12 step guide to crisis communications

communications 12-step crisis guide to

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 2: 12 Step Guide to Crisis Communications

4 sets of 3 things you really need to know when things start to go WRONG

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The three types of

c r i s i s

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Crisis type 1:

operationalYour organisation has been hit by an serious incident such as: • Industrial accident• Strike• IT failure• Cyberattack• Kidnapping• Terrorist attack

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Crisis type 2:

ethicalSomeone in your organisation has made some very bad decisions and indulged in bribery or corruption, or agreed to work with unethical clients or suppliers

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Crisis type 3:

confectedYour organisation is the victim of false claims, which the media are reporting as if they are true

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The three phases of a

c r i s i s

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Phase 1:

mayhemImmediately after an incident, media coverage concentrates on chaos and disruption. The situation is changing rapidly and facts are often unclear.

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Phase 2:

mastermindThe media start looking for experts who can explain what is happening and who is responsible.

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Phase 3:

manhuntThe hunt for those to blame for the crisis is in full swing. The media wants them to be identified and punished.

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You must demonstrate in a crisis

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Quality 1:

caringYour understand the seriousness of the situation, have sympathy for those affected and are committed to making things right

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Quality 2:

controllingYou are in control of the situation or are taking effective, rapid steps to gain that control.

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Quality 3:

competentYou have the people and technology needed to manage this crisis and are using them effectively to do so

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You must get across

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Message 1:

concernWe understand the gravity of the situation and why people are concerned about it, and recogniseit needs to be put right

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Message 2:

actionWe are taking action to address the crisis, care for those involved and ensure it does not happen again

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Message 3:

perspectiveThis incident, while serious and regrettable, is just one part of our operations which run successfully across the rest of our organisation


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Remember...Three types of crisis Three phases of a crisis

Three qualities you must demonstrate Three messages you must get across

• Operational• Ethical• Confected

• mayhem• mastermind• manhunt

• caring• controlling• competent

• concern• action• perspective

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To get your organisationready for a crisis before it happens, contact us.

[email protected]


Based London, UK