner i s uaad in 1 aprar paint operation purchaud coaaarclall) stored in containerbull in whic h 1t ia recehed and diapoud of 11 2 a t111ardoua vaate Cl

d The TCE be a an to be uud in approaiaa tely Cl 1969 Pant thinner beaan to be uud in appr ox middot shyaattl)middot 1952 Diapoul 11111 done on 1 period ic baas

All 1111 end handline vaa done on eHe

Purcheua bullere aade aa delcrihd 1D d

lo ampenerat1on of bJtardoua eub1t1noee occurred Katardoua vaat1 111a1 ampenerated when rav TCE a nd paint thinner were uaed in the aanufacturinamp proceaa

Except for britt periodl or the pr i or to and diapoul no atoraae done on eite

lo treaUna or traneportatloD wae done by Lineaaater Switch

Ul diapoul 11111 conducted 11 recauired by Jtate bull nd federal 1amp1111 in effect a t the Uae

- r -

n-en ~ Alta Mr Tb oaaa C Conoon Dtcnbtr 18 1986 5

~ -~~atil t eatill a tt tinea 19 69 L1nattaster Sw itch has uud app ro bulliaatal y 10 0 to 600 a allons or TC E per yu r Aa a bast rta aon ab la est i ltatt Linaampnsttr Switch has diapcud or a pproxiut al y 20 to 200 ampa llons pa r year dur inamp tht nat tl pe riod

P11 int ll i nnumiddot va s acquired on as naedtd ba s i s uud an d dispoud or tlo records ex ist which would aub sta ntiat t the q uant1tha

111 a It an y raleau occurred evi d e nce tends to 11-lampltlt thtt 1t would have to hna take n phct du rinamp the per io d rroa appr oahahl) 1969 throuah 1979

b bullc It i s not pra cls al y kno wn bllt lhtrt la aoae in foraa t on tand i namp to t uaaaat that vaata TCE aa y have bu n raltaud iato a drrvtll

d Exac t t aount not kno wn -2 a ns wer to b = r Lineaaater Switeh haa retained aonaultant a ( abullbull re aponu to f 10) and haa propod a piin r o r rabullediation or the a1te v1th input rrobull EPA and DIP It has ooaplhd v1th DIP s abatebullent o rder and 11 tuppl)inl bottled wate r ror drink inamp purpoaea to all of ita eaployua

I bull Internal inbulleatiaation and 41ueetionina condueted in order to reapond to tbeaa qt11at io n1

h atated in ruponll to f 10 ruu amp O hill waa retained to aake hrther 1nbulleatiaat ion or tha nature 11 t a nt loc e tion and poaalble aoureea or tbe conditione on the a 1te a nd to eo1pill tha ruulta or teatina

h Su f 12


-~middot cnaa UC8ftl _ I Mr t boaa a c Cona n Da ceabu middot 11 19 86 6

16 Mo

17 NoM

JtaspondantLINEHUTU SWITCH COUOUUON lr its attarners Murtha CulUna Uahtar a nd Pinner

It Brad rord r av lar

cc Mr a Maner S1aonda Mr Pa ul 1 S1apson Ma U ale a Patlan Mr Jlob a rt Potta rton bullcl

cl shy







Ll t


I t










1 H-I




~0 (f)





I ~

s~~~~ i



~ ~~~ i t-shy

~ IL



1 i ~ ~







~ middot~ I

~ ~ ~i

rpound i



a _ __ j

ishysectJ ~

ari middot




N~~~middot~ ~


1 1~ ~ bull


~middot ~


~ ~ ~ ~


~ ~ i


~ ~ u




H1) bull

It J

rshy-2 =

-r -

I ~


r middot i


rrls Section I

tbull ITbullTI O I IICOOI 1dIIJIOrt t CoMo 0660)


bullbull r-o ~ t


Secloon Ill - PHYSICAL DATA -~JIOIIOIIIbull LEJ rbullbull oC JI CJ 1101 111 1a4 JI


F lflfffl Alt~ lpound L f ampl r~o~ltI OIOH ampt n~-Cat ~u n

bullbullbull bull OubullNClobullbull VM bullttP~~l Pin ProtHtlon odatton(IIPamp) Cla11 I atlnpbMro (oarbea bulltaw ebee1oal or rJ deotlned to utlllplal IPPamp CA11 1a~le aUII tUbull

1141 bull~uoooufOIIOt bullbull os oontalnerl tlctlt17 elo1t behte t tleat1 olbulltrloal i~d~nt 1perkl and opea n- Cled oontWr bull1 aplede upo_ to utroJM

-middotmiddot bull not bullPPll te Mt INIfMIIo

camp GobullbullocbulloIU Vtar MJ bt lnoffbullUno Vater MJ lilt bullMd to oool elo-cl oontaWr~ ta llvUdllp and peul~le avtosampnitloa or uplad ften upoMd ta _ t U tar 11 ued foe Mlllll are ~~

-2 = =

I I r


bullObullDbull v~o ut So Sction II - uobull ovo lftbalaUon1 poundnuthoUc lriUotton of tho nap1Joato17 tract or acut

UI ta dopreu1on charoctariud by headaeho diniMU 8toampllbullrillc 1~1t eonluio~ bullnconaoio11aneoo or ea

Sldll or t Conttet1 Prluf1 1Jr1taUon

111101uonoccoubulln ha1 -bullbullbullbull troa upGampIlNo a1toN breaUtnc rap wan arwl qlampiot Not1J) a Phyt1 c1an Splaah (oah nveh t-edhtal7 vith oopiou quntttiu o NMinamp vator tor at lent 15 at rNtal fob to a ~lldon for dofillitin -dical tnataent Spluh ( tkin ) l RMn with aoop and votar -ern contampllinatd clot1111c


or D bullbull~ bullbulluH CJl ~ COlto nl1 oOhiTOOIO IIA cobullmiddotbull middot bull~ _ lA on~ ltco fsotl(lto~ooucu Kay produce hasardo111 -bull when beatcl o deobullpotitlon u 1n ldinlo 1ampMa M7 eontamptn oorbon onuido and ozidoo of rUtrocon

DOUI ro D -cxCbull [I) 1001 OCCUII t Uoo~olo0 510 amp0bull0 li

Soc l ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES o elbulluloobulltlo~ ~middotuoo~bullmiddotbull bullto _a l acnareea ot lenition (tlampMa Ut nrtaoaa

and elMtrioal NUc or trieUonal aperkl) Abulloid bnath111c ftpora Ventilate bull _ riU 1Mrt ab10Jbent and ntnbulllpampllclftl toell

-sllObulls~os oo Dto t 1ft aooordance rith looal 1We and federal UUoftlo Ill Mt WtMrae tloS eontdnero

bullnbullbullbulluobulln OH ~obullbullOft CN oar or op~n ampNal uH u o 1 bullPPNd cbampaieal tUtotr lraw te Nlld ail borne partloles t era ctwtnc IJIH7 applloaUen 1ft Notrtetecl ftftllalM bull a t lllnoa bull~amplMnteal tuwnbullbullsee- t a e-suen t Jllrtilate and tn t1aecl et _ ail lSM tJPO Pin- bull

_ bull 1001 1eMPal dUbull Uon or lbullal aUdt wntUtlon 1ft wl Ulll ttern te Dep fLY et bullbullt illlredlent ill Stlon ll -14M ueewble liatt 111 1n IMtion U beleN NW Uatt and te _ dMaitlon flillhaetl ftr1ltc nldilll or n nttlftc en IVfao wwttlttUat

OflttovC tl0yen11 dlelil tu lefllod Or Ntacl Uto bullbullbull Hlouebullo u lamplef bullicMII to ut acaiNt ~a et uu OloofiiHIOIIC11yen1l0Ui-f iOI ftt 1 ed lkin Oontaot ftUI 0011wa1nltd ala

OIMIII bullbulltuuuooot Ill Mt taa iftemaUr Cantdnart ehOlld a peuiiiS bull n pourlnco amp-old tJM tall at l~dcl b -bull11 ot a r W~bullmiddot Ill not na n t brau bull tel riUovt us t MMt t sprater er appnpriae Nnt1latloft

r I -


rshy-2 = =

Seclion I

oobulltn 460 Boetwick Ave

tWHIGlW(~ItlfiHO l O (20)) )))-158



M-WIfACIIIlUCO~~~ol(a~yen7rt_d~ r~ lWIIf~ r rmiddotlf11 ~r(_


poundJlmiddot 3lo middot ~ ampbull~ tl~~~

z~~_ A ~

t s ~ lfnt P-4~

tSCmiddot JlO middotUjs~~A--~

1bull Sl


7-7 T~QA ($Cmiddot 3 IJrn-ltt~o t~~IN

Bv~ bull t-1 psbullbull t9e o 7

Sect ion Ill shy PHYSICAL DATA

n ca O OIIIllltbullbullbullbullbullbull

D bullbullbullbullbull Gbull~owbullbullmiddot l lltiiiCI I-amp1111 J~ll -tICIWIIIIII tol r)l rJI4JI ou middotbullbulluo-t ~n I


DObullcbull~toobull NtfhfhtAbullLbull L1 Pfllbull -~~~~rtUt m U

-otiOOO WLOIbull VH bulltteMl n ProteeUon aothUMt(IIPPA) Clate I ntlllltllthort (ea_ bulllbullatde G7 ehtaltal er t ) ftllcMd e Ullll ClabullbullIB ~- lJitaid ttna


Ir I


otwcbullbullooorobullt~bullbullobullocnvtt ~Ill Re~a free IJtpolllNo AntoN braathinc o leap eara and quht MoUf7 1 ftlytichn Spluh (aah Pl~aah ~latlt wlUI oopicNa qtUntiUu of nMi va tu for at leut 15 aimtu Tab to a N11ehn for dattnlUn Mdieal tnat-nt Spluh (akinh Rnobullbull dth aoap and water _ tantMlNtd eloUJnc


~Ollie~~~-~~loMo l CONIIONII0AW0t0 JA

bullofu tcco~ICraquoooOoucll M17 produce huardo111 tullea when heated te d1o011potition 11 1n wald1q Put llay contln obon bullnodda and ozidaa of llitfoocan


otout Sea Setl II touobullovubullo~osubullc lnhabttont ampnuthat1e lrrltatton of tha naplrato traot or ao~att nea111 tabull1 daaalon eharaotrlud b7 ~adaoha d1ampamp1Maa1 bulltcabullrJnc aai1 oontallon

-1amp1100111 0t IIIIIOII()ot tJbullbull~CLIII CXJwtH NOIOCCUII



ftbull=~~~~-=~ro~ -~ti---u=--~~1~-~ reotrtoW ftfltlloln bullbullbull aartou of KlMI olaMtoal__tl t1ltere hill t o oMiMUon of parttldo aNI 1bullbull Ull r tlaM bullbullbull et IUneo _ air liM t Ntplnt bull

_ Proottlh IbullMId bulluoucm or leod bullbullbullbullt nntUatle 1ft nt IIIII turn te Dop TLY tf bullbullt Murdnt uont 1ft SOUon D tlbull onoptablo ltlt tiL lft SUon 11 Mlow tttM lbitt and t ~ -tuu acta ftr1llc tdlllc n- nttlnc en tvfacu bullbullbullted tbull

OtiC II~bull etovu ilquirM tor loncM tr NplotH oentut IOlfIIICUftuON UH NliJ lc o pnee qamplftlt laidl r l~Qdl 01H(fllftOIICIIyen110Ytl~l t IIIlOMid lkift IOfttaet WlJ lntaiftaed llltJI1nlo


Oit lhtc~ ampU OOI~ to ReaGI amp~1 fftNII ef tcnttton (flAMel1 hot nrfacot and olecblul atatle 1 or frlfUond o~rkl) Abullotd breotlllftl qpora YontUot aroa _ bullUII inert ob1orMnt and nen-lpuldnc toeb

_ DilpeM of 1n oocord1neo with 1Mal1 otata and t rd CIloilont 2 shyIll not 1nc1Mr~te doted eontalllera = =~


--r -- -


middot _bullbull VIDbullbullbullbullbullbullbull~ middot-t bullbull bullmiddotmiddot-middotbull middotbull middotbullbull CI shy


-uoottuntlll ~ VolteJ Col~nJt lne

fllbulloobullnu 460 Bo1twiek Av~


middot-middot~middotmiddot 1


Seclion Ill- PHYSICAL DATA bullIOtiOllflllbull tij D~bullOliiiTNo


OICILshy DH llttenel ru Proteetion beodatioft(llrIA) Cla11 I et1111ahero (e~rllol diondo oMaital or r) d011cnod to nttno1ch nabull~ lJqdd tiJo=

vl u+amprobulluototrflot bullobulluuot IMp eonta1nnt t1ampbtl7 ohted Inlate t_ ~t olee trieal C1Ui~nt 1parkl and open flUo Cloeed tontAlMr bull1 epledo _ apoeo4 to ~ hut r Nit aPP13 te bot nrtoeoo

c oo 0 ocriMIIIo(tVoter lpry ampfM 1Mffoctino Wator - _ bullbulled to eool eloeod eontrrillno to preTont JIIampI b-J1ldup and Plsitgtlo elto13n1t1on or Lplooion rllon Oppod to orttHo Hat U water 11 ued loa Mdoo are JlfCilerabb

l bull ~


= = -ill


Ir I

-~tion V- HEALTH HIZAAO 0~ ----------~~~~~~~~~------------- obull obull Soo S~tion II 1 or (lbull o~rnu~ovnc lnhalatioiU AnuthoUe lrritrUon of tho napirato17 tract or eeutG

rrouJ Jhll doprsion e~Ntracbrbod by htadeho diuineu bulltAzsorlnamp c~it eontuJion ~onJeioucno~a or cou

Sldn or tye Contact1 Prilnar7 1rr1tttion I bull ocbullbullo w bull bullbull bull bull bullo bull IIOCi ov~u - Pe-~~ ~~ O~lllNo llo1toN bresthirzo JCcop tl end Ji

C~U iot NoU7 a Phydcian Splash (oyus)l tlueh ~ictoly with oopiol1 qtUntiUeo of rllnlinc vo~or for at loot 1 ~ a1nutu Teb to a P~711c1on for doinitho ~diel trac~-ont Spleh (sldn)l Rtt11on with 1oap and voter R=c~To contudMtod clotblnco f0

========================~====~~================== Section VI- REACTIVITY DATA

~~~9~~~middot~~middotbullbulln l conbull bullIOIO oo NA

onu- l lto ~os bull bull obullbull oouciS Jolay produce haordouo fampMea bullhen heatod to dcco~peo1t1en lS 1n yen)ldS o F4ltHI lu1 conhin carbon noOXi de and oxidet o n1tiOot

bullbulloo us robull bullbullbulllampIIO O o~cu~ Cl) wbullu occubull

CV~bullo01 f OampWOtO )fA

$oct ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ampltiIIOtt gtht C ~ Hamp I IIUamp 11 1 111 bull U11 00111 ~tU t0 lbacrro ali fOampPCOI olicftitiOft (f~)~f hOt UftCI2D

~tnd olcetrieal etat1e or frictional bullparkl) Abulloid bJooUlinl oporo YontUcto crca P~Con 1U 1nort abrbo)nt and Mnmiddot~ldnc toell

bullbullnobullso~bulltoc Oiopoeo It ill eocord~bull with looal 1ttte and tldoral rc~tions 1gtraquo not Uc1nrato clotod contaitlorh - 2

Seclion VIII- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION libullbullbull CtUuo lli out4oor or op~n ~At uco WCebull Of fi1Me ampPPfOd ~hDic~ Cltor =

P1rtor o reeoTo 80l1cl dr boPno pcJt1clobull of rorprq dvirc oprat ampJlic~cn In ~riotM 911ntilot1n uou bullbullbull IJfIIOU ot 111MA oJIPICd cb=tcal~hniocl til tr~ = ddnd to lftOft o orbinat1on of prtinloto oM 101 ud bullopor In oont1nod ot-e uo Eurov of n1M1 bullPPIed ail Uno t roeplnon Mea -

lllgtftltampIIO JHorid1 llrmal dildion OJ lctt2 maUl ftfttlletlen in ft- ud pettcm to kotp fY ot eott buUOCou1 lltlrodiont 1n Scotton II bolcrr aocopteblo l11t Ll 1n 1-o~on n ooCt t-to~ ll=1t and to rocrn doooapo11t1on plllhoU dv1n wel41lta or tll=t nttlnc en Crect cctX ~~ We p~ct

~bullcwc Gt own L--tv1rocl tw prolonattd or npeaW ooataot CfOOtf Dn ~alo7 doeipod o rrotoot apinlt 1a0 of liqddl OIIUfiOIICIII0U1 _lftt prolonccf lldn 0~act with 0011~od OOtb1J1o


Ol lll fUU I OOOII Do not tab intornaUr Contdnen bullhOIIld be cftnded ~ povrtn kroid ret tell of liquid in ccoet of a Cn triau Do not tlmo nt bno w nld rithott us lu It ll1not ampPJIIIWed respirator or priat ftntilaUtm

I r I

LSC - 37 0- t)R7 K 10


IAIgt~tOyentd bw U Sr DellbullttHnt of Lbulltoor Enenthlll Si lil to torbull OSHA~20l


101 Probull~bullct A~enubull NW Clevelandbull Ohio bull~115



I NF OR M TI ON TELE PHO NE NO 11-Feb-85 (216gt 506-2902

bullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullwbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull rrr~ abullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull Section I - - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ---middot----------- -------------------------------------------------------------middot


PRODUC T HA11E OPEX Laeouer Thinner


-bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullbull lla-aa-bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sbullction J I -- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTamp 181100 rocon nHPII TlHl113 m vP

-------middot------middot-------------------------------------------------------------middotmiddot 100 064742-lt-1 Ll o AllPhllic Hldrocubon Sohbullnlo o 3l 4o sJo 300 1310 09 120 l Po Mllthhl o64742-41-9 v middot

I~ 100 JS 0 2010111-3 Toluene 30middot20middot hhnt

ltS 200 260 o 92 0 iii shys 100 43 10 67middot56-1 hanoi 64-17-S Uhanol s 1000 1900 33 440

IbullIJbull1 2MthulbullIbullPtUtlnol ltS so ISO 12

111-76middot2 2-luoc tlhanol ltS 2S 120 1 1 middot0 6 = 67middot64middot1 Acttonto 750 =20 1730 2 110 0

uo-41-0 tllhvl n-hvl ltttont ltS so 23S I 2 1

110bull19bull0 hobuhl Act1tbull s m 700 13 125 --middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot~middotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot8bulletton III -- ~HY8ICAL DATA -------------middot---middot-------middot--------------middot----middotmiddot-----middot-----middot--------middot--------middot


132 - 340 1000 6 oSi 8ctton IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZA~D DATA ------middot-------------------------------middot---------------middot---------------middot------shy


Ill LAJ(L - blnHlv Fhcbhr Fluh bdow 21 F EXTINGUIIHlNI EDIA

Cuben lild dtr lrv Chuicalr Fon UNU I UAL UtE AN D IXLOSION HAZ AJP DS

Itt cettliMII t l hll v cloud h oht frobull hn l r thc ri cal ttuifbulllwr IP~rksr and orenf bullbullbullmiddot Clod conl i ntrl u t Mrl odbull t~hln tJ~fond to bullxtnu hta l Al tliulion a ho Tbullcbullbull rteolir u I Ptc i ll ocauUons Durinl eurtcmL concfilions n oruulurbull lv o s ition l rocfuch u v uulit bull htalth hnardo Svbull rI)U u w nut be l cJit~1 annt

Gbhtn edt u l bull U onU on SPEC IAL FIRpound flGHTlHG PROCEDURES


Full roteclvt uubbullonl includinl lielfmiddotconhintcf tlttolhinl I PIU n UI shuulcf bt uud Wl1r _ _ bt Jnt ff t clhtbull Jf wahr h ut~~llr fl)sl nnln bull n rnferallt w~er uw be u11d o ~otl cltlld conhint n lo Prlyent nl lrtnurv tgtuild-u 1nd fUUillc auuilntUuh or


R7 I( 120 OIEU cault Th in111tt



~CUTE In 1 conhnbulld trtto VilrDrt Ho hlllbull cone1ntuicm ilr anllthPic Clvcrvxrourt bullbull01111 ruuH in l ilhthtouJtdntbullts 1nd slJIJtlnl uii lrr i hnt t o l~ ln ampHod urmiddot ~rr ttlofgt1tltOtll lol ll itll bull

CHRONI C Re~orh havr U IOd l hd nrtthd 1nd rrolcmarti ovvrc J ~OIU n tu nlYtnh with ~bullrbullbull nln brtin omJ mtrvouO Sltfl dlbullllllo

poundHERGEHCY Ml[l FI RST AIIl fFDCEIIURES It INHbullLED If afhehd t ruuvr frobull rxrosurr R~sott bN ithinsl lt on SKIN Wuh 1fftchd arr1 tlbullorouahh with tuo and w~b r

Ruovl cllnhbull i nctrd c lothint and hurrittmiddot btrurt rbullmiddotu~ol If in EYES Fl~otdl CV1 t~~ith hru ounh of wotc r fur 15 a i nuteO

Gtt ercl i cal lt h nlil)n Jf SIUIILLOWEtt Ntvtr Civt nvLhirol tov euutlo to 1r1 uncorgtdou cnon

lJDHITJNG ampivt toCvtl ll JtlnlO-s of worhr Sttd udi cill

bullbulle~ton VI -- REACTIVITY


Jw fire C1rbon Diodcltbull Co11rtoon bullnoxidt HAlAJi[IOUI POLYUUATJON -- ~h )) Hot DtClH


tin w1r1 11tU ouict

DD HDT JN[IUCE -ltntiun

-2 = bullbulle~ion VII -- SPILL OR LE~K PROCEDURES

STEPS TO IE TAtEH IN Cf3[ 11-THIIIL IS JiELEIISFD OR SfJLLpound[1 luovt 111 tournt of ilnihon lJtntiliLc cmi ruovc with inert ob1urbcnt

wbullITE DIIPOIAL bullnHOD Jndnuttc in lbullrovttl htilitv llo nll incinertLbull cluud conhinr Dhluc or in

ttcorcltMt tth 1 lhh1 tnd Loco11l ruul1Uons r~rcHnll nlhUon


R[CAUTIOHI TO J[ TAKEN JN USE Uu onh with tHeutte venUlampUon Avoid bruthinll vciCII tnd bull iiL Avo1d contrat

with tUn and lleth hinds lfttt usinJ Y[NTILIITION

Lout t xhtutt nhuttlt Gen~nl uhcust occ~bullhllh if Lht u~ Lo utt rich in ltction JJ h llinhlntd btlow liclblv urott~rt lblh htt r to OIHII StmdUs tt1o u lflOt07 lflOlOI R[IIRATORY PROTECTION

Jf bulltrsenll osurt ~bullnnu bt controlltd btlow IPflhitbh JJaih bw wrntil1Uonbull wur rtlhltottl dtY i ct llltovtd tov HJOSH SHA tot ftohctiun lsl l inst a1tnhh in Stct10n II PROTtCTI YE ILDIJU

Yt1r lltvtt whi~h rt nrolndtd h t lo~c ~~ u fo r roLttUo 11iampin1t aohbullrhh i 11 l tttlon u EYE rliOTECTION

lttlf ufth tchdtt with unntorettd s i cltshitlds


- r -

R7 Kbull 120

0-----middot------~~~-~~~--~~-=---~~~-~~~-~~~----------- -------- ------- ------ middot JL STORAGE CATEGORY -- 18

FRECAUTlDNS TO JE TA KEN IN HANDLING AND STOfU HG tonttnh lrt UTfpound1tpoundLY HAKAJLpound Kttr IW ~J frat lttltbull 11 bull 11rk~obull t nd 01bulltn tli

Utron will tuutu1tlt rt iiiIJlw ~uu 1 11 nih I JI lutiYI l w Dutinbull uu and unill IU or~ tn tune CUI arvt vvrbulltil t~tll - Do nut nu loc shy

bti nlu ilh all fhUit 10ilot llhtio unci hlltor - Turn otr o ullotlo Cillctdc ~ucb tnd tPrlitncn bull end 11n1 othtr tourct t of hnition

ContuU tlfPA Codtbull Un rovtd lundinl tnd amproundinl Pttbullctdurtt K ronttintr cloud whrn not in uttbull Ttanshr onllt tu ubullrrovrU ~onhintori with cut llttt

tnd tlltOrittt hbtlina Do not h~ e inhrndh ht out of tltl ruch or childttn OTHER PRECAUTIONS

IntenUanll dsuu bv dtlibttOJtth conctntraUno and lnlulinl tht conhnh can bv hbullnfvl or tallo

-2 =

Tht tltavt tntaruttan ltttains ta thh todud u currtntlu torbullulattch and b b~ud an the inhraatlan aYilhbh tt Uus the Addition ot tlfbullJuutt or othet addiUvu ~o thu ltotlud bullbullw suamptstanUtlh elttt the coOIOiiUon ard haurdo et thbull lt~o~duct lnct conditiOn of uu Itt bullutddt our contr~Jb we n kt no vernnU1111 ron h iUtdbull - Ui111C no


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

- r -

~-~ta9a -- Mr Tlloaaa C Conoon l)ectaber 18 1986 3

a propoul for lydroampaoloaic ttudy to DEP and EPA in coc~lilnca with DpoundPs a bataaant order All inforuUor aenerattd by the Uudy v 111 bt ava ilable to EPA an d DEP

It EPA should rtqu i rt any further tpteitic inforushytion raaardinamp tht a itt that it dot a not now have Linaaaatar Switch will prnldt it upon auppltatn tal raquaat

11 reaponu to 1 10

12 Tht rollollinamp peraont tllvt knowltdampt or inforaation a~out tht Ualtd actiY1t1el Othtr prtunt or foratr Linaaaattr Switch Eaployaat bullbull1 alto hnt knowledampt or inforaation

2Linaatlttr Switch h2loxua

Plul E Siapaon lonald Carpanttr = Micholu Shaparc =

shyLinebulluttr Switch Conaultntt

llohrt Pottarton Puu I Oleill II lradford hwlty Murtha Cullin Iichter and Plnnay luaull L lrennbullbullbulln - Martha Callina Iichter ancl PinntJ

IPA paraonnel and connltanta

1] to middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot bullparcbaaebull bullatorebull o~ritrlJ) bullclitpoaabull tncl bullbanelhbull tha anaver it 1bullbull bull ampa to bulltraatbull and bulltranaportbull tha aDawa r ia ao ampa to bullaenaratabull tha annar ia that Linabullaatar SwUcb aanerataa haaarelou wasta vhan it aua rav TCE ancl paint thinner in ita aanufactlrinamp procaaaas

TCE and paint thinnar ror rurtbar lnrorution on tbaaa 1lbttancaa rarranu bullbullJ be bullada to tbe atta ched MSDS


- r -

~ ~~ Mr Tboaaa C Condon Dectabar Ul 1986

Linebulluster Switch tls o uats other htnrcl o us tubstan ces in its aanufacturinamp facility These substances ara uud in bullbullall qua ntities therefore the f ollo winamp ratponsaa will not addreu lhtllt I t furthar inforaation 11 raq u rt raaard lnamp t htu aubatancaa Llnaaastar SwiLch will prov ida it

b Present records lndlc a a that TC E was purchaud fr obull Col d Seal Soluntt and Aatro Chaa icals Inc pt bt thinner wu purchtUd rroa tha Voltn Cocp a ry and Sharwln-IHlliaas Coapany

Tha TCE is uaad in a wapor daaraaaioa operation purchand coaaarchllJ atorad in druaa and dispone of at a hasardoua watte The pa int thinner i s uaad in 1 aprar paint operation purchaud coaaarclall) stored in containerbull in whic h 1t ia recehed and diapoud of 11 2 a t111ardoua vaate Cl

d The TCE be a an to be uud in approaiaa tely Cl 1969 Pant thinner beaan to be uud in appr ox middot shyaattl)middot 1952 Diapoul 11111 done on 1 period ic baas

All 1111 end handline vaa done on eHe

Purcheua bullere aade aa delcrihd 1D d

lo ampenerat1on of bJtardoua eub1t1noee occurred Katardoua vaat1 111a1 ampenerated when rav TCE a nd paint thinner were uaed in the aanufacturinamp proceaa

Except for britt periodl or the pr i or to and diapoul no atoraae done on eite

lo treaUna or traneportatloD wae done by Lineaaater Switch

Ul diapoul 11111 conducted 11 recauired by Jtate bull nd federal 1amp1111 in effect a t the Uae

- r -

n-en ~ Alta Mr Tb oaaa C Conoon Dtcnbtr 18 1986 5

~ -~~atil t eatill a tt tinea 19 69 L1nattaster Sw itch has uud app ro bulliaatal y 10 0 to 600 a allons or TC E per yu r Aa a bast rta aon ab la est i ltatt Linaampnsttr Switch has diapcud or a pproxiut al y 20 to 200 ampa llons pa r year dur inamp tht nat tl pe riod

P11 int ll i nnumiddot va s acquired on as naedtd ba s i s uud an d dispoud or tlo records ex ist which would aub sta ntiat t the q uant1tha

111 a It an y raleau occurred evi d e nce tends to 11-lampltlt thtt 1t would have to hna take n phct du rinamp the per io d rroa appr oahahl) 1969 throuah 1979

b bullc It i s not pra cls al y kno wn bllt lhtrt la aoae in foraa t on tand i namp to t uaaaat that vaata TCE aa y have bu n raltaud iato a drrvtll

d Exac t t aount not kno wn -2 a ns wer to b = r Lineaaater Switeh haa retained aonaultant a ( abullbull re aponu to f 10) and haa propod a piin r o r rabullediation or the a1te v1th input rrobull EPA and DIP It has ooaplhd v1th DIP s abatebullent o rder and 11 tuppl)inl bottled wate r ror drink inamp purpoaea to all of ita eaployua

I bull Internal inbulleatiaation and 41ueetionina condueted in order to reapond to tbeaa qt11at io n1

h atated in ruponll to f 10 ruu amp O hill waa retained to aake hrther 1nbulleatiaat ion or tha nature 11 t a nt loc e tion and poaalble aoureea or tbe conditione on the a 1te a nd to eo1pill tha ruulta or teatina

h Su f 12


-~middot cnaa UC8ftl _ I Mr t boaa a c Cona n Da ceabu middot 11 19 86 6

16 Mo

17 NoM

JtaspondantLINEHUTU SWITCH COUOUUON lr its attarners Murtha CulUna Uahtar a nd Pinner

It Brad rord r av lar

cc Mr a Maner S1aonda Mr Pa ul 1 S1apson Ma U ale a Patlan Mr Jlob a rt Potta rton bullcl

cl shy







Ll t


I t










1 H-I




~0 (f)





I ~

s~~~~ i



~ ~~~ i t-shy

~ IL



1 i ~ ~







~ middot~ I

~ ~ ~i

rpound i



a _ __ j

ishysectJ ~

ari middot




N~~~middot~ ~


1 1~ ~ bull


~middot ~


~ ~ ~ ~


~ ~ i


~ ~ u




H1) bull

It J

rshy-2 =

-r -

I ~


r middot i


rrls Section I

tbull ITbullTI O I IICOOI 1dIIJIOrt t CoMo 0660)


bullbull r-o ~ t


Secloon Ill - PHYSICAL DATA -~JIOIIOIIIbull LEJ rbullbull oC JI CJ 1101 111 1a4 JI


F lflfffl Alt~ lpound L f ampl r~o~ltI OIOH ampt n~-Cat ~u n

bullbullbull bull OubullNClobullbull VM bullttP~~l Pin ProtHtlon odatton(IIPamp) Cla11 I atlnpbMro (oarbea bulltaw ebee1oal or rJ deotlned to utlllplal IPPamp CA11 1a~le aUII tUbull

1141 bull~uoooufOIIOt bullbull os oontalnerl tlctlt17 elo1t behte t tleat1 olbulltrloal i~d~nt 1perkl and opea n- Cled oontWr bull1 aplede upo_ to utroJM

-middotmiddot bull not bullPPll te Mt INIfMIIo

camp GobullbullocbulloIU Vtar MJ bt lnoffbullUno Vater MJ lilt bullMd to oool elo-cl oontaWr~ ta llvUdllp and peul~le avtosampnitloa or uplad ften upoMd ta _ t U tar 11 ued foe Mlllll are ~~

-2 = =

I I r


bullObullDbull v~o ut So Sction II - uobull ovo lftbalaUon1 poundnuthoUc lriUotton of tho nap1Joato17 tract or acut

UI ta dopreu1on charoctariud by headaeho diniMU 8toampllbullrillc 1~1t eonluio~ bullnconaoio11aneoo or ea

Sldll or t Conttet1 Prluf1 1Jr1taUon

111101uonoccoubulln ha1 -bullbullbullbull troa upGampIlNo a1toN breaUtnc rap wan arwl qlampiot Not1J) a Phyt1 c1an Splaah (oah nveh t-edhtal7 vith oopiou quntttiu o NMinamp vator tor at lent 15 at rNtal fob to a ~lldon for dofillitin -dical tnataent Spluh ( tkin ) l RMn with aoop and votar -ern contampllinatd clot1111c


or D bullbull~ bullbulluH CJl ~ COlto nl1 oOhiTOOIO IIA cobullmiddotbull middot bull~ _ lA on~ ltco fsotl(lto~ooucu Kay produce hasardo111 -bull when beatcl o deobullpotitlon u 1n ldinlo 1ampMa M7 eontamptn oorbon onuido and ozidoo of rUtrocon

DOUI ro D -cxCbull [I) 1001 OCCUII t Uoo~olo0 510 amp0bull0 li

Soc l ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES o elbulluloobulltlo~ ~middotuoo~bullmiddotbull bullto _a l acnareea ot lenition (tlampMa Ut nrtaoaa

and elMtrioal NUc or trieUonal aperkl) Abulloid bnath111c ftpora Ventilate bull _ riU 1Mrt ab10Jbent and ntnbulllpampllclftl toell

-sllObulls~os oo Dto t 1ft aooordance rith looal 1We and federal UUoftlo Ill Mt WtMrae tloS eontdnero

bullnbullbullbulluobulln OH ~obullbullOft CN oar or op~n ampNal uH u o 1 bullPPNd cbampaieal tUtotr lraw te Nlld ail borne partloles t era ctwtnc IJIH7 applloaUen 1ft Notrtetecl ftftllalM bull a t lllnoa bull~amplMnteal tuwnbullbullsee- t a e-suen t Jllrtilate and tn t1aecl et _ ail lSM tJPO Pin- bull

_ bull 1001 1eMPal dUbull Uon or lbullal aUdt wntUtlon 1ft wl Ulll ttern te Dep fLY et bullbullt illlredlent ill Stlon ll -14M ueewble liatt 111 1n IMtion U beleN NW Uatt and te _ dMaitlon flillhaetl ftr1ltc nldilll or n nttlftc en IVfao wwttlttUat

OflttovC tl0yen11 dlelil tu lefllod Or Ntacl Uto bullbullbull Hlouebullo u lamplef bullicMII to ut acaiNt ~a et uu OloofiiHIOIIC11yen1l0Ui-f iOI ftt 1 ed lkin Oontaot ftUI 0011wa1nltd ala

OIMIII bullbulltuuuooot Ill Mt taa iftemaUr Cantdnart ehOlld a peuiiiS bull n pourlnco amp-old tJM tall at l~dcl b -bull11 ot a r W~bullmiddot Ill not na n t brau bull tel riUovt us t MMt t sprater er appnpriae Nnt1latloft

r I -


rshy-2 = =

Seclion I

oobulltn 460 Boetwick Ave

tWHIGlW(~ItlfiHO l O (20)) )))-158



M-WIfACIIIlUCO~~~ol(a~yen7rt_d~ r~ lWIIf~ r rmiddotlf11 ~r(_


poundJlmiddot 3lo middot ~ ampbull~ tl~~~

z~~_ A ~

t s ~ lfnt P-4~

tSCmiddot JlO middotUjs~~A--~

1bull Sl


7-7 T~QA ($Cmiddot 3 IJrn-ltt~o t~~IN

Bv~ bull t-1 psbullbull t9e o 7

Sect ion Ill shy PHYSICAL DATA

n ca O OIIIllltbullbullbullbullbullbull

D bullbullbullbullbull Gbull~owbullbullmiddot l lltiiiCI I-amp1111 J~ll -tICIWIIIIII tol r)l rJI4JI ou middotbullbulluo-t ~n I


DObullcbull~toobull NtfhfhtAbullLbull L1 Pfllbull -~~~~rtUt m U

-otiOOO WLOIbull VH bulltteMl n ProteeUon aothUMt(IIPPA) Clate I ntlllltllthort (ea_ bulllbullatde G7 ehtaltal er t ) ftllcMd e Ullll ClabullbullIB ~- lJitaid ttna


Ir I


otwcbullbullooorobullt~bullbullobullocnvtt ~Ill Re~a free IJtpolllNo AntoN braathinc o leap eara and quht MoUf7 1 ftlytichn Spluh (aah Pl~aah ~latlt wlUI oopicNa qtUntiUu of nMi va tu for at leut 15 aimtu Tab to a N11ehn for dattnlUn Mdieal tnat-nt Spluh (akinh Rnobullbull dth aoap and water _ tantMlNtd eloUJnc


~Ollie~~~-~~loMo l CONIIONII0AW0t0 JA

bullofu tcco~ICraquoooOoucll M17 produce huardo111 tullea when heated te d1o011potition 11 1n wald1q Put llay contln obon bullnodda and ozidaa of llitfoocan


otout Sea Setl II touobullovubullo~osubullc lnhabttont ampnuthat1e lrrltatton of tha naplrato traot or ao~att nea111 tabull1 daaalon eharaotrlud b7 ~adaoha d1ampamp1Maa1 bulltcabullrJnc aai1 oontallon

-1amp1100111 0t IIIIIOII()ot tJbullbull~CLIII CXJwtH NOIOCCUII



ftbull=~~~~-=~ro~ -~ti---u=--~~1~-~ reotrtoW ftfltlloln bullbullbull aartou of KlMI olaMtoal__tl t1ltere hill t o oMiMUon of parttldo aNI 1bullbull Ull r tlaM bullbullbull et IUneo _ air liM t Ntplnt bull

_ Proottlh IbullMId bulluoucm or leod bullbullbullbullt nntUatle 1ft nt IIIII turn te Dop TLY tf bullbullt Murdnt uont 1ft SOUon D tlbull onoptablo ltlt tiL lft SUon 11 Mlow tttM lbitt and t ~ -tuu acta ftr1llc tdlllc n- nttlnc en tvfacu bullbullbullted tbull

OtiC II~bull etovu ilquirM tor loncM tr NplotH oentut IOlfIIICUftuON UH NliJ lc o pnee qamplftlt laidl r l~Qdl 01H(fllftOIICIIyen110Ytl~l t IIIlOMid lkift IOfttaet WlJ lntaiftaed llltJI1nlo


Oit lhtc~ ampU OOI~ to ReaGI amp~1 fftNII ef tcnttton (flAMel1 hot nrfacot and olecblul atatle 1 or frlfUond o~rkl) Abullotd breotlllftl qpora YontUot aroa _ bullUII inert ob1orMnt and nen-lpuldnc toeb

_ DilpeM of 1n oocord1neo with 1Mal1 otata and t rd CIloilont 2 shyIll not 1nc1Mr~te doted eontalllera = =~


--r -- -


middot _bullbull VIDbullbullbullbullbullbullbull~ middot-t bullbull bullmiddotmiddot-middotbull middotbull middotbullbull CI shy


-uoottuntlll ~ VolteJ Col~nJt lne

fllbulloobullnu 460 Bo1twiek Av~


middot-middot~middotmiddot 1


Seclion Ill- PHYSICAL DATA bullIOtiOllflllbull tij D~bullOliiiTNo


OICILshy DH llttenel ru Proteetion beodatioft(llrIA) Cla11 I et1111ahero (e~rllol diondo oMaital or r) d011cnod to nttno1ch nabull~ lJqdd tiJo=

vl u+amprobulluototrflot bullobulluuot IMp eonta1nnt t1ampbtl7 ohted Inlate t_ ~t olee trieal C1Ui~nt 1parkl and open flUo Cloeed tontAlMr bull1 epledo _ apoeo4 to ~ hut r Nit aPP13 te bot nrtoeoo

c oo 0 ocriMIIIo(tVoter lpry ampfM 1Mffoctino Wator - _ bullbulled to eool eloeod eontrrillno to preTont JIIampI b-J1ldup and Plsitgtlo elto13n1t1on or Lplooion rllon Oppod to orttHo Hat U water 11 ued loa Mdoo are JlfCilerabb

l bull ~


= = -ill


Ir I

-~tion V- HEALTH HIZAAO 0~ ----------~~~~~~~~~------------- obull obull Soo S~tion II 1 or (lbull o~rnu~ovnc lnhalatioiU AnuthoUe lrritrUon of tho napirato17 tract or eeutG

rrouJ Jhll doprsion e~Ntracbrbod by htadeho diuineu bulltAzsorlnamp c~it eontuJion ~onJeioucno~a or cou

Sldn or tye Contact1 Prilnar7 1rr1tttion I bull ocbullbullo w bull bullbull bull bull bullo bull IIOCi ov~u - Pe-~~ ~~ O~lllNo llo1toN bresthirzo JCcop tl end Ji

C~U iot NoU7 a Phydcian Splash (oyus)l tlueh ~ictoly with oopiol1 qtUntiUeo of rllnlinc vo~or for at loot 1 ~ a1nutu Teb to a P~711c1on for doinitho ~diel trac~-ont Spleh (sldn)l Rtt11on with 1oap and voter R=c~To contudMtod clotblnco f0

========================~====~~================== Section VI- REACTIVITY DATA

~~~9~~~middot~~middotbullbulln l conbull bullIOIO oo NA

onu- l lto ~os bull bull obullbull oouciS Jolay produce haordouo fampMea bullhen heatod to dcco~peo1t1en lS 1n yen)ldS o F4ltHI lu1 conhin carbon noOXi de and oxidet o n1tiOot

bullbulloo us robull bullbullbulllampIIO O o~cu~ Cl) wbullu occubull

CV~bullo01 f OampWOtO )fA

$oct ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ampltiIIOtt gtht C ~ Hamp I IIUamp 11 1 111 bull U11 00111 ~tU t0 lbacrro ali fOampPCOI olicftitiOft (f~)~f hOt UftCI2D

~tnd olcetrieal etat1e or frictional bullparkl) Abulloid bJooUlinl oporo YontUcto crca P~Con 1U 1nort abrbo)nt and Mnmiddot~ldnc toell

bullbullnobullso~bulltoc Oiopoeo It ill eocord~bull with looal 1ttte and tldoral rc~tions 1gtraquo not Uc1nrato clotod contaitlorh - 2

Seclion VIII- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION libullbullbull CtUuo lli out4oor or op~n ~At uco WCebull Of fi1Me ampPPfOd ~hDic~ Cltor =

P1rtor o reeoTo 80l1cl dr boPno pcJt1clobull of rorprq dvirc oprat ampJlic~cn In ~riotM 911ntilot1n uou bullbullbull IJfIIOU ot 111MA oJIPICd cb=tcal~hniocl til tr~ = ddnd to lftOft o orbinat1on of prtinloto oM 101 ud bullopor In oont1nod ot-e uo Eurov of n1M1 bullPPIed ail Uno t roeplnon Mea -

lllgtftltampIIO JHorid1 llrmal dildion OJ lctt2 maUl ftfttlletlen in ft- ud pettcm to kotp fY ot eott buUOCou1 lltlrodiont 1n Scotton II bolcrr aocopteblo l11t Ll 1n 1-o~on n ooCt t-to~ ll=1t and to rocrn doooapo11t1on plllhoU dv1n wel41lta or tll=t nttlnc en Crect cctX ~~ We p~ct

~bullcwc Gt own L--tv1rocl tw prolonattd or npeaW ooataot CfOOtf Dn ~alo7 doeipod o rrotoot apinlt 1a0 of liqddl OIIUfiOIICIII0U1 _lftt prolonccf lldn 0~act with 0011~od OOtb1J1o


Ol lll fUU I OOOII Do not tab intornaUr Contdnen bullhOIIld be cftnded ~ povrtn kroid ret tell of liquid in ccoet of a Cn triau Do not tlmo nt bno w nld rithott us lu It ll1not ampPJIIIWed respirator or priat ftntilaUtm

I r I

LSC - 37 0- t)R7 K 10


IAIgt~tOyentd bw U Sr DellbullttHnt of Lbulltoor Enenthlll Si lil to torbull OSHA~20l


101 Probull~bullct A~enubull NW Clevelandbull Ohio bull~115



I NF OR M TI ON TELE PHO NE NO 11-Feb-85 (216gt 506-2902

bullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullwbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull rrr~ abullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull Section I - - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ---middot----------- -------------------------------------------------------------middot


PRODUC T HA11E OPEX Laeouer Thinner


-bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullbull lla-aa-bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sbullction J I -- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTamp 181100 rocon nHPII TlHl113 m vP

-------middot------middot-------------------------------------------------------------middotmiddot 100 064742-lt-1 Ll o AllPhllic Hldrocubon Sohbullnlo o 3l 4o sJo 300 1310 09 120 l Po Mllthhl o64742-41-9 v middot

I~ 100 JS 0 2010111-3 Toluene 30middot20middot hhnt

ltS 200 260 o 92 0 iii shys 100 43 10 67middot56-1 hanoi 64-17-S Uhanol s 1000 1900 33 440

IbullIJbull1 2MthulbullIbullPtUtlnol ltS so ISO 12

111-76middot2 2-luoc tlhanol ltS 2S 120 1 1 middot0 6 = 67middot64middot1 Acttonto 750 =20 1730 2 110 0

uo-41-0 tllhvl n-hvl ltttont ltS so 23S I 2 1

110bull19bull0 hobuhl Act1tbull s m 700 13 125 --middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot~middotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot8bulletton III -- ~HY8ICAL DATA -------------middot---middot-------middot--------------middot----middotmiddot-----middot-----middot--------middot--------middot


132 - 340 1000 6 oSi 8ctton IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZA~D DATA ------middot-------------------------------middot---------------middot---------------middot------shy


Ill LAJ(L - blnHlv Fhcbhr Fluh bdow 21 F EXTINGUIIHlNI EDIA

Cuben lild dtr lrv Chuicalr Fon UNU I UAL UtE AN D IXLOSION HAZ AJP DS

Itt cettliMII t l hll v cloud h oht frobull hn l r thc ri cal ttuifbulllwr IP~rksr and orenf bullbullbullmiddot Clod conl i ntrl u t Mrl odbull t~hln tJ~fond to bullxtnu hta l Al tliulion a ho Tbullcbullbull rteolir u I Ptc i ll ocauUons Durinl eurtcmL concfilions n oruulurbull lv o s ition l rocfuch u v uulit bull htalth hnardo Svbull rI)U u w nut be l cJit~1 annt

Gbhtn edt u l bull U onU on SPEC IAL FIRpound flGHTlHG PROCEDURES


Full roteclvt uubbullonl includinl lielfmiddotconhintcf tlttolhinl I PIU n UI shuulcf bt uud Wl1r _ _ bt Jnt ff t clhtbull Jf wahr h ut~~llr fl)sl nnln bull n rnferallt w~er uw be u11d o ~otl cltlld conhint n lo Prlyent nl lrtnurv tgtuild-u 1nd fUUillc auuilntUuh or


R7 I( 120 OIEU cault Th in111tt



~CUTE In 1 conhnbulld trtto VilrDrt Ho hlllbull cone1ntuicm ilr anllthPic Clvcrvxrourt bullbull01111 ruuH in l ilhthtouJtdntbullts 1nd slJIJtlnl uii lrr i hnt t o l~ ln ampHod urmiddot ~rr ttlofgt1tltOtll lol ll itll bull

CHRONI C Re~orh havr U IOd l hd nrtthd 1nd rrolcmarti ovvrc J ~OIU n tu nlYtnh with ~bullrbullbull nln brtin omJ mtrvouO Sltfl dlbullllllo

poundHERGEHCY Ml[l FI RST AIIl fFDCEIIURES It INHbullLED If afhehd t ruuvr frobull rxrosurr R~sott bN ithinsl lt on SKIN Wuh 1fftchd arr1 tlbullorouahh with tuo and w~b r

Ruovl cllnhbull i nctrd c lothint and hurrittmiddot btrurt rbullmiddotu~ol If in EYES Fl~otdl CV1 t~~ith hru ounh of wotc r fur 15 a i nuteO

Gtt ercl i cal lt h nlil)n Jf SIUIILLOWEtt Ntvtr Civt nvLhirol tov euutlo to 1r1 uncorgtdou cnon

lJDHITJNG ampivt toCvtl ll JtlnlO-s of worhr Sttd udi cill

bullbulle~ton VI -- REACTIVITY


Jw fire C1rbon Diodcltbull Co11rtoon bullnoxidt HAlAJi[IOUI POLYUUATJON -- ~h )) Hot DtClH


tin w1r1 11tU ouict

DD HDT JN[IUCE -ltntiun

-2 = bullbulle~ion VII -- SPILL OR LE~K PROCEDURES

STEPS TO IE TAtEH IN Cf3[ 11-THIIIL IS JiELEIISFD OR SfJLLpound[1 luovt 111 tournt of ilnihon lJtntiliLc cmi ruovc with inert ob1urbcnt

wbullITE DIIPOIAL bullnHOD Jndnuttc in lbullrovttl htilitv llo nll incinertLbull cluud conhinr Dhluc or in

ttcorcltMt tth 1 lhh1 tnd Loco11l ruul1Uons r~rcHnll nlhUon


R[CAUTIOHI TO J[ TAKEN JN USE Uu onh with tHeutte venUlampUon Avoid bruthinll vciCII tnd bull iiL Avo1d contrat

with tUn and lleth hinds lfttt usinJ Y[NTILIITION

Lout t xhtutt nhuttlt Gen~nl uhcust occ~bullhllh if Lht u~ Lo utt rich in ltction JJ h llinhlntd btlow liclblv urott~rt lblh htt r to OIHII StmdUs tt1o u lflOt07 lflOlOI R[IIRATORY PROTECTION

Jf bulltrsenll osurt ~bullnnu bt controlltd btlow IPflhitbh JJaih bw wrntil1Uonbull wur rtlhltottl dtY i ct llltovtd tov HJOSH SHA tot ftohctiun lsl l inst a1tnhh in Stct10n II PROTtCTI YE ILDIJU

Yt1r lltvtt whi~h rt nrolndtd h t lo~c ~~ u fo r roLttUo 11iampin1t aohbullrhh i 11 l tttlon u EYE rliOTECTION

lttlf ufth tchdtt with unntorettd s i cltshitlds


- r -

R7 Kbull 120

0-----middot------~~~-~~~--~~-=---~~~-~~~-~~~----------- -------- ------- ------ middot JL STORAGE CATEGORY -- 18

FRECAUTlDNS TO JE TA KEN IN HANDLING AND STOfU HG tonttnh lrt UTfpound1tpoundLY HAKAJLpound Kttr IW ~J frat lttltbull 11 bull 11rk~obull t nd 01bulltn tli

Utron will tuutu1tlt rt iiiIJlw ~uu 1 11 nih I JI lutiYI l w Dutinbull uu and unill IU or~ tn tune CUI arvt vvrbulltil t~tll - Do nut nu loc shy

bti nlu ilh all fhUit 10ilot llhtio unci hlltor - Turn otr o ullotlo Cillctdc ~ucb tnd tPrlitncn bull end 11n1 othtr tourct t of hnition

ContuU tlfPA Codtbull Un rovtd lundinl tnd amproundinl Pttbullctdurtt K ronttintr cloud whrn not in uttbull Ttanshr onllt tu ubullrrovrU ~onhintori with cut llttt

tnd tlltOrittt hbtlina Do not h~ e inhrndh ht out of tltl ruch or childttn OTHER PRECAUTIONS

IntenUanll dsuu bv dtlibttOJtth conctntraUno and lnlulinl tht conhnh can bv hbullnfvl or tallo

-2 =

Tht tltavt tntaruttan ltttains ta thh todud u currtntlu torbullulattch and b b~ud an the inhraatlan aYilhbh tt Uus the Addition ot tlfbullJuutt or othet addiUvu ~o thu ltotlud bullbullw suamptstanUtlh elttt the coOIOiiUon ard haurdo et thbull lt~o~duct lnct conditiOn of uu Itt bullutddt our contr~Jb we n kt no vernnU1111 ron h iUtdbull - Ui111C no


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

- r -

~ ~~ Mr Tboaaa C Condon Dectabar Ul 1986

Linebulluster Switch tls o uats other htnrcl o us tubstan ces in its aanufacturinamp facility These substances ara uud in bullbullall qua ntities therefore the f ollo winamp ratponsaa will not addreu lhtllt I t furthar inforaation 11 raq u rt raaard lnamp t htu aubatancaa Llnaaastar SwiLch will prov ida it

b Present records lndlc a a that TC E was purchaud fr obull Col d Seal Soluntt and Aatro Chaa icals Inc pt bt thinner wu purchtUd rroa tha Voltn Cocp a ry and Sharwln-IHlliaas Coapany

Tha TCE is uaad in a wapor daaraaaioa operation purchand coaaarchllJ atorad in druaa and dispone of at a hasardoua watte The pa int thinner i s uaad in 1 aprar paint operation purchaud coaaarclall) stored in containerbull in whic h 1t ia recehed and diapoud of 11 2 a t111ardoua vaate Cl

d The TCE be a an to be uud in approaiaa tely Cl 1969 Pant thinner beaan to be uud in appr ox middot shyaattl)middot 1952 Diapoul 11111 done on 1 period ic baas

All 1111 end handline vaa done on eHe

Purcheua bullere aade aa delcrihd 1D d

lo ampenerat1on of bJtardoua eub1t1noee occurred Katardoua vaat1 111a1 ampenerated when rav TCE a nd paint thinner were uaed in the aanufacturinamp proceaa

Except for britt periodl or the pr i or to and diapoul no atoraae done on eite

lo treaUna or traneportatloD wae done by Lineaaater Switch

Ul diapoul 11111 conducted 11 recauired by Jtate bull nd federal 1amp1111 in effect a t the Uae

- r -

n-en ~ Alta Mr Tb oaaa C Conoon Dtcnbtr 18 1986 5

~ -~~atil t eatill a tt tinea 19 69 L1nattaster Sw itch has uud app ro bulliaatal y 10 0 to 600 a allons or TC E per yu r Aa a bast rta aon ab la est i ltatt Linaampnsttr Switch has diapcud or a pproxiut al y 20 to 200 ampa llons pa r year dur inamp tht nat tl pe riod

P11 int ll i nnumiddot va s acquired on as naedtd ba s i s uud an d dispoud or tlo records ex ist which would aub sta ntiat t the q uant1tha

111 a It an y raleau occurred evi d e nce tends to 11-lampltlt thtt 1t would have to hna take n phct du rinamp the per io d rroa appr oahahl) 1969 throuah 1979

b bullc It i s not pra cls al y kno wn bllt lhtrt la aoae in foraa t on tand i namp to t uaaaat that vaata TCE aa y have bu n raltaud iato a drrvtll

d Exac t t aount not kno wn -2 a ns wer to b = r Lineaaater Switeh haa retained aonaultant a ( abullbull re aponu to f 10) and haa propod a piin r o r rabullediation or the a1te v1th input rrobull EPA and DIP It has ooaplhd v1th DIP s abatebullent o rder and 11 tuppl)inl bottled wate r ror drink inamp purpoaea to all of ita eaployua

I bull Internal inbulleatiaation and 41ueetionina condueted in order to reapond to tbeaa qt11at io n1

h atated in ruponll to f 10 ruu amp O hill waa retained to aake hrther 1nbulleatiaat ion or tha nature 11 t a nt loc e tion and poaalble aoureea or tbe conditione on the a 1te a nd to eo1pill tha ruulta or teatina

h Su f 12


-~middot cnaa UC8ftl _ I Mr t boaa a c Cona n Da ceabu middot 11 19 86 6

16 Mo

17 NoM

JtaspondantLINEHUTU SWITCH COUOUUON lr its attarners Murtha CulUna Uahtar a nd Pinner

It Brad rord r av lar

cc Mr a Maner S1aonda Mr Pa ul 1 S1apson Ma U ale a Patlan Mr Jlob a rt Potta rton bullcl

cl shy







Ll t


I t










1 H-I




~0 (f)





I ~

s~~~~ i



~ ~~~ i t-shy

~ IL



1 i ~ ~







~ middot~ I

~ ~ ~i

rpound i



a _ __ j

ishysectJ ~

ari middot




N~~~middot~ ~


1 1~ ~ bull


~middot ~


~ ~ ~ ~


~ ~ i


~ ~ u




H1) bull

It J

rshy-2 =

-r -

I ~


r middot i


rrls Section I

tbull ITbullTI O I IICOOI 1dIIJIOrt t CoMo 0660)


bullbull r-o ~ t


Secloon Ill - PHYSICAL DATA -~JIOIIOIIIbull LEJ rbullbull oC JI CJ 1101 111 1a4 JI


F lflfffl Alt~ lpound L f ampl r~o~ltI OIOH ampt n~-Cat ~u n

bullbullbull bull OubullNClobullbull VM bullttP~~l Pin ProtHtlon odatton(IIPamp) Cla11 I atlnpbMro (oarbea bulltaw ebee1oal or rJ deotlned to utlllplal IPPamp CA11 1a~le aUII tUbull

1141 bull~uoooufOIIOt bullbull os oontalnerl tlctlt17 elo1t behte t tleat1 olbulltrloal i~d~nt 1perkl and opea n- Cled oontWr bull1 aplede upo_ to utroJM

-middotmiddot bull not bullPPll te Mt INIfMIIo

camp GobullbullocbulloIU Vtar MJ bt lnoffbullUno Vater MJ lilt bullMd to oool elo-cl oontaWr~ ta llvUdllp and peul~le avtosampnitloa or uplad ften upoMd ta _ t U tar 11 ued foe Mlllll are ~~

-2 = =

I I r


bullObullDbull v~o ut So Sction II - uobull ovo lftbalaUon1 poundnuthoUc lriUotton of tho nap1Joato17 tract or acut

UI ta dopreu1on charoctariud by headaeho diniMU 8toampllbullrillc 1~1t eonluio~ bullnconaoio11aneoo or ea

Sldll or t Conttet1 Prluf1 1Jr1taUon

111101uonoccoubulln ha1 -bullbullbullbull troa upGampIlNo a1toN breaUtnc rap wan arwl qlampiot Not1J) a Phyt1 c1an Splaah (oah nveh t-edhtal7 vith oopiou quntttiu o NMinamp vator tor at lent 15 at rNtal fob to a ~lldon for dofillitin -dical tnataent Spluh ( tkin ) l RMn with aoop and votar -ern contampllinatd clot1111c


or D bullbull~ bullbulluH CJl ~ COlto nl1 oOhiTOOIO IIA cobullmiddotbull middot bull~ _ lA on~ ltco fsotl(lto~ooucu Kay produce hasardo111 -bull when beatcl o deobullpotitlon u 1n ldinlo 1ampMa M7 eontamptn oorbon onuido and ozidoo of rUtrocon

DOUI ro D -cxCbull [I) 1001 OCCUII t Uoo~olo0 510 amp0bull0 li

Soc l ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES o elbulluloobulltlo~ ~middotuoo~bullmiddotbull bullto _a l acnareea ot lenition (tlampMa Ut nrtaoaa

and elMtrioal NUc or trieUonal aperkl) Abulloid bnath111c ftpora Ventilate bull _ riU 1Mrt ab10Jbent and ntnbulllpampllclftl toell

-sllObulls~os oo Dto t 1ft aooordance rith looal 1We and federal UUoftlo Ill Mt WtMrae tloS eontdnero

bullnbullbullbulluobulln OH ~obullbullOft CN oar or op~n ampNal uH u o 1 bullPPNd cbampaieal tUtotr lraw te Nlld ail borne partloles t era ctwtnc IJIH7 applloaUen 1ft Notrtetecl ftftllalM bull a t lllnoa bull~amplMnteal tuwnbullbullsee- t a e-suen t Jllrtilate and tn t1aecl et _ ail lSM tJPO Pin- bull

_ bull 1001 1eMPal dUbull Uon or lbullal aUdt wntUtlon 1ft wl Ulll ttern te Dep fLY et bullbullt illlredlent ill Stlon ll -14M ueewble liatt 111 1n IMtion U beleN NW Uatt and te _ dMaitlon flillhaetl ftr1ltc nldilll or n nttlftc en IVfao wwttlttUat

OflttovC tl0yen11 dlelil tu lefllod Or Ntacl Uto bullbullbull Hlouebullo u lamplef bullicMII to ut acaiNt ~a et uu OloofiiHIOIIC11yen1l0Ui-f iOI ftt 1 ed lkin Oontaot ftUI 0011wa1nltd ala

OIMIII bullbulltuuuooot Ill Mt taa iftemaUr Cantdnart ehOlld a peuiiiS bull n pourlnco amp-old tJM tall at l~dcl b -bull11 ot a r W~bullmiddot Ill not na n t brau bull tel riUovt us t MMt t sprater er appnpriae Nnt1latloft

r I -


rshy-2 = =

Seclion I

oobulltn 460 Boetwick Ave

tWHIGlW(~ItlfiHO l O (20)) )))-158



M-WIfACIIIlUCO~~~ol(a~yen7rt_d~ r~ lWIIf~ r rmiddotlf11 ~r(_


poundJlmiddot 3lo middot ~ ampbull~ tl~~~

z~~_ A ~

t s ~ lfnt P-4~

tSCmiddot JlO middotUjs~~A--~

1bull Sl


7-7 T~QA ($Cmiddot 3 IJrn-ltt~o t~~IN

Bv~ bull t-1 psbullbull t9e o 7

Sect ion Ill shy PHYSICAL DATA

n ca O OIIIllltbullbullbullbullbullbull

D bullbullbullbullbull Gbull~owbullbullmiddot l lltiiiCI I-amp1111 J~ll -tICIWIIIIII tol r)l rJI4JI ou middotbullbulluo-t ~n I


DObullcbull~toobull NtfhfhtAbullLbull L1 Pfllbull -~~~~rtUt m U

-otiOOO WLOIbull VH bulltteMl n ProteeUon aothUMt(IIPPA) Clate I ntlllltllthort (ea_ bulllbullatde G7 ehtaltal er t ) ftllcMd e Ullll ClabullbullIB ~- lJitaid ttna


Ir I


otwcbullbullooorobullt~bullbullobullocnvtt ~Ill Re~a free IJtpolllNo AntoN braathinc o leap eara and quht MoUf7 1 ftlytichn Spluh (aah Pl~aah ~latlt wlUI oopicNa qtUntiUu of nMi va tu for at leut 15 aimtu Tab to a N11ehn for dattnlUn Mdieal tnat-nt Spluh (akinh Rnobullbull dth aoap and water _ tantMlNtd eloUJnc


~Ollie~~~-~~loMo l CONIIONII0AW0t0 JA

bullofu tcco~ICraquoooOoucll M17 produce huardo111 tullea when heated te d1o011potition 11 1n wald1q Put llay contln obon bullnodda and ozidaa of llitfoocan


otout Sea Setl II touobullovubullo~osubullc lnhabttont ampnuthat1e lrrltatton of tha naplrato traot or ao~att nea111 tabull1 daaalon eharaotrlud b7 ~adaoha d1ampamp1Maa1 bulltcabullrJnc aai1 oontallon

-1amp1100111 0t IIIIIOII()ot tJbullbull~CLIII CXJwtH NOIOCCUII



ftbull=~~~~-=~ro~ -~ti---u=--~~1~-~ reotrtoW ftfltlloln bullbullbull aartou of KlMI olaMtoal__tl t1ltere hill t o oMiMUon of parttldo aNI 1bullbull Ull r tlaM bullbullbull et IUneo _ air liM t Ntplnt bull

_ Proottlh IbullMId bulluoucm or leod bullbullbullbullt nntUatle 1ft nt IIIII turn te Dop TLY tf bullbullt Murdnt uont 1ft SOUon D tlbull onoptablo ltlt tiL lft SUon 11 Mlow tttM lbitt and t ~ -tuu acta ftr1llc tdlllc n- nttlnc en tvfacu bullbullbullted tbull

OtiC II~bull etovu ilquirM tor loncM tr NplotH oentut IOlfIIICUftuON UH NliJ lc o pnee qamplftlt laidl r l~Qdl 01H(fllftOIICIIyen110Ytl~l t IIIlOMid lkift IOfttaet WlJ lntaiftaed llltJI1nlo


Oit lhtc~ ampU OOI~ to ReaGI amp~1 fftNII ef tcnttton (flAMel1 hot nrfacot and olecblul atatle 1 or frlfUond o~rkl) Abullotd breotlllftl qpora YontUot aroa _ bullUII inert ob1orMnt and nen-lpuldnc toeb

_ DilpeM of 1n oocord1neo with 1Mal1 otata and t rd CIloilont 2 shyIll not 1nc1Mr~te doted eontalllera = =~


--r -- -


middot _bullbull VIDbullbullbullbullbullbullbull~ middot-t bullbull bullmiddotmiddot-middotbull middotbull middotbullbull CI shy


-uoottuntlll ~ VolteJ Col~nJt lne

fllbulloobullnu 460 Bo1twiek Av~


middot-middot~middotmiddot 1


Seclion Ill- PHYSICAL DATA bullIOtiOllflllbull tij D~bullOliiiTNo


OICILshy DH llttenel ru Proteetion beodatioft(llrIA) Cla11 I et1111ahero (e~rllol diondo oMaital or r) d011cnod to nttno1ch nabull~ lJqdd tiJo=

vl u+amprobulluototrflot bullobulluuot IMp eonta1nnt t1ampbtl7 ohted Inlate t_ ~t olee trieal C1Ui~nt 1parkl and open flUo Cloeed tontAlMr bull1 epledo _ apoeo4 to ~ hut r Nit aPP13 te bot nrtoeoo

c oo 0 ocriMIIIo(tVoter lpry ampfM 1Mffoctino Wator - _ bullbulled to eool eloeod eontrrillno to preTont JIIampI b-J1ldup and Plsitgtlo elto13n1t1on or Lplooion rllon Oppod to orttHo Hat U water 11 ued loa Mdoo are JlfCilerabb

l bull ~


= = -ill


Ir I

-~tion V- HEALTH HIZAAO 0~ ----------~~~~~~~~~------------- obull obull Soo S~tion II 1 or (lbull o~rnu~ovnc lnhalatioiU AnuthoUe lrritrUon of tho napirato17 tract or eeutG

rrouJ Jhll doprsion e~Ntracbrbod by htadeho diuineu bulltAzsorlnamp c~it eontuJion ~onJeioucno~a or cou

Sldn or tye Contact1 Prilnar7 1rr1tttion I bull ocbullbullo w bull bullbull bull bull bullo bull IIOCi ov~u - Pe-~~ ~~ O~lllNo llo1toN bresthirzo JCcop tl end Ji

C~U iot NoU7 a Phydcian Splash (oyus)l tlueh ~ictoly with oopiol1 qtUntiUeo of rllnlinc vo~or for at loot 1 ~ a1nutu Teb to a P~711c1on for doinitho ~diel trac~-ont Spleh (sldn)l Rtt11on with 1oap and voter R=c~To contudMtod clotblnco f0

========================~====~~================== Section VI- REACTIVITY DATA

~~~9~~~middot~~middotbullbulln l conbull bullIOIO oo NA

onu- l lto ~os bull bull obullbull oouciS Jolay produce haordouo fampMea bullhen heatod to dcco~peo1t1en lS 1n yen)ldS o F4ltHI lu1 conhin carbon noOXi de and oxidet o n1tiOot

bullbulloo us robull bullbullbulllampIIO O o~cu~ Cl) wbullu occubull

CV~bullo01 f OampWOtO )fA

$oct ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ampltiIIOtt gtht C ~ Hamp I IIUamp 11 1 111 bull U11 00111 ~tU t0 lbacrro ali fOampPCOI olicftitiOft (f~)~f hOt UftCI2D

~tnd olcetrieal etat1e or frictional bullparkl) Abulloid bJooUlinl oporo YontUcto crca P~Con 1U 1nort abrbo)nt and Mnmiddot~ldnc toell

bullbullnobullso~bulltoc Oiopoeo It ill eocord~bull with looal 1ttte and tldoral rc~tions 1gtraquo not Uc1nrato clotod contaitlorh - 2

Seclion VIII- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION libullbullbull CtUuo lli out4oor or op~n ~At uco WCebull Of fi1Me ampPPfOd ~hDic~ Cltor =

P1rtor o reeoTo 80l1cl dr boPno pcJt1clobull of rorprq dvirc oprat ampJlic~cn In ~riotM 911ntilot1n uou bullbullbull IJfIIOU ot 111MA oJIPICd cb=tcal~hniocl til tr~ = ddnd to lftOft o orbinat1on of prtinloto oM 101 ud bullopor In oont1nod ot-e uo Eurov of n1M1 bullPPIed ail Uno t roeplnon Mea -

lllgtftltampIIO JHorid1 llrmal dildion OJ lctt2 maUl ftfttlletlen in ft- ud pettcm to kotp fY ot eott buUOCou1 lltlrodiont 1n Scotton II bolcrr aocopteblo l11t Ll 1n 1-o~on n ooCt t-to~ ll=1t and to rocrn doooapo11t1on plllhoU dv1n wel41lta or tll=t nttlnc en Crect cctX ~~ We p~ct

~bullcwc Gt own L--tv1rocl tw prolonattd or npeaW ooataot CfOOtf Dn ~alo7 doeipod o rrotoot apinlt 1a0 of liqddl OIIUfiOIICIII0U1 _lftt prolonccf lldn 0~act with 0011~od OOtb1J1o


Ol lll fUU I OOOII Do not tab intornaUr Contdnen bullhOIIld be cftnded ~ povrtn kroid ret tell of liquid in ccoet of a Cn triau Do not tlmo nt bno w nld rithott us lu It ll1not ampPJIIIWed respirator or priat ftntilaUtm

I r I

LSC - 37 0- t)R7 K 10


IAIgt~tOyentd bw U Sr DellbullttHnt of Lbulltoor Enenthlll Si lil to torbull OSHA~20l


101 Probull~bullct A~enubull NW Clevelandbull Ohio bull~115



I NF OR M TI ON TELE PHO NE NO 11-Feb-85 (216gt 506-2902

bullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullwbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull rrr~ abullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull Section I - - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ---middot----------- -------------------------------------------------------------middot


PRODUC T HA11E OPEX Laeouer Thinner


-bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullbull lla-aa-bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sbullction J I -- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTamp 181100 rocon nHPII TlHl113 m vP

-------middot------middot-------------------------------------------------------------middotmiddot 100 064742-lt-1 Ll o AllPhllic Hldrocubon Sohbullnlo o 3l 4o sJo 300 1310 09 120 l Po Mllthhl o64742-41-9 v middot

I~ 100 JS 0 2010111-3 Toluene 30middot20middot hhnt

ltS 200 260 o 92 0 iii shys 100 43 10 67middot56-1 hanoi 64-17-S Uhanol s 1000 1900 33 440

IbullIJbull1 2MthulbullIbullPtUtlnol ltS so ISO 12

111-76middot2 2-luoc tlhanol ltS 2S 120 1 1 middot0 6 = 67middot64middot1 Acttonto 750 =20 1730 2 110 0

uo-41-0 tllhvl n-hvl ltttont ltS so 23S I 2 1

110bull19bull0 hobuhl Act1tbull s m 700 13 125 --middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot~middotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot8bulletton III -- ~HY8ICAL DATA -------------middot---middot-------middot--------------middot----middotmiddot-----middot-----middot--------middot--------middot


132 - 340 1000 6 oSi 8ctton IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZA~D DATA ------middot-------------------------------middot---------------middot---------------middot------shy


Ill LAJ(L - blnHlv Fhcbhr Fluh bdow 21 F EXTINGUIIHlNI EDIA

Cuben lild dtr lrv Chuicalr Fon UNU I UAL UtE AN D IXLOSION HAZ AJP DS

Itt cettliMII t l hll v cloud h oht frobull hn l r thc ri cal ttuifbulllwr IP~rksr and orenf bullbullbullmiddot Clod conl i ntrl u t Mrl odbull t~hln tJ~fond to bullxtnu hta l Al tliulion a ho Tbullcbullbull rteolir u I Ptc i ll ocauUons Durinl eurtcmL concfilions n oruulurbull lv o s ition l rocfuch u v uulit bull htalth hnardo Svbull rI)U u w nut be l cJit~1 annt

Gbhtn edt u l bull U onU on SPEC IAL FIRpound flGHTlHG PROCEDURES


Full roteclvt uubbullonl includinl lielfmiddotconhintcf tlttolhinl I PIU n UI shuulcf bt uud Wl1r _ _ bt Jnt ff t clhtbull Jf wahr h ut~~llr fl)sl nnln bull n rnferallt w~er uw be u11d o ~otl cltlld conhint n lo Prlyent nl lrtnurv tgtuild-u 1nd fUUillc auuilntUuh or


R7 I( 120 OIEU cault Th in111tt



~CUTE In 1 conhnbulld trtto VilrDrt Ho hlllbull cone1ntuicm ilr anllthPic Clvcrvxrourt bullbull01111 ruuH in l ilhthtouJtdntbullts 1nd slJIJtlnl uii lrr i hnt t o l~ ln ampHod urmiddot ~rr ttlofgt1tltOtll lol ll itll bull

CHRONI C Re~orh havr U IOd l hd nrtthd 1nd rrolcmarti ovvrc J ~OIU n tu nlYtnh with ~bullrbullbull nln brtin omJ mtrvouO Sltfl dlbullllllo

poundHERGEHCY Ml[l FI RST AIIl fFDCEIIURES It INHbullLED If afhehd t ruuvr frobull rxrosurr R~sott bN ithinsl lt on SKIN Wuh 1fftchd arr1 tlbullorouahh with tuo and w~b r

Ruovl cllnhbull i nctrd c lothint and hurrittmiddot btrurt rbullmiddotu~ol If in EYES Fl~otdl CV1 t~~ith hru ounh of wotc r fur 15 a i nuteO

Gtt ercl i cal lt h nlil)n Jf SIUIILLOWEtt Ntvtr Civt nvLhirol tov euutlo to 1r1 uncorgtdou cnon

lJDHITJNG ampivt toCvtl ll JtlnlO-s of worhr Sttd udi cill

bullbulle~ton VI -- REACTIVITY


Jw fire C1rbon Diodcltbull Co11rtoon bullnoxidt HAlAJi[IOUI POLYUUATJON -- ~h )) Hot DtClH


tin w1r1 11tU ouict

DD HDT JN[IUCE -ltntiun

-2 = bullbulle~ion VII -- SPILL OR LE~K PROCEDURES

STEPS TO IE TAtEH IN Cf3[ 11-THIIIL IS JiELEIISFD OR SfJLLpound[1 luovt 111 tournt of ilnihon lJtntiliLc cmi ruovc with inert ob1urbcnt

wbullITE DIIPOIAL bullnHOD Jndnuttc in lbullrovttl htilitv llo nll incinertLbull cluud conhinr Dhluc or in

ttcorcltMt tth 1 lhh1 tnd Loco11l ruul1Uons r~rcHnll nlhUon


R[CAUTIOHI TO J[ TAKEN JN USE Uu onh with tHeutte venUlampUon Avoid bruthinll vciCII tnd bull iiL Avo1d contrat

with tUn and lleth hinds lfttt usinJ Y[NTILIITION

Lout t xhtutt nhuttlt Gen~nl uhcust occ~bullhllh if Lht u~ Lo utt rich in ltction JJ h llinhlntd btlow liclblv urott~rt lblh htt r to OIHII StmdUs tt1o u lflOt07 lflOlOI R[IIRATORY PROTECTION

Jf bulltrsenll osurt ~bullnnu bt controlltd btlow IPflhitbh JJaih bw wrntil1Uonbull wur rtlhltottl dtY i ct llltovtd tov HJOSH SHA tot ftohctiun lsl l inst a1tnhh in Stct10n II PROTtCTI YE ILDIJU

Yt1r lltvtt whi~h rt nrolndtd h t lo~c ~~ u fo r roLttUo 11iampin1t aohbullrhh i 11 l tttlon u EYE rliOTECTION

lttlf ufth tchdtt with unntorettd s i cltshitlds


- r -

R7 Kbull 120

0-----middot------~~~-~~~--~~-=---~~~-~~~-~~~----------- -------- ------- ------ middot JL STORAGE CATEGORY -- 18

FRECAUTlDNS TO JE TA KEN IN HANDLING AND STOfU HG tonttnh lrt UTfpound1tpoundLY HAKAJLpound Kttr IW ~J frat lttltbull 11 bull 11rk~obull t nd 01bulltn tli

Utron will tuutu1tlt rt iiiIJlw ~uu 1 11 nih I JI lutiYI l w Dutinbull uu and unill IU or~ tn tune CUI arvt vvrbulltil t~tll - Do nut nu loc shy

bti nlu ilh all fhUit 10ilot llhtio unci hlltor - Turn otr o ullotlo Cillctdc ~ucb tnd tPrlitncn bull end 11n1 othtr tourct t of hnition

ContuU tlfPA Codtbull Un rovtd lundinl tnd amproundinl Pttbullctdurtt K ronttintr cloud whrn not in uttbull Ttanshr onllt tu ubullrrovrU ~onhintori with cut llttt

tnd tlltOrittt hbtlina Do not h~ e inhrndh ht out of tltl ruch or childttn OTHER PRECAUTIONS

IntenUanll dsuu bv dtlibttOJtth conctntraUno and lnlulinl tht conhnh can bv hbullnfvl or tallo

-2 =

Tht tltavt tntaruttan ltttains ta thh todud u currtntlu torbullulattch and b b~ud an the inhraatlan aYilhbh tt Uus the Addition ot tlfbullJuutt or othet addiUvu ~o thu ltotlud bullbullw suamptstanUtlh elttt the coOIOiiUon ard haurdo et thbull lt~o~duct lnct conditiOn of uu Itt bullutddt our contr~Jb we n kt no vernnU1111 ron h iUtdbull - Ui111C no


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

- r -

n-en ~ Alta Mr Tb oaaa C Conoon Dtcnbtr 18 1986 5

~ -~~atil t eatill a tt tinea 19 69 L1nattaster Sw itch has uud app ro bulliaatal y 10 0 to 600 a allons or TC E per yu r Aa a bast rta aon ab la est i ltatt Linaampnsttr Switch has diapcud or a pproxiut al y 20 to 200 ampa llons pa r year dur inamp tht nat tl pe riod

P11 int ll i nnumiddot va s acquired on as naedtd ba s i s uud an d dispoud or tlo records ex ist which would aub sta ntiat t the q uant1tha

111 a It an y raleau occurred evi d e nce tends to 11-lampltlt thtt 1t would have to hna take n phct du rinamp the per io d rroa appr oahahl) 1969 throuah 1979

b bullc It i s not pra cls al y kno wn bllt lhtrt la aoae in foraa t on tand i namp to t uaaaat that vaata TCE aa y have bu n raltaud iato a drrvtll

d Exac t t aount not kno wn -2 a ns wer to b = r Lineaaater Switeh haa retained aonaultant a ( abullbull re aponu to f 10) and haa propod a piin r o r rabullediation or the a1te v1th input rrobull EPA and DIP It has ooaplhd v1th DIP s abatebullent o rder and 11 tuppl)inl bottled wate r ror drink inamp purpoaea to all of ita eaployua

I bull Internal inbulleatiaation and 41ueetionina condueted in order to reapond to tbeaa qt11at io n1

h atated in ruponll to f 10 ruu amp O hill waa retained to aake hrther 1nbulleatiaat ion or tha nature 11 t a nt loc e tion and poaalble aoureea or tbe conditione on the a 1te a nd to eo1pill tha ruulta or teatina

h Su f 12


-~middot cnaa UC8ftl _ I Mr t boaa a c Cona n Da ceabu middot 11 19 86 6

16 Mo

17 NoM

JtaspondantLINEHUTU SWITCH COUOUUON lr its attarners Murtha CulUna Uahtar a nd Pinner

It Brad rord r av lar

cc Mr a Maner S1aonda Mr Pa ul 1 S1apson Ma U ale a Patlan Mr Jlob a rt Potta rton bullcl

cl shy







Ll t


I t










1 H-I




~0 (f)





I ~

s~~~~ i



~ ~~~ i t-shy

~ IL



1 i ~ ~







~ middot~ I

~ ~ ~i

rpound i



a _ __ j

ishysectJ ~

ari middot




N~~~middot~ ~


1 1~ ~ bull


~middot ~


~ ~ ~ ~


~ ~ i


~ ~ u




H1) bull

It J

rshy-2 =

-r -

I ~


r middot i


rrls Section I

tbull ITbullTI O I IICOOI 1dIIJIOrt t CoMo 0660)


bullbull r-o ~ t


Secloon Ill - PHYSICAL DATA -~JIOIIOIIIbull LEJ rbullbull oC JI CJ 1101 111 1a4 JI


F lflfffl Alt~ lpound L f ampl r~o~ltI OIOH ampt n~-Cat ~u n

bullbullbull bull OubullNClobullbull VM bullttP~~l Pin ProtHtlon odatton(IIPamp) Cla11 I atlnpbMro (oarbea bulltaw ebee1oal or rJ deotlned to utlllplal IPPamp CA11 1a~le aUII tUbull

1141 bull~uoooufOIIOt bullbull os oontalnerl tlctlt17 elo1t behte t tleat1 olbulltrloal i~d~nt 1perkl and opea n- Cled oontWr bull1 aplede upo_ to utroJM

-middotmiddot bull not bullPPll te Mt INIfMIIo

camp GobullbullocbulloIU Vtar MJ bt lnoffbullUno Vater MJ lilt bullMd to oool elo-cl oontaWr~ ta llvUdllp and peul~le avtosampnitloa or uplad ften upoMd ta _ t U tar 11 ued foe Mlllll are ~~

-2 = =

I I r


bullObullDbull v~o ut So Sction II - uobull ovo lftbalaUon1 poundnuthoUc lriUotton of tho nap1Joato17 tract or acut

UI ta dopreu1on charoctariud by headaeho diniMU 8toampllbullrillc 1~1t eonluio~ bullnconaoio11aneoo or ea

Sldll or t Conttet1 Prluf1 1Jr1taUon

111101uonoccoubulln ha1 -bullbullbullbull troa upGampIlNo a1toN breaUtnc rap wan arwl qlampiot Not1J) a Phyt1 c1an Splaah (oah nveh t-edhtal7 vith oopiou quntttiu o NMinamp vator tor at lent 15 at rNtal fob to a ~lldon for dofillitin -dical tnataent Spluh ( tkin ) l RMn with aoop and votar -ern contampllinatd clot1111c


or D bullbull~ bullbulluH CJl ~ COlto nl1 oOhiTOOIO IIA cobullmiddotbull middot bull~ _ lA on~ ltco fsotl(lto~ooucu Kay produce hasardo111 -bull when beatcl o deobullpotitlon u 1n ldinlo 1ampMa M7 eontamptn oorbon onuido and ozidoo of rUtrocon

DOUI ro D -cxCbull [I) 1001 OCCUII t Uoo~olo0 510 amp0bull0 li

Soc l ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES o elbulluloobulltlo~ ~middotuoo~bullmiddotbull bullto _a l acnareea ot lenition (tlampMa Ut nrtaoaa

and elMtrioal NUc or trieUonal aperkl) Abulloid bnath111c ftpora Ventilate bull _ riU 1Mrt ab10Jbent and ntnbulllpampllclftl toell

-sllObulls~os oo Dto t 1ft aooordance rith looal 1We and federal UUoftlo Ill Mt WtMrae tloS eontdnero

bullnbullbullbulluobulln OH ~obullbullOft CN oar or op~n ampNal uH u o 1 bullPPNd cbampaieal tUtotr lraw te Nlld ail borne partloles t era ctwtnc IJIH7 applloaUen 1ft Notrtetecl ftftllalM bull a t lllnoa bull~amplMnteal tuwnbullbullsee- t a e-suen t Jllrtilate and tn t1aecl et _ ail lSM tJPO Pin- bull

_ bull 1001 1eMPal dUbull Uon or lbullal aUdt wntUtlon 1ft wl Ulll ttern te Dep fLY et bullbullt illlredlent ill Stlon ll -14M ueewble liatt 111 1n IMtion U beleN NW Uatt and te _ dMaitlon flillhaetl ftr1ltc nldilll or n nttlftc en IVfao wwttlttUat

OflttovC tl0yen11 dlelil tu lefllod Or Ntacl Uto bullbullbull Hlouebullo u lamplef bullicMII to ut acaiNt ~a et uu OloofiiHIOIIC11yen1l0Ui-f iOI ftt 1 ed lkin Oontaot ftUI 0011wa1nltd ala

OIMIII bullbulltuuuooot Ill Mt taa iftemaUr Cantdnart ehOlld a peuiiiS bull n pourlnco amp-old tJM tall at l~dcl b -bull11 ot a r W~bullmiddot Ill not na n t brau bull tel riUovt us t MMt t sprater er appnpriae Nnt1latloft

r I -


rshy-2 = =

Seclion I

oobulltn 460 Boetwick Ave

tWHIGlW(~ItlfiHO l O (20)) )))-158



M-WIfACIIIlUCO~~~ol(a~yen7rt_d~ r~ lWIIf~ r rmiddotlf11 ~r(_


poundJlmiddot 3lo middot ~ ampbull~ tl~~~

z~~_ A ~

t s ~ lfnt P-4~

tSCmiddot JlO middotUjs~~A--~

1bull Sl


7-7 T~QA ($Cmiddot 3 IJrn-ltt~o t~~IN

Bv~ bull t-1 psbullbull t9e o 7

Sect ion Ill shy PHYSICAL DATA

n ca O OIIIllltbullbullbullbullbullbull

D bullbullbullbullbull Gbull~owbullbullmiddot l lltiiiCI I-amp1111 J~ll -tICIWIIIIII tol r)l rJI4JI ou middotbullbulluo-t ~n I


DObullcbull~toobull NtfhfhtAbullLbull L1 Pfllbull -~~~~rtUt m U

-otiOOO WLOIbull VH bulltteMl n ProteeUon aothUMt(IIPPA) Clate I ntlllltllthort (ea_ bulllbullatde G7 ehtaltal er t ) ftllcMd e Ullll ClabullbullIB ~- lJitaid ttna


Ir I


otwcbullbullooorobullt~bullbullobullocnvtt ~Ill Re~a free IJtpolllNo AntoN braathinc o leap eara and quht MoUf7 1 ftlytichn Spluh (aah Pl~aah ~latlt wlUI oopicNa qtUntiUu of nMi va tu for at leut 15 aimtu Tab to a N11ehn for dattnlUn Mdieal tnat-nt Spluh (akinh Rnobullbull dth aoap and water _ tantMlNtd eloUJnc


~Ollie~~~-~~loMo l CONIIONII0AW0t0 JA

bullofu tcco~ICraquoooOoucll M17 produce huardo111 tullea when heated te d1o011potition 11 1n wald1q Put llay contln obon bullnodda and ozidaa of llitfoocan


otout Sea Setl II touobullovubullo~osubullc lnhabttont ampnuthat1e lrrltatton of tha naplrato traot or ao~att nea111 tabull1 daaalon eharaotrlud b7 ~adaoha d1ampamp1Maa1 bulltcabullrJnc aai1 oontallon

-1amp1100111 0t IIIIIOII()ot tJbullbull~CLIII CXJwtH NOIOCCUII



ftbull=~~~~-=~ro~ -~ti---u=--~~1~-~ reotrtoW ftfltlloln bullbullbull aartou of KlMI olaMtoal__tl t1ltere hill t o oMiMUon of parttldo aNI 1bullbull Ull r tlaM bullbullbull et IUneo _ air liM t Ntplnt bull

_ Proottlh IbullMId bulluoucm or leod bullbullbullbullt nntUatle 1ft nt IIIII turn te Dop TLY tf bullbullt Murdnt uont 1ft SOUon D tlbull onoptablo ltlt tiL lft SUon 11 Mlow tttM lbitt and t ~ -tuu acta ftr1llc tdlllc n- nttlnc en tvfacu bullbullbullted tbull

OtiC II~bull etovu ilquirM tor loncM tr NplotH oentut IOlfIIICUftuON UH NliJ lc o pnee qamplftlt laidl r l~Qdl 01H(fllftOIICIIyen110Ytl~l t IIIlOMid lkift IOfttaet WlJ lntaiftaed llltJI1nlo


Oit lhtc~ ampU OOI~ to ReaGI amp~1 fftNII ef tcnttton (flAMel1 hot nrfacot and olecblul atatle 1 or frlfUond o~rkl) Abullotd breotlllftl qpora YontUot aroa _ bullUII inert ob1orMnt and nen-lpuldnc toeb

_ DilpeM of 1n oocord1neo with 1Mal1 otata and t rd CIloilont 2 shyIll not 1nc1Mr~te doted eontalllera = =~


--r -- -


middot _bullbull VIDbullbullbullbullbullbullbull~ middot-t bullbull bullmiddotmiddot-middotbull middotbull middotbullbull CI shy


-uoottuntlll ~ VolteJ Col~nJt lne

fllbulloobullnu 460 Bo1twiek Av~


middot-middot~middotmiddot 1


Seclion Ill- PHYSICAL DATA bullIOtiOllflllbull tij D~bullOliiiTNo


OICILshy DH llttenel ru Proteetion beodatioft(llrIA) Cla11 I et1111ahero (e~rllol diondo oMaital or r) d011cnod to nttno1ch nabull~ lJqdd tiJo=

vl u+amprobulluototrflot bullobulluuot IMp eonta1nnt t1ampbtl7 ohted Inlate t_ ~t olee trieal C1Ui~nt 1parkl and open flUo Cloeed tontAlMr bull1 epledo _ apoeo4 to ~ hut r Nit aPP13 te bot nrtoeoo

c oo 0 ocriMIIIo(tVoter lpry ampfM 1Mffoctino Wator - _ bullbulled to eool eloeod eontrrillno to preTont JIIampI b-J1ldup and Plsitgtlo elto13n1t1on or Lplooion rllon Oppod to orttHo Hat U water 11 ued loa Mdoo are JlfCilerabb

l bull ~


= = -ill


Ir I

-~tion V- HEALTH HIZAAO 0~ ----------~~~~~~~~~------------- obull obull Soo S~tion II 1 or (lbull o~rnu~ovnc lnhalatioiU AnuthoUe lrritrUon of tho napirato17 tract or eeutG

rrouJ Jhll doprsion e~Ntracbrbod by htadeho diuineu bulltAzsorlnamp c~it eontuJion ~onJeioucno~a or cou

Sldn or tye Contact1 Prilnar7 1rr1tttion I bull ocbullbullo w bull bullbull bull bull bullo bull IIOCi ov~u - Pe-~~ ~~ O~lllNo llo1toN bresthirzo JCcop tl end Ji

C~U iot NoU7 a Phydcian Splash (oyus)l tlueh ~ictoly with oopiol1 qtUntiUeo of rllnlinc vo~or for at loot 1 ~ a1nutu Teb to a P~711c1on for doinitho ~diel trac~-ont Spleh (sldn)l Rtt11on with 1oap and voter R=c~To contudMtod clotblnco f0

========================~====~~================== Section VI- REACTIVITY DATA

~~~9~~~middot~~middotbullbulln l conbull bullIOIO oo NA

onu- l lto ~os bull bull obullbull oouciS Jolay produce haordouo fampMea bullhen heatod to dcco~peo1t1en lS 1n yen)ldS o F4ltHI lu1 conhin carbon noOXi de and oxidet o n1tiOot

bullbulloo us robull bullbullbulllampIIO O o~cu~ Cl) wbullu occubull

CV~bullo01 f OampWOtO )fA

$oct ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ampltiIIOtt gtht C ~ Hamp I IIUamp 11 1 111 bull U11 00111 ~tU t0 lbacrro ali fOampPCOI olicftitiOft (f~)~f hOt UftCI2D

~tnd olcetrieal etat1e or frictional bullparkl) Abulloid bJooUlinl oporo YontUcto crca P~Con 1U 1nort abrbo)nt and Mnmiddot~ldnc toell

bullbullnobullso~bulltoc Oiopoeo It ill eocord~bull with looal 1ttte and tldoral rc~tions 1gtraquo not Uc1nrato clotod contaitlorh - 2

Seclion VIII- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION libullbullbull CtUuo lli out4oor or op~n ~At uco WCebull Of fi1Me ampPPfOd ~hDic~ Cltor =

P1rtor o reeoTo 80l1cl dr boPno pcJt1clobull of rorprq dvirc oprat ampJlic~cn In ~riotM 911ntilot1n uou bullbullbull IJfIIOU ot 111MA oJIPICd cb=tcal~hniocl til tr~ = ddnd to lftOft o orbinat1on of prtinloto oM 101 ud bullopor In oont1nod ot-e uo Eurov of n1M1 bullPPIed ail Uno t roeplnon Mea -

lllgtftltampIIO JHorid1 llrmal dildion OJ lctt2 maUl ftfttlletlen in ft- ud pettcm to kotp fY ot eott buUOCou1 lltlrodiont 1n Scotton II bolcrr aocopteblo l11t Ll 1n 1-o~on n ooCt t-to~ ll=1t and to rocrn doooapo11t1on plllhoU dv1n wel41lta or tll=t nttlnc en Crect cctX ~~ We p~ct

~bullcwc Gt own L--tv1rocl tw prolonattd or npeaW ooataot CfOOtf Dn ~alo7 doeipod o rrotoot apinlt 1a0 of liqddl OIIUfiOIICIII0U1 _lftt prolonccf lldn 0~act with 0011~od OOtb1J1o


Ol lll fUU I OOOII Do not tab intornaUr Contdnen bullhOIIld be cftnded ~ povrtn kroid ret tell of liquid in ccoet of a Cn triau Do not tlmo nt bno w nld rithott us lu It ll1not ampPJIIIWed respirator or priat ftntilaUtm

I r I

LSC - 37 0- t)R7 K 10


IAIgt~tOyentd bw U Sr DellbullttHnt of Lbulltoor Enenthlll Si lil to torbull OSHA~20l


101 Probull~bullct A~enubull NW Clevelandbull Ohio bull~115



I NF OR M TI ON TELE PHO NE NO 11-Feb-85 (216gt 506-2902

bullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullwbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull rrr~ abullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull Section I - - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ---middot----------- -------------------------------------------------------------middot


PRODUC T HA11E OPEX Laeouer Thinner


-bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullbull lla-aa-bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sbullction J I -- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTamp 181100 rocon nHPII TlHl113 m vP

-------middot------middot-------------------------------------------------------------middotmiddot 100 064742-lt-1 Ll o AllPhllic Hldrocubon Sohbullnlo o 3l 4o sJo 300 1310 09 120 l Po Mllthhl o64742-41-9 v middot

I~ 100 JS 0 2010111-3 Toluene 30middot20middot hhnt

ltS 200 260 o 92 0 iii shys 100 43 10 67middot56-1 hanoi 64-17-S Uhanol s 1000 1900 33 440

IbullIJbull1 2MthulbullIbullPtUtlnol ltS so ISO 12

111-76middot2 2-luoc tlhanol ltS 2S 120 1 1 middot0 6 = 67middot64middot1 Acttonto 750 =20 1730 2 110 0

uo-41-0 tllhvl n-hvl ltttont ltS so 23S I 2 1

110bull19bull0 hobuhl Act1tbull s m 700 13 125 --middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot~middotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot8bulletton III -- ~HY8ICAL DATA -------------middot---middot-------middot--------------middot----middotmiddot-----middot-----middot--------middot--------middot


132 - 340 1000 6 oSi 8ctton IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZA~D DATA ------middot-------------------------------middot---------------middot---------------middot------shy


Ill LAJ(L - blnHlv Fhcbhr Fluh bdow 21 F EXTINGUIIHlNI EDIA

Cuben lild dtr lrv Chuicalr Fon UNU I UAL UtE AN D IXLOSION HAZ AJP DS

Itt cettliMII t l hll v cloud h oht frobull hn l r thc ri cal ttuifbulllwr IP~rksr and orenf bullbullbullmiddot Clod conl i ntrl u t Mrl odbull t~hln tJ~fond to bullxtnu hta l Al tliulion a ho Tbullcbullbull rteolir u I Ptc i ll ocauUons Durinl eurtcmL concfilions n oruulurbull lv o s ition l rocfuch u v uulit bull htalth hnardo Svbull rI)U u w nut be l cJit~1 annt

Gbhtn edt u l bull U onU on SPEC IAL FIRpound flGHTlHG PROCEDURES


Full roteclvt uubbullonl includinl lielfmiddotconhintcf tlttolhinl I PIU n UI shuulcf bt uud Wl1r _ _ bt Jnt ff t clhtbull Jf wahr h ut~~llr fl)sl nnln bull n rnferallt w~er uw be u11d o ~otl cltlld conhint n lo Prlyent nl lrtnurv tgtuild-u 1nd fUUillc auuilntUuh or


R7 I( 120 OIEU cault Th in111tt



~CUTE In 1 conhnbulld trtto VilrDrt Ho hlllbull cone1ntuicm ilr anllthPic Clvcrvxrourt bullbull01111 ruuH in l ilhthtouJtdntbullts 1nd slJIJtlnl uii lrr i hnt t o l~ ln ampHod urmiddot ~rr ttlofgt1tltOtll lol ll itll bull

CHRONI C Re~orh havr U IOd l hd nrtthd 1nd rrolcmarti ovvrc J ~OIU n tu nlYtnh with ~bullrbullbull nln brtin omJ mtrvouO Sltfl dlbullllllo

poundHERGEHCY Ml[l FI RST AIIl fFDCEIIURES It INHbullLED If afhehd t ruuvr frobull rxrosurr R~sott bN ithinsl lt on SKIN Wuh 1fftchd arr1 tlbullorouahh with tuo and w~b r

Ruovl cllnhbull i nctrd c lothint and hurrittmiddot btrurt rbullmiddotu~ol If in EYES Fl~otdl CV1 t~~ith hru ounh of wotc r fur 15 a i nuteO

Gtt ercl i cal lt h nlil)n Jf SIUIILLOWEtt Ntvtr Civt nvLhirol tov euutlo to 1r1 uncorgtdou cnon

lJDHITJNG ampivt toCvtl ll JtlnlO-s of worhr Sttd udi cill

bullbulle~ton VI -- REACTIVITY


Jw fire C1rbon Diodcltbull Co11rtoon bullnoxidt HAlAJi[IOUI POLYUUATJON -- ~h )) Hot DtClH


tin w1r1 11tU ouict

DD HDT JN[IUCE -ltntiun

-2 = bullbulle~ion VII -- SPILL OR LE~K PROCEDURES

STEPS TO IE TAtEH IN Cf3[ 11-THIIIL IS JiELEIISFD OR SfJLLpound[1 luovt 111 tournt of ilnihon lJtntiliLc cmi ruovc with inert ob1urbcnt

wbullITE DIIPOIAL bullnHOD Jndnuttc in lbullrovttl htilitv llo nll incinertLbull cluud conhinr Dhluc or in

ttcorcltMt tth 1 lhh1 tnd Loco11l ruul1Uons r~rcHnll nlhUon


R[CAUTIOHI TO J[ TAKEN JN USE Uu onh with tHeutte venUlampUon Avoid bruthinll vciCII tnd bull iiL Avo1d contrat

with tUn and lleth hinds lfttt usinJ Y[NTILIITION

Lout t xhtutt nhuttlt Gen~nl uhcust occ~bullhllh if Lht u~ Lo utt rich in ltction JJ h llinhlntd btlow liclblv urott~rt lblh htt r to OIHII StmdUs tt1o u lflOt07 lflOlOI R[IIRATORY PROTECTION

Jf bulltrsenll osurt ~bullnnu bt controlltd btlow IPflhitbh JJaih bw wrntil1Uonbull wur rtlhltottl dtY i ct llltovtd tov HJOSH SHA tot ftohctiun lsl l inst a1tnhh in Stct10n II PROTtCTI YE ILDIJU

Yt1r lltvtt whi~h rt nrolndtd h t lo~c ~~ u fo r roLttUo 11iampin1t aohbullrhh i 11 l tttlon u EYE rliOTECTION

lttlf ufth tchdtt with unntorettd s i cltshitlds


- r -

R7 Kbull 120

0-----middot------~~~-~~~--~~-=---~~~-~~~-~~~----------- -------- ------- ------ middot JL STORAGE CATEGORY -- 18

FRECAUTlDNS TO JE TA KEN IN HANDLING AND STOfU HG tonttnh lrt UTfpound1tpoundLY HAKAJLpound Kttr IW ~J frat lttltbull 11 bull 11rk~obull t nd 01bulltn tli

Utron will tuutu1tlt rt iiiIJlw ~uu 1 11 nih I JI lutiYI l w Dutinbull uu and unill IU or~ tn tune CUI arvt vvrbulltil t~tll - Do nut nu loc shy

bti nlu ilh all fhUit 10ilot llhtio unci hlltor - Turn otr o ullotlo Cillctdc ~ucb tnd tPrlitncn bull end 11n1 othtr tourct t of hnition

ContuU tlfPA Codtbull Un rovtd lundinl tnd amproundinl Pttbullctdurtt K ronttintr cloud whrn not in uttbull Ttanshr onllt tu ubullrrovrU ~onhintori with cut llttt

tnd tlltOrittt hbtlina Do not h~ e inhrndh ht out of tltl ruch or childttn OTHER PRECAUTIONS

IntenUanll dsuu bv dtlibttOJtth conctntraUno and lnlulinl tht conhnh can bv hbullnfvl or tallo

-2 =

Tht tltavt tntaruttan ltttains ta thh todud u currtntlu torbullulattch and b b~ud an the inhraatlan aYilhbh tt Uus the Addition ot tlfbullJuutt or othet addiUvu ~o thu ltotlud bullbullw suamptstanUtlh elttt the coOIOiiUon ard haurdo et thbull lt~o~duct lnct conditiOn of uu Itt bullutddt our contr~Jb we n kt no vernnU1111 ron h iUtdbull - Ui111C no


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443


-~middot cnaa UC8ftl _ I Mr t boaa a c Cona n Da ceabu middot 11 19 86 6

16 Mo

17 NoM

JtaspondantLINEHUTU SWITCH COUOUUON lr its attarners Murtha CulUna Uahtar a nd Pinner

It Brad rord r av lar

cc Mr a Maner S1aonda Mr Pa ul 1 S1apson Ma U ale a Patlan Mr Jlob a rt Potta rton bullcl

cl shy







Ll t


I t










1 H-I




~0 (f)





I ~

s~~~~ i



~ ~~~ i t-shy

~ IL



1 i ~ ~







~ middot~ I

~ ~ ~i

rpound i



a _ __ j

ishysectJ ~

ari middot




N~~~middot~ ~


1 1~ ~ bull


~middot ~


~ ~ ~ ~


~ ~ i


~ ~ u




H1) bull

It J

rshy-2 =

-r -

I ~


r middot i


rrls Section I

tbull ITbullTI O I IICOOI 1dIIJIOrt t CoMo 0660)


bullbull r-o ~ t


Secloon Ill - PHYSICAL DATA -~JIOIIOIIIbull LEJ rbullbull oC JI CJ 1101 111 1a4 JI


F lflfffl Alt~ lpound L f ampl r~o~ltI OIOH ampt n~-Cat ~u n

bullbullbull bull OubullNClobullbull VM bullttP~~l Pin ProtHtlon odatton(IIPamp) Cla11 I atlnpbMro (oarbea bulltaw ebee1oal or rJ deotlned to utlllplal IPPamp CA11 1a~le aUII tUbull

1141 bull~uoooufOIIOt bullbull os oontalnerl tlctlt17 elo1t behte t tleat1 olbulltrloal i~d~nt 1perkl and opea n- Cled oontWr bull1 aplede upo_ to utroJM

-middotmiddot bull not bullPPll te Mt INIfMIIo

camp GobullbullocbulloIU Vtar MJ bt lnoffbullUno Vater MJ lilt bullMd to oool elo-cl oontaWr~ ta llvUdllp and peul~le avtosampnitloa or uplad ften upoMd ta _ t U tar 11 ued foe Mlllll are ~~

-2 = =

I I r


bullObullDbull v~o ut So Sction II - uobull ovo lftbalaUon1 poundnuthoUc lriUotton of tho nap1Joato17 tract or acut

UI ta dopreu1on charoctariud by headaeho diniMU 8toampllbullrillc 1~1t eonluio~ bullnconaoio11aneoo or ea

Sldll or t Conttet1 Prluf1 1Jr1taUon

111101uonoccoubulln ha1 -bullbullbullbull troa upGampIlNo a1toN breaUtnc rap wan arwl qlampiot Not1J) a Phyt1 c1an Splaah (oah nveh t-edhtal7 vith oopiou quntttiu o NMinamp vator tor at lent 15 at rNtal fob to a ~lldon for dofillitin -dical tnataent Spluh ( tkin ) l RMn with aoop and votar -ern contampllinatd clot1111c


or D bullbull~ bullbulluH CJl ~ COlto nl1 oOhiTOOIO IIA cobullmiddotbull middot bull~ _ lA on~ ltco fsotl(lto~ooucu Kay produce hasardo111 -bull when beatcl o deobullpotitlon u 1n ldinlo 1ampMa M7 eontamptn oorbon onuido and ozidoo of rUtrocon

DOUI ro D -cxCbull [I) 1001 OCCUII t Uoo~olo0 510 amp0bull0 li

Soc l ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES o elbulluloobulltlo~ ~middotuoo~bullmiddotbull bullto _a l acnareea ot lenition (tlampMa Ut nrtaoaa

and elMtrioal NUc or trieUonal aperkl) Abulloid bnath111c ftpora Ventilate bull _ riU 1Mrt ab10Jbent and ntnbulllpampllclftl toell

-sllObulls~os oo Dto t 1ft aooordance rith looal 1We and federal UUoftlo Ill Mt WtMrae tloS eontdnero

bullnbullbullbulluobulln OH ~obullbullOft CN oar or op~n ampNal uH u o 1 bullPPNd cbampaieal tUtotr lraw te Nlld ail borne partloles t era ctwtnc IJIH7 applloaUen 1ft Notrtetecl ftftllalM bull a t lllnoa bull~amplMnteal tuwnbullbullsee- t a e-suen t Jllrtilate and tn t1aecl et _ ail lSM tJPO Pin- bull

_ bull 1001 1eMPal dUbull Uon or lbullal aUdt wntUtlon 1ft wl Ulll ttern te Dep fLY et bullbullt illlredlent ill Stlon ll -14M ueewble liatt 111 1n IMtion U beleN NW Uatt and te _ dMaitlon flillhaetl ftr1ltc nldilll or n nttlftc en IVfao wwttlttUat

OflttovC tl0yen11 dlelil tu lefllod Or Ntacl Uto bullbullbull Hlouebullo u lamplef bullicMII to ut acaiNt ~a et uu OloofiiHIOIIC11yen1l0Ui-f iOI ftt 1 ed lkin Oontaot ftUI 0011wa1nltd ala

OIMIII bullbulltuuuooot Ill Mt taa iftemaUr Cantdnart ehOlld a peuiiiS bull n pourlnco amp-old tJM tall at l~dcl b -bull11 ot a r W~bullmiddot Ill not na n t brau bull tel riUovt us t MMt t sprater er appnpriae Nnt1latloft

r I -


rshy-2 = =

Seclion I

oobulltn 460 Boetwick Ave

tWHIGlW(~ItlfiHO l O (20)) )))-158



M-WIfACIIIlUCO~~~ol(a~yen7rt_d~ r~ lWIIf~ r rmiddotlf11 ~r(_


poundJlmiddot 3lo middot ~ ampbull~ tl~~~

z~~_ A ~

t s ~ lfnt P-4~

tSCmiddot JlO middotUjs~~A--~

1bull Sl


7-7 T~QA ($Cmiddot 3 IJrn-ltt~o t~~IN

Bv~ bull t-1 psbullbull t9e o 7

Sect ion Ill shy PHYSICAL DATA

n ca O OIIIllltbullbullbullbullbullbull

D bullbullbullbullbull Gbull~owbullbullmiddot l lltiiiCI I-amp1111 J~ll -tICIWIIIIII tol r)l rJI4JI ou middotbullbulluo-t ~n I


DObullcbull~toobull NtfhfhtAbullLbull L1 Pfllbull -~~~~rtUt m U

-otiOOO WLOIbull VH bulltteMl n ProteeUon aothUMt(IIPPA) Clate I ntlllltllthort (ea_ bulllbullatde G7 ehtaltal er t ) ftllcMd e Ullll ClabullbullIB ~- lJitaid ttna


Ir I


otwcbullbullooorobullt~bullbullobullocnvtt ~Ill Re~a free IJtpolllNo AntoN braathinc o leap eara and quht MoUf7 1 ftlytichn Spluh (aah Pl~aah ~latlt wlUI oopicNa qtUntiUu of nMi va tu for at leut 15 aimtu Tab to a N11ehn for dattnlUn Mdieal tnat-nt Spluh (akinh Rnobullbull dth aoap and water _ tantMlNtd eloUJnc


~Ollie~~~-~~loMo l CONIIONII0AW0t0 JA

bullofu tcco~ICraquoooOoucll M17 produce huardo111 tullea when heated te d1o011potition 11 1n wald1q Put llay contln obon bullnodda and ozidaa of llitfoocan


otout Sea Setl II touobullovubullo~osubullc lnhabttont ampnuthat1e lrrltatton of tha naplrato traot or ao~att nea111 tabull1 daaalon eharaotrlud b7 ~adaoha d1ampamp1Maa1 bulltcabullrJnc aai1 oontallon

-1amp1100111 0t IIIIIOII()ot tJbullbull~CLIII CXJwtH NOIOCCUII



ftbull=~~~~-=~ro~ -~ti---u=--~~1~-~ reotrtoW ftfltlloln bullbullbull aartou of KlMI olaMtoal__tl t1ltere hill t o oMiMUon of parttldo aNI 1bullbull Ull r tlaM bullbullbull et IUneo _ air liM t Ntplnt bull

_ Proottlh IbullMId bulluoucm or leod bullbullbullbullt nntUatle 1ft nt IIIII turn te Dop TLY tf bullbullt Murdnt uont 1ft SOUon D tlbull onoptablo ltlt tiL lft SUon 11 Mlow tttM lbitt and t ~ -tuu acta ftr1llc tdlllc n- nttlnc en tvfacu bullbullbullted tbull

OtiC II~bull etovu ilquirM tor loncM tr NplotH oentut IOlfIIICUftuON UH NliJ lc o pnee qamplftlt laidl r l~Qdl 01H(fllftOIICIIyen110Ytl~l t IIIlOMid lkift IOfttaet WlJ lntaiftaed llltJI1nlo


Oit lhtc~ ampU OOI~ to ReaGI amp~1 fftNII ef tcnttton (flAMel1 hot nrfacot and olecblul atatle 1 or frlfUond o~rkl) Abullotd breotlllftl qpora YontUot aroa _ bullUII inert ob1orMnt and nen-lpuldnc toeb

_ DilpeM of 1n oocord1neo with 1Mal1 otata and t rd CIloilont 2 shyIll not 1nc1Mr~te doted eontalllera = =~


--r -- -


middot _bullbull VIDbullbullbullbullbullbullbull~ middot-t bullbull bullmiddotmiddot-middotbull middotbull middotbullbull CI shy


-uoottuntlll ~ VolteJ Col~nJt lne

fllbulloobullnu 460 Bo1twiek Av~


middot-middot~middotmiddot 1


Seclion Ill- PHYSICAL DATA bullIOtiOllflllbull tij D~bullOliiiTNo


OICILshy DH llttenel ru Proteetion beodatioft(llrIA) Cla11 I et1111ahero (e~rllol diondo oMaital or r) d011cnod to nttno1ch nabull~ lJqdd tiJo=

vl u+amprobulluototrflot bullobulluuot IMp eonta1nnt t1ampbtl7 ohted Inlate t_ ~t olee trieal C1Ui~nt 1parkl and open flUo Cloeed tontAlMr bull1 epledo _ apoeo4 to ~ hut r Nit aPP13 te bot nrtoeoo

c oo 0 ocriMIIIo(tVoter lpry ampfM 1Mffoctino Wator - _ bullbulled to eool eloeod eontrrillno to preTont JIIampI b-J1ldup and Plsitgtlo elto13n1t1on or Lplooion rllon Oppod to orttHo Hat U water 11 ued loa Mdoo are JlfCilerabb

l bull ~


= = -ill


Ir I

-~tion V- HEALTH HIZAAO 0~ ----------~~~~~~~~~------------- obull obull Soo S~tion II 1 or (lbull o~rnu~ovnc lnhalatioiU AnuthoUe lrritrUon of tho napirato17 tract or eeutG

rrouJ Jhll doprsion e~Ntracbrbod by htadeho diuineu bulltAzsorlnamp c~it eontuJion ~onJeioucno~a or cou

Sldn or tye Contact1 Prilnar7 1rr1tttion I bull ocbullbullo w bull bullbull bull bull bullo bull IIOCi ov~u - Pe-~~ ~~ O~lllNo llo1toN bresthirzo JCcop tl end Ji

C~U iot NoU7 a Phydcian Splash (oyus)l tlueh ~ictoly with oopiol1 qtUntiUeo of rllnlinc vo~or for at loot 1 ~ a1nutu Teb to a P~711c1on for doinitho ~diel trac~-ont Spleh (sldn)l Rtt11on with 1oap and voter R=c~To contudMtod clotblnco f0

========================~====~~================== Section VI- REACTIVITY DATA

~~~9~~~middot~~middotbullbulln l conbull bullIOIO oo NA

onu- l lto ~os bull bull obullbull oouciS Jolay produce haordouo fampMea bullhen heatod to dcco~peo1t1en lS 1n yen)ldS o F4ltHI lu1 conhin carbon noOXi de and oxidet o n1tiOot

bullbulloo us robull bullbullbulllampIIO O o~cu~ Cl) wbullu occubull

CV~bullo01 f OampWOtO )fA

$oct ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ampltiIIOtt gtht C ~ Hamp I IIUamp 11 1 111 bull U11 00111 ~tU t0 lbacrro ali fOampPCOI olicftitiOft (f~)~f hOt UftCI2D

~tnd olcetrieal etat1e or frictional bullparkl) Abulloid bJooUlinl oporo YontUcto crca P~Con 1U 1nort abrbo)nt and Mnmiddot~ldnc toell

bullbullnobullso~bulltoc Oiopoeo It ill eocord~bull with looal 1ttte and tldoral rc~tions 1gtraquo not Uc1nrato clotod contaitlorh - 2

Seclion VIII- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION libullbullbull CtUuo lli out4oor or op~n ~At uco WCebull Of fi1Me ampPPfOd ~hDic~ Cltor =

P1rtor o reeoTo 80l1cl dr boPno pcJt1clobull of rorprq dvirc oprat ampJlic~cn In ~riotM 911ntilot1n uou bullbullbull IJfIIOU ot 111MA oJIPICd cb=tcal~hniocl til tr~ = ddnd to lftOft o orbinat1on of prtinloto oM 101 ud bullopor In oont1nod ot-e uo Eurov of n1M1 bullPPIed ail Uno t roeplnon Mea -

lllgtftltampIIO JHorid1 llrmal dildion OJ lctt2 maUl ftfttlletlen in ft- ud pettcm to kotp fY ot eott buUOCou1 lltlrodiont 1n Scotton II bolcrr aocopteblo l11t Ll 1n 1-o~on n ooCt t-to~ ll=1t and to rocrn doooapo11t1on plllhoU dv1n wel41lta or tll=t nttlnc en Crect cctX ~~ We p~ct

~bullcwc Gt own L--tv1rocl tw prolonattd or npeaW ooataot CfOOtf Dn ~alo7 doeipod o rrotoot apinlt 1a0 of liqddl OIIUfiOIICIII0U1 _lftt prolonccf lldn 0~act with 0011~od OOtb1J1o


Ol lll fUU I OOOII Do not tab intornaUr Contdnen bullhOIIld be cftnded ~ povrtn kroid ret tell of liquid in ccoet of a Cn triau Do not tlmo nt bno w nld rithott us lu It ll1not ampPJIIIWed respirator or priat ftntilaUtm

I r I

LSC - 37 0- t)R7 K 10


IAIgt~tOyentd bw U Sr DellbullttHnt of Lbulltoor Enenthlll Si lil to torbull OSHA~20l


101 Probull~bullct A~enubull NW Clevelandbull Ohio bull~115



I NF OR M TI ON TELE PHO NE NO 11-Feb-85 (216gt 506-2902

bullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullwbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull rrr~ abullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull Section I - - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ---middot----------- -------------------------------------------------------------middot


PRODUC T HA11E OPEX Laeouer Thinner


-bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullbull lla-aa-bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sbullction J I -- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTamp 181100 rocon nHPII TlHl113 m vP

-------middot------middot-------------------------------------------------------------middotmiddot 100 064742-lt-1 Ll o AllPhllic Hldrocubon Sohbullnlo o 3l 4o sJo 300 1310 09 120 l Po Mllthhl o64742-41-9 v middot

I~ 100 JS 0 2010111-3 Toluene 30middot20middot hhnt

ltS 200 260 o 92 0 iii shys 100 43 10 67middot56-1 hanoi 64-17-S Uhanol s 1000 1900 33 440

IbullIJbull1 2MthulbullIbullPtUtlnol ltS so ISO 12

111-76middot2 2-luoc tlhanol ltS 2S 120 1 1 middot0 6 = 67middot64middot1 Acttonto 750 =20 1730 2 110 0

uo-41-0 tllhvl n-hvl ltttont ltS so 23S I 2 1

110bull19bull0 hobuhl Act1tbull s m 700 13 125 --middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot~middotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot8bulletton III -- ~HY8ICAL DATA -------------middot---middot-------middot--------------middot----middotmiddot-----middot-----middot--------middot--------middot


132 - 340 1000 6 oSi 8ctton IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZA~D DATA ------middot-------------------------------middot---------------middot---------------middot------shy


Ill LAJ(L - blnHlv Fhcbhr Fluh bdow 21 F EXTINGUIIHlNI EDIA

Cuben lild dtr lrv Chuicalr Fon UNU I UAL UtE AN D IXLOSION HAZ AJP DS

Itt cettliMII t l hll v cloud h oht frobull hn l r thc ri cal ttuifbulllwr IP~rksr and orenf bullbullbullmiddot Clod conl i ntrl u t Mrl odbull t~hln tJ~fond to bullxtnu hta l Al tliulion a ho Tbullcbullbull rteolir u I Ptc i ll ocauUons Durinl eurtcmL concfilions n oruulurbull lv o s ition l rocfuch u v uulit bull htalth hnardo Svbull rI)U u w nut be l cJit~1 annt

Gbhtn edt u l bull U onU on SPEC IAL FIRpound flGHTlHG PROCEDURES


Full roteclvt uubbullonl includinl lielfmiddotconhintcf tlttolhinl I PIU n UI shuulcf bt uud Wl1r _ _ bt Jnt ff t clhtbull Jf wahr h ut~~llr fl)sl nnln bull n rnferallt w~er uw be u11d o ~otl cltlld conhint n lo Prlyent nl lrtnurv tgtuild-u 1nd fUUillc auuilntUuh or


R7 I( 120 OIEU cault Th in111tt



~CUTE In 1 conhnbulld trtto VilrDrt Ho hlllbull cone1ntuicm ilr anllthPic Clvcrvxrourt bullbull01111 ruuH in l ilhthtouJtdntbullts 1nd slJIJtlnl uii lrr i hnt t o l~ ln ampHod urmiddot ~rr ttlofgt1tltOtll lol ll itll bull

CHRONI C Re~orh havr U IOd l hd nrtthd 1nd rrolcmarti ovvrc J ~OIU n tu nlYtnh with ~bullrbullbull nln brtin omJ mtrvouO Sltfl dlbullllllo

poundHERGEHCY Ml[l FI RST AIIl fFDCEIIURES It INHbullLED If afhehd t ruuvr frobull rxrosurr R~sott bN ithinsl lt on SKIN Wuh 1fftchd arr1 tlbullorouahh with tuo and w~b r

Ruovl cllnhbull i nctrd c lothint and hurrittmiddot btrurt rbullmiddotu~ol If in EYES Fl~otdl CV1 t~~ith hru ounh of wotc r fur 15 a i nuteO

Gtt ercl i cal lt h nlil)n Jf SIUIILLOWEtt Ntvtr Civt nvLhirol tov euutlo to 1r1 uncorgtdou cnon

lJDHITJNG ampivt toCvtl ll JtlnlO-s of worhr Sttd udi cill

bullbulle~ton VI -- REACTIVITY


Jw fire C1rbon Diodcltbull Co11rtoon bullnoxidt HAlAJi[IOUI POLYUUATJON -- ~h )) Hot DtClH


tin w1r1 11tU ouict

DD HDT JN[IUCE -ltntiun

-2 = bullbulle~ion VII -- SPILL OR LE~K PROCEDURES

STEPS TO IE TAtEH IN Cf3[ 11-THIIIL IS JiELEIISFD OR SfJLLpound[1 luovt 111 tournt of ilnihon lJtntiliLc cmi ruovc with inert ob1urbcnt

wbullITE DIIPOIAL bullnHOD Jndnuttc in lbullrovttl htilitv llo nll incinertLbull cluud conhinr Dhluc or in

ttcorcltMt tth 1 lhh1 tnd Loco11l ruul1Uons r~rcHnll nlhUon


R[CAUTIOHI TO J[ TAKEN JN USE Uu onh with tHeutte venUlampUon Avoid bruthinll vciCII tnd bull iiL Avo1d contrat

with tUn and lleth hinds lfttt usinJ Y[NTILIITION

Lout t xhtutt nhuttlt Gen~nl uhcust occ~bullhllh if Lht u~ Lo utt rich in ltction JJ h llinhlntd btlow liclblv urott~rt lblh htt r to OIHII StmdUs tt1o u lflOt07 lflOlOI R[IIRATORY PROTECTION

Jf bulltrsenll osurt ~bullnnu bt controlltd btlow IPflhitbh JJaih bw wrntil1Uonbull wur rtlhltottl dtY i ct llltovtd tov HJOSH SHA tot ftohctiun lsl l inst a1tnhh in Stct10n II PROTtCTI YE ILDIJU

Yt1r lltvtt whi~h rt nrolndtd h t lo~c ~~ u fo r roLttUo 11iampin1t aohbullrhh i 11 l tttlon u EYE rliOTECTION

lttlf ufth tchdtt with unntorettd s i cltshitlds


- r -

R7 Kbull 120

0-----middot------~~~-~~~--~~-=---~~~-~~~-~~~----------- -------- ------- ------ middot JL STORAGE CATEGORY -- 18

FRECAUTlDNS TO JE TA KEN IN HANDLING AND STOfU HG tonttnh lrt UTfpound1tpoundLY HAKAJLpound Kttr IW ~J frat lttltbull 11 bull 11rk~obull t nd 01bulltn tli

Utron will tuutu1tlt rt iiiIJlw ~uu 1 11 nih I JI lutiYI l w Dutinbull uu and unill IU or~ tn tune CUI arvt vvrbulltil t~tll - Do nut nu loc shy

bti nlu ilh all fhUit 10ilot llhtio unci hlltor - Turn otr o ullotlo Cillctdc ~ucb tnd tPrlitncn bull end 11n1 othtr tourct t of hnition

ContuU tlfPA Codtbull Un rovtd lundinl tnd amproundinl Pttbullctdurtt K ronttintr cloud whrn not in uttbull Ttanshr onllt tu ubullrrovrU ~onhintori with cut llttt

tnd tlltOrittt hbtlina Do not h~ e inhrndh ht out of tltl ruch or childttn OTHER PRECAUTIONS

IntenUanll dsuu bv dtlibttOJtth conctntraUno and lnlulinl tht conhnh can bv hbullnfvl or tallo

-2 =

Tht tltavt tntaruttan ltttains ta thh todud u currtntlu torbullulattch and b b~ud an the inhraatlan aYilhbh tt Uus the Addition ot tlfbullJuutt or othet addiUvu ~o thu ltotlud bullbullw suamptstanUtlh elttt the coOIOiiUon ard haurdo et thbull lt~o~duct lnct conditiOn of uu Itt bullutddt our contr~Jb we n kt no vernnU1111 ron h iUtdbull - Ui111C no


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443







Ll t


I t










1 H-I




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I ~

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~ ~~~ i t-shy

~ IL



1 i ~ ~







~ middot~ I

~ ~ ~i

rpound i



a _ __ j

ishysectJ ~

ari middot




N~~~middot~ ~


1 1~ ~ bull


~middot ~


~ ~ ~ ~


~ ~ i


~ ~ u




H1) bull

It J

rshy-2 =

-r -

I ~


r middot i


rrls Section I

tbull ITbullTI O I IICOOI 1dIIJIOrt t CoMo 0660)


bullbull r-o ~ t


Secloon Ill - PHYSICAL DATA -~JIOIIOIIIbull LEJ rbullbull oC JI CJ 1101 111 1a4 JI


F lflfffl Alt~ lpound L f ampl r~o~ltI OIOH ampt n~-Cat ~u n

bullbullbull bull OubullNClobullbull VM bullttP~~l Pin ProtHtlon odatton(IIPamp) Cla11 I atlnpbMro (oarbea bulltaw ebee1oal or rJ deotlned to utlllplal IPPamp CA11 1a~le aUII tUbull

1141 bull~uoooufOIIOt bullbull os oontalnerl tlctlt17 elo1t behte t tleat1 olbulltrloal i~d~nt 1perkl and opea n- Cled oontWr bull1 aplede upo_ to utroJM

-middotmiddot bull not bullPPll te Mt INIfMIIo

camp GobullbullocbulloIU Vtar MJ bt lnoffbullUno Vater MJ lilt bullMd to oool elo-cl oontaWr~ ta llvUdllp and peul~le avtosampnitloa or uplad ften upoMd ta _ t U tar 11 ued foe Mlllll are ~~

-2 = =

I I r


bullObullDbull v~o ut So Sction II - uobull ovo lftbalaUon1 poundnuthoUc lriUotton of tho nap1Joato17 tract or acut

UI ta dopreu1on charoctariud by headaeho diniMU 8toampllbullrillc 1~1t eonluio~ bullnconaoio11aneoo or ea

Sldll or t Conttet1 Prluf1 1Jr1taUon

111101uonoccoubulln ha1 -bullbullbullbull troa upGampIlNo a1toN breaUtnc rap wan arwl qlampiot Not1J) a Phyt1 c1an Splaah (oah nveh t-edhtal7 vith oopiou quntttiu o NMinamp vator tor at lent 15 at rNtal fob to a ~lldon for dofillitin -dical tnataent Spluh ( tkin ) l RMn with aoop and votar -ern contampllinatd clot1111c


or D bullbull~ bullbulluH CJl ~ COlto nl1 oOhiTOOIO IIA cobullmiddotbull middot bull~ _ lA on~ ltco fsotl(lto~ooucu Kay produce hasardo111 -bull when beatcl o deobullpotitlon u 1n ldinlo 1ampMa M7 eontamptn oorbon onuido and ozidoo of rUtrocon

DOUI ro D -cxCbull [I) 1001 OCCUII t Uoo~olo0 510 amp0bull0 li

Soc l ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES o elbulluloobulltlo~ ~middotuoo~bullmiddotbull bullto _a l acnareea ot lenition (tlampMa Ut nrtaoaa

and elMtrioal NUc or trieUonal aperkl) Abulloid bnath111c ftpora Ventilate bull _ riU 1Mrt ab10Jbent and ntnbulllpampllclftl toell

-sllObulls~os oo Dto t 1ft aooordance rith looal 1We and federal UUoftlo Ill Mt WtMrae tloS eontdnero

bullnbullbullbulluobulln OH ~obullbullOft CN oar or op~n ampNal uH u o 1 bullPPNd cbampaieal tUtotr lraw te Nlld ail borne partloles t era ctwtnc IJIH7 applloaUen 1ft Notrtetecl ftftllalM bull a t lllnoa bull~amplMnteal tuwnbullbullsee- t a e-suen t Jllrtilate and tn t1aecl et _ ail lSM tJPO Pin- bull

_ bull 1001 1eMPal dUbull Uon or lbullal aUdt wntUtlon 1ft wl Ulll ttern te Dep fLY et bullbullt illlredlent ill Stlon ll -14M ueewble liatt 111 1n IMtion U beleN NW Uatt and te _ dMaitlon flillhaetl ftr1ltc nldilll or n nttlftc en IVfao wwttlttUat

OflttovC tl0yen11 dlelil tu lefllod Or Ntacl Uto bullbullbull Hlouebullo u lamplef bullicMII to ut acaiNt ~a et uu OloofiiHIOIIC11yen1l0Ui-f iOI ftt 1 ed lkin Oontaot ftUI 0011wa1nltd ala

OIMIII bullbulltuuuooot Ill Mt taa iftemaUr Cantdnart ehOlld a peuiiiS bull n pourlnco amp-old tJM tall at l~dcl b -bull11 ot a r W~bullmiddot Ill not na n t brau bull tel riUovt us t MMt t sprater er appnpriae Nnt1latloft

r I -


rshy-2 = =

Seclion I

oobulltn 460 Boetwick Ave

tWHIGlW(~ItlfiHO l O (20)) )))-158



M-WIfACIIIlUCO~~~ol(a~yen7rt_d~ r~ lWIIf~ r rmiddotlf11 ~r(_


poundJlmiddot 3lo middot ~ ampbull~ tl~~~

z~~_ A ~

t s ~ lfnt P-4~

tSCmiddot JlO middotUjs~~A--~

1bull Sl


7-7 T~QA ($Cmiddot 3 IJrn-ltt~o t~~IN

Bv~ bull t-1 psbullbull t9e o 7

Sect ion Ill shy PHYSICAL DATA

n ca O OIIIllltbullbullbullbullbullbull

D bullbullbullbullbull Gbull~owbullbullmiddot l lltiiiCI I-amp1111 J~ll -tICIWIIIIII tol r)l rJI4JI ou middotbullbulluo-t ~n I


DObullcbull~toobull NtfhfhtAbullLbull L1 Pfllbull -~~~~rtUt m U

-otiOOO WLOIbull VH bulltteMl n ProteeUon aothUMt(IIPPA) Clate I ntlllltllthort (ea_ bulllbullatde G7 ehtaltal er t ) ftllcMd e Ullll ClabullbullIB ~- lJitaid ttna


Ir I


otwcbullbullooorobullt~bullbullobullocnvtt ~Ill Re~a free IJtpolllNo AntoN braathinc o leap eara and quht MoUf7 1 ftlytichn Spluh (aah Pl~aah ~latlt wlUI oopicNa qtUntiUu of nMi va tu for at leut 15 aimtu Tab to a N11ehn for dattnlUn Mdieal tnat-nt Spluh (akinh Rnobullbull dth aoap and water _ tantMlNtd eloUJnc


~Ollie~~~-~~loMo l CONIIONII0AW0t0 JA

bullofu tcco~ICraquoooOoucll M17 produce huardo111 tullea when heated te d1o011potition 11 1n wald1q Put llay contln obon bullnodda and ozidaa of llitfoocan


otout Sea Setl II touobullovubullo~osubullc lnhabttont ampnuthat1e lrrltatton of tha naplrato traot or ao~att nea111 tabull1 daaalon eharaotrlud b7 ~adaoha d1ampamp1Maa1 bulltcabullrJnc aai1 oontallon

-1amp1100111 0t IIIIIOII()ot tJbullbull~CLIII CXJwtH NOIOCCUII



ftbull=~~~~-=~ro~ -~ti---u=--~~1~-~ reotrtoW ftfltlloln bullbullbull aartou of KlMI olaMtoal__tl t1ltere hill t o oMiMUon of parttldo aNI 1bullbull Ull r tlaM bullbullbull et IUneo _ air liM t Ntplnt bull

_ Proottlh IbullMId bulluoucm or leod bullbullbullbullt nntUatle 1ft nt IIIII turn te Dop TLY tf bullbullt Murdnt uont 1ft SOUon D tlbull onoptablo ltlt tiL lft SUon 11 Mlow tttM lbitt and t ~ -tuu acta ftr1llc tdlllc n- nttlnc en tvfacu bullbullbullted tbull

OtiC II~bull etovu ilquirM tor loncM tr NplotH oentut IOlfIIICUftuON UH NliJ lc o pnee qamplftlt laidl r l~Qdl 01H(fllftOIICIIyen110Ytl~l t IIIlOMid lkift IOfttaet WlJ lntaiftaed llltJI1nlo


Oit lhtc~ ampU OOI~ to ReaGI amp~1 fftNII ef tcnttton (flAMel1 hot nrfacot and olecblul atatle 1 or frlfUond o~rkl) Abullotd breotlllftl qpora YontUot aroa _ bullUII inert ob1orMnt and nen-lpuldnc toeb

_ DilpeM of 1n oocord1neo with 1Mal1 otata and t rd CIloilont 2 shyIll not 1nc1Mr~te doted eontalllera = =~


--r -- -


middot _bullbull VIDbullbullbullbullbullbullbull~ middot-t bullbull bullmiddotmiddot-middotbull middotbull middotbullbull CI shy


-uoottuntlll ~ VolteJ Col~nJt lne

fllbulloobullnu 460 Bo1twiek Av~


middot-middot~middotmiddot 1


Seclion Ill- PHYSICAL DATA bullIOtiOllflllbull tij D~bullOliiiTNo


OICILshy DH llttenel ru Proteetion beodatioft(llrIA) Cla11 I et1111ahero (e~rllol diondo oMaital or r) d011cnod to nttno1ch nabull~ lJqdd tiJo=

vl u+amprobulluototrflot bullobulluuot IMp eonta1nnt t1ampbtl7 ohted Inlate t_ ~t olee trieal C1Ui~nt 1parkl and open flUo Cloeed tontAlMr bull1 epledo _ apoeo4 to ~ hut r Nit aPP13 te bot nrtoeoo

c oo 0 ocriMIIIo(tVoter lpry ampfM 1Mffoctino Wator - _ bullbulled to eool eloeod eontrrillno to preTont JIIampI b-J1ldup and Plsitgtlo elto13n1t1on or Lplooion rllon Oppod to orttHo Hat U water 11 ued loa Mdoo are JlfCilerabb

l bull ~


= = -ill


Ir I

-~tion V- HEALTH HIZAAO 0~ ----------~~~~~~~~~------------- obull obull Soo S~tion II 1 or (lbull o~rnu~ovnc lnhalatioiU AnuthoUe lrritrUon of tho napirato17 tract or eeutG

rrouJ Jhll doprsion e~Ntracbrbod by htadeho diuineu bulltAzsorlnamp c~it eontuJion ~onJeioucno~a or cou

Sldn or tye Contact1 Prilnar7 1rr1tttion I bull ocbullbullo w bull bullbull bull bull bullo bull IIOCi ov~u - Pe-~~ ~~ O~lllNo llo1toN bresthirzo JCcop tl end Ji

C~U iot NoU7 a Phydcian Splash (oyus)l tlueh ~ictoly with oopiol1 qtUntiUeo of rllnlinc vo~or for at loot 1 ~ a1nutu Teb to a P~711c1on for doinitho ~diel trac~-ont Spleh (sldn)l Rtt11on with 1oap and voter R=c~To contudMtod clotblnco f0

========================~====~~================== Section VI- REACTIVITY DATA

~~~9~~~middot~~middotbullbulln l conbull bullIOIO oo NA

onu- l lto ~os bull bull obullbull oouciS Jolay produce haordouo fampMea bullhen heatod to dcco~peo1t1en lS 1n yen)ldS o F4ltHI lu1 conhin carbon noOXi de and oxidet o n1tiOot

bullbulloo us robull bullbullbulllampIIO O o~cu~ Cl) wbullu occubull

CV~bullo01 f OampWOtO )fA

$oct ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ampltiIIOtt gtht C ~ Hamp I IIUamp 11 1 111 bull U11 00111 ~tU t0 lbacrro ali fOampPCOI olicftitiOft (f~)~f hOt UftCI2D

~tnd olcetrieal etat1e or frictional bullparkl) Abulloid bJooUlinl oporo YontUcto crca P~Con 1U 1nort abrbo)nt and Mnmiddot~ldnc toell

bullbullnobullso~bulltoc Oiopoeo It ill eocord~bull with looal 1ttte and tldoral rc~tions 1gtraquo not Uc1nrato clotod contaitlorh - 2

Seclion VIII- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION libullbullbull CtUuo lli out4oor or op~n ~At uco WCebull Of fi1Me ampPPfOd ~hDic~ Cltor =

P1rtor o reeoTo 80l1cl dr boPno pcJt1clobull of rorprq dvirc oprat ampJlic~cn In ~riotM 911ntilot1n uou bullbullbull IJfIIOU ot 111MA oJIPICd cb=tcal~hniocl til tr~ = ddnd to lftOft o orbinat1on of prtinloto oM 101 ud bullopor In oont1nod ot-e uo Eurov of n1M1 bullPPIed ail Uno t roeplnon Mea -

lllgtftltampIIO JHorid1 llrmal dildion OJ lctt2 maUl ftfttlletlen in ft- ud pettcm to kotp fY ot eott buUOCou1 lltlrodiont 1n Scotton II bolcrr aocopteblo l11t Ll 1n 1-o~on n ooCt t-to~ ll=1t and to rocrn doooapo11t1on plllhoU dv1n wel41lta or tll=t nttlnc en Crect cctX ~~ We p~ct

~bullcwc Gt own L--tv1rocl tw prolonattd or npeaW ooataot CfOOtf Dn ~alo7 doeipod o rrotoot apinlt 1a0 of liqddl OIIUfiOIICIII0U1 _lftt prolonccf lldn 0~act with 0011~od OOtb1J1o


Ol lll fUU I OOOII Do not tab intornaUr Contdnen bullhOIIld be cftnded ~ povrtn kroid ret tell of liquid in ccoet of a Cn triau Do not tlmo nt bno w nld rithott us lu It ll1not ampPJIIIWed respirator or priat ftntilaUtm

I r I

LSC - 37 0- t)R7 K 10


IAIgt~tOyentd bw U Sr DellbullttHnt of Lbulltoor Enenthlll Si lil to torbull OSHA~20l


101 Probull~bullct A~enubull NW Clevelandbull Ohio bull~115



I NF OR M TI ON TELE PHO NE NO 11-Feb-85 (216gt 506-2902

bullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullwbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull rrr~ abullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull Section I - - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ---middot----------- -------------------------------------------------------------middot


PRODUC T HA11E OPEX Laeouer Thinner


-bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullbull lla-aa-bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sbullction J I -- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTamp 181100 rocon nHPII TlHl113 m vP

-------middot------middot-------------------------------------------------------------middotmiddot 100 064742-lt-1 Ll o AllPhllic Hldrocubon Sohbullnlo o 3l 4o sJo 300 1310 09 120 l Po Mllthhl o64742-41-9 v middot

I~ 100 JS 0 2010111-3 Toluene 30middot20middot hhnt

ltS 200 260 o 92 0 iii shys 100 43 10 67middot56-1 hanoi 64-17-S Uhanol s 1000 1900 33 440

IbullIJbull1 2MthulbullIbullPtUtlnol ltS so ISO 12

111-76middot2 2-luoc tlhanol ltS 2S 120 1 1 middot0 6 = 67middot64middot1 Acttonto 750 =20 1730 2 110 0

uo-41-0 tllhvl n-hvl ltttont ltS so 23S I 2 1

110bull19bull0 hobuhl Act1tbull s m 700 13 125 --middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot~middotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot8bulletton III -- ~HY8ICAL DATA -------------middot---middot-------middot--------------middot----middotmiddot-----middot-----middot--------middot--------middot


132 - 340 1000 6 oSi 8ctton IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZA~D DATA ------middot-------------------------------middot---------------middot---------------middot------shy


Ill LAJ(L - blnHlv Fhcbhr Fluh bdow 21 F EXTINGUIIHlNI EDIA

Cuben lild dtr lrv Chuicalr Fon UNU I UAL UtE AN D IXLOSION HAZ AJP DS

Itt cettliMII t l hll v cloud h oht frobull hn l r thc ri cal ttuifbulllwr IP~rksr and orenf bullbullbullmiddot Clod conl i ntrl u t Mrl odbull t~hln tJ~fond to bullxtnu hta l Al tliulion a ho Tbullcbullbull rteolir u I Ptc i ll ocauUons Durinl eurtcmL concfilions n oruulurbull lv o s ition l rocfuch u v uulit bull htalth hnardo Svbull rI)U u w nut be l cJit~1 annt

Gbhtn edt u l bull U onU on SPEC IAL FIRpound flGHTlHG PROCEDURES


Full roteclvt uubbullonl includinl lielfmiddotconhintcf tlttolhinl I PIU n UI shuulcf bt uud Wl1r _ _ bt Jnt ff t clhtbull Jf wahr h ut~~llr fl)sl nnln bull n rnferallt w~er uw be u11d o ~otl cltlld conhint n lo Prlyent nl lrtnurv tgtuild-u 1nd fUUillc auuilntUuh or


R7 I( 120 OIEU cault Th in111tt



~CUTE In 1 conhnbulld trtto VilrDrt Ho hlllbull cone1ntuicm ilr anllthPic Clvcrvxrourt bullbull01111 ruuH in l ilhthtouJtdntbullts 1nd slJIJtlnl uii lrr i hnt t o l~ ln ampHod urmiddot ~rr ttlofgt1tltOtll lol ll itll bull

CHRONI C Re~orh havr U IOd l hd nrtthd 1nd rrolcmarti ovvrc J ~OIU n tu nlYtnh with ~bullrbullbull nln brtin omJ mtrvouO Sltfl dlbullllllo

poundHERGEHCY Ml[l FI RST AIIl fFDCEIIURES It INHbullLED If afhehd t ruuvr frobull rxrosurr R~sott bN ithinsl lt on SKIN Wuh 1fftchd arr1 tlbullorouahh with tuo and w~b r

Ruovl cllnhbull i nctrd c lothint and hurrittmiddot btrurt rbullmiddotu~ol If in EYES Fl~otdl CV1 t~~ith hru ounh of wotc r fur 15 a i nuteO

Gtt ercl i cal lt h nlil)n Jf SIUIILLOWEtt Ntvtr Civt nvLhirol tov euutlo to 1r1 uncorgtdou cnon

lJDHITJNG ampivt toCvtl ll JtlnlO-s of worhr Sttd udi cill

bullbulle~ton VI -- REACTIVITY


Jw fire C1rbon Diodcltbull Co11rtoon bullnoxidt HAlAJi[IOUI POLYUUATJON -- ~h )) Hot DtClH


tin w1r1 11tU ouict

DD HDT JN[IUCE -ltntiun

-2 = bullbulle~ion VII -- SPILL OR LE~K PROCEDURES

STEPS TO IE TAtEH IN Cf3[ 11-THIIIL IS JiELEIISFD OR SfJLLpound[1 luovt 111 tournt of ilnihon lJtntiliLc cmi ruovc with inert ob1urbcnt

wbullITE DIIPOIAL bullnHOD Jndnuttc in lbullrovttl htilitv llo nll incinertLbull cluud conhinr Dhluc or in

ttcorcltMt tth 1 lhh1 tnd Loco11l ruul1Uons r~rcHnll nlhUon


R[CAUTIOHI TO J[ TAKEN JN USE Uu onh with tHeutte venUlampUon Avoid bruthinll vciCII tnd bull iiL Avo1d contrat

with tUn and lleth hinds lfttt usinJ Y[NTILIITION

Lout t xhtutt nhuttlt Gen~nl uhcust occ~bullhllh if Lht u~ Lo utt rich in ltction JJ h llinhlntd btlow liclblv urott~rt lblh htt r to OIHII StmdUs tt1o u lflOt07 lflOlOI R[IIRATORY PROTECTION

Jf bulltrsenll osurt ~bullnnu bt controlltd btlow IPflhitbh JJaih bw wrntil1Uonbull wur rtlhltottl dtY i ct llltovtd tov HJOSH SHA tot ftohctiun lsl l inst a1tnhh in Stct10n II PROTtCTI YE ILDIJU

Yt1r lltvtt whi~h rt nrolndtd h t lo~c ~~ u fo r roLttUo 11iampin1t aohbullrhh i 11 l tttlon u EYE rliOTECTION

lttlf ufth tchdtt with unntorettd s i cltshitlds


- r -

R7 Kbull 120

0-----middot------~~~-~~~--~~-=---~~~-~~~-~~~----------- -------- ------- ------ middot JL STORAGE CATEGORY -- 18

FRECAUTlDNS TO JE TA KEN IN HANDLING AND STOfU HG tonttnh lrt UTfpound1tpoundLY HAKAJLpound Kttr IW ~J frat lttltbull 11 bull 11rk~obull t nd 01bulltn tli

Utron will tuutu1tlt rt iiiIJlw ~uu 1 11 nih I JI lutiYI l w Dutinbull uu and unill IU or~ tn tune CUI arvt vvrbulltil t~tll - Do nut nu loc shy

bti nlu ilh all fhUit 10ilot llhtio unci hlltor - Turn otr o ullotlo Cillctdc ~ucb tnd tPrlitncn bull end 11n1 othtr tourct t of hnition

ContuU tlfPA Codtbull Un rovtd lundinl tnd amproundinl Pttbullctdurtt K ronttintr cloud whrn not in uttbull Ttanshr onllt tu ubullrrovrU ~onhintori with cut llttt

tnd tlltOrittt hbtlina Do not h~ e inhrndh ht out of tltl ruch or childttn OTHER PRECAUTIONS

IntenUanll dsuu bv dtlibttOJtth conctntraUno and lnlulinl tht conhnh can bv hbullnfvl or tallo

-2 =

Tht tltavt tntaruttan ltttains ta thh todud u currtntlu torbullulattch and b b~ud an the inhraatlan aYilhbh tt Uus the Addition ot tlfbullJuutt or othet addiUvu ~o thu ltotlud bullbullw suamptstanUtlh elttt the coOIOiiUon ard haurdo et thbull lt~o~duct lnct conditiOn of uu Itt bullutddt our contr~Jb we n kt no vernnU1111 ron h iUtdbull - Ui111C no


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443






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~ IL



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~ middot~ I

~ ~ ~i

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1 1~ ~ bull


~middot ~


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H1) bull

It J

rshy-2 =

-r -

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r middot i


rrls Section I

tbull ITbullTI O I IICOOI 1dIIJIOrt t CoMo 0660)


bullbull r-o ~ t


Secloon Ill - PHYSICAL DATA -~JIOIIOIIIbull LEJ rbullbull oC JI CJ 1101 111 1a4 JI


F lflfffl Alt~ lpound L f ampl r~o~ltI OIOH ampt n~-Cat ~u n

bullbullbull bull OubullNClobullbull VM bullttP~~l Pin ProtHtlon odatton(IIPamp) Cla11 I atlnpbMro (oarbea bulltaw ebee1oal or rJ deotlned to utlllplal IPPamp CA11 1a~le aUII tUbull

1141 bull~uoooufOIIOt bullbull os oontalnerl tlctlt17 elo1t behte t tleat1 olbulltrloal i~d~nt 1perkl and opea n- Cled oontWr bull1 aplede upo_ to utroJM

-middotmiddot bull not bullPPll te Mt INIfMIIo

camp GobullbullocbulloIU Vtar MJ bt lnoffbullUno Vater MJ lilt bullMd to oool elo-cl oontaWr~ ta llvUdllp and peul~le avtosampnitloa or uplad ften upoMd ta _ t U tar 11 ued foe Mlllll are ~~

-2 = =

I I r


bullObullDbull v~o ut So Sction II - uobull ovo lftbalaUon1 poundnuthoUc lriUotton of tho nap1Joato17 tract or acut

UI ta dopreu1on charoctariud by headaeho diniMU 8toampllbullrillc 1~1t eonluio~ bullnconaoio11aneoo or ea

Sldll or t Conttet1 Prluf1 1Jr1taUon

111101uonoccoubulln ha1 -bullbullbullbull troa upGampIlNo a1toN breaUtnc rap wan arwl qlampiot Not1J) a Phyt1 c1an Splaah (oah nveh t-edhtal7 vith oopiou quntttiu o NMinamp vator tor at lent 15 at rNtal fob to a ~lldon for dofillitin -dical tnataent Spluh ( tkin ) l RMn with aoop and votar -ern contampllinatd clot1111c


or D bullbull~ bullbulluH CJl ~ COlto nl1 oOhiTOOIO IIA cobullmiddotbull middot bull~ _ lA on~ ltco fsotl(lto~ooucu Kay produce hasardo111 -bull when beatcl o deobullpotitlon u 1n ldinlo 1ampMa M7 eontamptn oorbon onuido and ozidoo of rUtrocon

DOUI ro D -cxCbull [I) 1001 OCCUII t Uoo~olo0 510 amp0bull0 li

Soc l ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES o elbulluloobulltlo~ ~middotuoo~bullmiddotbull bullto _a l acnareea ot lenition (tlampMa Ut nrtaoaa

and elMtrioal NUc or trieUonal aperkl) Abulloid bnath111c ftpora Ventilate bull _ riU 1Mrt ab10Jbent and ntnbulllpampllclftl toell

-sllObulls~os oo Dto t 1ft aooordance rith looal 1We and federal UUoftlo Ill Mt WtMrae tloS eontdnero

bullnbullbullbulluobulln OH ~obullbullOft CN oar or op~n ampNal uH u o 1 bullPPNd cbampaieal tUtotr lraw te Nlld ail borne partloles t era ctwtnc IJIH7 applloaUen 1ft Notrtetecl ftftllalM bull a t lllnoa bull~amplMnteal tuwnbullbullsee- t a e-suen t Jllrtilate and tn t1aecl et _ ail lSM tJPO Pin- bull

_ bull 1001 1eMPal dUbull Uon or lbullal aUdt wntUtlon 1ft wl Ulll ttern te Dep fLY et bullbullt illlredlent ill Stlon ll -14M ueewble liatt 111 1n IMtion U beleN NW Uatt and te _ dMaitlon flillhaetl ftr1ltc nldilll or n nttlftc en IVfao wwttlttUat

OflttovC tl0yen11 dlelil tu lefllod Or Ntacl Uto bullbullbull Hlouebullo u lamplef bullicMII to ut acaiNt ~a et uu OloofiiHIOIIC11yen1l0Ui-f iOI ftt 1 ed lkin Oontaot ftUI 0011wa1nltd ala

OIMIII bullbulltuuuooot Ill Mt taa iftemaUr Cantdnart ehOlld a peuiiiS bull n pourlnco amp-old tJM tall at l~dcl b -bull11 ot a r W~bullmiddot Ill not na n t brau bull tel riUovt us t MMt t sprater er appnpriae Nnt1latloft

r I -


rshy-2 = =

Seclion I

oobulltn 460 Boetwick Ave

tWHIGlW(~ItlfiHO l O (20)) )))-158



M-WIfACIIIlUCO~~~ol(a~yen7rt_d~ r~ lWIIf~ r rmiddotlf11 ~r(_


poundJlmiddot 3lo middot ~ ampbull~ tl~~~

z~~_ A ~

t s ~ lfnt P-4~

tSCmiddot JlO middotUjs~~A--~

1bull Sl


7-7 T~QA ($Cmiddot 3 IJrn-ltt~o t~~IN

Bv~ bull t-1 psbullbull t9e o 7

Sect ion Ill shy PHYSICAL DATA

n ca O OIIIllltbullbullbullbullbullbull

D bullbullbullbullbull Gbull~owbullbullmiddot l lltiiiCI I-amp1111 J~ll -tICIWIIIIII tol r)l rJI4JI ou middotbullbulluo-t ~n I


DObullcbull~toobull NtfhfhtAbullLbull L1 Pfllbull -~~~~rtUt m U

-otiOOO WLOIbull VH bulltteMl n ProteeUon aothUMt(IIPPA) Clate I ntlllltllthort (ea_ bulllbullatde G7 ehtaltal er t ) ftllcMd e Ullll ClabullbullIB ~- lJitaid ttna


Ir I


otwcbullbullooorobullt~bullbullobullocnvtt ~Ill Re~a free IJtpolllNo AntoN braathinc o leap eara and quht MoUf7 1 ftlytichn Spluh (aah Pl~aah ~latlt wlUI oopicNa qtUntiUu of nMi va tu for at leut 15 aimtu Tab to a N11ehn for dattnlUn Mdieal tnat-nt Spluh (akinh Rnobullbull dth aoap and water _ tantMlNtd eloUJnc


~Ollie~~~-~~loMo l CONIIONII0AW0t0 JA

bullofu tcco~ICraquoooOoucll M17 produce huardo111 tullea when heated te d1o011potition 11 1n wald1q Put llay contln obon bullnodda and ozidaa of llitfoocan


otout Sea Setl II touobullovubullo~osubullc lnhabttont ampnuthat1e lrrltatton of tha naplrato traot or ao~att nea111 tabull1 daaalon eharaotrlud b7 ~adaoha d1ampamp1Maa1 bulltcabullrJnc aai1 oontallon

-1amp1100111 0t IIIIIOII()ot tJbullbull~CLIII CXJwtH NOIOCCUII



ftbull=~~~~-=~ro~ -~ti---u=--~~1~-~ reotrtoW ftfltlloln bullbullbull aartou of KlMI olaMtoal__tl t1ltere hill t o oMiMUon of parttldo aNI 1bullbull Ull r tlaM bullbullbull et IUneo _ air liM t Ntplnt bull

_ Proottlh IbullMId bulluoucm or leod bullbullbullbullt nntUatle 1ft nt IIIII turn te Dop TLY tf bullbullt Murdnt uont 1ft SOUon D tlbull onoptablo ltlt tiL lft SUon 11 Mlow tttM lbitt and t ~ -tuu acta ftr1llc tdlllc n- nttlnc en tvfacu bullbullbullted tbull

OtiC II~bull etovu ilquirM tor loncM tr NplotH oentut IOlfIIICUftuON UH NliJ lc o pnee qamplftlt laidl r l~Qdl 01H(fllftOIICIIyen110Ytl~l t IIIlOMid lkift IOfttaet WlJ lntaiftaed llltJI1nlo


Oit lhtc~ ampU OOI~ to ReaGI amp~1 fftNII ef tcnttton (flAMel1 hot nrfacot and olecblul atatle 1 or frlfUond o~rkl) Abullotd breotlllftl qpora YontUot aroa _ bullUII inert ob1orMnt and nen-lpuldnc toeb

_ DilpeM of 1n oocord1neo with 1Mal1 otata and t rd CIloilont 2 shyIll not 1nc1Mr~te doted eontalllera = =~


--r -- -


middot _bullbull VIDbullbullbullbullbullbullbull~ middot-t bullbull bullmiddotmiddot-middotbull middotbull middotbullbull CI shy


-uoottuntlll ~ VolteJ Col~nJt lne

fllbulloobullnu 460 Bo1twiek Av~


middot-middot~middotmiddot 1


Seclion Ill- PHYSICAL DATA bullIOtiOllflllbull tij D~bullOliiiTNo


OICILshy DH llttenel ru Proteetion beodatioft(llrIA) Cla11 I et1111ahero (e~rllol diondo oMaital or r) d011cnod to nttno1ch nabull~ lJqdd tiJo=

vl u+amprobulluototrflot bullobulluuot IMp eonta1nnt t1ampbtl7 ohted Inlate t_ ~t olee trieal C1Ui~nt 1parkl and open flUo Cloeed tontAlMr bull1 epledo _ apoeo4 to ~ hut r Nit aPP13 te bot nrtoeoo

c oo 0 ocriMIIIo(tVoter lpry ampfM 1Mffoctino Wator - _ bullbulled to eool eloeod eontrrillno to preTont JIIampI b-J1ldup and Plsitgtlo elto13n1t1on or Lplooion rllon Oppod to orttHo Hat U water 11 ued loa Mdoo are JlfCilerabb

l bull ~


= = -ill


Ir I

-~tion V- HEALTH HIZAAO 0~ ----------~~~~~~~~~------------- obull obull Soo S~tion II 1 or (lbull o~rnu~ovnc lnhalatioiU AnuthoUe lrritrUon of tho napirato17 tract or eeutG

rrouJ Jhll doprsion e~Ntracbrbod by htadeho diuineu bulltAzsorlnamp c~it eontuJion ~onJeioucno~a or cou

Sldn or tye Contact1 Prilnar7 1rr1tttion I bull ocbullbullo w bull bullbull bull bull bullo bull IIOCi ov~u - Pe-~~ ~~ O~lllNo llo1toN bresthirzo JCcop tl end Ji

C~U iot NoU7 a Phydcian Splash (oyus)l tlueh ~ictoly with oopiol1 qtUntiUeo of rllnlinc vo~or for at loot 1 ~ a1nutu Teb to a P~711c1on for doinitho ~diel trac~-ont Spleh (sldn)l Rtt11on with 1oap and voter R=c~To contudMtod clotblnco f0

========================~====~~================== Section VI- REACTIVITY DATA

~~~9~~~middot~~middotbullbulln l conbull bullIOIO oo NA

onu- l lto ~os bull bull obullbull oouciS Jolay produce haordouo fampMea bullhen heatod to dcco~peo1t1en lS 1n yen)ldS o F4ltHI lu1 conhin carbon noOXi de and oxidet o n1tiOot

bullbulloo us robull bullbullbulllampIIO O o~cu~ Cl) wbullu occubull

CV~bullo01 f OampWOtO )fA

$oct ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ampltiIIOtt gtht C ~ Hamp I IIUamp 11 1 111 bull U11 00111 ~tU t0 lbacrro ali fOampPCOI olicftitiOft (f~)~f hOt UftCI2D

~tnd olcetrieal etat1e or frictional bullparkl) Abulloid bJooUlinl oporo YontUcto crca P~Con 1U 1nort abrbo)nt and Mnmiddot~ldnc toell

bullbullnobullso~bulltoc Oiopoeo It ill eocord~bull with looal 1ttte and tldoral rc~tions 1gtraquo not Uc1nrato clotod contaitlorh - 2

Seclion VIII- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION libullbullbull CtUuo lli out4oor or op~n ~At uco WCebull Of fi1Me ampPPfOd ~hDic~ Cltor =

P1rtor o reeoTo 80l1cl dr boPno pcJt1clobull of rorprq dvirc oprat ampJlic~cn In ~riotM 911ntilot1n uou bullbullbull IJfIIOU ot 111MA oJIPICd cb=tcal~hniocl til tr~ = ddnd to lftOft o orbinat1on of prtinloto oM 101 ud bullopor In oont1nod ot-e uo Eurov of n1M1 bullPPIed ail Uno t roeplnon Mea -

lllgtftltampIIO JHorid1 llrmal dildion OJ lctt2 maUl ftfttlletlen in ft- ud pettcm to kotp fY ot eott buUOCou1 lltlrodiont 1n Scotton II bolcrr aocopteblo l11t Ll 1n 1-o~on n ooCt t-to~ ll=1t and to rocrn doooapo11t1on plllhoU dv1n wel41lta or tll=t nttlnc en Crect cctX ~~ We p~ct

~bullcwc Gt own L--tv1rocl tw prolonattd or npeaW ooataot CfOOtf Dn ~alo7 doeipod o rrotoot apinlt 1a0 of liqddl OIIUfiOIICIII0U1 _lftt prolonccf lldn 0~act with 0011~od OOtb1J1o


Ol lll fUU I OOOII Do not tab intornaUr Contdnen bullhOIIld be cftnded ~ povrtn kroid ret tell of liquid in ccoet of a Cn triau Do not tlmo nt bno w nld rithott us lu It ll1not ampPJIIIWed respirator or priat ftntilaUtm

I r I

LSC - 37 0- t)R7 K 10


IAIgt~tOyentd bw U Sr DellbullttHnt of Lbulltoor Enenthlll Si lil to torbull OSHA~20l


101 Probull~bullct A~enubull NW Clevelandbull Ohio bull~115



I NF OR M TI ON TELE PHO NE NO 11-Feb-85 (216gt 506-2902

bullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullwbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull rrr~ abullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull Section I - - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ---middot----------- -------------------------------------------------------------middot


PRODUC T HA11E OPEX Laeouer Thinner


-bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullbull lla-aa-bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sbullction J I -- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTamp 181100 rocon nHPII TlHl113 m vP

-------middot------middot-------------------------------------------------------------middotmiddot 100 064742-lt-1 Ll o AllPhllic Hldrocubon Sohbullnlo o 3l 4o sJo 300 1310 09 120 l Po Mllthhl o64742-41-9 v middot

I~ 100 JS 0 2010111-3 Toluene 30middot20middot hhnt

ltS 200 260 o 92 0 iii shys 100 43 10 67middot56-1 hanoi 64-17-S Uhanol s 1000 1900 33 440

IbullIJbull1 2MthulbullIbullPtUtlnol ltS so ISO 12

111-76middot2 2-luoc tlhanol ltS 2S 120 1 1 middot0 6 = 67middot64middot1 Acttonto 750 =20 1730 2 110 0

uo-41-0 tllhvl n-hvl ltttont ltS so 23S I 2 1

110bull19bull0 hobuhl Act1tbull s m 700 13 125 --middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot~middotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot8bulletton III -- ~HY8ICAL DATA -------------middot---middot-------middot--------------middot----middotmiddot-----middot-----middot--------middot--------middot


132 - 340 1000 6 oSi 8ctton IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZA~D DATA ------middot-------------------------------middot---------------middot---------------middot------shy


Ill LAJ(L - blnHlv Fhcbhr Fluh bdow 21 F EXTINGUIIHlNI EDIA

Cuben lild dtr lrv Chuicalr Fon UNU I UAL UtE AN D IXLOSION HAZ AJP DS

Itt cettliMII t l hll v cloud h oht frobull hn l r thc ri cal ttuifbulllwr IP~rksr and orenf bullbullbullmiddot Clod conl i ntrl u t Mrl odbull t~hln tJ~fond to bullxtnu hta l Al tliulion a ho Tbullcbullbull rteolir u I Ptc i ll ocauUons Durinl eurtcmL concfilions n oruulurbull lv o s ition l rocfuch u v uulit bull htalth hnardo Svbull rI)U u w nut be l cJit~1 annt

Gbhtn edt u l bull U onU on SPEC IAL FIRpound flGHTlHG PROCEDURES


Full roteclvt uubbullonl includinl lielfmiddotconhintcf tlttolhinl I PIU n UI shuulcf bt uud Wl1r _ _ bt Jnt ff t clhtbull Jf wahr h ut~~llr fl)sl nnln bull n rnferallt w~er uw be u11d o ~otl cltlld conhint n lo Prlyent nl lrtnurv tgtuild-u 1nd fUUillc auuilntUuh or


R7 I( 120 OIEU cault Th in111tt



~CUTE In 1 conhnbulld trtto VilrDrt Ho hlllbull cone1ntuicm ilr anllthPic Clvcrvxrourt bullbull01111 ruuH in l ilhthtouJtdntbullts 1nd slJIJtlnl uii lrr i hnt t o l~ ln ampHod urmiddot ~rr ttlofgt1tltOtll lol ll itll bull

CHRONI C Re~orh havr U IOd l hd nrtthd 1nd rrolcmarti ovvrc J ~OIU n tu nlYtnh with ~bullrbullbull nln brtin omJ mtrvouO Sltfl dlbullllllo

poundHERGEHCY Ml[l FI RST AIIl fFDCEIIURES It INHbullLED If afhehd t ruuvr frobull rxrosurr R~sott bN ithinsl lt on SKIN Wuh 1fftchd arr1 tlbullorouahh with tuo and w~b r

Ruovl cllnhbull i nctrd c lothint and hurrittmiddot btrurt rbullmiddotu~ol If in EYES Fl~otdl CV1 t~~ith hru ounh of wotc r fur 15 a i nuteO

Gtt ercl i cal lt h nlil)n Jf SIUIILLOWEtt Ntvtr Civt nvLhirol tov euutlo to 1r1 uncorgtdou cnon

lJDHITJNG ampivt toCvtl ll JtlnlO-s of worhr Sttd udi cill

bullbulle~ton VI -- REACTIVITY


Jw fire C1rbon Diodcltbull Co11rtoon bullnoxidt HAlAJi[IOUI POLYUUATJON -- ~h )) Hot DtClH


tin w1r1 11tU ouict

DD HDT JN[IUCE -ltntiun

-2 = bullbulle~ion VII -- SPILL OR LE~K PROCEDURES

STEPS TO IE TAtEH IN Cf3[ 11-THIIIL IS JiELEIISFD OR SfJLLpound[1 luovt 111 tournt of ilnihon lJtntiliLc cmi ruovc with inert ob1urbcnt

wbullITE DIIPOIAL bullnHOD Jndnuttc in lbullrovttl htilitv llo nll incinertLbull cluud conhinr Dhluc or in

ttcorcltMt tth 1 lhh1 tnd Loco11l ruul1Uons r~rcHnll nlhUon


R[CAUTIOHI TO J[ TAKEN JN USE Uu onh with tHeutte venUlampUon Avoid bruthinll vciCII tnd bull iiL Avo1d contrat

with tUn and lleth hinds lfttt usinJ Y[NTILIITION

Lout t xhtutt nhuttlt Gen~nl uhcust occ~bullhllh if Lht u~ Lo utt rich in ltction JJ h llinhlntd btlow liclblv urott~rt lblh htt r to OIHII StmdUs tt1o u lflOt07 lflOlOI R[IIRATORY PROTECTION

Jf bulltrsenll osurt ~bullnnu bt controlltd btlow IPflhitbh JJaih bw wrntil1Uonbull wur rtlhltottl dtY i ct llltovtd tov HJOSH SHA tot ftohctiun lsl l inst a1tnhh in Stct10n II PROTtCTI YE ILDIJU

Yt1r lltvtt whi~h rt nrolndtd h t lo~c ~~ u fo r roLttUo 11iampin1t aohbullrhh i 11 l tttlon u EYE rliOTECTION

lttlf ufth tchdtt with unntorettd s i cltshitlds


- r -

R7 Kbull 120

0-----middot------~~~-~~~--~~-=---~~~-~~~-~~~----------- -------- ------- ------ middot JL STORAGE CATEGORY -- 18

FRECAUTlDNS TO JE TA KEN IN HANDLING AND STOfU HG tonttnh lrt UTfpound1tpoundLY HAKAJLpound Kttr IW ~J frat lttltbull 11 bull 11rk~obull t nd 01bulltn tli

Utron will tuutu1tlt rt iiiIJlw ~uu 1 11 nih I JI lutiYI l w Dutinbull uu and unill IU or~ tn tune CUI arvt vvrbulltil t~tll - Do nut nu loc shy

bti nlu ilh all fhUit 10ilot llhtio unci hlltor - Turn otr o ullotlo Cillctdc ~ucb tnd tPrlitncn bull end 11n1 othtr tourct t of hnition

ContuU tlfPA Codtbull Un rovtd lundinl tnd amproundinl Pttbullctdurtt K ronttintr cloud whrn not in uttbull Ttanshr onllt tu ubullrrovrU ~onhintori with cut llttt

tnd tlltOrittt hbtlina Do not h~ e inhrndh ht out of tltl ruch or childttn OTHER PRECAUTIONS

IntenUanll dsuu bv dtlibttOJtth conctntraUno and lnlulinl tht conhnh can bv hbullnfvl or tallo

-2 =

Tht tltavt tntaruttan ltttains ta thh todud u currtntlu torbullulattch and b b~ud an the inhraatlan aYilhbh tt Uus the Addition ot tlfbullJuutt or othet addiUvu ~o thu ltotlud bullbullw suamptstanUtlh elttt the coOIOiiUon ard haurdo et thbull lt~o~duct lnct conditiOn of uu Itt bullutddt our contr~Jb we n kt no vernnU1111 ron h iUtdbull - Ui111C no


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

-r -

I ~


r middot i


rrls Section I

tbull ITbullTI O I IICOOI 1dIIJIOrt t CoMo 0660)


bullbull r-o ~ t


Secloon Ill - PHYSICAL DATA -~JIOIIOIIIbull LEJ rbullbull oC JI CJ 1101 111 1a4 JI


F lflfffl Alt~ lpound L f ampl r~o~ltI OIOH ampt n~-Cat ~u n

bullbullbull bull OubullNClobullbull VM bullttP~~l Pin ProtHtlon odatton(IIPamp) Cla11 I atlnpbMro (oarbea bulltaw ebee1oal or rJ deotlned to utlllplal IPPamp CA11 1a~le aUII tUbull

1141 bull~uoooufOIIOt bullbull os oontalnerl tlctlt17 elo1t behte t tleat1 olbulltrloal i~d~nt 1perkl and opea n- Cled oontWr bull1 aplede upo_ to utroJM

-middotmiddot bull not bullPPll te Mt INIfMIIo

camp GobullbullocbulloIU Vtar MJ bt lnoffbullUno Vater MJ lilt bullMd to oool elo-cl oontaWr~ ta llvUdllp and peul~le avtosampnitloa or uplad ften upoMd ta _ t U tar 11 ued foe Mlllll are ~~

-2 = =

I I r


bullObullDbull v~o ut So Sction II - uobull ovo lftbalaUon1 poundnuthoUc lriUotton of tho nap1Joato17 tract or acut

UI ta dopreu1on charoctariud by headaeho diniMU 8toampllbullrillc 1~1t eonluio~ bullnconaoio11aneoo or ea

Sldll or t Conttet1 Prluf1 1Jr1taUon

111101uonoccoubulln ha1 -bullbullbullbull troa upGampIlNo a1toN breaUtnc rap wan arwl qlampiot Not1J) a Phyt1 c1an Splaah (oah nveh t-edhtal7 vith oopiou quntttiu o NMinamp vator tor at lent 15 at rNtal fob to a ~lldon for dofillitin -dical tnataent Spluh ( tkin ) l RMn with aoop and votar -ern contampllinatd clot1111c


or D bullbull~ bullbulluH CJl ~ COlto nl1 oOhiTOOIO IIA cobullmiddotbull middot bull~ _ lA on~ ltco fsotl(lto~ooucu Kay produce hasardo111 -bull when beatcl o deobullpotitlon u 1n ldinlo 1ampMa M7 eontamptn oorbon onuido and ozidoo of rUtrocon

DOUI ro D -cxCbull [I) 1001 OCCUII t Uoo~olo0 510 amp0bull0 li

Soc l ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES o elbulluloobulltlo~ ~middotuoo~bullmiddotbull bullto _a l acnareea ot lenition (tlampMa Ut nrtaoaa

and elMtrioal NUc or trieUonal aperkl) Abulloid bnath111c ftpora Ventilate bull _ riU 1Mrt ab10Jbent and ntnbulllpampllclftl toell

-sllObulls~os oo Dto t 1ft aooordance rith looal 1We and federal UUoftlo Ill Mt WtMrae tloS eontdnero

bullnbullbullbulluobulln OH ~obullbullOft CN oar or op~n ampNal uH u o 1 bullPPNd cbampaieal tUtotr lraw te Nlld ail borne partloles t era ctwtnc IJIH7 applloaUen 1ft Notrtetecl ftftllalM bull a t lllnoa bull~amplMnteal tuwnbullbullsee- t a e-suen t Jllrtilate and tn t1aecl et _ ail lSM tJPO Pin- bull

_ bull 1001 1eMPal dUbull Uon or lbullal aUdt wntUtlon 1ft wl Ulll ttern te Dep fLY et bullbullt illlredlent ill Stlon ll -14M ueewble liatt 111 1n IMtion U beleN NW Uatt and te _ dMaitlon flillhaetl ftr1ltc nldilll or n nttlftc en IVfao wwttlttUat

OflttovC tl0yen11 dlelil tu lefllod Or Ntacl Uto bullbullbull Hlouebullo u lamplef bullicMII to ut acaiNt ~a et uu OloofiiHIOIIC11yen1l0Ui-f iOI ftt 1 ed lkin Oontaot ftUI 0011wa1nltd ala

OIMIII bullbulltuuuooot Ill Mt taa iftemaUr Cantdnart ehOlld a peuiiiS bull n pourlnco amp-old tJM tall at l~dcl b -bull11 ot a r W~bullmiddot Ill not na n t brau bull tel riUovt us t MMt t sprater er appnpriae Nnt1latloft

r I -


rshy-2 = =

Seclion I

oobulltn 460 Boetwick Ave

tWHIGlW(~ItlfiHO l O (20)) )))-158



M-WIfACIIIlUCO~~~ol(a~yen7rt_d~ r~ lWIIf~ r rmiddotlf11 ~r(_


poundJlmiddot 3lo middot ~ ampbull~ tl~~~

z~~_ A ~

t s ~ lfnt P-4~

tSCmiddot JlO middotUjs~~A--~

1bull Sl


7-7 T~QA ($Cmiddot 3 IJrn-ltt~o t~~IN

Bv~ bull t-1 psbullbull t9e o 7

Sect ion Ill shy PHYSICAL DATA

n ca O OIIIllltbullbullbullbullbullbull

D bullbullbullbullbull Gbull~owbullbullmiddot l lltiiiCI I-amp1111 J~ll -tICIWIIIIII tol r)l rJI4JI ou middotbullbulluo-t ~n I


DObullcbull~toobull NtfhfhtAbullLbull L1 Pfllbull -~~~~rtUt m U

-otiOOO WLOIbull VH bulltteMl n ProteeUon aothUMt(IIPPA) Clate I ntlllltllthort (ea_ bulllbullatde G7 ehtaltal er t ) ftllcMd e Ullll ClabullbullIB ~- lJitaid ttna


Ir I


otwcbullbullooorobullt~bullbullobullocnvtt ~Ill Re~a free IJtpolllNo AntoN braathinc o leap eara and quht MoUf7 1 ftlytichn Spluh (aah Pl~aah ~latlt wlUI oopicNa qtUntiUu of nMi va tu for at leut 15 aimtu Tab to a N11ehn for dattnlUn Mdieal tnat-nt Spluh (akinh Rnobullbull dth aoap and water _ tantMlNtd eloUJnc


~Ollie~~~-~~loMo l CONIIONII0AW0t0 JA

bullofu tcco~ICraquoooOoucll M17 produce huardo111 tullea when heated te d1o011potition 11 1n wald1q Put llay contln obon bullnodda and ozidaa of llitfoocan


otout Sea Setl II touobullovubullo~osubullc lnhabttont ampnuthat1e lrrltatton of tha naplrato traot or ao~att nea111 tabull1 daaalon eharaotrlud b7 ~adaoha d1ampamp1Maa1 bulltcabullrJnc aai1 oontallon

-1amp1100111 0t IIIIIOII()ot tJbullbull~CLIII CXJwtH NOIOCCUII



ftbull=~~~~-=~ro~ -~ti---u=--~~1~-~ reotrtoW ftfltlloln bullbullbull aartou of KlMI olaMtoal__tl t1ltere hill t o oMiMUon of parttldo aNI 1bullbull Ull r tlaM bullbullbull et IUneo _ air liM t Ntplnt bull

_ Proottlh IbullMId bulluoucm or leod bullbullbullbullt nntUatle 1ft nt IIIII turn te Dop TLY tf bullbullt Murdnt uont 1ft SOUon D tlbull onoptablo ltlt tiL lft SUon 11 Mlow tttM lbitt and t ~ -tuu acta ftr1llc tdlllc n- nttlnc en tvfacu bullbullbullted tbull

OtiC II~bull etovu ilquirM tor loncM tr NplotH oentut IOlfIIICUftuON UH NliJ lc o pnee qamplftlt laidl r l~Qdl 01H(fllftOIICIIyen110Ytl~l t IIIlOMid lkift IOfttaet WlJ lntaiftaed llltJI1nlo


Oit lhtc~ ampU OOI~ to ReaGI amp~1 fftNII ef tcnttton (flAMel1 hot nrfacot and olecblul atatle 1 or frlfUond o~rkl) Abullotd breotlllftl qpora YontUot aroa _ bullUII inert ob1orMnt and nen-lpuldnc toeb

_ DilpeM of 1n oocord1neo with 1Mal1 otata and t rd CIloilont 2 shyIll not 1nc1Mr~te doted eontalllera = =~


--r -- -


middot _bullbull VIDbullbullbullbullbullbullbull~ middot-t bullbull bullmiddotmiddot-middotbull middotbull middotbullbull CI shy


-uoottuntlll ~ VolteJ Col~nJt lne

fllbulloobullnu 460 Bo1twiek Av~


middot-middot~middotmiddot 1


Seclion Ill- PHYSICAL DATA bullIOtiOllflllbull tij D~bullOliiiTNo


OICILshy DH llttenel ru Proteetion beodatioft(llrIA) Cla11 I et1111ahero (e~rllol diondo oMaital or r) d011cnod to nttno1ch nabull~ lJqdd tiJo=

vl u+amprobulluototrflot bullobulluuot IMp eonta1nnt t1ampbtl7 ohted Inlate t_ ~t olee trieal C1Ui~nt 1parkl and open flUo Cloeed tontAlMr bull1 epledo _ apoeo4 to ~ hut r Nit aPP13 te bot nrtoeoo

c oo 0 ocriMIIIo(tVoter lpry ampfM 1Mffoctino Wator - _ bullbulled to eool eloeod eontrrillno to preTont JIIampI b-J1ldup and Plsitgtlo elto13n1t1on or Lplooion rllon Oppod to orttHo Hat U water 11 ued loa Mdoo are JlfCilerabb

l bull ~


= = -ill


Ir I

-~tion V- HEALTH HIZAAO 0~ ----------~~~~~~~~~------------- obull obull Soo S~tion II 1 or (lbull o~rnu~ovnc lnhalatioiU AnuthoUe lrritrUon of tho napirato17 tract or eeutG

rrouJ Jhll doprsion e~Ntracbrbod by htadeho diuineu bulltAzsorlnamp c~it eontuJion ~onJeioucno~a or cou

Sldn or tye Contact1 Prilnar7 1rr1tttion I bull ocbullbullo w bull bullbull bull bull bullo bull IIOCi ov~u - Pe-~~ ~~ O~lllNo llo1toN bresthirzo JCcop tl end Ji

C~U iot NoU7 a Phydcian Splash (oyus)l tlueh ~ictoly with oopiol1 qtUntiUeo of rllnlinc vo~or for at loot 1 ~ a1nutu Teb to a P~711c1on for doinitho ~diel trac~-ont Spleh (sldn)l Rtt11on with 1oap and voter R=c~To contudMtod clotblnco f0

========================~====~~================== Section VI- REACTIVITY DATA

~~~9~~~middot~~middotbullbulln l conbull bullIOIO oo NA

onu- l lto ~os bull bull obullbull oouciS Jolay produce haordouo fampMea bullhen heatod to dcco~peo1t1en lS 1n yen)ldS o F4ltHI lu1 conhin carbon noOXi de and oxidet o n1tiOot

bullbulloo us robull bullbullbulllampIIO O o~cu~ Cl) wbullu occubull

CV~bullo01 f OampWOtO )fA

$oct ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ampltiIIOtt gtht C ~ Hamp I IIUamp 11 1 111 bull U11 00111 ~tU t0 lbacrro ali fOampPCOI olicftitiOft (f~)~f hOt UftCI2D

~tnd olcetrieal etat1e or frictional bullparkl) Abulloid bJooUlinl oporo YontUcto crca P~Con 1U 1nort abrbo)nt and Mnmiddot~ldnc toell

bullbullnobullso~bulltoc Oiopoeo It ill eocord~bull with looal 1ttte and tldoral rc~tions 1gtraquo not Uc1nrato clotod contaitlorh - 2

Seclion VIII- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION libullbullbull CtUuo lli out4oor or op~n ~At uco WCebull Of fi1Me ampPPfOd ~hDic~ Cltor =

P1rtor o reeoTo 80l1cl dr boPno pcJt1clobull of rorprq dvirc oprat ampJlic~cn In ~riotM 911ntilot1n uou bullbullbull IJfIIOU ot 111MA oJIPICd cb=tcal~hniocl til tr~ = ddnd to lftOft o orbinat1on of prtinloto oM 101 ud bullopor In oont1nod ot-e uo Eurov of n1M1 bullPPIed ail Uno t roeplnon Mea -

lllgtftltampIIO JHorid1 llrmal dildion OJ lctt2 maUl ftfttlletlen in ft- ud pettcm to kotp fY ot eott buUOCou1 lltlrodiont 1n Scotton II bolcrr aocopteblo l11t Ll 1n 1-o~on n ooCt t-to~ ll=1t and to rocrn doooapo11t1on plllhoU dv1n wel41lta or tll=t nttlnc en Crect cctX ~~ We p~ct

~bullcwc Gt own L--tv1rocl tw prolonattd or npeaW ooataot CfOOtf Dn ~alo7 doeipod o rrotoot apinlt 1a0 of liqddl OIIUfiOIICIII0U1 _lftt prolonccf lldn 0~act with 0011~od OOtb1J1o


Ol lll fUU I OOOII Do not tab intornaUr Contdnen bullhOIIld be cftnded ~ povrtn kroid ret tell of liquid in ccoet of a Cn triau Do not tlmo nt bno w nld rithott us lu It ll1not ampPJIIIWed respirator or priat ftntilaUtm

I r I

LSC - 37 0- t)R7 K 10


IAIgt~tOyentd bw U Sr DellbullttHnt of Lbulltoor Enenthlll Si lil to torbull OSHA~20l


101 Probull~bullct A~enubull NW Clevelandbull Ohio bull~115



I NF OR M TI ON TELE PHO NE NO 11-Feb-85 (216gt 506-2902

bullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullwbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull rrr~ abullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull Section I - - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ---middot----------- -------------------------------------------------------------middot


PRODUC T HA11E OPEX Laeouer Thinner


-bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullbull lla-aa-bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sbullction J I -- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTamp 181100 rocon nHPII TlHl113 m vP

-------middot------middot-------------------------------------------------------------middotmiddot 100 064742-lt-1 Ll o AllPhllic Hldrocubon Sohbullnlo o 3l 4o sJo 300 1310 09 120 l Po Mllthhl o64742-41-9 v middot

I~ 100 JS 0 2010111-3 Toluene 30middot20middot hhnt

ltS 200 260 o 92 0 iii shys 100 43 10 67middot56-1 hanoi 64-17-S Uhanol s 1000 1900 33 440

IbullIJbull1 2MthulbullIbullPtUtlnol ltS so ISO 12

111-76middot2 2-luoc tlhanol ltS 2S 120 1 1 middot0 6 = 67middot64middot1 Acttonto 750 =20 1730 2 110 0

uo-41-0 tllhvl n-hvl ltttont ltS so 23S I 2 1

110bull19bull0 hobuhl Act1tbull s m 700 13 125 --middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot~middotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot8bulletton III -- ~HY8ICAL DATA -------------middot---middot-------middot--------------middot----middotmiddot-----middot-----middot--------middot--------middot


132 - 340 1000 6 oSi 8ctton IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZA~D DATA ------middot-------------------------------middot---------------middot---------------middot------shy


Ill LAJ(L - blnHlv Fhcbhr Fluh bdow 21 F EXTINGUIIHlNI EDIA

Cuben lild dtr lrv Chuicalr Fon UNU I UAL UtE AN D IXLOSION HAZ AJP DS

Itt cettliMII t l hll v cloud h oht frobull hn l r thc ri cal ttuifbulllwr IP~rksr and orenf bullbullbullmiddot Clod conl i ntrl u t Mrl odbull t~hln tJ~fond to bullxtnu hta l Al tliulion a ho Tbullcbullbull rteolir u I Ptc i ll ocauUons Durinl eurtcmL concfilions n oruulurbull lv o s ition l rocfuch u v uulit bull htalth hnardo Svbull rI)U u w nut be l cJit~1 annt

Gbhtn edt u l bull U onU on SPEC IAL FIRpound flGHTlHG PROCEDURES


Full roteclvt uubbullonl includinl lielfmiddotconhintcf tlttolhinl I PIU n UI shuulcf bt uud Wl1r _ _ bt Jnt ff t clhtbull Jf wahr h ut~~llr fl)sl nnln bull n rnferallt w~er uw be u11d o ~otl cltlld conhint n lo Prlyent nl lrtnurv tgtuild-u 1nd fUUillc auuilntUuh or


R7 I( 120 OIEU cault Th in111tt



~CUTE In 1 conhnbulld trtto VilrDrt Ho hlllbull cone1ntuicm ilr anllthPic Clvcrvxrourt bullbull01111 ruuH in l ilhthtouJtdntbullts 1nd slJIJtlnl uii lrr i hnt t o l~ ln ampHod urmiddot ~rr ttlofgt1tltOtll lol ll itll bull

CHRONI C Re~orh havr U IOd l hd nrtthd 1nd rrolcmarti ovvrc J ~OIU n tu nlYtnh with ~bullrbullbull nln brtin omJ mtrvouO Sltfl dlbullllllo

poundHERGEHCY Ml[l FI RST AIIl fFDCEIIURES It INHbullLED If afhehd t ruuvr frobull rxrosurr R~sott bN ithinsl lt on SKIN Wuh 1fftchd arr1 tlbullorouahh with tuo and w~b r

Ruovl cllnhbull i nctrd c lothint and hurrittmiddot btrurt rbullmiddotu~ol If in EYES Fl~otdl CV1 t~~ith hru ounh of wotc r fur 15 a i nuteO

Gtt ercl i cal lt h nlil)n Jf SIUIILLOWEtt Ntvtr Civt nvLhirol tov euutlo to 1r1 uncorgtdou cnon

lJDHITJNG ampivt toCvtl ll JtlnlO-s of worhr Sttd udi cill

bullbulle~ton VI -- REACTIVITY


Jw fire C1rbon Diodcltbull Co11rtoon bullnoxidt HAlAJi[IOUI POLYUUATJON -- ~h )) Hot DtClH


tin w1r1 11tU ouict

DD HDT JN[IUCE -ltntiun

-2 = bullbulle~ion VII -- SPILL OR LE~K PROCEDURES

STEPS TO IE TAtEH IN Cf3[ 11-THIIIL IS JiELEIISFD OR SfJLLpound[1 luovt 111 tournt of ilnihon lJtntiliLc cmi ruovc with inert ob1urbcnt

wbullITE DIIPOIAL bullnHOD Jndnuttc in lbullrovttl htilitv llo nll incinertLbull cluud conhinr Dhluc or in

ttcorcltMt tth 1 lhh1 tnd Loco11l ruul1Uons r~rcHnll nlhUon


R[CAUTIOHI TO J[ TAKEN JN USE Uu onh with tHeutte venUlampUon Avoid bruthinll vciCII tnd bull iiL Avo1d contrat

with tUn and lleth hinds lfttt usinJ Y[NTILIITION

Lout t xhtutt nhuttlt Gen~nl uhcust occ~bullhllh if Lht u~ Lo utt rich in ltction JJ h llinhlntd btlow liclblv urott~rt lblh htt r to OIHII StmdUs tt1o u lflOt07 lflOlOI R[IIRATORY PROTECTION

Jf bulltrsenll osurt ~bullnnu bt controlltd btlow IPflhitbh JJaih bw wrntil1Uonbull wur rtlhltottl dtY i ct llltovtd tov HJOSH SHA tot ftohctiun lsl l inst a1tnhh in Stct10n II PROTtCTI YE ILDIJU

Yt1r lltvtt whi~h rt nrolndtd h t lo~c ~~ u fo r roLttUo 11iampin1t aohbullrhh i 11 l tttlon u EYE rliOTECTION

lttlf ufth tchdtt with unntorettd s i cltshitlds


- r -

R7 Kbull 120

0-----middot------~~~-~~~--~~-=---~~~-~~~-~~~----------- -------- ------- ------ middot JL STORAGE CATEGORY -- 18

FRECAUTlDNS TO JE TA KEN IN HANDLING AND STOfU HG tonttnh lrt UTfpound1tpoundLY HAKAJLpound Kttr IW ~J frat lttltbull 11 bull 11rk~obull t nd 01bulltn tli

Utron will tuutu1tlt rt iiiIJlw ~uu 1 11 nih I JI lutiYI l w Dutinbull uu and unill IU or~ tn tune CUI arvt vvrbulltil t~tll - Do nut nu loc shy

bti nlu ilh all fhUit 10ilot llhtio unci hlltor - Turn otr o ullotlo Cillctdc ~ucb tnd tPrlitncn bull end 11n1 othtr tourct t of hnition

ContuU tlfPA Codtbull Un rovtd lundinl tnd amproundinl Pttbullctdurtt K ronttintr cloud whrn not in uttbull Ttanshr onllt tu ubullrrovrU ~onhintori with cut llttt

tnd tlltOrittt hbtlina Do not h~ e inhrndh ht out of tltl ruch or childttn OTHER PRECAUTIONS

IntenUanll dsuu bv dtlibttOJtth conctntraUno and lnlulinl tht conhnh can bv hbullnfvl or tallo

-2 =

Tht tltavt tntaruttan ltttains ta thh todud u currtntlu torbullulattch and b b~ud an the inhraatlan aYilhbh tt Uus the Addition ot tlfbullJuutt or othet addiUvu ~o thu ltotlud bullbullw suamptstanUtlh elttt the coOIOiiUon ard haurdo et thbull lt~o~duct lnct conditiOn of uu Itt bullutddt our contr~Jb we n kt no vernnU1111 ron h iUtdbull - Ui111C no


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

I I r


bullObullDbull v~o ut So Sction II - uobull ovo lftbalaUon1 poundnuthoUc lriUotton of tho nap1Joato17 tract or acut

UI ta dopreu1on charoctariud by headaeho diniMU 8toampllbullrillc 1~1t eonluio~ bullnconaoio11aneoo or ea

Sldll or t Conttet1 Prluf1 1Jr1taUon

111101uonoccoubulln ha1 -bullbullbullbull troa upGampIlNo a1toN breaUtnc rap wan arwl qlampiot Not1J) a Phyt1 c1an Splaah (oah nveh t-edhtal7 vith oopiou quntttiu o NMinamp vator tor at lent 15 at rNtal fob to a ~lldon for dofillitin -dical tnataent Spluh ( tkin ) l RMn with aoop and votar -ern contampllinatd clot1111c


or D bullbull~ bullbulluH CJl ~ COlto nl1 oOhiTOOIO IIA cobullmiddotbull middot bull~ _ lA on~ ltco fsotl(lto~ooucu Kay produce hasardo111 -bull when beatcl o deobullpotitlon u 1n ldinlo 1ampMa M7 eontamptn oorbon onuido and ozidoo of rUtrocon

DOUI ro D -cxCbull [I) 1001 OCCUII t Uoo~olo0 510 amp0bull0 li

Soc l ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES o elbulluloobulltlo~ ~middotuoo~bullmiddotbull bullto _a l acnareea ot lenition (tlampMa Ut nrtaoaa

and elMtrioal NUc or trieUonal aperkl) Abulloid bnath111c ftpora Ventilate bull _ riU 1Mrt ab10Jbent and ntnbulllpampllclftl toell

-sllObulls~os oo Dto t 1ft aooordance rith looal 1We and federal UUoftlo Ill Mt WtMrae tloS eontdnero

bullnbullbullbulluobulln OH ~obullbullOft CN oar or op~n ampNal uH u o 1 bullPPNd cbampaieal tUtotr lraw te Nlld ail borne partloles t era ctwtnc IJIH7 applloaUen 1ft Notrtetecl ftftllalM bull a t lllnoa bull~amplMnteal tuwnbullbullsee- t a e-suen t Jllrtilate and tn t1aecl et _ ail lSM tJPO Pin- bull

_ bull 1001 1eMPal dUbull Uon or lbullal aUdt wntUtlon 1ft wl Ulll ttern te Dep fLY et bullbullt illlredlent ill Stlon ll -14M ueewble liatt 111 1n IMtion U beleN NW Uatt and te _ dMaitlon flillhaetl ftr1ltc nldilll or n nttlftc en IVfao wwttlttUat

OflttovC tl0yen11 dlelil tu lefllod Or Ntacl Uto bullbullbull Hlouebullo u lamplef bullicMII to ut acaiNt ~a et uu OloofiiHIOIIC11yen1l0Ui-f iOI ftt 1 ed lkin Oontaot ftUI 0011wa1nltd ala

OIMIII bullbulltuuuooot Ill Mt taa iftemaUr Cantdnart ehOlld a peuiiiS bull n pourlnco amp-old tJM tall at l~dcl b -bull11 ot a r W~bullmiddot Ill not na n t brau bull tel riUovt us t MMt t sprater er appnpriae Nnt1latloft

r I -


rshy-2 = =

Seclion I

oobulltn 460 Boetwick Ave

tWHIGlW(~ItlfiHO l O (20)) )))-158



M-WIfACIIIlUCO~~~ol(a~yen7rt_d~ r~ lWIIf~ r rmiddotlf11 ~r(_


poundJlmiddot 3lo middot ~ ampbull~ tl~~~

z~~_ A ~

t s ~ lfnt P-4~

tSCmiddot JlO middotUjs~~A--~

1bull Sl


7-7 T~QA ($Cmiddot 3 IJrn-ltt~o t~~IN

Bv~ bull t-1 psbullbull t9e o 7

Sect ion Ill shy PHYSICAL DATA

n ca O OIIIllltbullbullbullbullbullbull

D bullbullbullbullbull Gbull~owbullbullmiddot l lltiiiCI I-amp1111 J~ll -tICIWIIIIII tol r)l rJI4JI ou middotbullbulluo-t ~n I


DObullcbull~toobull NtfhfhtAbullLbull L1 Pfllbull -~~~~rtUt m U

-otiOOO WLOIbull VH bulltteMl n ProteeUon aothUMt(IIPPA) Clate I ntlllltllthort (ea_ bulllbullatde G7 ehtaltal er t ) ftllcMd e Ullll ClabullbullIB ~- lJitaid ttna


Ir I


otwcbullbullooorobullt~bullbullobullocnvtt ~Ill Re~a free IJtpolllNo AntoN braathinc o leap eara and quht MoUf7 1 ftlytichn Spluh (aah Pl~aah ~latlt wlUI oopicNa qtUntiUu of nMi va tu for at leut 15 aimtu Tab to a N11ehn for dattnlUn Mdieal tnat-nt Spluh (akinh Rnobullbull dth aoap and water _ tantMlNtd eloUJnc


~Ollie~~~-~~loMo l CONIIONII0AW0t0 JA

bullofu tcco~ICraquoooOoucll M17 produce huardo111 tullea when heated te d1o011potition 11 1n wald1q Put llay contln obon bullnodda and ozidaa of llitfoocan


otout Sea Setl II touobullovubullo~osubullc lnhabttont ampnuthat1e lrrltatton of tha naplrato traot or ao~att nea111 tabull1 daaalon eharaotrlud b7 ~adaoha d1ampamp1Maa1 bulltcabullrJnc aai1 oontallon

-1amp1100111 0t IIIIIOII()ot tJbullbull~CLIII CXJwtH NOIOCCUII



ftbull=~~~~-=~ro~ -~ti---u=--~~1~-~ reotrtoW ftfltlloln bullbullbull aartou of KlMI olaMtoal__tl t1ltere hill t o oMiMUon of parttldo aNI 1bullbull Ull r tlaM bullbullbull et IUneo _ air liM t Ntplnt bull

_ Proottlh IbullMId bulluoucm or leod bullbullbullbullt nntUatle 1ft nt IIIII turn te Dop TLY tf bullbullt Murdnt uont 1ft SOUon D tlbull onoptablo ltlt tiL lft SUon 11 Mlow tttM lbitt and t ~ -tuu acta ftr1llc tdlllc n- nttlnc en tvfacu bullbullbullted tbull

OtiC II~bull etovu ilquirM tor loncM tr NplotH oentut IOlfIIICUftuON UH NliJ lc o pnee qamplftlt laidl r l~Qdl 01H(fllftOIICIIyen110Ytl~l t IIIlOMid lkift IOfttaet WlJ lntaiftaed llltJI1nlo


Oit lhtc~ ampU OOI~ to ReaGI amp~1 fftNII ef tcnttton (flAMel1 hot nrfacot and olecblul atatle 1 or frlfUond o~rkl) Abullotd breotlllftl qpora YontUot aroa _ bullUII inert ob1orMnt and nen-lpuldnc toeb

_ DilpeM of 1n oocord1neo with 1Mal1 otata and t rd CIloilont 2 shyIll not 1nc1Mr~te doted eontalllera = =~


--r -- -


middot _bullbull VIDbullbullbullbullbullbullbull~ middot-t bullbull bullmiddotmiddot-middotbull middotbull middotbullbull CI shy


-uoottuntlll ~ VolteJ Col~nJt lne

fllbulloobullnu 460 Bo1twiek Av~


middot-middot~middotmiddot 1


Seclion Ill- PHYSICAL DATA bullIOtiOllflllbull tij D~bullOliiiTNo


OICILshy DH llttenel ru Proteetion beodatioft(llrIA) Cla11 I et1111ahero (e~rllol diondo oMaital or r) d011cnod to nttno1ch nabull~ lJqdd tiJo=

vl u+amprobulluototrflot bullobulluuot IMp eonta1nnt t1ampbtl7 ohted Inlate t_ ~t olee trieal C1Ui~nt 1parkl and open flUo Cloeed tontAlMr bull1 epledo _ apoeo4 to ~ hut r Nit aPP13 te bot nrtoeoo

c oo 0 ocriMIIIo(tVoter lpry ampfM 1Mffoctino Wator - _ bullbulled to eool eloeod eontrrillno to preTont JIIampI b-J1ldup and Plsitgtlo elto13n1t1on or Lplooion rllon Oppod to orttHo Hat U water 11 ued loa Mdoo are JlfCilerabb

l bull ~


= = -ill


Ir I

-~tion V- HEALTH HIZAAO 0~ ----------~~~~~~~~~------------- obull obull Soo S~tion II 1 or (lbull o~rnu~ovnc lnhalatioiU AnuthoUe lrritrUon of tho napirato17 tract or eeutG

rrouJ Jhll doprsion e~Ntracbrbod by htadeho diuineu bulltAzsorlnamp c~it eontuJion ~onJeioucno~a or cou

Sldn or tye Contact1 Prilnar7 1rr1tttion I bull ocbullbullo w bull bullbull bull bull bullo bull IIOCi ov~u - Pe-~~ ~~ O~lllNo llo1toN bresthirzo JCcop tl end Ji

C~U iot NoU7 a Phydcian Splash (oyus)l tlueh ~ictoly with oopiol1 qtUntiUeo of rllnlinc vo~or for at loot 1 ~ a1nutu Teb to a P~711c1on for doinitho ~diel trac~-ont Spleh (sldn)l Rtt11on with 1oap and voter R=c~To contudMtod clotblnco f0

========================~====~~================== Section VI- REACTIVITY DATA

~~~9~~~middot~~middotbullbulln l conbull bullIOIO oo NA

onu- l lto ~os bull bull obullbull oouciS Jolay produce haordouo fampMea bullhen heatod to dcco~peo1t1en lS 1n yen)ldS o F4ltHI lu1 conhin carbon noOXi de and oxidet o n1tiOot

bullbulloo us robull bullbullbulllampIIO O o~cu~ Cl) wbullu occubull

CV~bullo01 f OampWOtO )fA

$oct ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ampltiIIOtt gtht C ~ Hamp I IIUamp 11 1 111 bull U11 00111 ~tU t0 lbacrro ali fOampPCOI olicftitiOft (f~)~f hOt UftCI2D

~tnd olcetrieal etat1e or frictional bullparkl) Abulloid bJooUlinl oporo YontUcto crca P~Con 1U 1nort abrbo)nt and Mnmiddot~ldnc toell

bullbullnobullso~bulltoc Oiopoeo It ill eocord~bull with looal 1ttte and tldoral rc~tions 1gtraquo not Uc1nrato clotod contaitlorh - 2

Seclion VIII- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION libullbullbull CtUuo lli out4oor or op~n ~At uco WCebull Of fi1Me ampPPfOd ~hDic~ Cltor =

P1rtor o reeoTo 80l1cl dr boPno pcJt1clobull of rorprq dvirc oprat ampJlic~cn In ~riotM 911ntilot1n uou bullbullbull IJfIIOU ot 111MA oJIPICd cb=tcal~hniocl til tr~ = ddnd to lftOft o orbinat1on of prtinloto oM 101 ud bullopor In oont1nod ot-e uo Eurov of n1M1 bullPPIed ail Uno t roeplnon Mea -

lllgtftltampIIO JHorid1 llrmal dildion OJ lctt2 maUl ftfttlletlen in ft- ud pettcm to kotp fY ot eott buUOCou1 lltlrodiont 1n Scotton II bolcrr aocopteblo l11t Ll 1n 1-o~on n ooCt t-to~ ll=1t and to rocrn doooapo11t1on plllhoU dv1n wel41lta or tll=t nttlnc en Crect cctX ~~ We p~ct

~bullcwc Gt own L--tv1rocl tw prolonattd or npeaW ooataot CfOOtf Dn ~alo7 doeipod o rrotoot apinlt 1a0 of liqddl OIIUfiOIICIII0U1 _lftt prolonccf lldn 0~act with 0011~od OOtb1J1o


Ol lll fUU I OOOII Do not tab intornaUr Contdnen bullhOIIld be cftnded ~ povrtn kroid ret tell of liquid in ccoet of a Cn triau Do not tlmo nt bno w nld rithott us lu It ll1not ampPJIIIWed respirator or priat ftntilaUtm

I r I

LSC - 37 0- t)R7 K 10


IAIgt~tOyentd bw U Sr DellbullttHnt of Lbulltoor Enenthlll Si lil to torbull OSHA~20l


101 Probull~bullct A~enubull NW Clevelandbull Ohio bull~115



I NF OR M TI ON TELE PHO NE NO 11-Feb-85 (216gt 506-2902

bullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullwbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull rrr~ abullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull Section I - - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ---middot----------- -------------------------------------------------------------middot


PRODUC T HA11E OPEX Laeouer Thinner


-bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullbull lla-aa-bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sbullction J I -- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTamp 181100 rocon nHPII TlHl113 m vP

-------middot------middot-------------------------------------------------------------middotmiddot 100 064742-lt-1 Ll o AllPhllic Hldrocubon Sohbullnlo o 3l 4o sJo 300 1310 09 120 l Po Mllthhl o64742-41-9 v middot

I~ 100 JS 0 2010111-3 Toluene 30middot20middot hhnt

ltS 200 260 o 92 0 iii shys 100 43 10 67middot56-1 hanoi 64-17-S Uhanol s 1000 1900 33 440

IbullIJbull1 2MthulbullIbullPtUtlnol ltS so ISO 12

111-76middot2 2-luoc tlhanol ltS 2S 120 1 1 middot0 6 = 67middot64middot1 Acttonto 750 =20 1730 2 110 0

uo-41-0 tllhvl n-hvl ltttont ltS so 23S I 2 1

110bull19bull0 hobuhl Act1tbull s m 700 13 125 --middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot~middotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot8bulletton III -- ~HY8ICAL DATA -------------middot---middot-------middot--------------middot----middotmiddot-----middot-----middot--------middot--------middot


132 - 340 1000 6 oSi 8ctton IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZA~D DATA ------middot-------------------------------middot---------------middot---------------middot------shy


Ill LAJ(L - blnHlv Fhcbhr Fluh bdow 21 F EXTINGUIIHlNI EDIA

Cuben lild dtr lrv Chuicalr Fon UNU I UAL UtE AN D IXLOSION HAZ AJP DS

Itt cettliMII t l hll v cloud h oht frobull hn l r thc ri cal ttuifbulllwr IP~rksr and orenf bullbullbullmiddot Clod conl i ntrl u t Mrl odbull t~hln tJ~fond to bullxtnu hta l Al tliulion a ho Tbullcbullbull rteolir u I Ptc i ll ocauUons Durinl eurtcmL concfilions n oruulurbull lv o s ition l rocfuch u v uulit bull htalth hnardo Svbull rI)U u w nut be l cJit~1 annt

Gbhtn edt u l bull U onU on SPEC IAL FIRpound flGHTlHG PROCEDURES


Full roteclvt uubbullonl includinl lielfmiddotconhintcf tlttolhinl I PIU n UI shuulcf bt uud Wl1r _ _ bt Jnt ff t clhtbull Jf wahr h ut~~llr fl)sl nnln bull n rnferallt w~er uw be u11d o ~otl cltlld conhint n lo Prlyent nl lrtnurv tgtuild-u 1nd fUUillc auuilntUuh or


R7 I( 120 OIEU cault Th in111tt



~CUTE In 1 conhnbulld trtto VilrDrt Ho hlllbull cone1ntuicm ilr anllthPic Clvcrvxrourt bullbull01111 ruuH in l ilhthtouJtdntbullts 1nd slJIJtlnl uii lrr i hnt t o l~ ln ampHod urmiddot ~rr ttlofgt1tltOtll lol ll itll bull

CHRONI C Re~orh havr U IOd l hd nrtthd 1nd rrolcmarti ovvrc J ~OIU n tu nlYtnh with ~bullrbullbull nln brtin omJ mtrvouO Sltfl dlbullllllo

poundHERGEHCY Ml[l FI RST AIIl fFDCEIIURES It INHbullLED If afhehd t ruuvr frobull rxrosurr R~sott bN ithinsl lt on SKIN Wuh 1fftchd arr1 tlbullorouahh with tuo and w~b r

Ruovl cllnhbull i nctrd c lothint and hurrittmiddot btrurt rbullmiddotu~ol If in EYES Fl~otdl CV1 t~~ith hru ounh of wotc r fur 15 a i nuteO

Gtt ercl i cal lt h nlil)n Jf SIUIILLOWEtt Ntvtr Civt nvLhirol tov euutlo to 1r1 uncorgtdou cnon

lJDHITJNG ampivt toCvtl ll JtlnlO-s of worhr Sttd udi cill

bullbulle~ton VI -- REACTIVITY


Jw fire C1rbon Diodcltbull Co11rtoon bullnoxidt HAlAJi[IOUI POLYUUATJON -- ~h )) Hot DtClH


tin w1r1 11tU ouict

DD HDT JN[IUCE -ltntiun

-2 = bullbulle~ion VII -- SPILL OR LE~K PROCEDURES

STEPS TO IE TAtEH IN Cf3[ 11-THIIIL IS JiELEIISFD OR SfJLLpound[1 luovt 111 tournt of ilnihon lJtntiliLc cmi ruovc with inert ob1urbcnt

wbullITE DIIPOIAL bullnHOD Jndnuttc in lbullrovttl htilitv llo nll incinertLbull cluud conhinr Dhluc or in

ttcorcltMt tth 1 lhh1 tnd Loco11l ruul1Uons r~rcHnll nlhUon


R[CAUTIOHI TO J[ TAKEN JN USE Uu onh with tHeutte venUlampUon Avoid bruthinll vciCII tnd bull iiL Avo1d contrat

with tUn and lleth hinds lfttt usinJ Y[NTILIITION

Lout t xhtutt nhuttlt Gen~nl uhcust occ~bullhllh if Lht u~ Lo utt rich in ltction JJ h llinhlntd btlow liclblv urott~rt lblh htt r to OIHII StmdUs tt1o u lflOt07 lflOlOI R[IIRATORY PROTECTION

Jf bulltrsenll osurt ~bullnnu bt controlltd btlow IPflhitbh JJaih bw wrntil1Uonbull wur rtlhltottl dtY i ct llltovtd tov HJOSH SHA tot ftohctiun lsl l inst a1tnhh in Stct10n II PROTtCTI YE ILDIJU

Yt1r lltvtt whi~h rt nrolndtd h t lo~c ~~ u fo r roLttUo 11iampin1t aohbullrhh i 11 l tttlon u EYE rliOTECTION

lttlf ufth tchdtt with unntorettd s i cltshitlds


- r -

R7 Kbull 120

0-----middot------~~~-~~~--~~-=---~~~-~~~-~~~----------- -------- ------- ------ middot JL STORAGE CATEGORY -- 18

FRECAUTlDNS TO JE TA KEN IN HANDLING AND STOfU HG tonttnh lrt UTfpound1tpoundLY HAKAJLpound Kttr IW ~J frat lttltbull 11 bull 11rk~obull t nd 01bulltn tli

Utron will tuutu1tlt rt iiiIJlw ~uu 1 11 nih I JI lutiYI l w Dutinbull uu and unill IU or~ tn tune CUI arvt vvrbulltil t~tll - Do nut nu loc shy

bti nlu ilh all fhUit 10ilot llhtio unci hlltor - Turn otr o ullotlo Cillctdc ~ucb tnd tPrlitncn bull end 11n1 othtr tourct t of hnition

ContuU tlfPA Codtbull Un rovtd lundinl tnd amproundinl Pttbullctdurtt K ronttintr cloud whrn not in uttbull Ttanshr onllt tu ubullrrovrU ~onhintori with cut llttt

tnd tlltOrittt hbtlina Do not h~ e inhrndh ht out of tltl ruch or childttn OTHER PRECAUTIONS

IntenUanll dsuu bv dtlibttOJtth conctntraUno and lnlulinl tht conhnh can bv hbullnfvl or tallo

-2 =

Tht tltavt tntaruttan ltttains ta thh todud u currtntlu torbullulattch and b b~ud an the inhraatlan aYilhbh tt Uus the Addition ot tlfbullJuutt or othet addiUvu ~o thu ltotlud bullbullw suamptstanUtlh elttt the coOIOiiUon ard haurdo et thbull lt~o~duct lnct conditiOn of uu Itt bullutddt our contr~Jb we n kt no vernnU1111 ron h iUtdbull - Ui111C no


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

r I -


rshy-2 = =

Seclion I

oobulltn 460 Boetwick Ave

tWHIGlW(~ItlfiHO l O (20)) )))-158



M-WIfACIIIlUCO~~~ol(a~yen7rt_d~ r~ lWIIf~ r rmiddotlf11 ~r(_


poundJlmiddot 3lo middot ~ ampbull~ tl~~~

z~~_ A ~

t s ~ lfnt P-4~

tSCmiddot JlO middotUjs~~A--~

1bull Sl


7-7 T~QA ($Cmiddot 3 IJrn-ltt~o t~~IN

Bv~ bull t-1 psbullbull t9e o 7

Sect ion Ill shy PHYSICAL DATA

n ca O OIIIllltbullbullbullbullbullbull

D bullbullbullbullbull Gbull~owbullbullmiddot l lltiiiCI I-amp1111 J~ll -tICIWIIIIII tol r)l rJI4JI ou middotbullbulluo-t ~n I


DObullcbull~toobull NtfhfhtAbullLbull L1 Pfllbull -~~~~rtUt m U

-otiOOO WLOIbull VH bulltteMl n ProteeUon aothUMt(IIPPA) Clate I ntlllltllthort (ea_ bulllbullatde G7 ehtaltal er t ) ftllcMd e Ullll ClabullbullIB ~- lJitaid ttna


Ir I


otwcbullbullooorobullt~bullbullobullocnvtt ~Ill Re~a free IJtpolllNo AntoN braathinc o leap eara and quht MoUf7 1 ftlytichn Spluh (aah Pl~aah ~latlt wlUI oopicNa qtUntiUu of nMi va tu for at leut 15 aimtu Tab to a N11ehn for dattnlUn Mdieal tnat-nt Spluh (akinh Rnobullbull dth aoap and water _ tantMlNtd eloUJnc


~Ollie~~~-~~loMo l CONIIONII0AW0t0 JA

bullofu tcco~ICraquoooOoucll M17 produce huardo111 tullea when heated te d1o011potition 11 1n wald1q Put llay contln obon bullnodda and ozidaa of llitfoocan


otout Sea Setl II touobullovubullo~osubullc lnhabttont ampnuthat1e lrrltatton of tha naplrato traot or ao~att nea111 tabull1 daaalon eharaotrlud b7 ~adaoha d1ampamp1Maa1 bulltcabullrJnc aai1 oontallon

-1amp1100111 0t IIIIIOII()ot tJbullbull~CLIII CXJwtH NOIOCCUII



ftbull=~~~~-=~ro~ -~ti---u=--~~1~-~ reotrtoW ftfltlloln bullbullbull aartou of KlMI olaMtoal__tl t1ltere hill t o oMiMUon of parttldo aNI 1bullbull Ull r tlaM bullbullbull et IUneo _ air liM t Ntplnt bull

_ Proottlh IbullMId bulluoucm or leod bullbullbullbullt nntUatle 1ft nt IIIII turn te Dop TLY tf bullbullt Murdnt uont 1ft SOUon D tlbull onoptablo ltlt tiL lft SUon 11 Mlow tttM lbitt and t ~ -tuu acta ftr1llc tdlllc n- nttlnc en tvfacu bullbullbullted tbull

OtiC II~bull etovu ilquirM tor loncM tr NplotH oentut IOlfIIICUftuON UH NliJ lc o pnee qamplftlt laidl r l~Qdl 01H(fllftOIICIIyen110Ytl~l t IIIlOMid lkift IOfttaet WlJ lntaiftaed llltJI1nlo


Oit lhtc~ ampU OOI~ to ReaGI amp~1 fftNII ef tcnttton (flAMel1 hot nrfacot and olecblul atatle 1 or frlfUond o~rkl) Abullotd breotlllftl qpora YontUot aroa _ bullUII inert ob1orMnt and nen-lpuldnc toeb

_ DilpeM of 1n oocord1neo with 1Mal1 otata and t rd CIloilont 2 shyIll not 1nc1Mr~te doted eontalllera = =~


--r -- -


middot _bullbull VIDbullbullbullbullbullbullbull~ middot-t bullbull bullmiddotmiddot-middotbull middotbull middotbullbull CI shy


-uoottuntlll ~ VolteJ Col~nJt lne

fllbulloobullnu 460 Bo1twiek Av~


middot-middot~middotmiddot 1


Seclion Ill- PHYSICAL DATA bullIOtiOllflllbull tij D~bullOliiiTNo


OICILshy DH llttenel ru Proteetion beodatioft(llrIA) Cla11 I et1111ahero (e~rllol diondo oMaital or r) d011cnod to nttno1ch nabull~ lJqdd tiJo=

vl u+amprobulluototrflot bullobulluuot IMp eonta1nnt t1ampbtl7 ohted Inlate t_ ~t olee trieal C1Ui~nt 1parkl and open flUo Cloeed tontAlMr bull1 epledo _ apoeo4 to ~ hut r Nit aPP13 te bot nrtoeoo

c oo 0 ocriMIIIo(tVoter lpry ampfM 1Mffoctino Wator - _ bullbulled to eool eloeod eontrrillno to preTont JIIampI b-J1ldup and Plsitgtlo elto13n1t1on or Lplooion rllon Oppod to orttHo Hat U water 11 ued loa Mdoo are JlfCilerabb

l bull ~


= = -ill


Ir I

-~tion V- HEALTH HIZAAO 0~ ----------~~~~~~~~~------------- obull obull Soo S~tion II 1 or (lbull o~rnu~ovnc lnhalatioiU AnuthoUe lrritrUon of tho napirato17 tract or eeutG

rrouJ Jhll doprsion e~Ntracbrbod by htadeho diuineu bulltAzsorlnamp c~it eontuJion ~onJeioucno~a or cou

Sldn or tye Contact1 Prilnar7 1rr1tttion I bull ocbullbullo w bull bullbull bull bull bullo bull IIOCi ov~u - Pe-~~ ~~ O~lllNo llo1toN bresthirzo JCcop tl end Ji

C~U iot NoU7 a Phydcian Splash (oyus)l tlueh ~ictoly with oopiol1 qtUntiUeo of rllnlinc vo~or for at loot 1 ~ a1nutu Teb to a P~711c1on for doinitho ~diel trac~-ont Spleh (sldn)l Rtt11on with 1oap and voter R=c~To contudMtod clotblnco f0

========================~====~~================== Section VI- REACTIVITY DATA

~~~9~~~middot~~middotbullbulln l conbull bullIOIO oo NA

onu- l lto ~os bull bull obullbull oouciS Jolay produce haordouo fampMea bullhen heatod to dcco~peo1t1en lS 1n yen)ldS o F4ltHI lu1 conhin carbon noOXi de and oxidet o n1tiOot

bullbulloo us robull bullbullbulllampIIO O o~cu~ Cl) wbullu occubull

CV~bullo01 f OampWOtO )fA

$oct ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ampltiIIOtt gtht C ~ Hamp I IIUamp 11 1 111 bull U11 00111 ~tU t0 lbacrro ali fOampPCOI olicftitiOft (f~)~f hOt UftCI2D

~tnd olcetrieal etat1e or frictional bullparkl) Abulloid bJooUlinl oporo YontUcto crca P~Con 1U 1nort abrbo)nt and Mnmiddot~ldnc toell

bullbullnobullso~bulltoc Oiopoeo It ill eocord~bull with looal 1ttte and tldoral rc~tions 1gtraquo not Uc1nrato clotod contaitlorh - 2

Seclion VIII- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION libullbullbull CtUuo lli out4oor or op~n ~At uco WCebull Of fi1Me ampPPfOd ~hDic~ Cltor =

P1rtor o reeoTo 80l1cl dr boPno pcJt1clobull of rorprq dvirc oprat ampJlic~cn In ~riotM 911ntilot1n uou bullbullbull IJfIIOU ot 111MA oJIPICd cb=tcal~hniocl til tr~ = ddnd to lftOft o orbinat1on of prtinloto oM 101 ud bullopor In oont1nod ot-e uo Eurov of n1M1 bullPPIed ail Uno t roeplnon Mea -

lllgtftltampIIO JHorid1 llrmal dildion OJ lctt2 maUl ftfttlletlen in ft- ud pettcm to kotp fY ot eott buUOCou1 lltlrodiont 1n Scotton II bolcrr aocopteblo l11t Ll 1n 1-o~on n ooCt t-to~ ll=1t and to rocrn doooapo11t1on plllhoU dv1n wel41lta or tll=t nttlnc en Crect cctX ~~ We p~ct

~bullcwc Gt own L--tv1rocl tw prolonattd or npeaW ooataot CfOOtf Dn ~alo7 doeipod o rrotoot apinlt 1a0 of liqddl OIIUfiOIICIII0U1 _lftt prolonccf lldn 0~act with 0011~od OOtb1J1o


Ol lll fUU I OOOII Do not tab intornaUr Contdnen bullhOIIld be cftnded ~ povrtn kroid ret tell of liquid in ccoet of a Cn triau Do not tlmo nt bno w nld rithott us lu It ll1not ampPJIIIWed respirator or priat ftntilaUtm

I r I

LSC - 37 0- t)R7 K 10


IAIgt~tOyentd bw U Sr DellbullttHnt of Lbulltoor Enenthlll Si lil to torbull OSHA~20l


101 Probull~bullct A~enubull NW Clevelandbull Ohio bull~115



I NF OR M TI ON TELE PHO NE NO 11-Feb-85 (216gt 506-2902

bullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullwbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull rrr~ abullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull Section I - - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ---middot----------- -------------------------------------------------------------middot


PRODUC T HA11E OPEX Laeouer Thinner


-bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullbull lla-aa-bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sbullction J I -- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTamp 181100 rocon nHPII TlHl113 m vP

-------middot------middot-------------------------------------------------------------middotmiddot 100 064742-lt-1 Ll o AllPhllic Hldrocubon Sohbullnlo o 3l 4o sJo 300 1310 09 120 l Po Mllthhl o64742-41-9 v middot

I~ 100 JS 0 2010111-3 Toluene 30middot20middot hhnt

ltS 200 260 o 92 0 iii shys 100 43 10 67middot56-1 hanoi 64-17-S Uhanol s 1000 1900 33 440

IbullIJbull1 2MthulbullIbullPtUtlnol ltS so ISO 12

111-76middot2 2-luoc tlhanol ltS 2S 120 1 1 middot0 6 = 67middot64middot1 Acttonto 750 =20 1730 2 110 0

uo-41-0 tllhvl n-hvl ltttont ltS so 23S I 2 1

110bull19bull0 hobuhl Act1tbull s m 700 13 125 --middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot~middotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot8bulletton III -- ~HY8ICAL DATA -------------middot---middot-------middot--------------middot----middotmiddot-----middot-----middot--------middot--------middot


132 - 340 1000 6 oSi 8ctton IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZA~D DATA ------middot-------------------------------middot---------------middot---------------middot------shy


Ill LAJ(L - blnHlv Fhcbhr Fluh bdow 21 F EXTINGUIIHlNI EDIA

Cuben lild dtr lrv Chuicalr Fon UNU I UAL UtE AN D IXLOSION HAZ AJP DS

Itt cettliMII t l hll v cloud h oht frobull hn l r thc ri cal ttuifbulllwr IP~rksr and orenf bullbullbullmiddot Clod conl i ntrl u t Mrl odbull t~hln tJ~fond to bullxtnu hta l Al tliulion a ho Tbullcbullbull rteolir u I Ptc i ll ocauUons Durinl eurtcmL concfilions n oruulurbull lv o s ition l rocfuch u v uulit bull htalth hnardo Svbull rI)U u w nut be l cJit~1 annt

Gbhtn edt u l bull U onU on SPEC IAL FIRpound flGHTlHG PROCEDURES


Full roteclvt uubbullonl includinl lielfmiddotconhintcf tlttolhinl I PIU n UI shuulcf bt uud Wl1r _ _ bt Jnt ff t clhtbull Jf wahr h ut~~llr fl)sl nnln bull n rnferallt w~er uw be u11d o ~otl cltlld conhint n lo Prlyent nl lrtnurv tgtuild-u 1nd fUUillc auuilntUuh or


R7 I( 120 OIEU cault Th in111tt



~CUTE In 1 conhnbulld trtto VilrDrt Ho hlllbull cone1ntuicm ilr anllthPic Clvcrvxrourt bullbull01111 ruuH in l ilhthtouJtdntbullts 1nd slJIJtlnl uii lrr i hnt t o l~ ln ampHod urmiddot ~rr ttlofgt1tltOtll lol ll itll bull

CHRONI C Re~orh havr U IOd l hd nrtthd 1nd rrolcmarti ovvrc J ~OIU n tu nlYtnh with ~bullrbullbull nln brtin omJ mtrvouO Sltfl dlbullllllo

poundHERGEHCY Ml[l FI RST AIIl fFDCEIIURES It INHbullLED If afhehd t ruuvr frobull rxrosurr R~sott bN ithinsl lt on SKIN Wuh 1fftchd arr1 tlbullorouahh with tuo and w~b r

Ruovl cllnhbull i nctrd c lothint and hurrittmiddot btrurt rbullmiddotu~ol If in EYES Fl~otdl CV1 t~~ith hru ounh of wotc r fur 15 a i nuteO

Gtt ercl i cal lt h nlil)n Jf SIUIILLOWEtt Ntvtr Civt nvLhirol tov euutlo to 1r1 uncorgtdou cnon

lJDHITJNG ampivt toCvtl ll JtlnlO-s of worhr Sttd udi cill

bullbulle~ton VI -- REACTIVITY


Jw fire C1rbon Diodcltbull Co11rtoon bullnoxidt HAlAJi[IOUI POLYUUATJON -- ~h )) Hot DtClH


tin w1r1 11tU ouict

DD HDT JN[IUCE -ltntiun

-2 = bullbulle~ion VII -- SPILL OR LE~K PROCEDURES

STEPS TO IE TAtEH IN Cf3[ 11-THIIIL IS JiELEIISFD OR SfJLLpound[1 luovt 111 tournt of ilnihon lJtntiliLc cmi ruovc with inert ob1urbcnt

wbullITE DIIPOIAL bullnHOD Jndnuttc in lbullrovttl htilitv llo nll incinertLbull cluud conhinr Dhluc or in

ttcorcltMt tth 1 lhh1 tnd Loco11l ruul1Uons r~rcHnll nlhUon


R[CAUTIOHI TO J[ TAKEN JN USE Uu onh with tHeutte venUlampUon Avoid bruthinll vciCII tnd bull iiL Avo1d contrat

with tUn and lleth hinds lfttt usinJ Y[NTILIITION

Lout t xhtutt nhuttlt Gen~nl uhcust occ~bullhllh if Lht u~ Lo utt rich in ltction JJ h llinhlntd btlow liclblv urott~rt lblh htt r to OIHII StmdUs tt1o u lflOt07 lflOlOI R[IIRATORY PROTECTION

Jf bulltrsenll osurt ~bullnnu bt controlltd btlow IPflhitbh JJaih bw wrntil1Uonbull wur rtlhltottl dtY i ct llltovtd tov HJOSH SHA tot ftohctiun lsl l inst a1tnhh in Stct10n II PROTtCTI YE ILDIJU

Yt1r lltvtt whi~h rt nrolndtd h t lo~c ~~ u fo r roLttUo 11iampin1t aohbullrhh i 11 l tttlon u EYE rliOTECTION

lttlf ufth tchdtt with unntorettd s i cltshitlds


- r -

R7 Kbull 120

0-----middot------~~~-~~~--~~-=---~~~-~~~-~~~----------- -------- ------- ------ middot JL STORAGE CATEGORY -- 18

FRECAUTlDNS TO JE TA KEN IN HANDLING AND STOfU HG tonttnh lrt UTfpound1tpoundLY HAKAJLpound Kttr IW ~J frat lttltbull 11 bull 11rk~obull t nd 01bulltn tli

Utron will tuutu1tlt rt iiiIJlw ~uu 1 11 nih I JI lutiYI l w Dutinbull uu and unill IU or~ tn tune CUI arvt vvrbulltil t~tll - Do nut nu loc shy

bti nlu ilh all fhUit 10ilot llhtio unci hlltor - Turn otr o ullotlo Cillctdc ~ucb tnd tPrlitncn bull end 11n1 othtr tourct t of hnition

ContuU tlfPA Codtbull Un rovtd lundinl tnd amproundinl Pttbullctdurtt K ronttintr cloud whrn not in uttbull Ttanshr onllt tu ubullrrovrU ~onhintori with cut llttt

tnd tlltOrittt hbtlina Do not h~ e inhrndh ht out of tltl ruch or childttn OTHER PRECAUTIONS

IntenUanll dsuu bv dtlibttOJtth conctntraUno and lnlulinl tht conhnh can bv hbullnfvl or tallo

-2 =

Tht tltavt tntaruttan ltttains ta thh todud u currtntlu torbullulattch and b b~ud an the inhraatlan aYilhbh tt Uus the Addition ot tlfbullJuutt or othet addiUvu ~o thu ltotlud bullbullw suamptstanUtlh elttt the coOIOiiUon ard haurdo et thbull lt~o~duct lnct conditiOn of uu Itt bullutddt our contr~Jb we n kt no vernnU1111 ron h iUtdbull - Ui111C no


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

Ir I


otwcbullbullooorobullt~bullbullobullocnvtt ~Ill Re~a free IJtpolllNo AntoN braathinc o leap eara and quht MoUf7 1 ftlytichn Spluh (aah Pl~aah ~latlt wlUI oopicNa qtUntiUu of nMi va tu for at leut 15 aimtu Tab to a N11ehn for dattnlUn Mdieal tnat-nt Spluh (akinh Rnobullbull dth aoap and water _ tantMlNtd eloUJnc


~Ollie~~~-~~loMo l CONIIONII0AW0t0 JA

bullofu tcco~ICraquoooOoucll M17 produce huardo111 tullea when heated te d1o011potition 11 1n wald1q Put llay contln obon bullnodda and ozidaa of llitfoocan


otout Sea Setl II touobullovubullo~osubullc lnhabttont ampnuthat1e lrrltatton of tha naplrato traot or ao~att nea111 tabull1 daaalon eharaotrlud b7 ~adaoha d1ampamp1Maa1 bulltcabullrJnc aai1 oontallon

-1amp1100111 0t IIIIIOII()ot tJbullbull~CLIII CXJwtH NOIOCCUII



ftbull=~~~~-=~ro~ -~ti---u=--~~1~-~ reotrtoW ftfltlloln bullbullbull aartou of KlMI olaMtoal__tl t1ltere hill t o oMiMUon of parttldo aNI 1bullbull Ull r tlaM bullbullbull et IUneo _ air liM t Ntplnt bull

_ Proottlh IbullMId bulluoucm or leod bullbullbullbullt nntUatle 1ft nt IIIII turn te Dop TLY tf bullbullt Murdnt uont 1ft SOUon D tlbull onoptablo ltlt tiL lft SUon 11 Mlow tttM lbitt and t ~ -tuu acta ftr1llc tdlllc n- nttlnc en tvfacu bullbullbullted tbull

OtiC II~bull etovu ilquirM tor loncM tr NplotH oentut IOlfIIICUftuON UH NliJ lc o pnee qamplftlt laidl r l~Qdl 01H(fllftOIICIIyen110Ytl~l t IIIlOMid lkift IOfttaet WlJ lntaiftaed llltJI1nlo


Oit lhtc~ ampU OOI~ to ReaGI amp~1 fftNII ef tcnttton (flAMel1 hot nrfacot and olecblul atatle 1 or frlfUond o~rkl) Abullotd breotlllftl qpora YontUot aroa _ bullUII inert ob1orMnt and nen-lpuldnc toeb

_ DilpeM of 1n oocord1neo with 1Mal1 otata and t rd CIloilont 2 shyIll not 1nc1Mr~te doted eontalllera = =~


--r -- -


middot _bullbull VIDbullbullbullbullbullbullbull~ middot-t bullbull bullmiddotmiddot-middotbull middotbull middotbullbull CI shy


-uoottuntlll ~ VolteJ Col~nJt lne

fllbulloobullnu 460 Bo1twiek Av~


middot-middot~middotmiddot 1


Seclion Ill- PHYSICAL DATA bullIOtiOllflllbull tij D~bullOliiiTNo


OICILshy DH llttenel ru Proteetion beodatioft(llrIA) Cla11 I et1111ahero (e~rllol diondo oMaital or r) d011cnod to nttno1ch nabull~ lJqdd tiJo=

vl u+amprobulluototrflot bullobulluuot IMp eonta1nnt t1ampbtl7 ohted Inlate t_ ~t olee trieal C1Ui~nt 1parkl and open flUo Cloeed tontAlMr bull1 epledo _ apoeo4 to ~ hut r Nit aPP13 te bot nrtoeoo

c oo 0 ocriMIIIo(tVoter lpry ampfM 1Mffoctino Wator - _ bullbulled to eool eloeod eontrrillno to preTont JIIampI b-J1ldup and Plsitgtlo elto13n1t1on or Lplooion rllon Oppod to orttHo Hat U water 11 ued loa Mdoo are JlfCilerabb

l bull ~


= = -ill


Ir I

-~tion V- HEALTH HIZAAO 0~ ----------~~~~~~~~~------------- obull obull Soo S~tion II 1 or (lbull o~rnu~ovnc lnhalatioiU AnuthoUe lrritrUon of tho napirato17 tract or eeutG

rrouJ Jhll doprsion e~Ntracbrbod by htadeho diuineu bulltAzsorlnamp c~it eontuJion ~onJeioucno~a or cou

Sldn or tye Contact1 Prilnar7 1rr1tttion I bull ocbullbullo w bull bullbull bull bull bullo bull IIOCi ov~u - Pe-~~ ~~ O~lllNo llo1toN bresthirzo JCcop tl end Ji

C~U iot NoU7 a Phydcian Splash (oyus)l tlueh ~ictoly with oopiol1 qtUntiUeo of rllnlinc vo~or for at loot 1 ~ a1nutu Teb to a P~711c1on for doinitho ~diel trac~-ont Spleh (sldn)l Rtt11on with 1oap and voter R=c~To contudMtod clotblnco f0

========================~====~~================== Section VI- REACTIVITY DATA

~~~9~~~middot~~middotbullbulln l conbull bullIOIO oo NA

onu- l lto ~os bull bull obullbull oouciS Jolay produce haordouo fampMea bullhen heatod to dcco~peo1t1en lS 1n yen)ldS o F4ltHI lu1 conhin carbon noOXi de and oxidet o n1tiOot

bullbulloo us robull bullbullbulllampIIO O o~cu~ Cl) wbullu occubull

CV~bullo01 f OampWOtO )fA

$oct ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ampltiIIOtt gtht C ~ Hamp I IIUamp 11 1 111 bull U11 00111 ~tU t0 lbacrro ali fOampPCOI olicftitiOft (f~)~f hOt UftCI2D

~tnd olcetrieal etat1e or frictional bullparkl) Abulloid bJooUlinl oporo YontUcto crca P~Con 1U 1nort abrbo)nt and Mnmiddot~ldnc toell

bullbullnobullso~bulltoc Oiopoeo It ill eocord~bull with looal 1ttte and tldoral rc~tions 1gtraquo not Uc1nrato clotod contaitlorh - 2

Seclion VIII- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION libullbullbull CtUuo lli out4oor or op~n ~At uco WCebull Of fi1Me ampPPfOd ~hDic~ Cltor =

P1rtor o reeoTo 80l1cl dr boPno pcJt1clobull of rorprq dvirc oprat ampJlic~cn In ~riotM 911ntilot1n uou bullbullbull IJfIIOU ot 111MA oJIPICd cb=tcal~hniocl til tr~ = ddnd to lftOft o orbinat1on of prtinloto oM 101 ud bullopor In oont1nod ot-e uo Eurov of n1M1 bullPPIed ail Uno t roeplnon Mea -

lllgtftltampIIO JHorid1 llrmal dildion OJ lctt2 maUl ftfttlletlen in ft- ud pettcm to kotp fY ot eott buUOCou1 lltlrodiont 1n Scotton II bolcrr aocopteblo l11t Ll 1n 1-o~on n ooCt t-to~ ll=1t and to rocrn doooapo11t1on plllhoU dv1n wel41lta or tll=t nttlnc en Crect cctX ~~ We p~ct

~bullcwc Gt own L--tv1rocl tw prolonattd or npeaW ooataot CfOOtf Dn ~alo7 doeipod o rrotoot apinlt 1a0 of liqddl OIIUfiOIICIII0U1 _lftt prolonccf lldn 0~act with 0011~od OOtb1J1o


Ol lll fUU I OOOII Do not tab intornaUr Contdnen bullhOIIld be cftnded ~ povrtn kroid ret tell of liquid in ccoet of a Cn triau Do not tlmo nt bno w nld rithott us lu It ll1not ampPJIIIWed respirator or priat ftntilaUtm

I r I

LSC - 37 0- t)R7 K 10


IAIgt~tOyentd bw U Sr DellbullttHnt of Lbulltoor Enenthlll Si lil to torbull OSHA~20l


101 Probull~bullct A~enubull NW Clevelandbull Ohio bull~115



I NF OR M TI ON TELE PHO NE NO 11-Feb-85 (216gt 506-2902

bullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullwbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull rrr~ abullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull Section I - - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ---middot----------- -------------------------------------------------------------middot


PRODUC T HA11E OPEX Laeouer Thinner


-bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullbull lla-aa-bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sbullction J I -- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTamp 181100 rocon nHPII TlHl113 m vP

-------middot------middot-------------------------------------------------------------middotmiddot 100 064742-lt-1 Ll o AllPhllic Hldrocubon Sohbullnlo o 3l 4o sJo 300 1310 09 120 l Po Mllthhl o64742-41-9 v middot

I~ 100 JS 0 2010111-3 Toluene 30middot20middot hhnt

ltS 200 260 o 92 0 iii shys 100 43 10 67middot56-1 hanoi 64-17-S Uhanol s 1000 1900 33 440

IbullIJbull1 2MthulbullIbullPtUtlnol ltS so ISO 12

111-76middot2 2-luoc tlhanol ltS 2S 120 1 1 middot0 6 = 67middot64middot1 Acttonto 750 =20 1730 2 110 0

uo-41-0 tllhvl n-hvl ltttont ltS so 23S I 2 1

110bull19bull0 hobuhl Act1tbull s m 700 13 125 --middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot~middotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot8bulletton III -- ~HY8ICAL DATA -------------middot---middot-------middot--------------middot----middotmiddot-----middot-----middot--------middot--------middot


132 - 340 1000 6 oSi 8ctton IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZA~D DATA ------middot-------------------------------middot---------------middot---------------middot------shy


Ill LAJ(L - blnHlv Fhcbhr Fluh bdow 21 F EXTINGUIIHlNI EDIA

Cuben lild dtr lrv Chuicalr Fon UNU I UAL UtE AN D IXLOSION HAZ AJP DS

Itt cettliMII t l hll v cloud h oht frobull hn l r thc ri cal ttuifbulllwr IP~rksr and orenf bullbullbullmiddot Clod conl i ntrl u t Mrl odbull t~hln tJ~fond to bullxtnu hta l Al tliulion a ho Tbullcbullbull rteolir u I Ptc i ll ocauUons Durinl eurtcmL concfilions n oruulurbull lv o s ition l rocfuch u v uulit bull htalth hnardo Svbull rI)U u w nut be l cJit~1 annt

Gbhtn edt u l bull U onU on SPEC IAL FIRpound flGHTlHG PROCEDURES


Full roteclvt uubbullonl includinl lielfmiddotconhintcf tlttolhinl I PIU n UI shuulcf bt uud Wl1r _ _ bt Jnt ff t clhtbull Jf wahr h ut~~llr fl)sl nnln bull n rnferallt w~er uw be u11d o ~otl cltlld conhint n lo Prlyent nl lrtnurv tgtuild-u 1nd fUUillc auuilntUuh or


R7 I( 120 OIEU cault Th in111tt



~CUTE In 1 conhnbulld trtto VilrDrt Ho hlllbull cone1ntuicm ilr anllthPic Clvcrvxrourt bullbull01111 ruuH in l ilhthtouJtdntbullts 1nd slJIJtlnl uii lrr i hnt t o l~ ln ampHod urmiddot ~rr ttlofgt1tltOtll lol ll itll bull

CHRONI C Re~orh havr U IOd l hd nrtthd 1nd rrolcmarti ovvrc J ~OIU n tu nlYtnh with ~bullrbullbull nln brtin omJ mtrvouO Sltfl dlbullllllo

poundHERGEHCY Ml[l FI RST AIIl fFDCEIIURES It INHbullLED If afhehd t ruuvr frobull rxrosurr R~sott bN ithinsl lt on SKIN Wuh 1fftchd arr1 tlbullorouahh with tuo and w~b r

Ruovl cllnhbull i nctrd c lothint and hurrittmiddot btrurt rbullmiddotu~ol If in EYES Fl~otdl CV1 t~~ith hru ounh of wotc r fur 15 a i nuteO

Gtt ercl i cal lt h nlil)n Jf SIUIILLOWEtt Ntvtr Civt nvLhirol tov euutlo to 1r1 uncorgtdou cnon

lJDHITJNG ampivt toCvtl ll JtlnlO-s of worhr Sttd udi cill

bullbulle~ton VI -- REACTIVITY


Jw fire C1rbon Diodcltbull Co11rtoon bullnoxidt HAlAJi[IOUI POLYUUATJON -- ~h )) Hot DtClH


tin w1r1 11tU ouict

DD HDT JN[IUCE -ltntiun

-2 = bullbulle~ion VII -- SPILL OR LE~K PROCEDURES

STEPS TO IE TAtEH IN Cf3[ 11-THIIIL IS JiELEIISFD OR SfJLLpound[1 luovt 111 tournt of ilnihon lJtntiliLc cmi ruovc with inert ob1urbcnt

wbullITE DIIPOIAL bullnHOD Jndnuttc in lbullrovttl htilitv llo nll incinertLbull cluud conhinr Dhluc or in

ttcorcltMt tth 1 lhh1 tnd Loco11l ruul1Uons r~rcHnll nlhUon


R[CAUTIOHI TO J[ TAKEN JN USE Uu onh with tHeutte venUlampUon Avoid bruthinll vciCII tnd bull iiL Avo1d contrat

with tUn and lleth hinds lfttt usinJ Y[NTILIITION

Lout t xhtutt nhuttlt Gen~nl uhcust occ~bullhllh if Lht u~ Lo utt rich in ltction JJ h llinhlntd btlow liclblv urott~rt lblh htt r to OIHII StmdUs tt1o u lflOt07 lflOlOI R[IIRATORY PROTECTION

Jf bulltrsenll osurt ~bullnnu bt controlltd btlow IPflhitbh JJaih bw wrntil1Uonbull wur rtlhltottl dtY i ct llltovtd tov HJOSH SHA tot ftohctiun lsl l inst a1tnhh in Stct10n II PROTtCTI YE ILDIJU

Yt1r lltvtt whi~h rt nrolndtd h t lo~c ~~ u fo r roLttUo 11iampin1t aohbullrhh i 11 l tttlon u EYE rliOTECTION

lttlf ufth tchdtt with unntorettd s i cltshitlds


- r -

R7 Kbull 120

0-----middot------~~~-~~~--~~-=---~~~-~~~-~~~----------- -------- ------- ------ middot JL STORAGE CATEGORY -- 18

FRECAUTlDNS TO JE TA KEN IN HANDLING AND STOfU HG tonttnh lrt UTfpound1tpoundLY HAKAJLpound Kttr IW ~J frat lttltbull 11 bull 11rk~obull t nd 01bulltn tli

Utron will tuutu1tlt rt iiiIJlw ~uu 1 11 nih I JI lutiYI l w Dutinbull uu and unill IU or~ tn tune CUI arvt vvrbulltil t~tll - Do nut nu loc shy

bti nlu ilh all fhUit 10ilot llhtio unci hlltor - Turn otr o ullotlo Cillctdc ~ucb tnd tPrlitncn bull end 11n1 othtr tourct t of hnition

ContuU tlfPA Codtbull Un rovtd lundinl tnd amproundinl Pttbullctdurtt K ronttintr cloud whrn not in uttbull Ttanshr onllt tu ubullrrovrU ~onhintori with cut llttt

tnd tlltOrittt hbtlina Do not h~ e inhrndh ht out of tltl ruch or childttn OTHER PRECAUTIONS

IntenUanll dsuu bv dtlibttOJtth conctntraUno and lnlulinl tht conhnh can bv hbullnfvl or tallo

-2 =

Tht tltavt tntaruttan ltttains ta thh todud u currtntlu torbullulattch and b b~ud an the inhraatlan aYilhbh tt Uus the Addition ot tlfbullJuutt or othet addiUvu ~o thu ltotlud bullbullw suamptstanUtlh elttt the coOIOiiUon ard haurdo et thbull lt~o~duct lnct conditiOn of uu Itt bullutddt our contr~Jb we n kt no vernnU1111 ron h iUtdbull - Ui111C no


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

--r -- -


middot _bullbull VIDbullbullbullbullbullbullbull~ middot-t bullbull bullmiddotmiddot-middotbull middotbull middotbullbull CI shy


-uoottuntlll ~ VolteJ Col~nJt lne

fllbulloobullnu 460 Bo1twiek Av~


middot-middot~middotmiddot 1


Seclion Ill- PHYSICAL DATA bullIOtiOllflllbull tij D~bullOliiiTNo


OICILshy DH llttenel ru Proteetion beodatioft(llrIA) Cla11 I et1111ahero (e~rllol diondo oMaital or r) d011cnod to nttno1ch nabull~ lJqdd tiJo=

vl u+amprobulluototrflot bullobulluuot IMp eonta1nnt t1ampbtl7 ohted Inlate t_ ~t olee trieal C1Ui~nt 1parkl and open flUo Cloeed tontAlMr bull1 epledo _ apoeo4 to ~ hut r Nit aPP13 te bot nrtoeoo

c oo 0 ocriMIIIo(tVoter lpry ampfM 1Mffoctino Wator - _ bullbulled to eool eloeod eontrrillno to preTont JIIampI b-J1ldup and Plsitgtlo elto13n1t1on or Lplooion rllon Oppod to orttHo Hat U water 11 ued loa Mdoo are JlfCilerabb

l bull ~


= = -ill


Ir I

-~tion V- HEALTH HIZAAO 0~ ----------~~~~~~~~~------------- obull obull Soo S~tion II 1 or (lbull o~rnu~ovnc lnhalatioiU AnuthoUe lrritrUon of tho napirato17 tract or eeutG

rrouJ Jhll doprsion e~Ntracbrbod by htadeho diuineu bulltAzsorlnamp c~it eontuJion ~onJeioucno~a or cou

Sldn or tye Contact1 Prilnar7 1rr1tttion I bull ocbullbullo w bull bullbull bull bull bullo bull IIOCi ov~u - Pe-~~ ~~ O~lllNo llo1toN bresthirzo JCcop tl end Ji

C~U iot NoU7 a Phydcian Splash (oyus)l tlueh ~ictoly with oopiol1 qtUntiUeo of rllnlinc vo~or for at loot 1 ~ a1nutu Teb to a P~711c1on for doinitho ~diel trac~-ont Spleh (sldn)l Rtt11on with 1oap and voter R=c~To contudMtod clotblnco f0

========================~====~~================== Section VI- REACTIVITY DATA

~~~9~~~middot~~middotbullbulln l conbull bullIOIO oo NA

onu- l lto ~os bull bull obullbull oouciS Jolay produce haordouo fampMea bullhen heatod to dcco~peo1t1en lS 1n yen)ldS o F4ltHI lu1 conhin carbon noOXi de and oxidet o n1tiOot

bullbulloo us robull bullbullbulllampIIO O o~cu~ Cl) wbullu occubull

CV~bullo01 f OampWOtO )fA

$oct ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ampltiIIOtt gtht C ~ Hamp I IIUamp 11 1 111 bull U11 00111 ~tU t0 lbacrro ali fOampPCOI olicftitiOft (f~)~f hOt UftCI2D

~tnd olcetrieal etat1e or frictional bullparkl) Abulloid bJooUlinl oporo YontUcto crca P~Con 1U 1nort abrbo)nt and Mnmiddot~ldnc toell

bullbullnobullso~bulltoc Oiopoeo It ill eocord~bull with looal 1ttte and tldoral rc~tions 1gtraquo not Uc1nrato clotod contaitlorh - 2

Seclion VIII- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION libullbullbull CtUuo lli out4oor or op~n ~At uco WCebull Of fi1Me ampPPfOd ~hDic~ Cltor =

P1rtor o reeoTo 80l1cl dr boPno pcJt1clobull of rorprq dvirc oprat ampJlic~cn In ~riotM 911ntilot1n uou bullbullbull IJfIIOU ot 111MA oJIPICd cb=tcal~hniocl til tr~ = ddnd to lftOft o orbinat1on of prtinloto oM 101 ud bullopor In oont1nod ot-e uo Eurov of n1M1 bullPPIed ail Uno t roeplnon Mea -

lllgtftltampIIO JHorid1 llrmal dildion OJ lctt2 maUl ftfttlletlen in ft- ud pettcm to kotp fY ot eott buUOCou1 lltlrodiont 1n Scotton II bolcrr aocopteblo l11t Ll 1n 1-o~on n ooCt t-to~ ll=1t and to rocrn doooapo11t1on plllhoU dv1n wel41lta or tll=t nttlnc en Crect cctX ~~ We p~ct

~bullcwc Gt own L--tv1rocl tw prolonattd or npeaW ooataot CfOOtf Dn ~alo7 doeipod o rrotoot apinlt 1a0 of liqddl OIIUfiOIICIII0U1 _lftt prolonccf lldn 0~act with 0011~od OOtb1J1o


Ol lll fUU I OOOII Do not tab intornaUr Contdnen bullhOIIld be cftnded ~ povrtn kroid ret tell of liquid in ccoet of a Cn triau Do not tlmo nt bno w nld rithott us lu It ll1not ampPJIIIWed respirator or priat ftntilaUtm

I r I

LSC - 37 0- t)R7 K 10


IAIgt~tOyentd bw U Sr DellbullttHnt of Lbulltoor Enenthlll Si lil to torbull OSHA~20l


101 Probull~bullct A~enubull NW Clevelandbull Ohio bull~115



I NF OR M TI ON TELE PHO NE NO 11-Feb-85 (216gt 506-2902

bullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullwbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull rrr~ abullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull Section I - - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ---middot----------- -------------------------------------------------------------middot


PRODUC T HA11E OPEX Laeouer Thinner


-bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullbull lla-aa-bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sbullction J I -- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTamp 181100 rocon nHPII TlHl113 m vP

-------middot------middot-------------------------------------------------------------middotmiddot 100 064742-lt-1 Ll o AllPhllic Hldrocubon Sohbullnlo o 3l 4o sJo 300 1310 09 120 l Po Mllthhl o64742-41-9 v middot

I~ 100 JS 0 2010111-3 Toluene 30middot20middot hhnt

ltS 200 260 o 92 0 iii shys 100 43 10 67middot56-1 hanoi 64-17-S Uhanol s 1000 1900 33 440

IbullIJbull1 2MthulbullIbullPtUtlnol ltS so ISO 12

111-76middot2 2-luoc tlhanol ltS 2S 120 1 1 middot0 6 = 67middot64middot1 Acttonto 750 =20 1730 2 110 0

uo-41-0 tllhvl n-hvl ltttont ltS so 23S I 2 1

110bull19bull0 hobuhl Act1tbull s m 700 13 125 --middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot~middotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot8bulletton III -- ~HY8ICAL DATA -------------middot---middot-------middot--------------middot----middotmiddot-----middot-----middot--------middot--------middot


132 - 340 1000 6 oSi 8ctton IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZA~D DATA ------middot-------------------------------middot---------------middot---------------middot------shy


Ill LAJ(L - blnHlv Fhcbhr Fluh bdow 21 F EXTINGUIIHlNI EDIA

Cuben lild dtr lrv Chuicalr Fon UNU I UAL UtE AN D IXLOSION HAZ AJP DS

Itt cettliMII t l hll v cloud h oht frobull hn l r thc ri cal ttuifbulllwr IP~rksr and orenf bullbullbullmiddot Clod conl i ntrl u t Mrl odbull t~hln tJ~fond to bullxtnu hta l Al tliulion a ho Tbullcbullbull rteolir u I Ptc i ll ocauUons Durinl eurtcmL concfilions n oruulurbull lv o s ition l rocfuch u v uulit bull htalth hnardo Svbull rI)U u w nut be l cJit~1 annt

Gbhtn edt u l bull U onU on SPEC IAL FIRpound flGHTlHG PROCEDURES


Full roteclvt uubbullonl includinl lielfmiddotconhintcf tlttolhinl I PIU n UI shuulcf bt uud Wl1r _ _ bt Jnt ff t clhtbull Jf wahr h ut~~llr fl)sl nnln bull n rnferallt w~er uw be u11d o ~otl cltlld conhint n lo Prlyent nl lrtnurv tgtuild-u 1nd fUUillc auuilntUuh or


R7 I( 120 OIEU cault Th in111tt



~CUTE In 1 conhnbulld trtto VilrDrt Ho hlllbull cone1ntuicm ilr anllthPic Clvcrvxrourt bullbull01111 ruuH in l ilhthtouJtdntbullts 1nd slJIJtlnl uii lrr i hnt t o l~ ln ampHod urmiddot ~rr ttlofgt1tltOtll lol ll itll bull

CHRONI C Re~orh havr U IOd l hd nrtthd 1nd rrolcmarti ovvrc J ~OIU n tu nlYtnh with ~bullrbullbull nln brtin omJ mtrvouO Sltfl dlbullllllo

poundHERGEHCY Ml[l FI RST AIIl fFDCEIIURES It INHbullLED If afhehd t ruuvr frobull rxrosurr R~sott bN ithinsl lt on SKIN Wuh 1fftchd arr1 tlbullorouahh with tuo and w~b r

Ruovl cllnhbull i nctrd c lothint and hurrittmiddot btrurt rbullmiddotu~ol If in EYES Fl~otdl CV1 t~~ith hru ounh of wotc r fur 15 a i nuteO

Gtt ercl i cal lt h nlil)n Jf SIUIILLOWEtt Ntvtr Civt nvLhirol tov euutlo to 1r1 uncorgtdou cnon

lJDHITJNG ampivt toCvtl ll JtlnlO-s of worhr Sttd udi cill

bullbulle~ton VI -- REACTIVITY


Jw fire C1rbon Diodcltbull Co11rtoon bullnoxidt HAlAJi[IOUI POLYUUATJON -- ~h )) Hot DtClH


tin w1r1 11tU ouict

DD HDT JN[IUCE -ltntiun

-2 = bullbulle~ion VII -- SPILL OR LE~K PROCEDURES

STEPS TO IE TAtEH IN Cf3[ 11-THIIIL IS JiELEIISFD OR SfJLLpound[1 luovt 111 tournt of ilnihon lJtntiliLc cmi ruovc with inert ob1urbcnt

wbullITE DIIPOIAL bullnHOD Jndnuttc in lbullrovttl htilitv llo nll incinertLbull cluud conhinr Dhluc or in

ttcorcltMt tth 1 lhh1 tnd Loco11l ruul1Uons r~rcHnll nlhUon


R[CAUTIOHI TO J[ TAKEN JN USE Uu onh with tHeutte venUlampUon Avoid bruthinll vciCII tnd bull iiL Avo1d contrat

with tUn and lleth hinds lfttt usinJ Y[NTILIITION

Lout t xhtutt nhuttlt Gen~nl uhcust occ~bullhllh if Lht u~ Lo utt rich in ltction JJ h llinhlntd btlow liclblv urott~rt lblh htt r to OIHII StmdUs tt1o u lflOt07 lflOlOI R[IIRATORY PROTECTION

Jf bulltrsenll osurt ~bullnnu bt controlltd btlow IPflhitbh JJaih bw wrntil1Uonbull wur rtlhltottl dtY i ct llltovtd tov HJOSH SHA tot ftohctiun lsl l inst a1tnhh in Stct10n II PROTtCTI YE ILDIJU

Yt1r lltvtt whi~h rt nrolndtd h t lo~c ~~ u fo r roLttUo 11iampin1t aohbullrhh i 11 l tttlon u EYE rliOTECTION

lttlf ufth tchdtt with unntorettd s i cltshitlds


- r -

R7 Kbull 120

0-----middot------~~~-~~~--~~-=---~~~-~~~-~~~----------- -------- ------- ------ middot JL STORAGE CATEGORY -- 18

FRECAUTlDNS TO JE TA KEN IN HANDLING AND STOfU HG tonttnh lrt UTfpound1tpoundLY HAKAJLpound Kttr IW ~J frat lttltbull 11 bull 11rk~obull t nd 01bulltn tli

Utron will tuutu1tlt rt iiiIJlw ~uu 1 11 nih I JI lutiYI l w Dutinbull uu and unill IU or~ tn tune CUI arvt vvrbulltil t~tll - Do nut nu loc shy

bti nlu ilh all fhUit 10ilot llhtio unci hlltor - Turn otr o ullotlo Cillctdc ~ucb tnd tPrlitncn bull end 11n1 othtr tourct t of hnition

ContuU tlfPA Codtbull Un rovtd lundinl tnd amproundinl Pttbullctdurtt K ronttintr cloud whrn not in uttbull Ttanshr onllt tu ubullrrovrU ~onhintori with cut llttt

tnd tlltOrittt hbtlina Do not h~ e inhrndh ht out of tltl ruch or childttn OTHER PRECAUTIONS

IntenUanll dsuu bv dtlibttOJtth conctntraUno and lnlulinl tht conhnh can bv hbullnfvl or tallo

-2 =

Tht tltavt tntaruttan ltttains ta thh todud u currtntlu torbullulattch and b b~ud an the inhraatlan aYilhbh tt Uus the Addition ot tlfbullJuutt or othet addiUvu ~o thu ltotlud bullbullw suamptstanUtlh elttt the coOIOiiUon ard haurdo et thbull lt~o~duct lnct conditiOn of uu Itt bullutddt our contr~Jb we n kt no vernnU1111 ron h iUtdbull - Ui111C no


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

Ir I

-~tion V- HEALTH HIZAAO 0~ ----------~~~~~~~~~------------- obull obull Soo S~tion II 1 or (lbull o~rnu~ovnc lnhalatioiU AnuthoUe lrritrUon of tho napirato17 tract or eeutG

rrouJ Jhll doprsion e~Ntracbrbod by htadeho diuineu bulltAzsorlnamp c~it eontuJion ~onJeioucno~a or cou

Sldn or tye Contact1 Prilnar7 1rr1tttion I bull ocbullbullo w bull bullbull bull bull bullo bull IIOCi ov~u - Pe-~~ ~~ O~lllNo llo1toN bresthirzo JCcop tl end Ji

C~U iot NoU7 a Phydcian Splash (oyus)l tlueh ~ictoly with oopiol1 qtUntiUeo of rllnlinc vo~or for at loot 1 ~ a1nutu Teb to a P~711c1on for doinitho ~diel trac~-ont Spleh (sldn)l Rtt11on with 1oap and voter R=c~To contudMtod clotblnco f0

========================~====~~================== Section VI- REACTIVITY DATA

~~~9~~~middot~~middotbullbulln l conbull bullIOIO oo NA

onu- l lto ~os bull bull obullbull oouciS Jolay produce haordouo fampMea bullhen heatod to dcco~peo1t1en lS 1n yen)ldS o F4ltHI lu1 conhin carbon noOXi de and oxidet o n1tiOot

bullbulloo us robull bullbullbulllampIIO O o~cu~ Cl) wbullu occubull

CV~bullo01 f OampWOtO )fA

$oct ion VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ampltiIIOtt gtht C ~ Hamp I IIUamp 11 1 111 bull U11 00111 ~tU t0 lbacrro ali fOampPCOI olicftitiOft (f~)~f hOt UftCI2D

~tnd olcetrieal etat1e or frictional bullparkl) Abulloid bJooUlinl oporo YontUcto crca P~Con 1U 1nort abrbo)nt and Mnmiddot~ldnc toell

bullbullnobullso~bulltoc Oiopoeo It ill eocord~bull with looal 1ttte and tldoral rc~tions 1gtraquo not Uc1nrato clotod contaitlorh - 2

Seclion VIII- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION libullbullbull CtUuo lli out4oor or op~n ~At uco WCebull Of fi1Me ampPPfOd ~hDic~ Cltor =

P1rtor o reeoTo 80l1cl dr boPno pcJt1clobull of rorprq dvirc oprat ampJlic~cn In ~riotM 911ntilot1n uou bullbullbull IJfIIOU ot 111MA oJIPICd cb=tcal~hniocl til tr~ = ddnd to lftOft o orbinat1on of prtinloto oM 101 ud bullopor In oont1nod ot-e uo Eurov of n1M1 bullPPIed ail Uno t roeplnon Mea -

lllgtftltampIIO JHorid1 llrmal dildion OJ lctt2 maUl ftfttlletlen in ft- ud pettcm to kotp fY ot eott buUOCou1 lltlrodiont 1n Scotton II bolcrr aocopteblo l11t Ll 1n 1-o~on n ooCt t-to~ ll=1t and to rocrn doooapo11t1on plllhoU dv1n wel41lta or tll=t nttlnc en Crect cctX ~~ We p~ct

~bullcwc Gt own L--tv1rocl tw prolonattd or npeaW ooataot CfOOtf Dn ~alo7 doeipod o rrotoot apinlt 1a0 of liqddl OIIUfiOIICIII0U1 _lftt prolonccf lldn 0~act with 0011~od OOtb1J1o


Ol lll fUU I OOOII Do not tab intornaUr Contdnen bullhOIIld be cftnded ~ povrtn kroid ret tell of liquid in ccoet of a Cn triau Do not tlmo nt bno w nld rithott us lu It ll1not ampPJIIIWed respirator or priat ftntilaUtm

I r I

LSC - 37 0- t)R7 K 10


IAIgt~tOyentd bw U Sr DellbullttHnt of Lbulltoor Enenthlll Si lil to torbull OSHA~20l


101 Probull~bullct A~enubull NW Clevelandbull Ohio bull~115



I NF OR M TI ON TELE PHO NE NO 11-Feb-85 (216gt 506-2902

bullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullwbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull rrr~ abullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull Section I - - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ---middot----------- -------------------------------------------------------------middot


PRODUC T HA11E OPEX Laeouer Thinner


-bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullbull lla-aa-bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sbullction J I -- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTamp 181100 rocon nHPII TlHl113 m vP

-------middot------middot-------------------------------------------------------------middotmiddot 100 064742-lt-1 Ll o AllPhllic Hldrocubon Sohbullnlo o 3l 4o sJo 300 1310 09 120 l Po Mllthhl o64742-41-9 v middot

I~ 100 JS 0 2010111-3 Toluene 30middot20middot hhnt

ltS 200 260 o 92 0 iii shys 100 43 10 67middot56-1 hanoi 64-17-S Uhanol s 1000 1900 33 440

IbullIJbull1 2MthulbullIbullPtUtlnol ltS so ISO 12

111-76middot2 2-luoc tlhanol ltS 2S 120 1 1 middot0 6 = 67middot64middot1 Acttonto 750 =20 1730 2 110 0

uo-41-0 tllhvl n-hvl ltttont ltS so 23S I 2 1

110bull19bull0 hobuhl Act1tbull s m 700 13 125 --middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot~middotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot8bulletton III -- ~HY8ICAL DATA -------------middot---middot-------middot--------------middot----middotmiddot-----middot-----middot--------middot--------middot


132 - 340 1000 6 oSi 8ctton IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZA~D DATA ------middot-------------------------------middot---------------middot---------------middot------shy


Ill LAJ(L - blnHlv Fhcbhr Fluh bdow 21 F EXTINGUIIHlNI EDIA

Cuben lild dtr lrv Chuicalr Fon UNU I UAL UtE AN D IXLOSION HAZ AJP DS

Itt cettliMII t l hll v cloud h oht frobull hn l r thc ri cal ttuifbulllwr IP~rksr and orenf bullbullbullmiddot Clod conl i ntrl u t Mrl odbull t~hln tJ~fond to bullxtnu hta l Al tliulion a ho Tbullcbullbull rteolir u I Ptc i ll ocauUons Durinl eurtcmL concfilions n oruulurbull lv o s ition l rocfuch u v uulit bull htalth hnardo Svbull rI)U u w nut be l cJit~1 annt

Gbhtn edt u l bull U onU on SPEC IAL FIRpound flGHTlHG PROCEDURES


Full roteclvt uubbullonl includinl lielfmiddotconhintcf tlttolhinl I PIU n UI shuulcf bt uud Wl1r _ _ bt Jnt ff t clhtbull Jf wahr h ut~~llr fl)sl nnln bull n rnferallt w~er uw be u11d o ~otl cltlld conhint n lo Prlyent nl lrtnurv tgtuild-u 1nd fUUillc auuilntUuh or


R7 I( 120 OIEU cault Th in111tt



~CUTE In 1 conhnbulld trtto VilrDrt Ho hlllbull cone1ntuicm ilr anllthPic Clvcrvxrourt bullbull01111 ruuH in l ilhthtouJtdntbullts 1nd slJIJtlnl uii lrr i hnt t o l~ ln ampHod urmiddot ~rr ttlofgt1tltOtll lol ll itll bull

CHRONI C Re~orh havr U IOd l hd nrtthd 1nd rrolcmarti ovvrc J ~OIU n tu nlYtnh with ~bullrbullbull nln brtin omJ mtrvouO Sltfl dlbullllllo

poundHERGEHCY Ml[l FI RST AIIl fFDCEIIURES It INHbullLED If afhehd t ruuvr frobull rxrosurr R~sott bN ithinsl lt on SKIN Wuh 1fftchd arr1 tlbullorouahh with tuo and w~b r

Ruovl cllnhbull i nctrd c lothint and hurrittmiddot btrurt rbullmiddotu~ol If in EYES Fl~otdl CV1 t~~ith hru ounh of wotc r fur 15 a i nuteO

Gtt ercl i cal lt h nlil)n Jf SIUIILLOWEtt Ntvtr Civt nvLhirol tov euutlo to 1r1 uncorgtdou cnon

lJDHITJNG ampivt toCvtl ll JtlnlO-s of worhr Sttd udi cill

bullbulle~ton VI -- REACTIVITY


Jw fire C1rbon Diodcltbull Co11rtoon bullnoxidt HAlAJi[IOUI POLYUUATJON -- ~h )) Hot DtClH


tin w1r1 11tU ouict

DD HDT JN[IUCE -ltntiun

-2 = bullbulle~ion VII -- SPILL OR LE~K PROCEDURES

STEPS TO IE TAtEH IN Cf3[ 11-THIIIL IS JiELEIISFD OR SfJLLpound[1 luovt 111 tournt of ilnihon lJtntiliLc cmi ruovc with inert ob1urbcnt

wbullITE DIIPOIAL bullnHOD Jndnuttc in lbullrovttl htilitv llo nll incinertLbull cluud conhinr Dhluc or in

ttcorcltMt tth 1 lhh1 tnd Loco11l ruul1Uons r~rcHnll nlhUon


R[CAUTIOHI TO J[ TAKEN JN USE Uu onh with tHeutte venUlampUon Avoid bruthinll vciCII tnd bull iiL Avo1d contrat

with tUn and lleth hinds lfttt usinJ Y[NTILIITION

Lout t xhtutt nhuttlt Gen~nl uhcust occ~bullhllh if Lht u~ Lo utt rich in ltction JJ h llinhlntd btlow liclblv urott~rt lblh htt r to OIHII StmdUs tt1o u lflOt07 lflOlOI R[IIRATORY PROTECTION

Jf bulltrsenll osurt ~bullnnu bt controlltd btlow IPflhitbh JJaih bw wrntil1Uonbull wur rtlhltottl dtY i ct llltovtd tov HJOSH SHA tot ftohctiun lsl l inst a1tnhh in Stct10n II PROTtCTI YE ILDIJU

Yt1r lltvtt whi~h rt nrolndtd h t lo~c ~~ u fo r roLttUo 11iampin1t aohbullrhh i 11 l tttlon u EYE rliOTECTION

lttlf ufth tchdtt with unntorettd s i cltshitlds


- r -

R7 Kbull 120

0-----middot------~~~-~~~--~~-=---~~~-~~~-~~~----------- -------- ------- ------ middot JL STORAGE CATEGORY -- 18

FRECAUTlDNS TO JE TA KEN IN HANDLING AND STOfU HG tonttnh lrt UTfpound1tpoundLY HAKAJLpound Kttr IW ~J frat lttltbull 11 bull 11rk~obull t nd 01bulltn tli

Utron will tuutu1tlt rt iiiIJlw ~uu 1 11 nih I JI lutiYI l w Dutinbull uu and unill IU or~ tn tune CUI arvt vvrbulltil t~tll - Do nut nu loc shy

bti nlu ilh all fhUit 10ilot llhtio unci hlltor - Turn otr o ullotlo Cillctdc ~ucb tnd tPrlitncn bull end 11n1 othtr tourct t of hnition

ContuU tlfPA Codtbull Un rovtd lundinl tnd amproundinl Pttbullctdurtt K ronttintr cloud whrn not in uttbull Ttanshr onllt tu ubullrrovrU ~onhintori with cut llttt

tnd tlltOrittt hbtlina Do not h~ e inhrndh ht out of tltl ruch or childttn OTHER PRECAUTIONS

IntenUanll dsuu bv dtlibttOJtth conctntraUno and lnlulinl tht conhnh can bv hbullnfvl or tallo

-2 =

Tht tltavt tntaruttan ltttains ta thh todud u currtntlu torbullulattch and b b~ud an the inhraatlan aYilhbh tt Uus the Addition ot tlfbullJuutt or othet addiUvu ~o thu ltotlud bullbullw suamptstanUtlh elttt the coOIOiiUon ard haurdo et thbull lt~o~duct lnct conditiOn of uu Itt bullutddt our contr~Jb we n kt no vernnU1111 ron h iUtdbull - Ui111C no


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

I r I

LSC - 37 0- t)R7 K 10


IAIgt~tOyentd bw U Sr DellbullttHnt of Lbulltoor Enenthlll Si lil to torbull OSHA~20l


101 Probull~bullct A~enubull NW Clevelandbull Ohio bull~115



I NF OR M TI ON TELE PHO NE NO 11-Feb-85 (216gt 506-2902

bullbullbullbullbull bullbullbull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullwbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull rrr~ abullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull Section I - - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ---middot----------- -------------------------------------------------------------middot


PRODUC T HA11E OPEX Laeouer Thinner


-bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbullbullbull bullbull lla-aa-bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sbullction J I -- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTamp 181100 rocon nHPII TlHl113 m vP

-------middot------middot-------------------------------------------------------------middotmiddot 100 064742-lt-1 Ll o AllPhllic Hldrocubon Sohbullnlo o 3l 4o sJo 300 1310 09 120 l Po Mllthhl o64742-41-9 v middot

I~ 100 JS 0 2010111-3 Toluene 30middot20middot hhnt

ltS 200 260 o 92 0 iii shys 100 43 10 67middot56-1 hanoi 64-17-S Uhanol s 1000 1900 33 440

IbullIJbull1 2MthulbullIbullPtUtlnol ltS so ISO 12

111-76middot2 2-luoc tlhanol ltS 2S 120 1 1 middot0 6 = 67middot64middot1 Acttonto 750 =20 1730 2 110 0

uo-41-0 tllhvl n-hvl ltttont ltS so 23S I 2 1

110bull19bull0 hobuhl Act1tbull s m 700 13 125 --middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot~middotmiddotmiddot middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot8bulletton III -- ~HY8ICAL DATA -------------middot---middot-------middot--------------middot----middotmiddot-----middot-----middot--------middot--------middot


132 - 340 1000 6 oSi 8ctton IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZA~D DATA ------middot-------------------------------middot---------------middot---------------middot------shy


Ill LAJ(L - blnHlv Fhcbhr Fluh bdow 21 F EXTINGUIIHlNI EDIA

Cuben lild dtr lrv Chuicalr Fon UNU I UAL UtE AN D IXLOSION HAZ AJP DS

Itt cettliMII t l hll v cloud h oht frobull hn l r thc ri cal ttuifbulllwr IP~rksr and orenf bullbullbullmiddot Clod conl i ntrl u t Mrl odbull t~hln tJ~fond to bullxtnu hta l Al tliulion a ho Tbullcbullbull rteolir u I Ptc i ll ocauUons Durinl eurtcmL concfilions n oruulurbull lv o s ition l rocfuch u v uulit bull htalth hnardo Svbull rI)U u w nut be l cJit~1 annt

Gbhtn edt u l bull U onU on SPEC IAL FIRpound flGHTlHG PROCEDURES


Full roteclvt uubbullonl includinl lielfmiddotconhintcf tlttolhinl I PIU n UI shuulcf bt uud Wl1r _ _ bt Jnt ff t clhtbull Jf wahr h ut~~llr fl)sl nnln bull n rnferallt w~er uw be u11d o ~otl cltlld conhint n lo Prlyent nl lrtnurv tgtuild-u 1nd fUUillc auuilntUuh or


R7 I( 120 OIEU cault Th in111tt



~CUTE In 1 conhnbulld trtto VilrDrt Ho hlllbull cone1ntuicm ilr anllthPic Clvcrvxrourt bullbull01111 ruuH in l ilhthtouJtdntbullts 1nd slJIJtlnl uii lrr i hnt t o l~ ln ampHod urmiddot ~rr ttlofgt1tltOtll lol ll itll bull

CHRONI C Re~orh havr U IOd l hd nrtthd 1nd rrolcmarti ovvrc J ~OIU n tu nlYtnh with ~bullrbullbull nln brtin omJ mtrvouO Sltfl dlbullllllo

poundHERGEHCY Ml[l FI RST AIIl fFDCEIIURES It INHbullLED If afhehd t ruuvr frobull rxrosurr R~sott bN ithinsl lt on SKIN Wuh 1fftchd arr1 tlbullorouahh with tuo and w~b r

Ruovl cllnhbull i nctrd c lothint and hurrittmiddot btrurt rbullmiddotu~ol If in EYES Fl~otdl CV1 t~~ith hru ounh of wotc r fur 15 a i nuteO

Gtt ercl i cal lt h nlil)n Jf SIUIILLOWEtt Ntvtr Civt nvLhirol tov euutlo to 1r1 uncorgtdou cnon

lJDHITJNG ampivt toCvtl ll JtlnlO-s of worhr Sttd udi cill

bullbulle~ton VI -- REACTIVITY


Jw fire C1rbon Diodcltbull Co11rtoon bullnoxidt HAlAJi[IOUI POLYUUATJON -- ~h )) Hot DtClH


tin w1r1 11tU ouict

DD HDT JN[IUCE -ltntiun

-2 = bullbulle~ion VII -- SPILL OR LE~K PROCEDURES

STEPS TO IE TAtEH IN Cf3[ 11-THIIIL IS JiELEIISFD OR SfJLLpound[1 luovt 111 tournt of ilnihon lJtntiliLc cmi ruovc with inert ob1urbcnt

wbullITE DIIPOIAL bullnHOD Jndnuttc in lbullrovttl htilitv llo nll incinertLbull cluud conhinr Dhluc or in

ttcorcltMt tth 1 lhh1 tnd Loco11l ruul1Uons r~rcHnll nlhUon


R[CAUTIOHI TO J[ TAKEN JN USE Uu onh with tHeutte venUlampUon Avoid bruthinll vciCII tnd bull iiL Avo1d contrat

with tUn and lleth hinds lfttt usinJ Y[NTILIITION

Lout t xhtutt nhuttlt Gen~nl uhcust occ~bullhllh if Lht u~ Lo utt rich in ltction JJ h llinhlntd btlow liclblv urott~rt lblh htt r to OIHII StmdUs tt1o u lflOt07 lflOlOI R[IIRATORY PROTECTION

Jf bulltrsenll osurt ~bullnnu bt controlltd btlow IPflhitbh JJaih bw wrntil1Uonbull wur rtlhltottl dtY i ct llltovtd tov HJOSH SHA tot ftohctiun lsl l inst a1tnhh in Stct10n II PROTtCTI YE ILDIJU

Yt1r lltvtt whi~h rt nrolndtd h t lo~c ~~ u fo r roLttUo 11iampin1t aohbullrhh i 11 l tttlon u EYE rliOTECTION

lttlf ufth tchdtt with unntorettd s i cltshitlds


- r -

R7 Kbull 120

0-----middot------~~~-~~~--~~-=---~~~-~~~-~~~----------- -------- ------- ------ middot JL STORAGE CATEGORY -- 18

FRECAUTlDNS TO JE TA KEN IN HANDLING AND STOfU HG tonttnh lrt UTfpound1tpoundLY HAKAJLpound Kttr IW ~J frat lttltbull 11 bull 11rk~obull t nd 01bulltn tli

Utron will tuutu1tlt rt iiiIJlw ~uu 1 11 nih I JI lutiYI l w Dutinbull uu and unill IU or~ tn tune CUI arvt vvrbulltil t~tll - Do nut nu loc shy

bti nlu ilh all fhUit 10ilot llhtio unci hlltor - Turn otr o ullotlo Cillctdc ~ucb tnd tPrlitncn bull end 11n1 othtr tourct t of hnition

ContuU tlfPA Codtbull Un rovtd lundinl tnd amproundinl Pttbullctdurtt K ronttintr cloud whrn not in uttbull Ttanshr onllt tu ubullrrovrU ~onhintori with cut llttt

tnd tlltOrittt hbtlina Do not h~ e inhrndh ht out of tltl ruch or childttn OTHER PRECAUTIONS

IntenUanll dsuu bv dtlibttOJtth conctntraUno and lnlulinl tht conhnh can bv hbullnfvl or tallo

-2 =

Tht tltavt tntaruttan ltttains ta thh todud u currtntlu torbullulattch and b b~ud an the inhraatlan aYilhbh tt Uus the Addition ot tlfbullJuutt or othet addiUvu ~o thu ltotlud bullbullw suamptstanUtlh elttt the coOIOiiUon ard haurdo et thbull lt~o~duct lnct conditiOn of uu Itt bullutddt our contr~Jb we n kt no vernnU1111 ron h iUtdbull - Ui111C no


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443


R7 I( 120 OIEU cault Th in111tt



~CUTE In 1 conhnbulld trtto VilrDrt Ho hlllbull cone1ntuicm ilr anllthPic Clvcrvxrourt bullbull01111 ruuH in l ilhthtouJtdntbullts 1nd slJIJtlnl uii lrr i hnt t o l~ ln ampHod urmiddot ~rr ttlofgt1tltOtll lol ll itll bull

CHRONI C Re~orh havr U IOd l hd nrtthd 1nd rrolcmarti ovvrc J ~OIU n tu nlYtnh with ~bullrbullbull nln brtin omJ mtrvouO Sltfl dlbullllllo

poundHERGEHCY Ml[l FI RST AIIl fFDCEIIURES It INHbullLED If afhehd t ruuvr frobull rxrosurr R~sott bN ithinsl lt on SKIN Wuh 1fftchd arr1 tlbullorouahh with tuo and w~b r

Ruovl cllnhbull i nctrd c lothint and hurrittmiddot btrurt rbullmiddotu~ol If in EYES Fl~otdl CV1 t~~ith hru ounh of wotc r fur 15 a i nuteO

Gtt ercl i cal lt h nlil)n Jf SIUIILLOWEtt Ntvtr Civt nvLhirol tov euutlo to 1r1 uncorgtdou cnon

lJDHITJNG ampivt toCvtl ll JtlnlO-s of worhr Sttd udi cill

bullbulle~ton VI -- REACTIVITY


Jw fire C1rbon Diodcltbull Co11rtoon bullnoxidt HAlAJi[IOUI POLYUUATJON -- ~h )) Hot DtClH


tin w1r1 11tU ouict

DD HDT JN[IUCE -ltntiun

-2 = bullbulle~ion VII -- SPILL OR LE~K PROCEDURES

STEPS TO IE TAtEH IN Cf3[ 11-THIIIL IS JiELEIISFD OR SfJLLpound[1 luovt 111 tournt of ilnihon lJtntiliLc cmi ruovc with inert ob1urbcnt

wbullITE DIIPOIAL bullnHOD Jndnuttc in lbullrovttl htilitv llo nll incinertLbull cluud conhinr Dhluc or in

ttcorcltMt tth 1 lhh1 tnd Loco11l ruul1Uons r~rcHnll nlhUon


R[CAUTIOHI TO J[ TAKEN JN USE Uu onh with tHeutte venUlampUon Avoid bruthinll vciCII tnd bull iiL Avo1d contrat

with tUn and lleth hinds lfttt usinJ Y[NTILIITION

Lout t xhtutt nhuttlt Gen~nl uhcust occ~bullhllh if Lht u~ Lo utt rich in ltction JJ h llinhlntd btlow liclblv urott~rt lblh htt r to OIHII StmdUs tt1o u lflOt07 lflOlOI R[IIRATORY PROTECTION

Jf bulltrsenll osurt ~bullnnu bt controlltd btlow IPflhitbh JJaih bw wrntil1Uonbull wur rtlhltottl dtY i ct llltovtd tov HJOSH SHA tot ftohctiun lsl l inst a1tnhh in Stct10n II PROTtCTI YE ILDIJU

Yt1r lltvtt whi~h rt nrolndtd h t lo~c ~~ u fo r roLttUo 11iampin1t aohbullrhh i 11 l tttlon u EYE rliOTECTION

lttlf ufth tchdtt with unntorettd s i cltshitlds


- r -

R7 Kbull 120

0-----middot------~~~-~~~--~~-=---~~~-~~~-~~~----------- -------- ------- ------ middot JL STORAGE CATEGORY -- 18

FRECAUTlDNS TO JE TA KEN IN HANDLING AND STOfU HG tonttnh lrt UTfpound1tpoundLY HAKAJLpound Kttr IW ~J frat lttltbull 11 bull 11rk~obull t nd 01bulltn tli

Utron will tuutu1tlt rt iiiIJlw ~uu 1 11 nih I JI lutiYI l w Dutinbull uu and unill IU or~ tn tune CUI arvt vvrbulltil t~tll - Do nut nu loc shy

bti nlu ilh all fhUit 10ilot llhtio unci hlltor - Turn otr o ullotlo Cillctdc ~ucb tnd tPrlitncn bull end 11n1 othtr tourct t of hnition

ContuU tlfPA Codtbull Un rovtd lundinl tnd amproundinl Pttbullctdurtt K ronttintr cloud whrn not in uttbull Ttanshr onllt tu ubullrrovrU ~onhintori with cut llttt

tnd tlltOrittt hbtlina Do not h~ e inhrndh ht out of tltl ruch or childttn OTHER PRECAUTIONS

IntenUanll dsuu bv dtlibttOJtth conctntraUno and lnlulinl tht conhnh can bv hbullnfvl or tallo

-2 =

Tht tltavt tntaruttan ltttains ta thh todud u currtntlu torbullulattch and b b~ud an the inhraatlan aYilhbh tt Uus the Addition ot tlfbullJuutt or othet addiUvu ~o thu ltotlud bullbullw suamptstanUtlh elttt the coOIOiiUon ard haurdo et thbull lt~o~duct lnct conditiOn of uu Itt bullutddt our contr~Jb we n kt no vernnU1111 ron h iUtdbull - Ui111C no


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

- r -

R7 Kbull 120

0-----middot------~~~-~~~--~~-=---~~~-~~~-~~~----------- -------- ------- ------ middot JL STORAGE CATEGORY -- 18

FRECAUTlDNS TO JE TA KEN IN HANDLING AND STOfU HG tonttnh lrt UTfpound1tpoundLY HAKAJLpound Kttr IW ~J frat lttltbull 11 bull 11rk~obull t nd 01bulltn tli

Utron will tuutu1tlt rt iiiIJlw ~uu 1 11 nih I JI lutiYI l w Dutinbull uu and unill IU or~ tn tune CUI arvt vvrbulltil t~tll - Do nut nu loc shy

bti nlu ilh all fhUit 10ilot llhtio unci hlltor - Turn otr o ullotlo Cillctdc ~ucb tnd tPrlitncn bull end 11n1 othtr tourct t of hnition

ContuU tlfPA Codtbull Un rovtd lundinl tnd amproundinl Pttbullctdurtt K ronttintr cloud whrn not in uttbull Ttanshr onllt tu ubullrrovrU ~onhintori with cut llttt

tnd tlltOrittt hbtlina Do not h~ e inhrndh ht out of tltl ruch or childttn OTHER PRECAUTIONS

IntenUanll dsuu bv dtlibttOJtth conctntraUno and lnlulinl tht conhnh can bv hbullnfvl or tallo

-2 =

Tht tltavt tntaruttan ltttains ta thh todud u currtntlu torbullulattch and b b~ud an the inhraatlan aYilhbh tt Uus the Addition ot tlfbullJuutt or othet addiUvu ~o thu ltotlud bullbullw suamptstanUtlh elttt the coOIOiiUon ard haurdo et thbull lt~o~duct lnct conditiOn of uu Itt bullutddt our contr~Jb we n kt no vernnU1111 ron h iUtdbull - Ui111C no


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443


l r l


(Arovbulld llw US Drrrtbullr r t ot L1bor hnni1llw 51bull1ht to torbull OSHio~2CJ

MHUF-CTUREF S N~HE EI1HGENCY TELEPHONE NO THE SHERWIN WILLIAHS COHPANY C216) 566-2917 101 Probull~bullct Avbullnue NW CleYbulllbullndr Ohio 4411i



PRODUCT NUIU[Fi I - Ttedbull Hbullr IU K 3

FRDDUCT HAPtE Pbullin~ Rbullducbullrbull UH I P Nbull~hthe


bullbull~tion II -- HAZAROUamp IHGAEDIpoundNTS fOpoundPT nHPA TLV tll

100 300 UiO

~ 2 - apoundCTION Ill -- PHYSICAL DATA

[UIIFOUTlON RATE amplowH thtn Ehtr middot UAFOF EIENampITY Hu vht ttlu Air = aOJLJNO ltANGE (F) YCLATlLE YOLUE WT GAL =

240 - J2 soo o 20

aECTION IU -- FIRE AND EXPLOaiON HAZMD --------------------------------------------------------------------------middot---shyFLANNUJLIT1 CLUIIFJCATlON middot FLAIM OINT SO F TCC LEL O f

Ill UIEL Fhoeobhbull n11h btloa~ 100 F IXTINDUIIHINI EDU

Cltltlf liod41tbull lrw Chttiul UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXLOUON HAUFDS

conhintrt Ulhh cloud holltt ftoo hut tltdrittl t encl fiOH bull ClotH conttintrs bullbullv t JC Ilodbull a~htn tllbullostel ta utnu hut licetion to hot rttwhts lltcitl ttwtions Jvrint totrttncw tondiUons ovtttiiiOivtt to ftCHItiUon lrtduch en CIVIl 1 hulLh heurd lntoobull on not bt hotclilh h bull bullHnnt Olllhin Ndtul oUtnUon IECIAL litE FIGHTING ltOCEDURpound5

rull nottcUvt ttllbttnt incl~tcSinl stlt-conhintd bruthint ill sho~tld 0t d Mtht bullbullbull bt intfhctht It bullbullttt h d fot nonln ttt Pttftnblt bull M1 ttt otv bt vucl cl cool rhstd conhintrt to lrtvtnt build v tncl IOniblt tvtoit naUon or lin 111htn ooostd o tdtttt hut

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

I r --

~c oubulln~obullo111WHIIW from expoaure Jtutora braathina Kp van a nd quh~ tf conuc vith ayaa h -da lluah vitb copioua quantttt of vatu for 15 bullinutu luh a fhcud area vith vatar Jtbullova conu~inatad clothtna and vaah before rausa


~11 D ~ ~ middot IIJ auau IN(OfoiNTAil~nY C IIIbullo-N - 1

to4JIIIIOOUIOlCOOoiiOIITIOOIOOIIIOOiICTI aJy fin Cubon Dioxide Carbon Moaodde



--=c middotSo~ 1~-~-P-IL_L_O_R_LE_A_K_P_R_OC~EDURES ~il- ~~~~~-V-1 ________ a all uurcaa of tanitioa Vntilata and r-ova vith iant allgtaorbut - 2

-llrDs-obullbull~ oo loctnarata in approved hciltty Do Dot Udnenta doaad contafou lltspoaa in accordance vttb Federal St ate and Local nauhtioaa naudina pollution = =


Local ubluat pnfeuble Nachalnicd (Jaaul) nhauu accapubla adal bulleatilatloo requirH to keep bulletov nv aM LIL

autnd for prolooaad or npaaud cootact llfary apectaclu vith uoperfouc dduhhlda



~ lblntONbull Jteep awy fro hut aparb aod opn n DutlDamp u and until all vapon a ana l hap ana ntllat - Do oot eoka bull lxUDauhlhampll u pilot Hahta aru huto

an off atOIaa alactric tooll and appll aDcaa and any othu aourc of tpitlon Avoid nubiaamp vapor and apray bullitt Avoid eonucr with aldo aod ayu Wuh hnd1 attn udna If apUled OD clothaa tftiOn tlotbina middotaod lauodar bafon nultoa laap contdnu clod vhan sot lo U81 Do DOt trulfar conunta to other cootdnue for ltoraaa Do not uka lnunally ~~ ~of tba ruth of chtldua Conault MFPA Coda u approvU londtna and CroundiDI

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

I I r

Material middotmiddotbafety Data ~heet MSD 8Z0819J

DfTAEX CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC bullo bullox toot CITIItOtT tcIOA bull81 32 middotJApproved by US DeD I ol Labor u Ess entially similar lo Form OSHA-20

Date Auault 1982 EdttOn Fiut

ChtmtaiNameancJSynonymsmiddot Tr ichloroethvlene tr ichloroethtne CAS No 79middot01middot6

TrldtNameandSynonyms PERhmiddotCLOR l SA Trichlor Trichlorethvlane

CllerniCII Famtly Halounaud Hydrocarbons Formula CHCl bull CC1 1

DOT Shtpping Namt trichloroethylene OOT HazardCiass OltmiddotA lr1710 (RQ 10001f 4Skbull)

SECTION 1 bull PHYSICAL DATA Bothng P01nt(760mmHg Vapa~Oenuy(A11bull1)

tnbullr 454 SpeciiiCGraYtlyH10bull1 t uobullnobullcgt 1us

pHoiSotutiQnS 67 to 1s

FrteltngMtlhng POint Solubtltly (Wetgnt ~ tn -l2Jsbullr -86 4bullc WJner) 011 f zsbullc

Bulk OtnSIIy zobullc 12 2 lba aal

Volume - VOIIttlt Euenthllgt too

Ylpot Ptnsure EvlpOrlllOn Rite I 2obullc bull S781ampHamp (ethyl ethtrbulll) 028

Htll ot Solution 0

jAppeltlnct 1na OClor Clur ot Applicbullble colorltu Uauid with

etner-like odor

SECTION 2 middot HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS trichlorothyltne (Stlbilhed)


H Dllbull S11 Sections 4

and S

~-2 = = ~ EbullhngusrungMtObulla lat tr MY cheaicah or carbon dio7bullmiddot

SOKbullIIFbullreFIOfltbullngProcedum Fire fiahuu should veu NlOStfSKA prusure-dtaand salfshycontlined brtlthint IPPiratus for pouiblt exposure to hydron chloride and pouiblv tfiCU Of OhOSIIne UnuluiiFrtandEbullploltOnHiliCll Vapors concantnted in a conlind or poorlv vendhud area

spark flbullbull or hiamph-inunsitv souret of hutcan bt itniud upon contact with a this c1n occur at concentrations of middotuprodmauly 12 bull 5 1nd above by volume Dtcolloosition or buminamp can product hydroaan chloride and pouibly tracu of phoutne

Also 111 Dttnx wuninamp lttttr Fora SoL 8208 21 attached


naldtyotl ar (1)(2) Clnliticltion (Poison~ lk)

FISh LC (LtttaiCorantrttiOfl) Not Dtttnint6 AQUIIIC

HumnEaposurelnfotmltiOtiOall Unconfilllltd dau nisu which indicate that trichloroethvlenbull bv intudon aav bt ore toxic to huaans than indicated by tht available animal dttl S~o~ch r (--14 -bullbull bullbull flni01nninrbull bullr t 11 low as SO ntke

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

- r -

I A ection to (Cont d) - Pertrih 1e boosuu lirliu

Jrrent OSHA penduible exposure Urliu (29CFR 19101000) ue 100 pp111 (8-hour niA) 100-200 PPII periodic ncunions art allowed providina 8-hour TWA 11 at or below 100 opm 200-300 PPIII ucurdona allowed only for Nximum of S minutes in any 2-hour period 300 ppm llliXillum alloloa~lc c-ncentltion (must not be ucuded)

-iii =SECTION 5middot EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Thll IKttOn coversettcts of overe11posure tor bullntltatbullonIVf~tn contact tnfttbullon and otfotr typn ot overe11posure WltoriNIIOtl in 1111 Otdtt oltht moat haZardoiJS ano tne most hketr route ot ~e11posure middot = Acute lrriunt and cenual nervous system deprelnt Inhalation can cause irr1tati of the respiratory tract diuinus nausea headache lon of coordination and equUibd- unconaciouaneu and 1f axJiod at hiamph concentrations in confined or poorly vbullntJhted ubulln bullvbulln death Faulitiu follovina aevere acuu expo1ure c hiamph concentutions have b n attributed to vnuicular fibrillation ruultin~ in cardiac hiluru a Liquid 1pluhed in the eya un ruult in dhcoafort pain and irritation Prolonaed or Taouted contact vith liquid on the skin can cau irritation and darutitis Tha problaa bullJ ba acuntuetad by liquid becoaint trapped aadnst the skin by contninaud clothina and bullhoebull Skin absorption can occur ChTonic rrolonud expo1ure above the OSHA paraiuible exooaure Ueiu uy ruult in liver and kidney dauae Trichloroethylene haa bun ntenaivdy studied for cancer both in the us and turope bv aovernmenr industry and acadnia Thera 1e no docunud evidencbull that Trichloroethvlene causes an incraaaed cancar incidenca in hune

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

-r -

EMeRGENCY AND FIRST 1 PROCEDURES ---------------~ lnhallitlon Remove to fruh dr If not bruthina live ntificJal respiration prefeub~ outh-tobullIIOuth If bruthint is difficult ampive OXYampen Call a physician bull

EyeorSklnContact flush eyu and skin with plentv of ~o~ner (soao and water for skin) for u luat lS ainutu while ruovinamp ccntaminued clothinlt and shoes If irritation occura consult a phvdcian

Ingestion If conscious drink a qunt of waur DO NOT induce vomi tina Take immediately to 1 hospi t al or ~hyaichn If unconscious or in convulsions take illcediately to a hospital or phylidan DO NOT atve anythina bv mouth to an unconacioua penon

Notft lo Phyalclan tnclwdintAnllcfo) ~EEil ad111intsur adrenaltn followin11 trichloroethylene overexposure lncrud sensit ivity of the hurt to adunalin aay be caud by overupo1un to trichloroethylene

rshydECTION 6 middot REACTIVITY DATA -CotldiiiOftiiOAwoid Avoid opan flaltu hot lllowina aurfacat 2

Stable or electric area -__ CotldiiiOftltoAwoid Nona = =

Will not occur

~(toAIOid) Avoid contuinuion with cauatic soda caustic potuh or oxit ins tuiall Shock aenaitiva uplodvu y ba forad j lee Deena vaminamp latter Forbull SoL 1 20821 tttached

MuatdouiDaccwnpoMtionPrHuccl Hydroran chloride and pouibb cncn oi phouene

SECTION 7 middot SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ISH- s middot SoLilOII bullK toMTihnlfMIWNia Otfill__ lantldhtely evacune the aru and provide aadmua ventilltion Unproucud personnel ahould 110ve upwind of apill Only peuonnel uuiopad vith proper napintorv and akinaye orotaction ahould ba perwitted in eru Dika area to contain apill Take preuutiona u necuury to prevent contabullinaclon of ampround and surshyface vuen lecover or absorb soillad aaurial on sawdust or varwicullu and twaap into cloud concaiaeu for diapoul After all vhible tracu have baen ra110vad thorouamphlv wet bullacuUII the aru DO MOT fluth to sever If aru of tpill h oorou1 r-ove u uch conshybullinated earth and travel ate u naceuary and place itl cloud conuineu for dilooul See lelov)

~_ Contuinatd aawduat vamculite or porous aurtau -u ba dilpoaeG in a parwitud hazardous wasta aanaaaHnt facilitY lacovarad ltquidl aay be reprocnau-_ incineraud or Milt ba treated in a parwittad huardoua waste aanaampaunt facility Care WJat ba taken vttan uainamp or diapolina of chetcd aauriah andor their conuinau to preshyvent anvirOMIIntal contabullinetion It 11 your duty to dilpou of tha chical bullbulluriah and or their conuinau in accordance v1th tha Clean Air Act t ha Clean Water Ac t tha auourca

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

Ir I

SpoundCTION 8 bull SPECIAL PRC-~CTION INFORMATION AeortProltction For eMrlaquoenciu or workinR in confined areu wur lf-contdned

~athinamp aopantua or 1uoplied dr rnoiratory protection (uu buddy aystam abo uu

amp~~i~s~~ 1 ~~middot~un~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~lt~~~~ft~~=~~~~ dr~~db~u usa unufacturerr Ru piratorv protection propram a~uat be in accorda~ca with 29CFR l~IO l)t

To~ 1t~ Tfn~~-11 t~rid~ifia-edds~r1bnrinad apacea bull Trichloroethylene vapou an heavier than air and will collect in low ueu

Keep contlinar clod when not in uae bull Do not store in open unhbelad or mislabeled containers bull Liquid owyan or other anon cddanta may fon uplodva mbturu with trtchloroathylena bull Thil aaurial or iu vapors hen in contact with flames hot alovina aurhcu or

electric 1rca can decocpose to form hydroBtn chloride ~abull and tracu of phosaene

bull ~~~~u~~T~~~~ ~~ ~~i~ ~nE~~ 1~intymiddot~~itbull on~~=middot ho~~u~~1boa ceubullbull underaround veur conumi nuion which aay if 1uff1ciently aevue render bull drinlrinamp veur source unfit for human consumption Conubullination that dou occur cannot bbull bulluily correc ud

thef PrKM~IioM AVOID PROLOSCED OR REPI~TED 8~EUH1SC OF APORS Hiah vapor concentrations can cause diaainbullu unconsciousnus or duth Lona term overexpo1uu U l cause liver kidne) injury

bull USE OStl WITH ADEQCATpound EXTlLATlOS en~Uation 111ust be aufficient to limit eopiO) exposure to trichloroet hylene in work uu at or below OSHA pen~iuible uposuu Ubullitbull (lbullhour TlriA - 100 ppm cdlinamp bull 200 ppa auiaua puk - 300 ppa S lllinutu in every 2 hours) Obnrvance of lomiddoter limits (outlined in Section 4) h advisable ~

bull AVO ID CO~TACT WITH ElES Will cau irriution and pdn bull AVOID PlOLO~CUl Ol UPLTED COSTACT WITH SKIN Hay cauae irriution or derrutitis bull DO NOT TAt ISTElALLY Swallomiddotina uy cau injury or death bull DO ICOt UT DIIUlt Oil S~KE IN trollK AJIEAS

Relces 1 lflOSH bullbullabtry of toxic Efhcu of Chaical Subsuncu 1978 2 lndustrid Hyaiana and Todcololy Volume 11 Second Edition F A Patty 1963 3 Danabullrous Propertiu of I ndustrial Materials Fifth Edition t I Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloay Ha1111lton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and Mlubolins of Industrial Solvents lrovnina 1965 6 toaicolo1y the lade Schnee of Poisons Caaarbulltt and Doull 1975 7 fedbullral lbullamphtar 45FR Hazardous ouu HanaaeMnt SVIU Part 111 Identification and

Liltinamp of Haaardous Wutu Pbullampbull 33084 Kay 19 1980 a EPA Science Adviaory lo~rd Subcommittu on Airborne Carcinoabullnbullbull Snubullbar 1910

ommenll bull this solvent (tr1thloroethyhne) 1a used prirutily to dean andor dbullanubull a ~oomiddot ide bullrietbull of Mtal and pluti oarts it should alvan be used iD conjunction vith properly

duianed and fullv controlled aolvbullnt vapor deareuinamp equipMnt that 11 in toapliance vith the us Environbullnul Protection Aaenc y OAQPS Cuidelinu Control of Volatile Oraanic Eaiuions froa c h middotnt Heul Clurina and or all other applicable fadera state or local rtavluory auideUnu

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

Ir I

UnusutJFrreandbplotiOnHulrasmiddot Vapou concancuad in a confined or poorly vancilatad ana un ba 11niterd upon eoatact vith a 1pnlt flua or hiamph-inthtty tourcbull of hut this can occur at concutratioat of approxiutdy 12 bull 51 and abova by voluca Decomposition or buminamp can procluu hydroaan chloride and ponibly tnc of phosena


TNidlyshy 1) (2) Ctiflcation(Pollanlmwntltc)

LolnheiltiOn (rat) - 1000 pp11lro hour lnhllahon Toxic

LOInoestOn (rat)- 490D-7000 bullalk IngestiOn SUahtly to aodanuly toxic

ShLC-ILetNIConcentrl1101) tot Datanind AquatJC

-2 = =

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

-- r --

SFCTION 5 middotEFFECTS Of VEREXPOSURE Aflrs Mellon covets eUects of ovtrexposure lor nnala11on eye skln conact1ngtstbullon and olntr types of overebullposure

torrnahon in lht orGer otthe mosl naurdous and the most likely route ol overexposure

Section 4 - Pttlllinibh L7pau re Lt_mi tl

Current OSKA ptraiuible npoaure limits (29CFR 19101000) an 100 ppm (8-hour r) 10o-200 p~ periodic axcuuions ne dloved providina 8-hour TWA is It or bdov 100 pp 20G-l00 ppa excuuions allowd only for udmu~ of 5 bullinutu in any 2-hour puiod 3gt0 _ uxian11 dlowable concentration (aust not be ucrled) PPCs inttrnal ptriuiblt npoaure li=it h lOOppm-8 hour NA with a short UnD exposure ltit (STEt) of HOppa for any 15 ainute excuuion Effecu of OYenxeosun Acute Irritant and central nervoua eystu dtprunt Inhalation can cauu hritation OTtha respiratory tract dinineas na~o~sea headache 1011 of coordination and aquilibriu unccnaciouanau and evan death in confined or poorly ventilated araa1 FataliU followina aavara acute axpo1ura hava bun attributad to vantricular fibrillation naultina in cardiac tailuru bull

Liquid aplaahad in tht aya can ruult in diacoafort pain and irritation Prolonaad 2 or reputed contact with liquid on tha akin can uuaa irritation and daratitia tha problbull aay ba accantuatad by liquid bacoainamp trapped aaairat tha akin by conshytaainatad clothina and 1hou bull Skin absorftion can occur Chronic Prolonaad axpo1ura above tha OSHA paraiaaibla upoaura Uaita uy ruult 1n Uvar and Udnay damaampbullmiddot Trichloroathylana baa bun axtenaivaly atudia4 for caacu Nth in tba US and Europa by aovarnant industry and acadaaia in IIUltipla 2 shyapaciaa and bioloaical tut apacirlena Recant ravitwa of thaaa data by tha Scianca Advisory loard to EPA a car cinoaan auaument a roup concluded that thara waa no avtcenca to support t ha carcinoaenicity of Trichloroathylana than il no docubullentad evidence that Tr ichloroethylene cau1e1 an tncraala4 cancer incioanca in human1 = =



-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

-r -

lMERGENCY AND FIRST ) PROCEDURES lnhaiiiUon aeova to fruh air If not bnathina atva artificial nspiution preferably bullouth-ro-outh If bnathina 11 difficult ampive oxnen Call a physician

Eye or Skin Contact Flush ayu and akin with plenty of 1o1ater hoap and ~o~ater for akin) for u laaat 15 bullinutu vhib ruovina contuinatad clothina and thou If irritation occun consult a phy1idan

lngHtlon ~ drink a quart of watar DO NOT induea vomitina Taka ~iauly to a ho1pital or physician If uncon1cious or in convuhiona taka Sadiauly to a hoapital or phsician DO NOT ampiva anythina by aouth to an unconacioua pauon

Hotel to Phy~ (Inducing Antidoln) ~EVER admlnuter adrenal in followtna trtchlroatylenajmiddot r shy~vanxpoaun tacnaud sensitiv i ty of tha heart to ad renalin uy ba cauted by ovarshyxpotampnmiddota to trichloroathylana -2

SECTION 6 REACTIVITY DATA- Stable- shyWill DOt occur

CondltionltoAWOid Avoid open fluu hot ala-in surhcu or alactric area

_toAw) Avoid contuinatioa vitb cauatlc aoda cauatic pouah or oddidn1 MUrials Shock unlittva uplodvas bullY ba fomed

SECTION 7 middotSPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I IOMTIUIIIIpiiMorR_ I _diauly evacuate tha ana and provide xillwl vbulltUtioa UDproucted pauoMel thould -ova upwiAd of bullrill Oramply FUtonnal amp1uippacl vith proper uapintory and tkinaya protection ahould be paraittH 1ft uu DUca ana to CODtdn apW TaU pncautiont bullbull nacasaary to prevent contuinatioa of 1round and autbull faca vetan aacovu or abtorb spilled MUrial on uvdutt or vamiculita and 1vaap into dot containut for ditpol Afur dl vhibh tnc hava b a roved thorouahly vat vacwa the ar DO NOt fluth to swar If ana of apill 11 poroua raova aa auch eonshy

bullWtM Nrth and aravel ate bullbull nacaaury and place 1n cloud contdnus for dhpoul i ldov)

DilpoUIMI4hollt Contabull1uud uvdun vanicul1ta or porous surhca ust be dia ud of middot - 10 bull paraitted hampurdou1 wanbull naant hcility Racovand liquidbull uy ba uprocuud or

lnciouated or bullbullt ~middot trtt in bull pandttH hampaerdous wuu unacnt facilit y tan

= =

bullbullt ba ulten vhn II inamp or dispolinc of dtbulli~al uriah and ~or tha~r ~on~atnen t~ pn

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443

-r -

-~TION 8 middot SPECIAL PRC ~CTION INFORMATION ipiriiOtfProtctlon For naraaneiu or working in confined 1reu vur bullbulllf-conuinad

oruthina apparatu s or supplied air respiratory prouetion In other circu1111tancu inshyvolvina potential ovauxposuru uu NIOSHHSKA-approvad oraanic vapor reapiratoi (Oburva Unitationa directed by unufacturu) Rupiratory prouction proara11 mu1t be in accordance vith 29CFR 1910lllo

lyaIOIKtlon ~plasproof o lu Glowel p lv tMrPtoteclillfqulpmtnt Safety 1howu and aya-waah fountain in immediate uaa huonna


JHcuron~~hina and uu of aquipr~ant IIIUit ba in accordance with 29CFR 1910 133

SECTION 9 bull SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PNcautionalo be Tahn During ~lng 1M Storing I Do aor uu in poorly ventilated or confined apacu I Trichlorouhylena vapou ara huviu than air and vill collect in lov areas

Jtaap container cloaad vhan not in use Do not 1ton in open unhbeled or mhlabded containers Liquid oxyaen or other atrona oxidanu may fort~~ txplolive eixtuus with trichloroethylena Thh uuriel or its vapou when in contact vitb n_ hot alovina aurfacu or electric area can decoepou to fon hydroaen chloride abullbull and tracu of phoaaene

I AVOID CCraquoAHINATION OF WATER SUPPLIES Handlinamp atorsae ud u11 procadurea ust be carefully aonitond to avoid spills or luU Arty bullpill or luk haa the potential to cauae underaround water contamination which uy if sufficiently severe render a -clrinkinamp waur source unfit for human consumption Contuination that clou occur 2 cannot be easily corrected Olw- = = bull AOID PlOLO~CED Oil llEPEAED trEAHC OF VA70RS Hiah vapor concantrations can cauu diaatna wcOGacioueneu or claath Lona tatll oveuxpoaure uy cauu Hverkidnay injury

I USE Oh1Y WITH ADEQUATE VE~TIUTIOl Ventilation eust be suffciat t o Uait ~loy

middot=~r(a~O~~~o~o~~Y ~~~ ~r~bull~ -~i~i~ -~~~ ~ in evuy Z houra ) Ob1ervance of lowar Uaiu (outliDM in Section 4) h advibll

I AVOID COKTAct WITH EYIS Will cause irritation and paiD AVOlD PIOLOCEil Ol UPtAnD CONTACT WITH SKIM May cau irritation or denutitis DO MOT TAKE 1KTEMALL1 Svallowina IIamp) cauu injury or death DO ~OT EAT 1 DlLK Ol S~IOKE IN WORK AJtAS

1 IUOSB ampeahtry of Toxic Efhcu of Chuical Subnucu 1978 2 Industrial Hyabne and Toxicoloy Volume II Slcond Edition F A Patty 1961 3 Dansarous Propertiebull of lutrial t~auriall Fifth Edition N 1 Sax 1979 4 Industrial toxicoloiJ Hsbullilton and Hardy 1974 5 Toxicity and tleubolhbullbull of Indurrial Solventbull lrovnina 1965 6 toxicoloay tha Iaale Science of Poilon1 Cuaratt ancl Doull 1975 Tederal lleailtat 0 4SFJ HaaardOUI Wuta Mlnatmlnt Syamprbulll Pbullrt Ill Identification and

Liatinl of laurcloubull Wutu Paaa 31084 lily 19 19110 bull UA Sci~~~ca Aclvbory Icard Subcoaittll on Airborne CarcinoaenJ Saptaabar 1980



  1. barcode 578443
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 578443