13 operator overloading

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  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Operator OverloadingOperator Overloading

    Computer Programming II 1

    Lecture 13Lecture 13

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    OverviewOverview Introduction

    C++ Operators

    Overloadable C++ Operators

    Theory of Operator Overloading

    Operator Overloading Syntax

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #


    Will you be my friend

    Friend example Increment Operator

    Parameters & Return Types

    Automatic Type Conversion

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #


    Allowing us to use the same function name with different types

    and combinations of arguments

    Operator Overloading- Similar to function overloading

    - Each operators used for several standard types

    Example: operator+ operates on int, float and double.

    So + is already OverLoaded ( same interface but differentimplementations)

    - Adding additional processing power to the operator.

    Still remember Function Overloading?

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #


    // float division operator:

    // x

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    C++OperatorsC++OperatorsThe taxonomy of the operators can be shown as



    Unary Binary


    Prefix Postfix

    (!, &, ++) ++x (++, --) x++

    Accepts one argument

    Accepts two arguments

    Placed after the argumentPlaced before the argument

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    C++OperatorsC++OperatorsSome unary operators can be used as both prefix and

    postfix operators:

    Example: increment (++) and decrement operators (--)

    int a= b = 0;

    ++a; // a = 1

    b = ++a; // b = 2, a=2


  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    C++OperatorsC++OperatorsSome operators can be used as both unary and binary


    Example: the operator* can be used as a unary

    operator for dereferencing and as a binary operator formultiplication.

    int a, b, c;

    a = b * c;

    int a = 7;

    int *b;

    b = &a;cout

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    Overloadable C++OperatorsOverloadable C++Operators

    Most of the operators in C++ can be overloaded:

    + - * / %

    ^& | ! = += -= *= /=

    ~= %= ^= &= |=

    >>= * () []

    new delete new[] delete[]

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    Overloadable C++OperatorsOverloadable C++Operators

    Restrictions: New operators cannot be created

    Existing operators cannot be combined in a manner in which

    they were not previously defined.

    Existing details cannot be altered:

    Precedence (the order in which they are evaluated)EX: a + b * c1st: b * c. 2nd: a + result of (b * c)

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    Overloadable C++OperatorsOverloadable C++Operators

    Cannot create a new argument syntax for an operator:Ex: +a

    Example: You cannot create a unary definition for an operator

    that was previously only a binary operator (and vice versa)

    Cannot redefine (override) an existing definition for an operator.

    Example: You cannot change the definition for the +

    operator with two integer arguments to do something other than add the

    two together and return the result. Ex: a + b ( to mean multiplication)

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    Theory ofOperatorOverloadingTheory ofOperatorOverloading

    Operator overloading does not provide anything entirely new,

    but rather provides a different way of doing something:

    Example: consider + and =

    a.set (b.add (c));

    a = b.add (c);

    a = b + c;


    Simple & Easy to understand

    Both assigns sum of b and c to a

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    Theory ofOperatorOverloadingTheory ofOperatorOverloading

    When overloading an operator, you should provide a definition thatthe user will expect:

    Example: nobody expects the + operator to result in output being

    printed to the screen!!!

    Sometimes the definition might be different from what we are used

    to, but it should make sense for whatever your class represents

    Example: Using the + operator to concatenate two strings mightseem a little different for someone whos only used to

    using it with numbers, but it follows the general concept

    of addition

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    OperatorOverloading SyntaxOperatorOverloading Syntax

    Write a function with the keyword operatorX,

    where X is an operator symbol.

    Example: operator+ ( arguments )

    How to Overload operator??

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    OperatorOverloading SyntaxOperatorOverloading Syntax

    Number of parameters in the declaration depend :

    If the overloaded operator is unary orbinary

    If the overloaded operator is being declared globally

    or as a class method.

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    OperatorOverloading SyntaxOperatorOverloading Syntax

    Unary Binary


    @ is declared globally

    takes one parameter: x


    @ is a class methodx is the object (first arg)

    operator@(x, y)

    @ is declared globallytakes two parameter: x & y


    @ is a class methodx is the first arg & y is the second arg

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    OperatorOverloading Syntax / Example: Binary Operator (+)OperatorOverloading Syntax / Example: Binary Operator (+)class Distance



    int feet;

    float inches;


    Distance() : feet(0),inches(0.0) {}

    Distance(int ft, float in):

    feet(ft),inches(in) {}

    void getdist() {coutfeet;


    void showdist() {


  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    OperatorOverloading Syntax / Example: Binary Operator (OperatorOverloading Syntax / Example: Binary Operator (concatconcat))

    class String {


    enum {SZ=80};

    char str[SZ];


    String() { strcpy(str, );}

    String(char s[])

    { strcpy(str, s); }

    void display() const

    { cout

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    OperatorOverloading SyntaxOperatorOverloading Syntax


    Merry Christmas Happy New Year

    Merry Christmas Happy New Year

    s1, s2 and s3 (empty)

    s3 after concatenation

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #


  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    Will you be myWill you be my friend?friend?

    Friend-ship allows a class to selectively grant access to itsprivate internals to other constructs.

    C++ friends come in three flavors:

    friend functions (including overloaded operators)

    friend classes friend methods (member functions)

    Friend-ship is granted, not taken

    A friend function can access both the private and protectedmembers of the class.

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    Will you be myWill you be my friend?friend?

    To declare a function as a friend to a class, you must place

    the function declaration inside of the class declaration and

    prefix it with the keyword friend

    class Rational {

    friend Rational operator* (const Rational&,const Rational&);

    Overloaded operator* is a friend to classR


  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #


    class Rational {

    friend Rational operator* (Rational&, Rational&);


    Rational (int=0,int=1);

    Rational operator=(const Rational&);

    void print() { cout

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    The Increment Operator (++)The Increment Operator (++)

    A unary operator that can be used as both a prefix ( ++X)

    and postfix (x++) operator.

    First of all, when the compiler encounters the increment

    operator in a statement, it will generate one of two calls: depends if the operator is prefix orpostfix

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    The Increment Operator (++)The Increment Operator (++)

    Assume that we have overloaded both versions of the increment operatorfor a class Counter

    If the compiler encounters a prefix call to the operator (of the form ++x) it

    will generate a call toCounter::operator++()

    Conversely, if the compiler encounters a postfix call to the operator (of theform x++) it will generate a call to


    dummy parameter to ensure

    both versions have different

    argument lists

    When the compiler encounters a postfix increment operator, it simply

    inserts a constant into the argument list to ensure that the second version

    is called.

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    The Increment Operator (++)The Increment Operator (++)#include

    using namespace std;

    class Counter



    int count;


    Counter(): count(0) { }

    Counter (int c): count (c) { }int get_count() const


    return count;}

    Counter operator++ () // prefix


    return Counter (++count);}

    Counter operator++ (int) //postfix


    return Counter (count++);}


    int main()

    {Counter c1, c2; //c1=c2=0;


  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    Automatic Type Conversion (objects)Automatic Type Conversion (objects)

    Two methods to define an automatic conversion:

    Method 1

    Declare and define a constructorthat takes a single argument of the

    specified type.

    Method 2

    Declare and define a special type ofoverloaded operator

    int x;

    float y = 2.3;

    x = y;


  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    Automatic Type ConversionAutomatic Type Conversion

    Method 1: Declare and define a constructor that takes a single argumentof the specified type.

    When the compiler sees f( ) called with

    a One object, it looks at the

    declaration forf( ) and notices it wants

    a Two. Then it looks to see if theresany way to get a Two from a One, and

    it finds the constructor

    Two::Two(One), which it quietly calls.

    The resulting Two object is handed to

    f( ).

  • 8/9/2019 13 Operator Overloading


    Computer Programming II #

    Method 2 Declare and define a special type ofoverloaded operator

    Automatic Type ConversionAutomatic Type Conversion

    The second way to effect automatic

    type conversion is through operator

    overloading. You can create a member

    function that takes the current type andconverts it to the desired type using

    the operatorkeyword followed by the

    type you want to convert to. This form

    of operator overloading is unique

    because you dont appear to specify a

    return type the return type is thename of the operator youre
