14 hses environment-facilities-petrochemicals

Buildings Practice Facilities Plants/Petrochemicals Chapter 14 Environment Controls/Waste Disposal Scope 1 Adherence to requirements in environmental control procedure shall minimise impact of construction activities to land, air, water, flora and fauna. 2 These requirements apply to all construction activities and applicable locations throughout camps, preparation of access ways and work areas associated with installations under control of EPC subcontractor. Environmental control procedure describes requirements during construction for: 1 Spill prevention and response 2 Waste management 3 Dust control 4 Traffic 5 Noise and vibration control Responsibilities, management, coordination and review of these environmental activities are to be implemented by site manager in coordination with QA/QC department and HSE department. Purpose 1 Environmental control procedure (ECP) describes environmental compliance activities for EPC contractor construction personnel and their subcontracted entities. Objectives of ECP are to define specific environmental activities required to: 1 Comply with contract, HSE specifications and other applicable environmental documents, 2 Mitigate environmental impact of construction activities. 3 Comply with local environmental protection practices 4 EPC contractor construction team shall comply with this procedure during construction, start up and initial operation of system 5 Each subcontractor involved in construction activities shall be provided with a copy of this procedure and required to comply with its contents. 6 Periodic reviews of procedure shall be performed to confirm its adequacy and procedure regularly updated as required. Page 1 of 21 2012 Int. P Eng Suraj Singh

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Buildings Practice Facilities Plants/PetrochemicalsChapter 14

Environment Controls/Waste DisposalScope1 Adherence to requirements in environmental control procedure shall minimise impact of

construction activities to land, air, water, flora and fauna. 2 These requirements apply to all construction activities and applicable locations throughout

camps, preparation of access ways and work areas associated with installations under control of EPC subcontractor.

Environmental control procedure describes requirements during construction for:1 Spill prevention and response2 Waste management3 Dust control4 Traffic5 Noise and vibration control

Responsibilities, management, coordination and review of these environmental activities are to be implemented by site manager in coordination with QA/QC department and HSE department.

Purpose1 Environmental control procedure (ECP) describes environmental compliance activities

for EPC contractor construction personnel and their subcontracted entities.

Objectives of ECP are to define specific environmental activities required to:1 Comply with contract, HSE specifications and other applicable environmental

documents, 2 Mitigate environmental impact of construction activities.3 Comply with local environmental protection practices4 EPC contractor construction team shall comply with this procedure during construction,

start up and initial operation of system5 Each subcontractor involved in construction activities shall be provided with a copy of this

procedure and required to comply with its contents. 6 Periodic reviews of procedure shall be performed to confirm its adequacy and procedure

regularly updated as required.

DefinitionsDefinitions regarding certain terms1 Safety means safety, health & environment disciplines to support project activities2 Company means an organization carrying out or prosecuting project3 Contractor means organization that has won project from client4 Subcontractor means an organization that has won part of a project work from Contractor

organization5 Client means an organization entitle Company in contractual terms that has entrusted

project to organization of Contractor6 Personnel means all personnel involved on project site activities7 Responsibility means job & contract responsibility8 Training means training imparted for specific safety topic on job on project site9 Management means organization top, middle & lower management10 Safety Manager means a person with job title Safety Manager deployed by certain

organization11 Project Manager means a person as such with PM title deployed by Contractor12 Engineer means a person appointed by client or client company for an overall project


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Environment Controls/Waste DisposalEmployer Project ownerEmployer Representative1 A person authorised by Employer to act on their behalfContractor Representative1 A person authorised by EPC contractor to act on their behalf

Waste material or effluent 1 Waste material or effluent or other unwanted surplus substance that requires disposal

because, it cannot be reused or recycled or there is no economic demand for it.

Responsibilities in general respecting certain contract positions1 Project Manager responsible for overall obligations, to provide schedule, all resources,

direction, engineering resolutions.2 Site Manager responsible for overall site prosecution management over works &

subcontrcators.3 Site Safety Officer responsible for overall safety management on site & report to Project

Manager / Site Manager / Corporate Safety Manager4 Construction Manager responsible to arrange all safety related resources & provide site

team all requirements 5 Project Site Engineer responsible to carry out safety issues within section6 Site Safety Inspector/Engineer responsible to supervise safety measures on site & control

safety issues, should bring to site line management to adopt correct measures.7 Site Foremen responsible for compliance of safety measures as standards or as directed8 An individual working on site responsible to maintain safety measures. In case, missing,

should bring to site team attention

Responsibilities1 EPC Contractor site manager has an overall responsibility for ensuring that

environmental controls described in this ECP are effectively implemented on site in coordination with QA/QC manager and site HSE manager.

InstructionsHealth, Safety & Environmental Impact Assessment

1 Health, safety and environmental impact assessment prepared includes an assessment of impact of construction activities and construction camp on environment and suggests measures to mitigate the impact.

2 Suggestions made are summarised in the table 1, along with control measures that EPC contractor shall be undertaking.

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Environment Controls/Waste DisposalTable 1: Environmental issues and EPC contractor control measures.

1. ConstructionEnvironmental issue Suggestions EPC contractor control measures

Contaminated Land1 Contamination of land by some accidental

oil spills or some effluent during construction activities.

1 Soil from areas of contamination shall be removed and disposed of to an approved landfill location.

1 EPC contractor shall contact local authorities for disposing contaminated soil in approved land fill

Protection of ground Waters and Wadis.1 Ground waters and other water sources

like Wadis are utilised for agriculture and cattle feeding by local population and for weeds and plants growing in area.

2 This water source has to be protected from pollution from construction activities.

1 Wash water runoff requires a system of temporary impoundment and settling to remove silt before returning to ground.

2 This shall be carried out during site preparation. 3 Sewage must be treated and only after that, allowed

to run out to ground. 4 Sewage treatment plants shall be installed and be

operational along with construction camp5 At isolated locations, local methods shall be


1 A silt retention trap shall be constructed at all wash water facilities.

2 This retention shall allow settling of sand, silt and grease etc. and only clear water shall runoff to ground.

3 Sewage Treatment plant shall be installed at each camp to control sewage water outlets.

Site Preparation 1 EPC contractor to have a traffic management system in place with temporary haul road and traffic segregation, where practicable.

2 Dust control measures to be implemented. Roads shall be maintained to reduce dust as practical.

1 Temporary haul roads shall be constructed and kept as clear of sand as is practicable.

2 Dust suppression measures shall be used to control dust, such as water sprays.

Dust1 Dust shall be exacerbated by site

activities such as, stripping and vehicle movements.

2 Area experiences sand storms.

1 Temporary roads shall be constructed for site traffic.2 Water spray browsers shall be used.

1 Top layer of fine dust shall be graded away from traffic route as practical

2 Water shall be sprayed to suppress the flying dust.

Noise1 Excessive Noise level created by constant

operation of plants and equipment.

1 Regular inspection of all equipment working on project shall be done in accordance with manufactures recommendations, so as to maintain

1 All equipments shall be maintained to acceptable noise level as recommended by manufacturer

2 Noise protection equipments shall be used by

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Environment Controls/Waste DisposalEnvironmental issue Suggestions EPC contractor control measures

minimised noise levels personal if required to work in high noise level areas

Construction Camp1 Camps shall provide accommodation,

catering and sanitation for approximately all workforce personnel.

2 Waste arising from these camps shall be significant which shall affect traffic to and from camps.

1 Sewage treatment plant to be installed in camps.2 Traffic segregation must be implemented.3 Dust suppression methods must be implemented.

1 Sewage Treatment Plant shall be installed and maintained to meet requirements arising from sewage at camps.

2 Heavy traffic shall be separated from light vehicles and separate access roads maintained.

3 Grading road and water spraying regularly, shall control dust.

Oil Spillage1 Possible chances of oil leaks and spills

from fuel refilling tankers, storage tanks and from brake down of equipment shall contaminate ground and pollute adjacent ground water.

1 Use of Bund/embankment storage for oil or fuel products for containing accidental leak

2 Availability of recovery facilities for any leaked pollutant

3 Use of drip trays while refuelling or handling fuel or oil products.

1 Oil and fuel products shall be stored in bunded area for containing accidental leak.

2 Recovery materials like absorbents, sand and sand bags shall be available in vicinity to immediate use

3 Drip trays shall be used to contain leaks, while handling oil or refuelling.

4 Recovered contaminated soil and associated materials shall be collected and disposed of in safe method.

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Buildings Practice Facilities Plants/PetrochemicalsChapter 14

Environment Controls/Waste DisposalSpill Prevention and Response1 EPC contractor believes in prevention first and foremost by keeping commitment and

resorting to best practices throughout construction. 2 However, in event of an unforeseen natural disaster or manmade incident that results in a

threat to environment, EPC contractor shall be prepared to respond in a timely and effective manner that would limit environmental damage to a minimum.

3 In many cases, major pollution incidents can be prevented, if appropriate pollution prevention measures are taken at an early stage.

4 Planning is a key to success. 5 Both preventive measures and incident response strategy are addressed below.

Spill Prevention Following procedures shall be carried out to reduce possibility of a spill that may be harmful to environment or to health and safety of staff:1 Appropriate precautions shall be taken so far as is reasonable, to protect storage areas and

equipment from vandalism. 2 Stores of potentially polluting material shall be situated on an impervious base surrounded by

an impervious bund capable of containing a volume 50% greater than store. 3 Valves shall be checked periodically on routine HSE inspections to ascertain that they are

closed.4 Special consideration shall be given to certain leakages arising from surface runoff around

temporary stockpiles of materials5 All stationary diesel and petrol operated construction equipment shall have impervious drip

trays placed beneath during operation.6 Spillages into drip trays shall be collected for safe disposal 7 Vehicles and mobile equipment shall be regularly inspected to be maintained to confirm for

not leaking or dripping. 8 Operators shall be instructed in their HSE training to notify their supervisors if they noticed

some problems with their vehicles, whereby appropriate maintenance shall be done.9 Maintenance of construction plant maintenance shall be closely supervised and required

measures implemented to prevent hydrocarbon contamination. 10 These measures shall include use of drip trays, absorbent materials close at hand and careful

disposal of used materials.11 Major equipment and vehicles shall be refuelled on an impervious base. 12 Care shall be taken not to spill any fuel. 13 Absorbent materials shall be available closely. 14 Stationary equipment with impervious drip trays shall be refuelled in situ, fuel containers be

sealed after use and stored on an impervious base away from water bodies.15 Higher levels of dust containment prevention method shall be used for contaminated

excavated material than used for other material. 16 Appropriate measures may include use of fine water sprays to thoroughly moisten all

surfaces and maintain surface moist, use of protective fences or screens to provide prevention from winds, minimising unnecessary handling of material and enclosure of excavated material in wind proof containers prior to removal from site.

Spill Response1 Magnitude of discharge/spill shall determine extent of actions that have to be taken.2 Key actions in responding to a spill to minimise its environmental impact are:

a Early detection.b Regular inspections and training shall be carried out to enable early detection. c It is everyone’s responsibility to be aware of potential pollution risks.d Notify your supervisor/emergency team

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Environment Controls/Waste Disposale Notify supervisor, who shall notify Site Manager or HSE Manager. f Emergency services shall be notified as necessary.g Assess safety risk to humansh Attempt containment and cleanup operations of spilt substances, only when it can be

performed safely. i If spilled material is flammable, eliminate sources of ignition near spill area.j Personnel and neighbours are to be evacuated, if they are prone to risk k Secure area and establish perimeter control at a safe distance from spill.

Stop source of spill.1 When it can be performed safely, stop source of spill. 2 Pollution control equipment shall be available from EPC contractor site administration

offices, storage and refuelling areas contain spill (if liquid).

Liquid spills 1 If spill is liquid, its path shall be blocked or diverted and then soaked up using an absorbent


Gaseous spills/leaks 1 A gaseous leak must be stopped at source as soon as possible and then disperse in air. 2 It is not practicably possible to contain a gaseous leak, but weather conditions should be

checked to assess most likely flow direction into which, leaked/spilled pollutant shall flow out to.

3 If it is expected to pose a risk to human health, area shall be emergently evacuated

Clean up.1 No spills shall be rinsed away.2 Contaminated soils and cleanup materials from spills must be handled properly using

personal protective equipment, stored in a suitable container that is then labelled and stored in appropriate location for subsequent disposal.

3 Screen/cover stockpiles of polluted matter to prevent dispersion.4 Dispose with care.5 Contaminated soils and used cleanup materials shall be treated as hazardous waste, which

would be disposed of accordingly, to a designated disposal site.

Document incident1 Site HSE Manager shall be responsible for ensuring that a report is filed containing

information on date, time, location, type and quantity of spilled material, description and cause of incident, action taken, name of person reporting incident and recommended actions for ensuring incident doesn’t reoccur.

Spill Response Materials1 Spill response/pollution control materials shall be stored in a safe location on site in close

proximity to storage and waste areas. 2 This material is to be used to contain and clean up pollution, while care shall be taken to

dispose of absorbent materials properly. 3 They shall not be washed away. Site HSE Manager shall keep stocks well maintained and


Spill Response materials shall include following:1 Sand2 Sand bags

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Environment Controls/Waste Disposal3 Buckets and Shovels4 Storage Containers

Material Explanation1 Sand is one of most versatile containment materials, which can be used to soak up spillages

of oil and chemicals and used in sand bags either to block off substances from sensitive areas or channel them off to a predetermined collection point.

2 Sand stocks must be dry. 3 Buckets and shovels should be readily available. 4 Mechanical loading shovels, excavators and dump trucks may also, be available for sand

distribution and clean up. 5 Storage containers for contaminated materials and earth shall be bund located in waste

storage area, labelled and treated as hazardous waste.

Waste ManagementIt is EPC contractor’s policy to minimise and reuse/recycle waste materials, whenever possible and to dispose of remaining wastes in accordance with this procedure.

1 Before wastes can be disposed off appropriately, these first need be categorised and segregated.

2 This in practice is often made difficult due to wide range of solid, chemical and effluent waste that need be segregated, stored and disposed off.

3 Site manager is responsible for allocation of a trained official to guide and control classification, storage, handling, transport and disposal of wastes.

Waste can generally be classified as either:1 Domestic and municipal waste2 Nonhazardous industrial waste3 Hazardous waste.

In table 2 over, storage and disposal methods for reusable / recyclable materials, domestic waste, nonhazardous construction waste, hazardous waste, waste water and sanitary waste are described.

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Environment Controls/Waste DisposalTable 2: Waste Storage and Disposal Controls

Category Storage Disposal1 All wastes 1 A specific area shall be designated for storage of

waste, before it is disposed off site. 2 Selected sites should stand away from water

bodies, drainage ditches and shall be located on hardcore to minimise risk of soil contamination.

3 Containers shall be bunded, where necessary.4 Fire prevention systems and pollution control

equipment shall be provided for storage facilities, where necessary to prevent fires or releases of hazardous materials to environment.

5 Storage areas should be made inaccessible to animals and visitors.

6 Storage containers shall be of sufficient size and quantity to contain all solid wastes generated between collections.

1 Waste shall be transported to designated area agreed with Local Authorities, which is concerned Municipality.

2 Disposal of waste shall be delivered to designated area as necessary, supervised by Local Authorities.

3 Vehicles delivering waste to disposal area shall be covered where necessary to prevent dropping en route, leaking, sifting or blowing of solid waste from vehicle.

4 Spillages or waste lost from disposal vehicle en route to disposal site shall be promptly cleaned up.

5 Before starting work, HSE Manager shall confirm that drivers have specialised training related to handling and disposal of cargo.

6 HSE Manager shall maintain a working file to record waste being disposed.

7 This shall include date, time, type of waste, approximate volume of waste and disposal method.

8 Landfill and incineration site shall be periodically inspected.

1 Reusable/Recyclable 1 Timber2 Metals3 Paper

1 Reusable material shall be stored in an orderly manner and in an accessible location.

1 Reusable materials shall be sent to Yard for appropriate recycling

Domestic Waste 1 An adequate number of containers shall be 1 Domestic waste shall be disposed off through

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Environment Controls/Waste DisposalCategory Storage Disposal

1 Food Waste2 Domestic Trash

strategically placed over construction areas and temporary facilities.

2 These containers shall be regularly collected and taken to main waste storage area.

3 All food waste shall be properly stored in containers with sealed tops to minimise possibility of vermin infestation.

Municipality facilities.

Non Hazardous Construction Waste1 Combustible e.g. non reusable timber, card

packaging wastes2 Non combustible e.g. concrete etc.

1 Construction debris and demolition material shall not be allowed to accumulate such that it presents an environmental, health and/or safety hazard.

2 Inert construction waste shall be segregated into combustible and non combustible.

3 Flammable substances must be stored away from sources of ignition.

1 Combustible waste shall be taken to Municipality Incineration area

2 Non combustible waste shall be taken to Landfill area.

Hazardous Waste:According to UN classification hazardous wastes can be categorised as follows:1 Explosives2 Gases (including toxic and flammable gases)3 Flammable liquids, including solvents4 Flammable solids5 Oxidising agents and organic peroxides6 Toxic and harmful substances, including

toxic metals7 Radioactive8 Corrosives, including acids and alkalis9 Other dangerous substances.Hazardous wastes generated on site may include:1 Contaminated Land 2 Chemical Wastes including cleaning fluids,

1 Site Manager shall confirm that a trained official is allocated to guide and control classification, storage, handling, transport and disposal of wastes.

2 Hazardous waste shall be retained in a secure area with an impervious bunded base.

3 Area shall be located away from sources of ignition.

4 This area shall be at least 17m (50 ft) away from water bodies and drainage ditches.

5 Different types of hazardous waste shall be stored separately to avoid adverse chemical reactions and facilitate eventual treatment.

6 Hazardous waste shall be stored separately from nonhazardous waste.

7 Hazardous waste shall be stored in tightly closed, leak proof containers made of or lined with

1 Hazardous waste shall be disposed off into area so designated by municipality.

2 It shall remain segregated and in labelled storage containers.

3 HSE Manager shall register all hazardous waste and disposal methods.

4 Safety Data sheets shall be consulted HSE Manager.

5 General points above in ‘all wastes’ section apply

6 Incompatible hazardous wastes shall not be transported together.

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Environment Controls/Waste DisposalCategory Storage Disposal

lubricants, paints, dye, coating substances, solvents, corrosion inhibitors, biocides, emulsions etc.

3 Batteries/ Capacitors4 Hydrocarbon Waste5 Fire extinguishants

materials that are compatible with hazardous waste to be stored.

8 Containers shall be clearly marked with appropriate warning labels to accurately describe their contents and detailed safety precautions.

9 Labels shall be waterproof, securely attached and written in local language and English.

10 Wherever possible, chemicals should be kept in original container.

11 Hazardous chemicals shall be stored and handled in accordance with manufacturers Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

12 Spill prevention measures shall be adhered to.13 Site HSE Manager shall register all hazardous

waste and disposal methods. 14 Safety Data sheets shall be consulted by Site HSE

Manager. 15 Equipment, materials and skills shall be readily

available to deal with spillages.16 Washing facilities shall be available.

Sanitary Waste and Waste Water1 Waste water and sewage arising from camp.

Storage/Treatment1 Fresh water supplies shall be segregated from

wastewater in accordance with Health Requirements of Contract Documents.

2 No wastewater shall be injected into groundwater.

3 All wastewater shall be allowed for settling silt before allowing to drain to ground

4 All camp units shall be connected to a sewage main, which run through a PVC pressure line to a treatment system located adjacent to camp.

1 Treated effluent water shall be used for irrigation and dust control, after it has been analysed to confirm that it is safe for such intended purposes.

2 Sewage treatment plant shall be erected and made operational during first phase of camp occupancy.

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Environment Controls/Waste DisposalCategory Storage Disposal

5 Treatment system shall be based upon use of an extended aeration activated sludge process with an aeration system and solids separation using settlement and would consist of twin streams each with adequate capacity.

6 All treated effluent shall gravitate to a chlorine contact tank, where chlorination done to achieve a chlorine residual of 0.5 – 1.0 ppm prior to passing to a designated collection basin located adjacent to camp.

7 Facilities shall be maintained by EPC contractor to minimise interruption.

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Buildings Practice Facilities Plants/PetrochemicalsChapter 14

Environment Controls/Waste DisposalDust and Emissions1 Most prevalent construction emission is fugitive dust however emissions of carbon mono

oxide “CO” and related exhaust gases are likely to be released from diesel generators and other activities, such as onsite painting, refuelling of equipment, application of adhesives, waterproofing chemicals and incomplete combustion of fuel in construction equipment.

2 Note that none of planned activities shall cause release of hydrogen sulphide gas.

Dust and Emissions must be controlled during construction down to an acceptable level and to achieve this:1 Should be no unnecessary idling of vehicles and machinery2 Fuel, paint and chemical containers shall be kept sealed, when not directly in use.3 All vehicles and construction plant shall be properly maintained to minimise excessive

exhaust emission. 4 Where possible, engines shall be located away from work areas.5 Should problems arise for example with defective equipment, which results in generation of

fumes, gases or odours onsite for which, operators shall be instructed through their HSE Awareness Training to shut down and notify respective supervisor to facilitate appropriate mitigation response.

6 Dust shall be controlled as far as, is practicable. 7 Control measures can significantly help minimise dust in most cases with exception of sand

storms. 8 If a severe sand storm occurs, Site Manager shall decide whether or not, to close site works.

After dust storm has settled, roads shall be cleaned.

Fugitive dust emissions shall be minimised by implementing following controls:1 Water spraying. Shall be conducted at a frequency to keep surfaces moist. 2 Treated wastewater or ground water shall be used for this purpose.3 All concerned persons shall be required to fully cover with sheeting or spray water on open

bodied trucks hauling sand, gravel or soil between onsite and offsite areas. 4 All transgressions shall be immediately brought to attention of hauler concerned by Site HSE

Manager. 5 Failure to comply with this requirement shall result in offender prevented from accessing

site.6 If sandblasting operations are required, shall be located and scheduled, so as to minimise

noise and dusting effects on adjacent work areas. 7 Excavation faces not being worked shall if required, be moistened. 8 Formation level shall not be moistened excessively or better avoided.9 Deliveries of finely ground materials shall be using bag form or stockpiled in specified

locations, where material can be suitably covered.10 Minimum drop heights shall be used during material transfer.11 Roads around site, particularly at site entrance, shall be monitored on a regular basis. 12 Shall be kept as clear from dust and dirt, as is practicable. 13 Should it required necessary, road in vicinity of site entrance shall also, be swept.14 Construction personnel shall be required to enter site over prepared surfaces and park in

designated lots.15 Should problems arise, which result in excessive dust generation onsite, workers shall be

instructed through their HSE Awareness Training to notify their supervisor to facilitate appropriate response.

TrafficFollowing traffic controls shall apply:

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Environment Controls/Waste Disposal1 Construction area access shall be limited to construction vehicles only.2 Nonessential vehicles parking on site shall be restricted to designate areas.3 Site access shall be limited through established roadways. 4 Traffic shall be routed to site avoiding residential areas as far as, is practicable.5 Majority of construction vehicles shall be restricted to designate parking areas. Parking

regulations shall be established and enforced.6 All road surfaces shall be maintained in safe and passable conditions.7 Vehicle washing facilities shall be provided onsite.

Environmental friendly practices1 Environmental Friendly Construction PracticesFollow all permit and environmental mitigation requirements.1 Stay within project boundary. 2 Watch for and avoid flagged exclusion zones onsite.3 Leave wildlife and vegetation alone. 4 Conduct with care project activities that can affect wildlife and vegetation (e.g. clearing) to

avoid unnecessary disturbance.5 Do not dump waste in streams, ponds, lakes, rivers, wetlands, natural drainages or other

sensitive areas.6 Implement and maintain erosion control and storm water measures as appropriate, such as

drainage ditches and trenches to divert flows away from active work areas, structures to prevent situation from reaching surface waters and sedimentation ponds to settle out storm water particulates/particles.

7 Place drip pans under all standing mobile equipment.8 Respond to spills by stopping source of spill and immediately notifying your supervisor.

Contain spill and clean it up using absorbent materials. 9 Do not rinse spill away. 10 Document and report type, quantity of spilled material, date, time and cause of spill and

cleanup as required.11 Maintain equipment in proper operating condition. 12 Stockpile overburden, spoil and fill at least 50 feet/15to 20m from surface water and

wetlands, whenever possible.13 Recycle treated wastewater to be reused as dust control, if allowed and where practicable.

Avoid using oil as a dust suppressant.14 Store wastes in properly designated areas. 15 Label all containers accurately. Store hazardous waste securely in closed containers. 16 Ship hazardous wastes to appropriate treatment and disposal facilities complying with local

requirements.17 Do not burn anything except untreated wood.18 Recycle/reuse welding rods, used batteries, used oil, solvents, paints, paper, glass and scrap

wood or metal, where required and as much as possible.19 Immediately stop work and notify your supervisor, if human remains or archaeological

artefacts are found.20 Immediately stop work and notify your supervisor, if contaminated soil (unusual colouration

or odour) or underground storage tanks are discovered.21 Ask your Supervisor or Environment, Safety and Health representative, if you have

other questions.

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