11.05.06 2nd article exaltation-resurrection

Apostle’s Creed: 2ndArticle- Exaltation: Resurrection Chain the Catechism: A topical study through the Lutheran confessions Phil 2:9-11 God exalted Him… 1 Peter 3:18-19 [Christ] was put to death… Col 2:15 Having disarmed… Rm 4:25 [Christ] was delivered… Jn 11:25-26 I am the resurrection… Memorization Verses:

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Apostle’s Creed: 2ndArticle-

Exaltation: Resurrection

Chain the Catechism: A topical study through the Lutheran confessions

Phil 2:9-11 God exalted Him…1 Peter 3:18-19 [Christ] was put to death…Col 2:15 Having disarmed…

Rm 4:25 [Christ] was delivered…Jn 11:25-26 I am the resurrection…

Memorization Verses:

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Easter Activities

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TLH #217F| F-CA-F|E-FG-A|C-A-GG|F-.1. Oh, sing with exultation,Sing to the Lord, rejoice,And in His congregationShout with triumphant voice.For, lo, at God's right handIs Christ in glory seated;With death and hell defeated,As Victor doth command.2. Since Christ, our Lord, is living,We nevermore shall die;To God the glory giving,We rise to Him on high.Though chastened we may beAnd to our graves be taken,We unto life shall wakenAnd live eternally.3. Christ is the sure FoundationThe builder did reject,But He four our salvationIs precious and elect

And made the Corner-stoneOn which the Church is founded;This marvel now is sounded,The work of God alone.4. To Thee, O Christ, be glory,Who camest in His name!Thy people sing the storyThy praises to proclaim.We thank Thee and adore,O Christ, our Lord and Savior;Thy grace and boundless favorStand fast forevermore.

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That since God is not a being, God cannot be incarnated in any human form. God is not a father figure somewhere above the clouds coming down to rescue a "fallen" humanity in the form of a divine figure who is both human and God. No, God is the ground of our being -- the ground we walk on, the air we breathe, the hand we touch, the trees we lean on in the forest, the stars in the sky, the clouds that whisk by. God is present with us, right now. God is resurrected in each moment when we are overcome by the inescapable beauty of the world and the people around us.

Bishop John Shelby Spong

2nd Art. Exaltation: What is Wrong?

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The Exaltation of Christ is his triumph through substitutionary atonement (indirect) and Victory over death (proper).

The Resurrection consists of the following elements:A name ranking over all gods, governments,

and powers (u(peruyo/w) ExaltA declaration connected to a writ of glory

(kauxa/omai) BoastA rejoicing in the securing of prosperity.

ExultAn authority that is reaffirmed after

destroying an enemy.

2nd Art. Exaltation: Definition

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Early Church writings indicate that Christ’s resurrection is: (Justin Matyr, on the Resurrection, 2nd c.) An affirmation that salvation is given to all men

objectively An inherent importance of the body in regards to eternity.

Medieval theologians appear to show minor focus to the resurrection, constituting more of the natural result of a larger Christology. Aquinas, Lombard, Bonnaventure focus on Trinity,

incarnation, sin/redemption and sacraments Lutheran theologians into the 18th c. (Gerhard)

categorized the resurrection as having immanent importance, creating “the twofold state” of Christology. Christ’s Humiliation and Exaltation is the difference

between Christ emptying and filling his incarnate person with divine power and pre-eminance (genus idiomaticum)

2nd Art. Exaltation: Church History

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Question over when proper exaltation occurs is articulated in Reformed theology starting with Zwingli, and later Calvin.

Controversy over “Descended into Hell” (1 Pet. 3:18-20, AC):Aquinas: Christ descended in soul only to abide with

the deadLutheran: Christ descended in body and soul, while still

lying in the grave, to declare the impotence of Hell and the power of sin through the law. This is a mystery, but is a plain reading.

Aepinus: Spirit continues suffering the full weight of being forsaken. Still not experiencing “second death” though.

Orthodox: Christ releases OT saints that were imprisoned.

2nd Art. Exaltation: Descent into Hell?

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God starts all interactions emphasizing His sovereignty over manThis includes the enduring trustworthiness of His

covenantal promises, forgiveness, and power over death.

Pre-eminating authority during battle. Victories a proceeded by battle cries and boasting.

Gen 3:15, Moses and Pharoah, Gideons trumpet, David and Goliath, God’s chastising of Job

God promises through suffering of one servant, that all men may be also exalted and brought into a heavenly inheritance.Psalm 16:10, Is. 52:13, Job 19:25

2nd Art. Exaltation: OT Context

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2nd Art. Exaltation: OT Exegesis “Look, my servant will

succeed!  He will be elevated, lifted high, and greatly exaltedIs. 52:13

I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.

 And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes.Job 19:25-27

Ewr (Ruwm) To be set high up, to be the first of all things, to be in heaven. Threfold use of synonyms for exaltation develop its importance. The strageness of the cross being also a high victory banner through defeat.

r#b (Basar): The body as it exists currently, parallels “skin” used previously will decay by worms, but will be restored

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Christ declares his authority over sin from the Father through healings and miracles.These events have fulfillment in resurrection.

Lazarus, feedings, cripples walking.Christ suffers bodily and spiritually as part of

Kenosis, but takes all glory back up after His death.Christ becomes the fulfillment of the festival of the

First FruitsConsider the events which are celebrated on this

day:Noah lands on AaratIsrael crosses the Red SeaManna is eaten in the Promised LandHaman is exposed and defeatedCHRIST IS RAISED!

2nd Art. Exaltation: NT Context

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2nd Art. Exaltation: NT ExegesisTherefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,  that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,  in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Phil. 2:5-7

And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.

John 17:5

"But in fact Messiah has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.

2 Cor. 15:20

u(peruyo/w (huperopso): To lift up overhead. Refers to Christ’s resurrection.

do/ca (doxa/o) Glorify or glory with preeminance and magnificence.

eÍgeiðrw (egeiro) to raise, to keep watch, to stand up or raise up.

a)parxh (Aparche) the firstlings. The First Sacrifice

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The Trinity is glorified in the objective Justification ratified and proclaimed in the resurrection.

Because of Christ’s resurrection and exaltation, we have:A standard by which the body may have

value in this life and the next.Forgiveness of sins through the

reclamation by His blood shed and reconstituted

Hope of heaven through an inheritance paid for by the first fruits of God.

2nd Art. Exaltation: Application

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Since Christ, the Head of Christendom, through whom it lives and possesses all things and who is so great that he fills heaven and earth-compared to him, sun, moon, and all creatures are as nothing-has now risen from the grave, and thereby has become a mighty Lord over all things, also of death and hell, so must we also, as his members, be affected by his resurrection and actually become partakers of what he has thereby accomplished for our sake. For as by his resurrection he has taken everything with himself, so that heaven and earth, sun and moon, and all creatures must both rise and become new, so he will also take us along. The same God, who awakened Christ from the dead, will also quicken our mortal bodies and with us also all creatures, now subject to vanity and anxiously longing for our glorification, will be freed from the perishable existence and be glorified. Therefore, because we already possess better than half of our resurrection, since head and heart are already in heaven, only the least still needs to be done, that our body be buried in the ground so that it also may be renewed. For where the head is, there also the body must be presented.

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Why did Christ humble himself? From what has Christ redeemed you? How has Christ redeemed you from all sins? Rescued you from death? The power of the devil? With what has Christ redeemed you? How does this work of redemption benefit you? Has Christ redeemed only you?

SS: ExaltationM: Descent into HellT : ResurrectionW: Son of God w/True DoctrineTh: Reconciling the World & Eternal Life

2nd Article of the Apostle’s Creed:Redemption and Atonement

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Christ’s exaltation is that as man He now fully and always uses His divine powers. “He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into haven and sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty. From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.”

Phil 2:9-11 God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Pray: Almighty Lord and Savior, King and Lord over all, who will prove Yourself to be strong and terrible to Your enemies: I thank You that You are my Jesus, my dear Savior! Behold, I commend myself into Your strong hands for time and eternity. And I know that these Your hands will receive me and keep me. Amen (Zorn).

SS: Exaltation:

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The Scriptures teach that Christ, after He was made alive in His grave, descended into hell, not to suffer punishment, but to proclaim His victory over His enemies in hell.

1 Peter 3:18-19 [Christ] was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit, through whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison.

Col 2:15 Having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

• Pray: O Lord, I am not worthy to have a

glimpse of heaven, and I am unable with my works to redeem myself from sin, death, the devil, and hell. Nevertheless, You have given me Your Son, Jesus Christ, who is far more precious and dear than heaven, and much stronger than sin,

death, the devil, and hell. For this I rejoice, praise, and thank You, O God. Without cost and out of pure grace You have granted me this boundless blessing in Your dear Son. Through Him You take sin, death, and hell from me, and grant me all that belongs to Him. Amen. (Luther).

M Descent into Hell

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They teach that on the third day Christ victoriously rose from the grave and showed Himself alive to his disciples.

Acts 10:40-41 God raised Him from the dead on the third day and caused Him to be seen. He was not seen by all the people, but by witnesses whom God had already chosen-by us who ate and drank with Him after He rose from the dead.

1 Cor 15:4-8 He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and ... He appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, He appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then He appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all He appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born.

Acts 1:3 After His suffering, He showed Himself to these men and gave many

convincing proofs that He was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.

Christ’s Resurrection (Mt 27:62-28:20; Mk 16: Lu 24; Jn 20-21)

• Pray: I ask You, dear Father, keep me

from now on to the end of my life in the true and pure faith in Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen. (Luther)

T Resurrection

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Christ’s resurrection proves that A. Christ is the Son of God; Rom 1:4 [He was] declared with

power to be the Son of God by His resurrection from the dead.

B. His doctrine is the truth Jn 2:19 Destroy this temple, and I will

raise it again in three days. Jn 8:28 When you have lifted up the

Son of Man, then you will know that I am the one I claim to be and that I do nothing on My own but speak just what the Father has taught Me.

• Pray: Almighty God, through the

death of Your Son You have destroyed sin and death. Through His resurrection You have restored innocence and eternal life. So, we

who are delivered from the power of the devil may live in Your kingdom. Grant us grace that we may believe this with our whole heart. Enable us—always—to praise and thank You steadfastly in this faith, through Your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. (Luther)

W Son of God w/True Doctrine

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C. God the Father accepted Christ’s sacrifice for the reconciliation of the world;

Rm 4:25 [Christ] was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.

Rm 5:10 If, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life!

1 Cor 15:17 If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.

D. All believers in Christ will rise to eternal life

Jn 11:25-26 I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die.

Jn 14:19 Because I live, you also will live. 1 Cor 15:20 Christ has indeed been raised

from the dead, the first fruits of those who

have fallen asleep. • Pray: O Lord, who did wash out our

offences, comfort us who faithfully call upon You. And, we beg that You would blot out our transgressions, and restore us from death to the land of the living, through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Sarum Breviary, c. 13th c).

Th Reconciling the World & Eternal Life

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ConclusionChrist’s exaltation is that as man He now fully and always uses His divine powers. “He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into haven and sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty. From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.”The Scriptures teach that Christ, after He was made alive in His grave, descended into hell, not to suffer punishment, but to proclaim His victory over His enemies in hell.They teach that on the third day Christ victoriously rose from the grave and showed Himself alive to

his disciples. Christ’s resurrection proves that A. Christ is the Son of God;B. His doctrine is the truthC. God the Father accepted Christ’s sacrifice for the reconciliation of the world;D. All believers in Christ will rise to eternal life

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2nd Article:Exaltation: Ascension

Next Time…(5/13)