14-day fat flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. after lunch, the body is tired and drained. you...

14-Day Fat Flush

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Page 1: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

14-Day Fat


Page 2: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5










Page 3: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach




o you often wonder why some people never seem to gain weight

despite eating almost anything they want?

Why is it that some people are naturally lean and buff without spending

hours at the gym every day?

Maybe you bought into the myth that some people have a high

metabolism. Maybe you believe other people deserve to have a

smoking hot body.

Without looking in their kitchen, the sad fact is you will never know why

your body does not reflect all your hard work and exercise….

Page 4: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach


It is not what you can do for your food; it is what your food can do for you. Burning fat

is an open conversation between you and your metabolism. Not you and your gym

manager – all that exercise will only get you so far.

If you want to see fast-acting and long-term results, then you have to turn your body

into a fat fighting machine. This means stop counting calories and hours in the gym,

and start communicating with your body via the fridge.

Once you learn these secret fat blasting techniques and recipes, you will be amazed

at how easily the fat falls off.

Page 5: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

The Truth About Fat

here is a reason why some people stay effortlessly slim: a little-known metabolic

process that flushes a toxic sludge of fats (known as lipids) from the body. Lipids

are the last storehouse of energy and account for those stubborn pounds on the

scale. When exposed to excess fat and sugars, they become toxic – a condition

known as hyperlipidemia – which can result in death.

As long as these toxins build up in

your blood and cells, it is going to be

difficult to lose weight – no matter

how much you diet and exercise.

This is because toxins silence your

metabolism and shut down your

body’s natural defense systems..

Your body will keep returning to a state of disease and obesity because you did not

address the underlying problem. Traditional weight loss methods are just that – they

encourage you to lose weight, but what is weight and why should you care

Fad diets promote weight loss as a short term solution – what they don’t tell you is that weight is just an




Page 6: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

eight could be water – a vital necessity, and often the very first “weight” we lose.

Weight could also be muscle mass. The machines that ramp up our metabolism

and hold our posture to create a lean and slender look. So not all weight loss is

healthy. What you want to accomplish is fat loss. This strategic goal focuses on

the nasty fat that accumulates in our bodies over time.

Even people with healthy weights, according to their doctor, can still face many

medical problems such as high cholesterol or heart disease. This is because our

outer body is not an accurate reflection of what is going on inside. Those who are

obese simply have more fat to lose than others do. The good news is the more toxic

fat you have the easier it is to shed fat.



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The Miracle Biotics

14-Day Fat Flush

he brilliance of the Miracle Biotics Cleansing System is that it speeds up

your metabolism and prevents fat from accumulating in the first place.

However, in order to activate the cleansing system, you have to get rid of the

toxins. This is why we introduced the Miracle Biotics 14-Day Fat Flush.

This supercharged system induces your bodies desire to flush away toxic lipids.



The best part about

this cleanse is that

you can do it at

home with items

you can find in your

grocery and health

food store. There is

no fancy footwork

to learn.

Page 8: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

Chapter 1



ost of us work sedentary jobs. We drink coffee in the morning, and by lunch,

we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You

want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do –

reach into the snack drawer and pull out the snacks. We know that it is not

healthy, but our body is craving a quick fix.

The problem with this vicious cycle is that your body learns how to get what it wants –

an endless supply of energy. Hormones reward your sense for eating and create a

pleasurable experience when you reach for a snack. What your body does not factor

is how much food you really need and what you are consuming. Thus, the pounds

begin to creep into the scale.

If you change directions, and limit your food intake, your body begins to protest. You

feel lethargic and depressed. Your body grinds to a halt, and even basic tasks

become challenging. A false sense of hunger can also lead to mood swings and

irritability. These are all symptoms of overeating. Your body is being held ransom.

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Instead, when you engage in the Prolazyme 14-Day Fat Flush, you overwhelm your

body with high-density nutrients. You bombard your body with all the vitamins it

craves. Now, instead of feeling lethargic, you have endless energy. Your body

naturally stops sending the ‘feed me’ signals as it is overflowing with feel good vibes.

Now, when you go to shed fat, your body is a friend, not an enemy. You are working

from the same page and building positive habits that encourage fat loss.

Page 10: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

Stop Craving Carbs

oes that morning Danish leave you craving another treat two hours later? Do you

grab a candy bar to cope with your afternoon slump -- and then reach for a cola

to get out of your post-slump slump? Our bodies do not know that we sit safely at

a desk all day. To our caveman brain, we need to be alert at all times. We switch

into survival mode, and we crave sugar for a burst of energy.

As long as these toxins build up in your blood and cells, it is going to be difficult to lose

weight – no matter how much you diet and exercise. This is because toxins silence

your metabolism and shut down your body’s natural defense systems..

The problem comes not when we indulge in a sweet treat now and then, but when we

over-consume, something that is easy to do when sugar is added to many processed

foods, including breads, yogurt, juices, and sauces.

Americans do overconsume, averaging about 22 teaspoons of added sugars per day,

according to the American Heart Association, which recommends limiting added sugars

to about 6 teaspoons per day for women and nine for men.



Page 11: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

Kicking Carbohydrates

arbohydrates often get a bad rap, especially when it comes to weight gain.

However, carbohydrates are not all bad. Because of their numerous health

benefits, carbohydrates have a rightful place in your diet. In fact, your body

needs carbohydrates to function well. Nevertheless, some carbohydrates may be

better for you than are others.

Carbohydrates, in their simplest

form, are fuel. This is because

carbohydrates are largely made

up of sugar, which the body

breaks down into raw energy.

Sugar occurs naturally in many

foods, such as milk or fruit,

However, natural sugar is not bad

for you in moderation. The real

culprit is manmade sugars, which

can be found in almost all

processed foods.

Sugar is the simplest form of carbohydrate

and occurs naturally in many foods we eat such as milk or fruit – sugar

includes sucrose, fructose and glucose.



Page 12: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

The Types of


Sugar. Sugar is the simplest form of

carbohydrates. Sugar occurs naturally in

some foods, including fruits, vegetables,

milk and milk products. Sugars include

fruit sugar (fructose), table sugar

(sucrose) and milk sugar (lactose).

Starch. Starch is a complex

carbohydrate, meaning it is made of

many sugar units bonded together.

Starch occurs naturally in vegetables,

grains, and cooked dry beans and peas.

Fiber. Fiber also is a complex

carbohydrate. Fiber occurs naturally in

fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and

cooked dry beans and peas.

Aim for whole fresh, frozen and

canned fruits and vegetables without

added sugar. They're better options than

are fruit juices and dried fruits, which are

concentrated sources of natural sugar

and therefore have more calories. Also,

whole fruits and vegetables add fiber,

water and bulk, which help you feel fuller

on fewer calories.

Whole grains are better sources of

fiber and other important nutrients, such

as selenium, potassium and magnesium,

than are refined grains. Refined grains

go through a process that strips out

parts of the grain — along with some of

the nutrients and fiber.


Page 13: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach


Aim for whole fresh, frozen and canned fruits and

vegetables without added sugar. They're better options

than are fruit juices and dried fruits, which are

concentrated sources of natural sugar and therefore

have more calories. Also, whole fruits and vegetables

add fiber, water and bulk, which help you feel fuller on

fewer calories.

Whole grains are better sources of fiber and other

important nutrients, such as selenium, potassium and

magnesium, than are refined grains. Refined grains go

through a process that strips out parts of the grain.

Milk, cheese, yogurt and other dairy products are good

sources of calcium and protein, plus many other vitamins

and minerals. Choose the low-fat versions, though, to

help limit calories and saturated fat. And beware of dairy

products that have added sugar.

Legumes, which include beans, peas and lentils, are

among the most versatile and nutritious foods available.

Legumes are typically low in fat; contain no cholesterol;

and are high in folate, potassium, iron and magnesium.

They also have beneficial fats and soluble and insoluble

fiber. Because they're a good source of protein.

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Chapter 2



ruits get a bad reputation due to their sugar and carbohydrate composition,

but not all fruits are created equal. Coconut, for example, is rich with medium

chain triglycerides (MCFAs) which increase the liver’s rate of metabolism by

up to 30 percent. Other fruits, such as grapefruits, unlock the body’s

metabolism to shed fat effortlessly due to its nutrient dense, acidic, and

fibrous flesh.

Pound for pound, it is hard to find a vegetable that can match many fruits. In fact, in

caveman days, we sought out fruits first then vegetables as a means of energy. When

combined with a high protein diet doctors found that fruits are much less irritating oh

the digestive system than vegetables, and contain higher levels of beneficial nutrients.

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Fruits that are high in sugar

like berries, however, will

cause your insulin to spike.

This is a problem as it

reverses the effects of the

Prolazyme 14-Day Fat


Frozen fruits and berries

should be approached with

caution, but you can check

the sugars and carbs by

reading the nutritional

information on the side of

the package.

Avoid canned or processed

fruits and items on the do

not list below.

Page 16: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

Weight Loss Vs. Fat Loss

at is an energy-rich substance found in varying amounts in almost all types of

food. Your body uses to store the excess calories from the foods in your diet.

Typically, when you lose this excess fat, you also lose weight. However, in some

cases, you can lose fat and maintain the same body weight, or even gain weight.

In addition to supplying you with energy, fat forms part of cell membranes throughout

your body and helps you respond properly to insulin, a hormone that allows you to

regulate glucose in your bloodstream. However, when you eat too much fat or

consume the wrong types of fat, you can gain weight and increase your risk of heart

disease and other serious ailments.

Unhealthy fats in your diet include saturated fats and a manufactured substance called

trans-fat. Relatively healthy fats in your diet include monounsaturated and

polyunsaturated fats.



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Most foods contain several different kinds of fat, and some are

better for your health than others are. You do not need to eliminate

all fat from your diet. In fact, some fats actually help promote good

health. However, it is wise to choose the healthier types of dietary

fat and then enjoy them — in moderation. Your body makes its own

fat from taking in excess calories. Some fats are found in foods

from plants and animals and are known as dietary fat. Dietary fat is

a macronutrient that provides energy for your body.

Fat is essential to your health because it supports a number of your

body's functions. Some vitamins, for instance, must have fat to

dissolve and nourish your body.













Page 18: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

Nevertheless, there is a dark side to fat. Fat is high in calories and

small amounts can add up quickly. If you eat more calories than

you need, you will gain weight. Excess weight is linked to poor

health. The concern with some types of dietary fat (and their cousin

cholesterol) is that they are thought to play a role in cardiovascular

disease and type 2 diabetes. Dietary fat also may have a role in

other diseases, including obesity and cancer.

Research about the possible harms and benefits of dietary fat is

always evolving. And a growing body of research suggests that

when it comes to dietary fat, you should focus on eating healthy

fats and avoiding unhealthy fats. Simply stated, fat is made up of

varying amounts of fatty acids. It's the type and amount of fatty

acid found in food that determines the effect of the fat on your














Honeydew melons




Foods made up mostly of monounsaturated and

polyunsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature,

such as olive oil, safflower oil, peanut oil and corn

oil. Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids include salmon,

tuna, trout, mackerel, sardines and herring. Plant

sources of omega-3 fatty acids include flaxseed

(ground), oils (canola, flaxseed, soybean), and nuts

and other seeds (walnuts, butternuts and


Page 19: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

The Glycemic Index


The Glycemic Index (GI) ranks carbohydrates based on a foods effect on blood

sugar. Foods with a High GI are problematic because they cause your insulin to

spike. This means your body is expending energy reacting to food rather than

forcing your body to extract energy to expend food. The latter can be accomplished

with Low GI foods.

These foods focus your body on targeting fat rather than diverting an insulin crisis.

Foods with a GI of 55 or less are Low GI, and are perfect for cleansing as they

encourage the metabolism. Foods with a GI of 56-69 should be eaten in moderation

during the Prolazyme 14-Day Fat Flush.

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The Glycemic Index Continued

Foods with a GI of 70 or more should be avoided

completely during the Prolazyme 14-Day Fat Flush.

Even after this time, it is best to avoid these foods,

especially in large doses. These aggravate serious

medical conditions such as Diabetes. They will also

increase toxins in your body by slowing down your



Whole wheat

Rye and pita bread

Quick oats

Brown, wild or basmati rice




White bread

Corn flakes, puffed rice, bran flakes,

instant oatmeal

Short grain white rice, rice pasta,

Russet potato, pumpkin

Pretzels, rice cakes, popcorn, saltine


Melons and pineapple


100% stone-ground whole wheat bread

Pumpernickel bread

Oatmeal (rolled or steel-cut),

Oat bran,



Converted rice,



Sweet potato,



Imia/butter beans,


Legumes and lentils

Most fruits, ‘

Non-starchy vegetables

Page 21: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

Chapter 3



he real trick to fat loss is to increase your fiber intake. The body cannot digest

fiber and as such, it cleans toxins from the body by utilizing a scrubbing

motion. Once inside your body, fiber swells and is able to reach cavities.

Think of this like a toothbrush that is able to pull dirt and grim from out of the

smallest spaces. This frees up your intestines to do what they want to do –

evacuate fat!

Fiber is responsible for that “full” feeling many fad dieters struggle to achieve. Unlike

carbohydrates and simple sugars which give you a quick insulin rush, fiber stays in

your body, acting as both fuel and a sugar regulator. When you feel full, your body

does not send out signals requesting more fuel. Fiber allows it to use food efficiently –

talk about a double whammy!

This amazing substance is also a prebiotic, which means it helps rid your gut of

bacteria that can cause diseases like leaky gut syndrome, IBS, and even yeast

infections (which are aggravated by sugar). If you feel uncomfortable, have irregular

or limited bowel movements, or just feel plain defeated then you may be in need of a

fiber makeover!

Page 22: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

Breaking Down Fat

t is useful to know there are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Both are

important, but for the Prolazyme 14-Day Fat Flush, we are concerned with

insoluble fiber. We want to encourage fiber to wrap around toxic lipids and

transport them to the nearest exit sign. Increasing your soluble fiber will increase

your bowel movements, but they will not be as effective. Only insoluble fiber

latches onto lipids and escorts them out.

You can get extra fiber in the food

you eat, or by adding supplements to

your juice. Fiber supplements are

available in drug or health food

stores. Psyllium husk (Metamucil) is

a soluble fiber that dissolves in water.

These supplements will come as

either a pill or a tablet, or may be a

powder that you can mix in with your


Insoluble fiber includes whole

grains, wheat bran, seeds, nuts, barley, celery, couscous, broccoli, cabbage,

raisons, grapes, root vegetable skins,

zucchini, brown rice, green beans, and




Page 23: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

Physicians Recommend

35g of F9iber Per Day

Physicians recommend approximately 35

grams of fiber a day. During the

Prolazyme 14-Day Fat Flush, you can

pump that number up to 45 grams so

long as you increase your water intake.

Stop if you are experience excessively

loose stools. If you experience

constipation, increase your water intake

over 24 hours.

The purpose is to rid the body of

toxins. You may expel more waste than

usual. This is a good sign the

Prolazyme 14-Day Fat Flush is



If you experience

excessive stomach pain

or gas, consult your


Page 24: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

Fiber Rich Foods

opcorn is a great source of insoluble fiber, but avoid packaged or microwave

popcorn, which can be loaded with oils and corn syrup – hidden carbs and sugar!

Popcorn is the only snack that is 100% whole grain. It will transform your snack

time into a fat burning power hour! This is because your body burns twice as any

calories when processing whole grains.

Hummus is another wonder snack.

This low Glycemic Index food packs

a nutritional punch, with a high fiber

base. Consisting of garbanzo beans,

and heart healthy fats necessary fir

fat loss, hummus is a fantastic way to

dress vegetables. Hummus will also

curb your appetite and stabilize your

blood sugar levels. Always have

some on hand!

Popcorn is the only snack that is 100% whole grain. It will

transform your snack time into a fat burning

power hour!



Page 25: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

Almonds and Sesame Seeds are the highest in fiber. Raw, unsalted almonds

have plenty of fiber and protein to fill you up. Nuts also reduce the amount of

cholesterol you absorb from foods. These are an excellent snack while on the

Prolazyme 14-Day Fat Flush. They transport easily, require little to no prep, and

provide bountiful energy.

Avoid choosing a manufactured fiber

snack. These are often loaded with

toxic chemicals and sugars that will

increase your lipids. However, there

are many natural, fiber-rich snacks

such as Breakfast Bars or nutty

crackers in the health food store.

These offer an easy, on-the-go

solution to increasing your fiber



Page 26: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

Chapter 4



lean, fresh water is the final core component in cleansing toxic lipids from

your body, but that does not mean it is the least essential. Water is a lubricant

that loosens fiber so that it can wrap around the toxins in your body and pull

them into the lower intestine and colon. Without adequate water, this process

is not possible.

With moderate water supplies, your body may begin to transport the fat from your

body but it will not be able to complete the task. Simply put, constipation will lead to a

dramatic increase in active toxins that collect in your gut and intestines. These leads

to increased side effects. Left untreated, this block can become a matter of life and


Only with the correct intake of water, will you be able to flush toxins from your body.

The amount of water needed varies from person to person and depends on factors

such as weight, height, daily activity and even the weather. Evaluate how much water

you drink and double your intake daily until you are able to drink between 1 to 3


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The Human Filtration


ost adults require a minimum of 1 gallon of water per day, and this is sustainable.

However, you will need to provide a higher intake during the Prolazyme 14-Day

Fat Flush. As you are increasing your fiber intake, your body’s demand for water

will also increase. This is because fiber plumps with water and uses its body

mass to scrap the fat from your arteries.



Page 28: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

If possible, purchase spring water. For tap water, it is helpful to purchase a filter, either

for your sink or in the form of a pitcher. The purpose of this cleanse is to rid our bodies

of toxins, not add more. Make sure that the water is free of metals and chemicals. A

simple carbon filter will usually do the trick. You can also boil water and let it cool before

filtering to remove even more toxins.


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Intoxicating Water

ater does not have to be boring. If you have a pretty pitcher, you can fill it with

spring water and then infuse the water with fruit flavors. Try water infused with

watermelon slices and cucumber to quench your thirst. Orange or kiwi will make

any glass irresistible, as will a slice of cantaloupe. On the other hand, try a few

sprigs of mint for a clean, refreshing drink on a hot day.

When at home, drink fruit-infused water out of a pretty glass or a Mason jar with a

colorful straw. Sure, it is water, but sometimes, it is all about presentation!



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Chapter 5



id you know we do not absorb all the nutrients we need from food? Some

nutrients come from our environment, such as Vitamin D, which is

synthesized by the UV rays of the sun. Many nutrients are hard to come by

naturally, as they only occur in insignificant amounts. This means that many of

us are facing a losing battle and are actually deficient in fat burning vitamins.

However, a multivitamin is not the cure. It

is simply another tool in your arsenal. In

order to activate your multivitamin, you

must be able to pair the nutrients in your

diet with the following recommended

supplements. When combined, these

create a chemical reaction and ignite the

fat burning properties of your Prolazyme

14-Day Fat Flush.

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This poses a major problem, as without wood, there is no fire. Within your core

components of fruit and fiber, there is a rainbow of necessary vitamins and nutrients

your body needs to fight fat. Without access to adequate supplies, your body cannot

burn fat. This is why we recommend a variety of fruits and vegetables. You want to

increase your intake of as many vitamins as possible.

Page 32: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach


Niacin treats and prevents a lack of B vitamins in

the body, which increases harmful cholesterol and

fat (triglycerides) in the blood. Supplements lower

the risk of heart attack in people with high

cholesterol and treats coronary artery disease

(atherosclerosis). By taking a Niacin supplement,

you are effectively lubricating your arteries to assist

in fat loss.

Use these supplements to get rid of toxic lipids!

Supercharging Your Fat Machine


Ascorbic acid treats and prevents Vitamin C

deficiency. This is crucial, as without Vitamin C, the

body is incapable of absorbing Iron. Low Iron levels

(Anemia) cause an array of side effects, such as

fatigue or exhaustion, nausea, dizziness, and low

red blood cells. The latter is a serious condition that

prevents major organs from performing.


Fish Oil is high in Vitamin A and is a natural

cholesterol fighter rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

These form the building blocks of our body, and are

necessary for cell rejuvenation. In order to get rapid

results or any results for that matter, your body must

have a quality reserve of Omega-3 Fatty Acids from

which to pull protein.


Garlic supplements draw toxins from the blood and

lower cholesterol. Despite their on-going culinary

reputation, the supplements do not have a bitter

taste or smell. However, to get the best results you

should consider adding garlic cloves to your diet.

These inexpensive roots prevent “hardening of the

arteries” (atherosclerosis) among dozens of other

health benefits.

Page 33: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

Vitamin D

t is a sad fact that most people are deficient in Vitamin D. This super vitamin

unlocks good health with astonishing results. On its own, there are no noticeable

results. However, without Vitamin D, many other vitamins and nutrients simply

cannot function. Recent research shows that the Recommend Daily Allowance

(RDA) of Vitamin D was sorely underestimated.

Consider 4,000 – 6,000 UI daily. If you have

medical conditions, speak to your doctor

about increasing this amount. Unlike some

supplements, the range of what is acceptable

to take is extremely flexible and often more

effective in higher dosages than you might

imagine. Vitamin D is also the closest we

have come to finding a “cure” for many

modern aliments.



Page 34: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach


Many people find their symptoms lessen or stop within a few weeks of taking the correct

dosage of Vitamin D. Once this happens, your body will be reset and capable of fat loss.

It does not matter if you have suffered from a long-term deficiency. By replenishing your

body’s supply and providing the core-building tool needed to blast fat, you can overcome

your stagnant scale.

Page 35: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach




hanks to modern marvels in science, fat loss has never been more exciting or

delicious! Let’s wave goodbye to the past one hundred years of creating food

habits that are destroying our community and loved ones, and welcome in a

new way to fight fat. The secrets in this book will not last forever, but they will

shape how we look and consume food in the future.

Expect to see juicing become widely accepted as the medicine and fuel that it is, but

do not forget it is the three core components that make it effective. You need fruit,

fiber, and plenty of water to sustain your fat loss. When combined, these will

transform your results!

Page 36: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

Bonus: 5 Fat

Blasting Recipes



oongratulations on making it this far! The fact that you are here shows you are

one of the few people who will go the distance. As your reward, we want to

give you five super-secret fat melting juice recipes that will boost your results.

Whether you want to slim your waist, butt, or thighs, or create a total body

transformation, these recipes contain a powerhouse of nutrients that taste


Each recipe addresses your body’s natural reward system, and encourages fat loss

through a unique collaboration. Rather than fighting your metabolism, each recipe

supercharges your body’s primal desire to stay lean and full of energy. By feeding into

your hunger, you will never feel restricted, empty or hungry again, and, as your

packing in tons of nutrients, your body reacts by dropping the fat.

Page 37: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

Your body quickly responds to this exclusive combination of macronutrients, and

uses science to blitz the fat away! It really is that simple and easy – and at only

14 days, you have no excuse not to try out these delicious recipes. After all, what

do you have to lose?

Remember, fat loss is just as much

as how you feel about the food you

consume. Creating a positive reward

system removes the hurdles that fad

diets promote, and finally answers

that one burning question, “How do

you create a healthy lifestyle?” By

entertaining your taste buds with

these insanely delicious, nutrient

dense foods that your body can

process quickly and easily.


Page 38: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

2 Peaches

2 cups of blackberries

1 cup of ice

Pit the peaches and cut into slices.

Add the berries and the ice.


Berry Peachy

Page 39: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

1 Granny Smith apple

2 Macintosh or similar apple

1 handful berries

Core and peel the apples.

Squeeze the juice of half a lime.


Appealing Apple

Page 40: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

1 cup of ice

1 cup of strawberries

3 mint leaves

Liquid Stevia

Blend together the fruit and Stevia, then

add the ice and blend to the desired


Mint Strawberry

Page 41: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

1 cup Watermelon

¼ cup Cantaloupe

¼ cup Honeydew

Remove large black seeds from


Remove rind from all melons.


Magnificent Melon

Page 42: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach

1 guava

1 tablespoon or more of grape fruit juice

½-cup ice

Peel one slice the guava, and then blend

with lemon juice.

Add ice until desired consistency.

Tangy Guava

Page 43: 14-Day Fat Flush · we crash hard and crave carbs. After lunch, the body is tired and drained. You want the tired feeling to go away, so you do exactly what you shouldn't do – reach