13261650 fourth periodical testgrade 6

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  • 8/12/2019 13261650 Fourth Periodical Testgrade 6



    Name: __________________________________________________ Score: ___________ I. Direction: Read the paragraph below. hen an!wer the "#e!tion! that $ollow.

    _______%. &ho i! the main character in the !tor'(

    a. )erla b. teacher c. *eal'n

    _______2. &here did the !tor' happen(

    a. Sidewal+ b. home c. !chool

    _______,. &h' did )erla !top *eal'n $rom a!+ing $or help(

    a. )erla got angr' b. *eal'n !tood #p c. he teacher wa! watching them

    _______ . he children ! $ail#re wa! a big blow on the career a! a teacher. &hat do the #nderlined

    word! mean(

    a. o treat b. to ha/e an ill !hoc+ing e$$ect c. to $i

    _______1. he la+e i! placid d#ring $air weather.a. Deep b. peace$#l c. bea#ti$#l

    _______ . 3ea!le! ________ blac+ mar+! on the !+in.

    a. *ea/e! b. lea/e c. le$t

    _______4. I ha/e been in the cla!! ______ !e/en month!.

    a. &hile b. $or c. !ince

    _______8. It i! ______ $or one ! health to wal+ than to ride.

    a. 5etter b. be!t c. good

    _______9. 6mong the $o#r $riend!7 Nono' i! the _________ tal+ati/e.

    a. *ea!t b. le!! c. le!!er

    _______%0. ow i! hard #!ed in the !entence( he $armer! wor+ hard in the $ield.

    a. No#n b. /erb c. ad/erb

    _______%%. She i! alwa'! an earl' ri!er.

    a. 6d ecti/e b. ad/erb c. /erb

    _______%2. *ocal politic! _________ $or p#blic !pea+er!.

    a. all! b. calling c. called _______%,. She ____ the ________ ma+e! a bea#ti$#l apron.

    a. ope! ; can b. wi!he! ; co#ld c. wi!he! ; wo#ld

    _______% . 6$ter the di$$ic#lt entrance e amination7

  • 8/12/2019 13261650 Fourth Periodical Testgrade 6


    _______%1. &hen 3other here!a wa! ali/e7 !he wa! +nown a! the li/ing !ince beca#!e o$ her

    compa!!ion $or the poore!t o$ the poor.

    a. S'mpath' b. $orce$#lne!! c. !trong character

    _______% . Read the pa!!age care$#ll'. hen choo!e which e pre!!e! be!t the $eeling! o$ the

    character . =3' heart leapt #p when I !aw a rainbow in the !+'.>a. Ao' b. $ear c. re!pect

    _______%4. Identi$' the general $eeling o$ the character in the !election.

    =I$ I e/er catch 'o#7 I will c#t 'o# into piece!>7 !aid the coo+ a! he ran a$ter the cat.

    a. *o/e b. anger c. hate

    _______%8. &hich part o$ the new!paper contain! the late!t new! o$ the da'(

    a. Bront page b. editorial c. headline

    _______%9. &hich i! the mo!t important new! o$ the da'(

    a. Cditorial b. entertainment c. headline

    _______20. hoo!e the correct /erb. _______________ both m' parent! lo/ing(

    a. I! b. are c. wa!

    _______2%. __________ !omeone going to coo+ $or me(

    a. &ere b. i! c. are

    _______22. 3r!. Santo! i! an Cngli!h teacher. __________________(

    a. I!n t !he b. I! !he c. I! not

    _______2,. he grade I p#pil! are pla'ing ba!+etball. ____________ (a. Ye!7 the' are not b. 'e!7 the' are c. 'e!7 the' re

    _______2 . E#r teacher will admini!ter a ___________ te!t at the end o$ the month.

    a. )re b. po!t c. pro

    _______21. 6 !pecial new! report ________ empted the ba!+etball game.

    a. )re b. di! c. re

    _______2 . &hat i! the oppo!ite o$ the #nderlined word( &e watched ner/o#!l' a! the petted the


    a. alml' b. !hamel' c. happil'

    _______24. Re need! to +now the correct pron#nciation7 !'llabication and de$inition o$ word! in a

    !tor' he i! reading.

    a. Dictionar' b. almanac c. atla!

    _______28. ecile need! to +now the co#ntrie! !#rro#nding R#!!ia and

  • 8/12/2019 13261650 Fourth Periodical Testgrade 6



    S.Y. 2008-2009

    Name: ________________________________________________ Score: ________________

    I. Direction: Read and anal'Fe each "#e!tion. hen an!wer the "#e!tion! that $ollow.

    _______%. &hich part o$ the brain act! li+e a !witchboard allow! comm#nication $rom the brain to the

    other part! o$ the ner/o#! !'!tem(

    a. 3idbrain b. cerebell#m c. thalam#!

    _______2. &hat propertie! o$ matter can be !een witho#t changing the identit' o$ the materialG(

    a. hemical propertie! b. ph'!ical propertie! c. mechanical propertie!

    _______,. &hich !it#ation ill#!trate! the principle o$ inertia(

    a. 6 rolling ball !top! when one hold! it. b. 6 chair mo/e! when one p#!he! it.

    c. 6 eepne' !top! when the dri/er !top! on the bra+e pedal.

    _______ . &hich o$ the $ollowing happen! when there i! $a#lting o$ roc+! beneath earth ! cr#!t(

    a. ectonic earth"#a+e b. giant t!#nami c. /olcanic earth"#a+e

    _______1. &h' are re$lecting and re$racting tele!cope! cla!!i$ied a! optical tele!cope(

    a. he' #!e the /i!ible light o$ the !tar! to gather in$ormation

    b. he' #!e the in/i!ible light o$ the !tar! to gather in$ormation

    c. he' #!e the radio wa/e! o$ the ob ect! in the !+' to gather in$ormation.

    _______ . ow do 'o# de!cribe !tar! o$ the $ir!t magnit#de(

    a. he brighte!t !tar! in the !+'.

    b. he hotte!t !tar! in the !+'.

    c. he $ainte!t !tar! in the !+'.

    _______4. &hat ecological relation!hip e i!t! between an orchid and a tree(

    a. )redation b. commen!ali!m c. m#t#ali!m

    _______8. &hen the blood ret#rn! to the heart7 where doe! it tra/el(a. ein b. capillar' c. arter'

    _______9. &hich go/ernment agenc' monitor! and i!!#e! warning! on /olcano acti/itie! and


    a. DE b. )6

  • 8/12/2019 13261650 Fourth Periodical Testgrade 6


    a. Hidne' !tone b. blood clotting c. obe!it'

    _______% . &hat $orce ca#!e! a ball that i! rolling on a le/el !#r$ace to !low down and !top(

    a. Briction b. inertia c. gra/itational

    _______%1. &hich theor' !tate! that the cr#!t wa! once a whole !#r$ace and not !mall land part!

    !cattered aro#nd the globe(a. ontinental dri$t b. continent c. cr#!tal plate

    _______% . 6 bottle o$ oil i! dropped on the $loor and brea+! into piece!. hi! e plain! the propert'

    o$ matter called ___________.

    a. *#!ter b. brittlene!! c. color

    _______%4. I$ a motorboat tra/el! 20 +m down a ri/er within ho#r!. &hat i! the boat ! /elocit'(

    a. % +m hr b. %1 +m hr. c. 1 +m hr.

    _______%8. &hich o$ the!e land $orm! ha! the highe!t altit#de(

    a. 3o#ntain b. plain! c. hill

    _______%9. &hat i! prod#ced when warm air at the e"#ator ri!e! and mo/e! toward! the pole and

    at the !ame time7 cooler air at the pole mo/e! toward! the e"#ator(

    a. orioli! e$$ect b. wind c. breeFe

    _______20. &hat #nit o$ mea!#rement i! #!ed to mea!#re the di!tance! o$ !tar!(

    a. Hilometer b. meter c. light 'ear

    True or False: Write T if the state e!t is true a!" F if it is false#

    _______2%. Sta' awa' $rom gla!! which ma' brea+ d#e to e treme /ibration!.

    _______22. Stand near tall ob ect! that ma' $all.

    _______2,. he re/ol#tion o$ the earth a$$ect! the length! o$ the da'! and temperat#re on earth.

    _______2 . 5l#i!h white !tar! are the hotte!t and the red !tar! are the coole!t.

    _______21. on!tellation i! a gro#p o$ !tar! that $orm pattern! in the !+'.

  • 8/12/2019 13261650 Fourth Periodical Testgrade 6



    S.Y. 2008-2009

    Name: ________________________________________________ Score: ________________ I. Direction: Read and anal'Fe each "#e!tion. hen an!wer the "#e!tion! that $ollow!.

    ________%. hi! propert' e plain! that the order o$ the term! doe! not matter.a. omm#tati/e propert' b. di!trib#ti/e c. a!!ociati/e ________2. hi! propert' e plain! that a n#mber can retain it! identit' i$ an operation i! per$ormed to

    it.a. 6!!ociati/e b. identit' c. di!trib#ti/e

    ________,. 24 , 1 92% , 2 when ro#nded to the neare!t billion i! ________________.a. 28 , 1 000 b. 28 000 000 000 c. 24 000 000 000

    ________ . ow m#ch more i! 88 0 0 than 4, 9 ,(a. % 044 b. % 404 c. % 0404

    ________1. S#btract , 92 $rom 4 00,.a. 20049 b. ,0049 c. ,049

    ________ . 6 certain m#nicipalit' ha! a regi!tered /oter! o$ 9,8 ,2. *a!t election7 49 0%2 ca!t htier /ote!. ow man' do! not /ote(a. % 2 20 b. %02 20 c. % 2020

    ________4. C!timate the di$$erence between 9, ,8 and ,2 %24.a. ,00 000 b. 290 000 c. 00 000

    ________8. Bind the prod#ct o$ 21 0 , and 2 .a. 0%0,2 b. 00,20 c. 002,0

    ________9. he prod#ct o$ 80, and ,10 i! ______.a. % 8% 010 b. % 8 % 010 c. % 80 010

    ________%0. Bind the "#otient between , and 22.a. 2912. b. 2921. c. 2812.

    ________%%. ,: J N: %2. &hat i! N(a. 9 b. , c. %

    ________%2. &hat i! 8K o$ 0(a. 8. b. .9 c. .8

    ________%,. %0 i! ,0K o$ what n#mber( ________% . &hat percent o$ 12 i! %00( ________%1. he dre!! ha! a mar+ed #p price o$ ) 210. I$ the co!t#mer will b#' with a 20K di!co#nt7

    how m#ch wo#ld he pa'( ________% . 6 girl get! an %8K commi!!ion $or !elling magaFine. I$ each magaFine i! worth ) 0.007

    how m#ch wo#ld be her commi!!ion $or !elling %0 magaFine! a da'( ________%4. 3r. arga! borrowed ) 21 000 in a ban+ at %2K intere!t per 'ear. how m#ch !ho#ld he

    pa' $or borrowing the mone' $or 2 'ear!( ________%8. &hat do 'o# call an eight !ided $ig#re( ________%9. Bind the area o$ a trapeFoid that ha! a ba!e% o$ % m and ba!e2 o$ %2m and height o$ %9 m. ________20. Bind the /ol#me o$ a p'ramid with a height o$ %9cm and a width o$ % cm and a length o$

    %8 cm. ________2%. Bind the /ol#me o$ a c'linder with a height o$ %0.1 cm and a radi#! o$ 1.8 cm. ________22. D *LLL III ; write in indi 6rabic n#mber. ________2,. %%1 48 122 401 ; write in word

    ______________________________________________________________________ ________2 . 2 % 1 %2 0 0 ; write in word.

    ______________________________________________________________________ ________21. S#btract M - 2 ,

  • 8/12/2019 13261650 Fourth Periodical Testgrade 6



    S#'# ())*+()),

    )angalan__________________________________________________ I!+or _________________

    )an#to: 5a!ahing mab#ti ang bawat tanong. )iliin at i!#lat ang titi+ ng tamang !agot !a patlang bago ang bilang. ________%. Ito a' +atangian ng pop#la!'on +#ng !aan !in#!#+at ang bilang ng tao !a bawat

    +ilometro +#wadrado.


  • 8/12/2019 13261650 Fourth Periodical Testgrade 6


    ________% . 6ng bata! na ito a' nagtata+da ng !amp#ng taong tran!i!'on !a ilalim ng

    )amahalaang Homonweatlh bilang paghahanda !a pag!a!arili.

    a. 5ata! Aone! -# &atas T2"i!0s+ $1 Duffie c. 5ata! 3ilitar

    ________%4. 6no ang tawag !a pang+at ng mga tao na naninirahan !a iba t ibang rehi'on na ma'

    !ariling +#lt#ra(

    a. Nin#no -# et!i.o c. da'#han

    ________%8. Sino ang ama ng wi+ang pamban!a(

    a. Ao!e RiFal b. Clpido ?#irino 1# $a!uel 8ue6o!

    ________%9. 6lin ang dahilan ng pagla+i ng pop#la!'on(

    a. )ina#nlad ang mga !a+ahan !a mga lalawigan.

    -# Du ati!0 a!0 ara i!0 "a2uha! sa -a!sa at "ito !a !a!iraha!#

    c. D#mami ang mga o!pital !a pama'anan.

    ________20. 6ng mga !#m#!#nod a' an'ong t#big maliban !a i!a7 alin dito(

    a. *awa -# -ul.a! c. talon

    ________2%. 6ng t#big na nagm#m#la !a ilalim ng l#pa na +adala!an a' mainit pa at ma'

    +ahalong mineral a' ___________.

    a. &u.al b. ilog c. +ipot

    ________22. 6ng +agawarang ito a' nagt#t#ro ng ma+abagong paraan ng pagpapataba ng l#pa.

    a. DepCd b. DE 1# De/art e!t of A0ri1ulture

    ________2,. 6ng +apang'arihang tagapagbata! a' na!a ___________.

    a. #+#man -# .o!0reso c. pang#lo

    ________2 . 6ng +ongre!o a' bin#b#o ng __________.

    a. Dala5a!0 .a/ulu!0a! b. i!ang +ap#l#ngan c. tatlong +ap#l#ngan

    ________21. Ito ang pin#no ng +agawaran ng angg#lang )amban!a.

    a. Pa!0ulo b. hari c. )#li!

    ________2 . Ito ang !amp#ng bahagdang b#wi! na ipinapataw !a bawat +ala+al at pagliling+od

    bata' !a +ab##an ng halaga ng pagbili.

    a. C -# VAT c. R6

    ________24. 6ng mababang +ap#l#ngan a' bin#b#o ng _____ +inatawan.a. (9) b. %10 c. ,00

    ________28. 6ng ______ a' i!ang +arapatan at t#ng+#lin.

    a. Pa0-oto b. pag- awit c. pag!a'aw

    ________29. 6ng ______ a' tawag !a +ala+alan !a panahon ng ating mga nin#no.

    a. harter -# -arter c. chapter

    ________,0. Dito inilalaga+ ang mahahalagang baga' t#ng+ol !a +#lt#ra ng ban!a.

    a. $useo b. par+e c. !imbahan

    _________,%. Ito a' +atangian ng pop#la!'on +#ng !aan !in#!#+at ang bilang ng tao !a bawat+ilometro +#wadrado.


  • 8/12/2019 13261650 Fourth Periodical Testgrade 6


    ________,,. 6ng _____ ang tanggapang naata!ang maghanda at mag!agawa )amban!ang !en!o ng pop#la!'on.

    a. DepCd b. 5IR c. NSE

    ________, .6ng mga l#gar !a ban!a na ang +apal ng pop#la!'on a' 100 !a i!ang +ilometrong

    paro!#+at o higit pa a' tinatawag na ___________.

    a. )oo+ r#ral b. poo+ #rban c. baranga'

    ________,1.6ng pahalang na g#hit !a gitna ng globo na h#mahati rito !a dalawang bahagi a'tinatawagna

    a. C+wador a. )rime meridian. c. latit#de

    ________, . .6ng pang#nahing pinanggagalingan ng +ita ng pamahalaan a' ang _____.

    a. ma'a'aman b. trabaho c. b#wi!

    ________,4. Ito a' +agawarang nagbibiga' ng ba+#na !a mga )ata+ enter.

    a. ) I*E S b.DES c. DE

    ________,8. .Si'a ang nagtatag ng *a Solidaridad.


  • 8/12/2019 13261650 Fourth Periodical Testgrade 6


    ________ 4. 6ng ______ a' tawag !a +ala+alan !a panahon ng ating mga nin#no.

    a. barter b. chapter c. charter

    ________ 8 .6ng t#big na nagm#m#la !a ilalim ng l#pa na +adala!an a' mainit pa at ma' +ahalongmineral a' ___________.

    a. 5#+al ng l#pa. b.ilog c.+ipot

    ________ 9.6lin ang dahilan ng pagla+i ng popila!'on(

    a. )ina#nlad ang mga !a+ahan !a mga lalawigan.

    b. D#mating ang maraming da'#han !a ban!a at dito na nanirahan.

    c. D#mami ang mga o!pital !a pama'anan.

    ________10.6no ang tawag !a pang+at ng mga tao na naninirahan !a iba t ibang rehi'on

    a. nin#no b.etni+o c.da'#han