12 myths about beef

12 MYTHS ABOUT 12 MYTHS ABOUT BEEF BEEF Prepared by, Prepared by, Prof. Dr. Abdul Salam Babji, Prof. Dr. Abdul Salam Babji, Ch’ng Soo Ee Ch’ng Soo Ee Wolyna Pindi Wolyna Pindi

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Vegetarian is perfectly alright as long as you get your satiety. For Meat eaters , have no fear and enjoy your Rib eye or "Batang Pinang' rendang.


12 MYTHS ABOUT 12 MYTHS ABOUT BEEFBEEFPrepared by, Prepared by,Prof. Dr. Abdul Salam Babji, Prof. Dr. Abdul Salam Babji,Chng Soo Ee Chng Soo EeWolyna Pindi Wolyna Pindi1 Myth: Beef is high in cholesterol1 Myth: Beef is high in cholesterolFac! Fac!" ounce# of coo$ed lean bef conain %" mg" ounce# of coo$ed lean bef conain %" mg of chole#erol.of chole#erol. By compari#on, he #ame amoun of roa#By compari#on, he #ame amoun of roa# chic$en conain# %& mg, fried chic$en, %'chic$en conain# %& mg, fried chic$en, %' mg( por$, %% mg( #hrimp, )"* mg( cheddarmg( por$, %% mg( #hrimp, )"* mg( cheddar chee#e, +* mg.chee#e, +* mg. ,f cour#e, he human body -EEDS,f cour#e, he human body -EEDS chole#erol. #ome ),*** mg a day. and hechole#erol. #ome ),*** mg a day. and he body normally /ill manufacure hebody normally /ill manufacure he difference be/een he amoun con#umeddifference be/een he amoun con#umed and he amoun i re0uire#. 1he #andardand he amoun i re0uire#. 1he #andard hree2ounce #er3ing of beef pro3ide# onlyhree2ounce #er3ing of beef pro3ide# only abou 45 of he chole#erol he body need#. abou 45 of he chole#erol he body need#.2 Myth: Beef is high in calories2 Myth: Beef is high in caloriesFac! Fac!" ounce# of lean roa# beef conain )&+ calorie#( " ounce# of" ounce# of lean roa# beef conain )&+ calorie#( " ounce# of op loin 6#rip7 #ea$ conain )+8 calorie#. " ounce# of ba$edop loin 6#rip7 #ea$ conain )+8 calorie#. " ounce# of ba$ed chic$en, /ihou #$in, conain )%' calorie# /hile " ounce# ofchic$en, /ihou #$in, conain )%' calorie# /hile " ounce# of fried chic$en, /ih #$in, conain 9*+ calorie#. Acually, beef i#fried chic$en, /ih #$in, conain 9*+ calorie#. Acually, beef i# ideal for modern, lo/2calorie die# becau#e oday# leanerideal for modern, lo/2calorie die# becau#e oday# leaner cale pro3ide beef ha i#, on he a3erage, )*5 lo/er incale pro3ide beef ha i#, on he a3erage, )*5 lo/er in calorie# han i /a# in year# pa#.calorie# han i /a# in year# pa#. 3 Myth: Beef is hard to digest3 Myth: Beef is hard to digestFac! Fac!Beef i# highly dige#ible. more dige#ible, in fac, hanBeef i# highly dige#ible. more dige#ible, in fac, han 3egeable#. Beef# ingredien# are +&5 dige#ed, and i#3egeable#. Beef# ingredien# are +&5 dige#ed, and i# abundan nurien# are almo# compleely ab#orbed and u#edabundan nurien# are almo# compleely ab#orbed and u#ed by he body. by he body. Myth: Beef is high in sat!rated fat Myth: Beef is high in sat!rated fatFac! Fac!Beef acually conain# con#iderably le## fa han i# generallyBeef acually conain# con#iderably le## fa han i# generally a##umed. " ounce# of coo$ed lean beef conain abou + g ofa##umed. " ounce# of coo$ed lean beef conain abou + g of fa. and le## han half of ha i# #auraed. ,f all he fa in hefa. and le## han half of ha i# #auraed. ,f all he fa in he :. S. food #upply, "&5 come# from mea and fi#h. 1he:. S. food #upply, "&5 come# from mea and fi#h. 1he increa#e in fa ina$e in hi# counry ha# been cau#ed primarilyincrea#e in fa ina$e in hi# counry ha# been cau#ed primarily by an increa#e in u#e of 3egeable fa#. Fa# and oil# no/by an increa#e in u#e of 3egeable fa#. Fa# and oil# no/ accoun for '"5 of he fa in he food #upply. accoun for '"5 of he fa in he food #upply.ANIMAL FATS" Myth: Beef contri#!tes to cancer" Myth: Beef contri#!tes to cancerFac! Fac!1o dae, repored lin$# be/een die and cancer ha3e been1o dae, repored lin$# be/een die and cancer ha3e been mo#ly hypoheical. A group of #cieni## con3ened by hemo#ly hypoheical. A group of #cieni## con3ened by he American Cancer Sociey concluded ha no #ingle diearyAmerican Cancer Sociey concluded ha no #ingle dieary facor, including fa or mea, could po##ibly accoun for morefacor, including fa or mea, could po##ibly accoun for more han a #mall fracion of cancer in he :. S. ;n any e3en, hehan a #mall fracion of cancer in he :. S. ;n any e3en, he i##ue i# fa, of all ype#, and no mea per #e. ;f a per#oni##ue i# fa, of all ype#, and no mea per #e. ;f a per#on accep# he heory ha a lo/ fa die /ill help pre3en cancer,accep# he heory ha a lo/ fa die /ill help pre3en cancer, beef #hould probably be in ha per#on# die, becau#e modernbeef #hould probably be in ha per#on# die, becau#e modern beef i# lo/er in fa and calorie# and high in proein, 3iamin#beef i# lo/er in fa and calorie# and high in proein, 3iamin# and mineral#. and mineral#.$ Myth: Beef is fre%!ently &rocessed $ Myth: Beef is fre%!ently &rocessed !nder !nsanitary conditions'!nder !nsanitary conditions'Fac! Fac!1he mea indu#ry i# he mo# regulaed of all food indu#rie#.1he mea indu#ry i# he mo# regulaed of all food indu#rie#. ; ha# been de#cribed a# he mo# regulaed indu#ry in he; ha# been de#cribed a# he mo# regulaed indu#ry in he naion, /ih he einc. Beef #upplie# a large #hare of e##enial nurien# and a relai3ely #mall #hare of calorie#. For eaion#. Con#umer# /ho /an o cu do/n on calorie# and fa and chole#erol can do #o /ihou cuingcalorie# and fa and chole#erol can do #o /ihou cuing do/n on he amoun of beef hey con#ume.do/n on he amoun of beef hey con#ume. 0 Myth: Beef &ro1ides iron ,ith the sa*e 0 Myth: Beef &ro1ides iron ,ith the sa*e n!tritional 1al!e as the iron in 1egeta#lesn!tritional 1al!e as the iron in 1egeta#lesFac! Fac!A hree2ounce #er3ing of beef #upplie# 9&5 of heA hree2ounce #er3ing of beef #upplie# 9&5 of he recommended daily allo/ance of iron for an adul male. Andrecommended daily allo/ance of iron for an adul male. And he iron pro3ided by beef i# @heme ironA, a ype ha i# " o 8he iron pro3ided by beef i# @heme ironA, a ype ha i# " o 8 ime# more ea#ily ab#orbed by he body ha he iron found inime# more ea#ily ab#orbed by he body ha he iron found in oher food#. ; al#o ha# a boo#er effec on iron in oher food#oher food#. ; al#o ha# a boo#er effec on iron in oher food# con#umed a he #ame ime. Buch of he iron in #pinach, forcon#umed a he #ame ime. Buch of he iron in #pinach, for in#ance, i# no made a3ailable o he body unle## i i# eaen inin#ance, i# no made a3ailable o he body unle## i i# eaen in combinaion /ih anoher food. Beef pro3ide# iron. and al#ocombinaion /ih anoher food. Beef pro3ide# iron. and al#o #er3e a# a caaly# o help you ge he mo# iron ou of oher#er3e a# a caaly# o help you ge he mo# iron ou of oher food#.food#. 12 Myth: Beef cattle &rod!ction !ses 12 Myth: Beef cattle &rod!ction !ses grain that co!ld #e !sed to feed the grain that co!ld #e !sed to feed the ,orld)s h!ngry,orld)s h!ngryFac! Fac!1he grain fed o li3e#oc$ i# mo#ly @feedA grain, for /hich1he grain fed o li3e#oc$ i# mo#ly @feedA grain, for /hich here i# lile or no demand a# human food. Crain. eiher foodhere i# lile or no demand a# human food. Crain. eiher food grain or feed grain. /ill no be produced unle## here i# agrain or feed grain. /ill no be produced unle## here i# a mar$e for i. 1he li3e#oc$ indu#ry pro3ide# ha mar$e.mar$e for i. 1he li3e#oc$ indu#ry pro3ide# ha mar$e. Acually, he grain fed o beef cale repre#en# only )85 ofAcually, he grain fed o beef cale repre#en# only )85 of he oal feed for cale.he oal feed for cale. 11 Myth: Beef cattle gra/e on 1al!a#le 11 Myth: Beef cattle gra/e on 1al!a#le land that co!ld #e !sed for the &rod!ction land that co!ld #e !sed for the &rod!ction of cro&s for h!*ans'of cro&s for h!*ans'Fac! Fac!Abou one billion acre# of he naion# 9.9 billion acre# of landAbou one billion acre# of he naion# 9.9 billion acre# of land are u#ed for pa#ure and gra>ing. 1he 3a# majoriy of hi# landare u#ed for pa#ure and gra>ing. 1he 3a# majoriy of hi# land i# oo rugged, oo arid, oo /e or oo high o culi3ae crop# ofi# oo rugged, oo arid, oo /e or oo high o culi3ae crop# of any $ind. ;f i /ere no for gra>ing ruminan 6four2#omach7any $ind. ;f i /ere no for gra>ing ruminan 6four2#omach7 animal# li$e cale, hi# one billion acre# of land /ould ha3eanimal# li$e cale, hi# one billion acre# of land /ould ha3e no produci3e u#e. Cale are able o con3er oher/i#eno produci3e u#e. Cale are able o con3er oher/i#e unu#able cellulo#e in gra## and #hrub# ino nuriiou# beef. unu#able cellulo#e in gra## and #hrub# ino nuriiou# beef.12 Myth: A*ericans eat too *!ch 12 Myth: A*ericans eat too *!ch #eef#eefFac!Fac! American# con#ume an a3erage of 9 ounce# of coo$ed beef perAmerican# con#ume an a3erage of 9 ounce# of coo$ed beef per day. con#iderably le## han he recommended daily ina$e ofday. con#iderably le## han he recommended daily ina$e of food# from he mea group. When you con#ider he #uperiorfood# from he mea group. When you con#ider he #uperior nuriional 3alue of beef and i# genuine good a#e, i# i anynuriional 3alue of beef and i# genuine good a#e, i# i any /onder ha i coninue# o be an American fa3orie boh a/onder ha i coninue# o be an American fa3orie boh a home and /hen dining ou. home and /hen dining ou.3eferences3eferences). ). American Dear A##ociaion ad3eri#emen for )+4& American Dear#American Dear A##ociaion ad3eri#emen for )+4& American Dear# Food Fe#i3al. Food Fe#i3al.9. 9. Anibioic# in Animal Feed! A hrea o Duman DealhE, A Fepor by heAnibioic# in Animal Feed! A hrea o Duman DealhE, A Fepor by he American Council on Science and Dealh, -o3ember )+4". American Council on Science and Dealh, -o3ember )+4".". ". -uriion and Gour Dealh, :. S. Deparmen of Agriculure, :. S.-uriion and Gour Dealh, :. S. Deparmen of Agriculure, :. S. Deparmen of Dealh, Educaion and Welfare, )+4*. Deparmen of Dealh, Educaion and Welfare, )+4*.'. '. 1he American Dear A##ociaion Die! An Eaing Plan for Dealhy1he American Dear A##ociaion Die! An Eaing Plan for Dealhy American#, )+48. American#, )+48.8. 8. :SDA Agriculure Dandboo$#, -umber 42)", 42)*, and 428,:SDA Agriculure Dandboo$#, -umber 42)", 42)*, and 428, Compo#iion of Food#! Beef Produc#, Por$ Produc#, Poulry Produc#.Compo#iion of Food#! Beef Produc#, Por$ Produc#, Poulry Produc#.