14-ilia answers appendix

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  • 8/3/2019 14-ILiA Answers Appendix


    Introductorv Lessonsn Aramaic: AnswersAppendixExercise:14.N: rD mlk'("theking")l.'Pn tqvP]'!'Pn tqypyn("strong"n hesingularnd n theplural)n'l byt$n'l byt'I'fi: btynN"nl bty'("house," thehouse," houses," nd"the houses"):nf ktbn:n: ktbt("hewrote"and shewrote")-lDN 'mr'l-]bN 'mrw("hesaid"and theysaid")ln:' yktb'i.l:n:' yktbwn("hewrites"and theywrite")

    Introductory Lessonsn Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond:AnswersAppendix

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    Exercise:b.ktb ln:ktbt nln:("hewrote"and shewrote")k 'n("now")' l

    't f l -l t -

    jv("over,""above")'dyn l"l$("then")ptgm' NDin!("message")mdh il.]n("tribute")

    nlw, r ,' r"

    5lm("peace," well-bein ")l-1ltNJJ-IN("land" and"the land")

    Introductory Lessons n Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond: Answers Appendix

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    Exercise:c.n \ t t i r - ' . \ t t r f - l r E r i i ' \ - ' 1 . - f h n4 / Y i t | / Y r r l r | - l . r , l - / t -

    N-]i]: lltJ ):: ]'n')utrr:? r -rrnrl -T7i.1']'l?: i']''ir:']l r t , / J r r r i l J I

    mlkyn qypynhww 'l yrw5lmw5lytyn kl 'br nhr'wmdhblw whlk mtyhb hwn"strongkingswereoverJerusalemand theyhad)authorityn all Abar-Naharahand ribute,ax,and oll wasgiven o them-"

    Exercise:d.'i'rir)]-lbNND:: l'-'lN'i.:: N:.ll ; '1:-lJ N'-]l l nnnu l'r:N D'dynknm' 'mrw lhwnmn nwn Smht bry'dy dnhbnyn'bnyn"Then,accordingly,heysaid o them,'Whatare henames f themenwho arebuilding hisstructureliterally,who, hisstructure,.re uilding)?"'

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    Exercise:e.w'yn 'lhhn hwt 'l 6byyhwdY'

    wl' btlw hmwN'Jli 'Tnlu ,IJ nln ]iln)* 1'ttt]Di] t)n: *)t"Theeyeof theirGodwasover heelders f theJudaeansand hey i.e.,heelders) idnotstophem i.e.,hebuilders)."

    Exercise: f.N:bDu.l':l )y .':!: 'tn )u - "l Nn-llNllUr!pr5gn ggrt' dy-Slh ttny . . . 'l dryrvSmlk'"A copyof the letter hatTattenaisent . . to Darius he king."

    )::: .'-'T;'lEnNf )D .'J f\rT:)n':l -'lirln'ytbqqrbbytgnzyy'dy mlk' tmmhdy bbbl"Let asearchemaden thehouse f records f theking heren Babylon."

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    Exercise a.- lrrr12A --- melek "king")t'la: + kesap"silver") Becausehe shewasthe irst vowelof theword, t is pronounced.)- a r 1 'il-l -+ bayrtt i r - i - , - \I I t- ---+Dau'nl ' T- - Erl rJ --+ KetaD:r r i r l - t - 1 - \' l-l rJ -- + KetaDtl

    n \ p j ; - r h r r i r - l r F r n -. i . - . l h t t

    U , / W 1 | , / ) J l l l I | - t / . t | - / t -. ' : l - - : I l ' - | : -

    NliTl l! ):: 'i 'n'!u11tiir! li lnn l);rr i): nrnlmalkTvnaqqrvprvn dwO* 'al yer[*Selemwesall t l t - in skol 'dbar-nahara[*middan belo* wahdlak mitveheb laho*nNote that he first shewa n li'l'l'lb representshe absence f a vowel andthe second epresents murmuredvowel.

    Exerciseb.Distinguishhe shewashat epresent urmured-vowelsrom hose hatrepresentheabsencef vowelsby transliteratinghesewords:N?D: ("thesilver"):kaspd (Theapostrophes in superscript,ndicatingtis beingusedasamoter-consonant.)

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    :TVff l ("heknewyou"):h6*de'AkllnlX ("you" for masculineluralentities):antln'j'--fb$ ("thosewho aresaying")The, vowel epresentshere.):amor-/n

    l]ll ("building"): inyanR]l? ("Theonewho sbuilding") The, vowel epresentshere.): dneyd(Theapostrophes in superscript,ndicatingt is beingusedasamaler-consonant.)

    Exercise c.This s thebeginning f a letter,embeddedn thebiblicalbookof Ena(4:l1).Transcribet:'ri)! rn?u'-'tN;-UN lD-lpTjTNJiT:--llIJ;NJ"J:! - N?)EXnipUrin-l$!'-1NIJ:I;I]'rN?)n)ntn) !'r: n:-$:ldanah arsegeniggartddlv salahu* alo*hTv'al 'artah5aSte'malka 'abdavk 'EnaS 5bar-nahdrf,r-r'*ka'enetedT)'eheweamalka'dTl ehu"dayc -iNote hat n thewordl'Jl! theyodh s notpronounced,ut s a graphicmark hat heword s n theplural.Note hat !'1' hasan extraa-vowelattachedo the 'ayin.This epresentsrelativelyecent eveloprnentn thepronunciationf Aramaic nddoes otneedo berepresentedn the ransliteration.Note hat hewordNln) has, n its firstsyllable, short oweland sfollowedby theultra-shortowel,e. Thismeanshat echnicallyhe irstsyllables an opensyllable. his sthe exceptiono the ule."This(is)a copyof the etter hat heysent o him:

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    'To: Artaxerxes,heking--- (From:) ourservants,hepeople f Avar-Naharah.Now, et it beknown o thekingthat heJews/Judaeansho . ."'

    Exercise d.Transliteratehe ollowing assageromEzra 5'.4)'.i i;r) r-r[l-t Fit tf*'i:;?Nll!: ;11'l-TNilll I]TFUluN E'6dayinkenemd' dmaru*1eh6*nman 'inn[*n Semahatubrayya'dTv enal'binyana banayinNote the four exampleswhere stress oesnot fall on the final syllable. nthreecaseshe stress reventswhat s a shortvowel frorn educingandbecominga murrnured owel.Then, hus, hey asked hem:"What are he names f themenwho arebuilding hisbuilding(lit., who thisbuildingarebuilding)."

    Exercise e.Transcribehe ollowing frornEzra5:5) ntoArarnaic cript:wo'eYndlahahonhdwatal Sabcveh["dayewela'battil["'himmd'NlJtil' lP )rl nll ]nl?* j'E'linn )n: s?tBut the eyeof their Godwasover he eldersof the JewsiJudaeans

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    and hey thePersian fficials)didnotstop hem i.e.,elders f theJews/Judaeanshowereworkingonrebuilding erusalem).

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    Exercise a.Transliteratehe ollowing assagerornEzra5.6,5'.17'.x?)Bull:l Jv .'!Rnn?u 'T t{[t-UNlu-18):lr 'T i'.t4[t ])D'.TNiil l n':J -li?:nlpar5egeniggartddTv-Selahattanay . . 'al darydwes alkdyifbaqqar sbevtginzayya tvmalka' ammanivbebabelPart3.Thepronounsn Aramaic ave he ollowing orms:Sineular Plurallcs"I " ;''illt 1cp we" i l ln:N2ms you" nl|! 2mp you" Efflt! /'ijf !t !2fs you" 'l-U|| 2fp you" 'iffllt3ms"he" !ll;''l 3mp they" 'i:]!t\+ (E.: nn I D..linil)3fs " she" lvi'l 3fp they" l ' l$Theyareusedn many espectsike English ronouns.

    Exercise b.Basedon what you know of Aramaicorthographyand syllabification,transliteratehe pronouns rom thepreceding hart:Sinsular Plurallcs "I " '6na lcp "we" 'lnahndn2ms you" 'ant 2mp "you" 'ant6m/ 'ant[*n2fs "you" 'antty 2fp"you" 'antn3ms"he" hD*' 3mp "they" 'inn[*n / himm6*/ himm6*n3fs "she" hTY' 3fo they" 'inntyn

    Introductory Lessonsn Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond:Answers Appendix 9

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    Exercise c.Translatehe ollowingsentencesnto Aramaic, tilizing hevocabularyhatfollows heexercise:1.He s heking.2.He s n hehouse.3. Weare n thehouse.4. Theyarebefore heking.5. Accordingly, ll are here.6. Beforeheywere here,we werebeforeheking.1 N?)D r;r2.Nf'13 t\l;13 n!::: nln!$4N?)p 1puxs nPn : xpil6 N?)B 'r17ln:|\ lFnlr:NnDri2lb

    Introductory Lessonsn Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond:AnswersAppendix l0

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    Exercise a: F ln ng chart or mascullnenouns/adtectlves:Noun/adj.abs./cstr. ins. emph./det.sing. pluralabs.

    pl .cstr. pl . emph./det.Ptttt! ("old") Ni?'n! I'i?'n! l2 r ' tu- Nii?'n!lp ("good",root: 1 !).The : 6.

    N;P ? -11.1I .+? rifr)' ' t NitpI'IJT ("little")The : .

    N-I'TJT ? r i t l t ?I : t ) / l NT ]'IJTt -l'? ('Judg-ment"'i ' -T) l\)'.7 I ' t '-l r ) t : T l{tJ'--TllE("mountain.") N-'nlJ $rl: lEE'!l_1 "wise") ND'!N 1 llr':1n Nrn'!nlp ) ("tongue")The : -a. N]ID)

    *,ttt i ll f

    )w ./ NT]U))jJ ("voice", oot:)tPlThe a

    N,D , I ' )DI I t , ,D N:')Dt - l rl$U ("remnant")The : a.

    ts rr \t tt.!t\ ||\\ut t : ' l ' :$u '-]NiD N!-INU

    ill in the ollowinschart or masculineouns/adiecti

    Exercise4b:lll ln tne Io owlng cnart or remlnle no I /es:

    Noun/adj.abs.sing. cstr.sing. emph./det.sing. pluralabs. pl .cstr. pl .emph./det.I l l . ) t ' l ) ' tI t("old") I t l ) t t )Jt - NFi?'nq('attTyqta i l z l ' l Yl l ' t t t ) t ' tvI ' Nli?'n!1"good",root: 1 ll)

    NFl:b? : t(tabta l ? t Nn:b

    ;1-l'lji("little") F-rt l ttI I I ) / l- | NN:'IJ] i | ) / r | | I ) J lt " i !qnl.lIJTi''T?rfn("crimg")

    n)1r[ n|J)1:n t -r:.r F?I t - i t - ' !F ? $n)rrnnl'n("animal"root: N ' ,n)

    n'l 'n Nrllnn T't 'nt " n]'n Nn't'n

    IntroductoryLessonsn Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond.AnswersAppendix 1l

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    :. lhrint -("wise")

    l 'rlrt in NFn'!nt i lnt=]nI t -/ \r:F? !qinn!nt tI r l4 : |("charitv")

    r r; / l;l $rji2'13.(sidqetd li?rs I l l , l 5I t : ' $[ri?-]s-lnr;t':l

    ? I -("strong")I i : J l_ r t ' I- l - !$j?'i?R 1E1'r'.tEt n?'i?n NNE'DR7 f l -

    t : J5(srppar)("bird")t 35 N-l9g(sipperd J ' lEg

    r lEl I\T]Bts7 _ :

    Notice hat he 'l of the tfi- endingn thesingular mphatic/determinedstrsually ot spirantizedor hard), hought is spirantizedor soft) n thewords little" and animal".Apparently, hen his inal 'l isprecededy ane vowel .. it becomespirantized.Exercise4c.sing.abs./cstr sing.emoh./det

    pl. abs. pl .cstr. pl . emph./det.E) I ("image") s?)g I 'n)s 'n)s Nrn)g)^!J! ("master") N)r! 1i - ' i t :| ( 1 = N:')ljll[i_l ("wine") $-rtrn 1 -tr\nl : - '-'1Dl_] N!'-]nnt - : -13,p ("slave") N:T]IJ I 'r l ! " | - N!':T:JJ^UllFl"gate") $lllrr j '!Jn ' l J I l $:'ljlFI

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    root m.s.abs. f.s. abs. m. pl. abs f. pl . abs..Tlf{ ("toDerish")

    rt$ ;.'T'Tt$t : t j'':rl$ llr$)NU ("to askfor or request") )$u ;.I NU T')NUJ| - : t i )nut _ : tpB) ("togoout")

    i''1E11 :'?:'181'l 1 i'lE11I r a i ? - n tt l r i tp)D ("tocomeuD")

    | 1 l ) / Ul r : r l r (a1!!J ("to do,makg")

    1 -?-t ft| ' = 1 I t i r

    Exercise a.

    Exercise b.N?)F p i':np Nt;-tS-l:iThe men of the and arewriting to (use)! for "to") theking.N{-rn-)rl:$ N?N?F ?)nThegood ing s notperishingt hegate.'ilttt-r]n -rBl )*p N?rE lTheking'sson srequestingine romhis ather:'i ' l: l l$ )N??n lii i'TP'il!The decree f thekine is old.r sF - t r r - \ r r \ r .t\f'f r;t|\ | /t) / )')r :- . | ,. .. I n?L,'-]:A sonssendingoaking he etter.$F'lt-'rN?l IJ'llThewise sonknows.NB: In theword :)E theshewa nder he amedhndicatesheabsencefa vowel, hough hekaph spronouncedsofil."How wouldyoube able opredicthat his shewandicatesheabsencef a vowelandnot a murmuredvowel?

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    If thewordwerepronouncedmalek[*,then hatwouldmean he irstsyllable ontained short owel n an open, naccentedyllable*ma-le-k[*). This s an ntolerable ituationn Aramaic.Notealso hat n thepluralform of thisword, i]:?F, thesequencef two shewasmeanshatonly hesecondepresentsmunnured owel, husmalkewdn.

    Note hat n theplural ormsof "illumination"heshewa erhapsepresentsa murmuredowel,perhapsot.Exercise5d.

    Exercise c.sing.abs. sing.cstr. slng.emnh./det.

    pl. abs. pl .cstr. plemph./det.:l-'l'i'l_l"illumination"

    nl:';i: Nn:i-t'i''T: l 'n'i]ll r : nl-'l'iilt :: F?N]FI; -"needs"

    n:lnul_'T $Frt F l ttF lNt t l t t \ ! J tt : - r rnt t in I I l t n / J t I t rF r F i t tFN i l i l i l i J t It t - : : -

    sins. ab sing.cstr. sins.emph. pl . abs. pl cstr. pl. emph.t("greatness")

    $nll'] XXXXXXnot attested XXXXXXnot attested XXXXXXnot attested("request")The : a.

    i t 1 ) / i J $nlJJl XXXXXXnotattested XXXXXXnot attesled XXXXXXnot attestedl lJ'("moon") n:l Nnl' I 'nr: 'n--ll Ntnl 'I _ i --l!D("scribe")The : -a.

    iEln- t $rlc ' : ,r-tEtn| !='i '-l!? It:'lDcT ':Tl r -('Judge")The : A.

    J ':ll r - N]'':T l ' : t l t J .':T Nrlt. lt - t -

    ;-'T)$1"God";The, :a .The l ispartofthe rootandis not replacedby l- in thecstr.. tc.

    n)N NiT)$ 'l'i''T)Nt r : ';''T)N N:it?r3

    'fi'TJ "priest")The : -a. l;r? N)n!l - : ? | ) t 1 2 Nrl;''T!l - _ : t

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    sins.abs. sine. str. sing.emph. pl. abs. ol. cstr. pl. emph.il),P ("year") i tJ v,J $rjtq(?) ? .lllll t a . . : N'litJ' - :irFl("nation")

    nn!r $rjnN J'BN 'E$ $rE$I i ' i J("window")

    nt-t $nr! 1 .r ':1t - Nr:l!

    Exercise e.Completehe ollowingchartbased n heparadigm f f[

    IntroductoryLessonsn Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond.AnswersAppendix l-s

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    G-Perfect D-perfect H-oerfect


    2ms2fsl c s




    - q i q / E q E ll ' l J l l J i l ' l - r i i Jt i - i t : - ii ' t J t t J' : - :

    ' ' t

    - :

    t r F t F -l i i ' r J i _ r JI 'r-Jr_rJ


    - : -

    r - * q / F q F - ri l - l ' l J / l ' l - r l ' l Jt i - _ -' : -

    : r rn-rI l - I ' l Jt ' -

    l q F q F -l ' r ' r J i ' r lI ' l J i ' r f


    ' ' i -

    r r i q q / E q E q al l d i l J i I / l ' l J i l J r It : ' : - I I : -r - q A - rl ' l i l l J t r' : : _

    ' ' : : -

    r r ! F r r F - -f i i ' l J i ' l J t lr F l F - ti ' r J i ' l J r _ i


    Exercise a.

    Exercise b.Parsehe ollowing forms indicating tem,person, ender, umber,androot)andfilI in the blanks:rP?P "the),amep")G-3ms)oNln?n ("we alted")- cpn )nJlnn?U "ysu ent") -2mp)U;rll?l ("theynquired")-3fu lPflnfjlUil ("youound")H-2fp :Unlnl ("! sat")G-lcsll'

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    7. The udgesof the nationmade he imageof the old king. They said otheir children(use)! for "to"): "We arewriting in our languagefor "in"use3, for "language"use he word for "tongue").Np'tllJN?)F"Tnn)g *qn$ "l i-1..:1'lrl!*;iry)r 1'ln? iljnll3 r E;J'!r ! l-rp$Noticehow the verbscome irst in the sentence. otehow somebegadkepotconsonants re spirantized, r soft, due o the nfluenceof a vowel flom aprecedingword. Also, notehow theparticle'J canmark directspeech.Exercise f.Translatehefollowingpassagerom Ezra5:l I -l 2,vocalizing he wounpointed orms.For wordsyou do not know, use he vocabulary ist thatfollows hepassage.

    Np-r*]N:.DU;'r?*-"1';1i'11!ibil Njn:$N!.E||J-T?NlnT?$Tuil T-'injil?N'.ltD: :l-1)n -rs:_rfll; -T:3 lb;']lil'We are he servantsof the God of heavenand earth . . .. . . But, because ur fathersangeredhe God of heaven,he gave hem nto the handof theNebuchadnezzar,he Chaldaean ing ofBabylon.Notice how the3mppronouncanbe usedas he equivalentof theverb "tobe". Noticealsohow the adjective Chaldaean"doesnot follow thewordthat t directlymodifies,"king".

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    G-imperfect D-imperfect H-imperfect Alternativeform of theH-stemwith no i'J


    2ms2fsl cs



    l cp

    a . : ':n:Ft

    :f?t'lt l l E - -I + l ' l J i ' l


    lrrn:ll J ' r ;

    i i - t F q Fl l J r ' r - J y rl;nrn


    ' ' _ il r - in-rri -l r rJ t r


    i ' i J i ' r - Jt t ; - :

    r t q - t FI 1J i ' r J i ' li - i ' r J t ' rt r : _ ;

    ' ' : - :

    ' ' i - it t - r F - ! FI -,it ' i-Jt lt ' r

    lrl:i]Nr r t - f F - - ti ' i - r l l J l I

    r t F - r i iI t : : - :

    l i - \ F - r t F| 1 lt ' r-Jt I ' lt t - t t Ei - i ' l J t i i ' ll t : : - :

    - J l ' t J l ' l

    :n:nI I rf L-t-ni + ) . r - J ) - r


    I t q h q FI 1 - l i ' t - J l ' tl : : -r - J l ' t J l ' lI t : : -

    Exercise a.

    Exercise b.Parsehe ollowing forms,describing tem,person, ender, umber:jninG3fs; 2mst i t - t n n 4 nI i r ' r J l ' tu r ISjr bnnD2mp]?tt'l D 3fpr r i r L - r . t .uJ+ t_rj rr rcpnlU|! FVA cs

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    Exercise c.In the ollowingchart,heprepositions and! -. like ) in their orm.Theprepositions]F ndED aresimilaro each ther n that heybothactuallyhave doubled econdadical i.e.,minnand'imm), omethinghat s onlyindicatedn theorthographyy a dotwhena suffix ollows hem.Theprepositiotrt.U andE]liJ both akesuffixes s f theywerepluralnouns.Fill out heblanksn the ollowingchart.

    Exercise d.

    , ':1 ! ?n F f ! rr ft U tl.)l cs . 1 , r.: l t.)n 'r lj\ ft r L r f l ' i l l '?-- t t r :2ms \Jt 1? :1? :?f 11t f Ttjrf )l r - -?'r t-l-I t t l r :2fs t : , ' : iE t : t ?! r - r A - l) l / t l /3ms a, i':'Tl :1=1 i'l.1n =tj\ ll 'ili rl j r - i A - -| | t t l t l /. ? I r :3fs a2 i'T:1 =lj\ f t =r tr !,1 a'ntD ? l r :l cp $) ) N)t? - Nll N)ln $)E! $; '?! $)'b'TDT - ' I T :2mp E:) F i t h F- l l j t t ) E:. ) ! F-trr,r--, t-t tl . ) l(Zfp r rbl + i l l l r -1.! f',l - -llj\ n ' i -F l f tl + . . 1 ! - ' r l . \ - -\ J t ) t l , /I t l Y l3mp Ei], l J r l iJ t--.ll..t Fl-ix\ f t E;t ')g F - ' r h - -t ) t I t) |, 2' ' r l r :3fp J;1) l i lf l i l! ? ..1'\l t ! ) t t : 1 -X \ fl t . r ) 4 l r t / ) , tI t - r l t r - -l r . 1 + , r l i

    sing. bs. sing. str. sing.emph./det. pl. abs. pl cstr pl.emph./det.'?l?("Babvlonian")

    ' ) l f N ' ) : ! r i r l i . ll r : t ':?l? tt ')llrlit):r

    t : -("Chaldaean")r : t f t :

    t : -rrr:ftt=

    t t : _t I r.:?|,n.1l r i -

    r t ?ftr-]' ' t : - N":TU!

    Introductory Lessonsn Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond:Answers Appendix 2{)

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    Exercise e.Translatehe ollowing assageromEzra4:14-15, ocalizinghesix ormswithoutvowels.For wordsyoudo not know,use hevocabularyist thatfollows hepassage.$ln?n!:'n n?n '-r):p-); iU:$:inn! ;?-T'-'to?N?)pn1:!!N? p) x:uii;rl NlrJu ;r: r- !:lf|J?}3':Tl:JfJ--llof -li2ll :T

    . t r - - r t n -?r - l t f - -?- t r - ! - - = .? rDnr - t i -1 t -?| - ) / l ) r l l 2 l ) l l l J l l l l l l - J l t t l , / ' l l r \ r l l l , / ,| : - l - : : - : t r t t : r ' I I T : : , '

    Now, because ehavedonatedhesaltof thepalace or,eatenhe saltof thepalace),it is notproperor us o seehedishonor f theking.Becausef this,we havesent word)andwe havemade nown o thekingso hathe mightsearchn thebookof records f your athers;youwill find(the ollowing)n thebookof records ndyouwill understandthat hiscity sa rebelliousity, njuring ings.Notice he ollowing oints:1. Thephrasedonatehesaltof thepalace"mightbe ranslated oreidiomaticallynto Englishas donate alt o thepalace".Bothphrasesindicatehatwhatwasowed o thePersianing wasgiven o him.2. Thewaw conjunctiontthebeginning f the secondine,which inks hesubordinatehraseo themainclause,s not ranslated.3. Aramaicoftendoes ot specitrobjectso verbs hatareobvious. hus,nEnglish t is necessaryo supplywords n parenthesesor sense.4. Noticehow henext-to-last ord s aparticiple, ctingasan adjectiveotheword"crty",and heparticiples in construct ith the ollowingword.

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    Exercise a.one DooK 1l i:.11,two ettersrom wokings'i'f E j.':n ln j]lN j'lll[

    . . - L * r q F r torl'!?D 'Ji-]ln ]'ll$ 'l=i-lnthreeecordsromour cribesi'-f!Q ;fVl-lt! lF I'iJ:l ilF?nfiveyearsn sixcountriesi.e.,ands)'i'!i$ nUl J'ltlJUn[sevenalacesoreight ingdomsll? )D il;?n b i'):'1 il|lUtheseine lavesor encitiesll-1i2 tp!? 'i"r:9 niJUn .'btteleven en rom welve ations'i'nNl-l.Ul 't='l''l[lb l'--f:J -fq! fl fthirteenousesl't'i+ ftP! nn?nthe irstsonN'F-'lP N-llthe irstkingdom flS-TPNll!)D?he econdityN|illn Nfllthe hirdmanN'n' tn N:lIthe ourthanimalNn'IJ':-l Nn.l'nExercise b.ReadDaniel .1-7.7:1 In the irstyearof Belshazzar,uing of Babylon,Danielsawa dreamand hevisions f hisheadrightenedim overhisbed.Thenhe wrote he dreamdown) . .7.2Daniel nsweredndsaid: I sa*o n my.visionn thenight: our'windsof theheavens erestiningup thegreat eao i.e., heMediterranean).7:3Four great easts ame pfrom he sea,hisonediffering rorn hat.7.4The irst was)ike a ionf and t hadswingsof an eagle.Iwatchedwhile ts wingswereplucked utand t was iftedup from heground nd twasmadeo standiki ahuman, ver its) eet. A human eartwasgivento it .

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    7:5 Then,another nimal, second ne, ikea bear came pfrom he sea).It was aised o onesideand hree usks or, ibs)were n its mouth,betweenits eeth.It was old. 'Rise,eatmuch lesh'.7:6After this, watched ndanotherbeast) as ikea leopard.t had ourwingsof a bird on tsback.Thebeast ad ourheads. ominionwasgivento it.7 7 After his watchedn thevisionsof thenight.The ourthbeastwas)extremelyrightful, enifoing,andstrong.t hadgreateethof iron. t ate,demolished,nd herest t stamped n with its feet. t wasdifferent hanalltheother easts hich were) eforet (since)t had enpairs of horns.

    NotesuObserve hat the standardway for indicating heyearof a king's reign s tohave he word for "year" in constmctbeforea cardinalnumber.This isfollowedby thepreposition plus he nameof theking. tf we weretranslatingoo literally we would get:"In yearone belonging o Belshazzar

    oThepredicate ere s madeup of a participle illll) anda perfect orm of"to be" (l.]t']D)'The word:l-lN which s traditionally ranslated1o",doesnotneed o be sotranslatedn every nstance.t functions o mark the beginningof a newsection r newpoint.oThe ) preposition hatprecedessea" indicateshat "sea" is the directobject." Note he diomN:l-lD Nlr Thisclause asno verb.Thepredicates theprepositionalhrase like alion".sThisclause lsodoes othavea verb.Possessions expressedhrough he) preposition.

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    nTheword s herea dual orm, ndicating pecificallywo legs.Thepossessiveits" is based n hecontext f thepassage.i Theword or teeths in thedual,suggestingwo setsof teethor aws.j Theplural ormof the activeparticiples hereusedn an mpersonal ay,and ranslated s f it wereapassiveerb.* Theword or horns s in thedual.

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    the Answer ix asneeded.G-nass.Perfect D-pass.Perf. H-pass.Perfect






    i t i i r J

    - r r A q / F - t F -l ' l J l l J i i ' l J i l Jr - r r r i qt ' t - J i l J' i

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    r r F : i F -l i r ' r J i l JI F ! i F - rl l r - i r J

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    l F q q / q F : -- J l ' l J f l l ) t ' t ) t l- : 'h q F - q / F r F - -l l J l ' l J l i / i l ; l ' l J l i- : : 1 . - i : t

    F q - - - / - l F q -l ' l J i ' l J r I / i ' l J i ' l J r I: : _ : a . : : - i t. - - i - - , r - - d - -l ' l - l l ' l J t , / l ' l - l ' l - J r '' i - : r . i - i f

    F q F t t / F q F q -l i J l ' l J t l / l E i ' t J t - l

    r - i - - r r - i - - t' l J l ' l J r | / ' l - J i ' l J t I- : ?- q l i - q r - - r i - r -i l - ' i l lJ r i / r i - i l ' l J t i

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    I i ' l - l _ l J l i / | l ' . 1 - l ' l - . ?

    Nlfrifil / Nllnfilt : - : 1 . f | - i 1

    Exercise a.Fill out the following chart or theverb []1, consultinghe paradigmsn

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    ons. tG-Perfect tD-Perfect tG-Imperfect tD-Imoerfect3ms3fs

    2ms2fsl cs


    2mpzfpl cp

    -.,n!ni]F - F - F T ?I t- , l t t :J t t t I

    h t F t F -t ' t - l l t ;Jl tr: : i :r - - l i q - rl ' l - l l l J l l r i' : " : i


    r - i - n -l J i t J t t t I. : :- r l i q n -r i l l l J l l r


    rilnirri:r't!ni]rr:nlnnr - - r i q - -t ' l - l i ' t ; J i t r I

    F q E q E qI E l ' l J l l l I

    t q F - F -' i J i ' l J l l r- - :- r i - - -r l . j l ' l J l l r i

    t r - i - t - tl ' i l ' l J i ' l J i l rl : _ - :t r t F - r F - F r ti t t-Jt ' t ;J t tr I| : - - I


    :n!r'1'- i i l iJ i t i 'l

    :n!nrir ' l q F - i F FI J i . r i J r . r i ' l

    l t i - t t ti l J t r J t It t - ll . ' j l l J l I

    i t - ! F q F Fl l J i r J t r i ' lt q F q E Fl J i r J i r i ' l


    - ' i

    - t i ' t J t l l ' r

    l l ' t ; J l [ ' r. r . a F | - - -i - J t ' r ; J i | | ' rl : - i


    i r - F - F ti 1 - , i t ' r J t Il - r i ' l J l It r : - :

    i I - F - F F| 1 J i ' , r ; J i l i ' rr t - - F Fr J l ' l i J l l l ' Il l i _ :

    . j t ' r J t t l- - i

    Exercise b.Fill out the spaceseft blank in the following chartand answer he followinguestr

    1. Whatare hedistinctionsn thevowelpatternsetweenhe G-perfect ndthose f theG-perfect?While heG-perfect asan al-vowel li!, 'llti!), the G-perfect as- - r i r r ran /e / -VOwel ( - J i . . l J i . l r . lOt / l / -VOWOl ' l - J i . l J i . l t . lJ .

    2.In a text acking owelmarkers, owmanydifferentormscouldnfn:ni'lrepresent? hatare hey?Sixdifferent erfectorms:G-3fs, G-2ms,G-lcs; D-3fs,D-2ms,tD-1cs

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    3. There reno tG or tD imperativesn BiblicalAramaic.But,given heimperfectormsyou'vewrittendown n theabove hart,whatwould heimperativeormsof the G and D look ike, f theydid occur?


    tG-stemq F - F -- ' j i ' l J l l , I" i Ir q i - r n --J t ' t J l t t I' . : :

    tD-stem- t F t t F -J i ' i J i l t I_ _ :, r - r i - - -J t ' t J t t t I. _ . :r - l . i - r - -lJ l ' l J l i l 1- - :- - l i - - -I t - J t ' t J t t t IT - - :

    tD-stem- F - F t r- j t ' t J t i l J- - F - F ' .I l J l ' l J l l { Jt : - ;

    t |l r\ F-F 'aI J f ' r J t r { Jr r - F - F t atJ t ' t J f i l - Jl T : - :

    4. There re G- or tD- participlesn BiblicalAramaic.f themasc. ing.formsare, espectivelyFlnn and ljJflD, whatdo heotherorrnsooklike?

    m . p . ' l J i ' l J i . t r . l- J - r -LD. t l - l i ' i J i i t Ir T . : :

    tG-stemtFrnnil+nlnnt t -l F]=li'.rI + l . r + ) . r t - Jl - \ F - F t rl -J t rJ t r {J

    Exercise c.Translatehis slightlysimplified ersion f Daniel7:8-10:8 .I was considering he hornsuand another, mallhorn cameup between hem,and hreeof othe first hornswere rootedup from before t.Lo, eyes, ike the eyesof a human,'(were) n this horn anda mouthspeakinggreat hings.9 .I was watchinguntil thronesweresetup and he Ancientof Daysdsat down,his garment was)white like snow and he hair of his head ike pristinewool;his throne(was) flamesof fire, its wheelsa burning fire.

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    10.A river of fire was flowing and coming orth from beforehim (or, it);a million (i.e., a thousandhousands) ervedhim andonehundredmillion(i.e., en thousandmyriads)stoodbeforehim;the court sat down and bookswere opened.

    NotesuNoticethat the verb )fU in the tD-stem akesa beth-prepositions acomplement.n otherwords, n Biblical Aramaic,onedoesnot say Iconsidered , y, or 2", ratheroneuses hepreposition , which would resultin the unidiomaticEnglish ranslation:[ was consideringn thehorns".oThepreposition'f is here ranslated s"of'.'Literally, thephrasewould be:"like the eyesof the human".u The Ancientof Days s apparently title, iterallymeaning the agedone,"andpresumablyefers o God.

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    Exercise 0a.Basedon the wo examples bove, ou shouldbe able o predict hefollowing forms. Fill in the blanks of the chart( -lDlt for the G-ImperfectandJDN):

    G-Imoerfect G-Imoerative3ms -IEN] XXXXXXXX3fs :NNFl XXXXXXXX2ms -'18$r'l rnN2fs J'-rnNr-] ' lFsl cs -'rn$ XXXXXXXX3mp l:1-'lnN' XXXXXXXX3fp l lnNl XXXXXXXXZmp lrrnNn l lb$Zfp lJDNfr ;r-tnNl cp tn$l XXXXXXXX

    Exercise 0b.List hepossibleoots ?omwhich hese erbalorms night erive nd ookup hecorrect oot n theAnswersAppendix.L NU NID: G: "to lift"2.=l li 'T' G: "to give"3 lP? P!: G: "to goout";H: "to takeout"4.91 JJ-'fnG: "to know"5. ll'l;'Tt-l "llN G:"to perish";H: "to destroy"

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    Exercise 0c.Translatehisslightly implified ersion f Daniel7 11-14.11.I waswatchinghenbecausef thesound f thepowerfulwords hat hehornwasspeaking;I waswatching ntil thebeastwaskilled,and tsbodywasgiven o a burningoire.12.As forthe estof thebeasts,heirdominion as ernoved;but ong ife (lit., lengthingn life) wasgiven o them or a timeandaseason.13I saw n thevisions f thenight,andwith heclouds f heaven,someone)ike a humanlit.,a sonof man)wascoming,andheapproachedheAncientof Daysandwasbrought efore irn.14.Dominion, onor, ndkingshipweregiven ohim,andall thepeoples,henations,ndcultureslit., ongues) ereserving im;hisdominionwas) neternal orninionhatwouldnotpass way;his kingshipone hatwouldnotbe destroyed.

    NotesuNotice hat heprepositionlE canbe ranslateds"liom" and becauseof." The wo words n Englisharealsosometimessednterchangeably.oThewordnli?] (theconstruct f nli?]) is surprisingecause newouldexpecthe .. to reduce. hishasbeenexplained sa Hebrew ronunciation,and heword asa oan-wordn BiblicalAramaic, rom BiblicalHebrew. tmightbe,however,hat hesymbol .. represents.

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    ExerciselaTranslatehis slightlysimplifiedversionof Ezra5:6-10; he first verse ouhave alreadyseenbefore.6.Copyof the letter hatTattenai,governorof Beyond-the-River, ndhiscolleagues,he officialsof Beyond-the-River,ent o Darius, he king.7.A letter hey sentand t is written as ollow in its interior:"To Darius,King, (May) all (be)well.8 .Let it be known to theking thatwe went to Jehud, heprovince,to the great empleof God(or, to the templeof the greatGod),uand t is beingbuilt (outof ) "rolled" stone . .;this work is beingdonediligently and s prospering n their hands.9Then we asked heseelders hus,sayingbo them:"Who gave you a command o build this temple,and hiswall to finish?"l0Also, we asked hem heir names or the purposeof informingyou (ofeverything), .,so hatwe might write thename(s) f themenwho were heir eaders.'

    NotesuBecausehe adjectiveagreesn number,gender,andstatewith bothnouns,Godand emple, t is possiblehat t modifieseithernoun.bLiterally, "we said o them".'The verb s EnU.usuallv ranslatedto set".dLiterally,those who wereamong heir heads".

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    ExerciselbTranslatehisslightlysimplified ersion f Ezra5:11-13, everal f theverses ou havealreadyseenbefore.l l .Accordingly, hey etnrnedo us a reply saying."We a.re he servantsof the God of heavenand earthand(we) are building the temple hat was built before his,manyyears ago)

    12."But, because ur fathersangered he God of heaven,he gave hem nto thehandof the Nebuchadnezzar,he Chaldaean ing ofBabylon,and his emplehe destroyed nd hepeoplehe exiled o Babylon.13."Nevertheless,n the irst year lit., yearone)of Coresh,King of Babylon,Coresh, heking,gavean order o build this ernple f God."

    Exercise lc.Givenwhatyouhave earned bout heverbal orms.Describe ll thepossible erbal orms and hepossibleoots) or the ollowingverbal orm.Check our is tagainstheone n theAnswers ppendix:I l: i G-3mp erfectromI'T (G:"to udge")2 i:':T G-3mpperfectrom he maginaryoot *i'l:':T3. ::T G--.p. imperativerom he maginaryoot*i'l::l4. :i G-m.p.mperativerom he maginaryoot*'i1) (G-3ms

    imperfect' j-ll)5. :i G-m.p.mperativerom he maginaryoot*jT' (G-3ms

    imperfect:lTl'.)6. ll G-3mp erfectrom he maginaryoot*l:T7. li G-m.p.mperativerom he maginaryoot*'i):T(G-3ms

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    Exercise ld.Translatehisslightly implified ersion f Ezra5:14-17; everal f theversesou havealready een efore.14."Also, hevessels f the emple f God,of goldandsilver,whichNebuchadnezzarad akenoutfrom he empleu hich was) nJerusalem;hebroughthem o the emplehat was)noBabylon;Coresh,heking, ook hemoutfrom he emple hat was) n Babylonand heyweregiven o Sheshbazzar.. whomhe(Coresh) adsetup (as)governor.15."He said o him: Takethese essels;oanddeposithem n the emplewhich s n Jerusalem,and et he emple f Godbebuilt on tsplace.'16."Then,hisSheshbazzarame nd'laid lit.,gave)he oundationsf thetemple f Godwhich is) n Jerusalemand rom henuntilnow t hasbeen nder onstructionlit., t hasbeen eingbuilt)and t is notcompleted."17."Now,df theking inds t good lit., f [i t is ]good o theking),leta search emaden thehouse f recordslit., treasures)f thekingtherein Babylon;if it is (thecase)hat romCoresh,heking,a command asmadeo buildthe emple f God,which is) n Jerusalem,and hewill of the(present)ing s in accordwith this(lit., [is]over his),(then)ethim send o us(wordabouthis)."NotesuIn Biblical Aramaic hereare wo words hatcanbe ranslatedtemple," hefirstof which -ltJ, alsomeanshouse." hesecond,:'ii, is aword hatgoes ack o Sumerian.bTheAramaicwordsmightbemore iterally enderedthe emplewhich(was)of Babylon"sinceheres nopreposition, "in". It sohappens,

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    however, hat his prepositions frequentlydroppedbeforewords thatbeginwith beth.Thus, he translationabove "which was n Babylon") is thecorrectone.'Notice that there s no conjunctionbetween he two verbs n Aramaic.dThisword often unctions s a signal hat he opic s shiftingor changing.