11th annual

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  • 8/14/2019 11th Annual


  • 8/14/2019 11th Annual



    Jan Schall, Ph.D.Sanders Sosland Curator o

    Modern and Contemporary ArtThe Nelson-Atkins Museum o ArtKansas City, MO

    Jan Schall, Sanders SoslandCurator o Modern andContemporary Art, holds a

    doctorate in art history rom the University o Texas

    at Austin and a masters degree in art history romWashington University in St. Louis. In 2000, Schallorganized the National Endowment or the ArtsMillennium Projects exhibition Tempus Fugit:Time Flies and produced both its accompanyingcatalogue and award-winning website. Morerecently, she curated Kiki Smith: Constellation andco-curated Sparks! The William T. KemperCollecting Initiative and the ve-part New MediaProjects exhibition. Schall oversaw the renovationand reinstallation o the Museums Kansas CitySculpture Park and developed and implementedboth the program and installation o the modernand contemporary collection in the expandedMuseum. Schalls research has been supported by

    grants rom the National Endowment or the Arts,the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD),and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

    tHe rOGrAM

    Art on the Streets is proudly presented by US Bank,Norwood Development Group and G.E. Johnsonin concert with Downtown Partnership o ColoradoSprings and its aliate, Community Ventures, Inc.In its eleventh year, Art on the Streets is a yearlongvenue to showcase the works o new as well ascelebrated artists rom across the country whileenlivening the Downtown Colorado Springs

    cityscape and urban experience.

    Art on the Streets has infuenced purchase andpermanent installation o many o the nearly 50works o public art in downtown Colorado Springs everything rom lie-size portrayals o cityounders to giant metal sunfowers in arterialmedians and contemporary, interactive, non-representational works tucked into the urban landscape. More than 150 works o art have adorneddowntown Colorado Springs since Art on theStreets began in 1999.

    With a generous contribution o seed moneyrom Wynne Palermo, the Palermo Acquisition

    Fund has been established to kick o undraisingto purchase a new piece o sculpture to be gited tothe City o Colorado Springs or permanent display.Contributions can be made to Community VenturesInc., 111 S. Tejon, Ste. 309, Colo. Spgs., CO 80903.

  • 8/14/2019 11th Annual


    rtiStS StAteMeNtS

    Michael BrohmanDenver, COJourney- $65,000Bronze32 x 11 x 39

    Micaels work is a once beauiul and disurbing,as are e emes a e explores. he acklesemes rom dieren angles, desroying econcep o a single dominan narraive, rowingem open o muliple inerpreaions. te resuloers simulaneous, oen conicing readingswere inerpreaions can never be sill, bu ucu-ae beween degrees o insig and conusion.

    Greg Brotherton

    San Diego, CAWatchtower- $18,000Seel, recycled wood,recycled bole glass8 x 3 x 18Gregs sculpures juxaposemyology wi pop culureand inves ordinary objecs wi

    anasic, someimes diabolical,uncion. Watchtowerwasinspired by uman curiosiyand e wonderul mecanismscuriosiy drives. te orm Greg

    presens emerges rom a disordered mecanicalisory, oen revealed roug adysopian lens.

    Jeremy CooperLamar, COMorning Dove- $15,000Pained mild seel8 x 4 x 2te morning doves dancing eir

    way across e easern plains oneir yearly migraion inspiredis piece. Wi grace and poeicmoion, Morning Dove invies eviewer o come and enjoy i.

    Alex CornoMilan, Ialy

    Airing - $38,000Iron7 x 6 x 4Airing originaes rom e circle,in wic and rom wic e oerwo caracerizing elemens aconsiue is work inrude and

    become par o, us obaining an eec oligness and an increase in e already disrupiveand ragmenary naural energy.

  • 8/14/2019 11th Annual


    J. Karl LipscombPisburg, KSBogarts Vase- $4,800Exerior grade plywood,sain, linseed oil3 x 4 round

    te inspiraion or is piece came rom ecallenge o making a radiional orm rom non-radiional maerials and o an unusual size. As wiany larger piece o arwork, e viewer as adieren level o ineracion wi is vase. Noonly is e orm more imposing rom is size, bue space bo posiive and negaive becomes

    muc more ineracive.

    Nicholas S. OrdahlColorado Springs, COThe Wankel Bell- $62,800Seel, recycled maerials,arciecural screen, concree15 x 8 x 8

    Naure and naural processesand mans place in e nauraland ecnological world are allemes or Nick. te orms and

    workings o plans ave been a major source odelig and inspiraion. I amuses me o creaemeal orms reminiscen o delicae leaves andowers, wic o me, draw aenion o e superior

    design abiliy o naure.

    Michael OrgelAlbuquerque, NMContinuous Line in Space-$22,500Limesone, seel42 x 22 x 3

    te model or is work was abroken seasell and is based

    on an endless edge a defnes a cenralnegaive space. Like naural waer and wind-sculped bridges, e orms ound in broken parso a sell are no only beauiul, bu also srucurallysound. Limesone gives body o is ContinuousLine in Space by joining is circuious adjacen pars

    orming a delicae, spiraling, upper bridge poriono e work, and a long curving cannel roug elower body o e piece.

    Sue QuinlanBoulder, COSpearthrower Totem - $4,000Wie concree and seel6 x 9 x 4Sues work explores ow ariacscan elp people connec wiuniversal uman experience andexplore is personal meaning. her

    usion o culural icons illuminaes e connecionwe all sare, including our joys and sruggles wi

    ubiquious evens like bir, dea and umanrelaionsips.

  • 8/14/2019 11th Annual


    Jason StillmanMesa, AZThe Evolution of Flora - $17,000Seel10.5 x 6.5 x 5Jasons ar ends o uilize orm

    as reeced in naure and euman body, o evoke an

    emoional and inellecual response in e viewer.his work aemps o do is by callenging eviewers noions abou e imagery and objecsound in everyday experience.

    Doyle Svenby

    Maniou Springs, COA Girls Bes Friend - $11,000Seel and diamondplaed seel7 x 6 x 33

    A ring symbolizes so many dieren ingsA gio love, a new beginning, an eernal bond? Doyleopes a wen viewing is piece, one o oseougs comes o mind.

    Tim & Rick UphamFor Collins, CORed Springs- $28,000Sainless seel and a glassmarble 18 all

    tims concep or Red Springssared wi Colorado Springsearlier name o Founain Colonyand e exisence o o springs.te desire o creae a spring orounain rom sainless seel andred glass marbles came

    rom e Spanis ranslaion

    o Colorado.

    Bill VielehrBoulder, COMetal Response- $75,000Cas and abricaed aluminumtree 12 all columnsBills sculpures are drawings

    in wax cas ino aluminum orbronze. Drawing is inegral o my

    sculpures. My drawings on paper are par o eprocess. te absrac markings invie e viewero engage in e ac o conemplaion, imaginaionand discovery o broad ideas.

    Christopher Weed

    Colorado Springs, COPaper Clips- $75,000Powder coaed seelubing23 x 15 x 6Precariously balanced,

    ese iconic sculpures are imbued wi a universalamiliariy one a is bo accessible andsriking, imprining upon e viewers eye longpas e viewing isel.

  • 8/14/2019 11th Annual



    presened byU.S. Bank, Norwood Developmen Group,

    and G.E. Jonson

    A Micael Orgel Continuous Line in SpaceB Greg Broeron Watchtower

    C Bill Vieler Metal Response

    D Nick Ordal The Wankel Bell

    E Jeremy Cooper Morning Dove

    F Alex Corno AiringG Karl Lipscomb Bogarts Vaseh tim Upam Red Springs

    I Doyle Svenby A Girls Best FriendJ Jason Sillman The Evolution of FloraK Micael Broman JourneyL Crisoper Weed Paper ClipsM Sue Quinlan Spearthrower Totem



































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  • 8/14/2019 11th Annual


    1 Celebration Don Green

    2 General William Jackson PalmerNaan Dumon Poer

    3 Rusty Doyle Svenby

    4 Cubicle Cactus Ka & Bob tudor

    5 Uncle Wilber Ka & Bob tudor

    6 Bella and the Bug Louise Peerson

    7 Sister City - Fujiyoshida, Japan (fve componens)

    8 tallaz Fred Darpino

    9 th Ca Sa Bill Noland

    10 Whachasae (wa you see - obelisk) ConcreeCouc (ariss working wi organizaions, business-es, and voluneers o develop oudoor ar projecs)

    11 El Dorado XV Gary Slaer

    12 Check It Out Jerry Boyle

    13 The Secret Garden Mark Lundeen

    14 Orpheus Edgar Brion

    15 Jazz Alice Ann Ocs

    16 Latvian FreedomFountain Ansis Berzins

    17 Stumped Doyle Svenby

    18 Spring Bouquet Gene Adcock

    19 Rheas Box Cris Weed

    20 Spsn bll tow Don Green

    21 SnfowCris Weed

    22 Bison Bison Americanus Ricard Jagoda

    23 The Range Riders Rusy Pelps

    24 Grizz II Ricard Jagoda

    Additional Public Art In Downtown

    25 Hank (the Cowboy) Rusy Pelps

    26 Double Eagle Jim McCain

    27 Spencer Penrose Avard Fairbanks

    28 Pillars Through Time Sue Quinlan

    29 Winfeld Scott Stratton Nellie Verne Walker

    30 Continuum - Bill Burgess,The Julie Penrose Fountain David Barber

    31 Watermelon Cris Weed

    32 My Surreal World Cris Weed

    33 H.D. (Humpty Dumpty) Kimber Fibiger

    34 Rearing Horse Fountain Don Green35 The Dance James Naan Muir

    36 El Paso County Mural Ken Bernsein

    37 Zebulon Pike Carles Rockey andClyde Doney

    38 Pendulum Clock Sarr Kemp

    39 Solar Bench Nick Ordal

    40 William Seymour Sepanie huera

    41 Dominico T. Venetucci Fred Darpino(aka te Pumpkin Man)

    42 Katharine Lee Bates Jon Lajba

    43 Pioneers Museum Keystones(38 adorn e 1903 ormer El Paso CounyCourouse) Greenlee & Sons sonemasons

    44 End o an Era George Lundeen

    45 Thinking It Over Bey Sabo

    46 Follow the Setting Sun harrie Lee

  • 8/14/2019 11th Annual


    Founded by U.S. Bank and suppored by NorwoodDevelopmen and G.E. Jonson, Ar on e Srees is

    inended o simulae conversaion and encouragepeople o paricipae in ar. You may ge involved by:Calling e Downown Parnersip a (719) 886.0088

    E-mailing commens abou specifc pieces or eprogram o:

    [email protected] maps available or download a

    downown80903.com or by calling e DownownParnersip. Ar may be purcased by calling e

    Downown Parnersip.

    ART ON THE STREETSpresented by U.S. BANK

    NORWOOD Development Groupand G.E. Johnson


    PreSeNtiNG SPONSOrSU.S. BankNorWood DevelopmenG.E. Jonson

    SuPPOrtiNG SPONSOrS($2,000)

    Eser Beynon & AlredMezger

    HONOrArY SPONSOrS($1,000-$1,500)

    Rober & Joan DonnerKae & Ben FaricyKris & Parick FaricyLindsay & Joanna Fiscerte Margare & Al hill

    Family Foundaionte Webb Family Fund o

    e Pikes PeakCommuniy Foundaion,Barbara Webb

    CONtributiNGSPONSOrS($500)Ellio Con & Cynia

    Carier-ConKirkparick Family FundKaerine h. LooMary Kay Murpy & Jon

    Parick Micael Murpy

    FrieNdS OF Art ON tHe

    StreetS (Under $500)Marjory Abbotuck & Liz AikinRicard & Sally BeanMaria & Carles BerryJon BoddingonCae & tim BoddingonSepen & Jean BodmanGary & Anne BradleyDwig & Sue Broers

    Jon & Barbara BuddDr. Jane Cauvel

    Suar & Barbara DodgeDavid & Judi FinleyDolores FowlerBey FrancisElaine Freedhuner & Carolyn FrosJon & Peggy FullerLarry & Barbara GaddisCarlon GamerDonald & Barbara GazibaraMary Alice & Samuel hallDoroy harman

    William & Nancy hocmante Kaleen horrigan hybl

    Fund of e Pikes PeakCommuniy Foundaion

    Mr. & Mrs. Irving howberSara & Rober howsamRicard Celese & Jacqueline

    LundquisKenne & Sandra JarayElizabe M. Kane

    Sirley KilleenSybil & William KleinJon & Carol Kleinerterry & Elizabe LillyJan & t. MaonyJan MarinWayne and Mary MasburnDr. James & Myra McCoyMcDivi Law FirmRober & Marianna McJimseyMary Ellen McNally

    Mounain CaleSusan B. MulviillBrooke Bower & Ricard

    NeringNex Level DevelopmenDick & Judy NoyesPeak Performance Pysical

    terapyJosep & Judi PickleRic Designs

    Rick & Kaleen RickerJames & Eulalie RingeRicard & Carloe RixonMurray & Bey RossMr. & Mrs. Jon RowseyRapael SassowerNolan & Saron ScrinerSepen & Joyce ScuckSparks Willson Borges Brand

    & Jonson, P.C.Dr. & Mrs. James SrangAllan Lazrus & Suzanne

    MacaulayLauren tyson

    Urban SraegiesWEM Invesmen Co.Julia & Ma WillsJudi WrayLana Yeakel

    iN-KiNd CONtributiONSAnlers hilon hoelPanom CanyonColorado Springs UiliiesFine Ars CenerMurpy Consrucors

    NosPikes Peak Cener