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Lesson 1.4 1 © 2011 10:10 Kids! All rights reserved. www.tentenkids.com John 3:16 – eternal life Big Idea: Heaven is a wonderful place Key verse: John 14:6 - Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.” Thoughts for leaders This lesson involves an opportunity for children to give their lives to Christ. We purposefully avoid “becoming a Christian” or “giving your heart to Jesus” language in this lesson, but you can choose to use that if it works for your group. We also strive to avoid making it sound like “saying the magic prayer” is a free ticket to heaven. The Scriptures make no mention of such a prayer, but they do take seriously the call to follow Christ. We strive to make the gospel accessible to all children, without watering down the truth that following God is more than just a prayer said once upon a time: it’s becoming a new creation! All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version®, NIrV® Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com . The “NIrV” and “New International Reader’s Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

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  • Lesson 1.4


    © 2011 10:10 Kids! All rights reserved. www.tentenkids.com

    John 3:16 – eternal life

    Big Idea: Heaven is a wonderful place

    Key verse: John 14:6 - Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.”

    Thoughts for leaders This lesson involves an opportunity for children to give their lives to Christ. We

    purposefully avoid “becoming a Christian” or “giving your heart to Jesus” language in

    this lesson, but you can choose to use that if it works for your group. We also strive to

    avoid making it sound like “saying the magic prayer” is a free ticket to heaven. The

    Scriptures make no mention of such a prayer, but they do take seriously the call to

    follow Christ. We strive to make the gospel accessible to all children, without watering

    down the truth that following God is more than just a prayer said once upon a time: it’s

    becoming a new creation!

    All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version®,

    NIrV® Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.


    The “NIrV” and “New International Reader’s Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and

    Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

  • Lesson 1.4


    © 2011 10:10 Kids! All rights reserved. www.tentenkids.com

    Supplies list: Attention Grabber Teaching Time Small Group Memory Verse

    “Can’t say that!”

    cards printed & cut

    out (or make your


    1 minute timer

    - Prayer journals

    - Copy of small

    group for each


    - Brown, yellow, red

    & green M&Ms

    - Small stones or


    - printouts of craft

    1.40 for each child

    - printout of craft

    1.41 (1 per group)

    Craft Table Games

    - Print craft 1.40 –

    one for each child

    - Markers, pencil

    crayons, stickers


    Blank paper

    Copies of “tickets,”

    cut out

  • Lesson 1.4


    © 2011 10:10 Kids! All rights reserved. www.tentenkids.com

    Can’t Say That!

    “Can’t say that!” cards printed & cut out (or make your own)

    This game works best for groups of 5-30 people. You may want to split your group up if it’s

    more than that, or call 6-10 people to the front to make up two teams to compete in front

    of an audience.

    Leader: Let’s call up two volunteers to play Can’t Say That! (Call up two volunteers.

    Reading skills are needed, so it may be wise to pick an older youth or volunteers). These

    volunteers are each going to get some playing cards that give them a place to go for a

    vacation, or an activity you might do on vacation, and it’s the job of this half of the

    room (or all the girls) to try and guess what or where that place or activity is. If you

    guess it right, then go on to the next card and see how many you can guess in one

    minute’s time. The only catch is, there are three words on each of the cards that you

    cannot say as clues. The other volunteer will read the card, and if you accidently say

    one of those words, he or she will make a buzzer sound and you’ll have to go on to the

    next card without getting any points. Once your one minute is up, we’ll switch and the

    other volunteer will do the same thing, with different clues, for this half of the room (or

    all the boys).

    Let’s give this a go!

    Time the volunteers and let each team play for one minute.

    Leader: Thank you for your participation in Can’t Say That! Now, has anybody here

    actually travelled to any of these places? Would anybody like to? How do you know it

    would be fun? If I had free tickets for you to go to any place in the world you wanted,

    would you take it?

    Today we’re talking about a place probably nobody here has ever been to. But I know I,

    for one, really want to go there someday! We’re going to talk about heaven!

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    Can’t Say That Playing Cards Leaders: Pick and choose which cards will be recognizable to your group, or make your own cards listing local venues which the kids have heard of,

    but may not have actually been to, such as a sporting team event, local amusement park, etc.

    Amusement Park


    Haunted House

    Cotton Candy

    The Beach













    Mickey Mouse

    Magic Kingdom


    Bowling Alley








    Skate Park




    Make your own

    Make your own

    Make your own

    Make your own

  • Lesson 1.4


    © 2011 10:10 Kids! All rights reserved. www.tentenkids.com

    If you actually did win a trip to an amazing place: let’s say, Hawaii, and you knew it

    would be all expenses paid and any of your friends and family could go if they wanted

    to, would you go? Of course! Not only would you go, you would probably do a lot to

    get ready for it, too! You might tell all your friends, or find books or go on the internet

    to see what it’s like there. You might even start packing!

    That’s a little bit what it’s like with heaven. Jesus already paid the fee for us to go there,

    by living on earth and dying on the cross. After he died, though, he came back to life

    and is offering us a free chance to go to heaven, if only we’ll take it! Now, none of us

    have been to heaven – probably like most of us have never been to Hawaii – so how can

    we find out more about it?

    The Bible is kind of like the travel guide to heaven. It tells us that there are mansions1 in

    heaven that Jesus is getting ready for us to live in, and that the whole city is filled with

    jewels and looks like gold2. We know that we get new bodies in heaven, and everything

    will work like it should3! We know there will be a lot of happiness there, and nobody will

    cry or be sad or ever be in pain. In fact, it won’t even ever be night time there, and

    nobody will ever die4. There are streets, walls, cities, rivers and trees in heaven.5 We

    know there will be treasures there, and they won’t go bad, or get old, or get thrown

    away or get stolen.6 Best of all, we know that heaven is where God sits on the throne7 –

    that’s right, the God who loves you so incredibly much is the One in charge! That’s the

    best part of all – we’ll get to be with God!

    Our memory verse this month has been John 3:16. Can we say it together?

    John 3:16 - "God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son.

    Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.”

    1 John 14:2

    2 Rev 21:18

    3 I Cor 15:42-44

    4 Rev 21:4,24

    5 Rev 22:1-2,

    6 Mat 6:20

    7 I Kings 22:19

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    (Teaching Time continued)

    Now there’s something you need to know about this verse. When

    it’s talking about eternal life, it’s actually talking about heaven.

    That’s because the Bible talks about people – us – having two parts:

    one part is the physical part. That’s the part we can see, like our

    eyes, nose, hair and toenails! The other part is the spiritual part:

    that’s the parts we can’t see, like our thoughts, feelings, and who we

    are. So when it says in John 3:16 if you believe in Jesus you will never

    die, it is talking about dying a spiritual death: it means even though

    your body might die, you, the real you, doesn’t have to! The real

    you can have eternal life in heaven! And that sounds pretty great to


    What does the verse say we need to do to get this eternal life in

    heaven? Believe in Jesus! It’s really that simple! But, like we learned last week,

    believing means more than just saying “I believe” – it means doing something about it!

    When you really believe that Jesus died for us, we’ll do anything to say thank you to

    Him for that! When you really believe, you start to love Jesus, and want to act the way

    He does. Really believing in Jesus starts to change you – but don’t worry! He always

    changes us for the better!

    We’re going to pray together, and if there’s anyone here who wants to believe in Jesus

    the way this verse is talking about, you can say this prayer quietly to God in your heart.

    If you do that, make sure you tell one of our leaders! We’d love to celebrate that with

    you and help you as you start learning what it’s like to believe in and love Jesus the way

    we do!

    Let’s bow our heads together. Father, thank you for giving us your son, Jesus, so

    that when we believe in him, we will have eternal life with you in heaven! I know I

    don’t deserve this gift: there are so many things I have done that made you sad.

    Please forgive me for hurting you and other people. Help me to not just SAY I

    believe in you, but to really live it! I want you to begin to change me to be more like

    you. I want to make you happy with my life! Amen.

    Spiritual versus Physical life is a difficult concept to grasp. Children have an especially difficult time with this as they tend to view the world very literally and have a difficult time with abstract concepts. It is important to allow time to ask questions and talk about this topic.

  • Lesson 1.4


    © 2011 10:10 Kids! All rights reserved. www.tentenkids.com

    Brown, yellow, red & green M&Ms – enough for one per child

    Small stones or pebbles – enough for one per child

    Leader: We’re going to do a yummy exercise that helps us remember what it means to

    believe in Jesus! Because he lived, died and came to life for us, we can choose to follow

    him, live like him, and go to heaven to be with him. Let’s eat these M&M’s and find out

    what the Bible says about following Jesus.

    Give each child a brown, yellow & red M&M, as well as a small stone or pebble. Keep aside

    enough green M&Ms for each child as well.

    Brown - Creation

    Genesis 1:1 – In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

    When God made the heavens & the earth, it was all meant to be a perfect and

    wonderful place where we could live together forever! When we eat this brown M&M

    we can be thankful for the earth God created for us.

    Red - Love

    Ephesians 2:4 - God loves us deeply

    Red is the colour of… you got it! Love! Red represents how much God loves us!

    Stone - Sin

    Romans 3:23a – Everyone has sinned.

    Wait a minute! What is this doing here? It doesn’t belong with our M&Ms!

    And just like this stone doesn’t belong, the stone represents sin. Sin is all the things

    done that hurt God or others. Can you think of some examples of sin?

    You can all eat the stone, now, to remember how sad it was when people started


    What? You don’t want to eat the stone? It doesn’t taste good? Well, the good news is

    we’re not stuck with just a stone! God did something to trade our stones in for

    something wonderful!

  • Lesson 1.4


    © 2011 10:10 Kids! All rights reserved. www.tentenkids.com

    (Small group continued)

    Green – new creation

    2 Corinthians 5:17 - Anyone who believes in Christ is a new creation. The old is gone!

    The new has come!

    God did something wonderful! Because he loved us so much, he sent his son, Jesus, to

    die for us, so we could trade in our stones for a new life.

    Green represents a new life in Christ!

    If you want, you can trade me your stones for a green M&M. This reminds us that we

    can’t keep both: we can’t keep on living in ways that hurt God and believe in Jesus. It’s

    one or the other. So we can keep our stones – our sin – as long as we want, but if we

    want to live for Jesus, he takes our old garbage and trades it for a brand new life in Him!

    If you have not had large group teaching time, take the time to pray with the children in

    your small group.

    Leader: We have talked a lot about believing in Jesus today. It’s something you have to

    decide whether you are going to do or not – nobody can make you follow Jesus, and

    nobody can make you believe in him. But some of you today might really want to start

    over, to trade your sin in for a new life that Jesus offers. If you want to do that, pray

    quietly in your hearts with me while I pray out loud. If you don’t want to, that’s okay,

    but please be respectful and sit quietly until we are finished praying.

    Let’s bow our heads together. Father, I am so grateful that you gave your son, Jesus,

    so we could have a new start on life! I know I have done many things that have hurt

    you or hurt others, and you call that sin. I want to trade in my sin for a new heart so

    I can live to please you instead of hurting you. Please forgive me, and make me into

    a new creation so I can live for you! Amen.

    If you have had large group teaching, and children have had opportunity to pray, take the

    time to go over discussion questions and pray together using prayer journals.

    Discussion Questions:

    - what is the hardest part about believing in Jesus? - What do you think heaven will be like?

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    © 2011 10:10 Kids! All rights reserved. www.tentenkids.com

    Copy of pg 11 Memory Verse for each child

    Copy of pg 12 Memory Verse (signs only - one per group)

    Pencil crayons

    Monthly memory verse

    John 3:16 - "God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son.

    Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.”

    Weekly memory verse

    John 14:6 - Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.

    Use the memory verse hand out (page 11) to learn this week’s Bible verse. Try saying

    the verse with only the signs as prompts (page 12). Then, try saying the verse with no

    prompts at all!

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    John 14:6a Jesus Said:

  • Lesson 1.4


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    John 14:6a Jesus Said:

  • Lesson 1.4


    © 2011 10:10 Kids! All rights reserved. www.tentenkids.com

    Print craft 1.40 – one for each child

    Markers, pencil crayons, stickers

    The craft is simply using imaginations to make pretend “postcards from heaven.” The

    children may need some prompts to get this activity started. Remember to be positive: just

    because I don’t think there will be video games in heaven doesn’t mean it’s wrong to

    imagine them! CS Lewis had an entire world created when he imagined heaven, so let the

    kids run wild with their imaginations as well!

    Leader: Heaven is an amazing place! In James 1:17, the Bible tells us that Every good

    and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights,

    who does not change like shifting shadows. (NIV) That means everything good in life

    comes from God!

    The Bible also says

    No one's ever seen or heard anything like this,

    Never so much as imagined anything quite like it—

    What God has arranged for those who love him. (I Corinthians 2:9, The Message).

    That means we can’t even imagine how good heaven will be! It will be better than the

    best things we have already on earth! Wow!

    We’re going to use our imaginations to guess the kinds of things that might be in

    heaven! Use what we know – like there will be no sadness or violence – and then use

    your imagination to think of the absolute best things you can think of, and we can draw

    pictures to make our own postcards from heaven!

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  • Lesson 1.4


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    Good news!

    Have 1-3 leaders hide somewhere with a pen– not too hidden, as they do want to

    be found.

    Create a “home base” with a blank piece of paper to keep track of point and extra


    Create “tickets” (game 1.40 printed on coloured paper) – about 10 per child.

    Assign leaders/older children to be “interrupters” (about one for every five-ten



    When you know good news like heaven, you want to tell the whole world! That’s what

    we’re going to do in this game. In this game, there are 3 leaders who are hiding

    somewhere (give game boundaries: basement of the church, one block around the

    community centre, or a field area. If you must be in a gym or open area with no hiding

    spaces, just make sure you have extra “interrupters” so it’s difficult to get through to

    the leaders). Your job is to find them, and tell them the good news! When you do that,

    they will sign your ticket and you can bring it back to home base for points. The only

    problem is, there are people who don’t want you to tell anyone the good news – we call

    them the interrupters! They will try to stop you, and if they tag you, you must give

    them your ticket. If you have no ticket, just come back to home base and we’ll give you

    a new one to start over. Try to tell as many leaders the good news as you can to get the

    most points! The words you have to tell them is “Jesus is the way.” Can you say that?

    When you hear the whistle, come back to home base and we’ll see if the interrupters

    stopped the good news from getting through or not!

  • Lesson 1.4


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    Games 1.40



































