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1) In your opinion, how can our cities guarantee acceptable standards of public service delivery and good governance

to 400 million Indians today and 800 million Indians by 2050? Analyse. (200 Words)

Future of Indian cities looks grim, if present protocols and standards are not tweaked. Nowadays there’s a lot of emphasis on building

smart cities, hoping this would sovle all that is worng.

It is estimated that of urban population will soon count for two-hird of India’s. The problems faced by our cities and probable

solutions are listed as:

1) Overcrowding: With the help of foreign governments expertise, Indian goverment should plan su-urbs near the city and connect it

with fast mode conectivity. Metro system being built in almost all important city is a step towrds this.

2) Education and Human Resource Development. The government should create and improve existing facilities.

3) Water and Sewage: This is a critical concept, ground water level in Indian Cities are depleting fast. In California, excess ground

water usage have led to imminent desertification. Their Mayor have ordered water cuts by industry and people. India should take a

lesson and save itself from this type of disaster.

4) Information: Indian cities should be connected via internet. There should be internet of everything. Only a bare minimum of local

searches lead to purchase. This needs to improve. The information will also save ambulances to clear through traffic. This will further

create a class of informed citizens. The BBNL project is right step in this reagrd.

5) Security : Indian cities are highly vulnerable to terrorist and maoist attacks. Public policing to limited level can help reduce these


Further, public participation in administration is a must for above to happen. There should be cooperation between municipalities and

state government. They should be allowed to issue municipal bonds to help with their grappling finances. They should be represented

at NITI meetings. Elections to panchayats and Municpalities should be held at regular basis. The AMRUT policy launched by central

government is a right step towards this step.

2) With suitable examples, write a note on the impact of earthquakes on the geography of an affected region.

(200 Words)

Earthquakes are shaking of the earth’s surface as plates collide and release of energy thereof. Though not possible to predict

accurately, the earthquakes have huge effects on a region’s geography and features:

1. They can cause tectonuc upliftment and subduction of colliding plates. Himalayas are the best example of uplift when Indian

Plate collided and got subductes under the Euarasian plate, thus, raising the ocean floor of the Tethy’s Sea. Still today, the

process is going on and thus explains why North India and Nepal are so vulnerable to quakes. All the fold mountains are

examples of such upliftment.

2. Alter the course if rivers. Tectonic process xan change the river bed, alter its course and it may as well disappear. Induas

river is thought to have changed its course. Saraswati river is assumed to have become extinct or drainage basin altered due to

past quakes.

3. Human settlements get disrupted. Buildings may collapse, roads get torn and if the quake is strong enough, the whole area

might get flattened. Fatalities are high, mines get collapsed and there is movement of land under the surface.

4. The surface may develop openings along fault lines and such cracks and fissures may be hundreds of kilometres long.

5. The plate getting subducted may also melt due to heat from radioactive decay in the mantle and slowly the pressure will build

and release in form of volcanoea. Infact many volcanic eruptions are accompanied by quakes.

6. Quakes may also cause giant waves of tsunami which causes inland flooding and wreaks havoc. It alters tidal cycle and sea

water level.

Thus effects of earthquakes on a region’s geography are varies and depends upon its intensity and time involved.

Earthquake is caused by the movement of tectonic plates inside the earth crust.The major harm is caused by earthquake in the

region of high density of population.The magnitude of earthquake is more near the fault zone.As the earthquake is known for

the upbringing of changes in the topography of the region,its impact on the region are as follows:-

-Earthquake in the seabed sometimes leads to ‘harbour waves’ which causes a destruction to the large area near the coast,the

soil fertility goes down,people have to migrate to some other place, life near the continental shelf which known as for its fish

breeding,marine resources is badly hitted same which happened in 2004 tsunami in Indian ocean.

-Earthquake leads to submergence of river,lakes,ponds in the region & sometimes the ground water supply also gets disrupted

due to subsidence of the crust.

-Various parts in the affected region submerges & emerges as happened in Andaman & Nicobar due to tsunami which occured

due to earth quake in 2004.

-Various diseases may spread due contamination of land,water which leads to shifting of humans from the area effected by

earthquake & it is common in the affected region.

-Biodiversity of that area is affected to a large extent especially flora & fauna many oxygen providing plants falls down which

leads to soil erosion especially in mountain region like himalayas.

-The coarse material from the mountains moves down,fissures in the land,forming of rift valleys,changing course of rivers it is

common in himalayan region.

Earthquakes from the vary origin of the earth are causing the geographical changes,which affects the biotic life to a great


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4) Internet apps such as Skype and Whatsapp are under attack for providing free service of internet-based calls and

media exchange. Examine the merits and demerits of such services and discuss if these free services should be

regulated. (200 Words)

--Recently, under the debate for net neutrality, such apps have been criticized for eating into the revenue of telecom

companies, as the apps use their bandwidth, but don’t pay them enough money for it.


1. Such apps have increased the connectivity among people, while redefining ways of doing business

2. Whatsapp is being used by police deptts now, where people can report a crime without actually visiting the police

station and ask for help.

3. This also overcomes the problem of network congestion during phone calls

4. Various apps are being developed which ensure women safety, by sending an alarm signal to any selected contacts, on

pressing a single button

5. It has strengthened the social fabric, where relatives living far away can talk regularly, without worrying about call



1. They serve as a distraction to students during crucial exam time.

2. There have been several incidents where militants are being recruited through such social networks

3. The uploaded pictures can also used unethically by some anti social elements

--The European Commission has decided to bring such over-the-top (OTT) players under some kind of regulatory

framework to create a level playing field between them and mobile operators. India can also learn from its initiative and

frame a regulatory law, which may not affect the net neutrality, along with reducing the misusage of such apps for anti

social purposes.

Use of various apps like whatsup; skype and their restriction requires healthy and rational debate so that interest of all

stakeholders remain unharmful. These apps and their use bear both merits and demerits=-



A/ Innovation is the root of scientific development. These apps are the expression of technological innovativeness.

B/ These apps act as a social and political platform. People find a platform to express their ideology freely.

C/ They are a kind of financial and social inclusion. Intrusion of such apps in far flung areas helps all people to aware

about contemporary sociopolitical and financial phenomenon.

D/ They are means to provide net literacy. They make people advanced in technological knowhow.

E/ They have immense contribution to education; medical field through distance use and learning.

F/ They are the backbone of e commence.

G/ They are means to fulfil Digital India program.



A/ They might be quick medium of spreading rumours and communal violence.

B/ They might pose threat in terms of financial cheating to gullible people.

C/ They might spread anti national thinking.

D/ They might create virtual crime world.

E/ Sometimes they might pose loss to ISP because of high named with use of apps for which ISP are not provided extra


Regulations on these apps will restrict the freedom of expression. It will prohibit the expression of innovative talent.

Dilution of net neutrality will invite prohibition of affordable net access. Even customers pay for these apps in the name of

subscription. So; regulating these apps might not be rational. But ; a balance approach is necessary for the benefit of

internet service providers as well as app owners and subscribers. A regulation might bring to prevent anti social uses but

without compromising honest uses.

Question 5..To realise the twin dreams of ‘Innovate in India’ and ‘Make in India’, the government

needs to build a competitive, thriving environment by prioritising scientific research with a strong

intellectual property (IP) system.” In the light of the statement critically analyse nature of India’s

present IP regime, the changes it requires and its importance to India’s economy. (200 Words)

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind used in commerce. IP is protected in law by, for

example, patents, copyright and trademarks, which enable people to earn recognition or financial benefit from

what they invent or create.

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India’s current IP regime:

(a) IP in India is regulated by several laws, rules and regulations under the jurisdiction of different


(b) Clauses in the Patents Act of 2005 provide for a high standard of patentability, allows for compulsory

licensing provisions and pre- and post-grant objection to patents. Not all of these are in tune with

established international best practices.

(c) However, patent laws in India are compliant with the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual

Property Rights (TRIPS).

(d) Enforcement environment remains challenging with high levels of physical and online piracy

Importance of a strong IP regime to India’s economy:

(a) IP has direct bearing on FDI in research and technology oriented sectors. This would in turn increase

economic growth, entrepreneurship, productivity, access to technology and productive employment.

(b) Less than 50,000 patent applications are filed every year in India. India attracts only 2.7 per cent of global

R&D spend. Some analysts attribute this to India’s IP regime.

(c) It would foster innovation and creativity in our knowledge economy

(d) However, grave health inequity (which might ensue from a US-enforced IP regime) is not only morally

unacceptable but also economically troubling

Changes required in India’s IP regime:

(a) While India’s IP laws are robust, there is a need to review IP-related rules for better enforcement- especially

to prevent and punish piracy

(b) Need for uniformity and harmonization in the IP policies to improve predictability, transparency and

effective implementation

(c) Need for setting up patent benches in high courts for fast enforcement

Thus, in the interest of the Indian public, while there is no question of substantive laws being changed, India

should be open to reform within the IP system. This has already begun with modernization of IP offices, e-filing

of patent applications etc.

Recently released GIPC ranking has placed India at 29 out of 30 countries,thus turning the focus back on India’s IPR regime. India

provides IP rights in from of patent,design,trademark,geographical indicators and copyright.The present status of IPR is as follows:-

1. It’s WTO TRIPS compliant and in agreement with certain interrnational laws and agreements.

2. Regulated by a number of legialtions and rules under various ministries.

3. Simplified procedures for filling and e-filling for IP’s.

4. Several programs have been taken by government for education and awareness regarding IPR’s.

. For success of “make in India” and “Innovate in India” slight modifications to get better rank are needed which can be:-

1. making an umbrella ministry responsible for IP,thus minimizing confusion and overlapping.

2. making the process more transparent, robust and quick.

3. setting up of commercial courts is a welcome step in this direction.

4. spread more awareness among people regarding benefits of IP rights.

A robust environment will encourage trade and FDI in

India, while fostering benefits such as high-paying skilled jobs,

transfer of technology, medical knowledge, and early access to

technology which is need of the hour for the country.

6) It is said that by denying desperate people the opportunity to cross borders legally, European

governments are driving them to risk death. Critically examine ethical issues involved in this case.

On the other hand, do you think allowing immigrants into a country is a sound policy compared to

banning and sealing borders to such immigrants? Comment. (200 Words) Denying immigration involves the following ethical dilemmas:

Immigrant Country's concern: The countries fear that immigrant population would appropriate a large chunk of

resources, thus putting resource constraint on the natives.

The countries fear that the immigrant population would disturb the cultural harmony and lead to increased conflicts in

the existing societal structures.

Counterviews: By denying the desperate people to enter into their lands, these countries are denying many of these

immigrants the right to live, right to opportunity for better living standards, right to a safe and secure environment. These

proponents of globalisation and liberalisation do not stand by what they preach.

Most of the developed world today faces the challenge of ageing populations, which will intensify in the future.

Immigrants, who are mostly young, can fulfill the need for young working population in these countries. So, in effect

stringent immigration policies do more harm than good.

Studies have shown that more immigrants do not lead to reduced resources for the natives, infact the immigrant

population helps in economic growth, thus augmenting the resources by increasing the size of the pie itself.

Thus, having more immigration friendly laws in not only ethically and morally correct but also economically sound.

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The responsibility of the government is foremost, in a democracy, towards its people since the government is of the

people, for the people and by the people. Note, these are the people of the nation state and not anyone else.

Given this construct, the decision to disallow refugees could be reasoned. But before anything else, there is the natural

law where in human rights cannot be denied by anyone.

Disallowing refugees, thus signalling them that they are not welcome to peace and should rather face chaos, is a denial of

human rights by the Europeans to the should-be refugees.

In addition, there is dissonance between the attiude and behaviour of the Europeans, who if not believe, then showcase,

their attitude as defenders of human rights, but their behaviour is just the opposite.

The European nations have not shown empathy towards the refugees, the basic attitude towards an ethical behaviour.

The Europeans can, while protecting the long term interests of its citizens, do the following:

1) Ask other friendly nations of the Muslim world to accomodate refugees, if need be collaborate through the UN to pay

for that

2) Create refugee camps with sufficient restriction on movement while providing necessary and basic amenities.

Since option 1 would take a longer time and also hurt the international image of European nations, while also might make

the goodwill lesser of governments amongst its own people. the second option seems a more appropriate option.

Helping a distressed human being is the biggest service of a human being. Thus non allowance of poverty stricken

immigrants in EU Countries contravenes certain ethical values:

1. Concept of universal brotherhood, fraternity.

2. Such denial is inhuman.

3. Shows lack of compassion, empathy

4. Would perpetuate gap between North & South.

Allowing immigrants is a double edged sword.


-It helps countries where demographic dividend is no more available.(eg. Japan, Western European Countries)

- Gives manufacturing a boost by providing cheap labour.

- Successfully establishes the "global village" theory, established in post cold war era.

- Makes a country culturally diverse.


- Spread of terrorism, Jehadi ideology

- Change in demographic composition/ demographic inversion.

- Scarcity of job in developing countries.

- Creation of vote bank politics.

Hence before taking any such decision all the pros & cons must be studied judiciously.

7) “Deaths caused by drivers under the influence of alcohol should attract the charge of culpable homicide, and not merely that of negligent driving.” Justify on ethical grounds. Ethical duty of the state dictates securing the rights of accused as well as aggrieved in accordance with the rule of law.The

decision are based on sound principles of merit,fairness,justice and so on

In light of above,death caused by the driver under the impression of alcohol must be the charge for culpable homicide

rather than negligent driving because

1) Its the act of free will by driver to drink alcohol and onus is on him/her to know the consequences

thereupon.Negligence of it cannot be the excuse for lesser punishment

2) Its is the unethical exercise of his free will by driver which has caused the death .Thus consequential ethics demand

stricter punishment

3) Also the need of justice and securing the rights of those who are dead is also contingent upon stricter punishment

However the Societal demand for justice whether ethical should not be summarily provided rather due process of law is

to be followed.Because its not the severity of punishment but certainty of punishment which creates deterrence

Culpable Homicide is defined as an act through which a death occurred but it is not counted as equivalent of murder it

attracts punishment just next to murder. Whereas the negligent driving is outcome of carelessness.

In present case the ethical dilemma is:

* Whether a person driving under the influence of alcohol committed has consciously committed mistake or not.

*The very severity of an act is culpable homicide or negligence.

The death caused by the driver under influence of alcohol should be counted as culpable homicide because:

* Our law clearly restricts driving after drinking. For this various awareness drives are conducted on regular basis.

* Every person who drinks knows that alcohol makes them lose senses and driving should be done fully consciously. So

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decision to drive after drinking is his own, despite knowing that he is risking life of others and himself too.

* It doesn't come under negligent driving because while license to drive was issued the instructions clearly states that

drinking should not be mixed with driving. It doesn't permit drunk person to drive. So when he was driving after drinking

its completely illegal.

Clearly laid guidelines should be followed in this case. Clear message is needed to be sent across the society that drunk

driving will be dealt stringently.