110308 keonn monitor - automatic control in the cold supply chain

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Automatic Control in the Cold Supply Chainkeonn

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Logistics of cold products faces the challenges of conventional logistics, plus some additional ones

Space optimization

Routes optimization

Time optimization

Error reduction

Higher automation

Increase in value added

Continuity of the cold supply chain

Management of different temperatures

Specific regulations

Error irreversibility

Claims management (burden of proof)

Challenges of conventional logistics Specific challenges in logistics of cold products

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A wide set of incidences are usual in the cold supply chain

If the breakdown takes place at night or in a week-end, it can only be detected through alarms

The failure may have or may have not broken the cold chain

Failure in a cold storage

It is necessary to determine whether it has affected the product or not

If it is detected before the truck arrives at the customer’s premises, the consequences may be avoided

Incidence in a truck

Irregular loading / unloading

Customer claims

Sea transport


Responsibility can only be assigned with the exact data of time of delivery and temperature history

Without detailed reports, it is impossible to assign responsibility

Consequently, the supplier usually assumes the costs: “The customer is always right”

Sea transport increases transit times and increases the risk

On board, the cooling procedures change

Collecting the necessary data may require hours/days of work

Predefined automated reports would simplify the process enormously

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Keonn Monitor helps in solving all these problems, by continuously monitoring the temperature of products


Data capture does not require human intervention

There are no forgotten tasks, errors or excuses

Temperature is captured always and everywhere

If any sensor fails, the system sends an alert



All data are harmonized and stored in a centralized repository

Such repository is accessible from anywhere, simply through a web browser, with different access levels

Reports and alarms are generated centrally


The installation is very simple, typically after a few hours at every site, including trucks and warehouses

In warehouses, only power supply and a network connection are required

In trucks, no connections are needed


End-to-end Captures the temperature data in cold chambers, trucks, chests, pallets and boxes

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Each pallet incorporates a sensor that measures temperature periodically and stores it in an embedded memory

Reusable sensors

Fed by a battery, their lifetime ranges from one to five years

Can store up to 2MB of data

Resolution of 0,5ºC

May have processing capacity or not, e.g. calculation of shelf life

Can include several sensors simultaneously (temperature, light, humidity, acceleration, gas, etc.) 

They unload the data automatically when entering a zone under coverage of any reader

They are very robust and long-lasting

Single use sensors

Fed by batteries (lifetime >1 year)

Can store up to 2.000 registers (2K x 8), depending on the configuration

Resolution of 0,5ºC

Configurable sampling period

Two storage modes: periodic or activated by thresholds

Data retention up to 10 years

Very robust, and can be reused

Operational frequency: 13.56 MHz

Protocol: ISO 15693

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When reaching destination, the sensors communicate with the reader on-site and transmit all the stored data

Sensor Readers

Connected directly to mains

Communicate with sensors, fixed or mobile through radiofrequency in UHF band, or at 2,4 GHz.

Communicate with the central management software via Ethernet or WiFi

Download the data stored in those sensors under their coverage area, and transmit them to the central repository

Can contain sensors

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The data received by readers are stored in a central repository and are managed by a scalable software application


Manages multiple sites

Manages a fleet

Manages users with different access levels

Generates detailed reports, on screen, or exported to PDF and Excel Cold chamber temperature report of all warehouses Truck temperature report Pallet or box temperature report

Configures the alarms, with thresholds dependant on day and time Configurable alarms based on minimum and maximum temperature ranges

and duration of active alarm, variable according to time of day

Configures a chain of alarm notifications, depending on time that the alarm has been active (hysteresis)

Sends the alarms through SMS or e-mail

Manages all the stored data

Calculates product temperature

Shelf life for each product can be calculated, increasing it with respect to the “worst case” common practice

Keonn Monitor is apt for CCQI Certification

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Keonn monitor manages the difference between air and product temperatures by means of phantoms and heat equation calculations













13:04 14:44 16:24 18:04 19:44 21:24 23:04 0:44 2:24 4:04

Air temperature

Product temperature

Product temperature calculated by Keonn Monitor

Temperature (ºC)


Keonn Monitor monitors the temperature of products, not the temperature of the air. Alarms are sent only when there are real problems.

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Login through http://

Keonn Monitor has a web-based interface. Each user must introduce its login and password to access

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Users have a global vision of the cold supply chain throughout all warehouses and premises, and detect alarms very quickly

Alarm: maximum temperature surpassed

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The system also detects and alerts about power supply failures

Alarm of power supply failure

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The current state of fixed sensors is viewed graphically

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The evolution of products’ temperature is viewed in real-time by means of charts

Real-time temperature charts

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Users can generate a wide range of reports and export them to PDF or Excel

Report generation

Example of reports

Temperature and doors opening

Sensor battery level

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Alarms can be configured, assigned to specific users and sent by e-mail or SMS

Management of alarm types

Suscription to alarms

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Keonn Monitor also allows creating and managing users, and assigning specific permission levels to each user

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The deployment of Keonn Monitor in the cold supply chain of a large food company has been a success, recovering the investment in less than 1 year

Customer voice

“The system works perfectly”

“When there is an alarm, there is always a real problem. There are no false alarms”

“We have completely replaced our old monitoring system by Keonn Monitor”

“Thanks to Keonn Monitor, we have detected many failures in our cold chain that otherwise would have gone undetected”

“Keonn Monitor has allowed us avoiding failures that would have led to product losses”

“We are going to save lots of energy costs by better adjusting the temperature of our cold stores”

“The ROI of Keonn Monitor is large. We have recovered our investment in less than one year”

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In conclusion, Keonn Monitor controls and optimizes the cold supply chain in a very efficient way

Integral register of temperature data

Automatic capture of all temperature data

Control of cold stores, trucks, chests, pallets and boxes

Harmonized and centralized data repository

Fast and universal access to stored data

Generation of personalized reports (PDF and/or Excel)

Access to reports and data from any web browser

Fast detection of failures or problems Personalized alarms, through SMS or e-mail

Easy and cheap installation and operation

Very fast and simple installation

No operational costs (100% automatic)

Large ROI and short payback

Useful to improve processes Useful to obtain the CCQI certification

Manages customer claims

Speeds up inspection processes


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