11th plenary meeting of the - ec.europa.eu · for a study on technology transfer agreements. debby...


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Page 1: 11th PLENARY MEETING OF THE - ec.europa.eu · for a study on technology transfer agreements. Debby De Roover is the Horizon 2020/FP9 team leader for DG GROW (DG Internal Market, Industry,
Page 2: 11th PLENARY MEETING OF THE - ec.europa.eu · for a study on technology transfer agreements. Debby De Roover is the Horizon 2020/FP9 team leader for DG GROW (DG Internal Market, Industry,
Page 3: 11th PLENARY MEETING OF THE - ec.europa.eu · for a study on technology transfer agreements. Debby De Roover is the Horizon 2020/FP9 team leader for DG GROW (DG Internal Market, Industry,


28 June 2018Valbonne, INRIA Sophia Antipolis Research Centre

08:30 - 09:00

09:00 - 09:15

09:15 - 10:30

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 12:30

12:30 - 13:30

13:30 - 14:30

14:30 - 14:50

14:50 - 16:30

16:30 - 17:00

17:00 - 17:15

17:15 - 18:00

20:00 - 22:00

Registration & welcome coffee

Welcome Addresses+ Stéphane Dalmas, Head of contractual research, INRIA+ Giancarlo Caratti, Head of Unit "IP and Technology Transfer", Directorate-General Joint Research Centre, European Commission

Novelties in next Framework Programme for R&I

Coffee break

Session 1: Tech Transfer: Innovation Ecosystems

Session 2: Blockchain, IP and technology transfer


Seed Funding for Start-ups: Let´s connect on a global level!+ Michael Brandkamp, Managing Director, High Tech Gründerfonds

Session 3: Trends in intellectual property and technology transfer

New initiatives from the members

Coffee break

Bilateral meetings - INRIA researchers

Reception and Dinner at the Le Galet restaurant, Nice

Page 4: 11th PLENARY MEETING OF THE - ec.europa.eu · for a study on technology transfer agreements. Debby De Roover is the Horizon 2020/FP9 team leader for DG GROW (DG Internal Market, Industry,

Giancarlo Caratti is Head for Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer at the European Commission, managing its intellectual property and promoting technology transfer. In 2015 he was Deputy Commissioner General for the EU participation in the World Expo Milano. He worked in the Universities of Florence and Pisa as teaching and research assistant in mechanical engineering. He spent one year as visiting scholar at the Georgia Institute of Technology and worked in a private engineering firm before entering the EC in 1986.

Patrick Mccutcheon is a senior expert on IP and competition law at the European Commission department for research and innovation. He is responsible for department's policy on IP and the rights of IPR holders commercialising results of publicly funded research and the review of anti-trust and merger cases involving technology transfer. He managed the Commission expert group on patent aggregation and is responsible for a study on technology transfer agreements.

Debby De Roover is the Horizon 2020/FP9 team leader for DG GROW (DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Innovation Policy and Investment for Growth Unit).She is her DG's main interface for relations with the Research and Innovation DGs.Since November 2017, she has been seconded part-time to DG RTD (Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020 Policy and Foresight Unit) to help draft the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

Eric Badiqué was educated in France, the US and Japan where he carried out research in Digital Image Processing. Before joining the European Commission he worked for Philips Communications in Germany for four years, contributing to early work on digital coding. In the European Commission, he was a Project Officer in the Digital Media area for more than 10 years. He moved to the Coordination and Strategy Unit of DG CONNECT in 2004. He has been Deputy Head of Unit for this Unit since 2011.

Michal Gorzynski joined EIT – European Institute of Innovation and Technology in 2012 and currently he holds position of Head of Section Impact/ Innovation Officer. He is also a member of the Supervisory Council of Center for Social and Economic Research Institute. From 2009 to 2012 Michal worked for DG DEVCO at the EU Delegation to Ukraine. From 2000 until 2009 he was Deputy Director of CASE-Advisors Ltd and researcher at CASE Foundation.

Muriel Attané is EARTO Secretary General since July 2013. Before joining EARTO, she was Secretary General of EARPA, the European association of automotive R&D organisations for seven years. In parallel, she worked as EU affairs manager for more than 10 years for TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research), the largest Dutch RTO. There, she gained extensive hands-on experience on EU Research & Innovation Policies & Funding Programmes.

Page 5: 11th PLENARY MEETING OF THE - ec.europa.eu · for a study on technology transfer agreements. Debby De Roover is the Horizon 2020/FP9 team leader for DG GROW (DG Internal Market, Industry,


From 9:15 to 10:30

Moderator: Giancarlo Caratti, Head of Unit "IP and Technology Transfer", Directorate-General Joint Research Centre, European Commission

Patrick Mccutcheon, Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission Debby De Roover, Horizon 2020/FP9 Team Leader, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission

Eric Badiqué, Deputy Head of Unit "Research Strategy & Programme Coordination", Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission

Michal Gorzynski, Head of Section Impact, European Institute of Technology

Muriel Attané, Secretary General, European Association of Research and Technology Organisations

Page 6: 11th PLENARY MEETING OF THE - ec.europa.eu · for a study on technology transfer agreements. Debby De Roover is the Horizon 2020/FP9 team leader for DG GROW (DG Internal Market, Industry,

Muriel Attané is EARTO Secretary General since July 2013. Before joining EARTO, she was Secretary General of EARPA, the European association of automotive R&D organisations for seven years. In parallel, she worked as EU affairs manager for more than 10 years for TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research), the largest Dutch RTO. There, she gained extensive hands-on experience on EU Research & Innovation Policies & Funding Programmes.

Andrea Ruckstuhl is currently Head of Continental Europe of Lendlease, with a particular focus on large-scale urban regeneration schemes. As part of this activity Andrea will be leading an initiative to explore innovative ways of delivering sustainable urban regeneration, including how to tackle some of the biggest challenges cities are facing such as the provision of social infrastructure. Andrea has over 20 years of experience in the infrastructure and property industry in international markets. In 2014 he joined the regional Board in EUROPE in London and become a member of the Regional Investment Committee.

Vincent Lamande is the CEO of SATT Ouest Valorisation, one of the leading Technology Transfer Offices in France, affiliate of 26 academic research institutions. Ouest Valorisation has secured over 70M€ to invest in IP and proof of concept. It develops, licensing activity, spin-off creation and collaborative research contracts between industry and public research labs. Doctor in Economics, Vincent has 20 years experience in university-industry relationships.

Hans Boumans is head of Technology Transfer at TNO since 2015. Hans is responsible for TNO’s strategy regarding technology transfer, more specifically regarding spin-off creation and licensing. Before that, he was director of the Patents & Licensing department at TNO for two years. In that position, he negotiated numerous license agreements with companies that wanted to turn TNO’s innovations into products. In 2007, Hans was elected in the Scientific American Top 50. Since 2015, Hans is also a board member of the pension fund of TNO and board member of TTO Circle.

Jean Charles Guibert graduated early 80’s in Polymer science.During is career in CEA (the largest French RTO, 15.000 staff, 4.3B€), Jean-Charles was actively involved in microelectronics in Leti, then during 12 years Director of the Technology Transfer activities of CEA, and is now senior advisor to the CEO. In addition, Jean-Charles Guibert is Chairman of MINATEC, one of the largest innovation campus worldwide. Jean-Charles Guibert is an expert for multiple authorities in charge of innovation and is Doctor Honoris Causa of INRS - Université of Quebec / Canada

Thomas Doppelberger is the director of Fraunhofer Venture. He studied economics (political and business economics) at Augsburg University and joined the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in 1998. Since the year 2000, he has been with Fraunhofer Venture and developed and established the spin-off and investment program of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. His particular focus is on the continuous extension of the development process for spin-off projects/ideas and the intensive support for spin-offs and the investment portfolio.

Oscar Amerighi, formerly Head of the Technological Perspectives for Sustainability Service, he currently works at ENEA Industry and Business Associations Unit, performing Business Intelligence economic and industrial analyses aimed at the exploitation of ENEA technologies. He is Member of ENEA Task Force for International Cooperation and Development and of the Direction Committee for the Framework Agreement between ENEA and the Italian Trade Agency aimed at promoting ENEA innovative technologies and related companies in new international markets.

Stéphane Dalmas spent twelve years researching various topics in computer algebra at Inria (among others: type systems, automatic differentiation, interfaces, deductive databases for formulas). In 2000 he joined the technology transfer office, in charge of industrial relations at Sophia Antipolis. Since then he held various positions at the central TTO office of Inria (Open Source, benchmarking, coordination of the regional technology transfer officers). He is now executive director of the Inria Carnot Institute and head of industrial relations under the Deputy CEO for Transfer and Industrial Partnership.

Page 7: 11th PLENARY MEETING OF THE - ec.europa.eu · for a study on technology transfer agreements. Debby De Roover is the Horizon 2020/FP9 team leader for DG GROW (DG Internal Market, Industry,


From 11:00 to 12:30

Moderator: Muriel Attané, Secretary General, European Association of Research and Technology Organisations

Introductory presentations:

Andrea Ruckstuhl, Director Lend Lease, Milan Expo Site

Vincent Lamande, President of SATT Ouest Valorisation

Commented by:

Hans Boumans, Head of Technology Transfer, TNO

Jean Charles Guibert, Senior advisor to the CEO for innovation, CEA

Thomas Doppelberger, Director of Fraunhofer Venture

Oscar Amerighi, Technology Transfer Officer, ENEA

Stéphane Dalmas, Head of contractual research, INRIA

Filippo Addarii, Co-Founder & CEO, PLUSVALUE

Andrew Cunningham, Chief Operating Officer, PLEXAL

Filippo Addarii is Founding Partner and CEO of PlusValue, a London-based research and consultancy firm that provides bespoke solutions to align public and private interests. Over the last 15 years, Filippo has advised national and international public institutions, corporations and not-for-profit organisations on innovation strategies for socio-economic development. Since 2014, his efforts have focussed on the scale-up of impact investing as embedded into urban regeneration projects.

Andrew Cunningham has been involved with startups from inception to floating on NASDAQ, innovation within larger corporates and government departments. He has managed across strategy/corporate development, operations, marketing, sales, finance, legal and technology teams at organisations, such as: Skype, Oberon Media, Skyscanner, HMRC, Ovid and most recently setting up one of Europe’s largest innovation centres, Plexal, in the 2012 London Olympic Park.

Page 8: 11th PLENARY MEETING OF THE - ec.europa.eu · for a study on technology transfer agreements. Debby De Roover is the Horizon 2020/FP9 team leader for DG GROW (DG Internal Market, Industry,

Elena Andonova is a multi-disciplinary expert, engaged in innovation management and technology commercialization. As a policy officer at the European Commission, DG JRC, she is focusing on cohesion, enlargement and international cooperation policies, and has expertise in supporting the development of innovation ecosystems. Previously, Elena has worked as a consultant at Oxford University Innovation and for the Lehman Brothers in London. Elena has an MBA from Said Business School in Oxford.

Pierre Marro is Policy Officer at the Directorate General Communication Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT) of the European Commission. Within the unit "Start-ups and Innovation", he is the team leader for the files concerning, Distributed Ledger Technology / blockchain, Financial Technology (Fintech) and access to finance for innovation. He is member of the EC task force on Fintech.

Asier Rufino Bengoechea is co-founder and CEO of Tecnalia Ventures. He worked at: Accenture (Ireland), BNP Paribas (France), Parthenon (UK-USA-Dubai), Eli Lilly (UK), Gilead (Turkey) and start-ups and SMEs always focusing on innovation and entrepreneurship.Co-founder of Microwave Ventures; board member of several start-ups and TTO Circle; professor at Deusto Business School; EC Expert on Innovation in SMEs. MBA London Business School / Sloan MIT and BA from the Basque Country University-Reims.”

Alessandro Fazio's career started in banking (Merrill Lynch) and consulting (EY). Alessandro has a cross-sectoral interest in technology transfer, early stage investment and IP-backed financial instruments. He is also interested in the creation and operation of Science and Technology Parks, in particular their structuring as Public Private Partnerships. Alessandro is also responsible for a variety of TT related capacity building projects in neighbourhood and enlargement countries.

Erling Vestergaard has been a Danish lawyer for 28 years, more than 20 of those serving as a Danish prosecutor specialising in economic crime. From 2006 to 2014 he coordinated all Danish criminal IP cases. Erling Vestergaard has taken a special interest in Internet related issues and the impact of new disruptive and transformative technologies. Since November 2014 he has served as a SNE with the EUIPO Observatory.

Mirjana Stankovic (Tambourine Innovation Ventures) is a senior legal and public policy advisor in innovation, intellectual property and technology law, with multidisciplinary qualifications and international experience. Her work addresses policy, legal, scientific, and ethical aspects of intellectual property law, technology transfer and emerging technologies (industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, blockchain). She consults for the World Bank, UNIDO, Inter-American Development Bank, USAID, and other international organizations.

Spela Stres is Head of Technology Transfer and Innovation Center at Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia.Coordinator of the national Enterprise Europe Network, President and funder of the Slovenian Association of Science and Technology Professionals, SI-TT, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Former Vice-President of the Association of Science and Technology Professionals (ASTP), The Hague, Netherlands; Appointed to the 10-Member Group in support of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM), United Nations.

Dan Fowler runs Strategy and Operations at JAAK, a company using blockchain technology and token incentivisation to improve the visibility and accessibility of data in the music and media industries. He formerly drove in-house strategy at PRS for Music, one of the core stakeholders in the music industry.

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From 12:30 to 13:30

Moderator: Elena Andonova, Policy Officer, Directorate-General Joint Research Centre, European Commission

Round table: Opportunities and challenges, barriers and synergies

Pierre Marro, Policy Officer, Start-ups & Innovation Unit, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission

Asier Rufino Bengoechea, Director General / Managing Director, TECNALIA VENTURES

Alessandro Fazio, Policy Officer, Directorate-General Joint Research Centre, European Commission

Erling Vestergaard, IPR enforcement expert, EUIPO

Mirjana Stankovic, Senior Legal Advisor, Tambourine Innovation Ventures, USA

Spela Stres, Head of Technology Transfer and Innovation Center, Jožef Stefan Institute

Dan Fowler, Strategy and Operations, JAAK

Michael Brandkamp has been with High-Tech Gründerfonds right from the very beginning and drafted a significant part of the business plan that today still forms the basis of HTGF. He regards establishing HTGF as an entrepreneurial challenge and at the same time a great privilege.He has been involved in financing high-tech startups for more than 20 years, six of which he spent working in Berlin’s start-up scene. During this time, he invested in a great number of start-ups and managed numerous successful exits.

Page 10: 11th PLENARY MEETING OF THE - ec.europa.eu · for a study on technology transfer agreements. Debby De Roover is the Horizon 2020/FP9 team leader for DG GROW (DG Internal Market, Industry,

Mattias Dinnetz is an innovation management professional with a strong focus on creating value in the interface between public research and private enterprise across a number of technological fields. His work entails running PoC programmes, IPR management, public-private sector R&D liaison, as well as negotiating terms and conditions for equity-based risk capital. Mattias is increasingly doing social, economic, and legal research with the aim of improving policy for technology transfer.

Ulf Petrusson is a Professor of Law at the University of Gothenburg as well as the Co-director for the Center for Intellectual Property (CIP) at Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg. He is engaged in research focused on law and innovation with specific interest in how technology and other knowledge can be claimed and managed as assets, property, and capital at the interface of research and innovation for both industry and universities. He has been engaged in the development of several innovation and entrepreneurship educations across multiple faculties. He is a member of several boards/advisory boards.

Jean-Michel Zilliox is Director at the Academy of the European Patent Organisation since 2005. He led the preparations of its establishment and headed the EPO International Academy as of 2002. Previous positions included Assistant to the EPO Vice-President International & Legal Affairs, Project Director for several EU-funded IPR programs and Manager of numerous EPO-funded European and International cooperation projects. He graduated in electronics engineering in 1980 and post-graduated in biomedical engineering in 1981.

Olga Spasic, Counselor, for Knowledge Transfer and IP Commercialization, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), provides assistance and support to WIPO Member States and their innovation stakeholders in establishing innovation ecosystems of interconnected public and private structural elements (policies, organizations, funds, people) and relationships. She is creating and leading WIPO projects and capacity building programs for academic institutions and SMEs on knowledge transfer and IP commercialization.

Vincent Ryckaert joined IMEC’s patent group within IMEC Business Development, and was mainly assigned to patent applications in the field of Electronic Design Automation, Telecommunication and Multimedia. He became head of the IPAI (Intellectual Property for Ambient Intelligence) section of the patent group. Vincent qualified as European Patent Attorney. Since 2009 his efforts at IMEC are directed towards IP business and intelligence work and therefore further specializes in topics as IP Due Diligence, Patent Opinions and strategies, arbitration, role of IP experts in business disputes.

Henric Rhedin is the current President of ASTP-Proton and works for Gothenburg University. He has a background as a researcher in Physics and has substantial experience from leading positions in industry, as well as technology transfer. His industrial experience covers both large companies, small companies and spin off's from universities in various technology sectors. Henric has been board member of several companies and organizations over the last 10 years.

Bernard Denis started at CERN as a control system IT engineer. From 2005 to 2011, he headed the CERN Technology Transfer operation section. In 2012, he was seconded to the European Commission where he provided expert advise for the IP management of the Galileo programme and the management of the JRC TT Office. He is now advising the CERN Knowledge Transfer group and delivering capacity building programmes for WIPO, ASTP-Proton and HEPTech.

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From 14:50 to 16:30

Moderator: Mattias Dinnetz, Programme Manager, Directorate-General Joint Research Centre, European Commission

Overview on trends in intellectual property and technology transfer

Ulf Petrusson, Director of the Centre for Intellectual Property and Professor of Law, University of Gothenburg

Round table: Developments in the role of IP and models for associated collaboration and technology transfer

Jean-Michel Zilliox, Director, European Patent Academy

Olga Spasic, Head Innovation Structures Section, WIPO

Vincent Ryckaert, IP Business and Intelligence Director, IMEC

Henric Rhedin, President, ASTP-Proton

Bernard Denis, Knowledge Transfer senior advisor, CERN

Ulf Petrusson, Director of the Centre for Intellectual Property and Professor of Law, University of Gothenburg

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Olof Sandberg is responsible for strategic public affairs, RISE. Prior responsible for EU affairs at Ministry of Education and Research, the RTD portfolio during the Swedish Presidency, member ERAC, responsible for ICT and innovation in the Ministry of Industry including establishment of RISE. Responsible for EU affairs in the Business Development Agency (Nutek) also national expert to the Commission. He holds Masters degrees from KTH, Sweden, and Berkeley, US, and Uppsala university.

Matthias Keckl joined Fraunhofer in 2004 and acted as an investment manager at the corporate venture unit until 2013. During this time he supported numerous spin-offs in setting up the business and implementing financing rounds. In summer 2013, he took on responsibilities for the development of early phase innovation concepts and the Venture Lab team. This new approach aims at the identification of entrepreneurial teams and the development of first business models. Key element of the Venture Lab is the new Accelerator program FDays® which is run together with well-known start-up center in Munich and Toronto.

Cristina Battaglia has worked for nearly 20 years in the area of technology transfer, IPR protection and valorisation, support to spin-offs; she has been in charge of the planning and development of projects, initiatives and policies aimed at fostering R&D collaboration and activities with the business sector, at developing methodologies and models in support of technology transfer in public research institutions and universities, at strengthening the competitiveness of the national technological and innovation system.

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From 16:30 to 17:00

Test beds EuropeOlof Sandberg, Strategic Public Affairs, RISE AB

Fraunhofer Tech-Transfer Fund Matthias Keckl, Project manager of Fraunhofer Venture Lab

Workshop "Technology Transfer in Nanotechnology", Lecce (Italy) 18&19 October 2018Cristina Battaglia, Technologist, CNR

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Page 15: 11th PLENARY MEETING OF THE - ec.europa.eu · for a study on technology transfer agreements. Debby De Roover is the Horizon 2020/FP9 team leader for DG GROW (DG Internal Market, Industry,


29 June 2018Valbonne, INRIA Sophia Antipolis Research Centre

08:30 - 09:00

09:00 - 10:30

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 11:20

11:20 - 11:30

11:30 - 12:00

12:00 - 13:00

Registration & welcome coffee

TTO circle: developing the strategy for the future

Coffee break and group photo

New TTO circle members

News from the European Commission: JRC Competence Centre for Technology Transfer + Alessandro Fazio, Policy Officer, Directorate-General Joint Research Centre, European Commission

Wrap-Up & Closing+ Stéphane Dalmas, Head of contractual research, INRIA+ Giancarlo Caratti, Head of Unit "IP and Technology Transfer", Directorate-General Joint Research Centre, European Commission

Closing light lunch

Page 16: 11th PLENARY MEETING OF THE - ec.europa.eu · for a study on technology transfer agreements. Debby De Roover is the Horizon 2020/FP9 team leader for DG GROW (DG Internal Market, Industry,

Frank Salzgeber is the Head of the Technology Transfer and Business Incubation Office at the European Space Agency (ESA). His office oversees the largest space entrepreneurship network in the world. His team has initiated over 170 industry transfers, supported over 600 start-ups invested over 30 Mio. Euro in Seed. His team runs the ESA patent portfolio and bring Space back to earth and start-ups into orbit. By end of 2018, his portfolio is set to reach 20 ESA Business Incubation Centres across 45 European locations, which will support 160 new start-ups each year. Prior to joining ESA Frank also spent seven years at Apple Computer (1993 – 2000).

Vincent Ryckaert joined IMEC’s patent group within IMEC Business Development, and was mainly assigned to patent applications in the field of Electronic Design Automation, Telecommunication and Multimedia. He became head of the IPAI (Intellectual Property for Ambient Intelligence) section of the patent group. Vincent qualified as European Patent Attorney. Since 2009 his efforts at IMEC are directed towards IP business and intelligence work and therefore further specializes in topics as IP Due Diligence, Patent Opinions and strategies, arbitration, role of IP experts in business disputes.

Bernard Denis started at CERN as a control system IT engineer. From 2005 to 2011, he headed the CERN Technology Transfer operation section. In 2012, he was seconded to the European Commission where he provided expert advise for the IP management of the Galileo programme and the management of the JRC TT Office. He is now advising the CERN Knowledge Transfer group and delivering capacity building programmes for WIPO, ASTP-Proton and HEPTech.

Josef Lazar is member of the Academy Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences, responsible for knowledge transfer and cooperation with application sector. Head of Department of Coherence optics of the Institute of Scientific Instruments, CAS, research specialization: highly coherent lasers, optical metrology, interferometry and nanometrology. Experience with collaborative projects with industrial partners, combining research excellence with socioeconomic impact and applied research and development of industrial measuring methods and techniques.

Apostolos Dimitriadis is the Head of the Industry Liaison Office (ILO) at PRAXI Network / FORTH. He is responsible for the smooth operation of FORTH’s ILO and the provision of services to FORTH’s researchers that cover the whole spectrum of the TT activity. Apostolos is appointed as a national expert in the H2020 NMBP Programme Committee and as National Contact Point for NMP. Apostolos holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Durham.

Hans Boumans is head of Technology Transfer at TNO since 2015. Hans is responsible for TNO’s strategy regarding technology transfer, more specifically regarding spin-off creation and licensing. Before that, he was director of the Patents & Licensing department at TNO for two years. In that position, he negotiated numerous license agreements with companies that wanted to turn TNO’s innovations into products. In 2007, Hans was elected in the Scientific American Top 50. Since 2015, Hans is also a board member of the pension fund of TNO and board member of TTO Circle.

Jean Charles Guibert graduated early 80’s in Polymer science.During is career in CEA (the largest French RTO, 15.000 staff, 4.3B€), Jean-Charles was actively involved in microelectronics in Leti, then during 12 years Director of the Technology Transfer activities of CEA, and is now senior advisor to the CEO. In addition, Jean-Charles Guibert is Chairman of MINATEC, one of the largest innovation campus worldwide. Jean-Charles Guibert is an expert for multiple authorities in charge of innovation and is Doctor Honoris Causa of INRS - Université of Quebec / Canada

Asier Rufino Bengoechea is co-founder and CEO of Tecnalia Ventures. He worked at: Accenture (Ireland), BNP Paribas (France), Parthenon (UK-USA-Dubai), Eli Lilly (UK), Gilead (Turkey) and start-ups and SMEs always focusing on innovation and entrepreneurship.Co-founder of Microwave Ventures; board member of several start-ups and TTO Circle; professor at Deusto Business School; EC Expert on Innovation in SMEs. MBA London Business School / Sloan MIT and BA from the Basque Country University-Reims.”

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From 09:00 to 10:30

Frank Salzgeber, Head of the Technology Transfer and Business Incubation Office, ESA

WP1 Share: Good practices, Benchmarking and staff exchangesWP3 Connect: FinanceHans Boumans, Head of Technology Transfer, TNO

WP2 Cooperate: IP pooling and common projectsVincent Ryckaert, IP Business and Intelligence Director, IMEC

WP3 Connect: InternationalizationJean Charles Guibert, Senior advisor to the CEO for innovation, CEA

WP4 Analysis and studies: open science and open data, innovation models, business intelligence for KTOBernard Denis, Knowledge Transfer senior advisor, CERN

WP3 Connect: Start-ups – Entrepreneurs – IndustryAsier Rufino, Director General / Managing Director, TECNALIA VENTURES


From 11:00 to 11:20

Josef Lazar, Head of Department of Coherence optics of the Institute of Scientific Instruments, Czech Academy of Sciences

Apostolos Dimitriadis, PRAXI Network NCP Coordinator,The Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH)

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Page 19: 11th PLENARY MEETING OF THE - ec.europa.eu · for a study on technology transfer agreements. Debby De Roover is the Horizon 2020/FP9 team leader for DG GROW (DG Internal Market, Industry,


Page 20: 11th PLENARY MEETING OF THE - ec.europa.eu · for a study on technology transfer agreements. Debby De Roover is the Horizon 2020/FP9 team leader for DG GROW (DG Internal Market, Industry,